markdown compiler added
Client: md
Patch: Kashirin Alex

This closes #2241
diff --git a/compiler/cpp/CMakeLists.txt b/compiler/cpp/CMakeLists.txt
index a65a419..0675f0e 100644
--- a/compiler/cpp/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/compiler/cpp/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -85,6 +85,7 @@
 THRIFT_ADD_COMPILER(haxe    "Enable compiler for Haxe" ON)
 THRIFT_ADD_COMPILER(hs      "Enable compiler for Haskell" ON)
 THRIFT_ADD_COMPILER(html    "Enable compiler for HTML Documentation" ON)
+THRIFT_ADD_COMPILER(markdown "Enable compiler for Markdown Documentation" ON)
 THRIFT_ADD_COMPILER(java    "Enable compiler for Java"   ON)
 THRIFT_ADD_COMPILER(javame  "Enable compiler for Java ME" ON)
 THRIFT_ADD_COMPILER(js      "Enable compiler for JavaScript" ON)
diff --git a/compiler/cpp/ b/compiler/cpp/
index 5c0949e..16514ca 100644
--- a/compiler/cpp/
+++ b/compiler/cpp/
@@ -82,6 +82,7 @@
                   src/thrift/generate/ \
                   src/thrift/generate/ \
                   src/thrift/generate/ \
+                  src/thrift/generate/ \
                   src/thrift/generate/ \
                   src/thrift/generate/ \
                   src/thrift/generate/ \
diff --git a/compiler/cpp/compiler.vcxproj b/compiler/cpp/compiler.vcxproj
index 79045d7..545c518 100644
--- a/compiler/cpp/compiler.vcxproj
+++ b/compiler/cpp/compiler.vcxproj
@@ -67,6 +67,7 @@
     <ClCompile Include="src\thrift\generate\" />
     <ClCompile Include="src\thrift\generate\" />
     <ClCompile Include="src\thrift\generate\" />
+    <ClCompile Include="src\thrift\generate\" />
     <ClCompile Include="src\thrift\generate\" />
     <ClCompile Include="src\thrift\generate\" />
     <ClCompile Include="src\thrift\generate\" />
diff --git a/compiler/cpp/compiler.vcxproj.filters b/compiler/cpp/compiler.vcxproj.filters
index 75ab292..360c446 100644
--- a/compiler/cpp/compiler.vcxproj.filters
+++ b/compiler/cpp/compiler.vcxproj.filters
@@ -134,6 +134,9 @@
     <ClCompile Include="src\generate\">
+    <ClCompile Include="src\generate\">
+      <Filter>generate</Filter>
+    </ClCompile>
     <ClCompile Include="src\generate\">
diff --git a/compiler/cpp/src/thrift/generate/ b/compiler/cpp/src/thrift/generate/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..17e90f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/cpp/src/thrift/generate/
@@ -0,0 +1,1110 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+#include <string>
+#include <fstream>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <vector>
+#include <map>
+#include <array>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <sstream>
+#include "thrift/platform.h"
+#include "thrift/generate/t_generator.h"
+using std::map;
+using std::ofstream;
+using std::ostringstream;
+using std::pair;
+using std::string;
+using std::stringstream;
+using std::vector;
+static const char endl = '\n'; // avoid ostream << std::endl flushes
+ * MARKDOWN code generator
+ *
+ * mostly copy/pasting/tweaking from t_html_generator's work.
+ */
+class t_markdown_generator : public t_generator {
+enum input_type { INPUT_UNKNOWN, INPUT_UTF8, INPUT_PLAIN };
+  t_markdown_generator(t_program* program,
+                       const std::map<std::string, std::string>& parsed_options,
+                       const std::string& option_string)
+    : t_generator(program) {
+    (void)option_string;
+    std::map<std::string, std::string>::const_iterator iter;
+    unsafe_ = false;
+    for( iter = parsed_options.begin(); iter != parsed_options.end(); ++iter) {
+      if( iter->"noescape") == 0) {
+        unsafe_ = true;
+      } else if( iter->"suffix") == 0 && !iter->second.empty()) {
+        extension_ = "." + iter->second;
+      } else {
+        throw "unknown option markdown:" + iter->first;
+      }
+    }
+    out_dir_base_ = "gen-markdown";
+    input_type_ = INPUT_UNKNOWN;
+    escape_.clear();
+    escape_['&'] = "&amp;";
+    escape_['<'] = "&lt;";
+    escape_['>'] = "&gt;";
+    escape_['"'] = "&quot;";
+    escape_['\''] = "&apos;";
+    init_allowed__markup();
+  }
+  void generate_program() override;
+  void generate_program_toc();
+  void generate_program_toc_row(t_program* tprog);
+  void generate_program_toc_rows(t_program* tprog, std::vector<t_program*>& finished);
+  void generate_index();
+  std::string escape_html(std::string const& str);
+  std::string escape_html_tags(std::string const& str);
+  std::string make_file_link(std::string name);
+  std::string make_file_name(std::string name);
+  bool is_utf8_sequence(std::string const& str, size_t firstpos);
+  void detect_input_encoding(std::string const& str, size_t firstpos);
+  void init_allowed__markup();
+  /**
+   * Program-level generation functions
+   */
+  void generate_typedef(t_typedef* ttypedef) override;
+  void generate_enum(t_enum* tenum) override;
+  void generate_const(t_const* tconst) override;
+  void generate_struct(t_struct* tstruct) override;
+  void generate_service(t_service* tservice) override;
+  void generate_xception(t_struct* txception) override;
+  void print_doc(t_doc* tdoc);
+  int print_type(t_type* ttype);
+  void print_const_value(t_type* type, t_const_value* tvalue);
+  void print_fn_args_doc(t_function* tfunction);
+  std::string str_to_id(const std::string& s);
+  ofstream_with_content_based_conditional_update f_out_;
+  std::string current_file_;
+  input_type input_type_;
+  std::map<std::string, int> allowed_markup;
+  bool unsafe_;
+  std::string extension_;
+ * string to markdown-id link reference 
+ */
+std::string t_markdown_generator::str_to_id(const std::string& s) {
+  std::string id;
+  for(auto chr=s.begin();chr<=s.end(); ++chr) {
+    if(*chr == '.' || *chr == 0)
+      continue;
+    id += tolower(*chr); 
+  }
+  return id;
+ * Emits the Table of Contents links at the top of the module's page
+ */
+void t_markdown_generator::generate_program_toc() {
+  f_out_ << "| Module | Services & Functions | Data types | Constants |" << endl 
+         << "| --- | --- | --- | --- |" << endl;
+  generate_program_toc_row(program_);
+  f_out_ << endl;
+ * Recurses through from the provided program and generates a ToC row
+ * for each discovered program exactly once by maintaining the list of
+ * completed rows in 'finished'
+ */
+void t_markdown_generator::generate_program_toc_rows(t_program* tprog,
+                                                     std::vector<t_program*>& finished) {
+  for (auto & iter : finished) {
+    if (tprog->get_path() == iter->get_path()) {
+      return;
+    }
+  }
+  finished.push_back(tprog);
+  generate_program_toc_row(tprog);
+  vector<t_program*> includes = tprog->get_includes();
+  for (auto & include : includes) {
+    generate_program_toc_rows(include, finished);
+  }
+ * Emits the Table of Contents links at the top of the module's page
+ */
+void t_markdown_generator::generate_program_toc_row(t_program* tprog) {
+  // "| Module | Services | Data types | Constants |
+  vector<std::array<string, 4>> filling;
+  string fname = make_file_name(tprog->get_name());
+  filling.emplace_back();
+  auto fill = &filling.back();
+  (*fill)[0] = tprog->get_name();
+  if (!tprog->get_services().empty()) {
+    vector<t_service*> services = tprog->get_services();
+    vector<t_service*>::iterator sv_iter;
+    for (sv_iter = services.begin(); sv_iter != services.end(); ++sv_iter) {
+      if(sv_iter != services.begin()) {
+        filling.emplace_back();
+        fill = &filling.back();
+      }
+      string name = get_service_name(*sv_iter);
+      (*fill)[1] = "[" + name + "](" 
+        + make_file_link(fname) 
+        + "#service-" + str_to_id(name) + ")";
+      vector<t_function*> functions = (*sv_iter)->get_functions();
+      vector<t_function*>::iterator fn_iter;
+      for (fn_iter = functions.begin(); fn_iter != functions.end(); ++fn_iter) {   
+        string fn_name = (*fn_iter)->get_name(); 
+        filling.emplace_back();
+        fill = &filling.back();
+        (*fill)[1] = "	[ &bull; " + fn_name + "](" 
+          + make_file_link(fname) 
+          + "#function-" + str_to_id(name + fn_name) + ")";
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  // Data Types Column 
+  auto it_fill = filling.begin();
+  if (!tprog->get_enums().empty()) {
+    vector<t_enum*> enums = tprog->get_enums();
+    vector<t_enum*>::iterator en_iter;
+    for (en_iter = enums.begin(); en_iter != enums.end(); ++en_iter) {
+      if(it_fill == filling.end()) {
+        filling.emplace_back();
+        fill = &filling.back();
+        it_fill = filling.end();
+      } else {
+        fill = &*it_fill;
+        ++it_fill;
+      }
+      string name = (*en_iter)->get_name();
+      (*fill)[2] = "[" + name + "](" 
+        + make_file_link(fname) 
+        + "#enumeration-" + str_to_id(name) + ")";
+    }
+  }
+  if (!tprog->get_typedefs().empty()) {
+    vector<t_typedef*> typedefs = tprog->get_typedefs();
+    vector<t_typedef*>::iterator td_iter;
+    for (td_iter = typedefs.begin(); td_iter != typedefs.end(); ++td_iter) {
+      if(it_fill == filling.end()) {
+        filling.emplace_back();
+        fill = &filling.back();
+        it_fill = filling.end();
+      } else {
+        fill = &*it_fill;
+        ++it_fill;
+      }
+      string name = (*td_iter)->get_symbolic();
+      (*fill)[2] = "[" + name + "](" 
+        + make_file_link(fname) 
+        + "#typedef-" + str_to_id(name) + ")";
+    }
+  }
+  if (!tprog->get_objects().empty()) {
+    vector<t_struct*> objects = tprog->get_objects();
+    vector<t_struct*>::iterator o_iter;
+    for (o_iter = objects.begin(); o_iter != objects.end(); ++o_iter) {      
+      if(it_fill == filling.end()) {
+        filling.emplace_back();
+        fill = &filling.back();
+        it_fill = filling.end();
+      } else {
+        fill = &*it_fill;
+        ++it_fill;
+      }
+      string name = (*o_iter)->get_name();
+      (*fill)[2] = "[" + name + "](" + make_file_link(fname);
+      if ((*o_iter)->is_xception()) {
+        (*fill)[2] += "#exception-";
+      } else if ((*o_iter)->is_struct() && (*o_iter)->is_union()) {
+        (*fill)[2] += "#union-";
+      } else {
+        (*fill)[2] += "#struct-";
+      }
+      (*fill)[2] += str_to_id(name) + ")";
+    }
+  }
+  // Constants Column 
+  it_fill = filling.begin();
+  if (!tprog->get_consts().empty()) {
+    map<string, string> const_markdown;
+    vector<t_const*> consts = tprog->get_consts();
+    vector<t_const*>::iterator con_iter;
+    for (con_iter = consts.begin(); con_iter != consts.end(); ++con_iter) {
+      if(it_fill == filling.end()) {
+        filling.emplace_back();
+        fill = &filling.back();
+        it_fill = filling.end();
+      } else {
+        fill = &*it_fill;
+        ++it_fill;
+      }
+      string name = (*con_iter)->get_name();
+      (*fill)[3] = "[" + name + "](" 
+        + make_file_link(fname) 
+        + "#constant-" + str_to_id(name) + ")";
+    }
+  }
+  for(auto& fill : filling) {
+    for(auto& c : fill)
+      f_out_ << '|' << c;  
+    f_out_ << '|' << endl;
+  }
+  f_out_ << endl;
+ * Prepares for file generation by opening up the necessary file output
+ * stream.
+ */
+void t_markdown_generator::generate_program() {
+  // Make output directory
+  MKDIR(get_out_dir().c_str());
+  string pname = program_->get_name();
+  current_file_ = make_file_name(pname);
+  string fname = get_out_dir() + current_file_;
+  f_out_ << "# Thrift module: " << pname << endl << endl;
+  print_doc(program_);
+  f_out_ << endl << endl;
+  generate_program_toc();
+  if (!program_->get_consts().empty()) {
+    f_out_ << "***" << endl << "## Constants" << endl << endl;
+    vector<t_const*> consts = program_->get_consts();
+    f_out_ << "|Constant|Type|Value||" << endl
+           << "|---|---|---|---|" << endl;
+    generate_consts(consts);
+    f_out_ << endl;
+  }
+  if (!program_->get_enums().empty()) {
+    f_out_ << "***" << endl << "## Enumerations" << endl << endl;
+    // Generate enums
+    vector<t_enum*> enums = program_->get_enums();
+    vector<t_enum*>::iterator en_iter;
+    for (en_iter = enums.begin(); en_iter != enums.end(); ++en_iter) {
+      generate_enum(*en_iter);
+    }
+  }
+  if (!program_->get_typedefs().empty()) {
+    f_out_ << "***" << endl << "## Type declarations" << endl << endl;
+    // Generate typedefs
+    vector<t_typedef*> typedefs = program_->get_typedefs();
+    vector<t_typedef*>::iterator td_iter;
+    for (td_iter = typedefs.begin(); td_iter != typedefs.end(); ++td_iter) {
+      generate_typedef(*td_iter);
+    }
+  }
+  if (!program_->get_objects().empty()) {
+    f_out_ << "***" << endl << "## Data structures" << endl << endl;
+    // Generate structs and exceptions in declared order
+    vector<t_struct*> objects = program_->get_objects();
+    vector<t_struct*>::iterator o_iter;
+    for (o_iter = objects.begin(); o_iter != objects.end(); ++o_iter) {
+      if ((*o_iter)->is_xception()) {
+        generate_xception(*o_iter);
+      } else {
+        generate_struct(*o_iter);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  if (!program_->get_services().empty()) {
+    f_out_ << "***" << endl << "## Services" << endl << endl;
+    // Generate services
+    vector<t_service*> services = program_->get_services();
+    vector<t_service*>::iterator sv_iter;
+    for (sv_iter = services.begin(); sv_iter != services.end(); ++sv_iter) {
+      service_name_ = get_service_name(*sv_iter);
+      generate_service(*sv_iter);
+    }
+  }
+  f_out_ << endl;
+  f_out_.close();
+  generate_index();
+ * Emits the index(.ext) file for the recursive set of Thrift programs
+ */
+void t_markdown_generator::generate_index() {
+  current_file_ = make_file_name("index");
+  string index_fname = get_out_dir() + current_file_;
+  f_out_ << "# Thrift declarations" << endl;
+  f_out_ << "| Module | Services & Functions | Data types | Constants |" 
+         << endl 
+         << "| --- | --- | --- | --- |" 
+         << endl;
+  vector<t_program*> programs;
+  generate_program_toc_rows(program_, programs);
+  f_out_ << endl;
+  f_out_.close();
+ * Returns the target file for a <a href> link
+ * The returned string is empty, whenever filename refers to the current file.
+ */
+std::string t_markdown_generator::make_file_link(std::string filename) {
+  return ( != 0) ? filename : "";
+ * Returns the target file for a <a href> link
+ * The returned string is empty, whenever filename refers to the current file.
+ */
+std::string t_markdown_generator::make_file_name(std::string filename) {
+  return extension_.empty() ? filename : (filename + extension_);
+ * If the provided documentable object has documentation attached, this
+ * will emit it to the output stream in HTML format.
+ */
+void t_markdown_generator::print_doc(t_doc* tdoc) {
+  if (tdoc->has_doc()) {
+    if (unsafe_) {
+      f_out_ << tdoc->get_doc();
+    } else {
+      f_out_ << escape_html(tdoc->get_doc());
+    }
+  }
+bool t_markdown_generator::is_utf8_sequence(std::string const& str, size_t firstpos) {
+  // leading char determines the length of the sequence
+  unsigned char c =;
+  int count = 0;
+  if ((c & 0xE0) == 0xC0) {
+    count = 1;
+  } else if ((c & 0xF0) == 0xE0) {
+    count = 2;
+  } else if ((c & 0xF8) == 0xF0) {
+    count = 3;
+  } else if ((c & 0xFC) == 0xF8) {
+    count = 4;
+  } else if ((c & 0xFE) == 0xFC) {
+    count = 5;
+  } else {
+    // pdebug("UTF-8 test: char '%c' (%d) is not a valid UTF-8 leading byte", c, int(c));
+    return false; // no UTF-8
+  }
+  // following chars
+  size_t pos = firstpos + 1;
+  while ((pos < str.length()) && (0 < count)) {
+    c =;
+    if ((c & 0xC0) != 0x80) {
+      // pdebug("UTF-8 test: char '%c' (%d) is not a valid UTF-8 following byte", c, int(c));
+      return false; // no UTF-8
+    }
+    --count;
+    ++pos;
+  }
+  // true if the sequence is complete
+  return (0 == count);
+void t_markdown_generator::detect_input_encoding(std::string const& str, size_t firstpos) {
+  if (is_utf8_sequence(str, firstpos)) {
+    pdebug("Input seems to be already UTF-8 encoded");
+    input_type_ = INPUT_UTF8;
+    return;
+  }
+  // fallback
+  pwarning(1, "Input is not UTF-8, treating as plain ANSI");
+  input_type_ = INPUT_PLAIN;
+void t_markdown_generator::init_allowed__markup() {
+  allowed_markup.clear();
+  // standalone tags
+  allowed_markup["br"] = 1;
+  allowed_markup["br/"] = 1;
+  allowed_markup["img"] = 1;
+  // paired tags
+  allowed_markup["b"] = 1;
+  allowed_markup["/b"] = 1;
+  allowed_markup["u"] = 1;
+  allowed_markup["/u"] = 1;
+  allowed_markup["i"] = 1;
+  allowed_markup["/i"] = 1;
+  allowed_markup["s"] = 1;
+  allowed_markup["/s"] = 1;
+  allowed_markup["big"] = 1;
+  allowed_markup["/big"] = 1;
+  allowed_markup["small"] = 1;
+  allowed_markup["/small"] = 1;
+  allowed_markup["sup"] = 1;
+  allowed_markup["/sup"] = 1;
+  allowed_markup["sub"] = 1;
+  allowed_markup["/sub"] = 1;
+  allowed_markup["pre"] = 1;
+  allowed_markup["/pre"] = 1;
+  allowed_markup["tt"] = 1;
+  allowed_markup["/tt"] = 1;
+  allowed_markup["ul"] = 1;
+  allowed_markup["/ul"] = 1;
+  allowed_markup["ol"] = 1;
+  allowed_markup["/ol"] = 1;
+  allowed_markup["li"] = 1;
+  allowed_markup["/li"] = 1;
+  allowed_markup["a"] = 1;
+  allowed_markup["/a"] = 1;
+  allowed_markup["p"] = 1;
+  allowed_markup["/p"] = 1;
+  allowed_markup["code"] = 1;
+  allowed_markup["/code"] = 1;
+  allowed_markup["dl"] = 1;
+  allowed_markup["/dl"] = 1;
+  allowed_markup["dt"] = 1;
+  allowed_markup["/dt"] = 1;
+  allowed_markup["dd"] = 1;
+  allowed_markup["/dd"] = 1;
+  allowed_markup["h1"] = 1;
+  allowed_markup["/h1"] = 1;
+  allowed_markup["h2"] = 1;
+  allowed_markup["/h2"] = 1;
+  allowed_markup["h3"] = 1;
+  allowed_markup["/h3"] = 1;
+  allowed_markup["h4"] = 1;
+  allowed_markup["/h4"] = 1;
+  allowed_markup["h5"] = 1;
+  allowed_markup["/h5"] = 1;
+  allowed_markup["h6"] = 1;
+  allowed_markup["/h6"] = 1;
+std::string t_markdown_generator::escape_html_tags(std::string const& str) {
+  std::ostringstream result;
+  unsigned char c = '?';
+  size_t lastpos;
+  size_t firstpos = 0;
+  while (firstpos < str.length()) {
+    // look for non-ASCII char
+    lastpos = firstpos;
+    while (lastpos < str.length()) {
+      c =;
+      if (('<' == c) || ('>' == c)) {
+        break;
+      }
+      ++lastpos;
+    }
+    // copy what we got so far
+    if (lastpos > firstpos) {
+      result << str.substr(firstpos, lastpos - firstpos);
+      firstpos = lastpos;
+    }
+    // reached the end?
+    if (firstpos >= str.length()) {
+      break;
+    }
+    // tag end without corresponding begin
+    ++firstpos;
+    if ('>' == c) {
+      result << "&gt;";
+      continue;
+    }
+    // extract the tag
+    std::ostringstream tagstream;
+    while (firstpos < str.length()) {
+      c =;
+      ++firstpos;
+      if ('<' == c) {
+        tagstream << "&lt;"; // nested begin?
+      } else if ('>' == c) {
+        break;
+      } else {
+        tagstream << c; // not very efficient, but tags should be quite short
+      }
+    }
+    // we allow for several markup in docstrings, all else will become escaped
+    string tag_content = tagstream.str();
+    string tag_key = tag_content;
+    size_t first_white = tag_key.find_first_of(" \t\f\v\n\r");
+    if (first_white != string::npos) {
+      tag_key.erase(first_white);
+    }
+    for (char & i : tag_key) {
+      i = tolower(i);
+    }
+    if (allowed_markup.find(tag_key) != allowed_markup.end()) {
+      result << "<" << tag_content << ">";
+    } else {
+      result << "&lt;" << tagstream.str() << "&gt;";
+      pverbose("illegal markup <%s> in doc-comment\n", tag_key.c_str());
+    }
+  }
+  return result.str();
+std::string t_markdown_generator::escape_html(std::string const& str) {
+  // the generated HTML header says it is UTF-8 encoded
+  // if UTF-8 input has been detected before, we don't need to change anything
+  //if (input_type_ == INPUT_UTF8) {
+  //  return escape_html_tags(str);
+  //}
+  // convert unsafe chars to their &#<num>; equivalent
+  std::ostringstream result;
+  unsigned char c = '?';
+  unsigned int ic = 0;
+  size_t lastpos;
+  size_t firstpos = 0;
+  while (firstpos < str.length()) {
+    // look for non-ASCII char
+    lastpos = firstpos;
+    while (lastpos < str.length()) {
+      c =;
+      ic = c;
+      if ((32 > ic) || (127 < ic)) {
+        break;
+      }
+      ++lastpos;
+    }
+    // copy what we got so far
+    if (lastpos > firstpos) {
+      result << str.substr(firstpos, lastpos - firstpos);
+      firstpos = lastpos;
+    }
+    // reached the end?
+    if (firstpos >= str.length()) {
+      break;
+    }
+    // some control code?
+    if (ic <= 31) {
+      switch (c) {
+      case '\r':
+      case '\n':
+      case '\t':
+        result << ' ';
+        break;
+      default: // silently consume all other ctrl chars
+        break;
+      }
+      ++firstpos;
+      continue;
+    }
+    // reached the end?
+    if (firstpos >= str.length()) {
+      break;
+    }
+    // try to detect input encoding
+    if (input_type_ == INPUT_UNKNOWN) {
+      detect_input_encoding(str, firstpos);
+      if (input_type_ == INPUT_UTF8) {
+        lastpos = str.length();
+        result << str.substr(firstpos, lastpos - firstpos);
+        break;
+      }
+    }
+    // convert the character to something useful based on the detected encoding
+    switch (input_type_) {
+    case INPUT_PLAIN:
+      result << "&#" << ic << ";";
+      ++firstpos;
+      break;
+    default:
+      throw "Unexpected or unrecognized input encoding";
+    }
+  }
+  return escape_html_tags(result.str());
+ * Prints out the provided type in Markdown
+ */
+int t_markdown_generator::print_type(t_type* ttype) {
+  std::string::size_type len = 0;
+  if (ttype->is_container()) {
+    if (ttype->is_list()) {
+      f_out_ << "list&lt;";
+      len = 6 + print_type(((t_list*)ttype)->get_elem_type());
+      f_out_ << "&gt;";
+    } else if (ttype->is_set()) {
+      f_out_ << "set&lt;";
+      len = 5 + print_type(((t_set*)ttype)->get_elem_type());
+      f_out_ << "&gt;";
+    } else if (ttype->is_map()) {
+      f_out_ << "map&lt;";
+      len = 5 + print_type(((t_map*)ttype)->get_key_type());
+      f_out_ << ", ";
+      len += print_type(((t_map*)ttype)->get_val_type());
+      f_out_ << "&gt;";
+    }
+  } else if (ttype->is_base_type()) {
+    f_out_ << "```" << (ttype->is_binary() ? "binary" : ttype->get_name()) 
+           << "```";
+    len = ttype->get_name().size();
+  } else {
+    string prog_name = ttype->get_program()->get_name();
+    string type_name = ttype->get_name();
+    f_out_ << "[```" << type_name << "```](" 
+           << make_file_link(make_file_name(prog_name)) << "#";
+    if (ttype->is_typedef()) {
+      f_out_ << "typedef-";
+    } else if (ttype->is_xception()) {
+      f_out_ << "exception-";
+    } else if (ttype->is_struct()) {
+      if(((t_struct*)ttype)->is_union())
+        f_out_ << "union-";
+      else
+        f_out_ << "struct-";
+    } else if (ttype->is_enum()) {
+      f_out_ << "enumeration-";
+    } else if (ttype->is_service()) {
+      f_out_ << "service-";
+    }
+    len = type_name.size();
+    if (ttype->get_program() != program_) {
+      f_out_ << str_to_id(prog_name); 
+      len += prog_name.size() + 1;
+    }
+    f_out_ <<  str_to_id(type_name) << ')';
+  }
+  return (int)len;
+ * Prints out an Markdown representation of the provided constant value
+ */
+void t_markdown_generator::print_const_value(t_type* type, t_const_value* tvalue) {
+  // if tvalue is an identifier, the constant content is already shown elsewhere
+  if (tvalue->get_type() == t_const_value::CV_IDENTIFIER) {
+    string fname = make_file_name(program_->get_name());
+    string name = escape_html(tvalue->get_identifier());
+    f_out_ << "[```" << name << "```](" 
+      + make_file_link(fname) 
+      + "#constant-" + str_to_id(name) + ")";
+    return;
+  }
+  t_type* truetype = type;
+  while (truetype->is_typedef()) {
+    truetype = ((t_typedef*)truetype)->get_type();
+  }
+  bool first = true;
+  if (truetype->is_base_type()) {
+    t_base_type::t_base tbase = ((t_base_type*)truetype)->get_base();
+    f_out_ << "```";
+    switch (tbase) {
+    case t_base_type::TYPE_STRING: 
+      f_out_ << escape_html(get_escaped_string(tvalue));
+      break;
+    case t_base_type::TYPE_BOOL:
+      f_out_ << ((tvalue->get_integer() != 0) ? "true" : "false");
+      break;
+    case t_base_type::TYPE_I8:
+      f_out_ << tvalue->get_integer();
+      break;
+    case t_base_type::TYPE_I16:
+      f_out_ << tvalue->get_integer();
+      break;
+    case t_base_type::TYPE_I32:
+      f_out_ << tvalue->get_integer();
+      break;
+    case t_base_type::TYPE_I64:
+      f_out_ << tvalue->get_integer();
+      break;
+    case t_base_type::TYPE_DOUBLE:
+      if (tvalue->get_type() == t_const_value::CV_INTEGER) {
+        f_out_ << tvalue->get_integer();
+      } else {
+        f_out_ << tvalue->get_double();
+      }
+      break;
+    default:
+      f_out_ << "UNKNOWN BASE TYPE";
+      break;
+    }
+    f_out_ << "```";
+  } else if (truetype->is_enum()) {
+    f_out_ << escape_html(truetype->get_name()) << "."
+           << escape_html(tvalue->get_identifier_name());
+  } else if (truetype->is_struct() || truetype->is_xception()) {
+    f_out_ << "{ ";
+    const vector<t_field*>& fields = ((t_struct*)truetype)->get_members();
+    vector<t_field*>::const_iterator f_iter;
+    const map<t_const_value*, t_const_value*, t_const_value::value_compare>& val = tvalue->get_map();
+    map<t_const_value*, t_const_value*, t_const_value::value_compare>::const_iterator v_iter;
+    for (v_iter = val.begin(); v_iter != val.end(); ++v_iter) {
+      t_type* field_type = nullptr;
+      for (f_iter = fields.begin(); f_iter != fields.end(); ++f_iter) {
+        if ((*f_iter)->get_name() == v_iter->first->get_string()) {
+          field_type = (*f_iter)->get_type();
+        }
+      }
+      if (field_type == nullptr) {
+        throw "type error: " + truetype->get_name() + " has no field "
+            + v_iter->first->get_string();
+      }
+      if (!first) {
+        f_out_ << ", ";
+      }
+      first = false;
+      f_out_ << escape_html(v_iter->first->get_string()) << " = ";
+      print_const_value(field_type, v_iter->second);
+    }
+    f_out_ << " }";
+  } else if (truetype->is_map()) {
+    f_out_ << "{ ";
+    map<t_const_value*, t_const_value*, t_const_value::value_compare> map_elems = tvalue->get_map();
+    map<t_const_value*, t_const_value*, t_const_value::value_compare>::iterator map_iter;
+    for (map_iter = map_elems.begin(); map_iter != map_elems.end(); map_iter++) {
+      if (!first) {
+        f_out_ << ", ";
+      }
+      first = false;
+      print_const_value(((t_map*)truetype)->get_key_type(), map_iter->first);
+      f_out_ << " = ";
+      print_const_value(((t_map*)truetype)->get_val_type(), map_iter->second);
+    }
+    f_out_ << " }";
+  } else if (truetype->is_list()) {
+    f_out_ << "{ ";
+    vector<t_const_value*> list_elems = tvalue->get_list();
+    ;
+    vector<t_const_value*>::iterator list_iter;
+    for (list_iter = list_elems.begin(); list_iter != list_elems.end(); list_iter++) {
+      if (!first) {
+        f_out_ << ", ";
+      }
+      first = false;
+      print_const_value(((t_list*)truetype)->get_elem_type(), *list_iter);
+    }
+    f_out_ << " }";
+  } else if (truetype->is_set()) {
+    f_out_ << "{ ";
+    vector<t_const_value*> list_elems = tvalue->get_list();
+    ;
+    vector<t_const_value*>::iterator list_iter;
+    for (list_iter = list_elems.begin(); list_iter != list_elems.end(); list_iter++) {
+      if (!first) {
+        f_out_ << ", ";
+      }
+      first = false;
+      print_const_value(((t_set*)truetype)->get_elem_type(), *list_iter);
+    }
+    f_out_ << " }";
+  } else {
+    f_out_ << "UNKNOWN TYPE";
+  }
+ * Prints out documentation for arguments/exceptions of a function, if any documentation has been
+ * supplied.
+ */
+void t_markdown_generator::print_fn_args_doc(t_function* tfunction) {
+  bool has_docs = false;
+  vector<t_field*> args = tfunction->get_arglist()->get_members();
+  vector<t_field*>::iterator arg_iter = args.begin();
+  if (arg_iter != args.end()) {
+    for (; arg_iter != args.end(); arg_iter++) {
+      if ((*arg_iter)->has_doc() && !(*arg_iter)->get_doc().empty()) {
+        has_docs = true;
+        break;
+      }
+    }
+    if (has_docs) {
+      arg_iter = args.begin();
+      f_out_ << endl << "* parameters:" << endl;
+      for (int n = 1; arg_iter != args.end(); ++arg_iter, ++n ) {
+        f_out_ << n << ". " << (*arg_iter)->get_name();
+        f_out_ << " - " << escape_html((*arg_iter)->get_doc());
+        f_out_ << endl;
+      }
+      f_out_ << endl;
+    }
+  }
+  if(!has_docs) 
+    f_out_ << endl;
+  has_docs = false;
+  vector<t_field*> excepts = tfunction->get_xceptions()->get_members();
+  vector<t_field*>::iterator ex_iter = excepts.begin();
+  if (ex_iter != excepts.end()) {
+    for (; ex_iter != excepts.end(); ++ex_iter) {
+      if ((*ex_iter)->has_doc() && !(*ex_iter)->get_doc().empty()) {
+        has_docs = true;
+        break;
+      }
+    }
+    if (has_docs) {
+      ex_iter = excepts.begin();
+      f_out_ << "* exceptions:" << endl;
+      for (; ex_iter != excepts.end(); ex_iter++) {
+        f_out_ << "  * " << (*ex_iter)->get_type()->get_name();
+        f_out_ << " - ";
+        f_out_ << escape_html((*ex_iter)->get_doc());
+        f_out_ << endl;
+      }
+      f_out_ << endl;
+    }
+  }
+ * Generates a typedef.
+ *
+ * @param ttypedef The type definition
+ */
+void t_markdown_generator::generate_typedef(t_typedef* ttypedef) {
+  string name = ttypedef->get_name();
+  f_out_ << "### Typedef: " << name  << endl;
+  print_doc(ttypedef);
+  f_out_ << endl << endl;
+  f_out_ << "_Base type_: **";
+  print_type(ttypedef->get_type());
+  f_out_ << "**" << endl << endl;
+  f_out_ << endl;
+ * Generates code for an enumerated type.
+ *
+ * @param tenum The enumeration
+ */
+void t_markdown_generator::generate_enum(t_enum* tenum) {
+  string name = tenum->get_name();
+  f_out_ << "### Enumeration: " << name << endl;
+  print_doc(tenum);
+  f_out_  << endl << endl << "|Name|Value|Description|" << endl 
+          << "|---|---|---|" << endl;
+  vector<t_enum_value*> values = tenum->get_constants();
+  vector<t_enum_value*>::iterator val_iter;
+  for (val_iter = values.begin(); val_iter != values.end(); ++val_iter) {
+    f_out_ << "|```";
+    f_out_ << (*val_iter)->get_name();
+    f_out_ << "```|```";
+    f_out_ << (*val_iter)->get_value();
+    f_out_ << "```|";
+    print_doc((*val_iter));
+    f_out_ << "|" << endl;
+  }
+  f_out_ << endl;
+ * Generates a constant value
+ */
+void t_markdown_generator::generate_const(t_const* tconst) {
+  // |Constant|Type|Value|HAS_DOC|
+  string name = tconst->get_name();
+  f_out_ << "| ```" << name << "``` | ";
+  print_type(tconst->get_type());
+  f_out_ << "| ```";
+  print_const_value(tconst->get_type(), tconst->get_value());
+  f_out_ << "``` |";
+  if (tconst->has_doc()) {
+    print_doc(tconst);
+  }
+  f_out_ << '|' << endl;
+ * Generates a struct definition for a thrift data type.
+ *
+ * @param tstruct The struct definition
+ */
+void t_markdown_generator::generate_struct(t_struct* tstruct) {
+  string name = tstruct->get_name();
+  f_out_ << "### ";
+  if (tstruct->is_xception()) {
+    f_out_ << "Exception: ";
+  } else if (tstruct->is_union()) {
+    f_out_ << "Union: ";
+  } else {
+    f_out_ << "Struct: ";
+  }
+  f_out_ << name << endl;
+  print_doc(tstruct);
+  f_out_ << endl << endl;
+  vector<t_field*> members = tstruct->get_members();
+  vector<t_field*>::iterator mem_iter = members.begin();
+  f_out_ << "| Key | Field | Type | Description | Requiredness "
+            "| Default value |" << endl
+         << "| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |" << endl;
+  for (; mem_iter != members.end(); mem_iter++) {
+    f_out_ << '|' << (*mem_iter)->get_key();
+    f_out_ << '|' << (*mem_iter)->get_name();
+    f_out_ << '|';
+    print_type((*mem_iter)->get_type());
+    f_out_ << '|' << escape_html((*mem_iter)->get_doc()) << '|';
+    if ((*mem_iter)->get_req() == t_field::T_OPTIONAL) {
+      f_out_ << "optional";
+    } else if ((*mem_iter)->get_req() == t_field::T_REQUIRED) {
+      f_out_ << "required";
+    } else {
+      f_out_  << "default";
+    }
+    f_out_ << '|';
+    t_const_value* default_val = (*mem_iter)->get_value();
+    if (default_val != nullptr) {
+      f_out_ << "```";
+      print_const_value((*mem_iter)->get_type(), default_val);
+      f_out_ << "```";
+    }
+    f_out_ << '|' << endl;
+  }
+  f_out_ << endl;
+ * Exceptions are special structs
+ *
+ * @param tstruct The struct definition
+ */
+void t_markdown_generator::generate_xception(t_struct* txception) {
+  generate_struct(txception);
+ * Generates the Markdown block for a Thrift service.
+ *
+ * @param tservice The service definition
+ */
+void t_markdown_generator::generate_service(t_service* tservice) {
+  f_out_ << "### Service: " << service_name_ << endl;
+  if (tservice->get_extends()) {
+    f_out_ << "**extends ** _";
+    print_type(tservice->get_extends());
+    f_out_ << "_" << endl;
+  }
+  print_doc(tservice);
+  f_out_ << endl;
+  vector<t_function*> functions = tservice->get_functions();
+  vector<t_function*>::iterator fn_iter = functions.begin();
+  for (; fn_iter != functions.end(); fn_iter++) {
+    string fn_name = (*fn_iter)->get_name();
+    f_out_ << "#### Function: " << service_name_ << "." << fn_name << endl;
+    print_doc(*fn_iter);
+    f_out_ << endl << endl;
+    print_type((*fn_iter)->get_returntype());
+    bool first = true;
+    f_out_ << endl << " _" << fn_name << "_(";
+    vector<t_field*> args = (*fn_iter)->get_arglist()->get_members();
+    vector<t_field*>::iterator arg_iter = args.begin();
+    for (; arg_iter != args.end(); arg_iter++) {
+      if (!first) {
+        f_out_ << "," << endl;
+      }
+      first = false;
+      print_type((*arg_iter)->get_type());
+      f_out_ << " " << (*arg_iter)->get_name();
+      if ((*arg_iter)->get_value() != nullptr) {
+        f_out_ << " = ";
+        print_const_value((*arg_iter)->get_type(), (*arg_iter)->get_value());
+      }
+    }
+    f_out_ << ")" << endl;
+    first = true;
+    vector<t_field*> excepts = (*fn_iter)->get_xceptions()->get_members();
+    vector<t_field*>::iterator ex_iter = excepts.begin();
+    if (ex_iter != excepts.end()) {
+      f_out_ << "> throws ";
+      for (; ex_iter != excepts.end(); ex_iter++) {
+        if (!first) {
+          f_out_ << ", ";
+        }
+        first = false;
+        print_type((*ex_iter)->get_type());
+      }
+      f_out_ << endl;
+    }
+    print_fn_args_doc(*fn_iter);
+    f_out_ << endl;
+  }
+    markdown,
+    "Markdown",
+    "    suffix:          Create files/links with/out 'md|html' default None\n"
+    "    noescape:        Do not escape with html-entities in doc text.\n")