THRIFT-1336 thrift: added server and processor test code

move the tests from src to test:
lib\cpp\src\thrift\concurrency\test to lib\cpp\test\concurrency
lib\cpp\src\thrift\processor\test to lib\cpp\test\processor

git-svn-id: 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68
diff --git a/lib/cpp/test/processor/Handlers.h b/lib/cpp/test/processor/Handlers.h
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..2be262a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/cpp/test/processor/Handlers.h
@@ -0,0 +1,341 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+#include "EventLog.h"
+#include "gen-cpp/ParentService.h"
+#include "gen-cpp/ChildService.h"
+namespace apache { namespace thrift { namespace test {
+class ParentHandler : virtual public ParentServiceIf {
+ public:
+  ParentHandler(const boost::shared_ptr<EventLog>& log) :
+      triggerMonitor(&mutex_),
+      generation_(0),
+      wait_(false),
+      log_(log) { }
+  int32_t incrementGeneration() {
+    concurrency::Guard g(mutex_);
+    log_->append(EventLog::ET_CALL_INCREMENT_GENERATION, 0, 0);
+    return ++generation_;
+  }
+  int32_t getGeneration() {
+    concurrency::Guard g(mutex_);
+    log_->append(EventLog::ET_CALL_GET_GENERATION, 0, 0);
+    return generation_;
+  }
+  void addString(const std::string& s) {
+    concurrency::Guard g(mutex_);
+    log_->append(EventLog::ET_CALL_ADD_STRING, 0, 0);
+    strings_.push_back(s);
+  }
+  void getStrings(std::vector<std::string>& _return) {
+    concurrency::Guard g(mutex_);
+    log_->append(EventLog::ET_CALL_GET_STRINGS, 0, 0);
+    _return = strings_;
+  }
+  void getDataWait(std::string& _return, int32_t length) {
+    concurrency::Guard g(mutex_);
+    log_->append(EventLog::ET_CALL_GET_DATA_WAIT, 0, 0);
+    blockUntilTriggered();
+    _return.append(length, 'a');
+  }
+  void onewayWait() {
+    concurrency::Guard g(mutex_);
+    log_->append(EventLog::ET_CALL_ONEWAY_WAIT, 0, 0);
+    blockUntilTriggered();
+  }
+  void exceptionWait(const std::string& message) {
+    concurrency::Guard g(mutex_);
+    log_->append(EventLog::ET_CALL_EXCEPTION_WAIT, 0, 0);
+    blockUntilTriggered();
+    MyError e;
+    e.message = message;
+    throw e;
+  }
+  void unexpectedExceptionWait(const std::string& message) {
+    concurrency::Guard g(mutex_);
+    log_->append(EventLog::ET_CALL_UNEXPECTED_EXCEPTION_WAIT, 0, 0);
+    blockUntilTriggered();
+    MyError e;
+    e.message = message;
+    throw e;
+  }
+  /**
+   * After prepareTriggeredCall() is invoked, calls to any of the *Wait()
+   * functions won't return until triggerPendingCalls() is invoked
+   *
+   * This has to be a separate function invoked by the main test thread
+   * in order to to avoid race conditions.
+   */
+  void prepareTriggeredCall() {
+    concurrency::Guard g(mutex_);
+    wait_ = true;
+  }
+  /**
+   * Wake up all calls waiting in blockUntilTriggered()
+   */
+  void triggerPendingCalls() {
+    concurrency::Guard g(mutex_);
+    wait_ = false;
+    triggerMonitor.notifyAll();
+  }
+ protected:
+  /**
+   * blockUntilTriggered() won't return until triggerPendingCalls() is invoked
+   * in another thread.
+   *
+   * This should only be called when already holding mutex_.
+   */
+  void blockUntilTriggered() {
+    while (wait_) {
+      triggerMonitor.waitForever();
+    }
+    // Log an event when we return
+    log_->append(EventLog::ET_WAIT_RETURN, 0, 0);
+  }
+  concurrency::Mutex mutex_;
+  concurrency::Monitor triggerMonitor;
+  int32_t generation_;
+  bool wait_;
+  std::vector<std::string> strings_;
+  boost::shared_ptr<EventLog> log_;
+class ChildHandler : public ParentHandler, virtual public ChildServiceIf {
+ public:
+  ChildHandler(const boost::shared_ptr<EventLog>& log) :
+      ParentHandler(log),
+      value_(0) {}
+  int32_t setValue(int32_t value) {
+    concurrency::Guard g(mutex_);
+    log_->append(EventLog::ET_CALL_SET_VALUE, 0, 0);
+    int32_t oldValue = value_;
+    value_ = value;
+    return oldValue;
+  }
+  int32_t getValue() {
+    concurrency::Guard g(mutex_);
+    log_->append(EventLog::ET_CALL_GET_VALUE, 0, 0);
+    return value_;
+  }
+ protected:
+  int32_t value_;
+struct ConnContext {
+ public:
+  ConnContext(boost::shared_ptr<protocol::TProtocol> in,
+              boost::shared_ptr<protocol::TProtocol> out,
+              uint32_t id) :
+      input(in),
+      output(out),
+      id(id) {}
+  boost::shared_ptr<protocol::TProtocol> input;
+  boost::shared_ptr<protocol::TProtocol> output;
+  uint32_t id;
+struct CallContext {
+ public:
+  CallContext(ConnContext *context, uint32_t id, const std::string& name) :
+      connContext(context),
+      name(name),
+      id(id) {}
+  ConnContext *connContext;
+  std::string name;
+  uint32_t id;
+class ServerEventHandler : public server::TServerEventHandler {
+ public:
+  ServerEventHandler(const boost::shared_ptr<EventLog>& log) :
+      nextId_(1),
+      log_(log) {}
+  virtual void preServe() {}
+  virtual void* createContext(boost::shared_ptr<protocol::TProtocol> input,
+                              boost::shared_ptr<protocol::TProtocol> output) {
+    ConnContext* context = new ConnContext(input, output, nextId_);
+    ++nextId_;
+    log_->append(EventLog::ET_CONN_CREATED, context->id, 0);
+    return context;
+  }
+  virtual void deleteContext(void* serverContext,
+                             boost::shared_ptr<protocol::TProtocol>input,
+                             boost::shared_ptr<protocol::TProtocol>output) {
+    ConnContext* context = reinterpret_cast<ConnContext*>(serverContext);
+    if (input != context->input) {
+      abort();
+    }
+    if (output != context->output) {
+      abort();
+    }
+    log_->append(EventLog::ET_CONN_DESTROYED, context->id, 0);
+    delete context;
+  }
+  virtual void processContext(
+      void* serverContext,
+      boost::shared_ptr<transport::TTransport> transport) {
+    // TODO: We currently don't test the behavior of the processContext()
+    // calls.  The various server implementations call processContext() at
+    // slightly different times, and it is too annoying to try and account for
+    // their various differences.
+    //
+    // TThreadedServer, TThreadPoolServer, and TSimpleServer usually wait until
+    // they see the first byte of a request before calling processContext().
+    // However, they don't wait for the first byte of the very first request,
+    // and instead immediately call processContext() before any data is
+    // received.
+    //
+    // TNonblockingServer always waits until receiving the full request before
+    // calling processContext().
+#if 0
+    ConnContext* context = reinterpret_cast<ConnContext*>(serverContext);
+    log_->append(EventLog::ET_PROCESS, context->id, 0);
+  }
+ protected:
+  uint32_t nextId_;
+  boost::shared_ptr<EventLog> log_;
+class ProcessorEventHandler : public TProcessorEventHandler {
+ public:
+  ProcessorEventHandler(const boost::shared_ptr<EventLog>& log) :
+      nextId_(1),
+      log_(log) {}
+  void* getContext(const char* fnName, void* serverContext) {
+    ConnContext* connContext = reinterpret_cast<ConnContext*>(serverContext);
+    CallContext* context = new CallContext(connContext, nextId_, fnName);
+    ++nextId_;
+    log_->append(EventLog::ET_CALL_STARTED, connContext->id, context->id,
+                 fnName);
+    return context;
+  }
+  void freeContext(void* ctx, const char* fnName) {
+    CallContext* context = reinterpret_cast<CallContext*>(ctx);
+    checkName(context, fnName);
+    log_->append(EventLog::ET_CALL_FINISHED, context->connContext->id,
+                 context->id, fnName);
+    delete context;
+  }
+  void preRead(void* ctx, const char* fnName) {
+    CallContext* context = reinterpret_cast<CallContext*>(ctx);
+    checkName(context, fnName);
+    log_->append(EventLog::ET_PRE_READ, context->connContext->id, context->id,
+                 fnName);
+  }
+  void postRead(void* ctx, const char* fnName, uint32_t bytes) {
+    CallContext* context = reinterpret_cast<CallContext*>(ctx);
+    checkName(context, fnName);
+    log_->append(EventLog::ET_POST_READ, context->connContext->id, context->id,
+                 fnName);
+  }
+  void preWrite(void* ctx, const char* fnName) {
+    CallContext* context = reinterpret_cast<CallContext*>(ctx);
+    checkName(context, fnName);
+    log_->append(EventLog::ET_PRE_WRITE, context->connContext->id, context->id,
+                 fnName);
+  }
+  void postWrite(void* ctx, const char* fnName, uint32_t bytes) {
+    CallContext* context = reinterpret_cast<CallContext*>(ctx);
+    checkName(context, fnName);
+    log_->append(EventLog::ET_POST_WRITE, context->connContext->id,
+                 context->id, fnName);
+  }
+  void asyncComplete(void* ctx, const char* fnName) {
+    CallContext* context = reinterpret_cast<CallContext*>(ctx);
+    checkName(context, fnName);
+    log_->append(EventLog::ET_ASYNC_COMPLETE, context->connContext->id,
+                 context->id, fnName);
+  }
+  void handlerError(void* ctx, const char* fnName) {
+    CallContext* context = reinterpret_cast<CallContext*>(ctx);
+    checkName(context, fnName);
+    log_->append(EventLog::ET_HANDLER_ERROR, context->connContext->id,
+                 context->id, fnName);
+  }
+ protected:
+  void checkName(const CallContext* context, const char* fnName) {
+    // Note: we can't use BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL here, since the handler runs in a
+    // different thread from the test functions.  Just abort if the names are
+    // different
+    if (context->name != fnName) {
+      fprintf(stderr, "call context name mismatch: \"%s\" != \"%s\"\n",
+              context->name.c_str(), fnName);
+      fflush(stderr);
+      abort();
+    }
+  }
+  uint32_t nextId_;
+  boost::shared_ptr<EventLog> log_;
+}}} // apache::thrift::test