THRIFT-4016 testInsanity() impl does not conform to test spec in ThriftTest.thrift
Client: Delphi
Patch: Jens Geyer
diff --git a/lib/delphi/test/TestClient.pas b/lib/delphi/test/TestClient.pas
index 9f45a91..a6567fa 100644
--- a/lib/delphi/test/TestClient.pas
+++ b/lib/delphi/test/TestClient.pas
@@ -449,7 +449,7 @@
looney : IInsanity;
first_map : IThriftDictionary<TNumberz, IInsanity>;
second_map : IThriftDictionary<TNumberz, IInsanity>;
+ pair : TPair<TNumberz, TUserId>;
client := TThriftTest.TClient.Create( FProtocol);
@@ -772,9 +772,9 @@
insane.UserMap.AddOrSetValue( TNumberz.FIVE, 5000);
truck := TXtructImpl.Create;
truck.String_thing := 'Truck';
- truck.Byte_thing := 8;
- truck.I32_thing := 8;
- truck.I64_thing := 8;
+ truck.Byte_thing := -8; // byte is signed
+ truck.I32_thing := 32;
+ truck.I64_thing := 64;
insane.Xtructs := TThriftListImpl<IXtruct>.Create;
insane.Xtructs.Add( truck );
whoa := client.testInsanity( insane );
@@ -823,6 +823,18 @@
+ (**
+ * So you think you've got this all worked, out eh?
+ *
+ * Creates a the returned map with these values and prints it out:
+ * { 1 => { 2 => argument,
+ * 3 => argument,
+ * },
+ * 2 => { 6 => <empty Insanity struct>, },
+ * }
+ * @return map<UserId, map<Numberz,Insanity>> - a map with the above values
+ *)
// verify result data
Expect( whoa.Count = 2, 'whoa.Count = '+IntToStr(whoa.Count));
@@ -843,31 +855,20 @@
Expect( crazy.__isset_UserMap, 'crazy.__isset_UserMap = '+BoolToString(crazy.__isset_UserMap));
Expect( crazy.__isset_Xtructs, 'crazy.__isset_Xtructs = '+BoolToString(crazy.__isset_Xtructs));
- Expect( crazy.UserMap.Count = 2, 'crazy.UserMap.Count = '+IntToStr(crazy.UserMap.Count));
- Expect( crazy.UserMap[TNumberz.FIVE] = 5, 'crazy.UserMap[TNumberz.FIVE] = '+IntToStr(crazy.UserMap[TNumberz.FIVE]));
- Expect( crazy.UserMap[TNumberz.EIGHT] = 8, 'crazy.UserMap[TNumberz.EIGHT] = '+IntToStr(crazy.UserMap[TNumberz.EIGHT]));
+ Expect( crazy.UserMap.Count = insane.UserMap.Count, 'crazy.UserMap.Count = '+IntToStr(crazy.UserMap.Count));
+ for pair in insane.UserMap do begin
+ Expect( crazy.UserMap[pair.Key] = pair.Value, 'crazy.UserMap['+IntToStr(Ord(pair.key))+'] = '+IntToStr(crazy.UserMap[pair.Key]));
+ end;
- Expect( crazy.Xtructs.Count = 2, 'crazy.Xtructs.Count = '+IntToStr(crazy.Xtructs.Count));
- goodbye := crazy.Xtructs[0]; // lists are ordered, so we are allowed to assume this order
- hello := crazy.Xtructs[1];
- Expect( goodbye.String_thing = 'Goodbye4', 'goodbye.String_thing = "'+goodbye.String_thing+'"');
- Expect( goodbye.Byte_thing = 4, 'goodbye.Byte_thing = '+IntToStr(goodbye.Byte_thing));
- Expect( goodbye.I32_thing = 4, 'goodbye.I32_thing = '+IntToStr(goodbye.I32_thing));
- Expect( goodbye.I64_thing = 4, 'goodbye.I64_thing = '+IntToStr(goodbye.I64_thing));
- Expect( goodbye.__isset_String_thing, 'goodbye.__isset_String_thing = '+BoolToString(goodbye.__isset_String_thing));
- Expect( goodbye.__isset_Byte_thing, 'goodbye.__isset_Byte_thing = '+BoolToString(goodbye.__isset_Byte_thing));
- Expect( goodbye.__isset_I32_thing, 'goodbye.__isset_I32_thing = '+BoolToString(goodbye.__isset_I32_thing));
- Expect( goodbye.__isset_I64_thing, 'goodbye.__isset_I64_thing = '+BoolToString(goodbye.__isset_I64_thing));
- Expect( hello.String_thing = 'Hello2', 'hello.String_thing = "'+hello.String_thing+'"');
- Expect( hello.Byte_thing = 2, 'hello.Byte_thing = '+IntToStr(hello.Byte_thing));
- Expect( hello.I32_thing = 2, 'hello.I32_thing = '+IntToStr(hello.I32_thing));
- Expect( hello.I64_thing = 2, 'hello.I64_thing = '+IntToStr(hello.I64_thing));
- Expect( hello.__isset_String_thing, 'hello.__isset_String_thing = '+BoolToString(hello.__isset_String_thing));
- Expect( hello.__isset_Byte_thing, 'hello.__isset_Byte_thing = '+BoolToString(hello.__isset_Byte_thing));
- Expect( hello.__isset_I32_thing, 'hello.__isset_I32_thing = '+BoolToString(hello.__isset_I32_thing));
- Expect( hello.__isset_I64_thing, 'hello.__isset_I64_thing = '+BoolToString(hello.__isset_I64_thing));
+ Expect( crazy.Xtructs.Count = insane.Xtructs.Count, 'crazy.Xtructs.Count = '+IntToStr(crazy.Xtructs.Count));
+ for arg0 := 0 to insane.Xtructs.Count-1 do begin
+ hello := insane.Xtructs[arg0];
+ goodbye := crazy.Xtructs[arg0];
+ Expect( goodbye.String_thing = hello.String_thing, 'goodbye.String_thing = '+goodbye.String_thing);
+ Expect( goodbye.Byte_thing = hello.Byte_thing, 'goodbye.Byte_thing = '+IntToStr(goodbye.Byte_thing));
+ Expect( goodbye.I32_thing = hello.I32_thing, 'goodbye.I32_thing = '+IntToStr(goodbye.I32_thing));
+ Expect( goodbye.I64_thing = hello.I64_thing, 'goodbye.I64_thing = '+IntToStr(goodbye.I64_thing));
+ end;
diff --git a/lib/delphi/test/TestServer.pas b/lib/delphi/test/TestServer.pas
index d7917ca..97041d0 100644
--- a/lib/delphi/test/TestServer.pas
+++ b/lib/delphi/test/TestServer.pas
@@ -185,44 +185,33 @@
function TTestServer.TTestHandlerImpl.testInsanity(
const argument: IInsanity): IThriftDictionary<Int64, IThriftDictionary<TNumberz, IInsanity>>;
- hello, goodbye : IXtruct;
- crazy : IInsanity;
looney : IInsanity;
first_map : IThriftDictionary<TNumberz, IInsanity>;
second_map : IThriftDictionary<TNumberz, IInsanity>;
insane : IThriftDictionary<Int64, IThriftDictionary<TNumberz, IInsanity>>;
- hello := TXtructImpl.Create;
- hello.String_thing := 'Hello2';
- hello.Byte_thing := 2;
- hello.I32_thing := 2;
- hello.I64_thing := 2;
- goodbye := TXtructImpl.Create;
- goodbye.String_thing := 'Goodbye4';
- goodbye.Byte_thing := 4;
- goodbye.I32_thing := 4;
- goodbye.I64_thing := 4;
- crazy := TInsanityImpl.Create;
- crazy.UserMap := TThriftDictionaryImpl<TNumberz, Int64>.Create;
- crazy.UserMap.AddOrSetValue( TNumberz.EIGHT, 8);
- crazy.Xtructs := TThriftListImpl<IXtruct>.Create;
- crazy.Xtructs.Add(goodbye);
- looney := TInsanityImpl.Create;
- crazy.UserMap.AddOrSetValue( TNumberz.FIVE, 5);
- crazy.Xtructs.Add(hello);
+ (**
+ * So you think you've got this all worked, out eh?
+ *
+ * Creates a the returned map with these values and prints it out:
+ * { 1 => { 2 => argument,
+ * 3 => argument,
+ * },
+ * 2 => { 6 => <empty Insanity struct>, },
+ * }
+ * @return map<UserId, map<Numberz,Insanity>> - a map with the above values
+ *)
first_map := TThriftDictionaryImpl<TNumberz, IInsanity>.Create;
second_map := TThriftDictionaryImpl<TNumberz, IInsanity>.Create;
- first_map.AddOrSetValue( TNumberz.TWO, crazy);
- first_map.AddOrSetValue( TNumberz.THREE, crazy);
+ first_map.AddOrSetValue( TNumberz.TWO, argument);
+ first_map.AddOrSetValue( TNumberz.THREE, argument);
+ looney := TInsanityImpl.Create;
second_map.AddOrSetValue( TNumberz.SIX, looney);
insane := TThriftDictionaryImpl<Int64, IThriftDictionary<TNumberz, IInsanity>>.Create;