rb: Add optional timeout argument to Thrift::Socket [THRIFT-74]
Socket.new and UNIXSocket.new both now have a new optional argument: timeout.
There's also a timeout field accessor. This timeout is used when reading or
Author: Kevin Ballard <kevin@rapleaf.com>
git-svn-id: https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/incubator/thrift/trunk@678053 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68
diff --git a/lib/rb/spec/socket_spec_shared.rb b/lib/rb/spec/socket_spec_shared.rb
index b32ab44..2d17fd3 100644
--- a/lib/rb/spec/socket_spec_shared.rb
+++ b/lib/rb/spec/socket_spec_shared.rb
@@ -51,4 +51,35 @@
lambda { @socket.write("fail") }.should raise_error(IOError, "closed stream")
lambda { @socket.read(10) }.should raise_error(IOError, "closed stream")
+ it "should support the timeout accessor for read" do
+ @socket.timeout = 3
+ @socket.open
+ IO.should_receive(:select).with([@handle], nil, nil, 3).and_return([[@handle], [], []])
+ @handle.should_receive(:readpartial).with(17).and_return("test data")
+ @socket.read(17).should == "test data"
+ end
+ it "should support the timeout accessor for write" do
+ @socket.timeout = 3
+ @socket.open
+ IO.should_receive(:select).with(nil, [@handle], nil, 3).twice.and_return([[], [@handle], []])
+ @handle.should_receive(:write_nonblock).with("test data").and_return(4)
+ @handle.should_receive(:write_nonblock).with(" data").and_return(5)
+ @socket.write("test data").should == 9
+ end
+ it "should raise an error when read times out" do
+ @socket.timeout = 0.5
+ @socket.open
+ IO.should_receive(:select).with([@handle], nil, nil, 0.5).at_least(1).times.and_return(nil)
+ lambda { @socket.read(17) }.should raise_error(Thrift::TransportException) { |e| e.type.should == Thrift::TransportException::TIMED_OUT }
+ end
+ it "should raise an error when write times out" do
+ @socket.timeout = 0.5
+ @socket.open
+ IO.should_receive(:select).with(nil, [@handle], nil, 0.5).any_number_of_times.and_return(nil)
+ lambda { @socket.write("test data") }.should raise_error(Thrift::TransportException) { |e| e.type.should == Thrift::TransportException::TIMED_OUT }
+ end