THRIFT-5635 Update erlang client for Erlang 23-25
Client: erl
Patch: Sergey Yelin

This closes #2677

Summary of changes:
 - Add useful compiler options
 - Format sources using erlfmt
 - Switch to modern callbacks in thrift_* modules
 - Add static analysis (dialyzer), disabled by default
 - Add/fix types for API calls

NOTE: Enabling static analysis requires additional tweaks in multiplexer module.
diff --git a/lib/erl/src/thrift_reconnecting_client.erl b/lib/erl/src/thrift_reconnecting_client.erl
index 538fd3a..c9fe2aa 100644
--- a/lib/erl/src/thrift_reconnecting_client.erl
+++ b/lib/erl/src/thrift_reconnecting_client.erl
@@ -22,30 +22,36 @@
 %% API
--export([ call/3,
-          get_stats/1,
-          get_and_reset_stats/1 ]).
+    call/3,
+    get_stats/1,
+    get_and_reset_stats/1
--export([ start_link/6 ]).
 %% gen_server callbacks
--export([ init/1,
-          handle_call/3,
-          handle_cast/2,
-          handle_info/2,
-          terminate/2,
-          code_change/3 ]).
+    init/1,
+    handle_call/3,
+    handle_cast/2,
+    handle_info/2,
+    terminate/2,
+    code_change/3
--record( state, { client = nil,
-                  host,
-                  port,
-                  thrift_svc,
-                  thrift_opts,
-                  reconn_min,
-                  reconn_max,
-                  reconn_time = 0,
-                  op_cnt_dict,
-                  op_time_dict } ).
+-record(state, {
+    client = nil,
+    host,
+    port,
+    thrift_svc,
+    thrift_opts,
+    reconn_min,
+    reconn_max,
+    reconn_time = 0,
+    op_cnt_dict,
+    op_time_dict
 %% API
@@ -54,23 +60,35 @@
 %% Function: start_link() -> {ok,Pid} | ignore | {error,Error}
 %% Description: Starts the server
-start_link( Host, Port,
-            ThriftSvc, ThriftOpts,
-            ReconnMin, ReconnMax ) ->
-  gen_server:start_link( ?MODULE,
-                         [ Host, Port,
-                           ThriftSvc, ThriftOpts,
-                           ReconnMin, ReconnMax ],
-                         [] ).
+    Host,
+    Port,
+    ThriftSvc,
+    ThriftOpts,
+    ReconnMin,
+    ReconnMax
+) ->
+    gen_server:start_link(
+        ?MODULE,
+        [
+            Host,
+            Port,
+            ThriftSvc,
+            ThriftOpts,
+            ReconnMin,
+            ReconnMax
+        ],
+        []
+    ).
-call( Pid, Op, Args ) ->
-  gen_server:call( Pid, { call, Op, Args } ).
+call(Pid, Op, Args) ->
+    gen_server:call(Pid, {call, Op, Args}).
-get_stats( Pid ) ->
-  gen_server:call( Pid, get_stats ).
+get_stats(Pid) ->
+    gen_server:call(Pid, get_stats).
-get_and_reset_stats( Pid ) ->
-  gen_server:call( Pid, get_and_reset_stats ).
+get_and_reset_stats(Pid) ->
+    gen_server:call(Pid, get_and_reset_stats).
 %% gen_server callbacks
@@ -83,19 +101,21 @@
 %%                         {stop, Reason}
 %% Description: Start the server.
-init( [ Host, Port, TSvc, TOpts, ReconnMin, ReconnMax ] ) ->
-  process_flag( trap_exit, true ),
+init([Host, Port, TSvc, TOpts, ReconnMin, ReconnMax]) ->
+    process_flag(trap_exit, true),
-  State = #state{ host         = Host,
-                  port         = Port,
-                  thrift_svc   = TSvc,
-                  thrift_opts  = TOpts,
-                  reconn_min   = ReconnMin,
-                  reconn_max   = ReconnMax,
-                  op_cnt_dict  = dict:new(),
-                  op_time_dict = dict:new() },
+    State = #state{
+        host = Host,
+        port = Port,
+        thrift_svc = TSvc,
+        thrift_opts = TOpts,
+        reconn_min = ReconnMin,
+        reconn_max = ReconnMax,
+        op_cnt_dict = dict:new(),
+        op_time_dict = dict:new()
+    },
-  { ok, try_connect( State ) }.
+    {ok, try_connect(State)}.
 %% Function: %% handle_call(Request, From, State) -> {reply, Reply, State} |
@@ -106,40 +126,44 @@
 %%                                                   {stop, Reason, State}
 %% Description: Handling call messages
-handle_call( { call, Op, _ },
-             _From,
-             State = #state{ client = nil } ) ->
-  { reply, { error, noconn }, incr_stats( Op, "failfast", 1, State ) };
+    {call, Op, _},
+    _From,
+    State = #state{client = nil}
+) ->
+    {reply, {error, noconn}, incr_stats(Op, "failfast", 1, State)};
+    {call, Op, Args},
+    _From,
+    State = #state{client = Client}
+) ->
+    Timer = timer_fun(),
+    Result = (catch thrift_client:call(Client, Op, Args)),
+    Time = Timer(),
-handle_call( { call, Op, Args },
-             _From,
-             State=#state{ client = Client } ) ->
-  Timer = timer_fun(),
-  Result = ( catch thrift_client:call( Client, Op, Args) ),
-  Time = Timer(),
-  case Result of
-    { C, { ok, Reply } } ->
-      S = incr_stats( Op, "success", Time, State#state{ client = C } ),
-      { reply, {ok, Reply }, S };
-    { _, { E, Msg } } when E == error; E == exception ->
-      S = incr_stats( Op, "error", Time, try_connect( State ) ),
-      { reply, { E, Msg }, S };
-    Other ->
-      S = incr_stats( Op, "error", Time, try_connect( State ) ),
-      { reply, Other, S }
-  end;
-handle_call( get_stats,
-             _From,
-             State = #state{} ) ->
-  { reply, stats( State ), State };
-handle_call( get_and_reset_stats,
-             _From,
-             State = #state{} ) ->
-  { reply, stats( State ), reset_stats( State ) }.
+    case Result of
+        {C, {ok, Reply}} ->
+            S = incr_stats(Op, "success", Time, State#state{client = C}),
+            {reply, {ok, Reply}, S};
+        {_, {E, Msg}} when E == error; E == exception ->
+            S = incr_stats(Op, "error", Time, try_connect(State)),
+            {reply, {E, Msg}, S};
+        Other ->
+            S = incr_stats(Op, "error", Time, try_connect(State)),
+            {reply, Other, S}
+    end;
+    get_stats,
+    _From,
+    State = #state{}
+) ->
+    {reply, stats(State), State};
+    get_and_reset_stats,
+    _From,
+    State = #state{}
+) ->
+    {reply, stats(State), reset_stats(State)}.
 %% Function: handle_cast(Msg, State) -> {noreply, State} |
@@ -147,8 +171,8 @@
 %%                                      {stop, Reason, State}
 %% Description: Handling cast messages
-handle_cast( _Msg, State ) ->
-  { noreply, State }.
+handle_cast(_Msg, State) ->
+    {noreply, State}.
 %% Function: handle_info(Info, State) -> {noreply, State} |
@@ -156,11 +180,10 @@
 %%                                       {stop, Reason, State}
 %% Description: Handling all non call/cast messages
-handle_info( try_connect, State ) ->
-  { noreply, try_connect( State ) };
-handle_info( _Info, State ) ->
-  { noreply, State }.
+handle_info(try_connect, State) ->
+    {noreply, try_connect(State)};
+handle_info(_Info, State) ->
+    {noreply, State}.
 %% Function: terminate(Reason, State) -> void()
@@ -169,90 +192,103 @@
 %% cleaning up. When it returns, the gen_server terminates with Reason.
 %% The return value is ignored.
-terminate( _Reason, #state{ client = Client } ) ->
-  thrift_client:close( Client ),
-  ok.
+terminate(_Reason, #state{client = Client}) ->
+    thrift_client:close(Client),
+    ok.
 %% Func: code_change(OldVsn, State, Extra) -> {ok, NewState}
 %% Description: Convert process state when code is changed
-code_change( _OldVsn, State, _Extra ) ->
-  { ok, State }.
+code_change(_OldVsn, State, _Extra) ->
+    {ok, State}.
 %%% Internal functions
-try_connect( State = #state{ client      = OldClient,
-                             host        = Host,
-                             port        = Port,
-                             thrift_svc  = TSvc,
-                             thrift_opts = TOpts } ) ->
+    State = #state{
+        client = OldClient,
+        host = Host,
+        port = Port,
+        thrift_svc = TSvc,
+        thrift_opts = TOpts
+    }
+) ->
+    case OldClient of
+        nil -> ok;
+        _ -> (catch thrift_client:close(OldClient))
+    end,
-  case OldClient of
-    nil -> ok;
-    _   -> ( catch thrift_client:close( OldClient ) )
-  end,
+    case catch thrift_client_util:new(Host, Port, TSvc, TOpts) of
+        {ok, Client} ->
+            State#state{client = Client, reconn_time = 0};
+        {E, Msg} when E == error; E == exception ->
+            ReconnTime = reconn_time(State),
+            error_logger:error_msg(
+                "[~w] ~w connect failed (~w), trying again in ~w ms~n",
+                [self(), TSvc, Msg, ReconnTime]
+            ),
+            erlang:send_after(ReconnTime, self(), try_connect),
+            State#state{client = nil, reconn_time = ReconnTime}
+    end.
-  case catch thrift_client_util:new( Host, Port, TSvc, TOpts ) of
-    { ok, Client } ->
-      State#state{ client = Client, reconn_time = 0 };
-    { E, Msg } when E == error; E == exception ->
-      ReconnTime = reconn_time( State ),
-      error_logger:error_msg( "[~w] ~w connect failed (~w), trying again in ~w ms~n",
-                              [ self(), TSvc, Msg, ReconnTime ] ),
-      erlang:send_after( ReconnTime, self(), try_connect ),
-      State#state{ client = nil, reconn_time = ReconnTime }
-  end.
-reconn_time( #state{ reconn_min = ReconnMin, reconn_time = 0 } ) ->
-  ReconnMin;
-reconn_time( #state{ reconn_max = ReconnMax, reconn_time = ReconnMax } ) ->
-  ReconnMax;
-reconn_time( #state{ reconn_max = ReconnMax, reconn_time = R } ) ->
-  Backoff = 2 * R,
-  case Backoff > ReconnMax of
-    true  -> ReconnMax;
-    false -> Backoff
-  end.
+reconn_time(#state{reconn_min = ReconnMin, reconn_time = 0}) ->
+    ReconnMin;
+reconn_time(#state{reconn_max = ReconnMax, reconn_time = ReconnMax}) ->
+    ReconnMax;
+reconn_time(#state{reconn_max = ReconnMax, reconn_time = R}) ->
+    Backoff = 2 * R,
+    case Backoff > ReconnMax of
+        true -> ReconnMax;
+        false -> Backoff
+    end.
 timer_fun() ->
-  T1 = erlang:monotonic_time(),
-  fun() ->
-    T2 = erlang:monotonic_time(),
-    erlang:convert_time_unit(T2 - T1, native, micro_seconds)
-  end.
+    T1 = erlang:monotonic_time(),
+    fun() ->
+        T2 = erlang:monotonic_time(),
+        erlang:convert_time_unit(T2 - T1, native, micro_seconds)
+    end.
 timer_fun() ->
-  T1 = erlang:timestamp(),
-  fun() ->
-    T2 = erlang:timestamp(),
-    timer:now_diff(T2, T1)
-  end.
+    T1 = erlang:timestamp(),
+    fun() ->
+        T2 = erlang:timestamp(),
+        timer:now_diff(T2, T1)
+    end.
-incr_stats( Op, Result, Time,
-            State = #state{ op_cnt_dict  = OpCntDict,
-                            op_time_dict = OpTimeDict } ) ->
-  Key = lists:flatten( [ atom_to_list( Op ), [ "_" | Result ] ] ),
-  State#state{ op_cnt_dict  = dict:update_counter( Key, 1, OpCntDict ),
-               op_time_dict = dict:update_counter( Key, Time, OpTimeDict ) }.
+    Op,
+    Result,
+    Time,
+    State = #state{
+        op_cnt_dict = OpCntDict,
+        op_time_dict = OpTimeDict
+    }
+) ->
+    Key = lists:flatten([atom_to_list(Op), ["_" | Result]]),
+    State#state{
+        op_cnt_dict = dict:update_counter(Key, 1, OpCntDict),
+        op_time_dict = dict:update_counter(Key, Time, OpTimeDict)
+    }.
+    thrift_svc = TSvc,
+    op_cnt_dict = OpCntDict,
+    op_time_dict = OpTimeDict
+}) ->
+    Svc = atom_to_list(TSvc),
-stats( #state{ thrift_svc   = TSvc,
-               op_cnt_dict  = OpCntDict,
-               op_time_dict = OpTimeDict } ) ->
-  Svc = atom_to_list(TSvc),
+    F = fun(Key, Count, Stats) ->
+        Name = lists:flatten([Svc, ["_" | Key]]),
+        Micros = dict:fetch(Key, OpTimeDict),
+        [{Name, Count, Micros} | Stats]
+    end,
-  F = fun( Key, Count, Stats ) ->
-        Name = lists:flatten( [ Svc, [ "_" | Key ] ] ),
-        Micros = dict:fetch( Key, OpTimeDict ),
-        [ { Name, Count, Micros } | Stats ]
-      end,
+    dict:fold(F, [], OpCntDict).
-  dict:fold( F, [], OpCntDict ).
-reset_stats( State = #state{} ) ->
-  State#state{ op_cnt_dict = dict:new(), op_time_dict = dict:new() }.
+reset_stats(State = #state{}) ->
+    State#state{op_cnt_dict = dict:new(), op_time_dict = dict:new()}.