THRIFT-4176: Implement threaded server for Rust
Client: rs

* Create a TIoChannel construct
* Separate TTransport into TReadTransport and TWriteTransport
* Restructure types to avoid shared ownership
* Remove user-visible boxing and ref-counting
* Replace TSimpleServer with a thread-pool based TServer

This closes #1255
diff --git a/lib/rs/src/protocol/ b/lib/rs/src/protocol/
index a30aca8..db08027 100644
--- a/lib/rs/src/protocol/
+++ b/lib/rs/src/protocol/
@@ -37,33 +37,37 @@
 /// Create and use a `TMultiplexedOutputProtocol`.
 /// ```no_run
-/// use std::cell::RefCell;
-/// use std::rc::Rc;
 /// use thrift::protocol::{TMessageIdentifier, TMessageType, TOutputProtocol};
 /// use thrift::protocol::{TBinaryOutputProtocol, TMultiplexedOutputProtocol};
-/// use thrift::transport::{TTcpTransport, TTransport};
+/// use thrift::transport::TTcpChannel;
-/// let mut transport = TTcpTransport::new();
-/// let transport = Rc::new(RefCell::new(Box::new(transport) as Box<TTransport>));
+/// let mut channel = TTcpChannel::new();
-/// let o_prot = TBinaryOutputProtocol::new(transport, true);
-/// let mut o_prot = TMultiplexedOutputProtocol::new("service_name", Box::new(o_prot));
+/// let protocol = TBinaryOutputProtocol::new(channel, true);
+/// let mut protocol = TMultiplexedOutputProtocol::new("service_name", protocol);
 /// let ident = TMessageIdentifier::new("svc_call", TMessageType::Call, 1);
-/// o_prot.write_message_begin(&ident).unwrap();
+/// protocol.write_message_begin(&ident).unwrap();
 /// ```
-pub struct TMultiplexedOutputProtocol<'a> {
+pub struct TMultiplexedOutputProtocol<P>
+    P: TOutputProtocol,
     service_name: String,
-    inner: Box<TOutputProtocol + 'a>,
+    inner: P,
-impl<'a> TMultiplexedOutputProtocol<'a> {
+impl<P> TMultiplexedOutputProtocol<P>
+    P: TOutputProtocol,
     /// Create a `TMultiplexedOutputProtocol` that identifies outgoing messages
     /// as originating from a service named `service_name` and sends them over
     /// the `wrapped` `TOutputProtocol`. Outgoing messages are encoded and sent
     /// by `wrapped`, not by this instance.
-    pub fn new(service_name: &str, wrapped: Box<TOutputProtocol + 'a>) -> TMultiplexedOutputProtocol<'a> {
+    pub fn new(service_name: &str, wrapped: P) -> TMultiplexedOutputProtocol<P> {
         TMultiplexedOutputProtocol {
             service_name: service_name.to_owned(),
             inner: wrapped,
@@ -72,7 +76,10 @@
 // FIXME: avoid passthrough methods
-impl<'a> TOutputProtocol for TMultiplexedOutputProtocol<'a> {
+impl<P> TOutputProtocol for TMultiplexedOutputProtocol<P>
+    P: TOutputProtocol,
     fn write_message_begin(&mut self, identifier: &TMessageIdentifier) -> ::Result<()> {
         match identifier.message_type { // FIXME: is there a better way to override identifier here?
             TMessageType::Call | TMessageType::OneWay => {
@@ -181,39 +188,50 @@
 mod tests {
-    use std::cell::RefCell;
-    use std::rc::Rc;
-    use ::protocol::{TBinaryOutputProtocol, TMessageIdentifier, TMessageType, TOutputProtocol};
-    use ::transport::{TPassThruTransport, TTransport};
-    use ::transport::mem::TBufferTransport;
+    use protocol::{TBinaryOutputProtocol, TMessageIdentifier, TMessageType, TOutputProtocol};
+    use transport::{TBufferChannel, TIoChannel, WriteHalf};
     use super::*;
     fn must_write_message_begin_with_prefixed_service_name() {
-        let (trans, mut o_prot) = test_objects();
+        let mut o_prot = test_objects();
         let ident = TMessageIdentifier::new("bar", TMessageType::Call, 2);
-        let expected: [u8; 19] =
-            [0x80, 0x01 /* protocol identifier */, 0x00, 0x01 /* message type */, 0x00,
-             0x00, 0x00, 0x07, 0x66, 0x6F, 0x6F /* "foo" */, 0x3A /* ":" */, 0x62, 0x61,
-             0x72 /* "bar" */, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x02 /* sequence number */];
+        let expected: [u8; 19] = [
+            0x80,
+            0x01, /* protocol identifier */
+            0x00,
+            0x01, /* message type */
+            0x00,
+            0x00,
+            0x00,
+            0x07,
+            0x66,
+            0x6F,
+            0x6F, /* "foo" */
+            0x3A, /* ":" */
+            0x62,
+            0x61,
+            0x72, /* "bar" */
+            0x00,
+            0x00,
+            0x00,
+            0x02 /* sequence number */,
+        ];
-        assert_eq!(&trans.borrow().write_buffer_to_vec(), &expected);
+        assert_eq!(o_prot.inner.transport.write_bytes(), expected);
-    fn test_objects<'a>() -> (Rc<RefCell<Box<TBufferTransport>>>, TMultiplexedOutputProtocol<'a>) {
-        let mem = Rc::new(RefCell::new(Box::new(TBufferTransport::with_capacity(40, 40))));
-        let inner: Box<TTransport> = Box::new(TPassThruTransport { inner: mem.clone() });
-        let inner = Rc::new(RefCell::new(inner));
-        let o_prot = TBinaryOutputProtocol::new(inner.clone(), true);
-        let o_prot = TMultiplexedOutputProtocol::new("foo", Box::new(o_prot));
-        (mem, o_prot)
+    fn test_objects
+        ()
+        -> TMultiplexedOutputProtocol<TBinaryOutputProtocol<WriteHalf<TBufferChannel>>>
+    {
+        let c = TBufferChannel::with_capacity(40, 40);
+        let (_, w_chan) = c.split().unwrap();
+        let prot = TBinaryOutputProtocol::new(w_chan, true);
+        TMultiplexedOutputProtocol::new("foo", prot)