Thrift now a TLP - INFRA-3116

git-svn-id: 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68
diff --git a/lib/ocaml/src/ b/lib/ocaml/src/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a06cc9a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/ocaml/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
+ Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
+ distributed with this work for additional information
+ regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
+ to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
+ specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ under the License.
+open Thrift
+module P = Protocol
+let get_byte i b = 255 land (i lsr (8*b))
+let get_byte64 i b = 255 land (Int64.to_int (Int64.shift_right i (8*b)))
+let tv = P.t_type_to_i
+let vt = P.t_type_of_i
+let comp_int b n =
+  let s = ref 0l in
+  let sb = 32 - 8*n in
+    for i=0 to (n-1) do
+      s:= Int32.logor !s (Int32.shift_left (Int32.of_int (int_of_char b.[i])) (8*(n-1-i)))
+    done;
+    Int32.to_int (Int32.shift_right (Int32.shift_left !s sb) sb)
+let comp_int64 b n =
+  let s = ref 0L in
+    for i=0 to (n-1) do
+      s:=Int64.logor !s (Int64.shift_left (Int64.of_int (int_of_char b.[i])) (8*(n-1-i)))
+    done;
+    !s
+let version_mask = 0xffff0000
+let version_1 = 0x80010000
+class t trans =
+object (self)
+  inherit P.t trans
+  val ibyte = String.create 8
+  method writeBool b =
+    ibyte.[0] <- char_of_int (if b then 1 else 0);
+    trans#write ibyte 0 1
+  method writeByte i =
+    ibyte.[0] <- char_of_int (get_byte i 0);
+    trans#write ibyte 0 1
+  method writeI16 i =
+    let gb = get_byte i in
+      ibyte.[1] <- char_of_int (gb 0);
+      ibyte.[0] <- char_of_int (gb 1);
+      trans#write ibyte 0 2
+  method writeI32 i =
+    let gb = get_byte i in
+      for i=0 to 3 do
+        ibyte.[3-i] <- char_of_int (gb i)
+      done;
+      trans#write ibyte 0 4
+  method writeI64 i=
+    let gb = get_byte64 i in
+      for i=0 to 7 do
+        ibyte.[7-i] <- char_of_int (gb i)
+      done;
+      trans#write ibyte 0 8
+  method writeDouble d =
+    self#writeI64 (Int64.bits_of_float d)
+  method writeString s=
+    let n = String.length s in
+      self#writeI32(n);
+      trans#write s 0 n
+  method writeBinary a = self#writeString a
+  method writeMessageBegin (n,t,s) =
+    self#writeI32 (version_1 lor (P.message_type_to_i t));
+    self#writeString n;
+    self#writeI32 s
+  method writeMessageEnd = ()
+  method writeStructBegin s = ()
+  method writeStructEnd = ()
+  method writeFieldBegin (n,t,i) =
+    self#writeByte (tv t);
+    self#writeI16 i
+  method writeFieldEnd = ()
+  method writeFieldStop =
+    self#writeByte (tv (Protocol.T_STOP))
+  method writeMapBegin (k,v,s) =
+    self#writeByte (tv k);
+    self#writeByte (tv v);
+    self#writeI32 s
+  method writeMapEnd = ()
+  method writeListBegin (t,s) =
+    self#writeByte (tv t);
+    self#writeI32 s
+  method writeListEnd = ()
+  method writeSetBegin (t,s) =
+    self#writeByte (tv t);
+    self#writeI32 s
+  method writeSetEnd = ()
+  method readByte =
+    ignore (trans#readAll ibyte 0 1);
+    (comp_int ibyte 1)
+  method readI16 =
+    ignore (trans#readAll ibyte 0 2);
+    comp_int ibyte 2
+  method readI32 =
+    ignore (trans#readAll ibyte 0 4);
+    comp_int ibyte 4
+  method readI64 =
+    ignore (trans#readAll ibyte 0 8);
+    comp_int64 ibyte 8
+  method readDouble =
+    Int64.float_of_bits (self#readI64)
+  method readBool =
+    self#readByte = 1
+  method readString =
+    let sz = self#readI32 in
+    let buf = String.create sz in
+      ignore (trans#readAll buf 0 sz);
+      buf
+  method readBinary = self#readString
+  method readMessageBegin =
+    let ver = self#readI32 in
+      if (ver land version_mask != version_1) then
+        (print_int ver;
+        raise (P.E (P.BAD_VERSION, "Missing version identifier")))
+      else
+        let s = self#readString in
+        let mt = P.message_type_of_i (ver land 0xFF) in
+          (s,mt, self#readI32)
+  method readMessageEnd = ()
+  method readStructBegin =
+    ""
+  method readStructEnd = ()
+  method readFieldBegin =
+    let t = (vt (self#readByte))
+    in
+      if t != P.T_STOP then
+        ("",t,self#readI16)
+      else ("",t,0);
+  method readFieldEnd = ()
+  method readMapBegin =
+    let kt = vt (self#readByte) in
+    let vt = vt (self#readByte) in
+      (kt,vt, self#readI32)
+  method readMapEnd = ()
+  method readListBegin =
+    let t = vt (self#readByte) in
+    (t,self#readI32)
+  method readListEnd = ()
+  method readSetBegin =
+    let t = vt (self#readByte) in
+    (t, self#readI32);
+  method readSetEnd = ()
+class factory =
+  inherit P.factory
+  method getProtocol tr = new t tr