Spec out TransportException, Transport, ServerTransport, BufferedTransport, and FramedTransport

git-svn-id: https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/incubator/thrift/trunk@668964 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68
diff --git a/lib/rb/spec/transport_spec.rb b/lib/rb/spec/transport_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a932d83
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/rb/spec/transport_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,199 @@
+require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/spec_helper'
+class ThriftTransportSpec < Spec::ExampleGroup
+  include Thrift
+  describe TransportException do
+    it "should make type accessible" do
+      exc = TransportException.new(TransportException::ALREADY_OPEN, "msg")
+      exc.type.should == TransportException::ALREADY_OPEN
+      exc.message.should == "msg"
+    end
+  end
+  describe Transport do
+    it "should read the specified size" do
+      transport = Transport.new
+      transport.should_receive(:read).with(40).ordered.and_return("10 letters")
+      transport.should_receive(:read).with(30).ordered.and_return("fifteen letters")
+      transport.should_receive(:read).with(15).ordered.and_return("more characters")
+      transport.read_all(40).should == "10 lettersfifteen lettersmore characters"
+    end
+    it "should stub out the rest of the methods" do
+      # can't test for stubbiness, so just make sure they're defined
+      [:open?, :open, :close, :read, :write, :flush].each do |sym|
+        Transport.method_defined?(sym).should be_true
+      end
+    end
+  end
+  describe ServerTransport do
+    it "should stub out its methods" do
+      [:listen, :accept, :close].each do |sym|
+        ServerTransport.method_defined?(sym).should be_true
+      end
+    end
+  end
+  describe TransportFactory do
+    it "should return the transport it's given" do
+      transport = mock("Transport")
+      TransportFactory.new.get_transport(transport).should eql(transport)
+    end
+  end
+  describe BufferedTransport do
+    it "should pass through everything but write/flush" do
+      trans = mock("Transport")
+      trans.should_receive(:open?).ordered.and_return("+ open?")
+      trans.should_receive(:open).ordered.and_return("+ open")
+      trans.should_receive(:close).ordered.and_return("+ close")
+      trans.should_receive(:read).with(217).ordered.and_return("+ read")
+      btrans = BufferedTransport.new(trans)
+      btrans.open?.should == "+ open?"
+      btrans.open.should == "+ open"
+      btrans.close.should == "+ close"
+      btrans.read(217).should == "+ read"
+    end
+    it "should buffer writes and send them on flush" do
+      trans = mock("Transport")
+      btrans = BufferedTransport.new(trans)
+      btrans.write("one/")
+      btrans.write("two/")
+      btrans.write("three/")
+      trans.should_receive(:write).with("one/two/three/").ordered
+      trans.should_receive(:flush).ordered
+      btrans.flush
+    end
+    it "should only send buffered data once" do
+      trans = mock("Transport")
+      btrans = BufferedTransport.new(trans)
+      btrans.write("one/")
+      btrans.write("two/")
+      btrans.write("three/")
+      trans.should_receive(:write).with("one/two/three/")
+      trans.stub!(:flush)
+      btrans.flush
+      trans.should_receive(:write).with("")
+      btrans.flush
+    end
+  end
+  describe BufferedTransportFactory do
+    it "should wrap the given transport in a BufferedTransport" do
+      trans = mock("Transport")
+      btrans = mock("BufferedTransport")
+      BufferedTransport.should_receive(:new).with(trans).and_return(btrans)
+      BufferedTransportFactory.new.get_transport(trans).should == btrans
+    end
+  end
+  describe FramedTransport do
+    before(:each) do
+      @trans = mock("Transport")
+    end
+    it "should pass through open?/open/close" do
+      ftrans = FramedTransport.new(@trans)
+      @trans.should_receive(:open?).ordered.and_return("+ open?")
+      @trans.should_receive(:open).ordered.and_return("+ open")
+      @trans.should_receive(:close).ordered.and_return("+ close")
+      ftrans.open?.should == "+ open?"
+      ftrans.open.should == "+ open"
+      ftrans.close.should == "+ close"
+    end
+    it "should pass through read when read is turned off" do
+      ftrans = FramedTransport.new(@trans, false, true)
+      @trans.should_receive(:read).with(17).ordered.and_return("+ read")
+      ftrans.read(17).should == "+ read"
+    end
+    it "should pass through write/flush when write is turned off" do
+      ftrans = FramedTransport.new(@trans, true, false)
+      @trans.should_receive(:write).with("foo").ordered.and_return("+ write")
+      @trans.should_receive(:flush).ordered.and_return("+ flush")
+      ftrans.write("foo").should == "+ write"
+      ftrans.flush.should == "+ flush"
+    end
+    it "should return a full frame if asked for >= the frame's length" do
+      frame = "this is a frame"
+      @trans.should_receive(:read_all).with(4).and_return([frame.length].pack('N'))
+      @trans.should_receive(:read_all).with(frame.length).and_return(frame)
+      FramedTransport.new(@trans).read(frame.length + 10).should == frame
+    end
+    it "should return slices of the frame when asked for < the frame's length" do
+      frame = "this is a frame"
+      @trans.should_receive(:read_all).with(4).and_return([frame.length].pack('N'))
+      @trans.should_receive(:read_all).with(frame.length).and_return(frame)
+      ftrans = FramedTransport.new(@trans)
+      ftrans.read(4).should == "this"
+      ftrans.read(4).should == " is "
+      ftrans.read(16).should == "a frame"
+    end
+    it "should pull a new frame when the first is exhausted" do
+      frame = "this is a frame"
+      frame2 = "yet another frame"
+      @trans.should_receive(:read_all).with(4).and_return([frame.length].pack('N'),
+                                                         [frame2.length].pack('N'))
+      @trans.should_receive(:read_all).with(frame.length).and_return(frame)
+      @trans.should_receive(:read_all).with(frame2.length).and_return(frame2)
+      ftrans = FramedTransport.new(@trans)
+      ftrans.read(4).should == "this"
+      ftrans.read(8).should == " is a fr"
+      ftrans.read(6).should == "ame"
+      ftrans.read(4).should == "yet "
+      ftrans.read(16).should == "another frame"
+    end
+    it "should buffer writes" do
+      ftrans = FramedTransport.new(@trans)
+      @trans.should_not_receive(:write)
+      ftrans.write("foo")
+      ftrans.write("bar")
+      ftrans.write("this is a frame")
+    end
+    it "should flush frames with a 4-byte header" do
+      ftrans = FramedTransport.new(@trans)
+      frame = "one/two/three/this is a frame"
+      out = [frame.length].pack('N')
+      out << frame
+      @trans.should_receive(:write).with(out).ordered
+      @trans.should_receive(:flush).ordered
+      ftrans.write("one/")
+      ftrans.write("two/")
+      ftrans.write("three/")
+      ftrans.write("this is a frame")
+      ftrans.flush
+    end
+    it "should not flush the same buffered data twice" do
+      ftrans = FramedTransport.new(@trans)
+      frame = "foo/bar"
+      out = [frame.length].pack('N')
+      out << frame
+      @trans.should_receive(:write).with(out)
+      @trans.stub!(:flush)
+      ftrans.write("foo")
+      ftrans.write("/bar")
+      ftrans.flush
+      @trans.should_receive(:write).with("\000\000\000\000")
+      ftrans.flush
+    end
+  end
+  describe FramedTransportFactory do
+    it "should wrap the given transport in a FramedTransport" do
+      trans = mock("Transport")
+      FramedTransport.should_receive(:new).with(trans)
+      FramedTransportFactory.new.get_transport(trans)
+    end
+  end