Also require resources for PINGABLE

This adds to the existing check to make sure that if a test requires
PINGABLE state that they provide the validation resources and flags
necessary to do that validation.

Change-Id: I0620fd93ee2dc37e53ae991967321f88cf9d67a8
diff --git a/tempest/common/ b/tempest/common/
index 7fa8247..53d44f1 100644
--- a/tempest/common/
+++ b/tempest/common/
@@ -299,16 +299,15 @@
     if wait_until:
-        if wait_until == 'SSHABLE' and not (
-                validatable and validation_resources is not None):
-            raise RuntimeError('SSHABLE requires validatable=True and '
-                               'validation_resources to be passed')
         # NOTE(lyarwood): PINGABLE and SSHABLE both require the instance to
         # go ACTIVE initially before we can setup the fip(s) etc so stash
         # this additional wait state for later use.
         wait_until_extra = None
         if wait_until in ['PINGABLE', 'SSHABLE']:
+            if not validatable and validation_resources is None:
+                raise RuntimeError(
+                    'SSHABLE/PINGABLE requires validatable=True '
+                    'and validation_resources to be passed')
             wait_until_extra = wait_until
             wait_until = 'ACTIVE'