Remove py compiler from thrift repo

Summary: This keeps confusing people when they try to do make and make install, we always have it around in the svn repo, so we can take it out of current trunk.

Reviewed By: martin

git-svn-id: 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68
diff --git a/compiler/py/ b/compiler/py/
deleted file mode 100644
index 8b84d0a..0000000
--- a/compiler/py/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-	$(PYTHON) install install_scripts --install-dir=$(bindir)
diff --git a/compiler/py/ b/compiler/py/
deleted file mode 100755
index 11f41a9..0000000
--- a/compiler/py/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-rm -rf \
-ChangeLog \
-Makefile \ \
-Makefile.orig \
-aclocal.m4 \
-autom4te.cache \
-autoscan.log \
-config.guess \
-config.h \
-config.hin \
-config.log \
-config.status \
-config.sub \
-configure \
-configure.scan \
-depcomp \
-.deps \
-install-sh \
-.libs \
-libtool \ \ \
-automake -ac
diff --git a/compiler/py/ b/compiler/py/
deleted file mode 100644
index dcc7bf2..0000000
--- a/compiler/py/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-AC_INIT([compiler], [1.0])
-AM_PATH_PYTHON(2.4,, :)
diff --git a/compiler/py/ b/compiler/py/
deleted file mode 100644
index 7167181..0000000
--- a/compiler/py/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-from distutils.core import setup
-setup(name = 'Thrift',
-      version = '1.0',
-      description = 'Thrift IDL compiler',
-      author = ['Mark Slee', 'Marc Kwiatkowski'],
-      author_email = ['', ''],
-      url = '',
-      package_dir = {'thrift' : 'src'},
-      py_modules = ['thrift.parser', 'thrift.cpp_generator', 'thrift.generator', 'thrift.php_generator'],
-      scripts = ['src/thrift']
-      )
diff --git a/compiler/py/src/ b/compiler/py/src/
deleted file mode 100644
index 440be4f..0000000
--- a/compiler/py/src/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-__all__ = ['parser', 'generator', 'cpp_generator', 'php_generator']
diff --git a/compiler/py/src/ b/compiler/py/src/
deleted file mode 100644
index bdd251d..0000000
--- a/compiler/py/src/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1322 +0,0 @@
-import time
-import os
-import os.path
-from string import Template
-from thrift.parser import *
-from thrift.generator import *
- * Autogenerated by Thrift
- * ${date}
- *
- */
- """
-#if !defined(${source}_types_h_)
-#define ${source}_types_h_ 1
-#include <Thrift.h>
-CPP_TYPES_FOOTER = Template("""
-#endif // !defined(${source}_types_h_)
-#if !defined(${source}_h_)
-#define ${source}_h_ 1
-#include <Thrift.h>
-#include <TProcessor.h>
-#include <protocol/TProtocol.h>
-#include <transport/TTransport.h>
-#include \"${source}_types.h\"
-#endif // !defined(${source}_h_)""")
-#include \"${source}.h\"
-CPP_IMPL_FOOTER = Template("""
-def cpp_debug(arg):
-    print(arg)
-class Indenter(object):
-    def __init__(self, level=0, step=4):
-	self.level = level
-	self.step = step
-	self.chunk = ""
-	for i in range(step):
-	    self.chunk+= " "
-	self.prefix=""
-    def inc(self):
-	self.level+= self.step
-	self.prefix += self.chunk
-    def dec(self):
-	self.level-= self.step
-	if(self.level < 0):
-	    raise Exception, "Illegal indent level"
-	self.prefix = self.prefix[:self.level]
-    def __call__(self):
-	return  self.prefix
-class CFile(file):
-    def __init__(self, name, flags):
-        file.__init__(self, name, flags)
-        self.indent = Indenter()
-        self.newline = True
-    def rwrite(self, value):
-        file.write(self, value)
-    def write(self, value=""):
-        if self.newline:
-            self.rwrite(self.indent())
-            self.newline = False
-        self.rwrite(value)
-    def writeln(self, value=""):
-        self.write(value+"\n")
-        self.newline = True
-    def beginBlock(self):
-        self.writeln("{")
-    def endBlock(self, suffix=""):
-        self.indent.dec();
-        self.writeln("}"+suffix)
-    "void" : "void",
-    "bool" : "bool",
-    "string": "std::string",
-    "utf7": "std::string",
-    "utf8": "std::wstring",
-    "utf16": "std::utf16",
-    "byte" : "uint8_t",
-    "i08": "int8_t",
-    "i16": "int16_t",
-    "i32": "int32_t",
-    "i64": "int64_t",
-    "u08": "uint8_t",
-    "u16": "uint16_t",
-    "u32": "uint32_t",
-    "u64": "uint64_t",
-    "float": "float",
-    "double": "double"
-    MapType : "std::map",
-    ListType: "std::list",
-    SetType : "std::set",
-def toCNamespacePrefix(namespace):
-    if not namespace:
-	return ""
-    else:
-	return string.join(["namespace "+token + " {" for token in string.split(namespace, ".")], " ")
-def toCNamespaceSuffix(namespace):
-    if not namespace:
-	return ""
-    else:
-	return string.join(["}" for token in string.split(namespace, ".")], "")
-def toCTypeDeclaration(ttype):
-    """ Converts the thrift IDL type to the corresponding C/C++ type.  Note that if ttype is FieldType, this function c
-converts to type declaration followed by field name, i.e. \"string string_thing\""""
-    if isinstance(ttype, PrimitiveType):
-        return CPP_PRIMITIVE_MAP[]
-    elif isinstance(ttype, CollectionType):
-        result = CPP_CONTAINER_MAP[type(ttype)]+"<"
-        if isinstance(ttype, MapType):
-            result+= toCTypeDeclaration(ttype.keyType)+", "+ toCTypeDeclaration(ttype.valueType)
-        elif isinstance(ttype, SetType) or isinstance(ttype, ListType):
-            result+= toCTypeDeclaration(ttype.valueType)
-        else:
-            raise Exception, "Unknown Collection Type "+str(ttype)
-        result+= "> "
-        return result
-    elif isinstance(ttype, StructType):
-        return "struct "
-    elif isinstance(ttype, TypedefType):
-        return;
-    elif isinstance(ttype, EnumType):
-        return;
-    elif isinstance(ttype, Function):
-        result = toCTypeDeclaration(ttype.returnType())+ " ""("+string.join([toCTypeDeclaration(arg) for arg in ttype.args()], ", ")+")"
-	if len(ttype.exceptions()):
-	    result+= " throw("+string.join([toCTypeDeclaration(exceptions.type) for exceptions in ttype.exceptions()], ", ")+")"
-	return result
-    elif isinstance(ttype, Field):
-        return toCTypeDeclaration(ttype.type)+ " "
-    else:
-        raise Exception, "Unknown type "+str(ttype)
-def toTypeDefDefinition(typedef):
-    """ Converts a thrift typedef to a C/C++ typedef """
-    return "typedef "+toCTypeDeclaration(typedef.definitionType)+" "";"
-def toEnumDefinition(enum):
-    """ Converts a thrift enum to a C/C++ enum """
-    result = "enum "" {\n"
-    first = True
-    for ed in enum.enumDefs:
-        if first:
-            first = False
-        else:
-            result+= ",\n"
-        result+= "    "" = "+str(
-    result+= "\n};\n"
-    return result
-def toStructDefinition(struct):
-    """Converts a thrift struct to a C/C++ struct"""
-    result = "struct "" {\n"
-    # Create constructor defaults for primitive types
-    ctorValues = string.join(["(0)" for field in struct.fieldList if isinstance(toCanonicalType(field.type), PrimitiveType) and toCanonicalType(field.type) not in [STRING_TYPE, UTF8_TYPE, UTF16_TYPE, VOID_TYPE]], ", ")
-    if len(ctorValues) > 0:
-	result+= "    ""() : "+ctorValues+ " {}\n" 
-    # Field declarations
-    result+= string.join(["    "+toCTypeDeclaration(field)+";\n" for field in struct.fieldList if not isVoidType(field.type)], "")
-    # is-field-set struct and ctor
-    ctorValues = string.join(["(false)" for field in struct.fieldList if not isVoidType(field.type)], ", ")
-    if len(ctorValues) > 0:
-	result+= "    struct __isset {\n"
-	result+= "        __isset() : "+ctorValues+" {}\n"
-	result+= string.join(["        bool "";\n" for field in struct.fieldList if not isVoidType(field.type)], "")
-        result+= "   } __isset;\n"
-    # bring it on home
-    result+= "};\n"
-    return result
-    TypedefType : toTypeDefDefinition,
-    EnumType : toEnumDefinition,
-    StructType : toStructDefinition,
-    ExceptionType : toStructDefinition,
-    Service : None
-    }
-def toDefinitions(definitions):
-    """Converts an arbitrafy thrift grammatical unit definition to the corresponding C/C++ definition"""
-    result = ""
-    for definition in definitions:
-        writer = CPP_DEFINITION_MAP[type(definition)]
-        if writer:
-            result+= writer(definition)+"\n"
-    return result
-CPP_THRIFT_NS = "facebook::thrift"
-CPP_INTERFACE_FUNCTION_DECLARATION = Template("""    virtual ${functionDeclaration} = 0;
-class ${service}If {
-    public:
-    virtual ~${service}If() {}
-def toServiceInterfaceDeclaration(service, debugp=None):
-    """Converts a thrift service definition into a C++ abstract base class"""
-    functionDeclarations = string.join([CPP_INTERFACE_FUNCTION_DECLARATION.substitute(, functionDeclaration=toCTypeDeclaration(function)) for function in service.functionList], "")
-    return CPP_INTERFACE_DECLARATION.substitute(, functionDeclarations=functionDeclarations)
-CPP_SP = Template("boost::shared_ptr<${klass}> ")
-CPP_PROTOCOLP = CPP_SP.substitute(klass="const "+CPP_PROTOCOL)
-    U08_TYPE : CPP_PROTOCOL_NS+"::T_U08",
-    I08_TYPE : CPP_PROTOCOL_NS+"::T_I08",
-    I16_TYPE : CPP_PROTOCOL_NS+"::T_I16",
-    I32_TYPE : CPP_PROTOCOL_NS+"::T_I32",
-    I64_TYPE : CPP_PROTOCOL_NS+"::T_I64",
-    U08_TYPE : CPP_PROTOCOL_NS+"::T_U08",
-    U16_TYPE : CPP_PROTOCOL_NS+"::T_U16",
-    U32_TYPE : CPP_PROTOCOL_NS+"::T_U32",
-    U64_TYPE : CPP_PROTOCOL_NS+"::T_U64",
-    StructType : CPP_PROTOCOL_NS+"::T_STRUCT",
-    ExceptionType : CPP_PROTOCOL_NS+"::T_STRUCT",
-    ListType : CPP_PROTOCOL_NS+"::T_LIST",
-    MapType : CPP_PROTOCOL_NS+"::T_MAP",
-    SetType : CPP_PROTOCOL_NS+"::T_SET"
-CPP_SERVER_FUNCTION_DECLARATION = Template("""    void process_${function}(uint32_t seqid, """+CPP_TRANSPORTP+""" itrans, """+CPP_TRANSPORTP+""" otrans);
-void ${service}ServerIf::process_${function}(uint32_t seqid, """+CPP_TRANSPORTP+""" itrans, """+CPP_TRANSPORTP+""" otrans) {
-    uint32_t xfer = 0;
-    ${argsStructDeclaration};
-    ${argsStructReader};
-    _iprot->readMessageEnd(itrans);
-    ${resultStructDeclaration};
-    ${functionCall}
-    _oprot->writeMessageBegin(otrans, \"${function}\", """+CPP_PROTOCOL_REPLY+""", seqid);
-    ${resultStructWriter};
-    _oprot->writeMessageEnd(otrans);
-    otrans->flush();
-bool ${service}ServerIf::process("""+CPP_TRANSPORTP+""" itrans, """+CPP_TRANSPORTP+""" otrans) {
-    std::string name;
-    """+CPP_PROTOCOL_MESSAGE_TYPE+""" messageType;
-    uint32_t seqid;
-    _iprot->readMessageBegin(itrans, name, messageType, seqid);
-    if(messageType == """+CPP_PROTOCOL_CALL+""") {
-    } else {
-        throw """+CPP_EXCEPTION+"""(\"Unexpected message type\");     
-    }
-    return true;
-def toWireType(ttype):
-    """Converts a thrift type to the corresponding wire type.   This differs from toCTypeDeclaration in that it reduces typedefs
-to their canonical form and converts enums to signedf 32 bit integers"""
-    if isinstance(ttype, PrimitiveType):
-	return CPP_TTYPE_MAP[ttype]
-    elif isinstance(ttype, EnumType):
-	return CPP_TTYPE_MAP[I32_TYPE]
-    elif isinstance(ttype, TypedefType):
-	return toWireType(toCanonicalType(ttype))
-    elif isinstance(ttype, StructType) or isinstance(ttype, CollectionType):
-	return CPP_TTYPE_MAP[type(ttype)]
-    else:
-	raise Exception, "No wire type for thrift type: "+str(ttype)
-class ${service}ServerIf : public ${service}If, public """+CPP_PROCESSOR+""" {
-    public:
-    ${service}ServerIf("""+CPP_PROTOCOLP+""" protocol): _iprot(protocol), _oprot(protocol) {}
-    ${service}ServerIf("""+CPP_PROTOCOLP+""" iprot, """+CPP_PROTOCOLP+""" oprot) : _iprot(iprot), _oprot(oprot) {}
-    virtual ~${service}ServerIf() {}
-    bool process("""+CPP_TRANSPORTP+""" _itrans,"""+CPP_TRANSPORTP+""" _otrans);
-    protected:
-    """+CPP_PROTOCOLP+""" _iprot;
-    """+CPP_PROTOCOLP+""" _oprot;
-    private:
-def toServerDeclaration(service, debugp=None):
-    """Converts a thrift service definition to the Server skeleton class declaration."""
-    functionDeclarations = string.join([CPP_SERVER_FUNCTION_DECLARATION.substitute( for function in service.functionList], "")
-    return CPP_SERVER_DECLARATION.substitute(, functionDeclarations=functionDeclarations)
-CPP_CLIENT_FUNCTION_DECLARATION = Template("""    ${functionDeclaration};
-${returnDeclaration} ${service}Client::${function}(${argsDeclaration}) ${exceptionDeclaration} {
-    uint32_t xfer = 0;
-    std::string name;
-    """+CPP_PROTOCOL_MESSAGE_TYPE+""" messageType;
-    uint32_t cseqid = 0;
-    uint32_t rseqid = 0;
-    _oprot->writeMessageBegin(_otrans, \"${function}\", """+CPP_PROTOCOL_CALL+""", cseqid);
-    ${argsStructDeclaration};
-    ${argsStructWriter};
-    _otrans->flush();
-    _iprot->readMessageBegin(_itrans, name, messageType, rseqid);
-    if(messageType != """+CPP_PROTOCOL_REPLY+""" || 
-       rseqid != cseqid) {
-        throw """+CPP_EXCEPTION+"""(\"unexpected message type or id\");
-    }
-    ${resultStructDeclaration};
-    ${resultStructReader};
-    _iprot->readMessageEnd(_itrans);
-    throw """+CPP_EXCEPTION+"""(\"${function} failed: unknown result\");
-class ${service}Client : public ${service}If {
-    public:
-    ${service}Client("""+CPP_TRANSPORTP+""" transport, """+CPP_PROTOCOLP+""" protocol): _itrans(transport), _otrans(transport), _iprot(protocol), _oprot(protocol) {}
-    ${service}Client("""+CPP_TRANSPORTP+""" itrans, """+CPP_TRANSPORTP+""" otrans, """+CPP_PROTOCOLP+""" iprot, """+CPP_PROTOCOLP+""" oprot) : _itrans(itrans), _otrans(otrans), _iprot(iprot), _oprot(oprot) {}
-    private:
-    """+CPP_TRANSPORTP+""" _itrans;
-    """+CPP_TRANSPORTP+""" _otrans;
-    """+CPP_PROTOCOLP+""" _iprot;
-    """+CPP_PROTOCOLP+""" _oprot;
-def toServerFunctionDefinition(servicePrefix, function, debugp=None):
-    """Converts a thrift service method declaration into a server method-call processoror function"""
-    result = ""
-    argsStructDeclaration = toCTypeDeclaration(function.argsStruct)+" __args"
-    argsStructReader = toReaderCall("__args", function.argsStruct, "_iprot")
-    resultStructDeclaration = toCTypeDeclaration(function.resultStruct)+" __result"
-    resultStructWriter = toWriterCall("__result", function.resultStruct, "_oprot")
-    if not isVoidType(function.returnType()):
-	functionCallPrefix= "__result.success = "
-	functionCallSuffix = "\n    __result.__isset.success = true;"
-    else:
-	functionCallPrefix = ""
-	functionCallSuffix = ""
-    functionCall="("+string.join(["__args." for arg in function.args()], ", ")+");"
-    exceptions = function.exceptions()
-    if len(exceptions) > 0:
-	functionCallPrefix= "try {\n        "+functionCallPrefix
-	functionCallSuffix+= "\n    }"+string.join([" catch("+toCTypeDeclaration(exceptions[ix].type)+"& e"+str(ix)+") {\n        __result."+exceptions[ix].name+" = e"+str(ix)+";\n        __result.__isset."+exceptions[ix].name+" = true;\n    }" 
-		     for ix in range(len(exceptions))], "")
-    functionCall = functionCallPrefix+functionCall+functionCallSuffix
-    result+= CPP_SERVER_FUNCTION_DEFINITION.substitute(service=servicePrefix,,
-						       argsStructDeclaration=argsStructDeclaration, 
-						       argsStructReader=argsStructReader, 
-						       functionCall=functionCall,
-						       resultStructDeclaration=resultStructDeclaration,
-						       resultStructWriter=resultStructWriter)
-    return result
-def toServerServiceDefinition(service, debugp=None):
-    """Converts a thrift service definiton to a server skeleton implementation"""
-    result = ""
-    for function in service.functionList:
-	result+= toServerFunctionDefinition(, function, debugp)
-    callProcessSwitch = "        if"+string.join(["(\"""\") == 0) {\n            process_""(seqid, itrans, otrans);\n        }" for function in service.functionList], " else if")+" else {\n            throw "+CPP_EXCEPTION+"(\"Unknown function name \\\"\"+name+\"\\\"\");\n        }"
-    result+= CPP_SERVER_PROCESS_DEFINITION.substitute(, callProcessSwitch=callProcessSwitch)
-    return result
-def toServerDefinition(program, debugp=None):
-    return string.join([toServerServiceDefinition(service) for service in program.serviceMap.values()], "\n")
-def toClientDeclaration(service, debugp=None):
-    functionDeclarations = string.join([CPP_CLIENT_FUNCTION_DECLARATION.substitute(functionDeclaration=toCTypeDeclaration(function)) for function in service.functionList], "")
-    return CPP_CLIENT_DECLARATION.substitute(, functionDeclarations=functionDeclarations)+"\n"
-def toClientFunctionDefinition(servicePrefix, function, debugp=None):
-    """Converts a thrift service method declaration to a client stub implementation"""
-    isVoid = isVoidType(function.returnType())
-    returnDeclaration = toCTypeDeclaration(function.returnType())
-    argsDeclaration = string.join([toCTypeDeclaration(function.args()[ix].type)+" __arg"+str(ix) for ix in range(len(function.args()))], ", ")
-    exceptionDeclaration = string.join([toCTypeDeclaration(exception.type) for exception in function.exceptions()], ", ")
-    if len(exceptionDeclaration)> 0:
-	exceptionDeclaration = "throw("+exceptionDeclaration+")"
-    argsStructDeclaration = toCTypeDeclaration(function.argsStruct)+" __args"
-    argsStructWriter = toWriterCall("__args", function.argsStruct, "_oprot", "_otrans")
-    argsToStruct= string.join(["    __args."+function.args()[ix].name+" = __arg"+str(ix) for ix in range(len(function.args()))], ";\n")
-    resultStructDeclaration = toCTypeDeclaration(function.resultStruct)+" __result"
-    resultStructReader = toReaderCall("__result", function.resultStruct, "_iprot", "_itrans")
-    exceptions = function.exceptions()
-    """ void return and non-void returns require very different arrangments.  For void returns, we don't actually expect
-        anything to have been sent from the remote side, therefore  we need to check for explicit exception returns first,
-	then, if none were encountered, return.  For void we test for success first - since this is the most likey result -
-	and then check for exceptions.  In both cases, we need to handle the case where there are no specified exceptions. """
-    if len(exceptions) > 0:
-	errors= ["if(__result.__isset."") {\n        throw  __result."";\n    }" for exception in exceptions]
-    else:
-	errors = []
-    if not isVoid:
-	returnResult = "    if(__result.__isset.success) {\n        return __result.success;\n}"
-	if len(errors) > 0:
-	    returnResult+= " else "+string.join(errors, " else ")
-    else:
-	if len(errors) > 0:
-	    returnResult= "    "+string.join(errors, " else ")+" else {\n        return;\n    }\n"
-	else:
-	    returnResult="    return;\n"
-    return CPP_CLIENT_FUNCTION_DEFINITION.substitute(service=servicePrefix,
-	,
-						     returnDeclaration=returnDeclaration,
-						     argsDeclaration=argsDeclaration,
-						     exceptionDeclaration=exceptionDeclaration,
-						     argsStructDeclaration=argsStructDeclaration,
-						     argsStructWriter=argsStructWriter,
-						     argsToStruct=argsToStruct,
-						     resultStructDeclaration=resultStructDeclaration, 
-						     resultStructReader=resultStructReader,
-						     returnResult=returnResult)
-def toClientServiceDefinition(service, debugp=None):
-    """Converts a thrift service definition to a client stub implementation"""
-    result = ""
-    for function in service.functionList:
-	result+= toClientFunctionDefinition(, function)
-    return result
-def toClientDefinition(program, debugp=None):
-    """Converts all services in a thrift program to client stub implementations"""
-    return string.join([toClientServiceDefinition(service) for service in program.serviceMap.values()], "\n")
-def toServiceDeclaration(service, debugp=None):
-    """Converts all services in a thrift program to service interface or abstract base class declarations"""
-    return toServiceInterfaceDeclaration(service, debugp) + toServerDeclaration(service, debugp) + toClientDeclaration(service, debugp)
-def toGenDir(filename, suffix="gen-cpp", debugp=None):
-    """creates a generated-code subdirectory for C++ code based on filename of thrift source file and optional suffix"""
-    result = os.path.join(os.path.split(filename)[0], suffix)
-    if not os.path.exists(result):
-        os.mkdir(result)
-    return result
-def toBasename(filename, debugp=None):
-    """ Take the filename minus the path and\".thrift\" extension  if present """
-    basename = os.path.split(filename)[1]
-    tokens = os.path.splitext(basename)
-    if tokens[1].lower() == ".thrift":
-        basename = tokens[0]
-    if debugp:
-        debugp("toBasename("+str(filename)+") => "+str(basename))
-    return basename
-def toDefinitionHeaderName(filename, genDir=None, debugp=None):
-    """Creates a file name for the public thrift data types based on filename of thrift source file and optional suffix"""
-    if not genDir:
-        genDir = toGenDir(filename)
-    basename = toBasename(filename)
-    result = os.path.join(genDir, basename+"_types.h")
-    if debugp:
-        debugp("toDefinitionHeaderName("+str(filename)+", "+str(genDir)+") => "+str(basename))
-    return result
-def writeDefinitionHeader(program, filename, genDir=None, debugp=None):
-    """Writes public thrift data types defined in program into a public data types header file.  Uses the name of the original
-thrift source, filename, and the optional generated C++ code directory, genDir, to determine the name and location of header file"""
-    definitionHeader = toDefinitionHeaderName(filename, genDir)
-    if debugp:
-        debugp("definitionHeader: "+str(definitionHeader))
-    cfile = CFile(definitionHeader, "w")
-    basename = toBasename(filename)
-    cfile.writeln(CPP_TYPES_HEADER.substitute(source=basename, date=time.ctime(), namespacePrefix=toCNamespacePrefix(program.namespace)))
-    cfile.write(toDefinitions(program.definitions))
-    cfile.writeln(CPP_TYPES_FOOTER.substitute(source=basename, namespaceSuffix=toCNamespaceSuffix(program.namespace)))
-    cfile.close()
-def toServicesHeaderName(filename, genDir=None, debugp=None):
-    """Creates a file name for the public thrift services based on filename of thrift source file and optional suffix"""
-    if not genDir:
-        genDir = toGenDir(filename)
-    basename = toBasename(filename)
-    result = os.path.join(genDir, basename+".h")
-    if debugp:
-        debugp("toDefinitionHeaderName("+str(filename)+", "+str(genDir)+") => "+str(basename))
-    return result
-def writeServicesHeader(program, filename, genDir=None, debugp=None):
-    """Writes public thrift service abstract base class, client class, and server class for all services defined in program into a public services header file.  Uses the name of the original thrift source, filename, and the optional generated C++ code directory, genDir, to determine the name and location of header file"""
-    servicesHeader = toServicesHeaderName(filename, genDir)
-    if debugp:
-        debugp("servicesHeader: "+str(servicesHeader))
-    cfile = CFile(servicesHeader, "w")
-    basename = toBasename(filename)
-    cfile.writeln(CPP_SERVICES_HEADER.substitute(source=basename, date=time.ctime(), namespacePrefix=toCNamespacePrefix(program.namespace)))
-    services = []
-    # Build orderered list of service definitions by scanning definitions list for services
-    for definition in  program.definitions:
-        if isinstance(definition, Service) and in program.serviceMap:
-            services.append(definition)
-    for service in services:
-        cfile.write(toServiceDeclaration(service))
-    cfile.writeln(CPP_SERVICES_FOOTER.substitute(source=basename, namespaceSuffix=toCNamespaceSuffix(program.namespace)))
-    cfile.close()
-CPP_STRUCT_READ = Template("""
-uint32_t read${name}Struct("""+CPP_PROTOCOLP+""" _iprot, """+CPP_TRANSPORTP+""" itrans, ${declaration}& value) {
-    std::string name;
-    uint32_t id;
-    uint32_t type;
-    uint32_t xfer = 0;
-    while(true) {
-        xfer+= _iprot->readFieldBegin(_itrans, name, type, id);
-        if(type == """+CPP_PROTOCOL_TSTOP+""") {
-            break;
-        }
-        switch(id) {
-        }
-    }
-    xfer+= _iprot->readStructEnd(_itrans);
-    return xfer;
-    "void" :"Void",
-    "bool" : "Bool",
-    "string": "String",
-    "utf7": "String",
-    "utf8": "String", 
-    "utf16": "String",
-    "i08": "Byte",
-    "i16": "I16",
-    "i32": "I32", 
-    "i64": "I64", 
-    "u08": "Byte",
-    "u16": "U16",
-    "u32": "U32",
-    "u64": "U64",
-    "float": "Float",
-    "double": "Double"
-    MapType : "map",
-    ListType : "list",
-    SetType : "set"
-def typeToIOMethodSuffix(ttype):
-    """Converts type to a name suitable as a suffix with TProtocol primitive read and write methods or with a generated read or write
-method for a complex type"""
-    if isinstance(ttype, PrimitiveType):
-    elif isinstance(ttype, CollectionType):
-        result = CPP_COLLECTION_TYPE_IO_METHOD_SUFFIX_MAP[type(ttype)]+"_"
-        if isinstance(ttype, MapType):
-            result+= "k_"+typeToIOMethodSuffix(ttype.keyType)+"_"
-        result += "v_"+typeToIOMethodSuffix(ttype.valueType)
-        return result
-    elif isinstance(ttype, StructType):
-        return "struct_"
-    elif isinstance(ttype, TypedefType):
-        return
-    elif isinstance(ttype, EnumType):
-        return
-    else:
-        raise Exception, "Unknown type "+str(ttype)
-def toReaderCall(value, ttype, reader="iprot", transport="itrans"):
-    """Converts type to a name suitable as a suffix with TProtocol primitive read methods or with a generated read 
-method for a complex type"""
-    suffix = typeToIOMethodSuffix(ttype)
-    if isinstance(ttype, PrimitiveType):
-	if ttype != VOID_TYPE:
-	    return "xfer += "+reader+"->read"+suffix+"("+transport+", "+value+")"
-	else:
-	    return ""
-    elif isinstance(ttype, CollectionType):
-        return "xfer+= read_"+suffix+"("+reader+", "+transport+", "+value+")"
-    elif isinstance(ttype, StructType):
-        return "xfer+= read_"+suffix+"("+reader+", "+transport+", "+value+")"
-    elif isinstance(ttype, TypedefType):
-        return toReaderCall("reinterpret_cast<"+toCTypeDeclaration(ttype.definitionType)+"&>("+value+")", ttype.definitionType, reader)
-    elif isinstance(ttype, EnumType):
-        return toReaderCall("reinterpret_cast<"+toCTypeDeclaration(I32_TYPE)+"&>("+value+")", I32_TYPE, reader)
-    else:
-        raise Exception, "Unknown type "+str(ttype)
-def toWriterCall(value, ttype, writer="oprot", transport="otrans"):
-    """Converts type to a name suitable as a suffix with TProtocol primitive write methods or with a generated write 
-method for a complex type"""
-    suffix = typeToIOMethodSuffix(ttype)
-    if isinstance(ttype, PrimitiveType):
-	if ttype != VOID_TYPE:
-	    return "xfer+= "+writer+"->write"+suffix+"("+transport+", "+value+")"
-	else:
-	    return ""
-    elif isinstance(ttype, CollectionType):
-        return "xfer+= write_"+suffix+"("+writer+", "+transport+", "+value+")"
-    elif isinstance(ttype, StructType):
-        return "xfer+= write_"+suffix+"("+writer+", "+transport+", "+value+")"
-    elif isinstance(ttype, TypedefType):
-        return toWriterCall("reinterpret_cast<const "+toCTypeDeclaration(ttype.definitionType)+"&>("+value+")", ttype.definitionType, writer)
-    elif isinstance(ttype, EnumType):
-        return toWriterCall("reinterpret_cast<const "+toCTypeDeclaration(I32_TYPE)+"&>("+value+")", I32_TYPE, writer)
-    else:
-        raise Exception, "Unknown type "+str(ttype)
-uint32_t read_${suffix}("""+CPP_PROTOCOLP+""" iprot, """+CPP_TRANSPORTP+""" itrans, ${declaration}& value) {
-   uint32_t count;
-   ${keyType} key;
-   ${valueType} elem;
-   uint32_t xfer = 0;
-   """+CPP_PROTOCOL_TTYPE+""" keyType;
-   """+CPP_PROTOCOL_TTYPE+""" valueType;
-   xfer += iprot->readMapBegin(itrans, keyType, valueType, count);
-   /* XXX
-      Should we assert that read key and value type are correct? */
-   for(uint32_t ix = 0; ix < count; ix++) {
-       ${keyReaderCall};
-       ${valueReaderCall};
-       value.insert(std::make_pair(key, elem));
-   }
-   xfer += iprot->readMapEnd(itrans);
-   return xfer;
-uint32_t write_${suffix}("""+CPP_PROTOCOLP+""" oprot, """+CPP_TRANSPORTP+""" otrans, const ${declaration}& value) {
-   uint32_t xfer = 0;
-   xfer += oprot->writeMapBegin(otrans, ${keyWireType}, ${valueWireType}, value.size());
-   for(${declaration}::const_iterator ix = value.begin(); ix != value.end(); ++ix) {
-       ${keyWriterCall};
-       ${valueWriterCall};
-   }
-   xfer += oprot->writeMapEnd(otrans);
-   return xfer;
-uint32_t read_${suffix}("""+CPP_PROTOCOLP+""" iprot, """+CPP_TRANSPORTP+""" itrans, ${declaration}& value) {
-   uint32_t count;
-   ${valueType} elem;
-   uint32_t xfer = 0;
-   """+CPP_PROTOCOL_TTYPE+""" valueType;
-   xfer += iprot->read${protocolSuffix}Begin(itrans, valueType, count);
-   /* XXX
-      Should we assert that read value type is correct? */
-   xfer+= iprot->readU32(itrans,  count);
-   for(uint32_t ix = 0; ix < count; ix++) {
-       ${valueReaderCall};
-       value.${insert}(elem);
-   }
-   xfer += iprot->read${protocolSuffix}End(itrans);
-   return xfer;
-uint32_t write_${suffix}("""+CPP_PROTOCOLP+""" oprot, """+CPP_TRANSPORTP+""" otrans, const ${declaration}& value) {
-   uint32_t xfer = 0;
-   xfer+= oprot->write${protocolSuffix}Begin(otrans, ${valueWireType}, value.size());
-   for(${declaration}::const_iterator ix = value.begin(); ix != value.end(); ++ix) {
-       ${valueWriterCall};
-   }
-   xfer+= oprot->write${protocolSuffix}End(otrans);
-   return xfer;
-def toCollectionReaderDefinition(collection):
-    """Converts collection type to reader function definition"""
-    suffix = typeToIOMethodSuffix(collection)
-    if isinstance(collection, MapType):
-        keyReaderCall = toReaderCall("key", collection.keyType)
-    valueReaderCall= toReaderCall("elem", collection.valueType)
-    if isinstance(collection, MapType):
-        return CPP_READ_MAP_DEFINITION.substitute(suffix=suffix, declaration=toCTypeDeclaration(collection),
-                                                  keyType=toCTypeDeclaration(collection.keyType),
-                                                  keyReaderCall=keyReaderCall,
-                                                  valueType=toCTypeDeclaration(collection.valueType),
-                                                  valueReaderCall=valueReaderCall)
-    else:
-	if isinstance(collection, ListType):
-	    protocolSuffix="List"
-	    insert="push_back"
-	else:
-	    protocolSuffix="Set"
-	    insert="insert"
-        return CPP_READ_LIST_DEFINITION.substitute(suffix=suffix, declaration=toCTypeDeclaration(collection),
-						   protocolSuffix=protocolSuffix,
-                                                   valueReaderCall=valueReaderCall,
-                                                   valueType=toCTypeDeclaration(collection.valueType),
-						   insert=insert)
-def toCollectionWriterDefinition(collection):
-    """Converts collection type to writer function definition"""
-    suffix = typeToIOMethodSuffix(collection)
-    if isinstance(collection, MapType):
-        keyWriterCall = toWriterCall("ix->first", collection.keyType)
-	keyWireType = toWireType(collection.keyType)
-        valueWriterCall = toWriterCall("ix->second", collection.valueType)
-    else:
-	valueWriterCall= toWriterCall("*ix", collection.valueType)
-    valueWireType = toWireType(collection.valueType)
-    if isinstance(collection, MapType):
-        return CPP_WRITE_MAP_DEFINITION.substitute(suffix=suffix, declaration=toCTypeDeclaration(collection),
-						   keyType=toCTypeDeclaration(collection.keyType),
-						   keyWireType=keyWireType,
-						   keyWriterCall=keyWriterCall,
-						   valueType=toCTypeDeclaration(collection.valueType),
-						   valueWireType=valueWireType,
-						   valueWriterCall=valueWriterCall)
-    else:
-	if isinstance(collection, ListType):
-	    protocolSuffix = "List"
-	elif isinstance(collection, SetType):
-	    protocolSuffix = "Set"
-	else:
-	    raise Exception, "Unknown collection type "+str(type(collection))+":"+str(collection)
-        return CPP_WRITE_LIST_DEFINITION.substitute(suffix=suffix, declaration=toCTypeDeclaration(collection),
-						    protocolSuffix=protocolSuffix,
-						    valueWireType=valueWireType,
-						    valueWriterCall=valueWriterCall,
-						    valueType=toCTypeDeclaration(collection.valueType))
-uint32_t read_${suffix}("""+CPP_PROTOCOLP+""" iprot, """+CPP_TRANSPORTP+""" itrans, ${declaration}& value) {
-    std::string name;
-    """+CPP_PROTOCOL_TTYPE+""" type;
-    int16_t id;
-    uint32_t xfer = 0;
-    xfer+= iprot->readStructBegin(itrans, name);
-    while(true) {
-        xfer+= iprot->readFieldBegin(itrans, name, type, id);
-        if(type == """+CPP_PROTOCOL_TSTOP+""") {break;}
-        switch(id) {
-            default: xfer += iprot->skip(itrans, type); break;
-	}
-        xfer+= iprot->readFieldEnd(itrans);
-    }
-    xfer+= iprot->readStructEnd(itrans);
-    return xfer;
-CPP_WRITE_FIELD_DEFINITION  = Template("""oprot->writeFieldBegin(otrans, \"${name}\", ${type}, ${id}); ${fieldWriterCall}; oprot->writeFieldEnd(otrans)""") 
-uint32_t write_${suffix}("""+CPP_PROTOCOLP+""" oprot, """+CPP_TRANSPORTP+""" otrans, const ${declaration}& value) {
-    uint32_t xfer = 0;
-    xfer+= oprot->writeStructBegin(otrans, \"${name}\");
-    xfer+= oprot->writeFieldStop(otrans);
-    xfer += oprot->writeStructEnd(otrans);
-    return xfer;
-def toStructReaderDefinition(struct):
-    """Converts struct type to reader function definition"""
-    suffix = typeToIOMethodSuffix(struct)
-    # Sort field list in order of increasing ids
-    fieldList = []
-    fieldList+= struct.fieldList
-    fieldList.sort(lambda a,b: -
-    fieldSwitch=""
-    for field in fieldList:
-	if isVoidType(field.type):
-	    continue;
-        fieldSwitch+= "            case "+str(": "
-        fieldSwitch+= toReaderCall("value.", field.type)+"; value.__isset."" = true; break;\n"
-    return CPP_READ_STRUCT_DEFINITION.substitute(suffix=suffix, declaration=toCTypeDeclaration(struct), fieldSwitch=fieldSwitch)
-def toStructWriterDefinition(struct):
-    """Converts struct type to writer function definition"""
-    suffix = typeToIOMethodSuffix(struct)
-    fieldWriterCalls = []
-    fieldWriterCalls = [CPP_WRITE_FIELD_DEFINITION.substitute(, 
-							      type=toWireType(toCanonicalType(field.type)),
-			,
-							      fieldWriterCall=toWriterCall("value.", field.type))+";" 
-			for field in struct.fieldList if not isVoidType(field.type)
-			]
-    fieldWriterCalls = "    "+string.join(fieldWriterCalls, "\n    ")
-    return CPP_WRITE_STRUCT_DEFINITION.substitute(, suffix=suffix, declaration=toCTypeDeclaration(struct), fieldWriterCalls=fieldWriterCalls)
-uint32_t write_${suffix}("""+CPP_PROTOCOLP+""" oprot, """+CPP_TRANSPORTP+""" otrans, const ${declaration}& value) {
-    uint32_t xfer = 0;
-    xfer+= oprot->writeStructBegin(otrans, \"${name}\");
-    if(${value}.__isset.x)
-    xfer+= oprot->writeFieldStop(otrans);
-    xfer += oprot->writeStructEnd(otrans);
-    return xfer;
-def toResultStructReaderDefinition(struct):
-    """Converts internal results struct to a reader function definition"""
-    return toStructReaderDefinition(struct)
-def toResultStructWriterDefinition(struct):
-    """Converts internal results struct to a reader function definition.  The difference between this function and toStructWriterDefinition is that this only sends one field, either success or an exception field, depending on which field is set"""
-    suffix = typeToIOMethodSuffix(struct)
-    fieldWriterCalls = ["if(value.__isset."") { "+
-							      type=toWireType(toCanonicalType(field.type)),
-			,
-							      fieldWriterCall=toWriterCall("value.", field.type))+";}" 
-			for field in struct.fieldList if not isVoidType(field.type)]
-    fieldWriterCalls = "    "+string.join(fieldWriterCalls, "\n    else ")
-    return CPP_WRITE_STRUCT_DEFINITION.substitute(, suffix=suffix, declaration=toCTypeDeclaration(struct), fieldWriterCalls=fieldWriterCalls)
-def toReaderDefinition(ttype):
-    """Converts thrift type to a reader function definition"""
-    if isinstance(ttype, CollectionType):
-        return toCollectionReaderDefinition(ttype)
-    elif isinstance(ttype, StructType):
-        return toStructReaderDefinition(ttype)
-    elif isinstance(ttype, TypedefType):
-	return ""
-    elif isinstance(ttype, EnumType):
-	return ""
-    else:
-	raise Exception, "Unsupported type: "+str(ttype)
-def toWriterDefinition(ttype):
-    """Converts thrift type to a writer function definition"""
-    if isinstance(ttype, CollectionType):
-        return toCollectionWriterDefinition(ttype)
-    elif isinstance(ttype, StructType):
-        return toStructWriterDefinition(ttype)
-    elif isinstance(ttype, TypedefType):
-	return ""
-    elif isinstance(ttype, EnumType):
-	return ""
-    else:
-	raise Exception, "Unsupported type: "+str(ttype)
-def toOrderedIOList(ttype, result=None):
-    """Builds a list of types ordered by doing a depth first traverse of all thrift type definitions.  This gives us a list from which we can 
-generate read/write methods without making forward references."""
-    if not result:
-	result = []
-    if ttype in result:
-	return result
-    elif isinstance(ttype, PrimitiveType):
-	return result
-    elif isinstance(ttype, CollectionType):
-	if isinstance(ttype, MapType):
-	    result = toOrderedIOList(ttype.keyType, result)
-	result = toOrderedIOList(ttype.valueType, result)
-	result.append(ttype)
-    elif isinstance(ttype, StructType):
-	for field in ttype.fieldList:
-	    result = toOrderedIOList(field.type, result)
-	result.append(ttype)
-    elif isinstance(ttype, TypedefType):
-	result.append(ttype)
-	return result
-    elif isinstance(ttype, EnumType):
-	result.append(ttype)
-	return result
-    elif isinstance(ttype, Program):
-	for struct in ttype.structMap.values():
-	    result = toOrderedIOList(struct, result)
-	for service in ttype.serviceMap.values():
-	    result = toOrderedIOList(service, result)
-    elif isinstance(ttype, Service):
-	for function in ttype.functionList:
-	    result = toOrderedIOList(function, result)
-    elif isinstance(ttype, Function):
-	result = toOrderedIOList(ttype.returnType(), result)
-	# skip the args struct itself and just order the arguments themselves
-	# we don't want the arg struct to be referred to until later, since we need to
-	# inline those struct definitions with the implementation, not in the types header
-	for field in ttype.args():
-	    result = toOrderedIOList(field.type, result)
-    else:
-	raise Exception, "Unsupported thrift type: "+str(ttype)
-    return result
-def toIOMethodImplementations(program):
-    """Generates read and write methods for all non-primitive types in a thrift program as well as for the internal argStruct and resultStruct types for 
-all service functions"""
-    # get ordered list of all types that need marshallers:
-    iolist = toOrderedIOList(program)
-    result = ""
-    for ttype in iolist:
-	result+= toReaderDefinition(ttype)
-	result+= toWriterDefinition(ttype)
-    # For all function argument lists, we need to create both struct definitions
-    # and io methods.  We keep the struct definitions local, since they aren't part of the service API
-    #
-    # Note that we don't need to do a depth-first traverse of arg structs since they can only include fields
-    # we've already seen
-    for service in program.serviceMap.values():
-	for function in service.functionList:
-	    result+= toStructDefinition(function.argsStruct)
-	    result+= toReaderDefinition(function.argsStruct)
-	    result+= toWriterDefinition(function.argsStruct)
-	    result+= toStructDefinition(function.resultStruct)
-	    result+= toResultStructReaderDefinition(function.resultStruct)
-	    result+= toResultStructWriterDefinition(function.resultStruct)
-    return result;
-def toImplementationSourceName(filename, genDir=None, debugp=None):
-    """Creates a file name for the implementation of client stubs, server skeletons, and non-primitive read/write methods."""
-    if not genDir:
-        genDir = toGenDir(filename)
-    basename = toBasename(filename)
-    result = os.path.join(genDir, basename+".cc")
-    if debugp:
-        debugp("toDefinitionHeaderName("+str(filename)+", "+str(genDir)+") => "+str(basename))
-    return result
-def writeImplementationSource(program, filename, genDir=None, debugp=None):
-    """Writes client stub, server skeleton, and non-primitive type I/O functions for all servciesf defined in program into a C/C++ source file.  Uses the name of the original
-thrift source, filename, and the optional generated C++ code directory, genDir, to determine the name and location of header file"""
-    implementationSource = toImplementationSourceName(filename, genDir)
-    if debugp:
-        debugp("implementationSource: "+str(implementationSource))
-    cfile = CFile(implementationSource, "w")
-    basename = toBasename(filename)
-    cfile.writeln(CPP_IMPL_HEADER.substitute(source=basename, date=time.ctime(), namespacePrefix=toCNamespacePrefix(program.namespace)))
-    cfile.write(toIOMethodImplementations(program))
-    cfile.write(toServerDefinition(program))
-    cfile.write(toClientDefinition(program))
-    cfile.writeln(CPP_IMPL_FOOTER.substitute(source=basename, namespaceSuffix=toCNamespaceSuffix(program.namespace)))
-    cfile.close()
-class CPPGenerator(Generator):
-    def __call__(self, program, filename, genDir=None, debugp=None):
-        writeDefinitionHeader(program, filename, genDir, debugp)
-        writeServicesHeader(program, filename, genDir, debugp)
-        writeImplementationSource(program, filename, genDir, debugp)
diff --git a/compiler/py/src/ b/compiler/py/src/
deleted file mode 100644
index 7e8a84a..0000000
--- a/compiler/py/src/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-class Generator(object):
-    def __call__(self,  program, filename, gendir, debugp=None):
-        raise Exception, "Not implemented"
diff --git a/compiler/py/src/ b/compiler/py/src/
deleted file mode 100644
index 87633f4..0000000
--- a/compiler/py/src/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1055 +0,0 @@
-""" Thrift IDL parser/compiler
-    This parser uses the Python PLY LALR parser generator to build a parser for the Thrift IDL grammar.
-    If a compiles \"thyc\" file exists for a given source \"thrift\" file it computes a hash of the file and determines
-    if if it is the source of the \"thyc\" file.  If  so, it simply returns the parse tree previously computed, otherwise it
-    parses the source and generates a new \"thyc\" file  (assuming of course the source file contains no errors.)
-    When the parser encounters import statements it searches for corresponding \"thrift\" or \"thyc\" files in paths corresponding to
-    the specified namespace.
-    Author(s): Mark Slee(, Marc Kwiatkowski (
-    $Id:
-import lex
-import os
-import pickle
-import string
-import yacc
-class Error(object):
-    def __init__(self, start=0, end=0, message=""):
-	if len(message) == 0:
-	    raise Exception, "NO MESSAGE"
-	self.message = message
-	self.start = start
-	self.end = end
-    def __str__(self):
-	return str(self.start)+": error: "+self.message
-class SyntaxError(Error):
-    def __init__(self, yaccSymbol):
-	if isinstance(yaccSymbol, yacc.YaccSymbol):
-	    Error.__init__(self, yaccSymbol.lineno, yaccSymbol.lineno, "syntax error "+str(yaccSymbol.value))
-	else:
-	    Error.__init__(self, 1, 1, "syntax error "+str(yaccSymbol))
-class SymanticsError(Error):
-    def __init__(self, definition, message):
-	Error.__init__(self, definition.start, definition.end, message)
-	self.definition = definition
-    def __str__(self):
-	return str(self.start)+": error: "+self.message
-class ErrorException(Exception):
-    def __init__(self, errors=None):
-	Exception.__init__(self)
-	self.errors = errors
-class Definition(object):
-    """ Abstract thrift IDL definition unit """
-    def __init__(self, symbols=None, name="", id=None):
-	if symbols:
-	    self.lines(symbols)
- = name
- = id
-    def validate(self):
-	pass
-    def lines(self, symbols):
-	self.start = symbols.lineno(1)
-	self.end = symbols.lineno(len(symbols) - 1)
-class Identifier(Definition):
-    """ An Identifier - name and optional integer id """
-    def __init__(self, symbols, name, id=None):
-	Definition.__init__(self, symbols, name, id)
-    def __str__(self):
-	result =
-	if != 0:
-	    result+="="+str(
-	return result
-def toCanonicalType(ttype):
-    if isinstance(ttype, TypedefType):
-	return toCanonicalType(ttype.definitionType)
-    else:
-	return ttype
-def isVoidType(ttype):
-    """Is canonnical type of the specified type void?"""
-    return toCanonicalType(ttype) == VOID_TYPE
-def isComparableType(ttype):
-    """Is the type one that is implicitly comparable and thus is suitable for use in C++ maps and sets and java Sets and Maps?"""
-    ttype = toCanonicalType(ttype)
-    return isinstance(ttype, PrimitiveType) or isinstance(ttype, EnumType)
-class Type(Definition):
-    """ Abstract Type definition """
-    def __init__(self, symbols, name):
-	Definition.__init__(self, symbols, name)
- = name
-    def __str__(self):
-	return
-class TypedefType(Type):
-    def __init__(self, symbols, name, definitionType):
-	Type.__init__(self, symbols, name)
-	self.definitionType = definitionType
-    def __str__(self):
-	return"<"+str(", "+str(self.definitionType)+">"
-""" Primitive Types """
-class PrimitiveType(Type):
-    def __init__(self, name):
-	Type.__init__(self, None, name)
-STOP_TYPE =  PrimitiveType("stop")
-VOID_TYPE =  PrimitiveType("void")
-BOOL_TYPE = PrimitiveType("bool")
-STRING_TYPE = PrimitiveType("utf7")
-UTF8_TYPE = PrimitiveType("utf8")
-UTF16_TYPE = PrimitiveType("utf16")
-BYTE_TYPE = PrimitiveType("u08")
-I08_TYPE = PrimitiveType("i08")
-I16_TYPE = PrimitiveType("i16")
-I32_TYPE = PrimitiveType("i32")
-I64_TYPE = PrimitiveType("i64")
-U08_TYPE = PrimitiveType("u08")
-U16_TYPE = PrimitiveType("u16")
-U32_TYPE = PrimitiveType("u32")
-U64_TYPE = PrimitiveType("u64")
-FLOAT_TYPE = PrimitiveType("float")
-DOUBLE_TYPE = PrimitiveType("double")
-    "stop" : STOP_TYPE,
-    "void" : VOID_TYPE,
-    "bool" : BOOL_TYPE,
-    "string": UTF7_TYPE,
-    "utf7": UTF7_TYPE,
-    "utf8": UTF8_TYPE,
-    "utf16": UTF16_TYPE,
-    "byte" : U08_TYPE,
-    "i08": I08_TYPE,
-    "i16": I16_TYPE,
-    "i32": I32_TYPE,
-    "i64": I64_TYPE,
-    "u08": U08_TYPE,
-    "u16": U16_TYPE,
-    "u32": U32_TYPE,
-    "u64": U64_TYPE,
-    "float": FLOAT_TYPE,
-    "double": DOUBLE_TYPE
-""" Collection Types """
-class CollectionType(Type):
-    def __init__(self, symbols, name):
-	Type.__init__(self, symbols, name)
-    def validate(self):
-	return True
-class MapType(CollectionType):
-    def __init__(self, symbols, keyType, valueType):
-	CollectionType.__init__(self, symbols, "map<""," +">")
-	self.keyType = keyType
-	self.valueType = valueType
-    def validate(self):
-	if not isComparableType(self.keyType):
-	    raise ErrorException([SymanticsError(self, "key type \""+str(self.keyType)+"\" is not a comparable type.")])
-class SetType(CollectionType):
-    def __init__(self, symbols, valueType):
-	CollectionType.__init__(self, symbols, "set<"">")
-	self.valueType = valueType
-    def validate(self):
-	if not isComparableType(self.valueType):
-	    raise ErrorException([SymanticsError(self, "value type \""+str(self.valueType)+"\" is not a comparable type.")])
-class ListType(CollectionType):
-    def __init__(self, symbols, valueType):
-	CollectionType.__init__(self, symbols, "list<"">")
-	self.valueType = valueType
-class EnumType(Definition):
-    def __init__(self, symbols, name, enumDefs):
-	Definition.__init__(self, symbols, name)
-	self.enumDefs = enumDefs
-    def validate(self):
-	ids = {}
-	names = {}
-	errors = []
-	for enumDef in self.enumDefs:
-	    if in names:
- 		errors.append(SymanticsError(enumDef,"."+str(" already defined at line "+str(names[].start)))
-	    else:
-		names[] = enumDef
-	    if != None:
-		oldEnumDef = ids.get(
-		if oldEnumDef:
-		    errors.append(SymanticsError(enumDef, "enum "" \""+str("\" uses constant already assigned to \"""\""))
-		else:
-		    ids[] = enumDef
-	if len(errors):
-	    raise ErrorException(errors)
-	def assignId(enumDef, currentId, ids):
-	    'Finds the next available id number for an enum definition'
-	    eid= currentId + 1
-	    while eid in ids:
-		eid += 1
- = eid
-	    ids[] = enumDef
-	    return eid
-	# assign ids for all enum defs with unspecified ids
-	currentId = 0
-	for enumDef in self.enumDefs:
-	    if not
-		assignId(enumDef, currentId, ids)
-		currentId =
-    def __repr__(self):
-	return str(self)
-    def __str__(self):
-	return"<"+string.join(map(lambda enumDef: str(enumDef), self.enumDefs), ", ")
-class EnumDef(Definition):
-    def __init__(self, symbols, name, id=None):
-	Definition.__init__(self, symbols, name, id)
-    def __repr__(self):
-	return str(self)
-    def __str__(self):
-	result =
-	if
-	    result+= ":"+str(
-	return result
-class Field(Definition):
-    def __init__(self, symbols, type, identifier):
-	Definition.__init__(self, symbols,,
-	self.type = type
-	self.identifier = identifier
-    def __str__(self):
-	return "<"+str(self.type)+", "+str(self.identifier)+">"
-def validateFieldList(fieldList):
-    errors = []
-    names = {}
-    ids = {}
-    for field in fieldList:
-	if in names:
-	    oldField = names[]
-	    errors.append(SymanticsError(field, "field \"""\" already defined at "+str(oldField.start)))
-	else:
-	    names[] = field
-	if != None:
-	    oldField = ids.get(
-	    if oldField:
-		errors.append(SymanticsError(field, "field \"""\" uses constant already assigned to \"""\""))
-	    else:
-		ids[] = field
-    if len(errors):
-	raise ErrorException(errors)
-    def assignId(field, currentId, ids):
-	'Finds the next available id number for a field'
-	fid = currentId - 1
-	while fid in ids:
-	    fid-= 1
- = fid
-	ids[] = field
-	return fid
-    # assign ids for all fields with unspecified ids
-    currentId = 0
-    for field in fieldList:
-	if not
-	    currentId = assignId(field, currentId, ids)
-class StructType(Type):
-    def __init__(self, symbols, name, fieldList):
-	Type.__init__(self, symbols, name)
-	self.fieldList = fieldList
-    def validate(self):
-	validateFieldList(self.fieldList)
-    def __str__(self):
-	return"<"+string.join(map(lambda a: str(a), self.fieldList), ", ")+">"
-class ExceptionType(StructType):
-    def __init__(self, symbols, name, fieldList):
-	StructType.__init__(self, symbols, name, fieldList)
-class Function(Definition):
-    def __init__(self, symbols, name, resultStruct, argsStruct):
-	Definition.__init__(self, symbols, name)
-	self.resultStruct = resultStruct
-	self.argsStruct = argsStruct
-    def validate(self):
-	validateFieldList(self.argsStruct.fieldList)
-	validateFieldList(self.resultStruct.fieldList)
-    def args(self):
-	return self.argsStruct.fieldList
-    def returnType(self):
-	return self.resultStruct.fieldList[0].type
-    def exceptions(self):
-	return self.resultStruct.fieldList[1:]
-    def __str__(self):
-	return"("+str(self.argsStruct)+") => "+str(self.resultStruct)
-class Service(Definition):
-    def __init__(self, symbols, name, functionList):
-	Definition.__init__(self, symbols, name)
-	self.functionList = functionList
-    def validate(self):
-	errors = []
-	functionNames = {}
-	for function in self.functionList:
-	    if in functionNames:
-		oldFunction = functionNames[]
-		errors.append(SymanticsError(function, "function "" already defined at "+str(oldFunction.start)))
-	if len(errors):
-	    raise ErrorException(errors)
-    def __str__(self):
-	return"("+string.join(map(lambda a: str(a), self.functionList), ", ")+")"
-class Program(object):
-    def __init__(self, symbols=None, name="",
-		 namespace="",
-		 definitions=None, 
-		 serviceMap=None, 
-		 typedefMap=None, 
-		 enumMap=None, structMap=None, 
-		 collectionMap=None,
-                 primitiveMap=None):
- = name
-	self.namespace = namespace
-        if not definitions:
-            definitions = []
-        self.definitions = definitions
-	if not serviceMap:
-	    serviceMap = {}
-	self.serviceMap = serviceMap
-	if not typedefMap:
-	    typedefMap = {}
-	self.typedefMap = typedefMap
-	if not enumMap:
-	    enumMap = {}
-	self.enumMap = enumMap
-	if not structMap:
-	    structMap = {}
-	self.structMap = structMap
-	if not collectionMap:
-	    collectionMap = {}
-	self.collectionMap = collectionMap
-	if not primitiveMap:
-	    primitiveMap = PRIMITIVE_MAP
-	self.primitiveMap = primitiveMap
-    def addDefinition(self, definition, definitionMap, definitionTypeName):
-	oldDefinition = definitionMap.get(
-	if oldDefinition:
-	    raise ErrorException([SymanticsError(definition, definitionTypeName+" "" is already defined at "+str(oldDefinition.start))])
-	else:
-	    definitionMap[] = definition
-        # keep an ordered list of definitions so that stub/skel generators can determine the original order
-        self.definitions.append(definition)
-    def addStruct(self, struct):
-	self.addDefinition(struct, self.structMap, "struct")
-    def addTypedef(self, typedef):
-	self.addDefinition(typedef, self.typedefMap, "typedef")
-    def addEnum(self, enum):
-	self.addDefinition(enum, self.enumMap, "enum")
-    def addService(self, service):
-	self.addDefinition(service, self.serviceMap, "service")
-    def addCollection(self, collection):
-	if in self.collectionMap:
-	    return self.collectionMap[]
-	else:
-	    self.collectionMap[] = collection
-	    return collection
-    def getType(self, parent, symbol):
-	""" Get the type definition for a symbol"""
-	typeName = None
-	if isinstance(symbol, Type):
-	    return symbol
-	elif isinstance(symbol, Field):
-	    typeName =
-	elif isinstance(symbol, Identifier):
-	    typeName =
-	else:
-	    raise ErrorException([SymanticsError(parent, "unknown symbol \""+str(symbol)+"\"")])
-	for tmap in (self.primitiveMap, self.collectionMap, self.typedefMap, self.enumMap, self.structMap):
-	    if typeName in tmap:
-		return tmap[typeName]
-	raise ErrorException([SymanticsError(parent, "\""+typeName+"\"  is not defined.")])
-    def hasType(self, parent, symbol):
-	""" Determine if a type definition exists for the symbol"""
-        return self.getType(parent, symbol) != None
-    def validate(self):
-	errors = []
-        # Verify that struct fields types, collection key and element types, and typedef defined types exists and replaces
-        # type names with references to the type objects
-	for struct in self.structMap.values():
-	    for field in struct.fieldList:
-		try:
-		    field.type = self.getType(struct, field)
-		except ErrorException, e:
-		    errors+= e.errors
-	for collection in self.collectionMap.values():
-            try:
-                if isinstance(collection, MapType):
-                    collection.keyType = self.getType(collection, collection.keyType)
-                collection.valueType = self.getType(collection, collection.valueType)
-		collection.validate()
-            except ErrorException, e:
-                errors+= e.errors
-	for typedef in self.typedefMap.values():
-            try:
-                typedef.definitionType = self.getType(self, typedef.definitionType)
-            except ErrorException, e:
-                errors+= e.errors
-        # Verify that service function result and arg list types exist and replace type name with reference to definition
-	for service in self.serviceMap.values():
-	    for function in service.functionList:
-		for field in function.resultStruct.fieldList:
-		    try:
-			field.type = self.getType(function, field)
-		    except ErrorException, e:
-			errors+= e.errors
-		for field in function.argsStruct.fieldList:
-		    try:
-			field.type = self.getType(function, field)
-		    except ErrorException, e:
-			errors+= e.errors
-	if len(errors):
-	    raise ErrorException(errors)
-    def validateNamespace(self,  namespace):
-	if self.namespace != "":
-	    raise ErrorException([SymanticsError, self, "namespace already defined as \""+self.namespace+"\""])
-	self.namespace = namespace
-class Parser(object):
-    reserved = ("BYTE",
-                # "CONST",
-		"DOUBLE",
-		"ENUM", 
-                "EXCEPTION",
-                # "EXTENDS",
-		"I08",
-		"I16",
-		"I32", 
-		"I64",
-		"LIST", 
-		"MAP",
-		"SERVICE", 
-		"SET",
-                # "STATIC",
-		"STRING",
-		"STRUCT", 
-                # "SYNCHRONIZED",
-		"THROWS",
-		"U08", 
-		"U16",
-		"U32", 
-		"U64", 
-		"UTF16",
-		"UTF8",
-		"VOID"
-                )
-    tokens = reserved + (
-	# Literals (identifier, integer constant, float constant, string constant, char const)
-	'ID', 'ICONST', # 'SCONST', 'FCONST', 
-	# Operators default=, optional*, variable...
-	# Delimeters ( ) { } < > , . ; :
-	)
-    precendence = ()
-    reserved_map = {}
-    for r in reserved:
-	reserved_map[r.lower()] = r
-    def t_ID(self, t):
-	r'[A-Za-z_][\w_]*'
-	t.type = self.reserved_map.get(t.value,"ID")
-	return t
-    # Completely ignored characters
-    t_ignore           = ' \t\x0c'
-#    t_OPTIONAL         = r'\*'
-    t_ASSIGN           = r'='
-    # Delimeters
-    t_LPAREN           = r'\('
-    t_RPAREN           = r'\)'
-    t_LANGLE           = r'\<'
-    t_RANGLE           = r'\>'
-    t_LBRACE           = r'\{'
-    t_RBRACE           = r'\}'
-    t_COMMA            = r','
-    t_PERIOD           = r'\.'
-#    t_SEMI             = r';'
-#    t_COLON            = r':'
-#    t_ELLIPSIS         = r'\.\.\.'
-    # Integer literal
-    t_ICONST = r'\d+([uU]|[lL]|[uU][lL]|[lL][uU])?'
-    # Floating literal
-#    t_FCONST = r'((\d+)(\.\d+)(e(\+|-)?(\d+))? | (\d+)e(\+|-)?(\d+))([lL]|[fF])?'
-    # String literal
-#    t_SCONST = r'\"([^\\\n]|(\\.))*?\"'
-    # Comments
-    def t_comment(self, t):
-	r'(?:/\*(.|\n)*?\*/)|(?://[^\n]*\n)'
-	t.lineno += t.value.count('\n')
-    def t_error(self, t):
-	print "Illegal character %s" % repr(t.value[0])
-	t.skip(1)
-    # Newlines
-    def t_newline(self, t):
-	r'\n+'
-	t.lineno += t.value.count("\n")
-    def p_program(self, p):
-	'program : definitionlist'
-	pass
-    def p_definitionlist_1(self, p):
-	'definitionlist : definitionlist definition'
-	pass
-    def p_definitionlist_2(self, p):
-	'definitionlist :'
-	pass
-    def p_definition_1(self, p):
-	'definition : typedef'
-	self.pdebug("p_definition_1", p)
-	p[0] = p[1]
-	try:
-	    self.program.addTypedef(p[0])
-	except ErrorException, e:
-	    self.errors+= e.errors
-    def p_definition_2(self, p):
-	'definition : enum'
-	self.pdebug("p_definition_2", p)
-	p[0] = p[1]
-	try:
-	    self.program.addEnum(p[0])
-	except ErrorException, e:
-	    self.errors+= e.errors
-    def p_definition_3(self, p):
-	'definition : struct'
-	self.pdebug("p_definition_3", p)
-	p[0] = p[1]
-	try:
-	    self.program.addStruct(p[0])
-	except ErrorException, e:
-	    self.errors+= e.errors
-    def p_definition_4(self, p):
-	'definition : service'
-	self.pdebug("p_definition_4", p)
-	p[0] = p[1]
-	try:
-	    self.program.addService(p[0])
-	except ErrorException, e:
-	    self.errors+= e.errors
-    def p_definition_5(self, p):
-	'definition : exception'
-	self.pdebug("p_definition_5", p)
-	p[0] = p[1]
-	try:
-	    self.program.addStruct(p[0])
-	except ErrorException, e:
-	    self.errors+= e.errors
-    def p_definition_6(self, p):
-	'definition : namespace'
-	self.pdebug("p_definition_6", p)
-	p[0] = p[1]
-    def p_typedef(self, p):
-	'typedef : TYPEDEF definitiontype ID'
-	self.pdebug("p_typedef", p)
-	p[0] = TypedefType(p, p[3], p[2])
-	try:
-	    p[0].validate()
-	except ErrorException, e:
-	    self.errors+= e.errors
-    def p_enum(self, p):
-	'enum : ENUM ID LBRACE enumdeflist RBRACE'
-	self.pdebug("p_enum", p)
-	p[0] = EnumType(p, p[2], p[4])
-	try:
-	    p[0].validate()
-	except ErrorException, e:
-	    self.errors+= e.errors
-    def p_enumdeflist_1(self, p):
-	'enumdeflist : enumdeflist COMMA enumdef'
-	self.pdebug("p_enumdeflist_1", p)
-	p[0] = p[1] + (p[3],)
-    def p_enumdeflist_2(self, p):
-	'enumdeflist : enumdef' 
-	self.pdebug("p_enumdeflist_2", p)
-	p[0] = (p[1],)
-    def p_enumdef_0(self, p):
-	'enumdef : ID ASSIGN ICONST'
-	self.pdebug("p_enumdef_0", p)
-	p[0] = EnumDef(p, p[1], int(p[3]))
-    def p_enumdef_1(self, p):
-	'enumdef : ID'
-	self.pdebug("p_enumdef_1", p)
-	p[0] = EnumDef(p, p[1])
-    def p_struct(self, p):
-	'struct :  STRUCT ID LBRACE fieldlist RBRACE'
-	self.pdebug("p_struct", p)
-	p[0] = StructType(p, p[2], p[4])
-	try:
-	    p[0].validate()
-	except ErrorException, e:
-	    self.errors+= e.errors
-    def p_exception(self, p):
-	'exception :  EXCEPTION ID LBRACE fieldlist RBRACE'
-	self.pdebug("p_struct", p)
-	p[0] = ExceptionType(p, p[2], p[4])
-	try:
-	    p[0].validate()
-	except ErrorException, e:
-	    self.errors+= e.errors
-    def p_namespace(self, p):
-	'namespace :  NAMESPACE namespacespecifier'
-	self.pdebug("p_struct", p)
-	p[0] = p[2]
-	try:
-	    self.program.validateNamespace(p[0])
-	except ErrorException, e:
-	    self.errors+= e.errors
-    def p_namespacespecifier_1(self, p):
-	'namespacespecifier : ID'
-	self.pdebug("p_namespacespecifier", p)
-	p[0] = p[1]
-    def p_namespacespecifier_2(self, p):
-	'namespacespecifier : ID PERIOD namespacespecifier'
-	self.pdebug("p_namespacespecifier", p)
-	p[0] = p[1]+"."+p[3]
-    def p_service(self, p):
-	'service : SERVICE ID LBRACE functionlist RBRACE'
-	self.pdebug("p_service", p)
-	p[0] =  Service(p, p[2], p[4])
-	try:
-	    p[0].validate()
-	except ErrorException, e:
-	    self.errors+= e.errors
-    def p_functionlist_1(self, p):
-        'functionlist : function COMMA functionlist'
-	self.pdebug("p_functionlist_1", p)
-	p[0] = (p[1],) + p[3]
-    def p_functionlist_2(self, p):
-        'functionlist : function'
-	self.pdebug("p_functionlist_2", p)
-	p[0] = (p[1],)
-    def p_functionlist_3(self, p):
-        'functionlist : '
-	self.pdebug("p_functionlist_3", p)
-	p[0] = ()
-    def p_function(self, p):
-	'function : functiontype functionmodifiers ID LPAREN fieldlist RPAREN exceptionspecifier'
-	self.pdebug("p_function", p)
-	resultStruct = StructType(p, p[3]+"_result", (Field(p, p[1], Identifier(None, "success", 0)),)+p[7])
-	p[0] = Function(p, p[3], resultStruct, StructType(p, p[3]+"_args", p[5]))
-	try:
-	    p[0].validate()
-	except ErrorException, e:
-	    self.errors+= e.errors
-    def p_functionmodifiers(self, p):
-	'functionmodifiers :'
-	self.pdebug("p_functionmodifiers", p)
-	p[0] = ()
-    def p_fieldlist_1(self, p):
-	'fieldlist : field COMMA fieldlist'
-	self.pdebug("p_fieldlist_1", p)
-	p[0] = (p[1],) + p[3]
-    def p_fieldlist_2(self, p):
-	'fieldlist : field'
-	self.pdebug("p_fieldlist_2", p)
-	p[0] = (p[1],)
-    def p_fieldlist_3(self, p):
-	'fieldlist :'
-	self.pdebug("p_fieldlist_3", p)
-	p[0] = ()
-    def p_field_1(self, p):
-        'field : fieldtype ID ASSIGN ICONST'
-	self.pdebug("p_field_1", p)
-	p[0] = Field(p, p[1], Identifier(None, p[2], int(p[4])))
-    def p_field_2(self, p):
-        'field : fieldtype ID'
-	self.pdebug("p_field_2", p)
-	p[0] = Field(p, p[1], Identifier(None, p[2]))
-    def p_exceptionSpecifier_1(self, p):
-	'exceptionspecifier : THROWS LPAREN fieldlist RPAREN'
-	self.pdebug("p_exceptionspecifier", p)
-	p[0] = p[3]
-    def p_exceptionSpecifier_2(self, p):
-	'exceptionspecifier : empty'
-	self.pdebug("p_exceptionspecifier", p)
-	p[0] = ()
-    def p_definitiontype_1(self, p):
-        'definitiontype : basetype'
-	self.pdebug("p_definitiontype_1", p)
-	p[0] = p[1]
-    def p_definitiontype_2(self, p):
-        'definitiontype : collectiontype'
-	self.pdebug("p_definitiontype_2", p)
-	p[0] = p[1]
-    def p_functiontype_1(self, p):
-        'functiontype : fieldtype'
-	self.pdebug("p_functiontype_1", p)
-	p[0] = p[1]
-    def p_functiontype_2(self, p):
-        'functiontype : VOID'
-	self.pdebug("p_functiontype_2", p)
-	p[0] = self.program.primitiveMap[p[1].lower()]
-    def p_fieldtype_1(self, p):
-        'fieldtype : ID'
-	self.pdebug("p_fieldtype_1", p)
-	p[0] = Identifier(p, p[1])
-    def p_fieldtype_2(self, p):
-        'fieldtype : basetype'
-	self.pdebug("p_fieldtype_2", p)
-	p[0] = p[1]
-    def p_fieldtype_3(self, p):
-        'fieldtype : collectiontype'
-	self.pdebug("p_fieldtype_3", p)
-	p[0] = p[1]
-    def p_basetype_1(self, p):
-        'basetype : STRING'
-	self.pdebug("p_basetype_1", p)
-	p[0] = self.program.primitiveMap[p[1].lower()]
-    def p_basetype_2(self, p):
-        'basetype : BYTE'
-	self.pdebug("p_basetype_2", p)
-	p[0] = self.program.primitiveMap[p[1].lower()]
-    def p_basetype_3(self, p):
-        'basetype : I08'
-	self.pdebug("p_basetype_3", p)
-	p[0] = self.program.primitiveMap[p[1].lower()]
-    def p_basetype_4(self, p):
-        'basetype : U08'
-	self.pdebug("p_basetype_4", p)
-	p[0] = self.program.primitiveMap[p[1].lower()]
-    def p_basetype_5(self, p):
-        'basetype : I16'
-	self.pdebug("p_basetype_5", p)
-	p[0] = self.program.primitiveMap[p[1].lower()]
-    def p_basetype_6(self, p):
-        'basetype : U16'
-	self.pdebug("p_basetype_6", p)
-	p[0] = self.program.primitiveMap[p[1].lower()]
-    def p_basetype_7(self, p):
-        'basetype : I32'
-	self.pdebug("p_basetype_7", p)
-	p[0] = self.program.primitiveMap[p[1].lower()]
-    def p_basetype_8(self, p):
-        'basetype : U32'
-	self.pdebug("p_basetype_8", p)
-	p[0] = self.program.primitiveMap[p[1].lower()]
-    def p_basetype_9(self, p):
-        'basetype : I64'
-	self.pdebug("p_basetype_9", p)
-	p[0] = self.program.primitiveMap[p[1].lower()]
-    def p_basetype_10(self, p):
-        'basetype : U64'
-	self.pdebug("p_basetype_10", p)
-	p[0] = self.program.primitiveMap[p[1].lower()]
-    def p_basetype_11(self, p):
-        'basetype : UTF8'
-	self.pdebug("p_basetype_11", p)
-	p[0] = self.program.primitiveMap[p[1].lower()]
-    def p_basetype_12(self, p):
-        'basetype : UTF16'
-	self.pdebug("p_basetype_12", p)
-	p[0] = self.program.primitiveMap[p[1].lower()]
-    def p_basetype_13(self, p):
-        'basetype : DOUBLE'
-	self.pdebug("p_basetype_13", p)
-	p[0] = self.program.primitiveMap[p[1].lower()]
-    def p_collectiontype_1(self, p):
-        'collectiontype : maptype'
-	self.pdebug("p_collectiontype_1", p)
-	p[0] = self.program.addCollection(p[1])
-    def p_collectiontype_2(self, p):
-        'collectiontype : settype'
-	self.pdebug("p_collectiontype_2", p)
-	p[0] = self.program.addCollection(p[1])
-    def p_collectiontype_3(self, p):
-        'collectiontype : listtype'
-	self.pdebug("p_collectiontype_3", p)
-	p[0] = self.program.addCollection(p[1])
-    def p_maptype(self, p):
-        'maptype : MAP LANGLE fieldtype COMMA fieldtype RANGLE'
-	self.pdebug("p_maptype", p)
-	p[0] = MapType(p, p[3], p[5])
-    def p_settype(self, p):
-        'settype : SET LANGLE fieldtype RANGLE'
-	self.pdebug("p_settype", p)
-	p[0] = SetType(p, p[3])
-    def p_listtype(self, p):
-        'listtype : LIST LANGLE fieldtype RANGLE'
-	self.pdebug("p_listtype", p)
-	p[0] = ListType(p, p[3])
-    def p_empty(self, p):
-	"empty : "
-	pass
-    def p_error(self, p):
-	# p_error is called with an empty token if eof was encountered unexpectedly.
-	if not p:
-	    self.errors.append(SyntaxError("Unexpected end of file"))
-	else:
-	    self.errors.append(SyntaxError(p))
-    def pdebug(self, name, p):
-	if self.debug:
-	    print(name+"("+string.join(["P["+str(ix)+"]<<"+str(p[ix])+">>" for ix in range(len(p))], ", ")+")")
-    def __init__(self, **kw):
-        self.debug = kw.get('debug', 0)
-        self.names = { }
-	self.program = Program()
-	self.errors = []
-        try:
-            modname = os.path.split(os.path.splitext(__file__)[0])[1] + "_" + self.__class__.__name__
-        except:
-            modname = "parser"+"_"+self.__class__.__name__
-        self.debugfile = modname + ".dbg"
-        self.tabmodule = modname + "_" + "parsetab"
-        #print self.debugfile, self.tabmodule
-        # Build the lexer and parser
-        lex.lex(module=self, debug=self.debug)
-        yacc.yacc(module=self,
-                  debug=self.debug,
-                  debugfile=self.debugfile,
-                  tabmodule=self.tabmodule)
-    def parsestring(self, s, filename=""):
-	yacc.parse(s)
-	if len(self.errors) == 0:
-	    try:
-		self.program.validate()
-	    except ErrorException, e:
-		self.errors+= e.errors
-	if len(self.errors):
-	    for error in self.errors:
-		print(filename+":"+str(error))
-    def parse(self, filename, doPickle=True):
-	f = file(filename, "r")
-	self.parsestring(, filename)
-        if len(self.errors) == 0 and doPickle:
-	    outf = file(os.path.splitext(filename)[0]+".thyc", "w")
-	    pickle.dump(self.program, outf)
diff --git a/compiler/py/src/ b/compiler/py/src/
deleted file mode 100644
index 4ad990c..0000000
--- a/compiler/py/src/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1021 +0,0 @@
-""" Thrift IDL PHP client stub generator
-    This generated PHP class definitions and client stubs for a valid thrift IDL definition
-    Author(s): Mark Slee(, Marc Kwiatkowski (
-    $Id:
-import time
-import os
-import os.path
-from string import Template
-from thrift.parser import *
-from thrift.generator import *
-HEADER_COMMENT = """<?php
- * Autogenerated by Thrift
- * ${date}
- *
- */
- """
-require_once ${prefix}.'thrift/Thrift.php\';
-PHP_TYPES_FOOTER = Template("""
-require_once dirname(__FILE__).\'/${source}_types.php\';
-require_once ${prefix}.'thrift/protocol/TType.php';
-require_once ${prefix}.'thrift/protocol/TProtocol.php';
-require_once ${prefix}.'thrift/transport/TTransport.php';
-require_once ${prefix}.'thrift/Thrift.php';
-require_once ${prefix}.dirname(__FILE__).\'/${source}_types.php\';
-PHP_IMPL_FOOTER = Template("""
-def php_debug(arg):
-    print(arg)
-class Indenter(object):
-    def __init__(self, margin=4):
-        self.margin = ''.join([' ' for ix in range(margin)])
-        self.level = 0
-    def __getitem__(self, level):
-        return ''.join([self.margin for ix in range(level)])
-    def __iadd__(self, value):
-        self.level = self.level + value
-        return self
-    def __isub__(self, value):
-        self.level = self.level - value
-        return self
-    def __call__(self):
-        return self.__getitem__(self.level)
-class Variable(object):
-    def __init__(self, ttype, name):
-        self.ttype = ttype
- = name
-    def toDeclaration(self, new=False):
-	if not new:
-	    defaultValue = defaultValueForType(self.ttype)
-	else:
-	    defaultValue = newInstanceForType(self.ttype)
-        return" = "+defaultValue
-class Scope(object):
-    def __init__(self, parent=None):
-        self.index = 0
-        self.vars = {}
-        self.parent = parent
-	self.childIndex = 0
-        if self.parent:
-            self.level = self.parent.level + 1
-	    self.index = self.parent.childIndex 
-	    self.parent.childIndex+= 1
-	    self.suffix = self.parent.suffix+str(self.index)
-        else:
-            self.level = 0
-	    self.index = 0
-	    self.suffix = ""
-    def declare(self, ttype, name):
-        if name in self.vars:
-            raise Exception, "Variable \""+name+"\" already declared in this  scope."
-	result = Variable(ttype, "$_"+name+self.suffix)
-        self.vars[name] = result
-        return result
-    def get(self, var):
-        if in self.vars:
-            return self.vars[]
-        elif self.parent:
-            return self.parent.get(var)
-        else:
-            raise Exception, "Variable \"""\" does not exist in any enclosing scope"
-    BOOL_TYPE : "Bool",
-    STRING_TYPE: "String",
-    UTF7_TYPE: "String",
-    UTF8_TYPE: "Wstring",
-    BYTE_TYPE : "Byte",
-    I08_TYPE: "Byte",
-    I16_TYPE: "I16",
-    I32_TYPE: "I32",
-    I64_TYPE: "I64",
-    I16_TYPE: "I16",
-    I32_TYPE: "I32",
-    I64_TYPE: "I64",
-    U08_TYPE: "Byte",
-    U16_TYPE: "U16",
-    U32_TYPE: "U32",
-    U64_TYPE: "U64",
-    U16_TYPE: "U16",
-    U32_TYPE: "U32",
-    U64_TYPE: "U64",
-    FLOAT_TYPE: "Float",
-    DOUBLE_TYPE: "Double"
-   }
-    "void" :"Void",
-    "bool" : "Bool",
-    "string": "String",
-    "utf7": "String",
-    "utf8": "String", 
-    "utf16": "String",
-    "i08": "Byte",
-    "i16": "I16",
-    "i32": "I32", 
-    "i64": "I64", 
-    "u08": "Byte",
-    "u16": "U16",
-    "u32": "U32",
-    "u64": "U64",
-    "float": "Float",
-    "double": "Double"
-class CodeGenerator(object):
-    def __init__(self,
-                 scope=Scope(),
-		 indent = Indenter()):
-        self.scope = scope
-	self.indent = indent
-    def newScope(self):
-	self.scope = Scope(self.scope)
-    def oldScope(self):
-	if not self.scope.parent:
-	    raise Exception, "Unbalanced scope entry/exit"
-	self.scope = self.scope.parent
-    def declare(self, type, name, defaultValue=None):
-        tvar = self.scope.declare(type, name)
-        return tvar
-    def toDeclaration(self, tvar, new=False):
-	if not new:
-	    defaultValue = defaultValueForType(tvar.ttype)
-	else:
-	    defaultValue = newInstanceForType(tvar.ttype)
-        return self.indent()" = "+defaultValue+";\n"
-class Reader(CodeGenerator):
-    def __init__(self,
-                 iprot="$this->_iprot",
-                 itrans="$this->_itrans",
-                 scope=Scope(),
-		 indent = Indenter()):
-	CodeGenerator.__init__(self, scope, indent)
-        self.iprot = iprot
-        self.itrans = itrans
-    def toReadMessageBegin(self, messageNameVar, messageTypeVar, seqidVar):
-        return self.indent()+self.iprot+"->readMessageBegin("+self.itrans+", "", "", "");\n"
-    def toReadMessageEnd(self):
-        return self.indent()+self.iprot+"->readMessageEnd("+self.itrans+");\n"
-    def toReadStructBegin(self, structNameVar):
-        return self.indent()+self.iprot+"->readStructBegin("+self.itrans+", "");\n"
-    def toReadStructEnd(self):
-        return self.indent()+self.iprot+"->readStructEnd("+self.itrans+");\n"
-    def toReadMapBegin(self, keyTypeVar, valueTypeVar, sizeVar):
-        return self.indent()+self.iprot+"->readMapBegin("+self.itrans+", "", "", "");\n"
-    def toReadMapEnd(self):
-        return self.indent()+self.iprot+"->readMapEnd("+self.itrans+");\n"
-    def toReadSetBegin(self, valueTypeVar, sizeVar):
-        return self.indent()+self.iprot+"->readSetBegin("+self.itrans+", "", "");\n"
-    def toReadSetEnd(self):
-        return self.indent()+self.iprot+"->readSetEnd("+self.itrans+");\n"
-    def toReadListBegin(self, valueTypeVar, sizeVar):
-        return self.indent()+self.iprot+"->readListBegin("+self.itrans+", "", "");\n"
-    def toReadListEnd(self):
-        return self.indent()+self.iprot+"->readListEnd("+self.itrans+");\n"
-    def toReadFieldBegin(self, fieldNameVar, fieldTypeVar, fieldIdVar):
-        return self.indent()+self.iprot+"->readFieldBegin("+self.itrans+", "", "", "");\n"
-    def toReadFieldEnd(self):
-        return self.indent()+self.iprot+"->readFieldEnd("+self.itrans+");\n"
-    def toSkipField(self, fieldTypeVar):
-        return self.indent()+self.iprot+"->skip("+self.itrans+", "");\n"
-    def toReadPrimitive(self, value, suffix):
-        return self.indent()+self.iprot+"->read"+suffix+"("+self.itrans+", "+value+");\n"
-    def toRead(self, value, ttype):
-        if isinstance(ttype, PrimitiveType):
-            return self.toReadPrimitive(value, PHP_TYPE_PROTOCOL_MAP[ttype])
-        elif isinstance(ttype, StructType):
-	    self.newScope()
-            result = self.toReadStruct(value, ttype)
-	    self.oldScope()
-	    return result
-        elif isinstance(ttype, CollectionType):
-	    self.newScope()
-            result = self.toReadCollection(value, ttype)
-	    self.oldScope()
-	    return result
-        elif isinstance(ttype, EnumType):
-	    return self.toReadPrimitive(value, PHP_TYPE_PROTOCOL_MAP[I32_TYPE])
-        elif isinstance(ttype, TypedefType):
-            return self.toRead(value, ttype.definitionType)
-        else:
-            raise Exception, "Unsupported type "+str(type(ttype))+":"+str(ttype)
-    def toReadStruct(self, value, struct):
-        nameVar = self.declare(STRING_TYPE, "name")
-        fieldIdVar = self.declare(I16_TYPE, "fieldId")
-        fieldTypeVar = self.declare(U32_TYPE, "fieldType")
-	localVars = [nameVar, fieldTypeVar, fieldIdVar]
-        result= string.join([self.toDeclaration(localVar) for localVar in localVars], "")
-        result+= self.toReadStructBegin(nameVar)
-        result+= self.indent()+"while(true) {\n"
-        self.indent += 1
-        result+= self.toReadFieldBegin(nameVar, fieldTypeVar, fieldIdVar) 
-        result += self.indent()+"if("" == "+PHP_PROTOCOL_TSTOP+") {\n"
-        self.indent+= 1
-        result+= self.indent()+"break;\n"
-        self.indent-= 1
-        result+= self.indent()+"}\n"
-        result+= self.indent()+"switch("") {\n"
-        self.indent+= 1
-        # Sort field list in order of increasing ids
-        fieldList = []
-        fieldList+= struct.fieldList
-        fieldList.sort(lambda a,b: -
-        for field in fieldList:
-            if isVoidType(field.type):
-                continue
-            result+= self.indent()+"case "+str(":\n"
-            result+= self.toRead(value+"->", field.type)
-	    result+= self.indent()+"break;\n"
-        result+= self.indent()+"default:\n"
-        result+= self.toSkipField(fieldTypeVar)
-        result+= self.indent()+"break;\n"
-        self.indent-= 1
-        result+= self.indent()+"}\n"
-        self.indent-= 1
-        result+= self.indent()+"}\n"
-        result+= self.toReadStructEnd()
-        return result
-    def toReadCollection(self, value, collection):
-        isMap = isinstance(collection, MapType)
-        sizeVar = self.declare(U32_TYPE, "size")
-        valueTypeVar = self.declare(U32_TYPE, "valueType")
-        elemVar = self.declare(collection.valueType, "elem")
-        localVars = [sizeVar, valueTypeVar, elemVar]
-        if isMap:
-            keyTypeVar = self.declare(U32_TYPE, "keyType")
-            key = self.declare(collection.keyType, "key")
-            localVars+= [keyTypeVar, key]
-        ix = self.declare(U32_TYPE, "ix")
-        result= string.join([self.toDeclaration(localVar) for localVar in localVars], "")
-        if isMap:
-            result+= self.toReadMapBegin(keyTypeVar, valueTypeVar, sizeVar)
-        elif isinstance(collection, ListType):
-            result+= self.toReadListBegin(valueTypeVar, sizeVar)
-        elif isinstance(collection, SetType):
-            result+= self.toReadSetBegin(valueTypeVar, sizeVar)
-	else:
-	    raise Exception, "Unknown collection type "+str(collection)
-        result+= self.indent()+"for("" = 0; "" < ""; ++"") {\n"
-        self.indent+= 1
-	if isMap:
-	    result+= self.toRead(, collection.keyType)
-	result+= self.toRead(, collection.valueType)
-        if isMap:
-            result+= self.indent()+value+"[""] = "";\n"
-        else:
-            result+= self.indent()+value+"[] = "";\n"
-	self.indent-= 1
-	result+= self.indent()+"}\n"
-        if isMap:
-            result+= self.toReadMapEnd()
-        elif isinstance(collection, ListType):
-            result+= self.toReadListEnd()
-        elif isinstance(collection, SetType):
-            result+= self.toReadSetEnd()
-	else:
-	    raise Exception, "Unknown collection type "+str(collection)
-	return result
-class Writer(CodeGenerator):
-    def __init__(self,
-                 oprot="$this->_oprot",
-                 otrans="$this->_otrans",
-                 scope=Scope(),
-		 indent=Indenter()):
-	CodeGenerator.__init__(self, scope, indent)
-        self.oprot = oprot
-        self.otrans = otrans
-    def toWriteMessageBegin(self, messageName, type, seqid):
-        return self.indent()+self.oprot+"->writeMessageBegin("+self.otrans+", "+messageName+", "+type+", "+seqid+");\n"
-    def toWriteMessageEnd(self):
-        return self.indent()+self.oprot+"->writeMessageEnd("+self.otrans+");\n"
-    def toWriteStructBegin(self, structName):
-        return self.indent()+self.oprot+"->writeStructBegin("+self.otrans+", "+structName+");\n"
-    def toWriteStructEnd(self):
-        return self.indent()+self.oprot+"->writeStructEnd("+self.otrans+");\n"
-    def toWriteMapBegin(self, keyType, valueType, size):
-        return self.indent()+self.oprot+"->writeMapBegin("+self.otrans+", "+keyType+", "+valueType+", "+size+");\n"
-    def toWriteMapEnd(self):
-        return self.indent()+self.oprot+"->writeMapEnd("+self.otrans+");\n"
-    def toWriteSetBegin(self, valueType, size):
-        return self.indent()+self.oprot+"->writeSetBegin("+self.otrans+", "+valueType+", "+size+");\n"
-    def toWriteSetEnd(self):
-        return self.indent()+self.oprot+"->writeSetEnd("+self.otrans+");\n"
-    def toWriteListBegin(self, valueType, size):
-        return self.indent()+self.oprot+"->writeListBegin("+self.otrans+", "+valueType+", "+size+");\n"
-    def toWriteListEnd(self):
-        return self.indent()+self.oprot+"->writeListEnd("+self.otrans+");\n"
-    def toWriteFieldBegin(self, fieldName, fieldType, fieldId):
-        return self.indent()+self.oprot+"->writeFieldBegin("+self.otrans+", "+fieldName+", "+fieldType+", "+str(fieldId)+");\n"
-    def toWriteFieldEnd(self):
-        return self.indent()+self.oprot+"->writeFieldEnd("+self.otrans+");\n"
-    def toWriteFieldStop(self):
-        return self.indent()+self.oprot+"->writeFieldStop("+self.otrans+");\n"
-    def toSkipField(self, fieldType):
-        return self.indent()+self.oprot+"->skipField("+self.otrans+", "+fieldType+");\n"
-    def toWriteFlush(self):
-	return self.indent()+self.otrans+"->flush();\n"
-    def toWritePrimitive(self, value, suffix):
-        return self.indent()+self.oprot+"->write"+suffix+"("+self.otrans+", "+value+");\n"
-    def toWrite(self, value, ttype):
-        if isinstance(ttype, PrimitiveType):
-            return self.toWritePrimitive(value, PHP_TYPE_PROTOCOL_MAP[ttype])
-        elif isinstance(ttype, StructType):
-	    self.newScope()
-            result = self.toWriteStruct(value, ttype)
-	    self.oldScope()
-	    return result
-        elif isinstance(ttype, CollectionType):
-	    self.newScope()
-            result = self.toWriteCollection(value, ttype)
-	    self.oldScope()
-	    return result
-        elif isinstance(ttype, EnumType):
-	    return self.toWritePrimitive(value, PHP_TYPE_PROTOCOL_MAP[I32_TYPE])
-        elif isinstance(ttype, TypedefType):
-            return self.toWrite(value, ttype.definitionType)
-        else:
-            raise Exception, "Unsupported type "+str(type(ttype))+":"+str(ttype)
-    def toWriteStruct(self, value, struct):
-	result=self.indent()+"{\n"
-	self.indent+= 1
-        result+= self.toWriteStructBegin("\"""\"")
-        for field in struct.fieldList:
-            if isVoidType(field.type):
-                continue
-            result+= self.toWriteFieldBegin("\"""\"", toWireType(field.type),
-	    result+= self.toWrite(value+"->",  field.type)
-            result+= self.toWriteFieldEnd()
-	result+= self.toWriteFieldStop()
-	result+= self.toWriteStructEnd()
-	self.indent-= 1
-	result+= self.indent()+"}\n"
-        return result
-    def toWriteCollection(self, value, collection):
-	result=self.indent()+"{\n"
-	self.indent+= 1
-	size = "count("+value+")"
-        isMap = isinstance(collection, MapType)
-        elemVar = self.declare(VOID_TYPE, "elem")
-        if isMap:
-	    keyVar = self.declare(VOID_TYPE, "key")
-            result+= self.toWriteMapBegin(toWireType(collection.keyType), toWireType(collection.valueType), size)
-        elif isinstance(collection, ListType):
-            result+= self.toWriteListBegin(toWireType(collection.valueType), size)
-        elif isinstance(collection, SetType):
-            result+= self.toWriteSetBegin(toWireType(collection.valueType), size)
-	else:
-	    raise Exception, "Unknown collection type "+str(collection)
-	if isMap:
-	    result+= self.indent()+"foreach("+value+" as "" => "") {\n"
-	else:
-	    result+= self.indent()+"foreach("+value+" as "") {\n"
-        self.indent+= 1
-	if isMap:
-	    result+= self.toWrite(, collection.keyType)
-	result+= self.toWrite(, collection.valueType)
-	self.indent-= 1
-	result+= self.indent()+"}\n"
-        if isMap:
-            result+= self.toWriteMapEnd()
-        elif isinstance(collection, ListType):
-            result+= self.toWriteListEnd()
-        elif isinstance(collection, SetType):
-            result+= self.toWriteSetEnd()
-	else:
-	    raise Exception, "Unknown collection type "+str(collection)
-	self.indent-= 1
-	result+= self.indent()+"}\n"
-	return result
-class ClientFunctionGenerator(CodeGenerator):
-    def __init__(self,
-		 scope=Scope(),
-		 indent=Indenter()):
-	CodeGenerator.__init__(self, scope, indent)
-	self.reader = Reader(scope=scope, indent=indent)
-	self.writer = Writer(scope=scope, indent=indent)
-    def __call__(self, function):
-	result= self.indent()+"public function ""("+string.join(["$arg"+str(ix) for ix in  range(len(function.args()))], ", ")+") {\n"
-	self.newScope()
-	self.indent+= 1
-	result+= self.writer.toWriteMessageBegin("\"""\"", PHP_PROTOCOL_CALL, "$this->seqid")
-	result+= self.indent()+"$this->_seqid++;\n"
-	# Send the args struct 
-	result+= self.indent()+"{\n"
-	self.newScope()
-	self.indent+= 1
-	result+= self.writer.toWriteStructBegin("\"""\"")
-        for ix in range(len(function.argsStruct.fieldList)):
-	    field = function.argsStruct.fieldList[ix]
-            if isVoidType(field.type):
-                continue
-            result+= self.writer.toWriteFieldBegin("\"""\"", toWireType(field.type),
-	    result+= self.writer.toWrite("$arg"+str(ix),  field.type)
-            result+= self.writer.toWriteFieldEnd()
-	result+= self.writer.toWriteFieldStop()
-	result+= self.writer.toWriteStructEnd()
-	self.indent-= 1
-	self.oldScope()
-	result+= self.indent()+"}\n"
-	result+= self.writer.toWriteMessageEnd()
-	result+= self.writer.toWriteFlush();
-	resultVar = self.declare(function.resultStruct, "result")
-	nameVar = self.declare(STRING_TYPE, "name")
-	typeVar = self.declare(U32_TYPE, "type")
-	seqidVar = self.declare(U32_TYPE, "seqid")
-	result+= self.toDeclaration(resultVar, True)
-	result+= self.toDeclaration(nameVar)
-	result+= self.toDeclaration(typeVar)
-	result+= self.toDeclaration(seqidVar)
-	result+= self.reader.toReadMessageBegin(nameVar, typeVar, seqidVar)
-	result+= self.indent()+"{\n"
-	self.newScope()
-	self.indent+= 1
-	result+= self.reader.toRead(, function.resultStruct)
-	self.indent-= 1
-	self.oldScope()
-	result+= self.indent()+"}\n"
-	result+= self.reader.toReadMessageEnd()
-	if not isVoidType(function.returnType()):
-	    result+= self.indent()+"return ""->success;\n"
-	else:
-	    result+= self.indent()+"return;\n"
-	self.indent-= 1
-	self.oldScope()
-	result+= self.indent()+"}\n"
-	return result
-class ClientServiceGenerator(CodeGenerator):
-    def __init__(self,
-		 scope=Scope(),
-		 indent=Indenter()):
-	CodeGenerator.__init__(self, scope, indent)
-	self.functionGenerator =  ClientFunctionGenerator(scope, indent)
-    def __call__(self, service):
-	result= self.indent()+"class ""Client extends ""If {\n"
-	self.indent+= 1
-	result+= self.indent()+"private $_itrans = null;\n"
-	result+= self.indent()+"private $_otrans = null;\n\n"
-	result+= self.indent()+"private $_iprot = null;\n"
-	result+= self.indent()+"private $_oprot = null;\n\n"
-	result+= self.indent()+"private $_seqid = 0;\n\n"
-	result+= self.indent()+"public function __construct() {\n"
-	self.indent+= 1
-	result+= self.indent()+"$argv = func_get_args();\n"
-	result+= self.indent()+"$argc = count($argv);\n"
-	result+= self.indent()+"if ($argc == 2) {;\n"
-	self.indent+= 1
-	result+= self.indent()+"$this->_itrans = $this->_otrans = $argv[0];\n"
-	result+= self.indent()+"$this->_iprot = $this->_oprot = $argv[1];\n"
-	self.indent-= 1
-	result+= self.indent()+"} else if($argc == 4) {\n"
-	self.indent+= 1
-	result+= self.indent()+"$this->_itrans = $argv[0];\n"
-	result+= self.indent()+"$this->_otrans = $argv[1];\n"
-	result+= self.indent()+"$this->_iprot = $argv[2];\n"
-	result+= self.indent()+"$this->_oprot = $argv[3];\n"
-	self.indent-= 1
-	result+= self.indent()+"}\n"
-	self.indent-= 1
-	result+= self.indent()+"}\n\n"
-	for function in service.functionList:
-	    result+= self.functionGenerator(function)
-	self.indent-= 1
-	result+= self.indent()+"}\n"
-	return result
-    VOID_TYPE : "",
-    BOOL_TYPE : "False",
-    STRING_TYPE: "\'\'",
-    UTF7_TYPE: "\'\'",
-    UTF8_TYPE: "\'\'",
-    UTF16_TYPE: "\'\'",
-    BYTE_TYPE : "0",
-    I08_TYPE: "0",
-    I16_TYPE: "0",
-    I32_TYPE: "0",
-    I64_TYPE: "0",
-    U08_TYPE: "0",
-    U16_TYPE: "0",
-    U32_TYPE: "0",
-    U64_TYPE: "0",
-    FLOAT_TYPE: "0.0",
-    DOUBLE_TYPE: "0.0"
-def toPHPNamespacePrefix(namespace):
-    """No namespaces in PHP"""
-    return ""
-def toPHPNamespaceSuffix(namespace):
-    """No namespaces in PHP"""
-    return ""
-def defaultValueForType(ttype, value=None):
-    """Returns the default literal value for a given type"""
-    if value:
-	return value
-    elif isinstance(ttype, PrimitiveType):
-        return PHP_PRIMITIVE_DEFAULT_MAP[ttype]
-    elif isinstance(ttype, CollectionType):
-        return "array()"
-    elif isinstance(ttype, StructType):
-        return "null"
-    elif isinstance(ttype, EnumType):
-        return "0"
-    elif isinstance(ttype, TypedefType):
-        return defaultValueForType(toCanonicalType(ttype))
-    else:
-        raise Exception, "Unknown type "+str(ttype)
-def newInstanceForType(ttype, value=None):
-    """Returns the default new instance for a given type"""
-    if value:
-	return value
-    elif isinstance(ttype, StructType):
-        return "new ""()"
-    else:
-	return defaultValueForType(ttype, value)
-def toPHPTypeDeclaration(ttype):
-    """ Converts the thrift IDL type to the corresponding PHP type.  Note that if ttype is FieldType, this function 
-converts to type declaration followed by field name, i.e. \"string string_thing\""""
-    if isinstance(ttype, Field):
-        return "$"
-    if isinstance(ttype, Function):
-        return"("+string.join([toPHPTypeDeclaration(arg) for arg in ttype.args()], ", ")+")"
-    else:
-        return ""
-def toTypedefDefinition(typedef):
-    """Converts a thrift typedef to a PHP typdef definition."""
-    return ""
-def toEnumDefinition(enum):
-    """ Converts a thrift enum to a PHP enum """
-    result = "$GLOBALS[\'E_""\'] = array(\n"
-    result += string.join(["    \'""\' => "+str(",\n" for ed in  enum.enumDefs], "")
-    result+= ");\n\n"
-    result += "final class "" {\n"
-    result += string.join(["    const "" = "+str(";\n" for ed in  enum.enumDefs], "")
-    result += "}\n"
-    return result
-def toStructDefinition(struct):
-    """Converts a thrift struct to a PHP class"""
-    result = "class "" {\n"
-    # Create constructor defaults for primitive types
-    # Field declarations
-    result+= string.join(["    public $"" = "+defaultValueForType(field.type)+";\n" for field in struct.fieldList if not isVoidType(field.type)], "")
-    # bring it on home
-    result+= "}\n"
-    return result
-    TypedefType : toTypedefDefinition,
-    EnumType : toEnumDefinition,
-    StructType : toStructDefinition,
-    ExceptionType : toStructDefinition,
-    Service : None
-    }
-def toDefinitions(definitions):
-    """Converts an arbitrary thrift grammatical unit definition to the corresponding PHP definition"""
-    result = ""
-    for definition in definitions:
-        writer = PHP_DEFINITION_MAP[type(definition)]
-        if writer:
-            result+= writer(definition)+"\n"
-    return result
-PHP_THRIFT_NS = "facebook::thrift"
-PHP_INTERFACE_FUNCTION_DECLARATION = Template("""    public abstract function ${functionDeclaration};
-abstract class ${service}If {
-def toServiceInterfaceDeclaration(service, debugp=None):
-    """Converts a thrift service definition into a C++ abstract base class"""
-    functionDeclarations = string.join([PHP_INTERFACE_FUNCTION_DECLARATION.substitute(, functionDeclaration=toPHPTypeDeclaration(function)) for function in service.functionList], "")
-    return PHP_INTERFACE_DECLARATION.substitute(, functionDeclarations=functionDeclarations)
-PHP_SP = Template("boost::shared_ptr<${klass}> ")
-    ExceptionType : PHP_PROTOCOL_TTYPE+"STRUCT",
-def toWireType(ttype):
-    """Converts a thrift type to the corresponding wire type.   This differs from toPHPTypeDeclaration in that it reduces typedefs
-to their canonical form and converts enums to signedf 32 bit integers"""
-    if isinstance(ttype, PrimitiveType):
-	return PHP_TTYPE_MAP[ttype]
-    elif isinstance(ttype, EnumType):
-	return PHP_TTYPE_MAP[I32_TYPE]
-    elif isinstance(ttype, TypedefType):
-	return toWireType(toCanonicalType(ttype))
-    elif isinstance(ttype, StructType) or isinstance(ttype, CollectionType):
-	return PHP_TTYPE_MAP[type(ttype)]
-    else:
-	raise Exception, "No wire type for thrift type: "+str(ttype)
-def toGenDir(filename, suffix="gen-php", debugp=None):
-    """creates a generated-code subdirectory for C++ code based on filename of thrift source file and optional suffix"""
-    result = os.path.join(os.path.split(filename)[0], suffix)
-    if not os.path.exists(result):
-        os.mkdir(result)
-    return result
-def toBasename(filename, debugp=None):
-    """ Take the filename minus the path and\".thrift\" extension  if present """
-    basename = os.path.split(filename)[1]
-    tokens = os.path.splitext(basename)
-    if tokens[1].lower() == ".thrift":
-        basename = tokens[0]
-    if debugp:
-        debugp("toBasename("+str(filename)+") => "+str(basename))
-    return basename
-def toDefinitionHeaderName(filename, genDir=None, debugp=None):
-    """Creates a file name for the public thrift data types based on filename of thrift source file and optional suffix"""
-    if not genDir:
-        genDir = toGenDir(filename)
-    basename = toBasename(filename)
-    result = os.path.join(genDir, basename+"_types.php")
-    if debugp:
-        debugp("toDefinitionHeaderName("+str(filename)+", "+str(genDir)+") => "+str(basename))
-    return result
-def writeDefinitionHeader(program, filename, genDir=None, debugp=None):
-    """Writes public thrift data types defined in program into a public data types header file.  Uses the name of the original
-thrift source, filename, and the optional generated C++ code directory, genDir, to determine the name and location of header file"""
-    definitionHeader = toDefinitionHeaderName(filename, genDir)
-    if debugp:
-        debugp("definitionHeader: "+str(definitionHeader))
-    phpFile = file(definitionHeader, "w")
-    basename = toBasename(filename)
-    phpFile.write(PHP_TYPES_HEADER.substitute(prefix=PREFIX, source=basename, date=time.ctime(), namespacePrefix=toPHPNamespacePrefix(program.namespace)))
-    phpFile.write(toDefinitions(program.definitions))
-    phpFile.write(PHP_TYPES_FOOTER.substitute(source=basename, namespaceSuffix=toPHPNamespaceSuffix(program.namespace)))
-    phpFile.close()
-def toToImplementationSourceName(filename, genDir=None, debugp=None):
-    """Creates a file name for the public thrift data types based on filename of thrift source file and optional suffix"""
-    if not genDir:
-        genDir = toGenDir(filename)
-    basename = toBasename(filename)
-    result = os.path.join(genDir, basename+".php")
-    if debugp:
-        debugp("toToImplementationSourceName("+str(filename)+", "+str(genDir)+") => "+str(basename))
-    return result
-def writeImplementationSource(program, filename, genDir=None, debugp=None):
-    """Writes public thrift service interface, client stubs, and private types defined in a thrift program into a php library file.  Uses the name of the original
-thrift source, filename, and the optional generated C++ code directory, genDir, to determine the name and location of header file"""
-    toImplementationSource = toToImplementationSourceName(filename, genDir)
-    if debugp:
-        debugp("toImplementationSource: "+str(toImplementationSource))
-    phpFile = file(toImplementationSource, "w")
-    basename = toBasename(filename)
-    phpFile.write(PHP_SERVICES_HEADER.substitute(prefix=PREFIX, source=basename, date=time.ctime(), namespacePrefix=toPHPNamespacePrefix(program.namespace)))
-    # Generate classes for function result "structs"
-    privateStructs = []
-    for service in program.serviceMap.values():
-	phpFile.write(toServiceInterfaceDeclaration(service))
-	for function in service.functionList:
-	    privateStructs.append(function.resultStruct)
-    phpFile.write(toDefinitions(privateStructs))    
-    serviceGenerator = ClientServiceGenerator()
-    for service in program.serviceMap.values():
-	phpFile.write(serviceGenerator(service))
-    phpFile.write(PHP_SERVICES_FOOTER.substitute(source=basename, namespaceSuffix=toPHPNamespaceSuffix(program.namespace)))
-    phpFile.close()
-class PHPGenerator(Generator):
-    def __call__(self, program, filename, genDir=None, debugp=None):
-        writeDefinitionHeader(program, filename, genDir, debugp)
-        writeImplementationSource(program, filename, genDir, debugp)
diff --git a/compiler/py/src/thrift b/compiler/py/src/thrift
deleted file mode 100644
index 6c252d9..0000000
--- a/compiler/py/src/thrift
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
-import sys
-from thrift import generator
-from thrift import cpp_generator
-from thrift import php_generator
-from thrift import parser
-def thrift(source, cpp=False, java=False, perl=False, php=False, python=False, ruby=False, debug=False):
-    generators = []
-    if cpp:
-	generators.append(cpp_generator.CPPGenerator())
-    if php:
-	generators.append(php_generator.PHPGenerator())
-    p = parser.Parser(debug=debug)
-    p.parse(source, False)
-    for generator in generators:
-	generator(p.program, source)
-    if len(p.errors):
-	return -1
-    else:
-	return 0
-def main(args):
-    cpp = False
-    perl = False
-    php = False
-    python = False
-    java = False
-    ruby = False
-    debug = False
-    if "--cpp" in args:
-	cpp = True
-	args.remove("--cpp")
-    if "--php" in args:
-	php = True
-	args.remove("--php")
-    if "--debug" in args:
-	debug = True
-	args.remove("--debug")
-    filename = args[-1]
-    result = thrift(filename, cpp, java, perl, php, python, ruby, debug)
-    sys.exit(result)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    main(sys.argv)
diff --git a/ b/
index b676d31..8168a12 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -8,6 +8,6 @@
-AC_CONFIG_SUBDIRS([compiler/py lib/cpp lib/php lib/py])
+AC_CONFIG_SUBDIRS([lib/cpp lib/php lib/py])