VPNaaS API Tests Enhancements
Added the following tests:
- test_admin_create_vpn_service_for_tenant:
Admin user creates VPN Service for tenant.
- test_admin_create_ike_policy_for_tenant:
Admin user creates IKE Policy for tenant.
- test_admin_create_ipsec_policy_for_tenant:
Admin user created Ipsec Policy for tenant.
Extended the following tests:
- test_show_vpn_service:
Now tests to check whether the returned status has a
valid value.
- test_create_update_delete_ike_policy:
Now also updates encryption_algorithm, ike_version,
and lifetime in update tests. Verifies whether test was
successful by comparing with vpn_service object returned by
show API call.
Also now checks whether delete was succesful by asserting
that is the ikepolicy is no longer returned by list_ikepolicies.
Minor edits to network_client_base.py to support ipsecpolicy resources.
Change-Id: I0e4e56c4fdcb591c456b4c32c6b6dd208f0c4045
2 files changed