THRIFT-4982 Remove deprecated C# bindings from the code base
Client: csharp
Patch: Jens Geyer
This closes #2027
diff --git a/ApacheThrift.nuspec b/ApacheThrift.nuspec
index 6dc3225..61caf57 100644
--- a/ApacheThrift.nuspec
+++ b/ApacheThrift.nuspec
@@ -15,11 +15,9 @@
Instructions for building a nuget package:
- 1. Open Thrift.sln in lib\csharp\src and build the release version
- of the "Thrift" and "Thrift.45" projects.
- 2. Open Thrift.sln in lib\netstd and build the release version of
+ 1. Open Thrift.sln in lib\netstd and build the release version of
the "Thrift" project.
- 3. nuget setApiKey <your-api-key>
+ 2. nuget setApiKey <your-api-key>
3. nuget pack ApacheThrift.nuspec -Symbols -SymbolPackageFormat snupkg
4. nuget push ApacheThrift.0.14.0.nupkg -Source
@@ -36,15 +34,12 @@
<summary>Apache Thrift .NET Library</summary>
- Contains runtime libraries from lib/csharp for net35 and net45 frameworks,
- and from lib/netstd for netstandard2.0 framework development.
+ Contains runtime libraries from lib/netstd for netstandard2.0 framework development.
<repository type="GitHub" url="" branch="release/0.14.0" />
<tags>Apache Thrift RPC</tags>
- <file src="lib\csharp\src\bin\Release\Thrift.*" target="lib\net35" />
- <file src="lib\csharp\src\bin\Release\Thrift45.*" target="lib\net45" />
<file src="lib\netstd\Thrift\bin\Release\netstandard2.0\*.*" target="lib\netstandard2.0" />
\ No newline at end of file