Merge "Add expected response checks of secgroup rules"
diff --git a/tempest/api/compute/security_groups/ b/tempest/api/compute/security_groups/
index 45b913a..4fd5c02 100644
--- a/tempest/api/compute/security_groups/
+++ b/tempest/api/compute/security_groups/
@@ -13,6 +13,8 @@
 #    License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
 #    under the License.
+import six
 from tempest.api.compute.security_groups import base
 from tempest import config
 from tempest import test
@@ -31,22 +33,54 @@
         cls.from_port = 22
         cls.to_port = 22
+    def setUp(cls):
+        super(SecurityGroupRulesTestJSON, cls).setUp()
+        from_port = cls.from_port
+        to_port = cls.to_port
+        group = {}
+        ip_range = {}
+        if cls._interface == 'xml':
+            # NOTE: An XML response is different from the one of JSON
+            # like the following.
+            from_port = six.text_type(from_port)
+            to_port = six.text_type(to_port)
+            group = {'tenant_id': 'None', 'name': 'None'}
+            ip_range = {'cidr': 'None'}
+        cls.expected = {
+            'id': None,
+            'parent_group_id': None,
+            'ip_protocol': cls.ip_protocol,
+            'from_port': from_port,
+            'to_port': to_port,
+            'ip_range': ip_range,
+            'group': group
+        }
+    def _check_expected_response(self, actual_rule):
+        for key in self.expected:
+            if key == 'id':
+                continue
+            self.assertEqual(self.expected[key], actual_rule[key],
+                             "Miss-matched key is %s" % key)
     def test_security_group_rules_create(self):
         # Positive test: Creation of Security Group rule
         # should be successful
         # Creating a Security Group to add rules to it
-        resp, security_group = self.create_security_group()
+        _, security_group = self.create_security_group()
         securitygroup_id = security_group['id']
         # Adding rules to the created Security Group
-        resp, rule = \
+        _, rule = \
-        self.addCleanup(self.client.delete_security_group_rule, rule['id'])
-        self.assertEqual(200, resp.status)
+        self.expected['parent_group_id'] = securitygroup_id
+        self.expected['ip_range'] = {'cidr': ''}
+        self._check_expected_response(rule)
@@ -56,16 +90,20 @@
         # should be successful
         # Creating a Security Group to add rules to it
-        resp, security_group = self.create_security_group()
+        _, security_group = self.create_security_group()
         parent_group_id = security_group['id']
         # Adding rules to the created Security Group with optional cidr
         cidr = ''
-        self.client.create_security_group_rule(parent_group_id,
-                                               self.ip_protocol,
-                                               self.from_port,
-                                               self.to_port,
-                                               cidr=cidr)
+        _, rule = \
+            self.client.create_security_group_rule(parent_group_id,
+                                                   self.ip_protocol,
+                                                   self.from_port,
+                                                   self.to_port,
+                                                   cidr=cidr)
+        self.expected['parent_group_id'] = parent_group_id
+        self.expected['ip_range'] = {'cidr': cidr}
+        self._check_expected_response(rule)
@@ -75,21 +113,25 @@
         # should be successful
         # Creating a Security Group to add rules to it
-        resp, security_group = self.create_security_group()
-        secgroup1 = security_group['id']
+        _, security_group = self.create_security_group()
+        parent_group_id = security_group['id']
         # Creating a Security Group so as to assign group_id to the rule
-        resp, security_group = self.create_security_group()
-        secgroup2 = security_group['id']
+        _, security_group = self.create_security_group()
+        group_id = security_group['id']
+        group_name = security_group['name']
         # Adding rules to the created Security Group with optional group_id
-        parent_group_id = secgroup1
-        group_id = secgroup2
-        self.client.create_security_group_rule(parent_group_id,
-                                               self.ip_protocol,
-                                               self.from_port,
-                                               self.to_port,
-                                               group_id=group_id)
+        _, rule = \
+            self.client.create_security_group_rule(parent_group_id,
+                                                   self.ip_protocol,
+                                                   self.from_port,
+                                                   self.to_port,
+                                                   group_id=group_id)
+        self.expected['parent_group_id'] = parent_group_id
+        self.expected['group'] = {'tenant_id': self.client.tenant_id,
+                                  'name': group_name}
+        self._check_expected_response(rule)