Add testing for glance-download import method
This is just a start, and tests things that the glance implementation
fails on, so it is expected for some of these to fail
Change-Id: Id5feea899aba06942931c26f4de87bee9bd3ed0b
Related-Bluprint: glance-download-import
diff --git a/tempest/api/image/v2/ b/tempest/api/image/v2/
index 96031ac..7e647dd 100644
--- a/tempest/api/image/v2/
+++ b/tempest/api/image/v2/
@@ -49,12 +49,12 @@
raise cls.skipException('Server does not support '
'any import method')
- def _create_image(self):
+ def _create_image(self, disk_format=None, container_format=None):
# Create image
uuid = '00000000-1111-2222-3333-444455556666'
image_name = data_utils.rand_name('image')
- container_format = CONF.image.container_formats[0]
- disk_format = CONF.image.disk_formats[0]
+ container_format = container_format or CONF.image.container_formats[0]
+ disk_format = disk_format or CONF.image.disk_formats[0]
image = self.create_image(name=image_name,
@@ -134,6 +134,141 @@
import_params={'uri': image_uri})
waiters.wait_for_image_imported_to_stores(self.client, image['id'])
+ @decorators.idempotent_id('8876c818-c40e-4b90-9742-31d231616305')
+ def test_image_glance_download_import_success(self):
+ # We use glance-direct initially, then glance-download for test
+ self._require_import_method('glance-direct')
+ self._require_import_method('glance-download')
+ # Create an image via the normal import process to be our source
+ src = self._stage_and_check()
+ self.client.image_import(src, method='glance-direct')
+ waiters.wait_for_image_imported_to_stores(self.client, src)
+ # Add some properties to it that will be copied by the default
+ # config (and one that won't)
+ self.client.update_image(src, [
+ {'add': '/hw_cpu_cores', 'value': '5'},
+ {'add': '/trait:STORAGE_DISK_SSD', 'value': 'required'},
+ {'add': '/os_distro', 'value': 'rhel'},
+ {'add': '/speed', 'value': '88mph'},
+ ])
+ # Make sure our properties stuck on the source image
+ src_image = self.client.show_image(src)
+ self.assertEqual('5', src_image['hw_cpu_cores'])
+ self.assertEqual('required', src_image['trait:STORAGE_DISK_SSD'])
+ self.assertEqual('rhel', src_image['os_distro'])
+ self.assertEqual('88mph', src_image['speed'])
+ # Create a new image which we will fill from another glance image
+ dst = self._create_image(container_format='ovf',
+ disk_format='iso')['id']
+ # Set some values that will conflict to make sure we get the
+ # new ones and confirm they stuck before the import.
+ self.client.update_image(dst, [
+ {'add': '/hw_cpu_cores', 'value': '1'},
+ {'add': '/os_distro', 'value': 'windows'},
+ ])
+ dst_image = self.client.show_image(dst)
+ self.assertEqual('1', dst_image['hw_cpu_cores'])
+ self.assertEqual('windows', dst_image['os_distro'])
+ params = {
+ 'glance_image_id': src,
+ 'glance_region': self.client.region,
+ 'glance_service_interface': 'public',
+ }
+ self.client.image_import(dst, method='glance-download',
+ import_params=params)
+ waiters.wait_for_image_tasks_status(self.client, dst, 'success')
+ # Make sure the new image has all the keys imported from the
+ # original image that we expect
+ dst_image = self.client.show_image(dst)
+ self.assertEqual(src_image['disk_format'], dst_image['disk_format'])
+ self.assertEqual(src_image['container_format'],
+ dst_image['container_format'])
+ self.assertEqual('5', dst_image['hw_cpu_cores'])
+ self.assertEqual('required', dst_image['trait:STORAGE_DISK_SSD'])
+ self.assertEqual('rhel', dst_image['os_distro'])
+ self.assertNotIn('speed', dst_image)
+ @decorators.attr(type=['negative'])
+ @decorators.idempotent_id('36d4b546-64a2-4bb9-bdd0-ba676aa48f2c')
+ def test_image_glance_download_import_bad_uuid(self):
+ self._require_import_method('glance-download')
+ image_id = self._create_image()['id']
+ params = {
+ 'glance_image_id': 'foo',
+ 'glance_region': self.client.region,
+ 'glance_service_interface': 'public',
+ }
+ # A non-UUID-like image id should make us fail immediately
+ e = self.assertRaises(lib_exc.BadRequest,
+ self.client.image_import,
+ image_id, method='glance-download',
+ import_params=params)
+ self.assertIn('image id does not look like a UUID', str(e))
+ @decorators.attr(type=['negative'])
+ @decorators.idempotent_id('77644240-dbbe-4744-ae28-09b2ac12e218')
+ def test_image_glance_download_import_bad_endpoint(self):
+ self._require_import_method('glance-download')
+ image_id = self._create_image()['id']
+ # Set some properties before the import to make sure they are
+ # undisturbed
+ self.client.update_image(image_id, [
+ {'add': '/hw_cpu_cores', 'value': '1'},
+ {'add': '/os_distro', 'value': 'windows'},
+ ])
+ image = self.client.show_image(image_id)
+ self.assertEqual('1', image['hw_cpu_cores'])
+ self.assertEqual('windows', image['os_distro'])
+ params = {
+ 'glance_image_id': '36d4b546-64a2-4bb9-bdd0-ba676aa48f2c',
+ 'glance_region': 'not a region',
+ 'glance_service_interface': 'not an interface',
+ }
+ # A bad region or interface will cause us to fail when we
+ # contact the remote glance.
+ self.client.image_import(image_id, method='glance-download',
+ import_params=params)
+ waiters.wait_for_image_tasks_status(self.client, image_id, 'failure')
+ # Make sure we reverted the image status to queued on failure, and that
+ # our extra properties are still in place.
+ image = self.client.show_image(image_id)
+ self.assertEqual('queued', image['status'])
+ self.assertEqual('1', image['hw_cpu_cores'])
+ self.assertEqual('windows', image['os_distro'])
+ @decorators.attr(type=['negative'])
+ @decorators.idempotent_id('c7edec8e-24b5-416a-9d42-b3e773bab62c')
+ def test_image_glance_download_import_bad_missing_image(self):
+ self._require_import_method('glance-download')
+ image_id = self._create_image()['id']
+ params = {
+ 'glance_image_id': '36d4b546-64a2-4bb9-bdd0-ba676aa48f2c',
+ 'glance_region': self.client.region,
+ 'glance_service_interface': 'public',
+ }
+ # A non-existent image will cause us to fail when we
+ # contact the remote glance.
+ self.client.image_import(image_id, method='glance-download',
+ import_params=params)
+ waiters.wait_for_image_tasks_status(self.client, image_id, 'failure')
+ # Make sure we reverted the image status to queued on failure
+ image = self.client.show_image(image_id)
+ self.assertEqual('queued', image['status'])
def test_remote_import(self):
"""Test image import against a different worker than stage.