Merge branch 'fastbinary'

git-svn-id: 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68
diff --git a/test/ b/test/
index 47e6b76..bac5b06 100644
--- a/test/
+++ b/test/
@@ -8,6 +8,10 @@
 SUBDIRS += py
+SUBDIRS += rb
 libtestgencpp_la_SOURCES = \
 	gen-cpp/DebugProtoTest_types.cpp \
diff --git a/test/SmallTest.thrift b/test/SmallTest.thrift
index 36ee349..dd5634d 100644
--- a/test/SmallTest.thrift
+++ b/test/SmallTest.thrift
@@ -11,6 +11,10 @@
+struct BoolPasser {
+  1: bool value = 1
 struct Hello {
   1: i32 simple = 53,
   2: map<i32,i32> complex = {23:532, 6243:632, 2355:532},
diff --git a/test/rb/Makefile b/test/rb/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index 5c1e61a..0000000
--- a/test/rb/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-# Makefile for Thrift test project.
-# Author:
-#   Mark Slee <>
-# Default target is everything
-target: all
-# Tools
-THRIFT = ../../compiler/cpp/thrift
-all: stubs check
-stubs: ../ThriftTest.thrift ../SmallTest.thrift
-	$(THRIFT) --gen rb ../ThriftTest.thrift
-	$(THRIFT) --gen rb ../SmallTest.thrift
-check: stubs
-	ruby test_suite.rb
-	$(RM) -r gen-rb
diff --git a/test/rb/ b/test/rb/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b19fcde
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/rb/
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+THRIFT = $(top_srcdir)/compiler/cpp/thrift
+stubs: ../ThriftTest.thrift ../SmallTest.thrift
+	$(THRIFT) --gen rb ../ThriftTest.thrift
+	$(THRIFT) --gen rb ../SmallTest.thrift
+check: stubs
+	$(RUBY) test_suite.rb
diff --git a/test/rb/benchmarks/protocol_benchmark.rb b/test/rb/benchmarks/protocol_benchmark.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..99f0760
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/rb/benchmarks/protocol_benchmark.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
+$LOAD_PATH.unshift File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), *%w[.. .. .. lib rb lib])
+$LOAD_PATH.unshift File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), *%w[.. .. .. lib rb ext])
+require 'thrift'
+require 'thrift/transport'
+require 'thrift/protocol/binaryprotocol'
+require 'thrift/protocol/binaryprotocolaccelerated'
+require 'benchmark'
+require 'rubygems'
+require 'set'
+require 'pp'
+# require 'ruby-debug'
+# require 'ruby-prof'
+require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '../fixtures/structs')
+transport1 =
+ruby_binary_protocol =
+transport2 =
+c_fast_binary_protocol =
+ooe =
+ooe.im_true   = true
+ooe.im_false  = false
+ooe.a_bite    = -42
+ooe.integer16 = 27000
+ooe.integer32 = 1<<24
+ooe.integer64 = 6000 * 1000 * 1000
+ooe.double_precision = Math::PI
+ooe.some_characters  = "Debug THIS!"
+ooe.zomg_unicode     = "\xd7\n\a\t"
+n1 =
+n1.a_list = []
+n1.a_list << ooe << ooe << ooe << ooe
+n1.i32_map = {}
+n1.i32_map[1234] = ooe
+n1.i32_map[46345] = ooe
+n1.i32_map[-34264] = ooe
+n1.i64_map = {}
+n1.i64_map[43534986783945] = ooe
+n1.i64_map[-32434639875122] = ooe
+n1.dbl_map = {}
+n1.dbl_map[324.65469834] = ooe
+n1.dbl_map[-9458672340.4986798345112] = ooe
+n1.str_map = {}
+n1.str_map['sdoperuix'] = ooe
+n1.str_map['pwoerxclmn'] = ooe
+n2 =
+n2.a_list = []
+n2.a_list << n1 << n1 << n1 << n1 << n1
+n2.i32_map = {}
+n2.i32_map[398345] = n1
+n2.i32_map[-2345] = n1
+n2.i32_map[12312] = n1
+n2.i64_map = {}
+n2.i64_map[2349843765934] = n1
+n2.i64_map[-123234985495] = n1
+n2.i64_map[0] = n1
+n2.dbl_map = {}
+n2.dbl_map[23345345.38927834] = n1
+n2.dbl_map[-1232349.5489345] = n1
+n2.dbl_map[-234984574.23498725] = n1
+n2.str_map = {}
+n2.str_map[''] = n1
+n2.str_map['sdflkertpioux'] = n1
+n2.str_map['sdfwepwdcjpoi'] = n1
+n3 =
+n3.a_list = []
+n3.a_list << n2 << n2 << n2 << n2 << n2
+n3.i32_map = {}
+n3.i32_map[398345] = n2
+n3.i32_map[-2345] = n2
+n3.i32_map[12312] = n2
+n3.i64_map = {}
+n3.i64_map[2349843765934] = n2
+n3.i64_map[-123234985495] = n2
+n3.i64_map[0] = n2
+n3.dbl_map = {}
+n3.dbl_map[23345345.38927834] = n2
+n3.dbl_map[-1232349.5489345] = n2
+n3.dbl_map[-234984574.23498725] = n2
+n3.str_map = {}
+n3.str_map[''] = n2
+n3.str_map['sdflkertpioux'] = n2
+n3.str_map['sdfwepwdcjpoi'] = n2
+n4 =
+n4.a_list = []
+n4.a_list << n3
+n4.i32_map = {}
+n4.i32_map[-2345] = n3
+n4.i64_map = {}
+n4.i64_map[2349843765934] = n3
+n4.dbl_map = {}
+n4.dbl_map[-1232349.5489345] = n3
+n4.str_map = {}
+n4.str_map[''] = n3
+# prof = RubyProf.profile do
+#   n4.write(c_fast_binary_protocol)
+# end
+# printer =
+# printer.print(STDOUT, :min_percent=>0)
+Benchmark.bmbm do |x|
+"ruby write large (1MB) structure once") do
+    n4.write(ruby_binary_protocol)
+  end
+"ruby read large (1MB) structure once") do
+  end
+"c write large (1MB) structure once") do    
+    n4.write(c_fast_binary_protocol)
+  end
+"c read large (1MB) structure once") do
+  end
+"ruby write 10_000 small structures") do
+    10_000.times do
+      ooe.write(ruby_binary_protocol)
+    end
+  end
+"ruby read 10_000 small structures") do
+    10_000.times do
+    end
+  end
+"c write 10_000 small structures") do
+    10_000.times do
+      ooe.write(c_fast_binary_protocol)
+    end
+  end
+"c read 10_000 small structures") do
+    10_000.times do
+    end
+  end
diff --git a/test/rb/core/test_binary_protocol_accelerated.rb b/test/rb/core/test_binary_protocol_accelerated.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..15c033e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/rb/core/test_binary_protocol_accelerated.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,275 @@
+require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '../test_helper')
+require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '../fixtures/structs')
+require 'thrift'
+require 'thrift/transport'
+require 'thrift/protocol/binaryprotocol'
+require 'thrift/protocol/binaryprotocolaccelerated'
+class BinaryProtocolAcceleratedTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
+  I8_MIN = -128
+  I8_MAX = 127
+  I16_MIN = -32768
+  I16_MAX = 32767
+  I32_MIN = -2147483648
+  I32_MAX = 2147483647
+  I64_MIN = -9223372036854775808
+  I64_MAX = 9223372036854775807
+  DBL_MIN = Float::MIN
+  DBL_MAX = Float::MAX
+  # booleans might be read back differently, so we supply a list [write_value, read_value]
+  BOOL_VALUES = [[0,true], [14,true], [-14,true], [true,true], [false,false], ["",true]]
+  BYTE_VALUES = [14, -14, I8_MIN, I8_MAX]
+  I16_VALUES = [400, 0, -234, I16_MIN, I16_MAX]
+  I32_VALUES = [325, 0, -1, -1073741825, -278, -4352388, I32_MIN, I32_MAX]
+  I64_VALUES = [15, 0, -33, I64_MIN, I64_MAX]
+  DBL_VALUES = [DBL_MIN, -33.8755, 0, 3658.1279, DBL_MAX]
+  STR_VALUES = ["", "welcome to my test"]
+  def setup
+    @trans =
+    @fast_proto =
+    @slow_proto =
+  end
+  def assert_encodes_struct(obj)
+    obj.write(@slow_proto)    
+    expected = # read it all baby
+    assert_equal expected, @fast_proto.encode_binary(obj)
+  end
+  # Assumes encode works
+  def assert_decodes_struct(obj, eql_obj = nil)
+    data = @fast_proto.encode_binary(obj)
+    @trans.write data
+    assert_equal (eql_obj || obj), @fast_proto.decode_binary(, @trans)
+  end
+  def test_encodes_and_decodes_bools
+    BOOL_VALUES.each do |(write_val, read_val)|
+      obj = => write_val)
+      assert_encodes_struct obj
+      assert_decodes_struct obj, => read_val)
+    end
+  end
+  def test_encodes_and_decodes_bytes
+    BYTE_VALUES.each do |val|
+      obj = => val)
+      assert_encodes_struct obj
+      assert_decodes_struct obj
+    end
+  end
+  def test_encodes_and_decodes_i16
+    I16_VALUES.each do |val|
+      obj = => val)
+      assert_encodes_struct obj
+      assert_decodes_struct obj
+    end
+  end
+  def test_encodes_and_decodes_i32
+    I32_VALUES.each do |val|
+      obj = => val)
+      assert_encodes_struct obj
+      assert_decodes_struct obj
+    end
+  end
+  def test_encodes_and_decodes_i64
+    I64_VALUES.each do |val|
+      obj = => val)
+      assert_encodes_struct obj
+      assert_decodes_struct obj
+    end
+  end
+  def test_encodes_and_decodes_double
+    DBL_VALUES.each do |val|
+      obj = => val)
+      assert_encodes_struct obj
+      assert_decodes_struct obj
+    end
+  end
+  def test_encodes_strings
+    STR_VALUES.each do |val|
+      obj = => val)
+      assert_encodes_struct obj
+      assert_decodes_struct obj
+    end
+  end
+  def test_encodes_maps
+    obj = => {"a" => "b", "c" => "d"})
+    assert_encodes_struct obj
+    assert_decodes_struct obj
+  end
+  def test_encodes_lists
+    obj = => ["a", "b", "c", "d"])
+    assert_encodes_struct obj
+    assert_decodes_struct obj
+  end
+  def test_encodes_sets
+    expected_return = =>["a", "b", "c"]))
+    # support hashes
+    obj = => {"a" => true, "b" => true, "c" => true})
+    assert_encodes_struct obj
+    assert_decodes_struct obj, expected_return
+    # We also support arrays as compatability bug from TBinaryProtocol....
+    obj = => ["a", "b", "c"])
+    assert_encodes_struct obj
+    assert_decodes_struct obj, expected_return
+    # We also support sets
+    obj = =>["a", "b", "c"]))
+    assert_encodes_struct obj
+    assert_decodes_struct obj, expected_return
+  end
+  def test_encodes_maps_of_maps
+    obj = => { 1 => { 2 => 3 }})
+    assert_encodes_struct obj
+    assert_decodes_struct obj
+  end
+  def test_encodes_list_of_lists
+    obj = => [[1,2,3], [4,5,6]])
+    assert_encodes_struct obj
+    assert_decodes_struct obj
+  end
+  def test_encodes_set_of_sets
+    obj = =>['a')]))
+    assert_encodes_struct obj
+    # Nested hashes won't work with ==, so we do it by hand
+    data = @fast_proto.encode_binary(obj)
+    @trans.write data
+    decoded = @fast_proto.decode_binary(, @trans)
+    assert_equal decoded.set.entries,['a')]).entries
+  end
+  if ENV['MEM_TEST']
+    def test_for_memory_leaks_on_exceptions
+      ooe =
+      ooe.im_true   = true
+      ooe.im_false  = false
+      ooe.a_bite    = -42
+      ooe.integer16 = 27000
+      ooe.integer32 = 1<<24
+      ooe.integer64 = 6000 * 1000 * 1000
+      ooe.double_precision = Math::PI
+      ooe.some_characters  = "Debug THIS!"
+      ooe.zomg_unicode     = "\xd7\n\a\t"
+      10_000.times do
+        data = @fast_proto.encode_binary(ooe)
+        bytes = []
+        data.each_byte do |b|
+          bytes << b
+          transport =
+          transport.write(bytes.pack("c#{bytes.length}"))
+          begin
+            @fast_proto.decode_binary(, transport)
+          rescue Exception
+          end
+        end
+      end
+    end
+  end
+  unless ENV['FAST_TEST']
+    def test_encodes_and_decodes_struct_of_structs
+      ooe =
+      ooe.im_true   = true
+      ooe.im_false  = false
+      ooe.a_bite    = -42
+      ooe.integer16 = 27000
+      ooe.integer32 = 1<<24
+      ooe.integer64 = 6000 * 1000 * 1000
+      ooe.double_precision = Math::PI
+      ooe.some_characters  = "Debug THIS!"
+      ooe.zomg_unicode     = "\xd7\n\a\t"
+      n1 =
+      n1.a_list = []
+      n1.a_list << ooe << ooe << ooe << ooe
+      n1.i32_map = {}
+      n1.i32_map[1234] = ooe
+      n1.i32_map[46345] = ooe
+      n1.i32_map[-34264] = ooe
+      n1.i64_map = {}
+      n1.i64_map[43534986783945] = ooe
+      n1.i64_map[-32434639875122] = ooe
+      n1.dbl_map = {}
+      n1.dbl_map[324.65469834] = ooe
+      n1.dbl_map[-9458672340.4986798345112] = ooe
+      n1.str_map = {}
+      n1.str_map['sdoperuix'] = ooe
+      n1.str_map['pwoerxclmn'] = ooe
+      n2 =
+      n2.a_list = []
+      n2.a_list << n1 << n1 << n1 << n1 << n1
+      n2.i32_map = {}
+      n2.i32_map[398345] = n1
+      n2.i32_map[-2345] = n1
+      n2.i32_map[12312] = n1
+      n2.i64_map = {}
+      n2.i64_map[2349843765934] = n1
+      n2.i64_map[-123234985495] = n1
+      n2.i64_map[0] = n1
+      n2.dbl_map = {}
+      n2.dbl_map[23345345.38927834] = n1
+      n2.dbl_map[-1232349.5489345] = n1
+      n2.dbl_map[-234984574.23498725] = n1
+      n2.str_map = {}
+      n2.str_map[''] = n1
+      n2.str_map['sdflkertpioux'] = n1
+      n2.str_map['sdfwepwdcjpoi'] = n1
+      n3 =
+      n3.a_list = []
+      n3.a_list << n2 << n2 << n2 << n2 << n2
+      n3.i32_map = {}
+      n3.i32_map[398345] = n2
+      n3.i32_map[-2345] = n2
+      n3.i32_map[12312] = n2
+      n3.i64_map = {}
+      n3.i64_map[2349843765934] = n2
+      n3.i64_map[-123234985495] = n2
+      n3.i64_map[0] = n2
+      n3.dbl_map = {}
+      n3.dbl_map[23345345.38927834] = n2
+      n3.dbl_map[-1232349.5489345] = n2
+      n3.dbl_map[-234984574.23498725] = n2
+      n3.str_map = {}
+      n3.str_map[''] = n2
+      n3.str_map['sdflkertpioux'] = n2
+      n3.str_map['sdfwepwdcjpoi'] = n2
+      n4 =
+      n4.a_list = []
+      n4.a_list << n3
+      n4.i32_map = {}
+      n4.i32_map[-2345] = n3
+      n4.i64_map = {}
+      n4.i64_map[2349843765934] = n3
+      n4.dbl_map = {}
+      n4.dbl_map[-1232349.5489345] = n3
+      n4.str_map = {}
+      n4.str_map[''] = n3
+      assert_encodes_struct n4
+      assert_decodes_struct n4
+    end
+  end
diff --git a/test/rb/fixtures/structs.rb b/test/rb/fixtures/structs.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..82c291e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/rb/fixtures/structs.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,225 @@
+require 'thrift'
+module Fixtures
+  module Structs
+    class OneBool
+      include Thrift::Struct
+      attr_accessor :bool
+      FIELDS = {
+        1 => {:type => Thrift::Types::BOOL, :name => 'bool'}
+      }
+    end
+    class OneByte
+      include Thrift::Struct
+      attr_accessor :byte
+      FIELDS = {
+        1 => {:type => Thrift::Types::BYTE, :name => 'byte'}
+      }
+    end
+    class OneI16
+      include Thrift::Struct
+      attr_accessor :i16
+      FIELDS = {
+        1 => {:type => Thrift::Types::I16, :name => 'i16'}
+      }
+    end
+    class OneI32
+      include Thrift::Struct
+      attr_accessor :i32
+      FIELDS = {
+        1 => {:type => Thrift::Types::I32, :name => 'i32'}
+      }
+    end
+    class OneI64
+      include Thrift::Struct
+      attr_accessor :i64
+      FIELDS = {
+        1 => {:type => Thrift::Types::I64, :name => 'i64'}
+      }
+    end
+    class OneDouble
+      include Thrift::Struct
+      attr_accessor :double
+      FIELDS = {
+        1 => {:type => Thrift::Types::DOUBLE, :name => 'double'}
+      }
+    end
+    class OneString
+      include Thrift::Struct
+      attr_accessor :string
+      FIELDS = {
+        1 => {:type => Thrift::Types::STRING, :name => 'string'}
+      }
+    end
+    class OneMap
+      include Thrift::Struct
+      attr_accessor :map
+      FIELDS = {
+        1 => {:type => Thrift::Types::MAP, :name => 'map', :key => {:type => Thrift::Types::STRING}, :value => {:type => Thrift::Types::STRING}}
+      }
+    end
+    class NestedMap
+      include Thrift::Struct
+      attr_accessor :map
+      FIELDS = {
+        0 => {:type => Thrift::Types::MAP, :name => 'map', :key => {:type => Thrift::Types::I32}, :value => {:type => Thrift::Types::MAP, :key => {:type => Thrift::Types::I32}, :value => {:type => Thrift::Types::I32}}}
+      }
+    end
+    class OneList
+      include Thrift::Struct
+      attr_accessor :list
+      FIELDS = {
+        1 => {:type => Thrift::Types::LIST, :name => 'list', :element => {:type => Thrift::Types::STRING}}
+      }
+    end
+    class NestedList
+      include Thrift::Struct
+      attr_accessor :list
+      FIELDS = {
+        0 => {:type => Thrift::Types::LIST, :name => 'list', :element => {:type => Thrift::Types::LIST, :element => { :type => Thrift::Types::I32 } } }
+      }
+    end
+    class OneSet
+      include Thrift::Struct
+      attr_accessor :set
+      FIELDS = {
+        1 => {:type => Thrift::Types::SET, :name => 'set', :element => {:type => Thrift::Types::STRING}}
+      }
+    end
+    class NestedSet
+      include Thrift::Struct
+      attr_accessor :set
+      FIELDS = {
+        1 => {:type => Thrift::Types::SET, :name => 'set', :element => {:type => Thrift::Types::SET, :element => { :type => Thrift::Types::STRING } }}
+      }
+    end
+    # struct OneOfEach {
+    #   1: bool im_true,
+    #   2: bool im_false,
+    #   3: byte a_bite,
+    #   4: i16 integer16,
+    #   5: i32 integer32,
+    #   6: i64 integer64,
+    #   7: double double_precision,
+    #   8: string some_characters,
+    #   9: string zomg_unicode,
+    #   10: bool what_who,
+    #   11: binary base64,
+    # }
+    class OneOfEach
+      include Thrift::Struct
+      attr_accessor :im_true, :im_false, :a_bite, :integer16, :integer32, :integer64, :double_precision, :some_characters, :zomg_unicode, :what_who, :base64
+      FIELDS = {
+        1 => {:type => Thrift::Types::BOOL, :name => 'im_true'},
+        2 => {:type => Thrift::Types::BOOL, :name => 'im_false'},
+        3 => {:type => Thrift::Types::BYTE, :name => 'a_bite'},
+        4 => {:type => Thrift::Types::I16, :name => 'integer16'},
+        5 => {:type => Thrift::Types::I32, :name => 'integer32'},
+        6 => {:type => Thrift::Types::I64, :name => 'integer64'},
+        7 => {:type => Thrift::Types::DOUBLE, :name => 'double_precision'},
+        8 => {:type => Thrift::Types::STRING, :name => 'some_characters'},
+        9 => {:type => Thrift::Types::STRING, :name => 'zomg_unicode'},
+        10 => {:type => Thrift::Types::BOOL, :name => 'what_who'},
+        11 => {:type => Thrift::Types::STRING, :name => 'base64'}
+      }
+      # Added for assert_equal
+      def ==(other)
+        [:im_true, :im_false, :a_bite, :integer16, :integer32, :integer64, :double_precision, :some_characters, :zomg_unicode, :what_who, :base64].each do |f|
+          var = "@#{f}"
+          return false if instance_variable_get(var) != other.instance_variable_get(var)
+        end
+        true
+      end
+    end
+    # struct Nested1 {
+    #   1: list<OneOfEach> a_list
+    #   2: map<i32, OneOfEach> i32_map
+    #   3: map<i64, OneOfEach> i64_map
+    #   4: map<double, OneOfEach> dbl_map
+    #   5: map<string, OneOfEach> str_map
+    # }
+    class Nested1
+      include Thrift::Struct
+      attr_accessor :a_list, :i32_map, :i64_map, :dbl_map, :str_map
+      FIELDS = {
+        1 => {:type => Thrift::Types::LIST, :name => 'a_list', :element => {:type => Thrift::Types::STRUCT, :class => OneOfEach}},
+        2 => {:type => Thrift::Types::MAP, :name => 'i32_map', :key => {:type => Thrift::Types::I32}, :value => {:type => Thrift::Types::STRUCT, :class => OneOfEach}},
+        3 => {:type => Thrift::Types::MAP, :name => 'i64_map', :key => {:type => Thrift::Types::I64}, :value => {:type => Thrift::Types::STRUCT, :class => OneOfEach}},
+        4 => {:type => Thrift::Types::MAP, :name => 'dbl_map', :key => {:type => Thrift::Types::DOUBLE}, :value => {:type => Thrift::Types::STRUCT, :class => OneOfEach}},
+        5 => {:type => Thrift::Types::MAP, :name => 'str_map', :key => {:type => Thrift::Types::STRING}, :value => {:type => Thrift::Types::STRUCT, :class => OneOfEach}}
+      }
+    end
+    # struct Nested2 {
+    #   1: list<Nested1> a_list
+    #   2: map<i32, Nested1> i32_map
+    #   3: map<i64, Nested1> i64_map
+    #   4: map<double, Nested1> dbl_map
+    #   5: map<string, Nested1> str_map
+    # }
+    class Nested2
+      include Thrift::Struct
+      attr_accessor :a_list, :i32_map, :i64_map, :dbl_map, :str_map
+      FIELDS = {
+        1 => {:type => Thrift::Types::LIST, :name => 'a_list', :element => {:type => Thrift::Types::STRUCT, :class => Nested1}},
+        2 => {:type => Thrift::Types::MAP, :name => 'i32_map', :key => {:type => Thrift::Types::I32}, :value => {:type => Thrift::Types::STRUCT, :class => Nested1}},
+        3 => {:type => Thrift::Types::MAP, :name => 'i64_map', :key => {:type => Thrift::Types::I64}, :value => {:type => Thrift::Types::STRUCT, :class => Nested1}},
+        4 => {:type => Thrift::Types::MAP, :name => 'dbl_map', :key => {:type => Thrift::Types::DOUBLE}, :value => {:type => Thrift::Types::STRUCT, :class => Nested1}},
+        5 => {:type => Thrift::Types::MAP, :name => 'str_map', :key => {:type => Thrift::Types::STRING}, :value => {:type => Thrift::Types::STRUCT, :class => Nested1}}
+      }
+    end
+    # struct Nested3 {
+    #   1: list<Nested2> a_list
+    #   2: map<i32, Nested2> i32_map
+    #   3: map<i64, Nested2> i64_map
+    #   4: map<double, Nested2> dbl_map
+    #   5: map<string, Nested2> str_map
+    # }
+    class Nested3
+      include Thrift::Struct
+      attr_accessor :a_list, :i32_map, :i64_map, :dbl_map, :str_map
+      FIELDS = {
+        1 => {:type => Thrift::Types::LIST, :name => 'a_list', :element => {:type => Thrift::Types::STRUCT, :class => Nested2}},
+        2 => {:type => Thrift::Types::MAP, :name => 'i32_map', :key => {:type => Thrift::Types::I32}, :value => {:type => Thrift::Types::STRUCT, :class => Nested2}},
+        3 => {:type => Thrift::Types::MAP, :name => 'i64_map', :key => {:type => Thrift::Types::I64}, :value => {:type => Thrift::Types::STRUCT, :class => Nested2}},
+        4 => {:type => Thrift::Types::MAP, :name => 'dbl_map', :key => {:type => Thrift::Types::DOUBLE}, :value => {:type => Thrift::Types::STRUCT, :class => Nested2}},
+        5 => {:type => Thrift::Types::MAP, :name => 'str_map', :key => {:type => Thrift::Types::STRING}, :value => {:type => Thrift::Types::STRUCT, :class => Nested2}}
+      }
+    end
+    # struct Nested4 {
+    #   1: list<Nested3> a_list
+    #   2: map<i32, Nested3> i32_map
+    #   3: map<i64, Nested3> i64_map
+    #   4: map<double, Nested3> dbl_map
+    #   5: map<string, Nested3> str_map
+    # }
+    class Nested4
+      include Thrift::Struct
+      attr_accessor :a_list, :i32_map, :i64_map, :dbl_map, :str_map
+      FIELDS = {
+        1 => {:type => Thrift::Types::LIST, :name => 'a_list', :element => {:type => Thrift::Types::STRUCT, :class => Nested3}},
+        2 => {:type => Thrift::Types::MAP, :name => 'i32_map', :key => {:type => Thrift::Types::I32}, :value => {:type => Thrift::Types::STRUCT, :class => Nested3}},
+        3 => {:type => Thrift::Types::MAP, :name => 'i64_map', :key => {:type => Thrift::Types::I64}, :value => {:type => Thrift::Types::STRUCT, :class => Nested3}},
+        4 => {:type => Thrift::Types::MAP, :name => 'dbl_map', :key => {:type => Thrift::Types::DOUBLE}, :value => {:type => Thrift::Types::STRUCT, :class => Nested3}},
+        5 => {:type => Thrift::Types::MAP, :name => 'str_map', :key => {:type => Thrift::Types::STRING}, :value => {:type => Thrift::Types::STRUCT, :class => Nested3}}
+      }
+    end
+  end
diff --git a/test/rb/generation/test_struct.rb b/test/rb/generation/test_struct.rb
index 3af0df8..b4526ab 100644
--- a/test/rb/generation/test_struct.rb
+++ b/test/rb/generation/test_struct.rb
@@ -17,6 +17,9 @@
     assert_kind_of(Hash, hello.complex)
     assert_equal(hello.complex, { 6243 => 632, 2355 => 532, 23 => 532})
+    bool_passer = => false)
+    assert_equal false, bool_passer.value
   def test_goodbyez
diff --git a/test/rb/integration/accelerated_buffered_client.rb b/test/rb/integration/accelerated_buffered_client.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a27787c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/rb/integration/accelerated_buffered_client.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
+require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '../test_helper')
+require 'thrift'
+require 'thrift/protocol/binaryprotocolaccelerated'
+require 'ThriftTest'
+class AcceleratedBufferedClientTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
+  def setup
+    unless @socket
+      @socket   ='localhost', 9090)
+      @protocol =
+      @client   =
+    end
+  end
+  def test_string
+    assert_equal(@client.testString('string'), 'string')
+  end
+  def test_byte
+    val = 8
+    assert_equal(@client.testByte(val), val)
+    assert_equal(@client.testByte(-val), -val)
+  end
+  def test_i32
+    val = 32
+    assert_equal(@client.testI32(val), val)
+    assert_equal(@client.testI32(-val), -val)
+  end
+  def test_i64
+    val = 64
+    assert_equal(@client.testI64(val), val)
+    assert_equal(@client.testI64(-val), -val)
+  end
+  def test_double
+    val = 3.14
+    assert_equal(@client.testDouble(val), val)
+    assert_equal(@client.testDouble(-val), -val)
+    assert_kind_of(Float, @client.testDouble(val))
+  end
+  def test_map
+    val = {1 => 1, 2 => 2, 3 => 3}
+    assert_equal(@client.testMap(val), val)
+    assert_kind_of(Hash, @client.testMap(val))
+  end
+  def test_list
+    val = [1,2,3,4,5]
+    assert_equal(@client.testList(val), val)
+    assert_kind_of(Array, @client.testList(val))
+  end
+  def test_enum
+    val = Thrift::Test::Numberz::SIX
+    ret = @client.testEnum(val)
+    assert_equal(ret, 6)
+    assert_kind_of(Fixnum, ret)
+  end
+  def test_typedef
+    #UserId  testTypedef(1: UserId thing),
+    true
+  end
+  def test_set
+    val =[1,2,3])
+    assert_equal(@client.testSet(val), val)
+    assert_kind_of(Set, @client.testSet(val))
+  end
+  def get_struct
+{'string_thing' => 'hi!', 'i32_thing' => 4 })
+  end
+  def test_struct
+    ret = @client.testStruct(get_struct)
+    assert_nil(ret.byte_thing, nil)
+    assert_nil(ret.i64_thing, nil)
+    assert_equal(ret.string_thing, 'hi!')
+    assert_equal(ret.i32_thing, 4)
+    assert_kind_of(Thrift::Test::Xtruct, ret)
+  end
+  def test_nest
+    struct2 ={'struct_thing' => get_struct, 'i32_thing' => 10})
+    ret = @client.testNest(struct2)
+    assert_nil(ret.struct_thing.byte_thing, nil)
+    assert_nil(ret.struct_thing.i64_thing, nil)
+    assert_equal(ret.struct_thing.string_thing, 'hi!')
+    assert_equal(ret.struct_thing.i32_thing, 4)
+    assert_equal(ret.i32_thing, 10)
+    assert_kind_of(Thrift::Test::Xtruct, ret.struct_thing)
+    assert_kind_of(Thrift::Test::Xtruct2, ret)
+  end
+  def test_insane
+    insane ={
+      'userMap' => { Thrift::Test::Numberz::ONE => 44 },
+      'xtructs' => [get_struct,
+          'string_thing' => 'hi again',
+          'i32_thing' => 12
+        })
+      ]
+    })
+    ret = @client.testInsanity(insane)
+    assert_not_nil(ret[44])
+    assert_not_nil(ret[44][1])
+    struct = ret[44][1]
+    assert_equal(struct.userMap[Thrift::Test::Numberz::ONE], 44)
+    assert_equal(struct.xtructs[1].string_thing, 'hi again')
+    assert_equal(struct.xtructs[1].i32_thing, 12)
+    assert_kind_of(Hash, struct.userMap)
+    assert_kind_of(Array, struct.xtructs)
+    assert_kind_of(Thrift::Test::Insanity, struct)
+  end
+  def test_map_map
+    ret = @client.testMapMap(4)
+    assert_kind_of(Hash, ret)
+    assert_equal(ret, { 4 => { 4 => 4}})
+  end
+  def test_exception
+    assert_raise Thrift::Test::Xception do
+      @client.testException('foo')
+    end
+  end
diff --git a/test/rb/integration/accelerated_buffered_server.rb b/test/rb/integration/accelerated_buffered_server.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d505e9f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/rb/integration/accelerated_buffered_server.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+$:.push File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../gen-rb'
+$:.push File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '../../../lib/rb/lib')
+$:.push File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '../../../lib/rb/ext')
+require 'thrift'
+require 'thrift/protocol/binaryprotocolaccelerated'
+require 'ThriftTest'
+class SimpleHandler
+  [:testString, :testByte, :testI32, :testI64, :testDouble,
+   :testStruct, :testMap, :testSet, :testList, :testNest,
+   :testEnum, :testTypedef].each do |meth|
+    define_method(meth) do |thing|
+      thing
+    end
+  end
+  def testInsanity(thing)
+    num, uid = thing.userMap.find { true }
+    return {uid => {num => thing}}
+  end
+  def testMapMap(thing)
+    return {thing => {thing => thing}}
+  end
+  def testEnum(thing)
+    return thing
+  end
+  def testTypedef(thing)
+    return thing
+  end
+  def testException(thing)
+    raise Thrift::Test::Xception, :message => 'error'
+  end
+@handler   =
+@processor =
+@transport =
+@server    =, @transport,,
diff --git a/test/rb/integration/buffered_client.rb b/test/rb/integration/buffered_client.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3548b18
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/rb/integration/buffered_client.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
+require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '../test_helper')
+require 'thrift'
+require 'thrift/protocol/binaryprotocol'
+require 'ThriftTest'
+class BufferedClientTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
+  def setup
+    unless @socket
+      @socket   ='localhost', 9090)
+      @protocol =
+      @client   =
+    end
+  end
+  def test_string
+    assert_equal(@client.testString('string'), 'string')
+  end
+  def test_byte
+    val = 8
+    assert_equal(@client.testByte(val), val)
+    assert_equal(@client.testByte(-val), -val)
+  end
+  def test_i32
+    val = 32
+    assert_equal(@client.testI32(val), val)
+    assert_equal(@client.testI32(-val), -val)
+  end
+  def test_i64
+    val = 64
+    assert_equal(@client.testI64(val), val)
+    assert_equal(@client.testI64(-val), -val)
+  end
+  def test_double
+    val = 3.14
+    assert_equal(@client.testDouble(val), val)
+    assert_equal(@client.testDouble(-val), -val)
+    assert_kind_of(Float, @client.testDouble(val))
+  end
+  def test_map
+    val = {1 => 1, 2 => 2, 3 => 3}
+    assert_equal(@client.testMap(val), val)
+    assert_kind_of(Hash, @client.testMap(val))
+  end
+  def test_list
+    val = [1,2,3,4,5]
+    assert_equal(@client.testList(val), val)
+    assert_kind_of(Array, @client.testList(val))
+  end
+  def test_enum
+    val = Thrift::Test::Numberz::SIX
+    ret = @client.testEnum(val)
+    assert_equal(ret, 6)
+    assert_kind_of(Fixnum, ret)
+  end
+  def test_typedef
+    #UserId  testTypedef(1: UserId thing),
+    true
+  end
+  def test_set
+    val =[1,2,3])
+    assert_equal(@client.testSet(val), val)
+    assert_kind_of(Set, @client.testSet(val))
+  end
+  def get_struct
+{'string_thing' => 'hi!', 'i32_thing' => 4 })
+  end
+  def test_struct
+    ret = @client.testStruct(get_struct)
+    assert_nil(ret.byte_thing, nil)
+    assert_nil(ret.i64_thing, nil)
+    assert_equal(ret.string_thing, 'hi!')
+    assert_equal(ret.i32_thing, 4)
+    assert_kind_of(Thrift::Test::Xtruct, ret)
+  end
+  def test_nest
+    struct2 ={'struct_thing' => get_struct, 'i32_thing' => 10})
+    ret = @client.testNest(struct2)
+    assert_nil(ret.struct_thing.byte_thing, nil)
+    assert_nil(ret.struct_thing.i64_thing, nil)
+    assert_equal(ret.struct_thing.string_thing, 'hi!')
+    assert_equal(ret.struct_thing.i32_thing, 4)
+    assert_equal(ret.i32_thing, 10)
+    assert_kind_of(Thrift::Test::Xtruct, ret.struct_thing)
+    assert_kind_of(Thrift::Test::Xtruct2, ret)
+  end
+  def test_insane
+    insane ={
+      'userMap' => { Thrift::Test::Numberz::ONE => 44 },
+      'xtructs' => [get_struct,
+          'string_thing' => 'hi again',
+          'i32_thing' => 12
+        })
+      ]
+    })
+    ret = @client.testInsanity(insane)
+    assert_not_nil(ret[44])
+    assert_not_nil(ret[44][1])
+    struct = ret[44][1]
+    assert_equal(struct.userMap[Thrift::Test::Numberz::ONE], 44)
+    assert_equal(struct.xtructs[1].string_thing, 'hi again')
+    assert_equal(struct.xtructs[1].i32_thing, 12)
+    assert_kind_of(Hash, struct.userMap)
+    assert_kind_of(Array, struct.xtructs)
+    assert_kind_of(Thrift::Test::Insanity, struct)
+  end
+  def test_map_map
+    ret = @client.testMapMap(4)
+    assert_kind_of(Hash, ret)
+    assert_equal(ret, { 4 => { 4 => 4}})
+  end
+  def test_exception
+    assert_raise Thrift::Test::Xception do
+      @client.testException('foo')
+    end
+  end
diff --git a/test/rb/integration/simple_client.rb b/test/rb/integration/simple_client.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fe2ed82
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/rb/integration/simple_client.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
+require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '../test_helper')
+require 'thrift'
+require 'thrift/protocol/binaryprotocol'
+require 'ThriftTest'
+class SimpleClientTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
+  def setup    
+    unless @socket
+      @socket   ='localhost', 9090)
+      @protocol =
+      @client   =
+    end
+  end
+  def test_string
+    assert_equal(@client.testString('string'), 'string')
+  end
+  def test_byte
+    val = 8
+    assert_equal(@client.testByte(val), val)
+    assert_equal(@client.testByte(-val), -val)
+  end
+  def test_i32
+    val = 32
+    assert_equal(@client.testI32(val), val)
+    assert_equal(@client.testI32(-val), -val)
+  end
+  def test_i64
+    val = 64
+    assert_equal(@client.testI64(val), val)
+    assert_equal(@client.testI64(-val), -val)
+  end
+  def test_double
+    val = 3.14
+    assert_equal(@client.testDouble(val), val)
+    assert_equal(@client.testDouble(-val), -val)
+    assert_kind_of(Float, @client.testDouble(val))
+  end
+  def test_map
+    val = {1 => 1, 2 => 2, 3 => 3}
+    assert_equal(@client.testMap(val), val)
+    assert_kind_of(Hash, @client.testMap(val))
+  end
+  def test_list
+    val = [1,2,3,4,5]
+    assert_equal(@client.testList(val), val)
+    assert_kind_of(Array, @client.testList(val))
+  end
+  def test_enum
+    val = Thrift::Test::Numberz::SIX
+    ret = @client.testEnum(val)
+    assert_equal(ret, 6)
+    assert_kind_of(Fixnum, ret)
+  end
+  def test_typedef
+    #UserId  testTypedef(1: UserId thing),
+    true
+  end
+  def test_set
+    val =[1,2,3])
+    assert_equal(@client.testSet(val), val)
+    assert_kind_of(Set, @client.testSet(val))
+  end
+  def get_struct
+{'string_thing' => 'hi!', 'i32_thing' => 4 })
+  end
+  def test_struct
+    ret = @client.testStruct(get_struct)
+    assert_nil(ret.byte_thing, nil)
+    assert_nil(ret.i64_thing, nil)
+    assert_equal(ret.string_thing, 'hi!')
+    assert_equal(ret.i32_thing, 4)
+    assert_kind_of(Thrift::Test::Xtruct, ret)
+  end
+  def test_nest
+    struct2 ={'struct_thing' => get_struct, 'i32_thing' => 10})
+    ret = @client.testNest(struct2)
+    assert_nil(ret.struct_thing.byte_thing, nil)
+    assert_nil(ret.struct_thing.i64_thing, nil)
+    assert_equal(ret.struct_thing.string_thing, 'hi!')
+    assert_equal(ret.struct_thing.i32_thing, 4)
+    assert_equal(ret.i32_thing, 10)
+    assert_kind_of(Thrift::Test::Xtruct, ret.struct_thing)
+    assert_kind_of(Thrift::Test::Xtruct2, ret)
+  end
+  def test_insane
+    insane ={
+      'userMap' => { Thrift::Test::Numberz::ONE => 44 },
+      'xtructs' => [get_struct,
+          'string_thing' => 'hi again',
+          'i32_thing' => 12
+        })
+      ]
+    })
+    ret = @client.testInsanity(insane)
+    assert_not_nil(ret[44])
+    assert_not_nil(ret[44][1])
+    struct = ret[44][1]
+    assert_equal(struct.userMap[Thrift::Test::Numberz::ONE], 44)
+    assert_equal(struct.xtructs[1].string_thing, 'hi again')
+    assert_equal(struct.xtructs[1].i32_thing, 12)
+    assert_kind_of(Hash, struct.userMap)
+    assert_kind_of(Array, struct.xtructs)
+    assert_kind_of(Thrift::Test::Insanity, struct)
+  end
+  def test_map_map
+    ret = @client.testMapMap(4)
+    assert_kind_of(Hash, ret)
+    assert_equal(ret, { 4 => { 4 => 4}})
+  end
+  def test_exception
+    assert_raise Thrift::Test::Xception do
+      @client.testException('foo')
+    end
+  end
diff --git a/test/rb/integration/simple_server.rb b/test/rb/integration/simple_server.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6b029ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/rb/integration/simple_server.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+$:.push File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../gen-rb'
+$:.push File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '../../../lib/rb/lib')
+require 'thrift'
+require 'thrift/protocol/binaryprotocol'
+require 'ThriftTest'
+class SimpleHandler
+  [:testString, :testByte, :testI32, :testI64, :testDouble,
+   :testStruct, :testMap, :testSet, :testList, :testNest,
+   :testEnum, :testTypedef].each do |meth|
+    define_method(meth) do |thing|
+      thing
+    end
+  end
+  def testInsanity(thing)
+    num, uid = thing.userMap.find { true }
+    return {uid => {num => thing}}
+  end
+  def testMapMap(thing)
+    return {thing => {thing => thing}}
+  end
+  def testEnum(thing)
+    return thing
+  end
+  def testTypedef(thing)
+    return thing
+  end
+  def testException(thing)
+    raise Thrift::Test::Xception, :message => 'error'
+  end
+@handler   =
+@processor =
+@transport =
+@server    =, @transport)
diff --git a/test/rb/test_helper.rb b/test/rb/test_helper.rb
index 125f52f..51f72b1 100644
--- a/test/rb/test_helper.rb
+++ b/test/rb/test_helper.rb
@@ -1,4 +1,16 @@
 $:.unshift File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/gen-rb'
 $:.unshift File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '../../lib/rb/lib')
+$:.unshift File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '../../lib/rb/ext')
 require 'test/unit'
+module Thrift
+  module Struct
+    def ==(other)
+      return false unless other.is_a? self.class
+      self.class.const_get(:FIELDS).collect {|fid, data| data[:name] }.all? do |field|
+        send(field) == other.send(field)
+      end
+    end
+  end
diff --git a/test/rb/test_suite.rb b/test/rb/test_suite.rb
index af686a8..3611963 100644
--- a/test/rb/test_suite.rb
+++ b/test/rb/test_suite.rb
@@ -1 +1 @@
-Dir["{core,generation,integration}/**/*.rb"].each {|f| require f }
\ No newline at end of file
+Dir["{core,generation}/**/*.rb"].each {|f| require f }
\ No newline at end of file