THRIFT-5635 Update erlang client for Erlang 23-25
Client: erl
Patch: Sergey Yelin

This closes #2677

Summary of changes:
 - Add useful compiler options
 - Format sources using erlfmt
 - Switch to modern callbacks in thrift_* modules
 - Add static analysis (dialyzer), disabled by default
 - Add/fix types for API calls

NOTE: Enabling static analysis requires additional tweaks in multiplexer module.
diff --git a/lib/erl/test/stress_server.erl b/lib/erl/test/stress_server.erl
index 35fff06..78ddefe 100644
--- a/lib/erl/test/stress_server.erl
+++ b/lib/erl/test/stress_server.erl
@@ -19,33 +19,32 @@
+    start_link/1,
+    handle_function/2,
-         handle_function/2,
-         echoVoid/0,
-         echoByte/1,
-         echoI32/1,
-         echoI64/1,
-         echoString/1,
-         echoList/1,
-         echoSet/1,
-         echoMap/1
-        ]).
+    echoVoid/0,
+    echoByte/1,
+    echoI32/1,
+    echoI64/1,
+    echoString/1,
+    echoList/1,
+    echoSet/1,
+    echoMap/1
 start_link(Port) ->
     thrift_server:start_link(Port, service_thrift, ?MODULE).
 handle_function(Function, Args) ->
     case apply(?MODULE, Function, tuple_to_list(Args)) of
         ok ->
-             ok;
-        Else -> {reply, Else}
+            ok;
+        Else ->
+            {reply, Else}
 echoVoid() ->
 echoByte(X) ->