Fix issue with pep8 gate job

Since test-scenario is working on import level the configuration is
may not in place. This causes an error in the pep8 job.

Change-Id: I761c82338eb513a4870b2e3cdf6ab7e98790b6f4
Implements: bug 1291826
diff --git a/tempest/ b/tempest/
index d358510..804f17f 100644
--- a/tempest/
+++ b/tempest/
@@ -26,6 +26,8 @@
 import testresources
 import testtools
+from oslo.config import cfg
 from tempest import clients
 import tempest.common.generator.valid_generator as valid
 from tempest.common import isolated_creds
@@ -410,7 +412,17 @@
         description = NegativeAutoTest.load_schema(description_file)
-        generator = importutils.import_class(CONF.negative.test_generator)()
+        # NOTE(mkoderer): since this will be executed on import level the
+        # config doesn't have to be in place (e.g. for the pep8 job).
+        # In this case simply return.
+        try:
+            generator = importutils.import_class(
+                CONF.negative.test_generator)()
+        except cfg.ConfigFilesNotFoundError:
+            LOG.critical(
+                "Tempest config not found. Test scenarios aren't created")
+            return
         schema = description.get("json-schema", None)
         resources = description.get("resources", [])