Drop OfficialClientTest and NetworkTest

Migration of scenario tests to tempest clients is complete.
Drop the two base classes based on official clients, which
are now unused.

Change-Id: I21354541bace349fbc84bc5f5c0cf6e131ebbd01
Partially-implements: bp/tempest-client-scenarios
diff --git a/tempest/scenario/manager.py b/tempest/scenario/manager.py
index eb5bdbc..3aa87e0 100644
--- a/tempest/scenario/manager.py
+++ b/tempest/scenario/manager.py
@@ -18,11 +18,7 @@
 import os
 import subprocess
-from cinderclient import exceptions as cinder_exceptions
-import glanceclient
 import netaddr
-from neutronclient.common import exceptions as exc
-from novaclient import exceptions as nova_exceptions
 import six
 from tempest.api.network import common as net_common
@@ -992,511 +988,6 @@
         return network, subnet, router
-class OfficialClientTest(tempest.test.BaseTestCase):
-    """
-    Official Client test base class for scenario testing.
-    Official Client tests are tests that have the following characteristics:
-     * Test basic operations of an API, typically in an order that
-       a regular user would perform those operations
-     * Test only the correct inputs and action paths -- no fuzz or
-       random input data is sent, only valid inputs.
-     * Use only the default client tool for calling an API
-    """
-    @classmethod
-    def setUpClass(cls):
-        super(OfficialClientTest, cls).setUpClass()
-        cls.isolated_creds = isolated_creds.IsolatedCreds(
-            cls.__name__, tempest_client=False,
-            network_resources=cls.network_resources)
-        cls.manager = clients.OfficialClientManager(
-            credentials=cls.credentials())
-        cls.compute_client = cls.manager.compute_client
-        cls.image_client = cls.manager.image_client
-        cls.baremetal_client = cls.manager.baremetal_client
-        cls.identity_client = cls.manager.identity_client
-        cls.network_client = cls.manager.network_client
-        cls.volume_client = cls.manager.volume_client
-        cls.object_storage_client = cls.manager.object_storage_client
-        cls.orchestration_client = cls.manager.orchestration_client
-        cls.data_processing_client = cls.manager.data_processing_client
-        cls.ceilometer_client = cls.manager.ceilometer_client
-    @classmethod
-    def _get_credentials(cls, get_creds, ctype):
-        if CONF.compute.allow_tenant_isolation:
-            creds = get_creds()
-        else:
-            creds = auth.get_default_credentials(ctype)
-        return creds
-    @classmethod
-    def credentials(cls):
-        return cls._get_credentials(cls.isolated_creds.get_primary_creds,
-                                    'user')
-    @classmethod
-    def alt_credentials(cls):
-        return cls._get_credentials(cls.isolated_creds.get_alt_creds,
-                                    'alt_user')
-    @classmethod
-    def admin_credentials(cls):
-        return cls._get_credentials(cls.isolated_creds.get_admin_creds,
-                                    'identity_admin')
-    def setUp(self):
-        super(OfficialClientTest, self).setUp()
-        self.cleanup_waits = []
-        # NOTE(mtreinish) This is safe to do in setUp instead of setUp class
-        # because scenario tests in the same test class should not share
-        # resources. If resources were shared between test cases then it
-        # should be a single scenario test instead of multiples.
-        # NOTE(yfried): this list is cleaned at the end of test_methods and
-        # not at the end of the class
-        self.addCleanup(self._wait_for_cleanups)
-    @staticmethod
-    def not_found_exception(exception):
-        """
-        @return: True if exception is of NotFound type
-        """
-        NOT_FOUND_LIST = ['NotFound', 'HTTPNotFound']
-        return (exception.__class__.__name__ in NOT_FOUND_LIST
-                or
-                hasattr(exception, 'status_code') and
-                exception.status_code == 404)
-    def delete_wrapper(self, thing):
-        """Ignores NotFound exceptions for delete operations.
-        @param thing: object with delete() method.
-            OpenStack resources are assumed to have a delete() method which
-            destroys the resource
-        """
-        try:
-            thing.delete()
-        except Exception as e:
-            # If the resource is already missing, mission accomplished.
-            if not self.not_found_exception(e):
-                raise
-    def _wait_for_cleanups(self):
-        """To handle async delete actions, a list of waits is added
-        which will be iterated over as the last step of clearing the
-        cleanup queue. That way all the delete calls are made up front
-        and the tests won't succeed unless the deletes are eventually
-        successful. This is the same basic approach used in the api tests to
-        limit cleanup execution time except here it is multi-resource,
-        because of the nature of the scenario tests.
-        """
-        for wait in self.cleanup_waits:
-            self.delete_timeout(**wait)
-    def addCleanup_with_wait(self, things, thing_id,
-                             error_status='ERROR',
-                             exc_type=nova_exceptions.NotFound,
-                             cleanup_callable=None, cleanup_args=None,
-                             cleanup_kwargs=None):
-        """Adds wait for ansyc resource deletion at the end of cleanups
-        @param things: type of the resource to delete
-        @param thing_id:
-        @param error_status: see manager.delete_timeout()
-        @param exc_type: see manager.delete_timeout()
-        @param cleanup_callable: method to load pass to self.addCleanup with
-            the following *cleanup_args, **cleanup_kwargs.
-            usually a delete method. if not used, will try to use:
-            things.delete(thing_id)
-        """
-        if cleanup_args is None:
-            cleanup_args = []
-        if cleanup_kwargs is None:
-            cleanup_kwargs = {}
-        if cleanup_callable is None:
-            LOG.debug("no delete method passed. using {rclass}.delete({id}) as"
-                      " default".format(rclass=things, id=thing_id))
-            self.addCleanup(things.delete, thing_id)
-        else:
-            self.addCleanup(cleanup_callable, *cleanup_args, **cleanup_kwargs)
-        wait_dict = {
-            'things': things,
-            'thing_id': thing_id,
-            'error_status': error_status,
-            'not_found_exception': exc_type,
-        }
-        self.cleanup_waits.append(wait_dict)
-    def status_timeout(self, things, thing_id, expected_status,
-                       error_status='ERROR',
-                       not_found_exception=nova_exceptions.NotFound):
-        """
-        Given a thing and an expected status, do a loop, sleeping
-        for a configurable amount of time, checking for the
-        expected status to show. At any time, if the returned
-        status of the thing is ERROR, fail out.
-        """
-        self._status_timeout(things, thing_id,
-                             expected_status=expected_status,
-                             error_status=error_status,
-                             not_found_exception=not_found_exception)
-    def delete_timeout(self, things, thing_id,
-                       error_status='ERROR',
-                       not_found_exception=nova_exceptions.NotFound):
-        """
-        Given a thing, do a loop, sleeping
-        for a configurable amount of time, checking for the
-        deleted status to show. At any time, if the returned
-        status of the thing is ERROR, fail out.
-        """
-        self._status_timeout(things,
-                             thing_id,
-                             allow_notfound=True,
-                             error_status=error_status,
-                             not_found_exception=not_found_exception)
-    def _status_timeout(self,
-                        things,
-                        thing_id,
-                        expected_status=None,
-                        allow_notfound=False,
-                        error_status='ERROR',
-                        not_found_exception=nova_exceptions.NotFound):
-        log_status = expected_status if expected_status else ''
-        if allow_notfound:
-            log_status += ' or NotFound' if log_status != '' else 'NotFound'
-        def check_status():
-            # python-novaclient has resources available to its client
-            # that all implement a get() method taking an identifier
-            # for the singular resource to retrieve.
-            try:
-                thing = things.get(thing_id)
-            except not_found_exception:
-                if allow_notfound:
-                    return True
-                raise
-            except Exception as e:
-                if allow_notfound and self.not_found_exception(e):
-                    return True
-                raise
-            new_status = thing.status
-            # Some components are reporting error status in lower case
-            # so case sensitive comparisons can really mess things
-            # up.
-            if new_status.lower() == error_status.lower():
-                message = ("%s failed to get to expected status (%s). "
-                           "In %s state.") % (thing, expected_status,
-                                              new_status)
-                raise exceptions.BuildErrorException(message,
-                                                     server_id=thing_id)
-            elif new_status == expected_status and expected_status is not None:
-                return True  # All good.
-            LOG.debug("Waiting for %s to get to %s status. "
-                      "Currently in %s status",
-                      thing, log_status, new_status)
-        if not tempest.test.call_until_true(
-            check_status,
-            CONF.compute.build_timeout,
-            CONF.compute.build_interval):
-            message = ("Timed out waiting for thing %s "
-                       "to become %s") % (thing_id, log_status)
-            raise exceptions.TimeoutException(message)
-    def _create_loginable_secgroup_rule_nova(self, client=None,
-                                             secgroup_id=None):
-        if client is None:
-            client = self.compute_client
-        if secgroup_id is None:
-            sgs = client.security_groups.list()
-            for sg in sgs:
-                if sg.name == 'default':
-                    secgroup_id = sg.id
-        # These rules are intended to permit inbound ssh and icmp
-        # traffic from all sources, so no group_id is provided.
-        # Setting a group_id would only permit traffic from ports
-        # belonging to the same security group.
-        rulesets = [
-            {
-                # ssh
-                'ip_protocol': 'tcp',
-                'from_port': 22,
-                'to_port': 22,
-                'cidr': '',
-            },
-            {
-                # ssh -6
-                'ip_protocol': 'tcp',
-                'from_port': 22,
-                'to_port': 22,
-                'cidr': '::/0',
-            },
-            {
-                # ping
-                'ip_protocol': 'icmp',
-                'from_port': -1,
-                'to_port': -1,
-                'cidr': '',
-            },
-            {
-                # ping6
-                'ip_protocol': 'icmp',
-                'from_port': -1,
-                'to_port': -1,
-                'cidr': '::/0',
-            }
-        ]
-        rules = list()
-        for ruleset in rulesets:
-            sg_rule = client.security_group_rules.create(secgroup_id,
-                                                         **ruleset)
-            self.addCleanup(self.delete_wrapper, sg_rule)
-            rules.append(sg_rule)
-        return rules
-    def _create_security_group_nova(self, client=None,
-                                    namestart='secgroup-smoke-'):
-        if client is None:
-            client = self.compute_client
-        # Create security group
-        sg_name = data_utils.rand_name(namestart)
-        sg_desc = sg_name + " description"
-        secgroup = client.security_groups.create(sg_name, sg_desc)
-        self.assertEqual(secgroup.name, sg_name)
-        self.assertEqual(secgroup.description, sg_desc)
-        self.addCleanup(self.delete_wrapper, secgroup)
-        # Add rules to the security group
-        self._create_loginable_secgroup_rule_nova(client, secgroup.id)
-        return secgroup
-    def rebuild_server(self, server, client=None, image=None,
-                       preserve_ephemeral=False, wait=True,
-                       rebuild_kwargs=None):
-        if client is None:
-            client = self.compute_client
-        if image is None:
-            image = CONF.compute.image_ref
-        rebuild_kwargs = rebuild_kwargs or {}
-        LOG.debug("Rebuilding server (name: %s, image: %s, preserve eph: %s)",
-                  server.name, image, preserve_ephemeral)
-        server.rebuild(image, preserve_ephemeral=preserve_ephemeral,
-                       **rebuild_kwargs)
-        if wait:
-            self.status_timeout(client.servers, server.id, 'ACTIVE')
-    def create_server(self, client=None, name=None, image=None, flavor=None,
-                      wait_on_boot=True, wait_on_delete=True,
-                      create_kwargs=None):
-        """Creates VM instance.
-        @param client: compute client to create the instance
-        @param image: image from which to create the instance
-        @param wait_on_boot: wait for status ACTIVE before continue
-        @param wait_on_delete: force synchronous delete on cleanup
-        @param create_kwargs: additional details for instance creation
-        @return: client.server object
-        """
-        if client is None:
-            client = self.compute_client
-        if name is None:
-            name = data_utils.rand_name('scenario-server-')
-        if image is None:
-            image = CONF.compute.image_ref
-        if flavor is None:
-            flavor = CONF.compute.flavor_ref
-        if create_kwargs is None:
-            create_kwargs = {}
-        fixed_network_name = CONF.compute.fixed_network_name
-        if 'nics' not in create_kwargs and fixed_network_name:
-            networks = client.networks.list()
-            # If several networks found, set the NetID on which to connect the
-            # server to avoid the following error "Multiple possible networks
-            # found, use a Network ID to be more specific."
-            # See Tempest #1250866
-            if len(networks) > 1:
-                for network in networks:
-                    if network.label == fixed_network_name:
-                        create_kwargs['nics'] = [{'net-id': network.id}]
-                        break
-                # If we didn't find the network we were looking for :
-                else:
-                    msg = ("The network on which the NIC of the server must "
-                           "be connected can not be found : "
-                           "fixed_network_name=%s. Starting instance without "
-                           "specifying a network.") % fixed_network_name
-                    LOG.info(msg)
-        LOG.debug("Creating a server (name: %s, image: %s, flavor: %s)",
-                  name, image, flavor)
-        server = client.servers.create(name, image, flavor, **create_kwargs)
-        self.assertEqual(server.name, name)
-        if wait_on_delete:
-            self.addCleanup(self.delete_timeout,
-                            self.compute_client.servers,
-                            server.id)
-        self.addCleanup_with_wait(self.compute_client.servers, server.id,
-                                  cleanup_callable=self.delete_wrapper,
-                                  cleanup_args=[server])
-        if wait_on_boot:
-            self.status_timeout(client.servers, server.id, 'ACTIVE')
-        # The instance retrieved on creation is missing network
-        # details, necessitating retrieval after it becomes active to
-        # ensure correct details.
-        server = client.servers.get(server.id)
-        LOG.debug("Created server: %s", server)
-        return server
-    def create_volume(self, client=None, size=1, name=None,
-                      snapshot_id=None, imageRef=None, volume_type=None,
-                      wait_on_delete=True):
-        if client is None:
-            client = self.volume_client
-        if name is None:
-            name = data_utils.rand_name('scenario-volume-')
-        LOG.debug("Creating a volume (size: %s, name: %s)", size, name)
-        volume = client.volumes.create(size=size, display_name=name,
-                                       snapshot_id=snapshot_id,
-                                       imageRef=imageRef,
-                                       volume_type=volume_type)
-        if wait_on_delete:
-            self.addCleanup(self.delete_timeout,
-                            self.volume_client.volumes,
-                            volume.id)
-        self.addCleanup_with_wait(self.volume_client.volumes, volume.id,
-                                  exc_type=cinder_exceptions.NotFound)
-        self.assertEqual(name, volume.display_name)
-        self.status_timeout(client.volumes, volume.id, 'available')
-        LOG.debug("Created volume: %s", volume)
-        return volume
-    def create_server_snapshot(self, server, compute_client=None,
-                               image_client=None, name=None):
-        if compute_client is None:
-            compute_client = self.compute_client
-        if image_client is None:
-            image_client = self.image_client
-        if name is None:
-            name = data_utils.rand_name('scenario-snapshot-')
-        LOG.debug("Creating a snapshot image for server: %s", server.name)
-        image_id = compute_client.servers.create_image(server, name)
-        self.addCleanup_with_wait(self.image_client.images, image_id,
-                                  exc_type=glanceclient.exc.HTTPNotFound)
-        self.status_timeout(image_client.images, image_id, 'active')
-        snapshot_image = image_client.images.get(image_id)
-        self.assertEqual(name, snapshot_image.name)
-        LOG.debug("Created snapshot image %s for server %s",
-                  snapshot_image.name, server.name)
-        return snapshot_image
-    def create_keypair(self, client=None, name=None):
-        if client is None:
-            client = self.compute_client
-        if name is None:
-            name = data_utils.rand_name('scenario-keypair-')
-        keypair = client.keypairs.create(name)
-        self.assertEqual(keypair.name, name)
-        self.addCleanup(self.delete_wrapper, keypair)
-        return keypair
-    def get_remote_client(self, server_or_ip, username=None, private_key=None):
-        if isinstance(server_or_ip, six.string_types):
-            ip = server_or_ip
-        else:
-            network_name_for_ssh = CONF.compute.network_for_ssh
-            ip = server_or_ip.networks[network_name_for_ssh][0]
-        if username is None:
-            username = CONF.scenario.ssh_user
-        if private_key is None:
-            private_key = self.keypair.private_key
-        linux_client = remote_client.RemoteClient(ip, username,
-                                                  pkey=private_key)
-        try:
-            linux_client.validate_authentication()
-        except exceptions.SSHTimeout:
-            LOG.exception('ssh connection to %s failed' % ip)
-            debug.log_net_debug()
-            raise
-        return linux_client
-    def _log_console_output(self, servers=None):
-        if not CONF.compute_feature_enabled.console_output:
-            LOG.debug('Console output not supported, cannot log')
-            return
-        if not servers:
-            servers = self.compute_client.servers.list()
-        for server in servers:
-            LOG.debug('Console output for %s', server.id)
-            LOG.debug(server.get_console_output())
-    def wait_for_volume_status(self, status):
-        volume_id = self.volume.id
-        self.status_timeout(
-            self.volume_client.volumes, volume_id, status)
-    def _image_create(self, name, fmt, path, properties=None):
-        if properties is None:
-            properties = {}
-        name = data_utils.rand_name('%s-' % name)
-        image_file = open(path, 'rb')
-        self.addCleanup(image_file.close)
-        params = {
-            'name': name,
-            'container_format': fmt,
-            'disk_format': fmt,
-            'is_public': 'False',
-        }
-        params.update(properties)
-        image = self.image_client.images.create(**params)
-        self.addCleanup(self.image_client.images.delete, image)
-        self.assertEqual("queued", image.status)
-        image.update(data=image_file)
-        return image.id
-    def glance_image_create(self):
-        img_path = CONF.scenario.img_dir + "/" + CONF.scenario.img_file
-        aki_img_path = CONF.scenario.img_dir + "/" + CONF.scenario.aki_img_file
-        ari_img_path = CONF.scenario.img_dir + "/" + CONF.scenario.ari_img_file
-        ami_img_path = CONF.scenario.img_dir + "/" + CONF.scenario.ami_img_file
-        img_container_format = CONF.scenario.img_container_format
-        img_disk_format = CONF.scenario.img_disk_format
-        LOG.debug("paths: img: %s, container_fomat: %s, disk_format: %s, "
-                  "ami: %s, ari: %s, aki: %s" %
-                  (img_path, img_container_format, img_disk_format,
-                   ami_img_path, ari_img_path, aki_img_path))
-        try:
-            self.image = self._image_create('scenario-img',
-                                            img_container_format,
-                                            img_path,
-                                            properties={'disk_format':
-                                                        img_disk_format})
-        except IOError:
-            LOG.debug("A qcow2 image was not found. Try to get a uec image.")
-            kernel = self._image_create('scenario-aki', 'aki', aki_img_path)
-            ramdisk = self._image_create('scenario-ari', 'ari', ari_img_path)
-            properties = {
-                'properties': {'kernel_id': kernel, 'ramdisk_id': ramdisk}
-            }
-            self.image = self._image_create('scenario-ami', 'ami',
-                                            path=ami_img_path,
-                                            properties=properties)
-        LOG.debug("image:%s" % self.image)
 # power/provision states as of icehouse
 class BaremetalPowerStates(object):
     """Possible power states of an Ironic node."""
@@ -1696,557 +1187,6 @@
-class NetworkScenarioTest(OfficialClientTest):
-    """
-    Base class for network scenario tests
-    """
-    @classmethod
-    def check_preconditions(cls):
-        if (CONF.service_available.neutron):
-            cls.enabled = True
-            # verify that neutron_available is telling the truth
-            try:
-                cls.network_client.list_networks()
-            except exc.EndpointNotFound:
-                cls.enabled = False
-                raise
-        else:
-            cls.enabled = False
-            msg = 'Neutron not available'
-            raise cls.skipException(msg)
-    @classmethod
-    def setUpClass(cls):
-        super(NetworkScenarioTest, cls).setUpClass()
-        cls.tenant_id = cls.manager.identity_client.tenant_id
-    def _create_network(self, tenant_id, namestart='network-smoke-'):
-        name = data_utils.rand_name(namestart)
-        body = dict(
-            network=dict(
-                name=name,
-                tenant_id=tenant_id,
-            ),
-        )
-        result = self.network_client.create_network(body=body)
-        network = net_common.DeletableNetwork(client=self.network_client,
-                                              **result['network'])
-        self.assertEqual(network.name, name)
-        self.addCleanup(self.delete_wrapper, network)
-        return network
-    def _list_networks(self, **kwargs):
-        nets = self.network_client.list_networks(**kwargs)
-        return nets['networks']
-    def _list_subnets(self, **kwargs):
-        subnets = self.network_client.list_subnets(**kwargs)
-        return subnets['subnets']
-    def _list_routers(self, **kwargs):
-        routers = self.network_client.list_routers(**kwargs)
-        return routers['routers']
-    def _list_ports(self, **kwargs):
-        ports = self.network_client.list_ports(**kwargs)
-        return ports['ports']
-    def _get_tenant_own_network_num(self, tenant_id):
-        nets = self._list_networks(tenant_id=tenant_id)
-        return len(nets)
-    def _get_tenant_own_subnet_num(self, tenant_id):
-        subnets = self._list_subnets(tenant_id=tenant_id)
-        return len(subnets)
-    def _get_tenant_own_port_num(self, tenant_id):
-        ports = self._list_ports(tenant_id=tenant_id)
-        return len(ports)
-    def _create_subnet(self, network, namestart='subnet-smoke-', **kwargs):
-        """
-        Create a subnet for the given network within the cidr block
-        configured for tenant networks.
-        """
-        def cidr_in_use(cidr, tenant_id):
-            """
-            :return True if subnet with cidr already exist in tenant
-                False else
-            """
-            cidr_in_use = self._list_subnets(tenant_id=tenant_id, cidr=cidr)
-            return len(cidr_in_use) != 0
-        tenant_cidr = netaddr.IPNetwork(CONF.network.tenant_network_cidr)
-        result = None
-        # Repeatedly attempt subnet creation with sequential cidr
-        # blocks until an unallocated block is found.
-        for subnet_cidr in tenant_cidr.subnet(
-            CONF.network.tenant_network_mask_bits):
-            str_cidr = str(subnet_cidr)
-            if cidr_in_use(str_cidr, tenant_id=network.tenant_id):
-                continue
-            body = dict(
-                subnet=dict(
-                    name=data_utils.rand_name(namestart),
-                    ip_version=4,
-                    network_id=network.id,
-                    tenant_id=network.tenant_id,
-                    cidr=str_cidr,
-                ),
-            )
-            body['subnet'].update(kwargs)
-            try:
-                result = self.network_client.create_subnet(body=body)
-                break
-            except exc.NeutronClientException as e:
-                is_overlapping_cidr = 'overlaps with another subnet' in str(e)
-                if not is_overlapping_cidr:
-                    raise
-        self.assertIsNotNone(result, 'Unable to allocate tenant network')
-        subnet = net_common.DeletableSubnet(client=self.network_client,
-                                            **result['subnet'])
-        self.assertEqual(subnet.cidr, str_cidr)
-        self.addCleanup(self.delete_wrapper, subnet)
-        return subnet
-    def _create_port(self, network, namestart='port-quotatest-'):
-        name = data_utils.rand_name(namestart)
-        body = dict(
-            port=dict(name=name,
-                      network_id=network.id,
-                      tenant_id=network.tenant_id))
-        result = self.network_client.create_port(body=body)
-        self.assertIsNotNone(result, 'Unable to allocate port')
-        port = net_common.DeletablePort(client=self.network_client,
-                                        **result['port'])
-        self.addCleanup(self.delete_wrapper, port)
-        return port
-    def _get_server_port_id(self, server, ip_addr=None):
-        ports = self._list_ports(device_id=server.id, fixed_ip=ip_addr)
-        self.assertEqual(len(ports), 1,
-                         "Unable to determine which port to target.")
-        return ports[0]['id']
-    def _get_network_by_name(self, network_name):
-        net = self._list_networks(name=network_name)
-        return net_common.AttributeDict(net[0])
-    def _create_floating_ip(self, thing, external_network_id, port_id=None):
-        if not port_id:
-            port_id = self._get_server_port_id(thing)
-        body = dict(
-            floatingip=dict(
-                floating_network_id=external_network_id,
-                port_id=port_id,
-                tenant_id=thing.tenant_id,
-            )
-        )
-        result = self.network_client.create_floatingip(body=body)
-        floating_ip = net_common.DeletableFloatingIp(
-            client=self.network_client,
-            **result['floatingip'])
-        self.addCleanup(self.delete_wrapper, floating_ip)
-        return floating_ip
-    def _associate_floating_ip(self, floating_ip, server):
-        port_id = self._get_server_port_id(server)
-        floating_ip.update(port_id=port_id)
-        self.assertEqual(port_id, floating_ip.port_id)
-        return floating_ip
-    def _disassociate_floating_ip(self, floating_ip):
-        """
-        :param floating_ip: type DeletableFloatingIp
-        """
-        floating_ip.update(port_id=None)
-        self.assertIsNone(floating_ip.port_id)
-        return floating_ip
-    def _create_pool(self, lb_method, protocol, subnet_id):
-        """Wrapper utility that returns a test pool."""
-        name = data_utils.rand_name('pool-')
-        body = {
-            "pool": {
-                "protocol": protocol,
-                "name": name,
-                "subnet_id": subnet_id,
-                "lb_method": lb_method
-            }
-        }
-        resp = self.network_client.create_pool(body=body)
-        pool = net_common.DeletablePool(client=self.network_client,
-                                        **resp['pool'])
-        self.assertEqual(pool['name'], name)
-        self.addCleanup(self.delete_wrapper, pool)
-        return pool
-    def _create_member(self, address, protocol_port, pool_id):
-        """Wrapper utility that returns a test member."""
-        body = {
-            "member": {
-                "protocol_port": protocol_port,
-                "pool_id": pool_id,
-                "address": address
-            }
-        }
-        resp = self.network_client.create_member(body)
-        member = net_common.DeletableMember(client=self.network_client,
-                                            **resp['member'])
-        self.addCleanup(self.delete_wrapper, member)
-        return member
-    def _create_vip(self, protocol, protocol_port, subnet_id, pool_id):
-        """Wrapper utility that returns a test vip."""
-        name = data_utils.rand_name('vip-')
-        body = {
-            "vip": {
-                "protocol": protocol,
-                "name": name,
-                "subnet_id": subnet_id,
-                "pool_id": pool_id,
-                "protocol_port": protocol_port
-            }
-        }
-        resp = self.network_client.create_vip(body)
-        vip = net_common.DeletableVip(client=self.network_client,
-                                      **resp['vip'])
-        self.assertEqual(vip['name'], name)
-        self.addCleanup(self.delete_wrapper, vip)
-        return vip
-    def _check_vm_connectivity(self, ip_address,
-                               username=None,
-                               private_key=None,
-                               should_connect=True):
-        """
-        :param ip_address: server to test against
-        :param username: server's ssh username
-        :param private_key: server's ssh private key to be used
-        :param should_connect: True/False indicates positive/negative test
-            positive - attempt ping and ssh
-            negative - attempt ping and fail if succeed
-        :raises: AssertError if the result of the connectivity check does
-            not match the value of the should_connect param
-        """
-        if should_connect:
-            msg = "Timed out waiting for %s to become reachable" % ip_address
-        else:
-            msg = "ip address %s is reachable" % ip_address
-        self.assertTrue(self.ping_ip_address(ip_address,
-                                             should_succeed=should_connect),
-                        msg=msg)
-        if should_connect:
-            # no need to check ssh for negative connectivity
-            self.get_remote_client(ip_address, username, private_key)
-    def _check_public_network_connectivity(self, ip_address, username,
-                                           private_key, should_connect=True,
-                                           msg=None, servers=None):
-        # The target login is assumed to have been configured for
-        # key-based authentication by cloud-init.
-        LOG.debug('checking network connections to IP %s with user: %s' %
-                  (ip_address, username))
-        try:
-            self._check_vm_connectivity(ip_address,
-                                        username,
-                                        private_key,
-                                        should_connect=should_connect)
-        except Exception as e:
-            ex_msg = 'Public network connectivity check failed'
-            if msg:
-                ex_msg += ": " + msg
-            LOG.exception(ex_msg)
-            self._log_console_output(servers)
-            # network debug is called as part of ssh init
-            if not isinstance(e, exceptions.SSHTimeout):
-                debug.log_net_debug()
-            raise
-    def _check_tenant_network_connectivity(self, server,
-                                           username,
-                                           private_key,
-                                           should_connect=True,
-                                           servers_for_debug=None):
-        if not CONF.network.tenant_networks_reachable:
-            msg = 'Tenant networks not configured to be reachable.'
-            LOG.info(msg)
-            return
-        # The target login is assumed to have been configured for
-        # key-based authentication by cloud-init.
-        try:
-            for net_name, ip_addresses in server.networks.iteritems():
-                for ip_address in ip_addresses:
-                    self._check_vm_connectivity(ip_address,
-                                                username,
-                                                private_key,
-                                                should_connect=should_connect)
-        except Exception as e:
-            LOG.exception('Tenant network connectivity check failed')
-            self._log_console_output(servers_for_debug)
-            # network debug is called as part of ssh init
-            if not isinstance(e, exceptions.SSHTimeout):
-                debug.log_net_debug()
-            raise
-    def _check_remote_connectivity(self, source, dest, should_succeed=True):
-        """
-        check ping server via source ssh connection
-        :param source: RemoteClient: an ssh connection from which to ping
-        :param dest: and IP to ping against
-        :param should_succeed: boolean should ping succeed or not
-        :returns: boolean -- should_succeed == ping
-        :returns: ping is false if ping failed
-        """
-        def ping_remote():
-            try:
-                source.ping_host(dest)
-            except exceptions.SSHExecCommandFailed:
-                LOG.warn('Failed to ping IP: %s via a ssh connection from: %s.'
-                         % (dest, source.ssh_client.host))
-                return not should_succeed
-            return should_succeed
-        return tempest.test.call_until_true(ping_remote,
-                                            CONF.compute.ping_timeout,
-                                            1)
-    def _create_security_group_neutron(self, tenant_id, client=None,
-                                       namestart='secgroup-smoke-'):
-        if client is None:
-            client = self.network_client
-        secgroup = self._create_empty_security_group(namestart=namestart,
-                                                     client=client,
-                                                     tenant_id=tenant_id)
-        # Add rules to the security group
-        rules = self._create_loginable_secgroup_rule_neutron(secgroup=secgroup)
-        for rule in rules:
-            self.assertEqual(tenant_id, rule.tenant_id)
-            self.assertEqual(secgroup.id, rule.security_group_id)
-        return secgroup
-    def _create_empty_security_group(self, tenant_id, client=None,
-                                     namestart='secgroup-smoke-'):
-        """Create a security group without rules.
-        Default rules will be created:
-         - IPv4 egress to any
-         - IPv6 egress to any
-        :param tenant_id: secgroup will be created in this tenant
-        :returns: DeletableSecurityGroup -- containing the secgroup created
-        """
-        if client is None:
-            client = self.network_client
-        sg_name = data_utils.rand_name(namestart)
-        sg_desc = sg_name + " description"
-        sg_dict = dict(name=sg_name,
-                       description=sg_desc)
-        sg_dict['tenant_id'] = tenant_id
-        body = dict(security_group=sg_dict)
-        result = client.create_security_group(body=body)
-        secgroup = net_common.DeletableSecurityGroup(
-            client=client,
-            **result['security_group']
-        )
-        self.assertEqual(secgroup.name, sg_name)
-        self.assertEqual(tenant_id, secgroup.tenant_id)
-        self.assertEqual(secgroup.description, sg_desc)
-        self.addCleanup(self.delete_wrapper, secgroup)
-        return secgroup
-    def _default_security_group(self, tenant_id, client=None):
-        """Get default secgroup for given tenant_id.
-        :returns: DeletableSecurityGroup -- default secgroup for given tenant
-        """
-        if client is None:
-            client = self.network_client
-        sgs = [
-            sg for sg in client.list_security_groups().values()[0]
-            if sg['tenant_id'] == tenant_id and sg['name'] == 'default'
-        ]
-        msg = "No default security group for tenant %s." % (tenant_id)
-        self.assertTrue(len(sgs) > 0, msg)
-        if len(sgs) > 1:
-            msg = "Found %d default security groups" % len(sgs)
-            raise exc.NeutronClientNoUniqueMatch(msg=msg)
-        return net_common.DeletableSecurityGroup(client=client,
-                                                 **sgs[0])
-    def _create_security_group_rule(self, client=None, secgroup=None,
-                                    tenant_id=None, **kwargs):
-        """Create a rule from a dictionary of rule parameters.
-        Create a rule in a secgroup. if secgroup not defined will search for
-        default secgroup in tenant_id.
-        :param secgroup: type DeletableSecurityGroup.
-        :param secgroup_id: search for secgroup by id
-            default -- choose default secgroup for given tenant_id
-        :param tenant_id: if secgroup not passed -- the tenant in which to
-            search for default secgroup
-        :param kwargs: a dictionary containing rule parameters:
-            for example, to allow incoming ssh:
-            rule = {
-                    direction: 'ingress'
-                    protocol:'tcp',
-                    port_range_min: 22,
-                    port_range_max: 22
-                    }
-        """
-        if client is None:
-            client = self.network_client
-        if secgroup is None:
-            secgroup = self._default_security_group(tenant_id)
-        ruleset = dict(security_group_id=secgroup.id,
-                       tenant_id=secgroup.tenant_id,
-                       )
-        ruleset.update(kwargs)
-        body = dict(security_group_rule=dict(ruleset))
-        sg_rule = client.create_security_group_rule(body=body)
-        sg_rule = net_common.DeletableSecurityGroupRule(
-            client=client,
-            **sg_rule['security_group_rule']
-        )
-        self.addCleanup(self.delete_wrapper, sg_rule)
-        self.assertEqual(secgroup.tenant_id, sg_rule.tenant_id)
-        self.assertEqual(secgroup.id, sg_rule.security_group_id)
-        return sg_rule
-    def _create_loginable_secgroup_rule_neutron(self, client=None,
-                                                secgroup=None):
-        """These rules are intended to permit inbound ssh and icmp
-        traffic from all sources, so no group_id is provided.
-        Setting a group_id would only permit traffic from ports
-        belonging to the same security group.
-        """
-        if client is None:
-            client = self.network_client
-        rules = []
-        rulesets = [
-            dict(
-                # ssh
-                protocol='tcp',
-                port_range_min=22,
-                port_range_max=22,
-            ),
-            dict(
-                # ping
-                protocol='icmp',
-            )
-        ]
-        for ruleset in rulesets:
-            for r_direction in ['ingress', 'egress']:
-                ruleset['direction'] = r_direction
-                try:
-                    sg_rule = self._create_security_group_rule(
-                        client=client, secgroup=secgroup, **ruleset)
-                except exc.NeutronClientException as ex:
-                    # if rule already exist - skip rule and continue
-                    if not (ex.status_code is 409 and 'Security group rule'
-                            ' already exists' in ex.message):
-                        raise ex
-                else:
-                    self.assertEqual(r_direction, sg_rule.direction)
-                    rules.append(sg_rule)
-        return rules
-    def _ssh_to_server(self, server, private_key):
-        ssh_login = CONF.compute.image_ssh_user
-        return self.get_remote_client(server,
-                                      username=ssh_login,
-                                      private_key=private_key)
-    def _show_quota_network(self, tenant_id):
-        quota = self.network_client.show_quota(tenant_id)
-        return quota['quota']['network']
-    def _show_quota_subnet(self, tenant_id):
-        quota = self.network_client.show_quota(tenant_id)
-        return quota['quota']['subnet']
-    def _show_quota_port(self, tenant_id):
-        quota = self.network_client.show_quota(tenant_id)
-        return quota['quota']['port']
-    def _get_router(self, tenant_id):
-        """Retrieve a router for the given tenant id.
-        If a public router has been configured, it will be returned.
-        If a public router has not been configured, but a public
-        network has, a tenant router will be created and returned that
-        routes traffic to the public network.
-        """
-        router_id = CONF.network.public_router_id
-        network_id = CONF.network.public_network_id
-        if router_id:
-            result = self.network_client.show_router(router_id)
-            return net_common.AttributeDict(**result['router'])
-        elif network_id:
-            router = self._create_router(tenant_id)
-            router.add_gateway(network_id)
-            return router
-        else:
-            raise Exception("Neither of 'public_router_id' or "
-                            "'public_network_id' has been defined.")
-    def _create_router(self, tenant_id, namestart='router-smoke-'):
-        name = data_utils.rand_name(namestart)
-        body = dict(
-            router=dict(
-                name=name,
-                admin_state_up=True,
-                tenant_id=tenant_id,
-            ),
-        )
-        result = self.network_client.create_router(body=body)
-        router = net_common.DeletableRouter(client=self.network_client,
-                                            **result['router'])
-        self.assertEqual(router.name, name)
-        self.addCleanup(self.delete_wrapper, router)
-        return router
-    def create_networks(self, tenant_id=None):
-        """Create a network with a subnet connected to a router.
-        The baremetal driver is a special case since all nodes are
-        on the same shared network.
-        :returns: network, subnet, router
-        """
-        if CONF.baremetal.driver_enabled:
-            # NOTE(Shrews): This exception is for environments where tenant
-            # credential isolation is available, but network separation is
-            # not (the current baremetal case). Likely can be removed when
-            # test account mgmt is reworked:
-            # https://blueprints.launchpad.net/tempest/+spec/test-accounts
-            network = self._get_network_by_name(
-                CONF.compute.fixed_network_name)
-            router = None
-            subnet = None
-        else:
-            if tenant_id is None:
-                tenant_id = self.tenant_id
-            network = self._create_network(tenant_id)
-            router = self._get_router(tenant_id)
-            subnet = self._create_subnet(network)
-            subnet.add_to_router(router.id)
-        return network, subnet, router
 class OrchestrationScenarioTest(ScenarioTest):
     Base class for orchestration scenario tests