Merge "Don't use hypervisor_hostname as compute hostname" into mcp/queens
diff --git a/tempest/api/compute/ b/tempest/api/compute/
index 9759be7..760e356 100644
--- a/tempest/api/compute/
+++ b/tempest/api/compute/
@@ -532,10 +532,10 @@
     def get_host_other_than(self, server_id):
         source_host = self.get_host_for_server(server_id)
-        hypers = self.os_admin.hypervisor_client.list_hypervisors(
-            )['hypervisors']
-        hosts = [hyper['hypervisor_hostname'] for hyper in hypers
-                 if hyper['state'] == 'up' and hyper['status'] == 'enabled']
+        svcs = self.os_admin.services_client.list_services(
+            binary='nova-compute')['services']
+        hosts = [svc['host'] for svc in svcs
+                 if svc['state'] == 'up' and svc['status'] == 'enabled']
         for target_host in hosts:
             if source_host != target_host: