THRIFT-2571 doc and speed up travis build
diff --git a/.travis.yml b/.travis.yml
index d54acc4..4ab649a 100644
--- a/.travis.yml
+++ b/.travis.yml
@@ -68,10 +68,9 @@
 # TODO: fix these languages
   - sh configure --without-erlang --without-haskell --without-python --without-go --without-lua
-  - make -j2 && make dist
-  - make cross -j2
-  - sh ; sh contrib/
-  - mkdir build_native && cd build_native && cmake ../compiler/cpp/ && make; cd ..
-  - mkdir build_mingw32 && cd build_mingw32 && cmake -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=../contrib/mingw32-toolchain.cmake ../compiler/cpp/ && make; cd ..
+  - make -j4 && make dist
+  - make cross -j4
+  - mkdir build_native && cd build_native && cmake ../compiler/cpp/ && make -j4; cd ..
+  - mkdir build_mingw32 && cd build_mingw32 && cmake -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=../contrib/mingw32-toolchain.cmake ../compiler/cpp/ && make -j4; cd ..
 # TODO: add these steps
 #  - sh ; dpkg-buildpackage -tc
diff --git a/compiler/cpp/ b/compiler/cpp/
index 8d9eb50..7e74b89 100644
--- a/compiler/cpp/
+++ b/compiler/cpp/
@@ -1,15 +1,33 @@
 # Build compiler using CMake
-Use the following steps to build using cmake
+Use the following steps to build using cmake:
     mkdir build
     cd build
     cmake ..
+### Create an eclipse project
+    mkdir build_ec && cd build_ec
+    cmake -G "Eclipse CDT4 - Unix Makefiles" ..
+    make
+Now open the folder build_ec using eclipse.
+### Cross compile using mingw32
+    mkdir build_mingw32 && cd build_mingw32
+    cmake -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=../../../contrib/mingw32-toolchain.cmake ..
+    make
 ## Build on windows
-In order to build on windows a few additional steps are necessary
+In order to build on windows a few additional steps are necessary:
 1. Download winflexbison from
 2. Extract the winflex bison files to for e.g. C:\winflexbison
@@ -17,8 +35,21 @@
   * FLEX_EXECUTBALE = C:/winbuild/win_flex.exe
   * BISON_EXECUTBALE = C:/winbuild/win_bison.exe
+### Create a Visual Studio project
+    mkdir build_vs && cd build_vs
+    cmake -G "Visual Studio 12" ..
+Now open the folder build_vs using Visual Studio 2013.
 # Building the Thrift IDL compiler in Windows
+If you don't want to use CMake you can use the already available Visual Studio
+2010 solution.
 The Visual Studio project contains pre-build commands to generate the, and thrifty.hh files which are necessary to build
 the compiler. These depend on bison, flex and their dependencies to