THRIFT-1006. java: Impossible to correctly qualify an enum constant in an external thrift file

Be a little more sensitive to how we parse out dots; some java generator changes to make sure things stay consistent.

THRIFT-1005. java: Give unions byte[] signature methods to go along with their ByteBuffer counterparts

Some new constructors, getters, and setters to ease migration of unions to ByteBuffer style.

git-svn-id: 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68
diff --git a/compiler/cpp/src/generate/ b/compiler/cpp/src/generate/
index 7acd9ac..b622322 100644
--- a/compiler/cpp/src/generate/
+++ b/compiler/cpp/src/generate/
@@ -624,7 +624,7 @@
       throw "compiler error: no const of base type " + t_base_type::t_base_name(tbase);
   } else if (type->is_enum()) {
-    render << value->get_identifier();
+    render << type->get_program()->get_namespace("java") << "." << value->get_identifier_with_parent();
   } else {
     string t = tmp("tmp");
     print_const_value(out, t, type, value, true);
@@ -770,11 +770,20 @@
   const vector<t_field*>& members = tstruct->get_members();
   vector<t_field*>::const_iterator m_iter;
   for (m_iter = members.begin(); m_iter != members.end(); ++m_iter) {
-    indent(out) << "public static " << type_name(tstruct) << " " << (*m_iter)->get_name() << "(" << type_name((*m_iter)->get_type()) << " value) {" << endl;
+    t_type* type = (*m_iter)->get_type();
+    indent(out) << "public static " << type_name(tstruct) << " " << (*m_iter)->get_name() << "(" << type_name(type) << " value) {" << endl;
     indent(out) << "  " << type_name(tstruct) << " x = new " << type_name(tstruct) << "();" << endl;
     indent(out) << "  x.set" << get_cap_name((*m_iter)->get_name()) << "(value);" << endl;
     indent(out) << "  return x;" << endl;
-    indent(out) << "}" << endl << endl; 
+    indent(out) << "}" << endl << endl;
+    if (type->is_base_type() && ((t_base_type*)type)->is_binary()) {
+      indent(out) << "public static " << type_name(tstruct) << " " << (*m_iter)->get_name() << "(byte[] value) {" << endl;
+      indent(out) << "  " << type_name(tstruct) << " x = new " << type_name(tstruct) << "();" << endl;
+      indent(out) << "  x.set" << get_cap_name((*m_iter)->get_name()) << "(ByteBuffer.wrap(value));" << endl;
+      indent(out) << "  return x;" << endl;
+      indent(out) << "}" << endl << endl;
+    }
@@ -791,20 +800,47 @@
     t_field* field = (*m_iter);
+    t_type* type = field->get_type();
+    std::string cap_name = get_cap_name(field->get_name());
     generate_java_doc(out, field);
-    indent(out) << "public " << type_name(field->get_type()) << " get" << get_cap_name(field->get_name()) << "() {" << endl;
-    indent(out) << "  if (getSetField() == _Fields." << constant_name(field->get_name()) << ") {" << endl;
-    indent(out) << "    return (" << type_name(field->get_type(), true) << ")getFieldValue();" << endl;
-    indent(out) << "  } else {" << endl;
-    indent(out) << "    throw new RuntimeException(\"Cannot get field '" << field->get_name() 
-      << "' because union is currently set to \" + getFieldDesc(getSetField()).name);" << endl;
-    indent(out) << "  }" << endl;
-    indent(out) << "}" << endl;
+    if (type->is_base_type() && ((t_base_type*)type)->is_binary()) {
+      indent(out) << "public byte[] get" << cap_name << "() {" << endl;
+      indent(out) << "  set" << cap_name << "(TBaseHelper.rightSize(buffer" << get_cap_name("for") << cap_name << "()));" << endl;
+      indent(out) << "  return buffer" << get_cap_name("for") << cap_name << "().array();" << endl;
+      indent(out) << "}" << endl;
+      out << endl;
+      indent(out) << "public ByteBuffer buffer" << get_cap_name("for") << get_cap_name(field->get_name()) << "() {" << endl;
+      indent(out) << "  if (getSetField() == _Fields." << constant_name(field->get_name()) << ") {" << endl;
+      indent(out) << "    return (ByteBuffer)getFieldValue();" << endl;
+      indent(out) << "  } else {" << endl;
+      indent(out) << "    throw new RuntimeException(\"Cannot get field '" << field->get_name()
+        << "' because union is currently set to \" + getFieldDesc(getSetField()).name);" << endl;
+      indent(out) << "  }" << endl;
+      indent(out) << "}" << endl;
+    } else {
+      indent(out) << "public " << type_name(field->get_type()) << " get" << get_cap_name(field->get_name()) << "() {" << endl;
+      indent(out) << "  if (getSetField() == _Fields." << constant_name(field->get_name()) << ") {" << endl;
+      indent(out) << "    return (" << type_name(field->get_type(), true) << ")getFieldValue();" << endl;
+      indent(out) << "  } else {" << endl;
+      indent(out) << "    throw new RuntimeException(\"Cannot get field '" << field->get_name() 
+        << "' because union is currently set to \" + getFieldDesc(getSetField()).name);" << endl;
+      indent(out) << "  }" << endl;
+      indent(out) << "}" << endl;
+    }
     out << endl;
     generate_java_doc(out, field);
+    if (type->is_base_type() && ((t_base_type*)type)->is_binary()) {
+      indent(out) << "public void set" << get_cap_name(field->get_name()) << "(byte[] value) {" << endl;
+      indent(out) << "  set" << get_cap_name(field->get_name()) << "(ByteBuffer.wrap(value));" << endl;
+      indent(out) << "}" << endl;
+      out << endl;
+    }
     indent(out) << "public void set" << get_cap_name(field->get_name()) << "(" << type_name(field->get_type()) << " value) {" << endl;
     if (type_can_be_null(field->get_type())) {
       indent(out) << "  if (value == null) throw new NullPointerException();" << endl;
@@ -1856,7 +1892,7 @@
       indent(out) << "  return " << field_name << ".array();" << endl;
       indent(out) << "}" << endl << endl;
-      indent(out) << "public ByteBuffer " << get_cap_name("bufferFor") << cap_name << "() {" << endl;
+      indent(out) << "public ByteBuffer buffer" << get_cap_name("for") << cap_name << "() {" << endl;
       indent(out) << "  return " << field_name << ";" << endl;
       indent(out) << "}" << endl << endl;
     } else {
diff --git a/compiler/cpp/src/ b/compiler/cpp/src/
index fa6d3ae..0c561b9 100644
--- a/compiler/cpp/src/
+++ b/compiler/cpp/src/
@@ -715,16 +715,14 @@
       throw "type error: const \"" + name + "\" was declared as enum";
+    // see if there's a dot in the identifier
+    std::string name_portion = value->get_identifier_name();
     const vector<t_enum_value*>& enum_values = ((t_enum*)type)->get_constants();
     vector<t_enum_value*>::const_iterator c_iter;
     bool found = false;
-    for (c_iter = enum_values.begin(); c_iter != enum_values.end(); ++c_iter) {
-      size_t sub_index = value->get_identifier().find('.');
-      if (sub_index == string::npos) {
-        throw "error: identifier " + value->get_identifier() + " is unqualified!";
-      }
-      std::string name_portion = value->get_identifier().substr(sub_index+1);
+    for (c_iter = enum_values.begin(); c_iter != enum_values.end(); ++c_iter) {
       if ((*c_iter)->get_name() == name_portion) {
         found = true;
diff --git a/compiler/cpp/src/parse/t_const_value.h b/compiler/cpp/src/parse/t_const_value.h
index 43c28b1..ff422ae 100644
--- a/compiler/cpp/src/parse/t_const_value.h
+++ b/compiler/cpp/src/parse/t_const_value.h
@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@
 #include <stdint.h>
 #include <map>
 #include <vector>
+#include <string>
  * A const value is something parsed that could be a map, set, list, struct
@@ -129,7 +130,34 @@
   std::string get_identifier() const {
     return identifierVal_;
+  std::string get_identifier_name() const {
+    std::string ret = get_identifier();
+    size_t s = ret.find('.');
+    if (s == std::string::npos) {
+      throw "error: identifier " + ret + " is unqualified!";
+    }
+    ret = ret.substr(s+1);
+    s = ret.find('.');
+    if (s != std::string::npos) {
+      ret = ret.substr(s+1);
+    }
+    return ret;
+  }
+  std::string get_identifier_with_parent() const {
+    std::string ret = get_identifier();
+    size_t s = ret.find('.');
+    if (s == std::string::npos) {
+      throw "error: identifier " + ret + " is unqualified!";
+    }
+    size_t s2 = ret.find('.', s+1);
+    if (s2 != std::string::npos) {
+      ret = ret.substr(s+1);
+    }
+    return ret;
+  }
   void set_enum(t_enum* tenum) {
     enum_ = tenum;