add tests for show and update of Flavor Extra Spec API extension

this adds positive and negative  tests for show and update actions
of FlavorExtra Spec API extension.
this checks the extends response attribute that added by all flavor
extension API.
this also move some translation from xml to json into the xml flavor
client, so tests can use xml client and json client in the same way.

Change-Id: I0cf47640a61da8a062ea14b49554911cab8b3be7
diff --git a/tempest/api/compute/admin/ b/tempest/api/compute/admin/
index 75b8dad..05bb457 100644
--- a/tempest/api/compute/admin/
+++ b/tempest/api/compute/admin/
@@ -80,13 +80,7 @@
         self.assertEqual(flavor['rxtx_factor'], self.rxtx)
-        if self._interface == "xml":
-            XMLNS_OS_FLV_ACCESS = ""\
-                "flavor_access/api/v2"
-            key = "{" + XMLNS_OS_FLV_ACCESS + "}is_public"
-            self.assertEqual(flavor[key], "True")
-        if self._interface == "json":
-            self.assertEqual(flavor['os-flavor-access:is_public'], True)
+        self.assertEqual(flavor['os-flavor-access:is_public'], True)
         # Verify flavor is retrieved
         resp, flavor = self.client.get_flavor_details(new_flavor_id)
@@ -156,6 +150,14 @@
     def test_create_list_flavor_without_extra_data(self):
         # Create a flavor and ensure it is listed
         # This operation requires the user to have 'admin' role
+        def verify_flavor_response_extension(flavor):
+            # check some extensions for the flavor create/show/detail response
+            self.assertEqual(flavor['swap'], '')
+            self.assertEqual(int(flavor['rxtx_factor']), 1)
+            self.assertEqual(int(flavor['OS-FLV-EXT-DATA:ephemeral']), 0)
+            self.assertEqual(flavor['os-flavor-access:is_public'], True)
         flavor_name = rand_name(self.flavor_name_prefix)
         new_flavor_id = rand_int_id(start=1000)
@@ -171,26 +173,20 @@
         self.assertEqual(flavor['vcpus'], self.vcpus)
         self.assertEqual(flavor['disk'], self.disk)
         self.assertEqual(int(flavor['id']), new_flavor_id)
-        self.assertEqual(flavor['swap'], '')
-        self.assertEqual(int(flavor['rxtx_factor']), 1)
-        self.assertEqual(int(flavor['OS-FLV-EXT-DATA:ephemeral']), 0)
-        if self._interface == "xml":
-            XMLNS_OS_FLV_ACCESS = ""\
-                "flavor_access/api/v2"
-            key = "{" + XMLNS_OS_FLV_ACCESS + "}is_public"
-            self.assertEqual(flavor[key], "True")
-        if self._interface == "json":
-            self.assertEqual(flavor['os-flavor-access:is_public'], True)
+        verify_flavor_response_extension(flavor)
         # Verify flavor is retrieved
         resp, flavor = self.client.get_flavor_details(new_flavor_id)
         self.assertEqual(resp.status, 200)
         self.assertEqual(flavor['name'], flavor_name)
+        verify_flavor_response_extension(flavor)
         # Check if flavor is present in list
-        resp, flavors = self.client.list_flavors_with_detail()
+        resp, flavors = self.user_client.list_flavors_with_detail()
         self.assertEqual(resp.status, 200)
         for flavor in flavors:
             if flavor['name'] == flavor_name:
+                verify_flavor_response_extension(flavor)
                 flag = True
diff --git a/tempest/api/compute/admin/ b/tempest/api/compute/admin/
index 0fd4d11..403a946 100644
--- a/tempest/api/compute/admin/
+++ b/tempest/api/compute/admin/
@@ -19,7 +19,6 @@
 from tempest.api.compute import base
 from tempest.common.utils.data_utils import rand_int_id
 from tempest.common.utils.data_utils import rand_name
-from tempest import exceptions
 from tempest.test import attr
@@ -64,9 +63,9 @@
         super(FlavorsExtraSpecsTestJSON, cls).tearDownClass()
-    def test_flavor_set_get_unset_keys(self):
-        # Test to SET, GET UNSET flavor extra spec as a user
-        # with admin privileges.
+    def test_flavor_set_get_update_show_unset_keys(self):
+        # Test to SET, GET, UPDATE, SHOW, UNSET flavor extra
+        # spec as a user with admin privileges.
         # Assigning extra specs values that are to be set
         specs = {"key1": "value1", "key2": "value2"}
         # SET extra specs to the flavor created in setUp
@@ -79,55 +78,55 @@
         self.assertEqual(get_resp.status, 200)
         self.assertEqual(get_body, specs)
+        # UPDATE the value of the extra specs key1
+        update_resp, update_body = \
+            self.client.update_flavor_extra_spec(self.flavor['id'],
+                                                 "key1",
+                                                 key1="value")
+        self.assertEqual(update_resp.status, 200)
+        self.assertEqual({"key1": "value"}, update_body)
         # GET a key value and verify
-        get_resp, get_body = \
+        show_resp, get_body = \
-                                                       "key2")
+                                                       "key1")
+        self.assertEqual(show_resp.status, 200)
+        self.assertEqual(get_body, 'value')
+        # GET extra specs and verify the value of the key2
+        # is the same as before
+        get_resp, get_body = \
+            self.client.get_flavor_extra_spec(self.flavor['id'])
         self.assertEqual(get_resp.status, 200)
-        self.assertEqual(get_body, specs['key2'])
+        self.assertEqual(get_body, {"key1": "value", "key2": "value2"})
         # UNSET extra specs that were set in this test
         unset_resp, _ = \
             self.client.unset_flavor_extra_spec(self.flavor['id'], "key1")
         self.assertEqual(unset_resp.status, 200)
-    @attr(type=['negative', 'gate'])
-    def test_flavor_non_admin_set_keys(self):
-        # Test to SET flavor extra spec as a user without admin privileges.
-        specs = {"key1": "value1", "key2": "value2"}
-        self.assertRaises(exceptions.Unauthorized,
-                          self.flavors_client.set_flavor_extra_spec,
-                          self.flavor['id'],
-                          specs)
+        unset_resp, _ = \
+            self.client.unset_flavor_extra_spec(self.flavor['id'], "key2")
+        self.assertEqual(unset_resp.status, 200)
-    def test_flavor_non_admin_get_keys(self):
+    def test_flavor_non_admin_get_all_keys_and_specified_key(self):
         specs = {"key1": "value1", "key2": "value2"}
         set_resp, set_body = self.client.set_flavor_extra_spec(
             self.flavor['id'], specs)
         resp, body = self.flavors_client.get_flavor_extra_spec(
         self.assertEqual(resp.status, 200)
         for key in specs:
             self.assertEqual(body[key], specs[key])
-    @attr(type=['negative', 'gate'])
-    def test_flavor_non_admin_unset_keys(self):
-        specs = {"key1": "value1", "key2": "value2"}
-        set_resp, set_body = self.client.set_flavor_extra_spec(
-            self.flavor['id'], specs)
-        self.assertRaises(exceptions.Unauthorized,
-                          self.flavors_client.unset_flavor_extra_spec,
-                          self.flavor['id'],
-                          'key1')
-    @attr(type=['negative', 'gate'])
-    def test_flavor_unset_nonexistent_key(self):
-        nonexistent_key = rand_name('flavor_key')
-        self.assertRaises(exceptions.NotFound,
-                          self.client.unset_flavor_extra_spec,
-                          self.flavor['id'],
-                          nonexistent_key)
+        get_resp, get_body = \
+            self.flavors_client.get_flavor_extra_spec_with_key(
+                self.flavor['id'],
+                "key1")
+        self.assertEqual(get_resp.status, 200)
+        self.assertEqual("value1", get_body)
 class FlavorsExtraSpecsTestXML(FlavorsExtraSpecsTestJSON):
diff --git a/tempest/api/compute/admin/ b/tempest/api/compute/admin/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8d62a2a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tempest/api/compute/admin/
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4
+# Copyright 2012 OpenStack Foundation
+# All Rights Reserved.
+# Copyright 2013 IBM Corp.
+#    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+#    not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+#    a copy of the License at
+#    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+#    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+#    WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+#    License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+#    under the License.
+from tempest.api import compute
+from tempest.api.compute import base
+from tempest.common.utils.data_utils import rand_int_id
+from tempest.common.utils.data_utils import rand_name
+from tempest import exceptions
+from tempest.test import attr
+class FlavorsExtraSpecsNegativeTestJSON(base.BaseV2ComputeAdminTest):
+    """the Negative tests for FlavorsExtraSpecs."""
+    _interface = 'json'
+    @classmethod
+    def setUpClass(cls):
+        super(FlavorsExtraSpecsNegativeTestJSON, cls).setUpClass()
+        if not compute.FLAVOR_EXTRA_DATA_ENABLED:
+            msg = "FlavorExtraData extension not enabled."
+            raise cls.skipException(msg)
+        cls.client = cls.os_adm.flavors_client
+        flavor_name = rand_name('test_flavor')
+        ram = 512
+        vcpus = 1
+        disk = 10
+        ephemeral = 10
+        cls.new_flavor_id = rand_int_id(start=1000)
+        swap = 1024
+        rxtx = 1
+        # Create a flavor
+        resp, cls.flavor = cls.client.create_flavor(flavor_name,
+                                                    ram, vcpus,
+                                                    disk,
+                                                    cls.new_flavor_id,
+                                                    ephemeral=ephemeral,
+                                                    swap=swap, rxtx=rxtx)
+    @classmethod
+    def tearDownClass(cls):
+        resp, body = cls.client.delete_flavor(cls.flavor['id'])
+        cls.client.wait_for_resource_deletion(cls.flavor['id'])
+        super(FlavorsExtraSpecsNegativeTestJSON, cls).tearDownClass()
+    @attr(type=['negative', 'gate'])
+    def test_flavor_non_admin_set_keys(self):
+        # Test to SET flavor extra spec as a user without admin privileges.
+        specs = {"key1": "value1", "key2": "value2"}
+        self.assertRaises(exceptions.Unauthorized,
+                          self.flavors_client.set_flavor_extra_spec,
+                          self.flavor['id'],
+                          specs)
+    @attr(type=['negative', 'gate'])
+    def test_flavor_non_admin_unset_keys(self):
+        specs = {"key1": "value1", "key2": "value2"}
+        set_resp, set_body = self.client.set_flavor_extra_spec(
+            self.flavor['id'], specs)
+        self.assertRaises(exceptions.Unauthorized,
+                          self.flavors_client.unset_flavor_extra_spec,
+                          self.flavor['id'],
+                          'key1')
+    @attr(type=['negative', 'gate'])
+    def test_flavor_unset_nonexistent_key(self):
+        nonexistent_key = rand_name('flavor_key')
+        self.assertRaises(exceptions.NotFound,
+                          self.client.unset_flavor_extra_spec,
+                          self.flavor['id'],
+                          nonexistent_key)
+    @attr(type=['negative', 'gate'])
+    def test_flavor_get_nonexistent_key(self):
+        self.assertRaises(exceptions.NotFound,
+                          self.flavors_client.get_flavor_extra_spec_with_key,
+                          self.flavor['id'],
+                          "nonexistent_key")
+    @attr(type=['negative', 'gate'])
+    def test_flavor_update_mismatch_key(self):
+        # the key will be updated should be match the key in the body
+        self.assertRaises(exceptions.BadRequest,
+                          self.client.update_flavor_extra_spec,
+                          self.flavor['id'],
+                          "key2",
+                          key1="value")
+    @attr(type=['negative', 'gate'])
+    def test_flavor_update_more_key(self):
+        # there should be just one item in the request body
+        self.assertRaises(exceptions.BadRequest,
+                          self.client.update_flavor_extra_spec,
+                          self.flavor['id'],
+                          "key1",
+                          key1="value",
+                          key2="value")
+class FlavorsExtraSpecsNegativeTestXML(FlavorsExtraSpecsNegativeTestJSON):
+    _interface = 'xml'
diff --git a/tempest/services/compute/json/ b/tempest/services/compute/json/
index dc05e3e..305a77b 100644
--- a/tempest/services/compute/json/
+++ b/tempest/services/compute/json/
@@ -109,6 +109,14 @@
         body = json.loads(body)
         return resp, body[key]
+    def update_flavor_extra_spec(self, flavor_id, key, **kwargs):
+        """Gets specified extra Specs details of the mentioned flavor."""
+        resp, body = self.put('flavors/%s/os-extra_specs/%s' %
+                              (flavor_id, key),
+                              json.dumps(kwargs), self.headers)
+        body = json.loads(body)
+        return resp, body
     def unset_flavor_extra_spec(self, flavor_id, key):
         """Unsets extra Specs from the mentioned flavor."""
         return self.delete('flavors/%s/os-extra_specs/%s' % (str(flavor_id),
diff --git a/tempest/services/compute/xml/ b/tempest/services/compute/xml/
index c7ed044..12e24d0 100644
--- a/tempest/services/compute/xml/
+++ b/tempest/services/compute/xml/
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
 from tempest.common.rest_client import RestClientXML
 from import Document
 from import Element
+from import Text
 from import xml_to_json
 from import XMLNS_11
@@ -29,7 +30,7 @@
-    ""
+    ""
 class FlavorsClientXML(RestClientXML):
@@ -49,6 +50,10 @@
             if k == '{%s}ephemeral' % XMLNS_OS_FLV_EXT_DATA:
                 k = 'OS-FLV-EXT-DATA:ephemeral'
+            if k == '{%s}is_public' % XMLNS_OS_FLV_ACCESS:
+                k = 'os-flavor-access:is_public'
+                v = True if v == 'True' else False
             if k == 'extra_specs':
                 k = 'OS-FLV-WITH-EXT-SPECS:extra_specs'
                 flavor[k] = dict(v)
@@ -155,6 +160,21 @@
         body = xml_to_json(etree.fromstring(body))
         return resp, body
+    def update_flavor_extra_spec(self, flavor_id, key, **kwargs):
+        """Gets specified extra Specs details of the mentioned flavor."""
+        doc = Document()
+        for (k, v) in kwargs.items():
+            element = Element(k)
+            doc.append(element)
+            value = Text(v)
+            element.append(value)
+        resp, body = self.put('flavors/%s/os-extra_specs/%s' %
+                              (flavor_id, key),
+                              str(doc), self.headers)
+        body = xml_to_json(etree.fromstring(body))
+        return resp, {key: body}
     def unset_flavor_extra_spec(self, flavor_id, key):
         """Unsets an extra spec based on the mentioned flavor and key."""
         return self.delete('flavors/%s/os-extra_specs/%s' % (str(flavor_id),