Document the process to pin the constraint in tox.ini

As discussed in Victoria PTG[1], we need to start pining
the constraint in tox.ini on Tempest new release so that our
tox.ini can match with compatible constraints with Tempest version.


Change-Id: Ib705f59ef3aea93b2778cc87fc44d390b5a62c94
diff --git a/doc/source/index.rst b/doc/source/index.rst
index f878888..d4dc166 100644
--- a/doc/source/index.rst
+++ b/doc/source/index.rst
@@ -80,6 +80,7 @@
+   requirement_upper_constraint_for_tempest
diff --git a/doc/source/requirement_upper_constraint_for_tempest.rst b/doc/source/requirement_upper_constraint_for_tempest.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2eebdda
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/source/requirement_upper_constraint_for_tempest.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+Requirements Upper Constraint for Tempest
+Tempest is branchless and supported stable branches use Tempest
+master and all EM stable branches use old compatible Tempest version
+for their testing. This means the OpenStack installed upper-constraints
+might not be compatible with Tempest used for stable branch testing.
+For example, if Tempest master is used for testing the stable/stein
+then stable/stein constraint might not be compatible with Tempest master so
+we need to use master upper-constraints there. That is why we use virtual
+env for Tempest installation and running tests so that we can control Tempest
+required constraint from system wide installed constraints.
+Devstack takes care of using the master upper-constraints when Tempest master
+is used. But when old Tempest is used then devstack alone cannot handle the
+compatible constraints because Tempest in-tree tox.ini also set the
+upper-constraints which are master constraints so if devstack set the different
+constraints than what we have in tox.ini we end up re-creation of venv which
+flush all previously installed tempest plugins in that venv. More details are
+on `this ML thread <>`_
+To solve that problem we have two ways:
+#. Set UPPER_CONSTRAINTS_FILE to compatible constraint path
+   This option is not easy as it requires to set this env var everywhere
+   Tempest tox env is used like in devstack, grenade, projects side, zuulv3 roles etc.
+#. Pin upper-constraints in tox.ini
+   If we can pin the upper-constraints in tox.ini on every release with the branch
+   constraint at the time of release then we can solve it in an easy way because tox
+   can use the compatible constraint at the time of venv creation itself. But this can
+   again mismatch with the devstack set constraint so we need to follow the below process
+   to make it work.
+How to pin upper-constraints in tox.ini
+This has to be done exactly before we cut the Tempest new major version bump
+release for the cycle.
+Step1: Add the pin constraint proposal in `QA office hour <>`_.
+       Pin constraint proposal includes:
+       - pin constraint patch. `Example patch 720578 <>`_
+       - revert of pin constraint patch. `Example patch 721724 <>`_
+Step2: Approve pin constraint and its revert patch together.
+       During office hour we need to check that there are no open patches for
+       Tempest release and accordingly we fast approve the 'pin constraint' and its
+       revert patch during office hour itself. Remember 'pin constraint patch' has to be
+       the last commit to include in Tempest release.
+Step3: Use 'pin constraint patch' hash for the Tempest new release.
+       By using the 'pin constraint patch' hash we make sure tox.ini in Tempest
+       released tag has the compatible stable constraint not the master one.
+       For Example `Tempest 24.0.0 <>`_