Typical usage
thrift.exe --audit <oldFile> <newFile>
Example run
> thrift.exe --audit test.thrift break1.thrift
[Thrift Audit Failure:break1.thrift] New Thrift File has missing function base_function3
[Thrift Audit Warning:break1.thrift] Constant const3 has different value
Problems that the audit tool can catch
- Removing an enum value
- Changing the type of a struct field
- Changing the required-ness of a struct field
- Removing a struct field
- Adding a required struct field
- Adding a struct field 'in the middle'. This usually indicates an old ID has been recycled
- Struct removed
- Oneway-ness change
- Return type change
- Missing function
- Missing service
- Change in service inheritance
- Removing a language namespace declaration
- Changing a namespace
- Changing an enum value's name
- Removing an enum class
- Default value changed
- Struct field name change
- Removed constant
- Type of constant changed
- Value of constant changed