Merge "Add a reno for scenario manager effort"
diff --git a/releasenotes/notes/Stabilize-scenario-manager-adf36d21b08e31a4.yaml b/releasenotes/notes/Stabilize-scenario-manager-adf36d21b08e31a4.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8df5f3c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/releasenotes/notes/Stabilize-scenario-manager-adf36d21b08e31a4.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+prelude: >
+ Tempest.scenario.manager is now a stable interface for Tempest plugins.
+ - |
+ In this release, we made tempest/scenario/ a stable interface
+ ready to be consumed by all tempest plugins. The effort was tracked in
+ the following etherpad [1], and the related review can be listed via [2]:
+ * [1]
+ * [2]
+ Some time ago, tempest/scenario/ got copied to most of the plugins
+ and therefore, it diverged - every plugin's copy had slight differences.
+ In this release, we pushed changes to unify the manager's methods and
+ improved their APIs in order to have them easier consumable:
+ * we added implementations of methods that were often used in plugins'
+ however were not implemented in our manager
+ * we improved APIs by f.e. adding a kwargs argument so that the consumers
+ are more in control of the data that are passed to tempest clients
+ * we modified logic of a few methods so that it complies with the plugins'
+ manager versions in order to prepare for a situation when the plugins
+ can reuse Tempest manager as much as possible rather than keeping their
+ own copy
+ * we made methods consistent w.r.t. names and parameters
+ * we split the lengthy methods to have more readable code
+ * previously private methods which had a potential to be reused were
+ made public so that it's clear they are expected to be used in tempest
+ plugins
+ * missing docstrings have been added