Add replace location test
Replacing locations is a little strange, in that you "replace" the
whole list of locations, but only metadata for existing locations
is allowed, but outside the JSON PATCH checking. This adds a test
that probes the boundaries of that and makes sure we are allowed
(and disallowed) the right operations.
Change-Id: I753872656b990741ababfbdd64893746493b5e13
diff --git a/tempest/api/image/v2/ b/tempest/api/image/v2/
index f3dfae5..d590668 100644
--- a/tempest/api/image/v2/
+++ b/tempest/api/image/v2/
@@ -870,9 +870,44 @@
return image
- @decorators.idempotent_id('f67495c6-518a-4397-938e-dc7b135698a8')
- def test_set_multiple_locations(self):
- self._check_set_multiple_locations()
+ @decorators.idempotent_id('bf6e0009-c039-4884-b498-db074caadb10')
+ def test_replace_location(self):
+ image = self._check_set_multiple_locations()
+ original_locs = image['locations']
+ # Replacing with the exact thing should work
+ self.client.update_image(image['id'], [
+ dict(replace='/locations', value=image['locations'])])
+ # Changing metadata on a location should work
+ original_locs[0]['metadata']['date'] = '2015-10-15'
+ self.client.update_image(image['id'], [
+ dict(replace='/locations', value=original_locs)])
+ # Deleting a location should not work
+ self.assertRaises(
+ lib_exc.BadRequest,
+ self.client.update_image,
+ image['id'], [
+ dict(replace='/locations', value=[original_locs[0]])])
+ # Replacing a location (with a different URL) should not work
+ new_loc = {'metadata': original_locs[1]['metadata'],
+ 'url': '%s#new3' % CONF.image.http_image}
+ self.assertRaises(
+ lib_exc.BadRequest,
+ self.client.update_image,
+ image['id'], [
+ dict(replace='/locations', value=[original_locs[0],
+ new_loc])])
+ # Make sure the locations haven't changed with the above failures,
+ # but the metadata we updated should be changed.
+ image = self.client.show_image(image['id'])
+ self.assertEqual(2, len(image['locations']),
+ 'Image should have two locations but has %i' % (
+ len(image['locations'])))
+ self.assertEqual(original_locs, image['locations'])
def test_delete_locations(self):