THRIFT-407. hs: Refactor and improve Haskell-related code

git-svn-id: 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68
diff --git a/lib/hs/src/Thrift/Protocol/Binary.hs b/lib/hs/src/Thrift/Protocol/Binary.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3f798ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/hs/src/Thrift/Protocol/Binary.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
+-- Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+-- or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
+-- distributed with this work for additional information
+-- regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
+-- to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+-- "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+-- with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+-- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+-- software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+-- KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
+-- specific language governing permissions and limitations
+-- under the License.
+module Thrift.Protocol.Binary
+    ( module Thrift.Protocol
+    , BinaryProtocol(..)
+    ) where
+import Control.Exception ( throw )
+import Data.Bits
+import Data.Int
+import Data.List ( foldl' )
+import GHC.Exts
+import GHC.Word
+import Thrift.Protocol
+import Thrift.Transport
+version_mask = 0xffff0000
+version_1    = 0x80010000
+data BinaryProtocol a = Transport a => BinaryProtocol a
+instance Protocol BinaryProtocol where
+    getTransport (BinaryProtocol t) = t
+    writeMessageBegin p (n, t, s) = do
+        writeI32 p (version_1 .|. (fromEnum t))
+        writeString p n
+        writeI32 p s
+    writeMessageEnd _ = return ()
+    writeStructBegin _ _ = return ()
+    writeStructEnd _ = return ()
+    writeFieldBegin p (_, t, i) = writeType p t >> writeI16 p i
+    writeFieldEnd _ = return ()
+    writeFieldStop p = writeType p T_STOP
+    writeMapBegin p (k, v, n) = writeType p k >> writeType p v >> writeI32 p n
+    writeMapEnd p = return ()
+    writeListBegin p (t, n) = writeType p t >> writeI32 p n
+    writeListEnd _ = return ()
+    writeSetBegin p (t, n) = writeType p t >> writeI32 p n
+    writeSetEnd _ = return ()
+    writeBool p b = tWrite (getTransport p) [toEnum $ if b then 1 else 0]
+    writeByte p b = tWrite (getTransport p) (getBytes b 1)
+    writeI16 p b = tWrite (getTransport p) (getBytes b 2)
+    writeI32 p b = tWrite (getTransport p) (getBytes b 4)
+    writeI64 p b = tWrite (getTransport p) (getBytes b 8)
+    writeDouble p d = writeI64 p (fromIntegral $ floatBits d)
+    writeString p s = writeI32 p (length s) >> tWrite (getTransport p) s
+    writeBinary = writeString
+    readMessageBegin p = do
+        ver <- readI32 p
+        if (ver .&. version_mask /= version_1)
+            then throw $ ProtocolExn PE_BAD_VERSION "Missing version identifier"
+            else do
+              s <- readString p
+              sz <- readI32 p
+              return (s, toEnum $ ver .&. 0xFF, sz)
+    readMessageEnd _ = return ()
+    readStructBegin _ = return ""
+    readStructEnd _ = return ()
+    readFieldBegin p = do
+        t <- readType p
+        n <- if t /= T_STOP then readI16 p else return 0
+        return ("", t, n)
+    readFieldEnd _ = return ()
+    readMapBegin p = do
+        kt <- readType p
+        vt <- readType p
+        n <- readI32 p
+        return (kt, vt, n)
+    readMapEnd _ = return ()
+    readListBegin p = do
+        t <- readType p
+        n <- readI32 p
+        return (t, n)
+    readListEnd _ = return ()
+    readSetBegin p = do
+        t <- readType p
+        n <- readI32 p
+        return (t, n)
+    readSetEnd _ = return ()
+    readBool p = (== 1) `fmap` readByte p
+    readByte p = do
+        bs <- tReadAll (getTransport p) 1
+        return $ fromIntegral (composeBytes bs :: Int8)
+    readI16 p = do
+        bs <- tReadAll (getTransport p) 2
+        return $ fromIntegral (composeBytes bs :: Int16)
+    readI32 p = composeBytes `fmap` tReadAll (getTransport p) 4
+    readI64 p = composeBytes `fmap` tReadAll (getTransport p) 8
+    readDouble p = do
+        bs <- readI64 p
+        return $ floatOfBits $ fromIntegral bs
+    readString p = readI32 p >>= tReadAll (getTransport p)
+    readBinary = readString
+-- | Write a type as a byte
+writeType :: (Protocol p, Transport t) => p t -> ThriftType -> IO ()
+writeType p t = writeByte p (fromEnum t)
+-- | Read a byte as though it were a ThriftType
+readType :: (Protocol p, Transport t) => p t -> IO ThriftType
+readType p = toEnum `fmap` readByte p
+composeBytes :: (Bits b, Enum t) => [t] -> b
+composeBytes = (foldl' fn 0) . (map $ fromIntegral . fromEnum)
+    where fn acc b = (acc `shiftL` 8) .|. b
+getByte :: Bits a => a -> Int -> a
+getByte i n = 255 .&. (i `shiftR` (8 * n))
+getBytes :: (Bits a, Integral a) => a -> Int -> String
+getBytes i 0 = []
+getBytes i n = (toEnum $ fromIntegral $ getByte i (n-1)):(getBytes i (n-1))
+floatBits :: Double -> Word64
+floatBits (D# d#) = W64# (unsafeCoerce# d#)
+floatOfBits :: Word64 -> Double
+floatOfBits (W64# b#) = D# (unsafeCoerce# b#)