THRIFT-5635 Update erlang client for Erlang 23-25
Client: erl
Patch: Sergey Yelin

This closes #2677

Summary of changes:
 - Add useful compiler options
 - Format sources using erlfmt
 - Switch to modern callbacks in thrift_* modules
 - Add static analysis (dialyzer), disabled by default
 - Add/fix types for API calls

NOTE: Enabling static analysis requires additional tweaks in multiplexer module.
diff --git a/lib/erl/rebar.config b/lib/erl/rebar.config
index b5258a2..c3149b4 100644
--- a/lib/erl/rebar.config
+++ b/lib/erl/rebar.config
@@ -1,8 +1,55 @@
-{erl_opts, [debug_info]}.
+%% Common project erlang options.
+{erl_opts, [
+    % mandatory
+    debug_info,
+    warn_export_all,
+    warn_untyped_record,
+    warn_export_vars,
+    % by default
+    warn_unused_record,
+    warn_bif_clash,
+    warn_obsolete_guard,
+    warn_unused_vars,
+    warn_shadow_vars,
+    warn_unused_import,
+    warn_unused_function,
+    warn_deprecated_function
+%% XRef checks
+{xref_checks, [
+    deprecated_functions_calls,
+    deprecated_functions
+%% Dialyzer static analyzing
+{dialyzer, [
+    {warnings, [
+        % mandatory
+        unmatched_returns,
+        error_handling,
+        unknown
+        % hardcore mode
+        % overspecs,
+        % underspecs
+    ]},
+    {plt_extra_apps, [ssl, inets, public_key]}
+{plugins, [
+    {erlfmt, "1.1.0"}
+{erlfmt, [
+    {print_width, 100},
+    {files, "{src,include,test}/*.{hrl,erl,app.src}"}
 {profiles, [
     {test, [
-        {deps, [meck]},
+        {deps, [{meck, "0.9.2"}]},
         {eunit_tests, [
             {dir, "test"},
             {dir, "test/gen-erl"}