Remove advanced services tests
- lbaas tests are now in neutron-lbaas
- fw/vpn tests are now in neutron api tests
Change-Id: I3a8660838c1af2baefe21bbc57b006c9889ac35a
diff --git a/tempest/api/network/admin/ b/tempest/api/network/admin/
deleted file mode 100644
index 7234348..0000000
--- a/tempest/api/network/admin/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2013 IBM Corp.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
-# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
-# a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
-# under the License.
-from tempest_lib.common.utils import data_utils
-from import base
-from tempest import test
-class LBaaSAgentSchedulerTestJSON(base.BaseAdminNetworkTest):
- """
- Tests the following operations in the Neutron API using the REST client for
- Neutron:
- List pools the given LBaaS agent is hosting.
- Show a LBaaS agent hosting the given pool.
- v2.0 of the Neutron API is assumed. It is also assumed that the following
- options are defined in the [networki-feature-enabled] section of
- etc/tempest.conf:
- api_extensions
- """
- @classmethod
- def skip_checks(cls):
- super(LBaaSAgentSchedulerTestJSON, cls).skip_checks()
- if not test.is_extension_enabled('lbaas_agent_scheduler', 'network'):
- msg = "LBaaS Agent Scheduler Extension not enabled."
- raise cls.skipException(msg)
- @classmethod
- def resource_setup(cls):
- super(LBaaSAgentSchedulerTestJSON, cls).resource_setup()
- = cls.create_network()
- cls.subnet = cls.create_subnet(
- pool_name = data_utils.rand_name('pool-')
- cls.pool = cls.create_pool(pool_name, "ROUND_ROBIN",
- "HTTP", cls.subnet)
- @test.idempotent_id('e5ea8b15-4f44-4350-963c-e0fcb533ee79')
- def test_list_pools_on_lbaas_agent(self):
- found = False
- body = self.admin_client.list_agents(
- agent_type="Loadbalancer agent")
- agents = body['agents']
- for a in agents:
- msg = 'Load Balancer agent expected'
- self.assertEqual(a['agent_type'], 'Loadbalancer agent', msg)
- body = (
- self.admin_client.list_pools_hosted_by_one_lbaas_agent(
- a['id']))
- pools = body['pools']
- if self.pool['id'] in [p['id'] for p in pools]:
- found = True
- msg = 'Unable to find Load Balancer agent hosting pool'
- self.assertTrue(found, msg)
- @test.idempotent_id('e2745593-fd79-4b98-a262-575fd7865796')
- def test_show_lbaas_agent_hosting_pool(self):
- body = self.admin_client.show_lbaas_agent_hosting_pool(
- self.pool['id'])
- self.assertEqual('Loadbalancer agent', body['agent']['agent_type'])
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deleted file mode 100644
index 24a04be..0000000
--- a/tempest/api/network/admin/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,118 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2014
-# All Rights Reserved.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
-# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
-# a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
-# under the License.
-from tempest_lib.common.utils import data_utils
-from import base
-from tempest import test
-class LoadBalancerAdminTestJSON(base.BaseAdminNetworkTest):
- """
- Test admin actions for load balancer.
- Create VIP for another tenant
- Create health monitor for another tenant
- """
- force_tenant_isolation = True
- @classmethod
- def skip_checks(cls):
- super(LoadBalancerAdminTestJSON, cls).skip_checks()
- if not test.is_extension_enabled('lbaas', 'network'):
- msg = "lbaas extension not enabled."
- raise cls.skipException(msg)
- @classmethod
- def setup_clients(cls):
- super(LoadBalancerAdminTestJSON, cls).setup_clients()
- cls.client = cls.manager.network_client
- @classmethod
- def resource_setup(cls):
- super(LoadBalancerAdminTestJSON, cls).resource_setup()
- cls.tenant_id = cls.os.credentials.tenant_id
- = cls.create_network()
- cls.subnet = cls.create_subnet(
- cls.pool = cls.create_pool(data_utils.rand_name('pool-'),
- "ROUND_ROBIN", "HTTP", cls.subnet)
- @test.idempotent_id('6b0a20d8-4fcd-455e-b54f-ec4db5199518')
- def test_create_vip_as_admin_for_another_tenant(self):
- name = data_utils.rand_name('vip-')
- body = self.admin_client.create_pool(
- name=data_utils.rand_name('pool-'),
- lb_method="ROUND_ROBIN",
- protocol="HTTP",
- subnet_id=self.subnet['id'],
- tenant_id=self.tenant_id)
- pool = body['pool']
- self.addCleanup(self.admin_client.delete_pool, pool['id'])
- body = self.admin_client.create_vip(name=name,
- protocol="HTTP",
- protocol_port=80,
- subnet_id=self.subnet['id'],
- pool_id=pool['id'],
- tenant_id=self.tenant_id)
- vip = body['vip']
- self.addCleanup(self.admin_client.delete_vip, vip['id'])
- self.assertIsNotNone(vip['id'])
- self.assertEqual(self.tenant_id, vip['tenant_id'])
- body = self.client.show_vip(vip['id'])
- show_vip = body['vip']
- self.assertEqual(vip['id'], show_vip['id'])
- self.assertEqual(vip['name'], show_vip['name'])
- @test.idempotent_id('74552cfc-ab78-4fb6-825b-f67bca379921')
- def test_create_health_monitor_as_admin_for_another_tenant(self):
- body = (
- self.admin_client.create_health_monitor(delay=4,
- max_retries=3,
- type="TCP",
- timeout=1,
- tenant_id=self.tenant_id))
- health_monitor = body['health_monitor']
- self.addCleanup(self.admin_client.delete_health_monitor,
- health_monitor['id'])
- self.assertIsNotNone(health_monitor['id'])
- self.assertEqual(self.tenant_id, health_monitor['tenant_id'])
- body = self.client.show_health_monitor(health_monitor['id'])
- show_health_monitor = body['health_monitor']
- self.assertEqual(health_monitor['id'], show_health_monitor['id'])
- @test.idempotent_id('266a192d-3c22-46c4-a8fb-802450301e82')
- def test_create_pool_from_admin_user_other_tenant(self):
- body = self.admin_client.create_pool(
- name=data_utils.rand_name('pool-'),
- lb_method="ROUND_ROBIN",
- protocol="HTTP",
- subnet_id=self.subnet['id'],
- tenant_id=self.tenant_id)
- pool = body['pool']
- self.addCleanup(self.admin_client.delete_pool, pool['id'])
- self.assertIsNotNone(pool['id'])
- self.assertEqual(self.tenant_id, pool['tenant_id'])
- @test.idempotent_id('158bb272-b9ed-4cfc-803c-661dac46f783')
- def test_create_member_from_admin_user_other_tenant(self):
- body = self.admin_client.create_member(address="",
- protocol_port=80,
- pool_id=self.pool['id'],
- tenant_id=self.tenant_id)
- member = body['member']
- self.addCleanup(self.admin_client.delete_member, member['id'])
- self.assertIsNotNone(member['id'])
- self.assertEqual(self.tenant_id, member['tenant_id'])
diff --git a/tempest/api/network/admin/ b/tempest/api/network/admin/
index 46d6651..f6046d3 100644
--- a/tempest/api/network/admin/
+++ b/tempest/api/network/admin/
@@ -90,10 +90,3 @@
def test_quotas(self):
new_quotas = {'network': 0, 'security_group': 0}
- @test.idempotent_id('a7add2b1-691e-44d6-875f-697d9685f091')
- @test.requires_ext(extension='lbaas', service='network')
- def test_lbaas_quotas(self):
- new_quotas = {'vip': 1, 'pool': 2,
- 'member': 3, 'health_monitor': 4}
- self._check_quotas(new_quotas)
diff --git a/tempest/api/network/ b/tempest/api/network/
index f864f95..bbefc25 100644
--- a/tempest/api/network/
+++ b/tempest/api/network/
@@ -82,64 +82,19 @@
cls.subnets = []
cls.ports = []
cls.routers = []
- cls.pools = []
- cls.vips = []
- cls.members = []
- cls.health_monitors = []
- cls.vpnservices = []
- cls.ikepolicies = []
cls.floating_ips = []
cls.metering_labels = []
cls.metering_label_rules = []
- cls.fw_rules = []
- cls.fw_policies = []
- cls.ipsecpolicies = []
cls.ethertype = "IPv" + str(cls._ip_version)
def resource_cleanup(cls):
if CONF.service_available.neutron:
- # Clean up ipsec policies
- for ipsecpolicy in cls.ipsecpolicies:
- cls._try_delete_resource(cls.client.delete_ipsecpolicy,
- ipsecpolicy['id'])
- # Clean up firewall policies
- for fw_policy in cls.fw_policies:
- cls._try_delete_resource(cls.client.delete_firewall_policy,
- fw_policy['id'])
- # Clean up firewall rules
- for fw_rule in cls.fw_rules:
- cls._try_delete_resource(cls.client.delete_firewall_rule,
- fw_rule['id'])
- # Clean up ike policies
- for ikepolicy in cls.ikepolicies:
- cls._try_delete_resource(cls.client.delete_ikepolicy,
- ikepolicy['id'])
- # Clean up vpn services
- for vpnservice in cls.vpnservices:
- cls._try_delete_resource(cls.client.delete_vpnservice,
- vpnservice['id'])
# Clean up floating IPs
for floating_ip in cls.floating_ips:
- # Clean up health monitors
- for health_monitor in cls.health_monitors:
- cls._try_delete_resource(cls.client.delete_health_monitor,
- health_monitor['id'])
- # Clean up members
- for member in cls.members:
- cls._try_delete_resource(cls.client.delete_member,
- member['id'])
- # Clean up vips
- for vip in cls.vips:
- cls._try_delete_resource(cls.client.delete_vip,
- vip['id'])
- # Clean up pools
- for pool in cls.pools:
- cls._try_delete_resource(cls.client.delete_pool,
- pool['id'])
# Clean up metering label rules
for metering_label_rule in cls.metering_label_rules:
@@ -284,78 +239,6 @@
return fip
- def create_pool(cls, name, lb_method, protocol, subnet):
- """Wrapper utility that returns a test pool."""
- body = cls.client.create_pool(
- name=name,
- lb_method=lb_method,
- protocol=protocol,
- subnet_id=subnet['id'])
- pool = body['pool']
- cls.pools.append(pool)
- return pool
- @classmethod
- def update_pool(cls, name):
- """Wrapper utility that returns a test pool."""
- body = cls.client.update_pool(name=name)
- pool = body['pool']
- return pool
- @classmethod
- def create_vip(cls, name, protocol, protocol_port, subnet, pool):
- """Wrapper utility that returns a test vip."""
- body = cls.client.create_vip(name=name,
- protocol=protocol,
- protocol_port=protocol_port,
- subnet_id=subnet['id'],
- pool_id=pool['id'])
- vip = body['vip']
- cls.vips.append(vip)
- return vip
- @classmethod
- def update_vip(cls, name):
- body = cls.client.update_vip(name=name)
- vip = body['vip']
- return vip
- @classmethod
- def create_member(cls, protocol_port, pool, ip_version=None):
- """Wrapper utility that returns a test member."""
- ip_version = ip_version if ip_version is not None else cls._ip_version
- member_address = "fd00::abcd" if ip_version == 6 else ""
- body = cls.client.create_member(address=member_address,
- protocol_port=protocol_port,
- pool_id=pool['id'])
- member = body['member']
- cls.members.append(member)
- return member
- @classmethod
- def update_member(cls, admin_state_up):
- body = cls.client.update_member(admin_state_up=admin_state_up)
- member = body['member']
- return member
- @classmethod
- def create_health_monitor(cls, delay, max_retries, Type, timeout):
- """Wrapper utility that returns a test health monitor."""
- body = cls.client.create_health_monitor(delay=delay,
- max_retries=max_retries,
- type=Type,
- timeout=timeout)
- health_monitor = body['health_monitor']
- cls.health_monitors.append(health_monitor)
- return health_monitor
- @classmethod
- def update_health_monitor(cls, admin_state_up):
- body = cls.client.update_vip(admin_state_up=admin_state_up)
- health_monitor = body['health_monitor']
- return health_monitor
- @classmethod
def create_router_interface(cls, router_id, subnet_id):
"""Wrapper utility that returns a router interface."""
interface = cls.client.add_router_interface_with_subnet_id(
@@ -363,44 +246,6 @@
return interface
- def create_vpnservice(cls, subnet_id, router_id):
- """Wrapper utility that returns a test vpn service."""
- body = cls.client.create_vpnservice(
- subnet_id=subnet_id, router_id=router_id, admin_state_up=True,
- name=data_utils.rand_name("vpnservice-"))
- vpnservice = body['vpnservice']
- cls.vpnservices.append(vpnservice)
- return vpnservice
- @classmethod
- def create_ikepolicy(cls, name):
- """Wrapper utility that returns a test ike policy."""
- body = cls.client.create_ikepolicy(name=name)
- ikepolicy = body['ikepolicy']
- cls.ikepolicies.append(ikepolicy)
- return ikepolicy
- @classmethod
- def create_firewall_rule(cls, action, protocol):
- """Wrapper utility that returns a test firewall rule."""
- body = cls.client.create_firewall_rule(
- name=data_utils.rand_name("fw-rule"),
- action=action,
- protocol=protocol)
- fw_rule = body['firewall_rule']
- cls.fw_rules.append(fw_rule)
- return fw_rule
- @classmethod
- def create_firewall_policy(cls):
- """Wrapper utility that returns a test firewall policy."""
- body = cls.client.create_firewall_policy(
- name=data_utils.rand_name("fw-policy"))
- fw_policy = body['firewall_policy']
- cls.fw_policies.append(fw_policy)
- return fw_policy
- @classmethod
def delete_router(cls, router):
body = cls.client.list_router_interfaces(router['id'])
interfaces = body['ports']
@@ -412,14 +257,6 @@
- @classmethod
- def create_ipsecpolicy(cls, name):
- """Wrapper utility that returns a test ipsec policy."""
- body = cls.client.create_ipsecpolicy(name=name)
- ipsecpolicy = body['ipsecpolicy']
- cls.ipsecpolicies.append(ipsecpolicy)
- return ipsecpolicy
class BaseAdminNetworkTest(BaseNetworkTest):
diff --git a/tempest/api/network/ b/tempest/api/network/
deleted file mode 100644
index 651b4ab..0000000
--- a/tempest/api/network/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,333 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2014 NEC Corporation. All rights reserved.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
-# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
-# a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
-# under the License.
-import six
-from tempest_lib.common.utils import data_utils
-from tempest_lib import exceptions as lib_exc
-from import base
-from tempest import config
-from tempest import exceptions
-from tempest import test
-CONF = config.CONF
-class FWaaSExtensionTestJSON(base.BaseNetworkTest):
- """
- Tests the following operations in the Neutron API using the REST client for
- Neutron:
- List firewall rules
- Create firewall rule
- Update firewall rule
- Delete firewall rule
- Show firewall rule
- List firewall policies
- Create firewall policy
- Update firewall policy
- Insert firewall rule to policy
- Remove firewall rule from policy
- Insert firewall rule after/before rule in policy
- Update firewall policy audited attribute
- Delete firewall policy
- Show firewall policy
- List firewall
- Create firewall
- Update firewall
- Delete firewall
- Show firewall
- """
- @classmethod
- def skip_checks(cls):
- super(FWaaSExtensionTestJSON, cls).skip_checks()
- if not test.is_extension_enabled('fwaas', 'network'):
- msg = "FWaaS Extension not enabled."
- raise cls.skipException(msg)
- @classmethod
- def resource_setup(cls):
- super(FWaaSExtensionTestJSON, cls).resource_setup()
- cls.fw_rule = cls.create_firewall_rule("allow", "tcp")
- cls.fw_policy = cls.create_firewall_policy()
- def _try_delete_policy(self, policy_id):
- # delete policy, if it exists
- try:
- self.client.delete_firewall_policy(policy_id)
- # if policy is not found, this means it was deleted in the test
- except lib_exc.NotFound:
- pass
- def _try_delete_rule(self, rule_id):
- # delete rule, if it exists
- try:
- self.client.delete_firewall_rule(rule_id)
- # if rule is not found, this means it was deleted in the test
- except lib_exc.NotFound:
- pass
- def _try_delete_firewall(self, fw_id):
- # delete firewall, if it exists
- try:
- self.client.delete_firewall(fw_id)
- # if firewall is not found, this means it was deleted in the test
- except lib_exc.NotFound:
- pass
- self.client.wait_for_resource_deletion('firewall', fw_id)
- def _wait_until_ready(self, fw_id):
- target_states = ('ACTIVE', 'CREATED')
- def _wait():
- firewall = self.client.show_firewall(fw_id)
- firewall = firewall['firewall']
- return firewall['status'] in target_states
- if not test.call_until_true(_wait,,
- status = self.client.show_firewall(fw_id)['firewall']['status']
- m = ("Timed out waiting for firewall %s to reach %s state(s) "
- "after %ss, currently in %s state." %
- (fw_id,
- target_states,
- status))
- raise exceptions.TimeoutException(m)
- @test.idempotent_id('1b84cf01-9c09-4ce7-bc72-b15e39076468')
- def test_list_firewall_rules(self):
- # List firewall rules
- fw_rules = self.client.list_firewall_rules()
- fw_rules = fw_rules['firewall_rules']
- self.assertIn((self.fw_rule['id'],
- self.fw_rule['name'],
- self.fw_rule['action'],
- self.fw_rule['protocol'],
- self.fw_rule['ip_version'],
- self.fw_rule['enabled']),
- [(m['id'],
- m['name'],
- m['action'],
- m['protocol'],
- m['ip_version'],
- m['enabled']) for m in fw_rules])
- @test.idempotent_id('563564f7-7077-4f5e-8cdc-51f37ae5a2b9')
- def test_create_update_delete_firewall_rule(self):
- # Create firewall rule
- body = self.client.create_firewall_rule(
- name=data_utils.rand_name("fw-rule"),
- action="allow",
- protocol="tcp")
- fw_rule_id = body['firewall_rule']['id']
- # Update firewall rule
- body = self.client.update_firewall_rule(fw_rule_id,
- shared=True)
- self.assertTrue(body["firewall_rule"]['shared'])
- # Delete firewall rule
- self.client.delete_firewall_rule(fw_rule_id)
- # Confirm deletion
- fw_rules = self.client.list_firewall_rules()
- self.assertNotIn(fw_rule_id,
- [m['id'] for m in fw_rules['firewall_rules']])
- @test.idempotent_id('3ff8c08e-26ff-4034-ae48-810ed213a998')
- def test_show_firewall_rule(self):
- # show a created firewall rule
- fw_rule = self.client.show_firewall_rule(self.fw_rule['id'])
- for key, value in six.iteritems(fw_rule['firewall_rule']):
- self.assertEqual(self.fw_rule[key], value)
- @test.idempotent_id('1086dd93-a4c0-4bbb-a1bd-6d4bc62c199f')
- def test_list_firewall_policies(self):
- fw_policies = self.client.list_firewall_policies()
- fw_policies = fw_policies['firewall_policies']
- self.assertIn((self.fw_policy['id'],
- self.fw_policy['name'],
- self.fw_policy['firewall_rules']),
- [(m['id'],
- m['name'],
- m['firewall_rules']) for m in fw_policies])
- @test.idempotent_id('bbf37b6c-498c-421e-9c95-45897d3ed775')
- def test_create_update_delete_firewall_policy(self):
- # Create firewall policy
- body = self.client.create_firewall_policy(
- name=data_utils.rand_name("fw-policy"))
- fw_policy_id = body['firewall_policy']['id']
- self.addCleanup(self._try_delete_policy, fw_policy_id)
- # Update firewall policy
- body = self.client.update_firewall_policy(fw_policy_id,
- shared=True,
- name="updated_policy")
- updated_fw_policy = body["firewall_policy"]
- self.assertTrue(updated_fw_policy['shared'])
- self.assertEqual("updated_policy", updated_fw_policy['name'])
- # Delete firewall policy
- self.client.delete_firewall_policy(fw_policy_id)
- # Confirm deletion
- fw_policies = self.client.list_firewall_policies()
- fw_policies = fw_policies['firewall_policies']
- self.assertNotIn(fw_policy_id, [m['id'] for m in fw_policies])
- @test.idempotent_id('1df59b3a-517e-41d4-96f6-fc31cf4ecff2')
- def test_show_firewall_policy(self):
- # show a created firewall policy
- fw_policy = self.client.show_firewall_policy(self.fw_policy['id'])
- fw_policy = fw_policy['firewall_policy']
- for key, value in six.iteritems(fw_policy):
- self.assertEqual(self.fw_policy[key], value)
- @test.idempotent_id('02082a03-3cdd-4789-986a-1327dd80bfb7')
- def test_create_show_delete_firewall(self):
- # Create tenant network resources required for an ACTIVE firewall
- network = self.create_network()
- subnet = self.create_subnet(network)
- router = self.create_router(
- data_utils.rand_name('router-'),
- admin_state_up=True)
- self.client.add_router_interface_with_subnet_id(
- router['id'], subnet['id'])
- # Create firewall
- body = self.client.create_firewall(
- name=data_utils.rand_name("firewall"),
- firewall_policy_id=self.fw_policy['id'])
- created_firewall = body['firewall']
- firewall_id = created_firewall['id']
- self.addCleanup(self._try_delete_firewall, firewall_id)
- # Wait for the firewall resource to become ready
- self._wait_until_ready(firewall_id)
- # show a created firewall
- firewall = self.client.show_firewall(firewall_id)
- firewall = firewall['firewall']
- for key, value in six.iteritems(firewall):
- if key == 'status':
- continue
- self.assertEqual(created_firewall[key], value)
- # list firewall
- firewalls = self.client.list_firewalls()
- firewalls = firewalls['firewalls']
- self.assertIn((created_firewall['id'],
- created_firewall['name'],
- created_firewall['firewall_policy_id']),
- [(m['id'],
- m['name'],
- m['firewall_policy_id']) for m in firewalls])
- # Delete firewall
- self.client.delete_firewall(firewall_id)
- @test.idempotent_id('53305b4b-9897-4e01-87c0-2ae386083180')
- def test_firewall_rule_insertion_position_removal_rule_from_policy(self):
- # Create firewall rule
- body = self.client.create_firewall_rule(
- name=data_utils.rand_name("fw-rule"),
- action="allow",
- protocol="tcp")
- fw_rule_id1 = body['firewall_rule']['id']
- self.addCleanup(self._try_delete_rule, fw_rule_id1)
- # Create firewall policy
- body = self.client.create_firewall_policy(
- name=data_utils.rand_name("fw-policy"))
- fw_policy_id = body['firewall_policy']['id']
- self.addCleanup(self._try_delete_policy, fw_policy_id)
- # Insert rule to firewall policy
- self.client.insert_firewall_rule_in_policy(
- fw_policy_id, fw_rule_id1, '', '')
- # Verify insertion of rule in policy
- self.assertIn(fw_rule_id1, self._get_list_fw_rule_ids(fw_policy_id))
- # Create another firewall rule
- body = self.client.create_firewall_rule(
- name=data_utils.rand_name("fw-rule"),
- action="allow",
- protocol="icmp")
- fw_rule_id2 = body['firewall_rule']['id']
- self.addCleanup(self._try_delete_rule, fw_rule_id2)
- # Insert rule to firewall policy after the first rule
- self.client.insert_firewall_rule_in_policy(
- fw_policy_id, fw_rule_id2, fw_rule_id1, '')
- # Verify the posiition of rule after insertion
- fw_rule = self.client.show_firewall_rule(
- fw_rule_id2)
- self.assertEqual(int(fw_rule['firewall_rule']['position']), 2)
- # Remove rule from the firewall policy
- self.client.remove_firewall_rule_from_policy(
- fw_policy_id, fw_rule_id2)
- # Insert rule to firewall policy before the first rule
- self.client.insert_firewall_rule_in_policy(
- fw_policy_id, fw_rule_id2, '', fw_rule_id1)
- # Verify the posiition of rule after insertion
- fw_rule = self.client.show_firewall_rule(
- fw_rule_id2)
- self.assertEqual(int(fw_rule['firewall_rule']['position']), 1)
- # Remove rule from the firewall policy
- self.client.remove_firewall_rule_from_policy(
- fw_policy_id, fw_rule_id2)
- # Verify removal of rule from firewall policy
- self.assertNotIn(fw_rule_id2, self._get_list_fw_rule_ids(fw_policy_id))
- # Remove rule from the firewall policy
- self.client.remove_firewall_rule_from_policy(
- fw_policy_id, fw_rule_id1)
- # Verify removal of rule from firewall policy
- self.assertNotIn(fw_rule_id1, self._get_list_fw_rule_ids(fw_policy_id))
- def _get_list_fw_rule_ids(self, fw_policy_id):
- fw_policy = self.client.show_firewall_policy(
- fw_policy_id)
- return [ruleid for ruleid in fw_policy['firewall_policy']
- ['firewall_rules']]
- @test.idempotent_id('8515ca8a-0d2f-4298-b5ff-6f924e4587ca')
- def test_update_firewall_policy_audited_attribute(self):
- # Create firewall rule
- body = self.client.create_firewall_rule(
- name=data_utils.rand_name("fw-rule"),
- action="allow",
- protocol="icmp")
- fw_rule_id = body['firewall_rule']['id']
- self.addCleanup(self._try_delete_rule, fw_rule_id)
- # Create firewall policy
- body = self.client.create_firewall_policy(
- name=data_utils.rand_name('fw-policy'))
- fw_policy_id = body['firewall_policy']['id']
- self.addCleanup(self._try_delete_policy, fw_policy_id)
- self.assertFalse(body['firewall_policy']['audited'])
- # Update firewall policy audited attribute to ture
- self.client.update_firewall_policy(fw_policy_id,
- audited=True)
- # Insert Firewall rule to firewall policy
- self.client.insert_firewall_rule_in_policy(
- fw_policy_id, fw_rule_id, '', '')
- body = self.client.show_firewall_policy(
- fw_policy_id)
- self.assertFalse(body['firewall_policy']['audited'])
diff --git a/tempest/api/network/ b/tempest/api/network/
deleted file mode 100644
index 38a6fe9..0000000
--- a/tempest/api/network/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,432 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2013 OpenStack Foundation
-# All Rights Reserved.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
-# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
-# a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
-# under the License.
-import six
-from tempest_lib.common.utils import data_utils
-from tempest_lib import decorators
-from import base
-from tempest import test
-class LoadBalancerTestJSON(base.BaseNetworkTest):
- """
- Tests the following operations in the Neutron API using the REST client for
- Neutron:
- create vIP, and Pool
- show vIP
- list vIP
- update vIP
- delete vIP
- update pool
- delete pool
- show pool
- list pool
- health monitoring operations
- """
- @classmethod
- def skip_checks(cls):
- super(LoadBalancerTestJSON, cls).skip_checks()
- if not test.is_extension_enabled('lbaas', 'network'):
- msg = "lbaas extension not enabled."
- raise cls.skipException(msg)
- @classmethod
- def resource_setup(cls):
- super(LoadBalancerTestJSON, cls).resource_setup()
- = cls.create_network()
- =['name']
- cls.subnet = cls.create_subnet(
- pool_name = data_utils.rand_name('pool-')
- vip_name = data_utils.rand_name('vip-')
- cls.pool = cls.create_pool(pool_name, "ROUND_ROBIN",
- "HTTP", cls.subnet)
- = cls.create_vip(name=vip_name,
- protocol="HTTP",
- protocol_port=80,
- subnet=cls.subnet,
- pool=cls.pool)
- cls.member = cls.create_member(80, cls.pool, cls._ip_version)
- cls.member_address = ("" if cls._ip_version == 4
- else "2015::beef")
- cls.health_monitor = cls.create_health_monitor(delay=4,
- max_retries=3,
- Type="TCP",
- timeout=1)
- def _check_list_with_filter(self, obj_name, attr_exceptions, **kwargs):
- create_obj = getattr(self.client, 'create_' + obj_name)
- delete_obj = getattr(self.client, 'delete_' + obj_name)
- list_objs = getattr(self.client, 'list_' + obj_name + 's')
- body = create_obj(**kwargs)
- obj = body[obj_name]
- self.addCleanup(delete_obj, obj['id'])
- for key, value in six.iteritems(obj):
- # It is not relevant to filter by all arguments. That is why
- # there is a list of attr to except
- if key not in attr_exceptions:
- body = list_objs(**{key: value})
- objs = [v[key] for v in body[obj_name + 's']]
- self.assertIn(value, objs)
- @test.idempotent_id('c96dbfab-4a80-4e74-a535-e950b5bedd47')
- def test_list_vips(self):
- # Verify the vIP exists in the list of all vIPs
- body = self.client.list_vips()
- vips = body['vips']
- self.assertIn(['id'], [v['id'] for v in vips])
- @test.idempotent_id('b8853f65-5089-4e69-befd-041a143427ff')
- def test_list_vips_with_filter(self):
- name = data_utils.rand_name('vip-')
- body = self.client.create_pool(name=data_utils.rand_name("pool-"),
- lb_method="ROUND_ROBIN",
- protocol="HTTPS",
- subnet_id=self.subnet['id'])
- pool = body['pool']
- self.addCleanup(self.client.delete_pool, pool['id'])
- attr_exceptions = ['status', 'session_persistence',
- 'status_description']
- self._check_list_with_filter(
- 'vip', attr_exceptions, name=name, protocol="HTTPS",
- protocol_port=81, subnet_id=self.subnet['id'], pool_id=pool['id'],
- description=data_utils.rand_name('description-'),
- admin_state_up=False)
- @test.idempotent_id('27f56083-9af9-4a48-abe9-ca1bcc6c9035')
- def test_create_update_delete_pool_vip(self):
- # Creates a vip
- name = data_utils.rand_name('vip-')
- address = self.subnet['allocation_pools'][0]['end']
- body = self.client.create_pool(
- name=data_utils.rand_name("pool-"),
- lb_method='ROUND_ROBIN',
- protocol='HTTP',
- subnet_id=self.subnet['id'])
- pool = body['pool']
- body = self.client.create_vip(name=name,
- protocol="HTTP",
- protocol_port=80,
- subnet_id=self.subnet['id'],
- pool_id=pool['id'],
- address=address)
- vip = body['vip']
- vip_id = vip['id']
- # Confirm VIP's address correctness with a show
- body = self.client.show_vip(vip_id)
- vip = body['vip']
- self.assertEqual(address, vip['address'])
- # Verification of vip update
- new_name = "New_vip"
- new_description = "New description"
- persistence_type = "HTTP_COOKIE"
- update_data = {"session_persistence": {
- "type": persistence_type}}
- body = self.client.update_vip(vip_id,
- name=new_name,
- description=new_description,
- connection_limit=10,
- admin_state_up=False,
- **update_data)
- updated_vip = body['vip']
- self.assertEqual(new_name, updated_vip['name'])
- self.assertEqual(new_description, updated_vip['description'])
- self.assertEqual(10, updated_vip['connection_limit'])
- self.assertFalse(updated_vip['admin_state_up'])
- self.assertEqual(persistence_type,
- updated_vip['session_persistence']['type'])
- self.client.delete_vip(vip['id'])
- self.client.wait_for_resource_deletion('vip', vip['id'])
- # Verification of pool update
- new_name = "New_pool"
- body = self.client.update_pool(pool['id'],
- name=new_name,
- description="new_description",
- lb_method='LEAST_CONNECTIONS')
- updated_pool = body['pool']
- self.assertEqual(new_name, updated_pool['name'])
- self.assertEqual('new_description', updated_pool['description'])
- self.assertEqual('LEAST_CONNECTIONS', updated_pool['lb_method'])
- self.client.delete_pool(pool['id'])
- @test.idempotent_id('0435a95e-1d19-4d90-9e9f-3b979e9ad089')
- def test_show_vip(self):
- # Verifies the details of a vip
- body = self.client.show_vip(['id'])
- vip = body['vip']
- for key, value in six.iteritems(vip):
- # 'status' should not be confirmed in api tests
- if key != 'status':
- self.assertEqual([key], value)
- @test.idempotent_id('6e7a7d31-8451-456d-b24a-e50479ce42a7')
- def test_show_pool(self):
- # Here we need to new pool without any dependence with vips
- body = self.client.create_pool(name=data_utils.rand_name("pool-"),
- lb_method='ROUND_ROBIN',
- protocol='HTTP',
- subnet_id=self.subnet['id'])
- pool = body['pool']
- self.addCleanup(self.client.delete_pool, pool['id'])
- # Verifies the details of a pool
- body = self.client.show_pool(pool['id'])
- shown_pool = body['pool']
- for key, value in six.iteritems(pool):
- # 'status' should not be confirmed in api tests
- if key != 'status':
- self.assertEqual(value, shown_pool[key])
- @test.idempotent_id('d1ab1ffa-e06a-487f-911f-56418cb27727')
- def test_list_pools(self):
- # Verify the pool exists in the list of all pools
- body = self.client.list_pools()
- pools = body['pools']
- self.assertIn(self.pool['id'], [p['id'] for p in pools])
- @test.idempotent_id('27cc4c1a-caac-4273-b983-2acb4afaad4f')
- def test_list_pools_with_filters(self):
- attr_exceptions = ['status', 'vip_id', 'members', 'provider',
- 'status_description']
- self._check_list_with_filter(
- 'pool', attr_exceptions, name=data_utils.rand_name("pool-"),
- lb_method="ROUND_ROBIN", protocol="HTTPS",
- subnet_id=self.subnet['id'],
- description=data_utils.rand_name('description-'),
- admin_state_up=False)
- @test.idempotent_id('282d0dfd-5c3a-4c9b-b39c-c99782f39193')
- def test_list_members(self):
- # Verify the member exists in the list of all members
- body = self.client.list_members()
- members = body['members']
- self.assertIn(self.member['id'], [m['id'] for m in members])
- @test.idempotent_id('243b5126-24c6-4879-953e-7c7e32d8a57f')
- def test_list_members_with_filters(self):
- attr_exceptions = ['status', 'status_description']
- self._check_list_with_filter('member', attr_exceptions,
- address=self.member_address,
- protocol_port=80,
- pool_id=self.pool['id'])
- @test.idempotent_id('fb833ee8-9e69-489f-b540-a409762b78b2')
- def test_create_update_delete_member(self):
- # Creates a member
- body = self.client.create_member(address=self.member_address,
- protocol_port=80,
- pool_id=self.pool['id'])
- member = body['member']
- # Verification of member update
- body = self.client.update_member(member['id'],
- admin_state_up=False)
- updated_member = body['member']
- self.assertFalse(updated_member['admin_state_up'])
- # Verification of member delete
- self.client.delete_member(member['id'])
- @test.idempotent_id('893cd71f-a7dd-4485-b162-f6ab9a534914')
- def test_show_member(self):
- # Verifies the details of a member
- body = self.client.show_member(self.member['id'])
- member = body['member']
- for key, value in six.iteritems(member):
- # 'status' should not be confirmed in api tests
- if key != 'status':
- self.assertEqual(self.member[key], value)
- @test.idempotent_id('8e5822c5-68a4-4224-8d6c-a617741ebc2d')
- def test_list_health_monitors(self):
- # Verify the health monitor exists in the list of all health monitors
- body = self.client.list_health_monitors()
- health_monitors = body['health_monitors']
- self.assertIn(self.health_monitor['id'],
- [h['id'] for h in health_monitors])
- @test.idempotent_id('49bac58a-511c-4875-b794-366698211d25')
- def test_list_health_monitors_with_filters(self):
- attr_exceptions = ['status', 'status_description', 'pools']
- self._check_list_with_filter('health_monitor', attr_exceptions,
- delay=5, max_retries=4, type="TCP",
- timeout=2)
- @test.idempotent_id('e8ce05c4-d554-4d1e-a257-ad32ce134bb5')
- def test_create_update_delete_health_monitor(self):
- # Creates a health_monitor
- body = self.client.create_health_monitor(delay=4,
- max_retries=3,
- type="TCP",
- timeout=1)
- health_monitor = body['health_monitor']
- # Verification of health_monitor update
- body = (self.client.update_health_monitor
- (health_monitor['id'],
- admin_state_up=False))
- updated_health_monitor = body['health_monitor']
- self.assertFalse(updated_health_monitor['admin_state_up'])
- # Verification of health_monitor delete
- body = self.client.delete_health_monitor(health_monitor['id'])
- @test.idempotent_id('d3e1aebc-06c2-49b3-9816-942af54012eb')
- def test_create_health_monitor_http_type(self):
- hm_type = "HTTP"
- body = self.client.create_health_monitor(delay=4,
- max_retries=3,
- type=hm_type,
- timeout=1)
- health_monitor = body['health_monitor']
- self.addCleanup(self.client.delete_health_monitor,
- health_monitor['id'])
- self.assertEqual(hm_type, health_monitor['type'])
- @test.idempotent_id('0eff9f67-90fb-4bb1-b4ed-c5fda99fff0c')
- def test_update_health_monitor_http_method(self):
- body = self.client.create_health_monitor(delay=4,
- max_retries=3,
- type="HTTP",
- timeout=1)
- health_monitor = body['health_monitor']
- self.addCleanup(self.client.delete_health_monitor,
- health_monitor['id'])
- body = (self.client.update_health_monitor
- (health_monitor['id'],
- http_method="POST",
- url_path="/home/user",
- expected_codes="290"))
- updated_health_monitor = body['health_monitor']
- self.assertEqual("POST", updated_health_monitor['http_method'])
- self.assertEqual("/home/user", updated_health_monitor['url_path'])
- self.assertEqual("290", updated_health_monitor['expected_codes'])
- @test.idempotent_id('08e126ab-1407-483f-a22e-b11cc032ca7c')
- def test_show_health_monitor(self):
- # Verifies the details of a health_monitor
- body = self.client.show_health_monitor(self.health_monitor['id'])
- health_monitor = body['health_monitor']
- for key, value in six.iteritems(health_monitor):
- # 'status' should not be confirmed in api tests
- if key != 'status':
- self.assertEqual(self.health_monitor[key], value)
- @test.idempotent_id('87f7628e-8918-493d-af50-0602845dbb5b')
- def test_associate_disassociate_health_monitor_with_pool(self):
- # Verify that a health monitor can be associated with a pool
- self.client.associate_health_monitor_with_pool(
- self.health_monitor['id'], self.pool['id'])
- body = self.client.show_health_monitor(
- self.health_monitor['id'])
- health_monitor = body['health_monitor']
- body = self.client.show_pool(self.pool['id'])
- pool = body['pool']
- self.assertIn(pool['id'],
- [p['pool_id'] for p in health_monitor['pools']])
- self.assertIn(health_monitor['id'], pool['health_monitors'])
- # Verify that a health monitor can be disassociated from a pool
- (self.client.disassociate_health_monitor_with_pool
- (self.health_monitor['id'], self.pool['id']))
- body = self.client.show_pool(self.pool['id'])
- pool = body['pool']
- body = self.client.show_health_monitor(
- self.health_monitor['id'])
- health_monitor = body['health_monitor']
- self.assertNotIn(health_monitor['id'], pool['health_monitors'])
- self.assertNotIn(pool['id'],
- [p['pool_id'] for p in health_monitor['pools']])
- @test.idempotent_id('525fc7dc-be24-408d-938d-822e9783e027')
- def test_get_lb_pool_stats(self):
- # Verify the details of pool stats
- body = self.client.list_lb_pool_stats(self.pool['id'])
- stats = body['stats']
- self.assertIn("bytes_in", stats)
- self.assertIn("total_connections", stats)
- self.assertIn("active_connections", stats)
- self.assertIn("bytes_out", stats)
- @test.idempotent_id('66236be2-5121-4047-8cde-db4b83b110a5')
- def test_update_list_of_health_monitors_associated_with_pool(self):
- (self.client.associate_health_monitor_with_pool
- (self.health_monitor['id'], self.pool['id']))
- self.client.update_health_monitor(
- self.health_monitor['id'], admin_state_up=False)
- body = self.client.show_pool(self.pool['id'])
- health_monitors = body['pool']['health_monitors']
- for health_monitor_id in health_monitors:
- body = self.client.show_health_monitor(health_monitor_id)
- self.assertFalse(body['health_monitor']['admin_state_up'])
- (self.client.disassociate_health_monitor_with_pool
- (self.health_monitor['id'], self.pool['id']))
- @test.idempotent_id('44ec9b40-b501-41e2-951f-4fc673b15ac0')
- def test_update_admin_state_up_of_pool(self):
- self.client.update_pool(self.pool['id'],
- admin_state_up=False)
- body = self.client.show_pool(self.pool['id'])
- pool = body['pool']
- self.assertFalse(pool['admin_state_up'])
- @test.idempotent_id('466a9d4c-37c6-4ea2-b807-133437beb48c')
- def test_show_vip_associated_with_pool(self):
- body = self.client.show_pool(self.pool['id'])
- pool = body['pool']
- body = self.client.show_vip(pool['vip_id'])
- vip = body['vip']
- self.assertEqual(['name'], vip['name'])
- self.assertEqual(['id'], vip['id'])
- @test.idempotent_id('7b97694e-69d0-4151-b265-e1052a465aa8')
- def test_show_members_associated_with_pool(self):
- body = self.client.show_pool(self.pool['id'])
- members = body['pool']['members']
- for member_id in members:
- body = self.client.show_member(member_id)
- self.assertIsNotNone(body['member']['status'])
- self.assertEqual(member_id, body['member']['id'])
- self.assertIsNotNone(body['member']['admin_state_up'])
- @test.idempotent_id('73ed6f27-595b-4b2c-969c-dbdda6b8ab34')
- def test_update_pool_related_to_member(self):
- # Create new pool
- body = self.client.create_pool(name=data_utils.rand_name("pool-"),
- lb_method='ROUND_ROBIN',
- protocol='HTTP',
- subnet_id=self.subnet['id'])
- new_pool = body['pool']
- self.addCleanup(self.client.delete_pool, new_pool['id'])
- # Update member with new pool's id
- body = self.client.update_member(self.member['id'],
- pool_id=new_pool['id'])
- # Confirm with show that pool_id change
- body = self.client.show_member(self.member['id'])
- member = body['member']
- self.assertEqual(member['pool_id'], new_pool['id'])
- # Update member with old pool id, this is needed for clean up
- body = self.client.update_member(self.member['id'],
- pool_id=self.pool['id'])
- @test.idempotent_id('cf63f071-bbe3-40ba-97a0-a33e11923162')
- def test_update_member_weight(self):
- self.client.update_member(self.member['id'],
- weight=2)
- body = self.client.show_member(self.member['id'])
- member = body['member']
- self.assertEqual(2, member['weight'])
-class LoadBalancerIpV6TestJSON(LoadBalancerTestJSON):
- _ip_version = 6
diff --git a/tempest/api/network/ b/tempest/api/network/
deleted file mode 100644
index 9fe2a56..0000000
--- a/tempest/api/network/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,319 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2013 OpenStack Foundation
-# All Rights Reserved.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
-# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
-# a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
-# under the License.
-import six
-from tempest_lib.common.utils import data_utils
-from tempest_lib import exceptions as lib_exc
-from import base
-from tempest import config
-from tempest import test
-CONF = config.CONF
-class VPNaaSTestJSON(base.BaseAdminNetworkTest):
- """
- Tests the following operations in the Neutron API using the REST client for
- Neutron:
- List, Show, Create, Delete, and Update VPN Service
- List, Show, Create, Delete, and Update IKE policy
- List, Show, Create, Delete, and Update IPSec policy
- """
- @classmethod
- def skip_checks(cls):
- super(VPNaaSTestJSON, cls).skip_checks()
- if not test.is_extension_enabled('vpnaas', 'network'):
- msg = "vpnaas extension not enabled."
- raise cls.skipException(msg)
- @classmethod
- def resource_setup(cls):
- super(VPNaaSTestJSON, cls).resource_setup()
- cls.ext_net_id =
- = cls.create_network()
- cls.subnet = cls.create_subnet(
- cls.router = cls.create_router(
- data_utils.rand_name("router"),
- cls.create_router_interface(cls.router['id'], cls.subnet['id'])
- cls.vpnservice = cls.create_vpnservice(cls.subnet['id'],
- cls.router['id'])
- cls.ikepolicy = cls.create_ikepolicy(
- data_utils.rand_name("ike-policy-"))
- cls.ipsecpolicy = cls.create_ipsecpolicy(
- data_utils.rand_name("ipsec-policy-"))
- def _delete_ike_policy(self, ike_policy_id):
- # Deletes a ike policy and verifies if it is deleted or not
- ike_list = list()
- all_ike = self.client.list_ikepolicies()
- for ike in all_ike['ikepolicies']:
- ike_list.append(ike['id'])
- if ike_policy_id in ike_list:
- self.client.delete_ikepolicy(ike_policy_id)
- # Asserting that the policy is not found in list after deletion
- ikepolicies = self.client.list_ikepolicies()
- ike_id_list = list()
- for i in ikepolicies['ikepolicies']:
- ike_id_list.append(i['id'])
- self.assertNotIn(ike_policy_id, ike_id_list)
- def _delete_ipsec_policy(self, ipsec_policy_id):
- # Deletes an ike policy if it exists
- try:
- self.client.delete_ipsecpolicy(ipsec_policy_id)
- except lib_exc.NotFound:
- pass
- def _assertExpected(self, expected, actual):
- # Check if not expected keys/values exists in actual response body
- for key, value in six.iteritems(expected):
- self.assertIn(key, actual)
- self.assertEqual(value, actual[key])
- def _delete_vpn_service(self, vpn_service_id):
- self.client.delete_vpnservice(vpn_service_id)
- # Asserting if vpn service is found in the list after deletion
- body = self.client.list_vpnservices()
- vpn_services = [vs['id'] for vs in body['vpnservices']]
- self.assertNotIn(vpn_service_id, vpn_services)
- def _get_tenant_id(self):
- """
- Returns the tenant_id of the client current user
- """
- # TODO(jroovers) This is a temporary workaround to get the tenant_id
- # of the the current client. Replace this once tenant_isolation for
- # neutron is fixed.
- body = self.client.show_network(['id'])
- return body['network']['tenant_id']
- @test.idempotent_id('14311574-0737-4e53-ac05-f7ae27742eed')
- def test_admin_create_ipsec_policy_for_tenant(self):
- tenant_id = self._get_tenant_id()
- # Create IPSec policy for the newly created tenant
- name = data_utils.rand_name('ipsec-policy')
- body = (self.admin_client.
- create_ipsecpolicy(name=name, tenant_id=tenant_id))
- ipsecpolicy = body['ipsecpolicy']
- self.assertIsNotNone(ipsecpolicy['id'])
- self.addCleanup(self.admin_client.delete_ipsecpolicy,
- ipsecpolicy['id'])
- # Assert that created ipsec policy is found in API list call
- body = self.client.list_ipsecpolicies()
- ipsecpolicies = [policy['id'] for policy in body['ipsecpolicies']]
- self.assertIn(ipsecpolicy['id'], ipsecpolicies)
- @test.idempotent_id('b62acdc6-0c53-4d84-84aa-859b22b79799')
- def test_admin_create_vpn_service_for_tenant(self):
- tenant_id = self._get_tenant_id()
- # Create vpn service for the newly created tenant
- network2 = self.create_network()
- subnet2 = self.create_subnet(network2)
- router2 = self.create_router(data_utils.rand_name('router-'),
- external_network_id=self.ext_net_id)
- self.create_router_interface(router2['id'], subnet2['id'])
- name = data_utils.rand_name('vpn-service')
- body = self.admin_client.create_vpnservice(
- subnet_id=subnet2['id'],
- router_id=router2['id'],
- name=name,
- admin_state_up=True,
- tenant_id=tenant_id)
- vpnservice = body['vpnservice']
- self.assertIsNotNone(vpnservice['id'])
- self.addCleanup(self.admin_client.delete_vpnservice, vpnservice['id'])
- # Assert that created vpnservice is found in API list call
- body = self.client.list_vpnservices()
- vpn_services = [vs['id'] for vs in body['vpnservices']]
- self.assertIn(vpnservice['id'], vpn_services)
- @test.idempotent_id('58cc4a1c-443b-4f39-8fb6-c19d39f343ab')
- def test_admin_create_ike_policy_for_tenant(self):
- tenant_id = self._get_tenant_id()
- # Create IKE policy for the newly created tenant
- name = data_utils.rand_name('ike-policy')
- body = (self.admin_client.
- create_ikepolicy(name=name, ike_version="v1",
- encryption_algorithm="aes-128",
- auth_algorithm="sha1",
- tenant_id=tenant_id))
- ikepolicy = body['ikepolicy']
- self.assertIsNotNone(ikepolicy['id'])
- self.addCleanup(self.admin_client.delete_ikepolicy, ikepolicy['id'])
- # Assert that created ike policy is found in API list call
- body = self.client.list_ikepolicies()
- ikepolicies = [ikp['id'] for ikp in body['ikepolicies']]
- self.assertIn(ikepolicy['id'], ikepolicies)
- @test.idempotent_id('de5bb04c-3a1f-46b1-b329-7a8abba5c7f1')
- def test_list_vpn_services(self):
- # Verify the VPN service exists in the list of all VPN services
- body = self.client.list_vpnservices()
- vpnservices = body['vpnservices']
- self.assertIn(self.vpnservice['id'], [v['id'] for v in vpnservices])
- @test.idempotent_id('aacb13b1-fdc7-41fd-bab2-32621aee1878')
- def test_create_update_delete_vpn_service(self):
- # Creates a VPN service and sets up deletion
- network1 = self.create_network()
- subnet1 = self.create_subnet(network1)
- router1 = self.create_router(data_utils.rand_name('router-'),
- external_network_id=self.ext_net_id)
- self.create_router_interface(router1['id'], subnet1['id'])
- name = data_utils.rand_name('vpn-service1')
- body = self.client.create_vpnservice(subnet_id=subnet1['id'],
- router_id=router1['id'],
- name=name,
- admin_state_up=True)
- vpnservice = body['vpnservice']
- self.addCleanup(self._delete_vpn_service, vpnservice['id'])
- # Assert if created vpnservices are not found in vpnservices list
- body = self.client.list_vpnservices()
- vpn_services = [vs['id'] for vs in body['vpnservices']]
- self.assertIsNotNone(vpnservice['id'])
- self.assertIn(vpnservice['id'], vpn_services)
- # TODO(raies): implement logic to update vpnservice
- # VPNaaS client function to update is implemented.
- # But precondition is that current state of vpnservice
- # should be "ACTIVE" not "PENDING*"
- @test.idempotent_id('0dedfc1d-f8ee-4e2a-bfd4-7997b9dc17ff')
- def test_show_vpn_service(self):
- # Verifies the details of a vpn service
- body = self.client.show_vpnservice(self.vpnservice['id'])
- vpnservice = body['vpnservice']
- self.assertEqual(self.vpnservice['id'], vpnservice['id'])
- self.assertEqual(self.vpnservice['name'], vpnservice['name'])
- self.assertEqual(self.vpnservice['description'],
- vpnservice['description'])
- self.assertEqual(self.vpnservice['router_id'], vpnservice['router_id'])
- self.assertEqual(self.vpnservice['subnet_id'], vpnservice['subnet_id'])
- self.assertEqual(self.vpnservice['tenant_id'], vpnservice['tenant_id'])
- valid_status = ["ACTIVE", "DOWN", "BUILD", "ERROR", "PENDING_CREATE",
- self.assertIn(vpnservice['status'], valid_status)
- @test.idempotent_id('e0fb6200-da3d-4869-8340-a8c1956ca618')
- def test_list_ike_policies(self):
- # Verify the ike policy exists in the list of all IKE policies
- body = self.client.list_ikepolicies()
- ikepolicies = body['ikepolicies']
- self.assertIn(self.ikepolicy['id'], [i['id'] for i in ikepolicies])
- @test.idempotent_id('d61f29a5-160c-487d-bc0d-22e32e731b44')
- def test_create_update_delete_ike_policy(self):
- # Creates a IKE policy
- name = data_utils.rand_name('ike-policy')
- body = (self.client.create_ikepolicy(
- name=name,
- ike_version="v1",
- encryption_algorithm="aes-128",
- auth_algorithm="sha1"))
- ikepolicy = body['ikepolicy']
- self.assertIsNotNone(ikepolicy['id'])
- self.addCleanup(self._delete_ike_policy, ikepolicy['id'])
- # Update IKE Policy
- new_ike = {'name': data_utils.rand_name("New-IKE"),
- 'description': "Updated ike policy",
- 'encryption_algorithm': "aes-256",
- 'ike_version': "v2",
- 'pfs': "group14",
- 'lifetime': {'units': "seconds", 'value': 2000}}
- self.client.update_ikepolicy(ikepolicy['id'], **new_ike)
- # Confirm that update was successful by verifying using 'show'
- body = self.client.show_ikepolicy(ikepolicy['id'])
- ike_policy = body['ikepolicy']
- for key, value in six.iteritems(new_ike):
- self.assertIn(key, ike_policy)
- self.assertEqual(value, ike_policy[key])
- # Verification of ike policy delete
- self.client.delete_ikepolicy(ikepolicy['id'])
- body = self.client.list_ikepolicies()
- ikepolicies = [ikp['id'] for ikp in body['ikepolicies']]
- self.assertNotIn(ike_policy['id'], ikepolicies)
- @test.idempotent_id('b5fcf3a3-9407-452d-b8a8-e7c6c32baea8')
- def test_show_ike_policy(self):
- # Verifies the details of a ike policy
- body = self.client.show_ikepolicy(self.ikepolicy['id'])
- ikepolicy = body['ikepolicy']
- self.assertEqual(self.ikepolicy['id'], ikepolicy['id'])
- self.assertEqual(self.ikepolicy['name'], ikepolicy['name'])
- self.assertEqual(self.ikepolicy['description'],
- ikepolicy['description'])
- self.assertEqual(self.ikepolicy['encryption_algorithm'],
- ikepolicy['encryption_algorithm'])
- self.assertEqual(self.ikepolicy['auth_algorithm'],
- ikepolicy['auth_algorithm'])
- self.assertEqual(self.ikepolicy['tenant_id'],
- ikepolicy['tenant_id'])
- self.assertEqual(self.ikepolicy['pfs'],
- ikepolicy['pfs'])
- self.assertEqual(self.ikepolicy['phase1_negotiation_mode'],
- ikepolicy['phase1_negotiation_mode'])
- self.assertEqual(self.ikepolicy['ike_version'],
- ikepolicy['ike_version'])
- @test.idempotent_id('19ea0a2f-add9-44be-b732-ffd8a7b42f37')
- def test_list_ipsec_policies(self):
- # Verify the ipsec policy exists in the list of all ipsec policies
- body = self.client.list_ipsecpolicies()
- ipsecpolicies = body['ipsecpolicies']
- self.assertIn(self.ipsecpolicy['id'], [i['id'] for i in ipsecpolicies])
- @test.idempotent_id('9c1701c9-329a-4e5d-930a-1ead1b3f86ad')
- def test_create_update_delete_ipsec_policy(self):
- # Creates an ipsec policy
- ipsec_policy_body = {'name': data_utils.rand_name('ipsec-policy'),
- 'pfs': 'group5',
- 'encryption_algorithm': "aes-128",
- 'auth_algorithm': 'sha1'}
- resp_body = self.client.create_ipsecpolicy(**ipsec_policy_body)
- ipsecpolicy = resp_body['ipsecpolicy']
- self.addCleanup(self._delete_ipsec_policy, ipsecpolicy['id'])
- self._assertExpected(ipsec_policy_body, ipsecpolicy)
- # Verification of ipsec policy update
- new_ipsec = {'description': 'Updated ipsec policy',
- 'pfs': 'group2',
- 'name': data_utils.rand_name("New-IPSec"),
- 'encryption_algorithm': "aes-256",
- 'lifetime': {'units': "seconds", 'value': '2000'}}
- body = self.client.update_ipsecpolicy(ipsecpolicy['id'],
- **new_ipsec)
- updated_ipsec_policy = body['ipsecpolicy']
- self._assertExpected(new_ipsec, updated_ipsec_policy)
- # Verification of ipsec policy delete
- self.client.delete_ipsecpolicy(ipsecpolicy['id'])
- self.assertRaises(lib_exc.NotFound,
- self.client.delete_ipsecpolicy, ipsecpolicy['id'])
- @test.idempotent_id('601f8a05-9d3c-4539-a400-1c4b3a21b03b')
- def test_show_ipsec_policy(self):
- # Verifies the details of an ipsec policy
- body = self.client.show_ipsecpolicy(self.ipsecpolicy['id'])
- ipsecpolicy = body['ipsecpolicy']
- self._assertExpected(self.ipsecpolicy, ipsecpolicy)
diff --git a/tempest/cmd/ b/tempest/cmd/
index eb6f143..1f71cb8 100644
--- a/tempest/cmd/
+++ b/tempest/cmd/
@@ -420,131 +420,6 @@['networks'] = networks
-class NetworkIpSecPolicyService(NetworkService):
- def list(self):
- client = self.client
- ipsecpols = client.list_ipsecpolicies()
- ipsecpols = ipsecpols['ipsecpolicies']
- ipsecpols = self._filter_by_tenant_id(ipsecpols)
- LOG.debug("List count, %s IP Security Policies" % len(ipsecpols))
- return ipsecpols
- def delete(self):
- client = self.client
- ipsecpols = self.list()
- for ipsecpol in ipsecpols:
- try:
- client.delete_ipsecpolicy(ipsecpol['id'])
- except Exception as e:
- LOG.exception("Delete IP Securty Policy exception: %s" % e)
- pass
- def dry_run(self):
- ipsecpols = self.list()
-['ip_security_policies'] = ipsecpols
-class NetworkFwPolicyService(NetworkService):
- def list(self):
- client = self.client
- fwpols = client.list_firewall_policies()
- fwpols = fwpols['firewall_policies']
- fwpols = self._filter_by_tenant_id(fwpols)
- LOG.debug("List count, %s Firewall Policies" % len(fwpols))
- return fwpols
- def delete(self):
- client = self.client
- fwpols = self.list()
- for fwpol in fwpols:
- try:
- client.delete_firewall_policy(fwpol['id'])
- except Exception as e:
- LOG.exception("Delete Firewall Policy exception: %s" % e)
- pass
- def dry_run(self):
- fwpols = self.list()
-['firewall_policies'] = fwpols
-class NetworkFwRulesService(NetworkService):
- def list(self):
- client = self.client
- fwrules = client.list_firewall_rules()
- fwrules = fwrules['firewall_rules']
- fwrules = self._filter_by_tenant_id(fwrules)
- LOG.debug("List count, %s Firewall Rules" % len(fwrules))
- return fwrules
- def delete(self):
- client = self.client
- fwrules = self.list()
- for fwrule in fwrules:
- try:
- client.delete_firewall_rule(fwrule['id'])
- except Exception as e:
- LOG.exception("Delete Firewall Rule exception: %s" % e)
- pass
- def dry_run(self):
- fwrules = self.list()
-['firewall_rules'] = fwrules
-class NetworkIkePolicyService(NetworkService):
- def list(self):
- client = self.client
- ikepols = client.list_ikepolicies()
- ikepols = ikepols['ikepolicies']
- ikepols = self._filter_by_tenant_id(ikepols)
- LOG.debug("List count, %s IKE Policies" % len(ikepols))
- return ikepols
- def delete(self):
- client = self.client
- ikepols = self.list()
- for ikepol in ikepols:
- try:
- client.delete_firewall_rule(ikepol['id'])
- except Exception as e:
- LOG.exception("Delete IKE Policy exception: %s" % e)
- pass
- def dry_run(self):
- ikepols = self.list()
-['ike_policies'] = ikepols
-class NetworkVpnServiceService(NetworkService):
- def list(self):
- client = self.client
- vpnsrvs = client.list_vpnservices()
- vpnsrvs = vpnsrvs['vpnservices']
- vpnsrvs = self._filter_by_tenant_id(vpnsrvs)
- LOG.debug("List count, %s VPN Services" % len(vpnsrvs))
- return vpnsrvs
- def delete(self):
- client = self.client
- vpnsrvs = self.list()
- for vpnsrv in vpnsrvs:
- try:
- client.delete_vpnservice(vpnsrv['id'])
- except Exception as e:
- LOG.exception("Delete VPN Service exception: %s" % e)
- pass
- def dry_run(self):
- vpnsrvs = self.list()
-['vpn_services'] = vpnsrvs
class NetworkFloatingIpService(NetworkService):
def list(self):
@@ -1094,18 +969,6 @@
- if test.is_extension_enabled('vpnaas', 'network'):
- tenant_services.append(NetworkIpSecPolicyService)
- tenant_services.append(NetworkIkePolicyService)
- tenant_services.append(NetworkVpnServiceService)
- if test.is_extension_enabled('fwaas', 'network'):
- tenant_services.append(NetworkFwPolicyService)
- tenant_services.append(NetworkFwRulesService)
- if test.is_extension_enabled('lbaas', 'network'):
- tenant_services.append(NetworkHealthMonitorService)
- tenant_services.append(NetworkMemberService)
- tenant_services.append(NetworkVipService)
- tenant_services.append(NetworkPoolService)
if test.is_extension_enabled('metering', 'network'):
diff --git a/tempest/scenario/ b/tempest/scenario/
index 5f8d605..fff8a5c 100644
--- a/tempest/scenario/
+++ b/tempest/scenario/
@@ -934,41 +934,6 @@
return rules
- def _create_pool(self, lb_method, protocol, subnet_id):
- """Wrapper utility that returns a test pool."""
- client = self.network_client
- name = data_utils.rand_name('pool')
- resp_pool = client.create_pool(protocol=protocol, name=name,
- subnet_id=subnet_id,
- lb_method=lb_method)
- pool = net_resources.DeletablePool(client=client, **resp_pool['pool'])
- self.assertEqual(pool['name'], name)
- self.addCleanup(self.delete_wrapper, pool.delete)
- return pool
- def _create_member(self, address, protocol_port, pool_id):
- """Wrapper utility that returns a test member."""
- client = self.network_client
- resp_member = client.create_member(protocol_port=protocol_port,
- pool_id=pool_id,
- address=address)
- member = net_resources.DeletableMember(client=client,
- **resp_member['member'])
- self.addCleanup(self.delete_wrapper, member.delete)
- return member
- def _create_vip(self, protocol, protocol_port, subnet_id, pool_id):
- """Wrapper utility that returns a test vip."""
- client = self.network_client
- name = data_utils.rand_name('vip')
- resp_vip = client.create_vip(protocol=protocol, name=name,
- subnet_id=subnet_id, pool_id=pool_id,
- protocol_port=protocol_port)
- vip = net_resources.DeletableVip(client=client, **resp_vip['vip'])
- self.assertEqual(vip['name'], name)
- self.addCleanup(self.delete_wrapper, vip.delete)
- return vip
def _ssh_to_server(self, server, private_key):
ssh_login = CONF.compute.image_ssh_user
return self.get_remote_client(server,
diff --git a/tempest/scenario/ b/tempest/scenario/
deleted file mode 100644
index 691c7c9..0000000
--- a/tempest/scenario/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,321 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2014
-# All Rights Reserved.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
-# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
-# a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
-# under the License.
-import tempfile
-import time
-import six
-from six.moves.urllib import request as urllib2
-from tempest.common import commands
-from tempest import config
-from tempest import exceptions
-from tempest.scenario import manager
-from import resources as net_resources
-from tempest import test
-config = config.CONF
-class TestLoadBalancerBasic(manager.NetworkScenarioTest):
- """
- This test checks basic load balancing.
- The following is the scenario outline:
- 1. Create an instance
- 2. SSH to the instance and start two servers
- 3. Create a load balancer with two members and with ROUND_ROBIN algorithm
- associate the VIP with a floating ip
- 4. Send NUM requests to the floating ip and check that they are shared
- between the two servers.
- """
- @classmethod
- def skip_checks(cls):
- super(TestLoadBalancerBasic, cls).skip_checks()
- cfg =
- if not test.is_extension_enabled('lbaas', 'network'):
- msg = 'LBaaS Extension is not enabled'
- raise cls.skipException(msg)
- if not (cfg.tenant_networks_reachable or cfg.public_network_id):
- msg = ('Either tenant_networks_reachable must be "true", or '
- 'public_network_id must be defined.')
- raise cls.skipException(msg)
- @classmethod
- def resource_setup(cls):
- super(TestLoadBalancerBasic, cls).resource_setup()
- cls.servers_keypairs = {}
- cls.members = []
- cls.floating_ips = {}
- cls.server_ips = {}
- cls.port1 = 80
- cls.port2 = 88
- cls.num = 50
- def setUp(self):
- super(TestLoadBalancerBasic, self).setUp()
- self.server_ips = {}
- self.server_fixed_ips = {}
- self._create_security_group_for_test()
- self._set_net_and_subnet()
- def _set_net_and_subnet(self):
- """
- Query and set appropriate network and subnet attributes to be used
- for the test. Existing tenant networks are used if they are found.
- The configured private network and associated subnet is used as a
- fallback in absence of tenant networking.
- """
- try:
- tenant_net = self._list_networks(tenant_id=self.tenant_id)[0]
- except IndexError:
- tenant_net = None
- if tenant_net:
- tenant_subnet = self._list_subnets(tenant_id=self.tenant_id)[0]
- self.subnet = net_resources.DeletableSubnet(
- client=self.network_client,
- **tenant_subnet)
- = tenant_net
- else:
- = self._get_network_by_name(
- config.compute.fixed_network_name)
- # TODO(adam_g): We are assuming that the first subnet associated
- # with the fixed network is the one we want. In the future, we
- # should instead pull a subnet id from config, which is set by
- # devstack/admin/etc.
- subnet = self._list_subnets(['id'])[0]
- self.subnet = net_resources.AttributeDict(subnet)
- def _create_security_group_for_test(self):
- self.security_group = self._create_security_group(
- tenant_id=self.tenant_id)
- self._create_security_group_rules_for_port(self.port1)
- self._create_security_group_rules_for_port(self.port2)
- def _create_security_group_rules_for_port(self, port):
- rule = {
- 'direction': 'ingress',
- 'protocol': 'tcp',
- 'port_range_min': port,
- 'port_range_max': port,
- }
- self._create_security_group_rule(
- secgroup=self.security_group,
- tenant_id=self.tenant_id,
- **rule)
- def _create_server(self, name):
- keypair = self.create_keypair()
- security_groups = [{'name': self.security_group['name']}]
- create_kwargs = {
- 'networks': [
- {'uuid':['id']},
- ],
- 'key_name': keypair['name'],
- 'security_groups': security_groups,
- }
- net_name =['name']
- server = self.create_server(name=name, create_kwargs=create_kwargs)
- self.servers_keypairs[server['id']] = keypair
- if ( and not
- public_network_id =
- floating_ip = self.create_floating_ip(
- server, public_network_id)
- self.floating_ips[floating_ip] = server
- self.server_ips[server['id']] = floating_ip.floating_ip_address
- else:
- self.server_ips[server['id']] =\
- server['addresses'][net_name][0]['addr']
- self.server_fixed_ips[server['id']] =\
- server['addresses'][net_name][0]['addr']
- self.assertTrue(self.servers_keypairs)
- return server
- def _create_servers(self):
- for count in range(2):
- self._create_server(name=("server%s" % (count + 1)))
- self.assertEqual(len(self.servers_keypairs), 2)
- def _start_servers(self):
- """
- Start two backends
- 1. SSH to the instance
- 2. Start two http backends listening on ports 80 and 88 respectively
- """
- for server_id, ip in six.iteritems(self.server_ips):
- private_key = self.servers_keypairs[server_id]['private_key']
- server_name = self.servers_client.get_server(server_id)['name']
- username = config.scenario.ssh_user
- ssh_client = self.get_remote_client(
- server_or_ip=ip,
- private_key=private_key)
- # Write a backend's response into a file
- resp = ('echo -ne "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nContent-Length: 7\r\n'
- 'Connection: close\r\nContent-Type: text/html; '
- 'charset=UTF-8\r\n\r\n%s"; cat >/dev/null')
- with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as script:
- script.write(resp % server_name)
- script.flush()
- with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as key:
- key.write(private_key)
- key.flush()
- commands.copy_file_to_host(,
- "/tmp/script1",
- ip,
- username,
- # Start netcat
- start_server = ('while true; do '
- 'sudo nc -ll -p %(port)s -e sh /tmp/%(script)s; '
- 'done > /dev/null &')
- cmd = start_server % {'port': self.port1,
- 'script': 'script1'}
- ssh_client.exec_command(cmd)
- if len(self.server_ips) == 1:
- with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as script:
- script.write(resp % 'server2')
- script.flush()
- with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as key:
- key.write(private_key)
- key.flush()
- commands.copy_file_to_host(,
- "/tmp/script2", ip,
- username,
- cmd = start_server % {'port': self.port2,
- 'script': 'script2'}
- ssh_client.exec_command(cmd)
- def _check_connection(self, check_ip, port=80):
- def try_connect(ip, port):
- try:
- resp = urllib2.urlopen("http://{0}:{1}/".format(ip, port))
- if resp.getcode() == 200:
- return True
- return False
- except IOError:
- return False
- except urllib2.HTTPError:
- return False
- timeout = config.compute.ping_timeout
- start = time.time()
- while not try_connect(check_ip, port):
- if (time.time() - start) > timeout:
- message = "Timed out trying to connect to %s" % check_ip
- raise exceptions.TimeoutException(message)
- def _create_pool(self):
- """Create a pool with ROUND_ROBIN algorithm."""
- self.pool = super(TestLoadBalancerBasic, self)._create_pool(
- lb_method='ROUND_ROBIN',
- protocol='HTTP',
- self.assertTrue(self.pool)
- def _create_members(self):
- """
- Create two members.
- In case there is only one server, create both members with the same ip
- but with different ports to listen on.
- """
- for server_id, ip in six.iteritems(self.server_fixed_ips):
- if len(self.server_fixed_ips) == 1:
- member1 = self._create_member(address=ip,
- protocol_port=self.port1,
- member2 = self._create_member(address=ip,
- protocol_port=self.port2,
- self.members.extend([member1, member2])
- else:
- member = self._create_member(address=ip,
- protocol_port=self.port1,
- self.members.append(member)
- self.assertTrue(self.members)
- def _assign_floating_ip_to_vip(self, vip):
- public_network_id =
- port_id = vip.port_id
- floating_ip = self.create_floating_ip(vip, public_network_id,
- port_id=port_id)
- self.floating_ips.setdefault(, [])
- self.floating_ips[].append(floating_ip)
- # Check for floating ip status before you check load-balancer
- self.check_floating_ip_status(floating_ip, "ACTIVE")
- def _create_load_balancer(self):
- self._create_pool()
- self._create_members()
- = self._create_vip(protocol='HTTP',
- protocol_port=80,
- if ( and not
- self._assign_floating_ip_to_vip(
- self.vip_ip = self.floating_ips[
- else:
- self.vip_ip =
- # Currently the ovs-agent is not enforcing security groups on the
- # vip port - see
- # However the linuxbridge-agent does, and it is necessary to add a
- # security group with a rule that allows tcp port 80 to the vip port.
- self.network_client.update_port(
-, security_groups=[])
- def _check_load_balancing(self):
- """
- 1. Send NUM requests on the floating ip associated with the VIP
- 2. Check that the requests are shared between the two servers
- """
- self._check_connection(self.vip_ip)
- self._send_requests(self.vip_ip, ["server1", "server2"])
- def _send_requests(self, vip_ip, servers):
- counters = dict.fromkeys(servers, 0)
- for i in range(self.num):
- try:
- server = urllib2.urlopen("http://{0}/".format(vip_ip)).read()
- counters[server] += 1
- # HTTP exception means fail of server, so don't increase counter
- # of success and continue connection tries
- except urllib2.HTTPError:
- continue
- # Assert that each member of the pool gets balanced at least once
- for member, counter in six.iteritems(counters):
- self.assertGreater(counter, 0, 'Member %s never balanced' % member)
- @test.idempotent_id('c0c6f1ca-603b-4509-9c0f-2c63f0d838ee')
-'compute', 'network')
- def test_load_balancer_basic(self):
- self._create_server('server1')
- self._start_servers()
- self._create_load_balancer()
- self._check_load_balancing()
diff --git a/tempest/services/network/json/ b/tempest/services/network/json/
index e93cc47..4e1388d 100644
--- a/tempest/services/network/json/
+++ b/tempest/services/network/json/
@@ -42,34 +42,18 @@
def get_uri(self, plural_name):
# get service prefix from resource name
- # The following list represents resource names that do not require
- # changing underscore to a hyphen
- hyphen_exceptions = ["health_monitors", "firewall_rules",
- "firewall_policies"]
# the following map is used to construct proper URI
# for the given neutron resource
service_resource_prefix_map = {
'networks': '',
'subnets': '',
'ports': '',
- 'pools': 'lb',
- 'vips': 'lb',
- 'health_monitors': 'lb',
- 'members': 'lb',
- 'ipsecpolicies': 'vpn',
- 'vpnservices': 'vpn',
- 'ikepolicies': 'vpn',
- 'ipsec-site-connections': 'vpn',
'metering_labels': 'metering',
'metering_label_rules': 'metering',
- 'firewall_rules': 'fw',
- 'firewall_policies': 'fw',
- 'firewalls': 'fw'
service_prefix = service_resource_prefix_map.get(
- if plural_name not in hyphen_exceptions:
- plural_name = plural_name.replace("_", "-")
+ plural_name = plural_name.replace("_", "-")
if service_prefix:
uri = '%s/%s/%s' % (self.uri_prefix, service_prefix,
@@ -85,11 +69,7 @@
resource_plural_map = {
'security_groups': 'security_groups',
'security_group_rules': 'security_group_rules',
- 'ipsecpolicy': 'ipsecpolicies',
- 'ikepolicy': 'ikepolicies',
- 'ipsec_site_connection': 'ipsec-site-connections',
'quotas': 'quotas',
- 'firewall_policy': 'firewall_policies'
return resource_plural_map.get(resource_name, resource_name + 's')
@@ -385,29 +365,6 @@
body = json.loads(body)
return service_client.ResponseBody(resp, body)
- def associate_health_monitor_with_pool(self, health_monitor_id,
- pool_id):
- post_body = {
- "health_monitor": {
- "id": health_monitor_id,
- }
- }
- body = json.dumps(post_body)
- uri = '%s/lb/pools/%s/health_monitors' % (self.uri_prefix,
- pool_id)
- resp, body =, body)
- self.expected_success(201, resp.status)
- body = json.loads(body)
- return service_client.ResponseBody(resp, body)
- def disassociate_health_monitor_with_pool(self, health_monitor_id,
- pool_id):
- uri = '%s/lb/pools/%s/health_monitors/%s' % (self.uri_prefix, pool_id,
- health_monitor_id)
- resp, body = self.delete(uri)
- self.expected_success(204, resp.status)
- return service_client.ResponseBody(resp, body)
def list_router_interfaces(self, uuid):
uri = '%s/ports?device_id=%s' % (self.uri_prefix, uuid)
resp, body = self.get(uri)
@@ -428,21 +385,6 @@
body = json.loads(body)
return service_client.ResponseBody(resp, body)
- def list_pools_hosted_by_one_lbaas_agent(self, agent_id):
- uri = '%s/agents/%s/loadbalancer-pools' % (self.uri_prefix, agent_id)
- resp, body = self.get(uri)
- self.expected_success(200, resp.status)
- body = json.loads(body)
- return service_client.ResponseBody(resp, body)
- def show_lbaas_agent_hosting_pool(self, pool_id):
- uri = ('%s/lb/pools/%s/loadbalancer-agent' %
- (self.uri_prefix, pool_id))
- resp, body = self.get(uri)
- self.expected_success(200, resp.status)
- body = json.loads(body)
- return service_client.ResponseBody(resp, body)
def list_routers_on_l3_agent(self, agent_id):
uri = '%s/agents/%s/l3-routers' % (self.uri_prefix, agent_id)
resp, body = self.get(uri)
@@ -494,21 +436,6 @@
self.expected_success(204, resp.status)
return service_client.ResponseBody(resp, body)
- def create_ikepolicy(self, name, **kwargs):
- post_body = {
- "ikepolicy": {
- "name": name,
- }
- }
- for key, val in kwargs.items():
- post_body['ikepolicy'][key] = val
- body = json.dumps(post_body)
- uri = '%s/vpn/ikepolicies' % (self.uri_prefix)
- resp, body =, body)
- self.expected_success(201, resp.status)
- body = json.loads(body)
- return service_client.ResponseBody(resp, body)
def update_extra_routes(self, router_id, nexthop, destination):
uri = '%s/routers/%s' % (self.uri_prefix, router_id)
put_body = {
@@ -537,13 +464,6 @@
body = json.loads(body)
return service_client.ResponseBody(resp, body)
- def list_lb_pool_stats(self, pool_id):
- uri = '%s/lb/pools/%s/stats' % (self.uri_prefix, pool_id)
- resp, body = self.get(uri)
- self.expected_success(200, resp.status)
- body = json.loads(body)
- return service_client.ResponseBody(resp, body)
def add_dhcp_agent_to_network(self, agent_id, network_id):
post_body = {'network_id': network_id}
body = json.dumps(post_body)
@@ -552,30 +472,3 @@
self.expected_success(201, resp.status)
body = json.loads(body)
return service_client.ResponseBody(resp, body)
- def insert_firewall_rule_in_policy(self, firewall_policy_id,
- firewall_rule_id, insert_after="",
- insert_before=""):
- uri = '%s/fw/firewall_policies/%s/insert_rule' % (self.uri_prefix,
- firewall_policy_id)
- body = {
- "firewall_rule_id": firewall_rule_id,
- "insert_after": insert_after,
- "insert_before": insert_before
- }
- body = json.dumps(body)
- resp, body = self.put(uri, body)
- self.expected_success(200, resp.status)
- body = json.loads(body)
- return service_client.ResponseBody(resp, body)
- def remove_firewall_rule_from_policy(self, firewall_policy_id,
- firewall_rule_id):
- uri = '%s/fw/firewall_policies/%s/remove_rule' % (self.uri_prefix,
- firewall_policy_id)
- update_body = {"firewall_rule_id": firewall_rule_id}
- update_body = json.dumps(update_body)
- resp, body = self.put(uri, update_body)
- self.expected_success(200, resp.status)
- body = json.loads(body)
- return service_client.ResponseBody(resp, body)