Update Swift Library and tests
diff --git a/lib/swift/Tests/ThriftTests/TBinaryProtocolTests.swift b/lib/swift/Tests/ThriftTests/TBinaryProtocolTests.swift
index f0e48b9..56a5572 100644
--- a/lib/swift/Tests/ThriftTests/TBinaryProtocolTests.swift
+++ b/lib/swift/Tests/ThriftTests/TBinaryProtocolTests.swift
@@ -129,6 +129,28 @@
       XCTAssertFalse(true, "Caught Error attempting to read \(error)")
+  func testUnsafeBitcastUpdate() {
+    let value: Double = 3.14159
+    let val: Int64 = 31415926
+    let uval: UInt64 = 31415926
+    let i64 = Int64(bitPattern: value.bitPattern)
+    let ubc = unsafeBitCast(value, to: Int64.self)
+    XCTAssertEqual(i64, ubc, "Bitcast Double-> i64 Values don't match")
+    let dbl = Double(bitPattern: UInt64(val))
+    let ubdb = unsafeBitCast(val, to: Double.self)
+    XCTAssertEqual(dbl, ubdb, "Bitcast i64 -> Double Values don't match")
+    let db2 = Double(bitPattern: uval)
+    let usbc2 = unsafeBitCast(uval, to: Double.self)
+    XCTAssertEqual(db2, usbc2, "Bitcast u64 -> Double Values don't match")
+  }
   static var allTests : [(String, (TBinaryProtocolTests) -> () throws -> Void)] {
     return [
diff --git a/lib/swift/Tests/ThriftTests/TCompactProtocolTests.swift b/lib/swift/Tests/ThriftTests/TCompactProtocolTests.swift
index ccc32aa..882c260 100644
--- a/lib/swift/Tests/ThriftTests/TCompactProtocolTests.swift
+++ b/lib/swift/Tests/ThriftTests/TCompactProtocolTests.swift
@@ -128,6 +128,70 @@
+  func testInt32ZigZag() {
+    let zero: Int32 = 0
+    let one: Int32 = 1
+    let nOne: Int32 = -1
+    let two: Int32 = 2
+    let nTwo: Int32 = -2
+    let max = Int32.max
+    let min = Int32.min
+    XCTAssertEqual(proto.i32ToZigZag(zero), UInt32(0), "Error 32bit zigzag on \(zero)")
+    XCTAssertEqual(proto.zigZagToi32(0), zero, "Error 32bit zigzag on \(zero)")
+    XCTAssertEqual(proto.i32ToZigZag(nOne), UInt32(1), "Error 32bit zigzag on \(nOne)")
+    XCTAssertEqual(proto.zigZagToi32(1), nOne, "Error 32bit zigzag on \(nOne)")
+    XCTAssertEqual(proto.i32ToZigZag(one), UInt32(2), "Error 32bit zigzag on \(one)")
+    XCTAssertEqual(proto.zigZagToi32(2), one, "Error 32bit zigzag on \(one)")
+    XCTAssertEqual(proto.i32ToZigZag(nTwo), UInt32(3), "Error 32bit zigzag on \(nTwo)")
+    XCTAssertEqual(proto.zigZagToi32(3), nTwo, "Error 32bit zigzag on \(nTwo)")
+    XCTAssertEqual(proto.i32ToZigZag(two), UInt32(4), "Error 32bit zigzag on \(two)")
+    XCTAssertEqual(proto.zigZagToi32(4), two, "Error 32bit zigzag on \(two)")
+    let uMaxMinusOne: UInt32 = UInt32.max - 1
+    XCTAssertEqual(proto.i32ToZigZag(max), uMaxMinusOne, "Error 32bit zigzag on \(max)")
+    XCTAssertEqual(proto.zigZagToi32(uMaxMinusOne), max, "Error 32bit zigzag on \(max)")
+    XCTAssertEqual(proto.i32ToZigZag(min), UInt32.max, "Error 32bit zigzag on \(min)")
+    XCTAssertEqual(proto.zigZagToi32(UInt32.max), min, "Error 32bit zigzag on \(min)")
+  }
+  func testInt64ZigZag() {
+    let zero: Int64 = 0
+    let one: Int64 = 1
+    let nOne: Int64 = -1
+    let two: Int64 = 2
+    let nTwo: Int64 = -2
+    let max = Int64.max
+    let min = Int64.min
+    XCTAssertEqual(proto.i64ToZigZag(zero), UInt64(0), "Error 64bit zigzag on \(zero)")
+    XCTAssertEqual(proto.zigZagToi64(0), zero, "Error 64bit zigzag on \(zero)")
+    XCTAssertEqual(proto.i64ToZigZag(nOne), UInt64(1), "Error 64bit zigzag on \(nOne)")
+    XCTAssertEqual(proto.zigZagToi64(1), nOne, "Error 64bit zigzag on \(nOne)")
+    XCTAssertEqual(proto.i64ToZigZag(one), UInt64(2), "Error 64bit zigzag on \(one)")
+    XCTAssertEqual(proto.zigZagToi64(2), one, "Error 64bit zigzag on \(one)")
+    XCTAssertEqual(proto.i64ToZigZag(nTwo), UInt64(3), "Error 64bit zigzag on \(nTwo)")
+    XCTAssertEqual(proto.zigZagToi64(3), nTwo, "Error 64bit zigzag on \(nTwo)")
+    XCTAssertEqual(proto.i64ToZigZag(two), UInt64(4), "Error 64bit zigzag on \(two)")
+    XCTAssertEqual(proto.zigZagToi64(4), two, "Error 64bit zigzag on \(two)")
+    let uMaxMinusOne: UInt64 = UInt64.max - 1
+    XCTAssertEqual(proto.i64ToZigZag(max), uMaxMinusOne, "Error 64bit zigzag on \(max)")
+    XCTAssertEqual(proto.zigZagToi64(uMaxMinusOne), max, "Error 64bit zigzag on \(max)")
+    XCTAssertEqual(proto.i64ToZigZag(min), UInt64.max, "Error 64bit zigzag on \(min)")
+    XCTAssertEqual(proto.zigZagToi64(UInt64.max), min, "Error 64bit zigzag on \(min)")
+  }
   static var allTests : [(String, (TCompactProtocolTests) -> () throws -> Void)] {
     return [
       ("testInt8WriteRead", testInt8WriteRead),
@@ -138,7 +202,9 @@
       ("testBoolWriteRead", testBoolWriteRead),
       ("testStringWriteRead", testStringWriteRead),
       ("testDataWriteRead", testDataWriteRead),
-      ("testStructWriteRead", testStructWriteRead)
+      ("testStructWriteRead", testStructWriteRead),
+      ("testInt32ZigZag", testInt32ZigZag),
+      ("testInt64ZigZag", testInt64ZigZag)
diff --git a/lib/swift/Tests/ThriftTests/ThriftTests.swift b/lib/swift/Tests/ThriftTests/ThriftTests.swift
index 0c81330..9316100 100644
--- a/lib/swift/Tests/ThriftTests/ThriftTests.swift
+++ b/lib/swift/Tests/ThriftTests/ThriftTests.swift
@@ -3,13 +3,13 @@
 class ThriftTests: XCTestCase {
   func testVersion() {
-    XCTAssertEqual(Thrift().version, "0.0.1")
+    XCTAssertEqual(Thrift().version, "1.1.0")
   func test_in_addr_extension() {
   static var allTests : [(String, (ThriftTests) -> () throws -> Void)] {
     return [
       ("testVersion", testVersion),