Unblock gate to temporary remove the py3.6|7 job

py3.6 and py3.7 jobs are failing due to oslo dropped the
py3.6|7 support. We will add them back once bug#1975036
is resolved

Tempest plugin sanity job is broken due to failure in
murano-tempest-plugin. To make this patch merge which
will unblock the gate, I am making plugin sanity job as
non voting. We will revert that once below fix is merged

tempest-full-centos-9-stream job is also failing which fix
is also up and waiting for this patch to merge first, so making
them non voting.

devstack-plugin-ceph-tempest-py3 job is also mostly failing, let's
make it temporarily non voting in order to avoid endless rechecks

- https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/murano-tempest-plugin/+/843040

Related-Bug: #1975036
Change-Id: Ibcaf1bce80521e05d76199ddebccb33488360644
1 file changed