Add test_port_list_filter_by_ip test

This will create a network, subnet and two ports specifying
an ip address for each port, and then will list the port
filtering by ip address, to check if the returned port
is the same that were created (same port id, ip address
and network id)

Change-Id: I354a3a7edeccf13779219c8570c72acfca7173c9
diff --git a/tempest/api/network/ b/tempest/api/network/
index 7b6b25b..29600c5 100644
--- a/tempest/api/network/
+++ b/tempest/api/network/
@@ -150,6 +150,34 @@
                  if port['id'] == self.port['id']]
         self.assertNotEmpty(ports, "Created port not found in the list")
+    @test.idempotent_id('e7fe260b-1e79-4dd3-86d9-bec6a7959fc5')
+    def test_port_list_filter_by_ip(self):
+        # Create network and subnet
+        network = self.create_network()
+        subnet = self.create_subnet(network)
+        self.addCleanup(self.client.delete_subnet, subnet['id'])
+        # Create two ports specifying a fixed_ips
+        address = self._get_ipaddress_from_tempest_conf()
+        _fixed_ip_1 = str(address + 3)
+        _fixed_ip_2 = str(address + 4)
+        fixed_ips_1 = [{'ip_address': _fixed_ip_1}]
+        port_1 = self.client.create_port(network_id=network['id'],
+                                         fixed_ips=fixed_ips_1)
+        self.addCleanup(self.client.delete_port, port_1['port']['id'])
+        fixed_ips_2 = [{'ip_address': _fixed_ip_2}]
+        port_2 = self.client.create_port(network_id=network['id'],
+                                         fixed_ips=fixed_ips_2)
+        self.addCleanup(self.client.delete_port, port_2['port']['id'])
+        # List ports filtered by fixed_ips
+        fixed_ips = 'ip_address=' + _fixed_ip_1
+        port_list = self.client.list_ports(fixed_ips=fixed_ips)
+        ports = port_list['ports']
+        self.assertEqual(len(ports), 1)
+        self.assertEqual(ports[0]['id'], port_1['port']['id'])
+        self.assertEqual(ports[0]['fixed_ips'][0]['ip_address'],
+                         _fixed_ip_1)
+        self.assertEqual(ports[0]['network_id'], network['id'])
     def test_port_list_filter_by_router_id(self):
         # Create a router