Allow tempest cleanup delete resources based on prefix

A warning in command description of run cleanup first with dry-run
is added. The cleanup behavior is extended to allow users to delete
only resources if their name starts with a certain prefix.

Closes-Bug: #1945082
Change-Id: I65dfe051c891b3679538acec713e8616746c47f6
diff --git a/playbooks/devstack-tempest-ipv6.yaml b/playbooks/devstack-tempest-ipv6.yaml
index 568077e..89eec6d 100644
--- a/playbooks/devstack-tempest-ipv6.yaml
+++ b/playbooks/devstack-tempest-ipv6.yaml
@@ -17,6 +17,16 @@
     # fail early if anything missing the IPv6 settings or deployments.
     - devstack-ipv6-only-deployments-verification
+    - name: Run tempest cleanup init-saved-state
+      include_role:
+        name: tempest-cleanup
+      vars:
+        init_saved_state: true
+      when: (run_tempest_dry_cleanup is defined and run_tempest_dry_cleanup | bool) or
+            (run_tempest_cleanup is defined and run_tempest_cleanup | bool) or
+            (run_tempest_fail_if_leaked_resources is defined and run_tempest_fail_if_leaked_resources | bool) or
+            (run_tempest_cleanup_prefix is defined and run_tempest_cleanup_prefix | bool)
     - name: Run Tempest version <= 26.0.0
         name: run-tempest-26
@@ -30,3 +40,15 @@
         - zuul.branch is defined
         - zuul.branch not in ["stable/ocata", "stable/pike", "stable/queens", "stable/rocky", "stable/stein"]
+    - name: Run tempest cleanup dry-run
+      include_role:
+        name: tempest-cleanup
+      vars:
+        dry_run: true
+      when: run_tempest_dry_cleanup is defined and run_tempest_dry_cleanup | bool
+    - name: Run tempest cleanup
+      include_role:
+        name: tempest-cleanup
+      when: run_tempest_cleanup is defined and run_tempest_cleanup | bool