THRIFT-5626 Parser should not confuse data types and field names
Patch: Jens Geyer
diff --git a/test/NameConflictTest.thrift b/test/NameConflictTest.thrift
index d3efb47..ea51b50 100644
--- a/test/NameConflictTest.thrift
+++ b/test/NameConflictTest.thrift
@@ -97,6 +97,20 @@
   2: bool Problem
+struct Thrift5626 {
+   1: i8       i8
+   2: i16      i16
+   3: i32      i32
+   4: i64      i64
+   5: uuid     uuid
+   6: string   string
+   7: binary   binary
+   8: bool     bool
+   9: byte     byte
+  10: list<string>        list
+  11: set<string>         set
+  12: map<string,string>  map
 service extern {
     delegate event(1: partial get)
diff --git a/test/v0.16/NameConflictTest.thrift b/test/v0.16/NameConflictTest.thrift
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7130d8a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/v0.16/NameConflictTest.thrift
@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
+// Naming testcases, sepcifically for these tickets (but not limited to them)
+// THRIFT-2508 Uncompileable C# code due to language keywords in IDL
+// THRIFT-2557 error CS0542 member names cannot be the same as their enclosing type
+struct using {
+    1: double single
+    2: double integer
+struct delegate {
+    1: string partial
+    2: delegate delegate
+struct get {
+    1: bool sbyte
+struct partial {
+    1: using using
+    2: bool read
+    3: bool write
+enum Maybe {
+  JUST = 1,
+  TRUE = 2,
+  FALSE = 3
+enum Either {
+  LEFT = 1,
+  RIGHT = 2
+struct foldr {
+  1: string id
+struct of {
+  1: string let
+  2: string where
+struct ofOf {
+  1: of Of
+struct ClassAndProp {
+  1: bool ClassAndProp
+  2: bool ClassAndProp_
+  3: bool ClassAndProp__
+  4: bool ClassAndProper
+struct second_chance {
+  1: bool SECOND_CHANCE
+  2: bool SECOND_CHANCE_
+  3: bool SECOND_CHANCE__
+struct NOW_EAT_THIS {
+  1: bool now_eat_this
+  2: bool now_eat_this_
+  3: bool now_eat_this__
+  4: bool now_eat_this_and_this
+struct TheEdgeCase {
+  1: bool theEdgeCase
+  2: bool theEdgeCase_
+  3: bool theEdgeCase__
+  4: bool TheEdgeCase
+  5: bool TheEdgeCase_
+  6: bool TheEdgeCase__
+struct Tricky_ {
+  1: bool tricky
+  2: bool Tricky
+struct Nested {
+  1: ClassAndProp ClassAndProp
+  2: second_chance second_chance
+  4: TheEdgeCase TheEdgeCase
+  5: Tricky_ Tricky_
+  6: Nested Nested
+exception Problem_ {
+  1: bool problem
+  2: bool Problem
+struct Thrift5626 {
+   1: i8       i8
+   2: i16      i16
+   3: i32      i32
+   4: i64      i64
+   //5: uuid     uuid
+   6: string   string
+   7: binary   binary
+   8: bool     bool
+   9: byte     byte
+  10: list<string>        list
+  11: set<string>         set
+  12: map<string,string>  map
+service extern {
+    delegate event(1: partial get)
+    void Foo(1: Nested Foo_args) throws (1: Problem_ Foo_result)
+service qualified {
+    Maybe maybe(1: Maybe foldr)
+    Either either(1: foldr of)
+// eof