Remove quota whitebox tests

The quota limitation are testable by blackbox tests.
These quota tests are skipped because of issues anyway.

Fixing Bug 1034129

Change-Id: Icaeaed3bb5151ce2057ff3e850e3240c38b2ab81
diff --git a/tempest/whitebox/ b/tempest/whitebox/
index cd3c026..2694b95 100644
--- a/tempest/whitebox/
+++ b/tempest/whitebox/
@@ -50,70 +50,6 @@
             except exceptions.NotFound:
-    def test_create_server_vcpu_quota_full(self):
-        # Disallow server creation when tenant's vcpu quota is full
-        quotas = self.meta.tables['quotas']
-        stmt = (
-                where(quotas.c.project_id == self.tenant_id).
-                where(quotas.c.resource == 'cores'))
-        result = self.connection.execute(stmt).first()
-        # Set vcpu quota for tenant if not already set
-        if not result:
-            cores_hard_limit = 2
-            stmt = quotas.insert().values(deleted=0,
-                                          project_id=self.tenant_id,
-                                          resource='cores',
-                                          hard_limit=cores_hard_limit)
-            self.connection.execute(stmt, autocommit=True)
-        else:
-            cores_hard_limit = result.hard_limit
-        # Create servers assuming 1 VCPU per instance i.e flavor_id=1
-        try:
-            for count in range(cores_hard_limit + 1):
-                self.create_server()
-        except exceptions.OverLimit:
-            pass
-        else:
-  "Could create servers over the VCPU quota limit")
-        finally:
-            stmt = quotas.delete()
-            self.connection.execute(stmt, autocommit=True)
-    def test_create_server_memory_quota_full(self):
-        # Disallow server creation when tenant's memory quota is full
-        quotas = self.meta.tables['quotas']
-        stmt = (
-                where(quotas.c.project_id == self.tenant_id).
-                where(quotas.c.resource == 'ram'))
-        result = self.connection.execute(stmt).first()
-        # Set memory quota for tenant if not already set
-        if not result:
-            ram_hard_limit = 1024
-            stmt = quotas.insert().values(deleted=0,
-                                          project_id=self.tenant_id,
-                                          resource='ram',
-                                          hard_limit=ram_hard_limit)
-            self.connection.execute(stmt, autocommit=True)
-        else:
-            ram_hard_limit = result.hard_limit
-        try:
-            # Set a hard range of 3 servers for reaching the RAM quota
-            for count in range(3):
-                self.create_server()
-        except exceptions.OverLimit:
-            pass
-        else:
-  "Could create servers over the RAM quota limit")
-        finally:
-            stmt = quotas.delete()
-            self.connection.execute(stmt, autocommit=True)
     def update_state(self, server_id, vm_state, task_state, deleted=0):
         """Update states of an instance in database for validation."""
         if not task_state: