Add agents tests for Nova v3 API

This patch adds tests for agents API.

Partially implements blueprint nova-v3-api-tests

Change-Id: I7d46dd5bb8cef32a9fae58e17ffc7feb99036815
diff --git a/tempest/api/compute/ b/tempest/api/compute/
index 9162926..9ed709f 100644
--- a/tempest/api/compute/
+++ b/tempest/api/compute/
@@ -409,3 +409,4 @@
         cls.aggregates_admin_client = cls.os_adm.aggregates_v3_client
         cls.hosts_admin_client = cls.os_adm.hosts_v3_client
         cls.quotas_admin_client = cls.os_adm.quotas_v3_client
+        cls.agents_admin_client = cls.os_adm.agents_v3_client
diff --git a/tempest/api/compute/v3/admin/ b/tempest/api/compute/v3/admin/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9d01b71
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tempest/api/compute/v3/admin/
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+# Copyright 2014 NEC Corporation.  All rights reserved.
+#    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+#    not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+#    a copy of the License at
+#    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+#    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+#    WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+#    License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+#    under the License.
+from tempest.api.compute import base
+from tempest import test
+class AgentsAdminV3Test(base.BaseV3ComputeAdminTest):
+    """
+    Tests Agents API that require admin privileges
+    """
+    @classmethod
+    def setUpClass(cls):
+        super(AgentsAdminV3Test, cls).setUpClass()
+        cls.client = cls.agents_admin_client
+    @test.attr(type='gate')
+    def test_create_update_list_delete_agents(self):
+        """
+        1. Create 2 agents.
+        2. Update one of the agents.
+        3. List all agent builds.
+        4. List the agent builds by the filter.
+        5. Delete agents.
+        """
+        params_kvm = expected_kvm = {'hypervisor': 'kvm',
+                                     'os': 'win',
+                                     'architecture': 'x86',
+                                     'version': '7.0',
+                                     'url': 'xxx://xxxx/xxx/xxx',
+                                     'md5hash': ("""add6bb58e139be103324d04d"""
+                                                 """82d8f545""")}
+        resp, agent_kvm = self.client.create_agent(**params_kvm)
+        self.assertEqual(201, resp.status)
+        for expected_item, value in expected_kvm.items():
+            self.assertEqual(value, agent_kvm[expected_item])
+        params_xen = expected_xen = {'hypervisor': 'xen',
+                                     'os': 'linux',
+                                     'architecture': 'x86',
+                                     'version': '7.0',
+                                     'url': 'xxx://xxxx/xxx/xxx1',
+                                     'md5hash': """add6bb58e139be103324d04d8"""
+                                                """2d8f546"""}
+        resp, agent_xen = self.client.create_agent(**params_xen)
+        self.assertEqual(201, resp.status)
+        for expected_item, value in expected_xen.items():
+            self.assertEqual(value, agent_xen[expected_item])
+        params_kvm_new = expected_kvm_new = {'version': '8.0',
+                                             'url': 'xxx://xxxx/xxx/xxx2',
+                                             'md5hash': """add6bb58e139be103"""
+                                                        """324d04d82d8f547"""}
+        resp, resp_agent_kvm = self.client.update_agent(agent_kvm['agent_id'],
+                                                        **params_kvm_new)
+        self.assertEqual(200, resp.status)
+        for expected_item, value in expected_kvm_new.items():
+            self.assertEqual(value, resp_agent_kvm[expected_item])
+        resp, agents = self.client.list_agents()
+        self.assertEqual(200, resp.status)
+        self.assertTrue(len(agents) > 1)
+        params_filter = {'hypervisor': 'kvm'}
+        resp, agent = self.client.list_agents(params_filter)
+        self.assertEqual(200, resp.status)
+        self.assertTrue(len(agent) > 0)
+        self.assertEqual('kvm', agent[0]['hypervisor'])
+        resp, _ = self.client.delete_agent(agent_kvm['agent_id'])
+        self.assertEqual(204, resp.status)
+        resp, _ = self.client.delete_agent(agent_xen['agent_id'])
+        self.assertEqual(204, resp.status)
diff --git a/tempest/ b/tempest/
index 8db399a..7956eed 100644
--- a/tempest/
+++ b/tempest/
@@ -61,6 +61,7 @@
 from import \
+from import AgentsV3ClientJSON
 from import \
 from import \
@@ -306,6 +307,7 @@
             self.services_v3_client = ServicesV3ClientJSON(
             self.service_client = ServiceClientJSON(self.auth_provider)
+            self.agents_v3_client = AgentsV3ClientJSON(self.auth_provider)
             self.aggregates_v3_client = AggregatesV3ClientJSON(
             self.aggregates_client = AggregatesClientJSON(
diff --git a/tempest/services/compute/v3/json/ b/tempest/services/compute/v3/json/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6893af2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tempest/services/compute/v3/json/
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+# Copyright 2014 NEC Corporation.  All rights reserved.
+#    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+#    not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+#    a copy of the License at
+#    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+#    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+#    WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+#    License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+#    under the License.
+import json
+import urllib
+from tempest.common import rest_client
+from tempest import config
+CONF = config.CONF
+class AgentsV3ClientJSON(rest_client.RestClient):
+    def __init__(self, auth_provider):
+        super(AgentsV3ClientJSON, self).__init__(auth_provider)
+        self.service = CONF.compute.catalog_v3_type
+    def list_agents(self, params=None):
+        """List all agent builds."""
+        url = 'os-agents'
+        if params:
+            url += '?%s' % urllib.urlencode(params)
+        resp, body = self.get(url)
+        return resp, self._parse_resp(body)
+    def create_agent(self, **kwargs):
+        """Create an agent build."""
+        post_body = json.dumps({'agent': kwargs})
+        resp, body ='os-agents', post_body)
+        return resp, self._parse_resp(body)
+    def delete_agent(self, agent_id):
+        """Delete an existing agent build."""
+        return self.delete('os-agents/%s' % str(agent_id))
+    def update_agent(self, agent_id, **kwargs):
+        """Update an agent build."""
+        put_body = json.dumps({'agent': kwargs})
+        resp, body = self.put('os-agents/%s' % str(agent_id), put_body)
+        return resp, self._parse_resp(body)