Merge "Keystone v3-ext/OS-ENDPOINT-POLICY endpoints implementation."
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index 287db4c..7cb052f 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
diff --git a/.stestr.conf b/.stestr.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..818c743
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.stestr.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
diff --git a/.testr.conf b/.testr.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index 95a4fb4..0000000
--- a/.testr.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-             OS_TEST_TIMEOUT=${OS_TEST_TIMEOUT:-500} \
-             OS_TEST_LOCK_PATH=${OS_TEST_LOCK_PATH:-${TMPDIR:-'/tmp'}} \
-             ${PYTHON:-python} -m discover -t ${OS_TOP_LEVEL:-./} ${OS_TEST_PATH:-./tempest/test_discover} $LISTOPT $IDOPTION
-test_id_option=--load-list $IDFILE
diff --git a/.zuul.yaml b/.zuul.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4f17959
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.zuul.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,216 @@
+- job:
+    name: devstack-tempest
+    parent: devstack
+    description: Base Tempest job.
+    required-projects:
+      - openstack/tempest
+    timeout: 7200
+    roles:
+      - zuul: openstack-dev/devstack
+    vars:
+      devstack_services:
+        tempest: true
+      test_results_stage_name: 'test_results'
+      zuul_copy_output:
+        '{{ devstack_base_dir }}/tempest/etc/tempest.conf': 'logs'
+        '{{ devstack_base_dir }}/tempest/etc/accounts.yaml': 'logs'
+        '{{ devstack_base_dir }}/tempest/tempest.log': 'logs'
+        '{{ stage_dir }}/{{ test_results_stage_name }}.subunit': 'logs'
+        '{{ stage_dir }}/{{ test_results_stage_name }}.html': 'logs'
+        '{{ stage_dir }}/stackviz': 'logs'
+      extensions_to_txt:
+        conf: True
+        log: True
+        yaml: True
+        yml: True
+    run: playbooks/devstack-tempest.yaml
+    post-run: playbooks/post-tempest.yaml
+- job:
+    name: tempest-full
+    parent: devstack-tempest
+    # This currently works from stable/pike on.
+    branches:
+      - master
+      - stable/queens
+      - stable/pike
+    description: |
+      Base integration test with Neutron networking and py27.
+      Former names for this job where:
+        * legacy-tempest-dsvm-neutron-full
+        * gate-tempest-dsvm-neutron-full-ubuntu-xenial
+    vars:
+      tox_envlist: full
+      devstack_localrc:
+- job:
+    name: tempest-full-py3
+    parent: devstack-tempest
+    branches:
+      - master
+      - stable/queens
+    description: |
+      Base integration test with Neutron networking and py3.
+      Former names for this job where:
+        * legacy-tempest-dsvm-py35
+        * gate-tempest-dsvm-py35
+    vars:
+      tox_envlist: full
+      devstack_localrc:
+        USE_PYTHON3: True
+      devstack_services:
+        s-account: false
+        s-container: false
+        s-object: false
+        s-proxy: false
+        # without Swift, c-bak cannot run (in the Gate at least)
+        c-bak: false
+- job:
+    name: tempest-full-queens
+    parent: tempest-full
+    override-checkout: stable/queens
+- job:
+    name: tempest-full-queens-py3
+    parent: tempest-full-py3
+    override-checkout: stable/queens
+- job:
+    name: tempest-full-pike
+    parent: tempest-full
+    override-checkout: stable/pike
+- job:
+    name: tempest-tox-plugin-sanity-check
+    parent: tox
+    description: |
+      Run tempest plugin sanity check script using tox.
+    nodeset: ubuntu-xenial
+    vars:
+      tox_envlist: plugin-sanity-check
+    voting: false
+    timeout: 5000
+    irrelevant-files:
+      - ^.*\.rst$
+      - ^doc/.*$
+      - ^etc/.*$
+      - ^releasenotes/.*$
+      - ^tempest/hacking/.*$
+      - ^tempest/tests/.*$
+    required-projects:
+      - openstack/almanach
+      - openstack/aodh
+      - openstack/barbican-tempest-plugin
+      - openstack/ceilometer
+      - openstack/cinder
+      - openstack/congress
+      - openstack/designate-tempest-plugin
+      - openstack/ec2-api
+      - openstack/freezer
+      - openstack/freezer-api
+      - openstack/freezer-tempest-plugin
+      - openstack/gce-api
+      - openstack/glare
+      - openstack/heat
+      - openstack/intel-nfv-ci-tests
+      - openstack/ironic
+      - openstack/ironic-inspector
+      - openstack/keystone-tempest-plugin
+      - openstack/kingbird
+      - openstack/kuryr-tempest-plugin
+      - openstack/magnum
+      - openstack/magnum-tempest-plugin
+      - openstack/manila
+      - openstack/manila-tempest-plugin
+      - openstack/mistral
+      - openstack/mogan
+      - openstack/monasca-api
+      - openstack/monasca-log-api
+      - openstack/murano
+      - openstack/networking-bgpvpn
+      - openstack/networking-cisco
+      - openstack/networking-fortinet
+      - openstack/networking-generic-switch
+      - openstack/networking-l2gw
+      - openstack/networking-midonet
+      - openstack/networking-plumgrid
+      - openstack/networking-sfc
+      - openstack/neutron
+      - openstack/neutron-dynamic-routing
+      - openstack/neutron-fwaas
+      - openstack/neutron-lbaas
+      - openstack/neutron-tempest-plugin
+      - openstack/neutron-vpnaas
+      - openstack/nova-lxd
+      - openstack/novajoin-tempest-plugin
+      - openstack/octavia-tempest-plugin
+      - openstack/oswin-tempest-plugin
+      - openstack/panko
+      - openstack/patrole
+      - openstack/qinling
+      - openstack/requirements
+      - openstack/sahara-tests
+      - openstack/senlin
+      - openstack/senlin-tempest-plugin
+      - openstack/tap-as-a-service
+      - openstack/tempest-horizon
+      - openstack/trio2o
+      - openstack/trove
+      - openstack/valet
+      - openstack/vitrage
+      - openstack/vmware-nsx-tempest-plugin
+      - openstack/watcher-tempest-plugin
+      - openstack/zaqar-tempest-plugin
+      - openstack/zun-tempest-plugin
+- project:
+    check:
+      jobs:
+        - devstack-tempest:
+            files:
+              - ^playbooks/
+              - ^roles/
+              - ^.zuul.yaml$
+        - nova-multiattach
+        - tempest-full-queens:
+            irrelevant-files:
+              - ^(test-|)requirements.txt$
+              - ^.*\.rst$
+              - ^doc/.*$
+              - ^etc/.*$
+              - ^releasenotes/.*$
+              - ^setup.cfg$
+              - ^tempest/hacking/.*$
+              - ^tempest/tests/.*$
+        - tempest-full-queens-py3:
+            irrelevant-files:
+              - ^(test-|)requirements.txt$
+              - ^.*\.rst$
+              - ^doc/.*$
+              - ^etc/.*$
+              - ^releasenotes/.*$
+              - ^setup.cfg$
+              - ^tempest/hacking/.*$
+              - ^tempest/tests/.*$
+        - tempest-full-pike:
+            irrelevant-files:
+              - ^(test-|)requirements.txt$
+              - ^.*\.rst$
+              - ^doc/.*$
+              - ^etc/.*$
+              - ^releasenotes/.*$
+              - ^setup.cfg$
+              - ^tempest/hacking/.*$
+              - ^tempest/tests/.*$
+        - tempest-tox-plugin-sanity-check
+    gate:
+      jobs:
+        - nova-multiattach
+    periodic-stable:
+      jobs:
+        - tempest-full-queens
+        - tempest-full-queens-py3
+        - tempest-full-pike
diff --git a/HACKING.rst b/HACKING.rst
index e5f45ac..f961884 100644
--- a/HACKING.rst
+++ b/HACKING.rst
@@ -9,14 +9,14 @@
 - [T102] Cannot import OpenStack python clients in tempest/api &
-         tempest/scenario tests
+  tempest/scenario tests
 - [T104] Scenario tests require a services decorator
 - [T105] Tests cannot use setUpClass/tearDownClass
 - [T106] vim configuration should not be kept in source files.
 - [T107] Check that a service tag isn't in the module path
 - [T108] Check no hyphen at the end of rand_name() argument
 - [T109] Cannot use testtools.skip decorator; instead use
-         decorators.skip_because from tempest.lib
+  decorators.skip_because from tempest.lib
 - [T110] Check that service client names of GET should be consistent
 - [T111] Check that service client names of DELETE should be consistent
 - [T112] Check that tempest.lib should not import local tempest code
@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@
 - [T114] Check that tempest.lib does not use tempest config
 - [T115] Check that admin tests should exist under admin path
 - [N322] Method's default argument shouldn't be mutable
+- [T116] Unsupported 'message' Exception attribute in PY3
 Test Data/Configuration
@@ -83,7 +84,7 @@
 It is recommended to use testtools `matcher`_ for the more tricky assertions.
 You can implement your own specific `matcher`_ as well.
-.. _matcher:
+.. _matcher:
 If the test case fails you can see the related logs and the information
 carried by the exception (exception class, backtrack and exception info).
@@ -102,10 +103,10 @@
 Service Tagging
 Service tagging is used to specify which services are exercised by a particular
-test method. You specify the services with the ````
+test method. You specify the services with the ````
 decorator. For example:
-@services('compute', 'image')'compute', 'image')
 Valid service tag names are the same as the list of directories in tempest.api
 that have tests.
@@ -120,32 +121,38 @@
 Test fixtures and resources
 Test level resources should be cleaned-up after the test execution. Clean-up
-is best scheduled using `addCleanup` which ensures that the resource cleanup
+is best scheduled using ``addCleanup`` which ensures that the resource cleanup
 code is always invoked, and in reverse order with respect to the creation
-Test class level resources should be defined in the `resource_setup` method of
-the test class, except for any credential obtained from the credentials
-provider, which should be set-up in the `setup_credentials` method.
+Test class level resources should be defined in the ``resource_setup`` method
+of the test class, except for any credential obtained from the credentials
+provider, which should be set-up in the ``setup_credentials`` method.
+Cleanup is best scheduled using ``addClassResourceCleanup`` which ensures that
+the cleanup code is always invoked, and in reverse order with respect to the
+creation order.
-The test base class `BaseTestCase` defines Tempest framework for class level
-fixtures. `setUpClass` and `tearDownClass` are defined here and cannot be
+In both cases - test level and class level cleanups - a wait loop should be
+scheduled before the actual delete of resources with an asynchronous delete.
+The test base class ``BaseTestCase`` defines Tempest framework for class level
+fixtures. ``setUpClass`` and ``tearDownClass`` are defined here and cannot be
 overwritten by subclasses (enforced via hacking rule T105).
 Set-up is split in a series of steps (setup stages), which can be overwritten
 by test classes. Set-up stages are:
-- `skip_checks`
-- `setup_credentials`
-- `setup_clients`
-- `resource_setup`
+- ``skip_checks``
+- ``setup_credentials``
+- ``setup_clients``
+- ``resource_setup``
 Tear-down is also split in a series of steps (teardown stages), which are
 stacked for execution only if the corresponding setup stage had been
 reached during the setup phase. Tear-down stages are:
-- `clear_credentials` (defined in the base test class)
-- `resource_cleanup`
+- ``clear_credentials`` (defined in the base test class)
+- ``resource_cleanup``
 Skipping Tests
@@ -171,7 +178,7 @@
 All negative tests should be based on `API-WG guideline`_ . Such negative
 tests can block any changes from accurate failure code to invalid one.
-.. _API-WG guideline:
+.. _API-WG guideline:
 If facing some gray area which is not clarified on the above guideline, propose
 a new guideline to the API-WG. With a proposal to the API-WG we will be able to
@@ -357,10 +364,10 @@
 When adding tests for new features that were not in previous releases of the
 projects the new test has to be properly skipped with a feature flag. Whether
-this is just as simple as using the @test.requires_ext() decorator to check
-if the required extension (or discoverable optional API) is enabled or adding
-a new config option to the appropriate section. If there isn't a method of
-selecting the new **feature** from the config file then there won't be a
+this is just as simple as using the @utils.requires_ext() decorator to
+check if the required extension (or discoverable optional API) is enabled or
+adding a new config option to the appropriate section. If there isn't a method
+of selecting the new **feature** from the config file then there won't be a
 mechanism to disable the test with older stable releases and the new test won't
 be able to merge.
@@ -378,8 +385,8 @@
 Otherwise the bug fix won't be able to land in the project.
-Handily, `Zuul’s cross-repository dependencies
+Handily, `Zuul's cross-repository dependencies
 can be leveraged to do without step 2 and to have steps 3 and 4 happen
 "atomically". To do that, make the patch written in step 1 to depend (refer to
 Zuul's documentation above) on the patch written in step 4. The commit message
diff --git a/README.rst b/README.rst
index 2e13fec..f8059ae 100644
--- a/README.rst
+++ b/README.rst
@@ -2,8 +2,8 @@
 Team and repository tags
-.. image::
-    :target:
+.. image::
+    :target:
 .. Change things from this point on
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@
 #. You first need to install Tempest. This is done with pip after you check out
    the Tempest repo::
-    $ git clone
+    $ git clone
     $ pip install tempest/
    This can be done within a venv, but the assumption for this guide is that
@@ -133,7 +133,7 @@
 Release Versioning
-`Tempest Release Notes <>`_
+`Tempest Release Notes <>`_
 shows what changes have been released on each version.
 Tempest's released versions are broken into 2 sets of information. Depending on
@@ -183,16 +183,35 @@
 Tempest also has a set of unit tests which test the Tempest code itself. These
 tests can be run by specifying the test discovery path::
-    $ OS_TEST_PATH=./tempest/tests testr run --parallel
+    $ stestr --test-path ./tempest/tests run
-By setting OS_TEST_PATH to ./tempest/tests it specifies that test discover
-should only be run on the unit test directory. The default value of OS_TEST_PATH
-is OS_TEST_PATH=./tempest/test_discover which will only run test discover on the
+By setting ``--test-path`` option to ./tempest/tests it specifies that test discover
+should only be run on the unit test directory. The default value of ``test_path``
+is ``test_path=./tempest/test_discover`` which will only run test discover on the
 Tempest suite.
 Alternatively, there are the py27 and py35 tox jobs which will run the unit
 tests with the corresponding version of python.
+One common activity is to just run a single test, you can do this with tox
+simply by specifying to just run py27 or py35 tests against a single test::
+    $ tox -e py27 -- -n tempest.tests.test_microversions.TestMicroversionsTestsClass.test_config_version_none_23
+Or all tests in the file::
+    $ tox -e py27 -- -n tempest.tests.test_microversions
+You may also use regular expressions to run any matching tests::
+    $ tox -e py27 -- test_microversions
+Additionally, when running a single test, or test-file, the ``-n/--no-discover``
+argument is no longer required, however it may perform faster if included.
+For more information on these options and details about stestr, please see the
+`stestr documentation <>`_.
 Python 2.6
diff --git a/REVIEWING.rst b/REVIEWING.rst
index 7d28320..766d0c6 100644
--- a/REVIEWING.rst
+++ b/REVIEWING.rst
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 To start read the `OpenStack Common Review Checklist
 Ensuring code is executed
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
 If a new test is added that depends on a new config option (like a feature
 flag), the commit message must reference a change in DevStack or DevStack-Gate
 that enables the execution of this newly introduced test. This reference could
-either be a `Cross-Repository Dependency <
+either be a `Cross-Repository Dependency <
 manual/developers.html#cross-repository-dependencies>`_ or a simple link
 to a Gerrit review.
@@ -121,8 +121,8 @@
 When to approve
- * Every patch needs two +2s before being approved.
- * Its ok to hold off on an approval until a subject matter expert reviews it
- * If a patch has already been approved but requires a trivial rebase to merge,
-   you do not have to wait for a second +2, since the patch has already had
-   two +2s.
+* Every patch needs two +2s before being approved.
+* Its ok to hold off on an approval until a subject matter expert reviews it
+* If a patch has already been approved but requires a trivial rebase to merge,
+  you do not have to wait for a second +2, since the patch has already had
+  two +2s.
diff --git a/bindep.txt b/bindep.txt
index 8914ade..efd3a10 100644
--- a/bindep.txt
+++ b/bindep.txt
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 # This file contains runtime (non-python) dependencies
-# More info at:
+# More info at:
 libffi-dev [platform:dpkg]
 libffi-devel [platform:rpm]
diff --git a/doc/requirements.txt b/doc/requirements.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..597b54e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/requirements.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+# The order of packages is significant, because pip processes them in the order
+# of appearance. Changing the order has an impact on the overall integration
+# process, which may cause wedges in the gate later.
+openstackdocstheme>=1.18.1 # Apache-2.0
+reno>=2.5.0 # Apache-2.0
+sphinx!=1.6.6,>=1.6.2 # BSD
diff --git a/doc/source/_extra/.htaccess b/doc/source/_extra/.htaccess
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7745594
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/source/_extra/.htaccess
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+redirectmatch 301 ^/developer/tempest/(.*) /tempest/latest/$1
diff --git a/doc/source/ b/doc/source/
index 0cfdf34..c2ea628 100644
--- a/doc/source/
+++ b/doc/source/
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@
 # openstackdocstheme options
 repository_name = 'openstack/tempest'
 bug_project = 'tempest'
-bug_tag = ''
+bug_tag = 'doc'
 # Must set this variable to include year, month, day, hours, and minutes.
 html_last_updated_fmt = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M'
@@ -154,14 +154,13 @@
 # relative to this directory. They are copied after the builtin static files,
 # so a file named "default.css" will overwrite the builtin "default.css".
 html_static_path = ['_static']
+# Add any paths that contain "extra" files, such as .htaccess or
+# robots.txt.
+html_extra_path = ['_extra']
 # If not '', a 'Last updated on:' timestamp is inserted at every page bottom,
 # using the given strftime format.
-# If true, SmartyPants will be used to convert quotes and dashes to
-# typographically correct entities.
-html_use_smartypants = False
 # Custom sidebar templates, maps document names to template names.
 #html_sidebars = {}
diff --git a/doc/source/configuration.rst b/doc/source/configuration.rst
index 8f2865a..d0d7320 100644
--- a/doc/source/configuration.rst
+++ b/doc/source/configuration.rst
@@ -17,10 +17,10 @@
 Tempest allows for configuring a set of admin credentials in the ``auth``
 section, via the following parameters:
- #. ``admin_username``
- #. ``admin_password``
- #. ``admin_project_name``
- #. ``admin_domain_name``
+#. ``admin_username``
+#. ``admin_password``
+#. ``admin_project_name``
+#. ``admin_domain_name``
 Admin credentials are not mandatory to run Tempest, but when provided they
 can be used to:
@@ -47,9 +47,9 @@
 to provide it with information about how it communicates with keystone.
 This involves configuring the following options in the ``identity`` section:
- - ``auth_version``
- - ``uri``
- - ``uri_v3``
+- ``auth_version``
+- ``uri``
+- ``uri_v3``
 The ``auth_version`` option is used to tell Tempest whether it should be using
 Keystone's v2 or v3 api for communicating with Keystone. The two uri options are
@@ -74,12 +74,12 @@
 an admin user, and an alternate user. To enable and use dynamic credentials you
 only need to configure two things:
- #. A set of admin credentials with permissions to create users and
-    projects. This is specified in the ``auth`` section with the
-    ``admin_username``, ``admin_project_name``, ``admin_domain_name`` and
-    ``admin_password`` options
- #. To enable dynamic credentials in the ``auth`` section with the
-    ``use_dynamic_credentials`` option.
+#. A set of admin credentials with permissions to create users and
+   projects. This is specified in the ``auth`` section with the
+   ``admin_username``, ``admin_project_name``, ``admin_domain_name`` and
+   ``admin_password`` options
+#. To enable dynamic credentials in the ``auth`` section with the
+   ``use_dynamic_credentials`` option.
 This is also currently the default credential provider enabled by Tempest, due
 to its common use and ease of configuration.
@@ -115,21 +115,21 @@
 To enable and use locking test accounts you need do a few things:
- #. Create an accounts.yaml file which contains the set of pre-existing
-    credentials to use for testing. To make sure you don't have a credentials
-    starvation issue when running in parallel make sure you have at least two
-    times the number of worker processes you are using to execute Tempest
-    available in the file. (If running serially the worker count is 1.)
+#. Create an accounts.yaml file which contains the set of pre-existing
+   credentials to use for testing. To make sure you don't have a credentials
+   starvation issue when running in parallel make sure you have at least two
+   times the number of worker processes you are using to execute Tempest
+   available in the file. (If running serially the worker count is 1.)
-    You can check the accounts.yaml.sample file packaged in Tempest for the yaml
-    format.
- #. Provide Tempest with the location of your accounts.yaml file with the
-    ``test_accounts_file`` option in the ``auth`` section
+   You can check the accounts.yaml.sample file packaged in Tempest for the yaml
+   format.
+#. Provide Tempest with the location of your accounts.yaml file with the
+   ``test_accounts_file`` option in the ``auth`` section
-    *NOTE: Be sure to use a full path for the file; otherwise Tempest will
-    likely not find it.*
+   *NOTE: Be sure to use a full path for the file; otherwise Tempest will
+   likely not find it.*
- #. Set ``use_dynamic_credentials = False`` in the ``auth`` group
+#. Set ``use_dynamic_credentials = False`` in the ``auth`` group
 It is worth pointing out that each set of credentials in the accounts.yaml
 should have a unique project. This is required to provide proper isolation
@@ -162,8 +162,8 @@
 can use to boot the servers with. There are two options in the Tempest config
 for doing this:
- #. ``flavor_ref``
- #. ``flavor_ref_alt``
+#. ``flavor_ref``
+#. ``flavor_ref_alt``
 Both of these options are in the ``compute`` section of the config file and take
 in the flavor id (not the name) from Nova. The ``flavor_ref`` option is what
@@ -181,8 +181,8 @@
 Just like with flavors, Tempest needs to know which images to use for booting
 servers. There are two options in the compute section just like with flavors:
- #. ``image_ref``
- #. ``image_ref_alt``
+#. ``image_ref``
+#. ``image_ref_alt``
 Both options are expecting an image id (not name) from Nova. The ``image_ref``
 option is what will be used for booting the majority of servers in Tempest.
@@ -192,13 +192,13 @@
 There are also options in the ``scenario`` section for images:
- #. ``img_file``
- #. ``img_dir``
- #. ``aki_img_file``
- #. ``ari_img_file``
- #. ``ami_img_file``
- #. ``img_container_format``
- #. ``img_disk_format``
+#. ``img_file``
+#. ``img_dir``
+#. ``aki_img_file``
+#. ``ari_img_file``
+#. ``ami_img_file``
+#. ``img_container_format``
+#. ``img_disk_format``
 However, unlike the other image options, these are used for a very small subset
 of scenario tests which are uploading an image. These options are used to tell
@@ -261,7 +261,7 @@
 To set a fixed network name simply:
- #. Set the ``fixed_network_name`` option in the ``compute`` group
+#. Set the ``fixed_network_name`` option in the ``compute`` group
 In the case that the configured fixed network name can not be found by a user
 network list call, it will be treated like one was not provided except that a
@@ -329,9 +329,9 @@
 To enable remote access to servers, there are 3 options at a minimum that are used:
- #. ``run_validation``
- #. ``connect_method``
- #. ``auth_method``
+#. ``run_validation``
+#. ``connect_method``
+#. ``auth_method``
 The ``run_validation`` is used to enable or disable ssh connectivity for
 all tests (with the exception of scenario tests which do not have a flag for
@@ -370,9 +370,9 @@
 service catalog. There are three options for each service section to accomplish
- #. ``catalog_type``
- #. ``endpoint_type``
- #. ``region``
+#. ``catalog_type``
+#. ``endpoint_type``
+#. ``region``
 Setting ``catalog_type`` and ``endpoint_type`` should normally give Tempest
 enough information to determine which endpoint it should pull from the service
@@ -400,7 +400,7 @@
     * Good - ````
-    * Wouldn’t work -  ````
+    * Wouldn't work -  ````
       (adding prefix/suffix around version etc)
 Service Feature Configuration
diff --git a/data/tempest-plugins-registry.header b/doc/source/data/tempest-plugins-registry.header
similarity index 100%
rename from data/tempest-plugins-registry.header
rename to doc/source/data/tempest-plugins-registry.header
diff --git a/doc/source/library.rst b/doc/source/library.rst
index a461a0f..14415ae 100644
--- a/doc/source/library.rst
+++ b/doc/source/library.rst
@@ -44,9 +44,9 @@
 existing interfaces we have to be careful to make sure we don't break any
 external consumers. Some common red flags are:
- * a change to an existing API requires a change outside the library directory
-   where the interface is being consumed
- * a unit test has to be significantly changed to make the proposed change pass
+* a change to an existing API requires a change outside the library directory
+  where the interface is being consumed
+* a unit test has to be significantly changed to make the proposed change pass
@@ -69,3 +69,4 @@
+   library/validation_resources
diff --git a/doc/source/library/credential_providers.rst b/doc/source/library/credential_providers.rst
index 7e831cc..d25f85c 100644
--- a/doc/source/library/credential_providers.rst
+++ b/doc/source/library/credential_providers.rst
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
 These library interfaces are used to deal with allocating credentials on demand
 either dynamically by calling keystone to allocate new credentials, or from
 a list of preprovisioned credentials. These 2 modules are implementations of
-the same abstract credential providers class and can be used interchangably.
+the same abstract credential providers class and can be used interchangeably.
 However, each implementation has some additional parameters that are used to
 influence the behavior of the modules. The API reference at the bottom of this
 doc shows the interface definitions for both modules, however that may be a bit
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@
               create_networks=(CONF.auth.create_isolated_networks and not
-              resource_prefix=CONF.resources_prefix,
+              resource_prefix='tempest',
@@ -130,19 +130,18 @@
   # role
-API Reference
+API Reference
 The dynamic credentials module
 .. automodule:: tempest.lib.common.dynamic_creds
 The pre-provisioned credentials module
 .. automodule:: tempest.lib.common.preprov_creds
diff --git a/doc/source/library/validation_resources.rst b/doc/source/library/validation_resources.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9b36476
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/source/library/validation_resources.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+.. _validation_resources:
+Validation Resources
+The validation_resources module
+.. automodule:: tempest.lib.common.validation_resources
+   :members:
diff --git a/doc/source/microversion_testing.rst b/doc/source/microversion_testing.rst
index d80081d..942f969 100644
--- a/doc/source/microversion_testing.rst
+++ b/doc/source/microversion_testing.rst
@@ -33,46 +33,46 @@
 Tempest will cover only integration testing of applicable microversions with
 below exceptions:
-  #. Test covers a feature which is important for interoperability. This covers tests requirement
-     from Defcore.
-  #. Test needed to fill Schema gaps.
-     Tempest validates API responses with defined JSON schema. API responses can be different on
-     each microversion and the JSON schemas need to be defined separately for the microversion.
-     While implementing new integration tests for a specific microversion, there
-     may be a gap in the JSON schemas (caused by previous microversions) implemented
-     in Tempest.
-     Filling that gap while implementing the new integration test cases is not efficient due to
-     many reasons:
+#. Test covers a feature which is important for interoperability. This covers tests requirement
+   from Defcore.
+#. Test needed to fill Schema gaps.
+   Tempest validates API responses with defined JSON schema. API responses can be different on
+   each microversion and the JSON schemas need to be defined separately for the microversion.
+   While implementing new integration tests for a specific microversion, there
+   may be a gap in the JSON schemas (caused by previous microversions) implemented
+   in Tempest.
+   Filling that gap while implementing the new integration test cases is not efficient due to
+   many reasons:
-     * Hard to review
-     * Sync between multiple integration tests patches which try to fill the same schema gap at same
-       time
-     * Might delay the microversion change on project side where project team wants Tempest
-       tests to verify the results.
+   * Hard to review
+   * Sync between multiple integration tests patches which try to fill the same schema gap at same
+     time
+   * Might delay the microversion change on project side where project team wants Tempest
+     tests to verify the results.
-     Tempest will allow to fill the schema gaps at the end of each cycle, or more
-     often if required.
-     Schema gap can be filled with testing those with a minimal set of tests. Those
-     tests might not be integration tests and might be already covered on project
-     side also.
-     This exception is needed because:
+   Tempest will allow to fill the schema gaps at the end of each cycle, or more
+   often if required.
+   Schema gap can be filled with testing those with a minimal set of tests. Those
+   tests might not be integration tests and might be already covered on project
+   side also.
+   This exception is needed because:
-     * Allow to create microversion response schema in Tempest at the same time that projects are
-       implementing their API microversions. This will make implementation easier for adding
-       required tests before a new microversion change can be merged in the corresponding project
-       and hence accelerate the development of microversions.
-     * New schema must be verified by at least one test case which exercises such schema.
+   * Allow to create microversion response schema in Tempest at the same time that projects are
+     implementing their API microversions. This will make implementation easier for adding
+     required tests before a new microversion change can be merged in the corresponding project
+     and hence accelerate the development of microversions.
+   * New schema must be verified by at least one test case which exercises such schema.
-     For example:
-        If any projects implemented 4 API microversion say- v2.3, v2.4, v2.5, v2.6
-        Assume microversion v2.3, v2.4, v2.6 change the API Response which means Tempest
-        needs to add JSON schema for v2.3, v2.4, v2.6.
-        In that case if only 1 or 2 tests can verify all new schemas then we do not need
-        separate tests for each new schemas. In worst case, we have to add 3 separate tests.
-  #. Test covers service behavior at large scale with involvement of more deep layer like hypervisor
-     etc not just API/DB layer. This type of tests will be added case by case basis and
-     with project team consultation about why it cannot be covered on project side and worth to test
-     in Tempest.
+   For example:
+      If any projects implemented 4 API microversion say- v2.3, v2.4, v2.5, v2.6
+      Assume microversion v2.3, v2.4, v2.6 change the API Response which means Tempest
+      needs to add JSON schema for v2.3, v2.4, v2.6.
+      In that case if only 1 or 2 tests can verify all new schemas then we do not need
+      separate tests for each new schemas. In worst case, we have to add 3 separate tests.
+#. Test covers service behavior at large scale with involvement of more deep layer like hypervisor
+   etc not just API/DB layer. This type of tests will be added case by case basis and
+   with project team consultation about why it cannot be covered on project side and worth to test
+   in Tempest.
 Project Scope For Microversion Testing
@@ -294,48 +294,88 @@
 * Compute
- * `2.1`_
+  * `2.1`_
- .. _2.1:
+  .. _2.1:
- * `2.2`_
+  * `2.2`_
- .. _2.2:
+  .. _2.2:
- * `2.10`_
+  * `2.6`_
- .. _2.10:
+  .. _2.6:
- * `2.20`_
+  * `2.10`_
- .. _2.20:
+  .. _2.10:
- * `2.25`_
+  * `2.20`_
- .. _2.25:
+  .. _2.20:
- * `2.32`_
+  * `2.21`_
- .. _2.32:
+  .. _2.21:
- * `2.37`_
+  * `2.25`_
- .. _2.37:
+  .. _2.25:
- * `2.42`_
+  * `2.32`_
- .. _2.42:
+  .. _2.32:
- * `2.47`_
+  * `2.37`_
- .. _2.47:
+  .. _2.37:
- * `2.48`_
+  * `2.42`_
- .. _2.48:
+  .. _2.42:
+  * `2.47`_
+  .. _2.47:
+  * `2.48`_
+  .. _2.48:
+  * `2.60`_
+  .. _2.60:
 * Volume
- * `3.3`_
+  * `3.3`_
- .. _3.3:
+  .. _3.3:
+  * `3.9`_
+  .. _3.9:
+  * `3.11`_
+  .. _3.11:
+  * `3.12`_
+  .. _3.12:
+  * `3.13`_
+  .. _3.13:
+  * `3.14`_
+  .. _3.14:
+  * `3.19`_
+  .. _3.19:
+  * `3.20`_
+  .. _3.20:
diff --git a/doc/source/plugin.rst b/doc/source/plugin.rst
index b3af92f..6f6621d 100644
--- a/doc/source/plugin.rst
+++ b/doc/source/plugin.rst
@@ -28,6 +28,9 @@
 * tempest.lib.*
 * tempest.config
 * tempest.test_discover.plugins
+* tempest.common.credentials_factory
+* tempest.clients
+* tempest.test
 If there is an interface from tempest that you need to rely on in your plugin
 which is not listed above, it likely needs to be migrated to tempest.lib. In
@@ -129,7 +132,7 @@
 Plugin Structure
-While there are no hard and fast rules for the structure a plugin, there are
+While there are no hard and fast rules for the structure of a plugin, there are
 basically no constraints on what the plugin looks like as long as the 2 steps
 above are done. However,  there are some recommended patterns to follow to make
 it easy for people to contribute and work with your plugin. For example, if you
diff --git a/doc/source/test_removal.rst b/doc/source/test_removal.rst
index 07c3046..ddae6e2 100644
--- a/doc/source/test_removal.rst
+++ b/doc/source/test_removal.rst
@@ -29,19 +29,19 @@
 In the proposal etherpad we'll be looking for answers to 3 questions
- #. The tests proposed for removal must have equiv. coverage in a different
-    project's test suite (whether this is another gating test project, or an in
-    tree functional test suite). For API tests preferably the other project will
-    have a similar source of friction in place to prevent breaking api changes
-    so that we don't regress and let breaking api changes slip through the
-    gate.
- #. The test proposed for removal has a failure rate <  0.50% in the gate over
-    the past release (the value and interval will likely be adjusted in the
-    future)
+#. The tests proposed for removal must have equiv. coverage in a different
+   project's test suite (whether this is another gating test project, or an in
+   tree functional test suite). For API tests preferably the other project will
+   have a similar source of friction in place to prevent breaking api changes
+   so that we don't regress and let breaking api changes slip through the
+   gate.
+#. The test proposed for removal has a failure rate <  0.50% in the gate over
+   the past release (the value and interval will likely be adjusted in the
+   future)
-    .. _`prong #3`:
- #. There must not be an external user/consumer of tempest
-    that depends on the test proposed for removal
+   .. _`prong #3`:
+#. There must not be an external user/consumer of tempest
+   that depends on the test proposed for removal
 The answers to 1 and 2 are easy to verify. For 1 just provide a link to the new
 test location. If you are linking to the tempest removal patch please also put
@@ -62,29 +62,34 @@
 The Old Way using subunit2sql directly
-SELECT * from tests where test_id like "%test_id%";
-(where $test_id is the full test_id, but truncated to the class because of
-setUpClass or tearDownClass failures)
+``SELECT * from tests where test_id like "%test_id%";``
+(where ``$test_id`` is the full test_id, but truncated to the class because of
+``setUpClass`` or ``tearDownClass`` failures)
 You can access the infra mysql subunit2sql db w/ read-only permissions with:
- * hostname:
- * username: query
- * password: query
- * db_name: subunit2sql
+* hostname:
+* username: query
+* password: query
+* db_name: subunit2sql
 For example if you were trying to remove the test with the id:
 you would run the following:
- #. run: "mysql -u query -p -h subunit2sql" to connect
-    to the subunit2sql db
- #. run the query: MySQL [subunit2sql]> select * from tests where test_id like
-    "tempest.api.compute.admin.test_flavors_negative.FlavorsAdminNegativeTestJSON%";
-    which will return a table of all the tests in the class (but it will also
-    catch failures in setUpClass and tearDownClass)
- #. paste the output table with numbers and the mysql command you ran to
-    generate it into the etherpad.
+#. run the command: ``mysql -u query -p -h subunit2sql``
+   to connect to the subunit2sql db
+#. run the query:
+   .. code-block:: console
+       MySQL [subunit2sql]> select * from tests where test_id like \
+       "tempest.api.compute.admin.test_flavors_negative.FlavorsAdminNegativeTestJSON%";
+   which will return a table of all the tests in the class (but it will also
+   catch failures in ``setUpClass`` and ``tearDownClass``)
+#. paste the output table with numbers and the mysql command you ran to
+   generate it into the etherpad.
 Eventually a cli interface will be created to make that a bit more friendly.
 Also a dashboard is in the works so we don't need to manually run the command.
@@ -131,23 +136,23 @@
 For the most part all tempest test removals have to go through this procedure
 there are a couple of exceptions though:
- #. The class of testing has been decided to be outside the scope of tempest.
- #. A revert for a patch which added a broken test, or testing which didn't
-    actually run in the gate (basically any revert for something which
-    shouldn't have been added)
- #. Tests that would become out of scope as a consequence of an API change,
-    as described in `API Compatibility`_.
-    Such tests cannot live in Tempest because of the branchless nature of
-    Tempest. Such test must still honor `prong #3`_.
+#. The class of testing has been decided to be outside the scope of tempest.
+#. A revert for a patch which added a broken test, or testing which didn't
+   actually run in the gate (basically any revert for something which
+   shouldn't have been added)
+#. Tests that would become out of scope as a consequence of an API change,
+   as described in `API Compatibility`_.
+   Such tests cannot live in Tempest because of the branchless nature of
+   Tempest. Such test must still honor `prong #3`_.
 For the first exception type the only types of testing in tree which have been
 declared out of scope at this point are:
- * The CLI tests (which should be completely removed at this point)
- * Neutron Adv. Services testing (which should be completely removed at this
-   point)
- * XML API Tests (which should be completely removed at this point)
- * EC2 API/boto tests (which should be completely removed at this point)
+* The CLI tests (which should be completely removed at this point)
+* Neutron Adv. Services testing (which should be completely removed at this
+  point)
+* XML API Tests (which should be completely removed at this point)
+* EC2 API/boto tests (which should be completely removed at this point)
 For tests that fit into this category the only criteria for removal is that
 there is equivalent testing elsewhere.
@@ -159,12 +164,12 @@
 are defined as in scope for direct testing in tempest. As of today that list
- * Keystone
- * Nova
- * Glance
- * Cinder
- * Neutron
- * Swift
+* Keystone
+* Nova
+* Glance
+* Cinder
+* Neutron
+* Swift
 anything that lives in tempest which doesn't test one of these projects can be
 removed assuming there is equivalent testing elsewhere. Preferably using the
diff --git a/doc/source/write_tests.rst b/doc/source/write_tests.rst
index aec55e9..fff2405 100644
--- a/doc/source/write_tests.rst
+++ b/doc/source/write_tests.rst
@@ -36,12 +36,12 @@
 In standard unittest the lifecycle of a TestCase can be described in the
 following phases:
- #. setUpClass
- #. setUp
- #. Test Execution
- #. tearDown
- #. doCleanups
- #. tearDownClass
+#. setUpClass
+#. setUp
+#. Test Execution
+#. tearDown
+#. doCleanups
+#. tearDownClass
@@ -54,15 +54,21 @@
 To accomplish this you do **not** define a setUpClass function, instead there
 are a number of predefined phases to setUpClass that are used. The phases are:
- * skip_checks
- * setup_credentials
- * setup_clients
- * resource_setup
+* skip_checks
+* setup_credentials
+* setup_clients
+* resource_setup
-which is executed in that order. An example of a TestCase which defines all
+which is executed in that order. Cleanup of resources provisioned during
+the resource_setup must be scheduled right after provisioning using
+the addClassResourceCleanup helper. The resource cleanups stacked this way
+are executed in reverse order during tearDownClass, before the cleanup of
+test credentials takes place. An example of a TestCase which defines all
 of these would be::
+  from tempest.common import waiters
   from tempest import config
+  from tempest.lib.common.utils import test_utils
   from tempest import test
   CONF = config.CONF
@@ -111,6 +117,13 @@
         super(TestExampleCase, cls).resource_setup()
         cls.shared_server = cls.servers_client.create_server(...)
+        cls.addClassResourceCleanup(waiters.wait_for_server_termination,
+                                    cls.servers_client,
+                                    cls.shared_server['id'])
+        cls.addClassResourceCleanup(
+            test_utils.call_and_ignore_notfound_exc(
+                cls.servers_client.delete_server,
+                cls.shared_server['id']))
 .. _credentials:
diff --git a/playbooks/devstack-tempest.yaml b/playbooks/devstack-tempest.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a684984
--- /dev/null
+++ b/playbooks/devstack-tempest.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+# Changes that run through devstack-tempest are likely to have an impact on
+# the devstack part of the job, so we keep devstack in the main play to
+# avoid zuul retrying on legitimate failures.
+- hosts: all
+  roles:
+    - run-devstack
+# We run tests only on one node, regardless how many nodes are in the system
+- hosts: tempest
+  roles:
+    - setup-tempest-run-dir
+    - setup-tempest-data-dir
+    - acl-devstack-files
+    - run-tempest
diff --git a/playbooks/post-tempest.yaml b/playbooks/post-tempest.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4dde2c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/playbooks/post-tempest.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+- hosts: all
+  become: true
+  roles:
+    - role: fetch-subunit-output
+      zuul_work_dir: '{{ devstack_base_dir }}/tempest'
+    - role: process-stackviz
diff --git a/releasenotes/notes/12/12.2.0-service_client_config-8a1d7b4de769c633.yaml b/releasenotes/notes/12/12.2.0-service_client_config-8a1d7b4de769c633.yaml
index 3e43f9a..985acb0 100644
--- a/releasenotes/notes/12/12.2.0-service_client_config-8a1d7b4de769c633.yaml
+++ b/releasenotes/notes/12/12.2.0-service_client_config-8a1d7b4de769c633.yaml
@@ -3,4 +3,4 @@
   - A new helper method `service_client_config` has been added
     to the stable module that returns extracts from
     configuration into a dictionary the configuration settings
-    relevant for the initisialisation of a service client.
+    relevant for the initialization of a service client.
diff --git a/releasenotes/notes/16/16.0.0-add-content-type-without-spaces-b2c9b91b257814f3.yaml b/releasenotes/notes/16/16.0.0-add-content-type-without-spaces-b2c9b91b257814f3.yaml
index 0075a36..fc061bc 100644
--- a/releasenotes/notes/16/16.0.0-add-content-type-without-spaces-b2c9b91b257814f3.yaml
+++ b/releasenotes/notes/16/16.0.0-add-content-type-without-spaces-b2c9b91b257814f3.yaml
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
   - The ``JSON_ENC`` and ``TXT_ENC`` option in the ``_error_checker``
     section have been added with additional content-type which are
-    defined in RFC7231 but missing in the currnt file.
+    defined in RFC7231 but missing in the current file.
     The lack of these additional content-type will cause defcore test
     to fail for OpenStack public cloud which uses tomcat module in the
     api gateway. The additions are ``application/json;charset=utf-8``,
diff --git a/releasenotes/notes/16/16.0.0-create-server-tags-client-8c0042a77e859af6.yaml b/releasenotes/notes/16/16.0.0-create-server-tags-client-8c0042a77e859af6.yaml
index 9927971..18ad5b9 100644
--- a/releasenotes/notes/16/16.0.0-create-server-tags-client-8c0042a77e859af6.yaml
+++ b/releasenotes/notes/16/16.0.0-create-server-tags-client-8c0042a77e859af6.yaml
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
   - |
     Add server tags APIs to the servers_client library.
-    This feature enables the possibility of upating, deleting
+    This feature enables the possibility of updating, deleting
     and checking existence of a tag on a server, as well
     as updating and deleting all tags on a server.
diff --git a/releasenotes/notes/16/16.0.0-deprecate-resources-prefix-option-ad490c0a30a0266b.yaml b/releasenotes/notes/16/16.0.0-deprecate-resources-prefix-option-ad490c0a30a0266b.yaml
index f679208..0b45d0d 100644
--- a/releasenotes/notes/16/16.0.0-deprecate-resources-prefix-option-ad490c0a30a0266b.yaml
+++ b/releasenotes/notes/16/16.0.0-deprecate-resources-prefix-option-ad490c0a30a0266b.yaml
@@ -6,5 +6,5 @@
   - The resources_prefix is marked as deprecated because it is
     enough to set 'tempest' as the prefix on rand_name() to
-    ideintify resources which are created by Tempest and no
+    identify resources which are created by Tempest and no
     projects set this option on OpenStack dev community.
diff --git a/releasenotes/notes/add-domain-param-in-cliclient-a270fcf35c8f09e6.yaml b/releasenotes/notes/add-domain-param-in-cliclient-a270fcf35c8f09e6.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..87a6af9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/releasenotes/notes/add-domain-param-in-cliclient-a270fcf35c8f09e6.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+  - |
+    Allow to specify new domain parameters:
+    * `user_domain_name`
+    * `user_domain_id`
+    * `project_domain_name`
+    * `project_domain_id`
+    for CLIClient class, whose values will be substituted to
+    ``--os-user-domain-name``, ``--os-user-domain-id``,
+    ``--os-project-domain-name`` and ``--os-project-domain-id`` respectively
+    during command execution.
+    This allows to prevent possible test failures with authentication in
+    Keystone v3. Bug: #1719687
diff --git a/releasenotes/notes/add-group-type-specs-apis-to-v3-group-types-client-10390b52dedede54.yaml b/releasenotes/notes/add-group-type-specs-apis-to-v3-group-types-client-10390b52dedede54.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..404319d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/releasenotes/notes/add-group-type-specs-apis-to-v3-group-types-client-10390b52dedede54.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+  - |
+    Add group type specs APIs to v3 group_types_client library.
+    * create_or_update_group_type_specs
+    * list_group_type_specs
+    * show_group_type_specs_item
+    * update_group_type_specs_item
+    * delete_group_type_specs_item
diff --git a/releasenotes/notes/add-ip-version-check-in-addresses-x491ac6d9abaxa12.yaml b/releasenotes/notes/add-ip-version-check-in-addresses-x491ac6d9abaxa12.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..957e903
--- /dev/null
+++ b/releasenotes/notes/add-ip-version-check-in-addresses-x491ac6d9abaxa12.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+  Add more accurate ip version check in addresses schema which will
+  limit the ip version value in [4, 6].
diff --git a/releasenotes/notes/add-is-resource-deleted-sg-client-f4a7a7a54ff024d7.yaml b/releasenotes/notes/add-is-resource-deleted-sg-client-f4a7a7a54ff024d7.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e046326
--- /dev/null
+++ b/releasenotes/notes/add-is-resource-deleted-sg-client-f4a7a7a54ff024d7.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+  - |
+    Implement the `rest_client` method `is_resource_deleted` in the network
+    security group client.
diff --git a/releasenotes/notes/add-load-list-cmd-35a4a2e6ea0a36fd.yaml b/releasenotes/notes/add-load-list-cmd-35a4a2e6ea0a36fd.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..403bbad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/releasenotes/notes/add-load-list-cmd-35a4a2e6ea0a36fd.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+  - |
+    Adds a new cli option to tempest run, --load-list <list-file>
+    to specify target tests to run from a list-file. The list-file
+    supports the output format of the tempest run --list-tests
+    command.
diff --git a/releasenotes/notes/add-port-profile-config-option-2610b2fa67027960.yaml b/releasenotes/notes/add-port-profile-config-option-2610b2fa67027960.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b54ee8b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/releasenotes/notes/add-port-profile-config-option-2610b2fa67027960.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+prelude: >
+    When using OVS HW offload feature we need to create
+    Neutron port with a certain capability. This is done
+    by creating Neutron port with binding profile. To be
+    able to test this we need profile capability support
+    in Tempest as well.
+  - A new config option 'port_profile' is added to the section
+    'network' to specify capabilities of the port.
+    By default this is set to {}.
diff --git a/releasenotes/notes/add-reset-group-snapshot-status-api-to-v3-group-snapshots-client-248d41827daf2a0c.yaml b/releasenotes/notes/add-reset-group-snapshot-status-api-to-v3-group-snapshots-client-248d41827daf2a0c.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..76b395d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/releasenotes/notes/add-reset-group-snapshot-status-api-to-v3-group-snapshots-client-248d41827daf2a0c.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+  - |
+    Add reset group snapshot status API to v3 group_snapshots_client library,
+    min_microversion of this API is 3.19. This feature enables the possibility
+    to reset group snapshot status.
diff --git a/releasenotes/notes/add-reset-group-status-api-to-v3-groups-client-9aa048617c66756a.yaml b/releasenotes/notes/add-reset-group-status-api-to-v3-groups-client-9aa048617c66756a.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a39c23b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/releasenotes/notes/add-reset-group-status-api-to-v3-groups-client-9aa048617c66756a.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+  - |
+    Add reset group status API to v3 groups_client library, min_microversion
+    of this API is 3.20. This feature enables the possibility to reset group
+    status.
diff --git a/releasenotes/notes/add-return-value-to-retype-volume-a401aa619aaa2457.yaml b/releasenotes/notes/add-return-value-to-retype-volume-a401aa619aaa2457.yaml
index 4abfe9e..ca42014 100644
--- a/releasenotes/notes/add-return-value-to-retype-volume-a401aa619aaa2457.yaml
+++ b/releasenotes/notes/add-return-value-to-retype-volume-a401aa619aaa2457.yaml
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
-  Add a missing return statement to the retype_volume API in the v2 volumes_client library.
-  This changes the response body from None to an empty dictionary.
+  - |
+    Add a missing return statement to the retype_volume API in the v2
+    volumes_client library: Bug#1703997
+    This changes the response body from None to an empty dictionary.
diff --git a/releasenotes/notes/add-show-default-quotas-api-to-network-quotas-client-3a7c1159af9e56ff.yaml b/releasenotes/notes/add-show-default-quotas-api-to-network-quotas-client-3a7c1159af9e56ff.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6efe7e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/releasenotes/notes/add-show-default-quotas-api-to-network-quotas-client-3a7c1159af9e56ff.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+  - |
+    Add show default quotas API to network quotas_client library.
+    This feature enables the possibility to show default network quotas for
+    a specified project.
diff --git a/releasenotes/notes/add-show-encryption-specs-item-api-to-v2-encryption-types-client-290b421cd4bc0c0e.yaml b/releasenotes/notes/add-show-encryption-specs-item-api-to-v2-encryption-types-client-290b421cd4bc0c0e.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9e13afc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/releasenotes/notes/add-show-encryption-specs-item-api-to-v2-encryption-types-client-290b421cd4bc0c0e.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+  - |
+    Add show encryption specs item API to v2 encryption_types_client library.
+    This feature enables the possibility to show specific encryption specs for
+    a volume type.
diff --git a/releasenotes/notes/add-show-quota-details-api-to-network-quotas-client-3fffd302cc5d335f.yaml b/releasenotes/notes/add-show-quota-details-api-to-network-quotas-client-3fffd302cc5d335f.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..406e282
--- /dev/null
+++ b/releasenotes/notes/add-show-quota-details-api-to-network-quotas-client-3fffd302cc5d335f.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+  - |
+    Add extension API show quota details to network quotas_client library.
+    This feature enables the possibility to show a quota set for a specified
+    project that includes the quota’s used, limit and reserved counts for per
+    resource
diff --git a/releasenotes/notes/add-support-args-kwargs-in-call-until-true-a91k592h5a64exf7.yaml b/releasenotes/notes/add-support-args-kwargs-in-call-until-true-a91k592h5a64exf7.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9c30a0c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/releasenotes/notes/add-support-args-kwargs-in-call-until-true-a91k592h5a64exf7.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+  - Add support of args and kwargs when calling func in call_until_true,
+    also to log the cost time when call_until_true returns True or False
+    for debugging.
diff --git a/releasenotes/notes/add-update-api-to-group-types-client-09c06ccdf80d5003.yaml b/releasenotes/notes/add-update-api-to-group-types-client-09c06ccdf80d5003.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..14458d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/releasenotes/notes/add-update-api-to-group-types-client-09c06ccdf80d5003.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+  - |
+    Add update group types API to v3 ``group_types_client`` library;
+    min_microversion of this API is 3.11.
diff --git a/releasenotes/notes/add-update-group-tempest-tests-72f8ec19b2809849.yaml b/releasenotes/notes/add-update-group-tempest-tests-72f8ec19b2809849.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..23c30af
--- /dev/null
+++ b/releasenotes/notes/add-update-group-tempest-tests-72f8ec19b2809849.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+  - |
+    Add update_group to groups_client in the volume service library.
diff --git a/releasenotes/notes/add-validation-resources-to-lib-dc2600c4324ca4d7.yaml b/releasenotes/notes/add-validation-resources-to-lib-dc2600c4324ca4d7.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7814f4e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/releasenotes/notes/add-validation-resources-to-lib-dc2600c4324ca4d7.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+  - |
+    Add the `validation_resources` module to tempest.lib. The module provides
+    a set of helpers that can be used to provision and cleanup all the
+    resources required to perform ping / ssh tests against a virtual machine:
+    a keypair, a security group with targeted rules and a floating IP.
diff --git a/releasenotes/notes/add_proxy_url_get_credentials-aef66b085450513f.yaml b/releasenotes/notes/add_proxy_url_get_credentials-aef66b085450513f.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..94ab462
--- /dev/null
+++ b/releasenotes/notes/add_proxy_url_get_credentials-aef66b085450513f.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+  - |
+    Add the proxy_url optional parameter to the get_credentials method in
+    tempest/lib/ so that that helper can be used when going through
+    and HTTP proxy.
diff --git a/releasenotes/notes/cli-tests-v3fixes-fb38189cefd64213.yaml b/releasenotes/notes/cli-tests-v3fixes-fb38189cefd64213.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e3443c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/releasenotes/notes/cli-tests-v3fixes-fb38189cefd64213.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+  - |
+    The CLIClient class, when it calls a command line client, uses
+    --os-project-name instead of --os-tenant-name for the project, and
+    passes --os-identity-api-version (default empty).
+    All CLI clients still available in supported releases of OpenStack
+    which are wrapped by the cmd_with_auth() method support those
+    switches.
diff --git a/releasenotes/notes/compare-header-version-func-de5139b2161b3627.yaml b/releasenotes/notes/compare-header-version-func-de5139b2161b3627.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cc6c51b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/releasenotes/notes/compare-header-version-func-de5139b2161b3627.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+  - |
+    Add a new function called ``compare_version_header_to_response`` to
+    ``tempest.lib.common.api_version_utils``, which compares the API
+    microversion in the response header to another microversion using the
+    comparators defined in
+    ``tempest.lib.common.api_version_request.APIVersionRequest``.
+    It is now possible to determine how to retrieve an attribute from a
+    response body of an API call, depending on the returned microversion.
+    Add a new exception type called ``InvalidParam`` to
+    ``tempest.lib.exceptions``, allowing the possibility of raising an
+    exception if an invalid parameter is passed to a library function.
diff --git a/releasenotes/notes/config-volume-multiattach-ea8138dfa4fd308c.yaml b/releasenotes/notes/config-volume-multiattach-ea8138dfa4fd308c.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8d53dda
--- /dev/null
+++ b/releasenotes/notes/config-volume-multiattach-ea8138dfa4fd308c.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+  - |
+    A new configuration option ``[compute-feature-enabled]/volume_multiattach``
+    has been added which defaults to False. Set this to True to enable volume
+    multiattach testing. These tests require that compute API version 2.60 is
+    available and block storage API version 3.44 is available.
+    .. note:: In the Queens release, the only compute driver that supports
+      volume multiattach is the libvirt driver, and only then when qemu<2.10
+      or libvirt>=3.10. The only volume backend in Queens that supports volume
+      multiattach is lvm.
diff --git a/releasenotes/notes/create-mount-config-drive-to-lib-1a6e912b8afbcc7e.yaml b/releasenotes/notes/create-mount-config-drive-to-lib-1a6e912b8afbcc7e.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f92cd78
--- /dev/null
+++ b/releasenotes/notes/create-mount-config-drive-to-lib-1a6e912b8afbcc7e.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+  - A function has been added to the common library to allow mounting and
+    unmounting of the config drive consistently.
diff --git a/releasenotes/notes/credentials-factory-stable-c8037bd9ae642482.yaml b/releasenotes/notes/credentials-factory-stable-c8037bd9ae642482.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6faa536
--- /dev/null
+++ b/releasenotes/notes/credentials-factory-stable-c8037bd9ae642482.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+  - |
+    The module is now marked as stable for Tempest
+    plugins. It provides helpers that can be used by Tempest plugins to
+    obtain test credentials for their test cases in a format that honors the
+    Tempest configuration in use.
+    Credentials may be provisioned on the fly during the test run, or they
+    can be setup in advance and fed to test via a YAML file; they can be
+    setup for identity v2 or identity v3.
diff --git a/releasenotes/notes/disable-identity-v2-testing-4ef1565d1a5aedcf.yaml b/releasenotes/notes/disable-identity-v2-testing-4ef1565d1a5aedcf.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e5d4ab7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/releasenotes/notes/disable-identity-v2-testing-4ef1565d1a5aedcf.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+  - |
+    As of the Queens release, tempest no longer tests the identity v2.0 API
+    because the majority of the v2.0 API have been removed from the identity
+    project. Once the Queens release reaches end-of-life, we can remove the
+    v2.0 tempest tests and clean up v2.0 testing cruft.
diff --git a/releasenotes/notes/drop-DEFAULT_PARAMS-bfcc2e7b74ef880b.yaml b/releasenotes/notes/drop-DEFAULT_PARAMS-bfcc2e7b74ef880b.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c9a49a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/releasenotes/notes/drop-DEFAULT_PARAMS-bfcc2e7b74ef880b.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+  - |
+    Replace any call in your code to credentials_factory.DEFAULT_PARAMS with
+    a call to config.service_client_config().
+  - |
+    The credentials_factory module used to load configuration at import time
+    which caused configuration being loaded at test discovery time.
+    This was fixed by removing the DEFAULT_PARAMS variable. This variable
+    was redundant (and outdated), the same dictionary (but up to date) can
+    be obtained via invoking config.service_client_config() with no service
+    parameter.
diff --git a/releasenotes/notes/fix-list-group-snapshots-api-969d9321002c566c.yaml b/releasenotes/notes/fix-list-group-snapshots-api-969d9321002c566c.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a002fb8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/releasenotes/notes/fix-list-group-snapshots-api-969d9321002c566c.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+  - |
+    Fix list_group_snapshots API in v3 group_snapshots_client: Bug#1715786.
+    The url path for list group snapshots with details API is changed from
+    ``?detail=True`` to ``/detail``.
diff --git a/releasenotes/notes/fix-remoteclient-default-ssh-shell-prologue-33e99343d086f601.yaml b/releasenotes/notes/fix-remoteclient-default-ssh-shell-prologue-33e99343d086f601.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5063fd5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/releasenotes/notes/fix-remoteclient-default-ssh-shell-prologue-33e99343d086f601.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+  - |
+    Fix RemoteClient default ssh_shell_prologue: Bug#1707478
+    The default ssh_shell_proloque has been modified from
+    specifying erroneous PATH=$$PATH:/sbin to PATH=$PATH:/sbin.
diff --git a/releasenotes/notes/http_proxy_config-cb39b55520e84db5.yaml b/releasenotes/notes/http_proxy_config-cb39b55520e84db5.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..56969de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/releasenotes/notes/http_proxy_config-cb39b55520e84db5.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+  - Adds a new config options, ``proxy_url``. This options is used to configure
+    running tempest through a proxy server.
+  - The RestClient class in tempest.lib.rest_client has a new kwarg parameters,
+    ``proxy_url``, that is used to set a proxy server.
+  - A new class was added to tempest.lib.http, ClosingProxyHttp. This behaves
+    identically to ClosingHttp except that it requires a proxy url and will
+    establish a connection through a proxy
diff --git a/releasenotes/notes/identity-tests-domain-drivers-76235f6672221e45.yaml b/releasenotes/notes/identity-tests-domain-drivers-76235f6672221e45.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7ed3081
--- /dev/null
+++ b/releasenotes/notes/identity-tests-domain-drivers-76235f6672221e45.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+  - |
+    A new boolean config option ``domain_specific_drivers``
+    is added to the section ``identity-feature-enabled``.
+    This option must be enabled when testing an environment that
+    is configured to use domain-specific identity drivers.
diff --git a/releasenotes/notes/intermediate-queens-release-2f9f305775fca454.yaml b/releasenotes/notes/intermediate-queens-release-2f9f305775fca454.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1493b0b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/releasenotes/notes/intermediate-queens-release-2f9f305775fca454.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+prelude: >
+    This is an intermediate release during the Queens development cycle to
+    make new functionality available to plugins and other consumers.
diff --git a/releasenotes/notes/list-auth-domains-v3-endpoint-9ec60c7d3011c397.yaml b/releasenotes/notes/list-auth-domains-v3-endpoint-9ec60c7d3011c397.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0f104cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/releasenotes/notes/list-auth-domains-v3-endpoint-9ec60c7d3011c397.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+  - |
+    Add ``list_auth_domains`` API endpoint to the identity v3 client. This
+    allows the possibility of listing all domains a user has access to
+    via role assignments.
diff --git a/releasenotes/notes/make-object-storage-client-as-stable-interface-d1b07c7e8f17bef6.yaml b/releasenotes/notes/make-object-storage-client-as-stable-interface-d1b07c7e8f17bef6.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2bba952
--- /dev/null
+++ b/releasenotes/notes/make-object-storage-client-as-stable-interface-d1b07c7e8f17bef6.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+  - |
+    Define below object storage service clients as libraries.
+    Add new service clients to the library interface so the
+    other projects can use these modules as stable libraries
+    without any maintenance changes.
+      * account_client
+      * container_client
+      * object_client
diff --git a/releasenotes/notes/raise-exception-when-error-deleting-on-volume-18d0d0c5886212dd.yaml b/releasenotes/notes/raise-exception-when-error-deleting-on-volume-18d0d0c5886212dd.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..194dbc1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/releasenotes/notes/raise-exception-when-error-deleting-on-volume-18d0d0c5886212dd.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+  - |
+    Tempest checks a volume delete by waiting for NotFound(404) on
+    show_volume(). Sometime a volume delete fails and the volume status
+    becomes error_deleting which means the delete is failed.
+    So Tempest doesn't need to wait anymore. A new release of Tempest
+    raises an exception DeleteErrorException instead of waiting.
diff --git a/releasenotes/notes/removal-deprecated-config-options-3db535b979fe3509.yaml b/releasenotes/notes/removal-deprecated-config-options-3db535b979fe3509.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e15d387
--- /dev/null
+++ b/releasenotes/notes/removal-deprecated-config-options-3db535b979fe3509.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+  - |
+    Below config options or feature flags were deprecated for removal.
+    It's time to remove them as all supported stable branches are
+    good to handle them.
+    * ``[identity-feature-enabled].forbid_global_implied_dsr``
+    * ``[image-feature-enabled].deactivate_image``
+    * ``[default].resources_prefix``
+    * config group ``orchestration``
+    * ``[service_available].heat``
diff --git a/releasenotes/notes/remove-deprecated-apis-from-v2-volumes-client-3ca4a5db5fea518f.yaml b/releasenotes/notes/remove-deprecated-apis-from-v2-volumes-client-3ca4a5db5fea518f.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c75da2e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/releasenotes/notes/remove-deprecated-apis-from-v2-volumes-client-3ca4a5db5fea518f.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+  - |
+    Remove deprecated APIs from volume v2 volumes_client, and the deprecated
+    APIs are re-realized in volume v2 transfers_client.
+    * create_volume_transfer
+    * show_volume_transfer
+    * list_volume_transfers
+    * delete_volume_transfer
+    * accept_volume_transfer
diff --git a/releasenotes/notes/remove-deprecated-skip-decorators-f8b42d812d20b537.yaml b/releasenotes/notes/remove-deprecated-skip-decorators-f8b42d812d20b537.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..920bc5d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/releasenotes/notes/remove-deprecated-skip-decorators-f8b42d812d20b537.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+  - |
+    Remove two deprecated skip decorators in ``config`` module:
+    ``skip_unless_config`` and ``skip_if_config``.
diff --git a/releasenotes/notes/remove-deprecated-skip_unless_attr-decorator-02bde59a00328f5c.yaml b/releasenotes/notes/remove-deprecated-skip_unless_attr-decorator-02bde59a00328f5c.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..621731d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/releasenotes/notes/remove-deprecated-skip_unless_attr-decorator-02bde59a00328f5c.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+  - |
+    Remove the deprecated decorator ``skip_unless_attr`` in lib/
diff --git a/releasenotes/notes/remove-deprecated-volume-apis-from-v2-volumes-client-cf35e5b4cca89860.yaml b/releasenotes/notes/remove-deprecated-volume-apis-from-v2-volumes-client-cf35e5b4cca89860.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..12ac5b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/releasenotes/notes/remove-deprecated-volume-apis-from-v2-volumes-client-cf35e5b4cca89860.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+  - |
+    Remove deprecated APIs (``show_pools`` and ``show_backend_capabilities``)
+    from volume v2 volumes_client, and the deprecated APIs are re-realized in
+    volume v2 scheduler_stats_client (``list_pools``) and capabilities_client
+    (``show_backend_capabilities``) accordingly.
diff --git a/releasenotes/notes/remove-get-ipv6-addr-by-EUI64-c79972d799c7a430.yaml b/releasenotes/notes/remove-get-ipv6-addr-by-EUI64-c79972d799c7a430.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..609000c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/releasenotes/notes/remove-get-ipv6-addr-by-EUI64-c79972d799c7a430.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+  - |
+    Remove deprecated get_ipv6_addr_by_EUI64 method from data_utils.
+    Use the same method from oslo_utils.netutils.
diff --git a/releasenotes/notes/removed-tox-ostestr-8997a93d199c44f3.yaml b/releasenotes/notes/removed-tox-ostestr-8997a93d199c44f3.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..17866e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/releasenotes/notes/removed-tox-ostestr-8997a93d199c44f3.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+  - |
+    The tox ostestr job (normally invoked with ``tox -eostestr``) has been
+    removed. This was lightly used, and in the near future ostestr will be
+    removed from the tempest requirements file. If you were relying on this
+    functionality you can replicate it by using the venv-tempest tox job. For
+    example, simply running ``tox -evenv-tempest -- ostestr`` will do the same
+    thing the old ostestr job did.
diff --git a/releasenotes/notes/start-of-pike-support-f2a1b7ea8e8b0311.yaml b/releasenotes/notes/start-of-pike-support-f2a1b7ea8e8b0311.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0787821
--- /dev/null
+++ b/releasenotes/notes/start-of-pike-support-f2a1b7ea8e8b0311.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+prelude: >
+    This release marks the start of support for the Pike release in Tempest.
+    - OpenStack Releases supported after this release are **Pike**, **Ocata**,
+      and **Newton**.
+      The release under current development of this tag is Queens, meaning
+      that every Tempest commit is also tested against master during the Queens
+      cycle. However, this does not necessarily mean that using Tempest as of
+      this tag will work against a Queens (or future release) cloud.
diff --git a/releasenotes/notes/start-of-queens-support-fea9051ba1d85fc7.yaml b/releasenotes/notes/start-of-queens-support-fea9051ba1d85fc7.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..10b2300
--- /dev/null
+++ b/releasenotes/notes/start-of-queens-support-fea9051ba1d85fc7.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+prelude: >
+    This release marks the start of Queens release support in Tempest.
+    This release also marks the end of support for Newton in Tempest.
+    - OpenStack Releases supported after this release are **Queens**, **Pike**,
+      and **Ocata**.
+      The release under current development of this tag is Rocky, meaning
+      that every Tempest commit is also tested against master during the Rocky
+      cycle. However, this does not necessarily mean that using Tempest as of
+      this tag will work against a Rocky (or future release) cloud.
diff --git a/releasenotes/notes/switch-to-stestr-8c9f834b3f5a55d8.yaml b/releasenotes/notes/switch-to-stestr-8c9f834b3f5a55d8.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9e2f1ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/releasenotes/notes/switch-to-stestr-8c9f834b3f5a55d8.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+- The Tempest CLI commands have switched from calling testrepository internally
+  to use stestr instead. This means that all of the features and bug fixes from
+  moving to stestr are available to the tempest commands.
+- Tempest CLI commands will no long rely on anything from testr. This means any
+  data in existing testr internals that were being exposed are no longer
+  present. For example things like the .testr directories will be silently
+  ignored. There is a potential incompatibility for existing users who are
+  relying on test results being stored by testr. Anything relying on previous
+  testr behavior will need to be updated to handle stestr.
diff --git a/releasenotes/notes/tempest-run-fix-updates-564b41706decbba1.yaml b/releasenotes/notes/tempest-run-fix-updates-564b41706decbba1.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..265853d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/releasenotes/notes/tempest-run-fix-updates-564b41706decbba1.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+  - |
+    Adds a new CLI arg in tempest run, --black-regex, which is a regex to
+    exclude the tests that match it.
+  - |
+    Fixes tempest run CLI args mutually exclusive behavior which should not
+    be the case anymore (Bug#1751201).
diff --git a/releasenotes/notes/test-clients-stable-for-plugin-90b1e7dc83f28ccd.yaml b/releasenotes/notes/test-clients-stable-for-plugin-90b1e7dc83f28ccd.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e27ee33
--- /dev/null
+++ b/releasenotes/notes/test-clients-stable-for-plugin-90b1e7dc83f28ccd.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+  - |
+    Two extra modules are now marked as stable for plugins, and
+    The former includes the test base class with its automatic credentials
+    provisioning and test resource managing fixtures.
+    The latter is built on top of ServiceClients and it adds aliases and a few custom
+    configurations to it.
diff --git a/releasenotes/notes/volume-backed-live-mig-5a38b496ba1ec093.yaml b/releasenotes/notes/volume-backed-live-mig-5a38b496ba1ec093.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ddd1704
--- /dev/null
+++ b/releasenotes/notes/volume-backed-live-mig-5a38b496ba1ec093.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+  - |
+    A new boolean configuration option
+    ``[compute-feature-enabled]/volume_backed_live_migration`` has been added.
+    If enabled, tests which validate the behavior of Nova's *volume-backed live
+    migration* feature will be executed. The option defaults to ``False``.
diff --git a/releasenotes/source/ b/releasenotes/source/
index 3137541..57ec7e1 100644
--- a/releasenotes/source/
+++ b/releasenotes/source/
@@ -65,16 +65,12 @@
 project = u'tempest Release Notes'
 copyright = u'2016, tempest Developers'
-# The version info for the project you're documenting, acts as replacement for
-# |version| and |release|, also used in various other places throughout the
-# built documents.
-# The short X.Y version.
-from tempest.version import version_info as tempest_version
+# Release do not need a version number in the title, they
+# cover multiple versions.
 # The full version, including alpha/beta/rc tags.
-release = tempest_version.version_string_with_vcs()
+release = ''
 # The short X.Y version.
-version = tempest_version.canonical_version_string()
+version = ''
 # The language for content autogenerated by Sphinx. Refer to documentation
 # for a list of supported languages.
@@ -158,10 +154,6 @@
 # using the given strftime format.
 # html_last_updated_fmt = '%b %d, %Y'
-# If true, SmartyPants will be used to convert quotes and dashes to
-# typographically correct entities.
-# html_use_smartypants = True
 # Custom sidebar templates, maps document names to template names.
 # html_sidebars = {}
diff --git a/releasenotes/source/index.rst b/releasenotes/source/index.rst
index db01da0..2518703 100644
--- a/releasenotes/source/index.rst
+++ b/releasenotes/source/index.rst
@@ -2,18 +2,22 @@
  Tempest Release Notes
- .. toctree::
-    :maxdepth: 1
+.. toctree::
+   :maxdepth: 1
-    unreleased
-    v16.1.0
-    v16.0.0
-    v15.0.0
-    v14.0.0
-    v13.0.0
-    v12.0.0
-    v11.0.0
-    v10.0.0
+   unreleased
+   v18.0.0
+   v17.2.0
+   v17.1.0
+   v17.0.0
+   v16.1.0
+   v16.0.0
+   v15.0.0
+   v14.0.0
+   v13.0.0
+   v12.0.0
+   v11.0.0
+   v10.0.0
 Indices and tables
diff --git a/releasenotes/source/v17.0.0.rst b/releasenotes/source/v17.0.0.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3f50f11
--- /dev/null
+++ b/releasenotes/source/v17.0.0.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+v17.0.0 Release Notes
+.. release-notes:: 17.0.0 Release Notes
+   :version: 17.0.0
diff --git a/releasenotes/source/v17.1.0.rst b/releasenotes/source/v17.1.0.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b8fd570
--- /dev/null
+++ b/releasenotes/source/v17.1.0.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+v17.1.0 Release Notes
+.. release-notes:: 17.1.0 Release Notes
+   :version: 17.1.0
diff --git a/releasenotes/source/v17.2.0.rst b/releasenotes/source/v17.2.0.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8566ae4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/releasenotes/source/v17.2.0.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+v17.2.0 Release Notes
+.. release-notes:: 17.2.0 Release Notes
+   :version: 17.2.0
diff --git a/releasenotes/source/v18.0.0.rst b/releasenotes/source/v18.0.0.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aa05db3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/releasenotes/source/v18.0.0.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+v18.0.0 Release Notes
+.. release-notes:: 18.0.0 Release Notes
+   :version: 18.0.0
diff --git a/requirements.txt b/requirements.txt
index a74f5c2..a74042f 100644
--- a/requirements.txt
+++ b/requirements.txt
@@ -2,24 +2,23 @@
 # of appearance. Changing the order has an impact on the overall integration
 # process, which may cause wedges in the gate later.
 pbr!=2.1.0,>=2.0.0 # Apache-2.0
-cliff>=2.8.0 # Apache-2.0
-jsonschema!=2.5.0,<3.0.0,>=2.0.0 # MIT
-testtools>=1.4.0 # MIT
-paramiko>=2.0 # LGPLv2.1+
-netaddr!=0.7.16,>=0.7.13 # BSD
-testrepository>=0.0.18 # Apache-2.0/BSD
-oslo.concurrency>=3.8.0 # Apache-2.0
-oslo.config!=4.3.0,!=4.4.0,>=4.0.0 # Apache-2.0
-oslo.log>=3.22.0 # Apache-2.0
-oslo.serialization!=2.19.1,>=1.10.0 # Apache-2.0
-oslo.utils>=3.20.0 # Apache-2.0
-six>=1.9.0 # MIT
+cliff!=2.9.0,>=2.8.0 # Apache-2.0
+jsonschema<3.0.0,>=2.6.0 # MIT
+testtools>=2.2.0 # MIT
+paramiko>=2.0.0 # LGPLv2.1+
+netaddr>=0.7.18 # BSD
+oslo.concurrency>=3.25.0 # Apache-2.0
+oslo.config>=5.1.0 # Apache-2.0
+oslo.log>=3.36.0 # Apache-2.0
+stestr>=1.0.0 # Apache-2.0
+oslo.serialization!=2.19.1,>=2.18.0 # Apache-2.0
+oslo.utils>=3.33.0 # Apache-2.0
+six>=1.10.0 # MIT
 fixtures>=3.0.0 # Apache-2.0/BSD
-PyYAML>=3.10.0 # MIT
-python-subunit>=0.0.18 # Apache-2.0/BSD
+PyYAML>=3.12 # MIT
+python-subunit>=1.0.0 # Apache-2.0/BSD
 stevedore>=1.20.0 # Apache-2.0
 PrettyTable<0.8,>=0.7.1 # BSD
-os-testr>=0.8.0 # Apache-2.0
 urllib3>=1.21.1 # MIT
 debtcollector>=1.2.0 # Apache-2.0
-unittest2 # BSD
+unittest2>=1.1.0 # BSD
diff --git a/roles/acl-devstack-files/README.rst b/roles/acl-devstack-files/README.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..76e7e58
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roles/acl-devstack-files/README.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+Grant global read access to devstack `files` folder.
+This is handy to grant the `tempest` user access to VM images for testing.
+**Role Variables**
+.. zuul:rolevar:: devstack_data_dir
+   :default: /opt/stack/data
+   The devstack data directory.
diff --git a/roles/acl-devstack-files/defaults/main.yaml b/roles/acl-devstack-files/defaults/main.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..14265f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roles/acl-devstack-files/defaults/main.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+devstack_data_dir: /opt/stack/data
diff --git a/roles/acl-devstack-files/tasks/main.yaml b/roles/acl-devstack-files/tasks/main.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b3eeec7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roles/acl-devstack-files/tasks/main.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+- name: Grant global read access to devstack files
+  file:
+    path: "{{devstack_data_dir}}/files"
+    mode: "o+rx"
+    recurse: yes
+  become: yes
diff --git a/roles/process-stackviz/README.rst b/roles/process-stackviz/README.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a8447d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roles/process-stackviz/README.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+Generate stackviz report.
+Generate stackviz report using subunit and dstat data, using
+the stackviz archive embedded in test images.
+**Role Variables**
+.. zuul:rolevar:: devstack_base_dir
+   :default: /opt/stack
+   The devstack base directory.
+.. zuul:rolevar:: stage_dir
+   :default: "{{ ansible_user_dir }}"
+   The stage directory where the input data can be found and
+   the output will be produced.
+.. zuul:rolevar:: zuul_work_dir
+   :default: {{ devstack_base_dir }}/tempest
+   Directory to work in. It has to be a fully qualified path.
diff --git a/roles/process-stackviz/defaults/main.yaml b/roles/process-stackviz/defaults/main.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f3bc32b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roles/process-stackviz/defaults/main.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+devstack_base_dir: /opt/stack
+stage_dir: "{{ ansible_user_dir }}"
+zuul_work_dir: "{{ devstack_base_dir }}/tempest"
diff --git a/roles/process-stackviz/tasks/main.yaml b/roles/process-stackviz/tasks/main.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..82f8f3d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roles/process-stackviz/tasks/main.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+- name: Check if stackviz archive exists
+  stat:
+    path: "/opt/cache/files/stackviz-latest.tar.gz"
+  register: stackviz_archive
+- debug:
+    msg: "Stackviz archive could not be found in /opt/cache/files/stackviz-latest.tar.gz"
+  when: not stackviz_archive.stat.exists
+- name: Check if subunit data exists
+  stat:
+    path: "{{ zuul_work_dir }}/testrepository.subunit"
+  register: subunit_input
+- debug:
+    msg: "Subunit file could not be found at {{ zuul_work_dir }}/testrepository.subunit"
+  when: not subunit_input.stat.exists
+- name: Install stackviz
+  pip:
+    name: "file://{{ stackviz_archive.stat.path }}"
+    virtualenv: /tmp/stackviz
+    extra_args: -U
+  when:
+    - stackviz_archive.stat.exists
+    - subunit_input.stat.exists
+- name: Deploy stackviz static html+js
+  command: cp -pR /tmp/stackviz/share/stackviz-html {{ stage_dir }}/stackviz
+  when:
+    - stackviz_archive.stat.exists
+    - subunit_input.stat.exists
+- name: Check if dstat data exists
+  stat:
+    path: "{{ devstack_base_dir }}/logs/dstat-csv.log"
+  register: dstat_input
+  when:
+    - stackviz_archive.stat.exists
+    - subunit_input.stat.exists
+- name: Run stackviz with dstat
+  shell: |
+    cat {{ subunit_input.stat.path }} | \
+      /tmp/stackviz/bin/stackviz-export \
+        --dstat "{{ devstack_base_dir }}/logs/dstat-csv.log" \
+        --env --stdin \
+        {{ stage_dir }}/stackviz/data
+  when:
+    - stackviz_archive.stat.exists
+    - subunit_input.stat.exists
+    - dstat_input.stat.exists
+- name: Run stackviz without dstat
+  shell: |
+    cat {{ subunit_input.stat.path }} | \
+      /tmp/stackviz/bin/stackviz-export \
+        --env --stdin \
+        {{ stage_dir }}/stackviz/data
+  when:
+    - stackviz_archive.stat.exists
+    - subunit_input.stat.exists
+    - not dstat_input.stat.exists
diff --git a/roles/run-tempest/README.rst b/roles/run-tempest/README.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..384ca38
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roles/run-tempest/README.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+Run Tempest
+**Role Variables**
+.. zuul:rolevar:: devstack_base_dir
+   :default: /opt/stack
+   The devstack base directory.
+.. zuul:rolevar:: tempest_concurrency
+   :default: 0
+   The number of parallel test processes.
+.. zuul:rolevar:: tempest_test_regex
+   :default: ''
+   A regular expression used to select the tests.
+   It works only when used with some specific tox environments
+   ('all', 'all-plugin'.)
+   Multi-line and commented regexs can be achieved by doing this:
+       ::
+           vars:
+             tempest_test_regex: |
+               (?x)    # Ignore comments and whitespaces
+               # Line with only a comment.
+               (tempest\.(api|scenario|thirdparty)).*$    # Run only api scenario and third party
+.. zuul:rolevar:: tempest_test_blacklist
+   Specifies a blacklist file to skip tests that are not needed.
+   Pass a full path to the file.
+.. zuul:rolevar:: tox_envlist
+   :default: smoke
+   The Tempest tox environment to run.
diff --git a/roles/run-tempest/defaults/main.yaml b/roles/run-tempest/defaults/main.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..85e94f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roles/run-tempest/defaults/main.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+devstack_base_dir: /opt/stack
+tempest_test_regex: ''
+tox_envlist: smoke
diff --git a/roles/run-tempest/tasks/main.yaml b/roles/run-tempest/tasks/main.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b68507a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roles/run-tempest/tasks/main.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+# NOTE(andreaf) The number of vcpus is not available on all systems.
+# See
+# When not available, we fall back to ansible_processor_cores
+- name: Get hw.logicalcpu from sysctl
+  shell: sysctl hw.logicalcpu | cut -d' ' -f2
+  register: sysctl_hw_logicalcpu
+  when: ansible_processor_vcpus is not defined
+- name: Number of cores
+  set_fact:
+    num_cores: "{{ansible_processor_vcpus|default(sysctl_hw_logicalcpu.stdout)}}"
+- name: Set concurrency for cores == 3 or less
+  set_fact:
+    default_concurrency: "{{ num_cores }}"
+  when: num_cores|int <= 3
+- name: Limit max concurrency when more than 3 vcpus are available
+  set_fact:
+    default_concurrency: "{{ num_cores|int // 2 }}"
+  when: num_cores|int > 3
+- when:
+    - tempest_test_blacklist is defined
+  block:
+    - name: Check for test blacklist file
+      stat:
+        path: "{{ tempest_test_blacklist }}"
+      register:
+        blacklist_stat
+    - name: Build blacklist option
+      set_fact:
+        blacklist_option: "--blacklist-file={{ tempest_test_blacklist|quote }}"
+      when: blacklist_stat.stat.exists
+- name: Run Tempest
+  command: tox -e {{tox_envlist}} -- {{tempest_test_regex|quote}} {{blacklist_option|default('')}} --concurrency={{tempest_concurrency|default(default_concurrency)}}
+  args:
+    chdir: "{{devstack_base_dir}}/tempest"
+  become: true
+  become_user: tempest
diff --git a/roles/setup-tempest-data-dir/README.rst b/roles/setup-tempest-data-dir/README.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..db0b083
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roles/setup-tempest-data-dir/README.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Setup the `tempest` user as owner of Tempest's data folder.
+Tempest's devstack plugin creates the data folder, but it has no knowledge
+of the `tempest` user, so we need a role to fix ownership on the data folder.
+**Role Variables**
+.. zuul:rolevar:: devstack_data_dir
+   :default: /opt/stack/data
+   The devstack data directory.
diff --git a/roles/setup-tempest-data-dir/defaults/main.yaml b/roles/setup-tempest-data-dir/defaults/main.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..14265f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roles/setup-tempest-data-dir/defaults/main.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+devstack_data_dir: /opt/stack/data
diff --git a/roles/setup-tempest-data-dir/tasks/main.yaml b/roles/setup-tempest-data-dir/tasks/main.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9dd6309
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roles/setup-tempest-data-dir/tasks/main.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+- name: Set tempest as owner of Tempest data folder
+  file:
+    path: "{{devstack_data_dir}}/tempest"
+    owner: tempest
+    group: stack
+    recurse: yes
+  become: yes
diff --git a/roles/setup-tempest-run-dir/README.rst b/roles/setup-tempest-run-dir/README.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c8e2339
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roles/setup-tempest-run-dir/README.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+Setup Tempest run folder.
+To support isolation between multiple runs, separate run folders are required.
+Set `tempest` as owner of Tempest's current run folder.
+There is an implicit assumption here of a one to one relationship between
+devstack versions and Tempest runs.
+**Role Variables**
+.. zuul:rolevar:: devstack_base_dir
+   :default: /opt/stack
+   The devstack base directory.
diff --git a/roles/setup-tempest-run-dir/defaults/main.yaml b/roles/setup-tempest-run-dir/defaults/main.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fea05c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roles/setup-tempest-run-dir/defaults/main.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+devstack_base_dir: /opt/stack
diff --git a/roles/setup-tempest-run-dir/tasks/main.yaml b/roles/setup-tempest-run-dir/tasks/main.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a012d72
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roles/setup-tempest-run-dir/tasks/main.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+- name: Set tempest as owner of Tempest run folder
+  file:
+    path: "{{devstack_base_dir}}/tempest"
+    owner: tempest
+    group: stack
+    recurse: yes
+  become: yes
diff --git a/setup.cfg b/setup.cfg
index 04bb29f..c981370 100644
--- a/setup.cfg
+++ b/setup.cfg
@@ -49,7 +49,8 @@
 all-files = 1
-warning-is-error = 1
+# warning can be generated by using GENERATE_TEMPEST_PLUGIN_LIST='False'
+warning-is-error = 0
 build-dir = doc/build
 source-dir = doc/source
diff --git a/tempest/README.rst b/tempest/README.rst
index 663653e..62821de 100644
--- a/tempest/README.rst
+++ b/tempest/README.rst
@@ -12,10 +12,12 @@
 and guidelines. Below is the overview of the Tempest respository structure
 to make this clear.
-| tempest/
-|    api/ - API tests
-|    scenario/ - complex scenario tests
-|    tests/ - unit tests for Tempest internals
+ .. code-block:: console
+    tempest/
+       api/ - API tests
+       scenario/ - complex scenario tests
+       tests/ - unit tests for Tempest internals
 Each of these directories contains different types of tests. What
 belongs in each directory, the rules and examples for good tests, are
diff --git a/tempest/api/compute/admin/ b/tempest/api/compute/admin/
index 69cbfb5..0901374 100644
--- a/tempest/api/compute/admin/
+++ b/tempest/api/compute/admin/
@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@
         body = self.client.create_agent(**self.params_agent)['agent']
         self.addCleanup(self.client.delete_agent, body['agent_id'])
         agents = self.client.list_agents()['agents']
-        self.assertNotEmpty(agents, 'Cannot get any agents.(%s)' % agents)
+        self.assertNotEmpty(agents, 'Cannot get any agents.')
         self.assertIn(body['agent_id'], map(lambda x: x['agent_id'], agents))
@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@
         agent_id_xen = agent_xen['agent_id']
         agents = (self.client.list_agents(hypervisor=agent_xen['hypervisor'])
-        self.assertNotEmpty(agents, 'Cannot get any agents.(%s)' % agents)
+        self.assertNotEmpty(agents, 'Cannot get any agents.')
         self.assertIn(agent_id_xen, map(lambda x: x['agent_id'], agents))
         self.assertNotIn(body['agent_id'], map(lambda x: x['agent_id'],
diff --git a/tempest/api/compute/admin/ b/tempest/api/compute/admin/
index 41be620..36ff09e 100644
--- a/tempest/api/compute/admin/
+++ b/tempest/api/compute/admin/
@@ -27,7 +27,6 @@
     def setup_clients(cls):
         super(AggregatesAdminNegativeTestJSON, cls).setup_clients()
         cls.client = cls.os_admin.aggregates_client
-        cls.user_client = cls.aggregates_client
     def resource_setup(cls):
@@ -52,7 +51,7 @@
         # Regular user is not allowed to create an aggregate.
         aggregate_name = data_utils.rand_name(self.aggregate_name_prefix)
-                          self.user_client.create_aggregate,
+                          self.aggregates_client.create_aggregate,
@@ -87,7 +86,7 @@
         # Regular user is not allowed to delete an aggregate.
         aggregate = self._create_test_aggregate()
-                          self.user_client.delete_aggregate,
+                          self.aggregates_client.delete_aggregate,
@@ -95,7 +94,7 @@
     def test_aggregate_list_as_user(self):
         # Regular user is not allowed to list aggregates.
-                          self.user_client.list_aggregates)
+                          self.aggregates_client.list_aggregates)
@@ -103,7 +102,7 @@
         # Regular user is not allowed to get aggregate details.
         aggregate = self._create_test_aggregate()
-                          self.user_client.show_aggregate,
+                          self.aggregates_client.show_aggregate,
@@ -140,7 +139,7 @@
         # Regular user is not allowed to add a host to an aggregate.
         aggregate = self._create_test_aggregate()
-                          self.user_client.add_host,
+                          self.aggregates_client.add_host,
@@ -168,7 +167,7 @@
-                          self.user_client.remove_host,
+                          self.aggregates_client.remove_host,
diff --git a/tempest/api/compute/admin/ b/tempest/api/compute/admin/
index 83fe215..e8011a6 100644
--- a/tempest/api/compute/admin/
+++ b/tempest/api/compute/admin/
@@ -16,12 +16,11 @@
 from tempest.api.compute import base
 from tempest.common import compute
-from tempest.common import credentials_factory as credentials
+from tempest.common import utils
 from tempest import config
 from tempest.lib.common.utils import test_utils
 from tempest.lib import decorators
 from tempest.lib import exceptions as lib_excs
-from tempest import test
 CONF = config.CONF
 LOG = log.getLogger(__name__)
@@ -46,14 +45,10 @@
     def skip_checks(cls):
         super(AutoAllocateNetworkTest, cls).skip_checks()
-        identity_version = cls.get_identity_version()
-        if not credentials.is_admin_available(
-                identity_version=identity_version):
-            msg = "Missing Identity Admin API credentials in configuration."
-            raise cls.skipException(msg)
         if not CONF.service_available.neutron:
             raise cls.skipException('Neutron is required')
-        if not test.is_extension_enabled('auto-allocated-topology', 'network'):
+        if not utils.is_extension_enabled('auto-allocated-topology',
+                                          'network'):
             raise cls.skipException(
                 'auto-allocated-topology extension is not available')
@@ -89,8 +84,7 @@
         nets = cls.networks_client.list_networks(
             **search_opts).get('networks', [])
         if nets:
-            raise lib_excs.TempestException(
-                'Found shared networks: %s' % nets)
+            raise cls.skipException('Found shared networks: %s' % nets)
     def resource_cleanup(cls):
@@ -148,13 +142,13 @@
                 cls.networks_client.delete_network, network['id'])
+        super(AutoAllocateNetworkTest, cls).resource_cleanup()
     def test_server_create_no_allocate(self):
         """Tests that no networking is allocated for the server."""
         # create the server with no networking
-        server, _ = compute.create_test_server(
-            self.os_primary, networks='none', wait_until='ACTIVE')
-        self.addCleanup(self.delete_server, server['id'])
+        server = self.create_test_server(networks='none', wait_until='ACTIVE')
         # get the server ips
         addresses = self.servers_client.list_addresses(
@@ -180,9 +174,11 @@
         _, servers = compute.create_test_server(
             self.os_primary, networks='auto', wait_until='ACTIVE',
-        server_nets = set()
         for server in servers:
             self.addCleanup(self.delete_server, server['id'])
+        server_nets = set()
+        for server in servers:
             # get the server ips
             addresses = self.servers_client.list_addresses(
diff --git a/tempest/api/compute/admin/ b/tempest/api/compute/admin/
index 3449aba..711b441 100644
--- a/tempest/api/compute/admin/
+++ b/tempest/api/compute/admin/
@@ -17,16 +17,16 @@
 from tempest.api.compute import base
 from tempest.common.utils.linux import remote_client
+from tempest.common import waiters
 from tempest import config
 from tempest.lib.common.utils import data_utils
+from tempest.lib.common.utils import test_utils
 from tempest.lib import decorators
 CONF = config.CONF
 class ServersWithSpecificFlavorTestJSON(base.BaseV2ComputeAdminTest):
-    disk_config = 'AUTO'
     def setup_credentials(cls):
@@ -37,12 +37,6 @@
         super(ServersWithSpecificFlavorTestJSON, cls).setup_clients()
         cls.client = cls.servers_client
-    @classmethod
-    def resource_setup(cls):
-        cls.set_validation_resources()
-        super(ServersWithSpecificFlavorTestJSON, cls).resource_setup()
                           'Instance validation tests are disabled.')
@@ -62,6 +56,18 @@
             # Create a flavor with ephemeral disk
             flavor = self.create_flavor(name=flavor_name, ram=ram, vcpus=vcpus,
                                         disk=disk, ephemeral=ephem_disk)
+            # Set extra specs same as self.flavor_ref for the created flavor,
+            # because the environment may need some special extra specs to
+            # create server which should have been contained in
+            # self.flavor_ref.
+            extra_spec_keys = \
+                self.admin_flavors_client.list_flavor_extra_specs(
+                    self.flavor_ref)['extra_specs']
+            if extra_spec_keys:
+                self.admin_flavors_client.set_flavor_extra_spec(
+                    flavor['id'], **extra_spec_keys)
             return flavor['id']
         flavor_with_eph_disk_id = create_flavor_with_ephemeral(ephem_disk=1)
@@ -69,20 +75,30 @@
         admin_pass = self.image_ssh_password
+        validation_resources = self.get_test_validation_resources(
+            self.os_primary)
         server_no_eph_disk = self.create_test_server(
+            validation_resources=validation_resources,
+        self.addCleanup(waiters.wait_for_server_termination,
+                        self.servers_client, server_no_eph_disk['id'])
+        self.addCleanup(test_utils.call_and_ignore_notfound_exc,
+                        self.servers_client.delete_server,
+                        server_no_eph_disk['id'])
         # Get partition number of server without ephemeral disk.
         server_no_eph_disk = self.client.show_server(
         linux_client = remote_client.RemoteClient(
-            self.get_server_ip(server_no_eph_disk),
+            self.get_server_ip(server_no_eph_disk,
+                               validation_resources),
-            self.validation_resources['keypair']['private_key'],
+            validation_resources['keypair']['private_key'],
         disks_num = len(linux_client.get_disks().split('\n'))
@@ -92,17 +108,25 @@
         server_with_eph_disk = self.create_test_server(
+            validation_resources=validation_resources,
+        self.addCleanup(waiters.wait_for_server_termination,
+                        self.servers_client, server_with_eph_disk['id'])
+        self.addCleanup(test_utils.call_and_ignore_notfound_exc,
+                        self.servers_client.delete_server,
+                        server_with_eph_disk['id'])
         server_with_eph_disk = self.client.show_server(
         linux_client = remote_client.RemoteClient(
-            self.get_server_ip(server_with_eph_disk),
+            self.get_server_ip(server_with_eph_disk,
+                               validation_resources),
-            self.validation_resources['keypair']['private_key'],
+            validation_resources['keypair']['private_key'],
         disks_num_eph = len(linux_client.get_disks().split('\n'))
diff --git a/tempest/api/compute/admin/ b/tempest/api/compute/admin/
index 1e09eeb..66c2c2d 100644
--- a/tempest/api/compute/admin/
+++ b/tempest/api/compute/admin/
@@ -14,9 +14,9 @@
 #    under the License.
 from tempest.api.compute import base
+from tempest.common import utils
 from tempest import config
 from tempest.lib import decorators
-from tempest import test
 CONF = config.CONF
@@ -29,6 +29,8 @@
         if CONF.service_available.neutron:
             msg = ("%s skipped as neutron is available" % cls.__name__)
             raise cls.skipException(msg)
+        if not utils.get_service_list()['network']:
+            raise cls.skipException("network service not enabled.")
     def setup_clients(cls):
@@ -40,6 +42,7 @@
         super(FixedIPsTestJson, cls).resource_setup()
         server = cls.create_test_server(wait_until='ACTIVE')
         server = cls.servers_client.show_server(server['id'])['server']
+        cls.ip = None
         for ip_set in server['addresses']:
             for ip in server['addresses'][ip_set]:
                 if ip['OS-EXT-IPS:type'] == 'fixed':
@@ -47,19 +50,19 @@
             if cls.ip:
+        if cls.ip is None:
+            raise cls.skipException("No fixed ip found for server: %s"
+                                    % server['id'])
     def test_list_fixed_ip_details(self):
         fixed_ip = self.client.show_fixed_ip(self.ip)
         self.assertEqual(fixed_ip['fixed_ip']['address'], self.ip)
     def test_set_reserve(self):
         self.client.reserve_fixed_ip(self.ip, reserve="None")
     def test_set_unreserve(self):
         self.client.reserve_fixed_ip(self.ip, unreserve="None")
diff --git a/tempest/api/compute/admin/ b/tempest/api/compute/admin/
index a77011e..7d41f46 100644
--- a/tempest/api/compute/admin/
+++ b/tempest/api/compute/admin/
@@ -13,10 +13,10 @@
 #    under the License.
 from tempest.api.compute import base
+from tempest.common import utils
 from tempest import config
 from tempest.lib import decorators
 from tempest.lib import exceptions as lib_exc
-from tempest import test
 CONF = config.CONF
@@ -29,6 +29,8 @@
         if CONF.service_available.neutron:
             msg = ("%s skipped as neutron is available" % cls.__name__)
             raise cls.skipException(msg)
+        if not utils.get_service_list()['network']:
+            raise cls.skipException("network service not enabled.")
     def setup_clients(cls):
@@ -41,6 +43,7 @@
         super(FixedIPsNegativeTestJson, cls).resource_setup()
         server = cls.create_test_server(wait_until='ACTIVE')
         server = cls.servers_client.show_server(server['id'])['server']
+        cls.ip = None
         for ip_set in server['addresses']:
             for ip in server['addresses'][ip_set]:
                 if ip['OS-EXT-IPS:type'] == 'fixed':
@@ -48,17 +51,18 @@
             if cls.ip:
+        if cls.ip is None:
+            raise cls.skipException("No fixed ip found for server: %s"
+                                    % server['id'])
     def test_list_fixed_ip_details_with_non_admin_user(self):
                           self.non_admin_client.show_fixed_ip, self.ip)
     def test_set_reserve_with_non_admin_user(self):
@@ -66,7 +70,6 @@
     def test_set_unreserve_with_non_admin_user(self):
@@ -74,7 +77,6 @@
     def test_set_reserve_with_invalid_ip(self):
         # NOTE(maurosr): since this exercises the same code snippet, we do it
         # only for reserve action
@@ -87,7 +89,6 @@
     def test_fixed_ip_with_invalid_action(self):
diff --git a/tempest/api/compute/admin/ b/tempest/api/compute/admin/
index 36ebc25..1483c2e 100644
--- a/tempest/api/compute/admin/
+++ b/tempest/api/compute/admin/
@@ -16,10 +16,10 @@
 import uuid
 from tempest.api.compute import base
+from tempest.common import utils
 from tempest.lib.common.utils import data_utils
 from tempest.lib import decorators
 from tempest.lib import exceptions as lib_exc
-from tempest import test
 class FlavorsAdminTestJSON(base.BaseV2ComputeAdminTest):
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
     def skip_checks(cls):
         super(FlavorsAdminTestJSON, cls).skip_checks()
-        if not test.is_extension_enabled('OS-FLV-EXT-DATA', 'compute'):
+        if not utils.is_extension_enabled('OS-FLV-EXT-DATA', 'compute'):
             msg = "OS-FLV-EXT-DATA extension not enabled."
             raise cls.skipException(msg)
diff --git a/tempest/api/compute/admin/ b/tempest/api/compute/admin/
index 2c236ec..b8e2b42 100644
--- a/tempest/api/compute/admin/
+++ b/tempest/api/compute/admin/
@@ -14,8 +14,8 @@
 #    under the License.
 from tempest.api.compute import base
+from tempest.common import utils
 from tempest.lib import decorators
-from tempest import test
 class FlavorsAccessTestJSON(base.BaseV2ComputeAdminTest):
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
     def skip_checks(cls):
         super(FlavorsAccessTestJSON, cls).skip_checks()
-        if not test.is_extension_enabled('OS-FLV-EXT-DATA', 'compute'):
+        if not utils.is_extension_enabled('OS-FLV-EXT-DATA', 'compute'):
             msg = "OS-FLV-EXT-DATA extension not enabled."
             raise cls.skipException(msg)
diff --git a/tempest/api/compute/admin/ b/tempest/api/compute/admin/
index be165cb..45ca10a 100644
--- a/tempest/api/compute/admin/
+++ b/tempest/api/compute/admin/
@@ -14,9 +14,9 @@
 #    under the License.
 from tempest.api.compute import base
+from tempest.common import utils
 from tempest.lib import decorators
 from tempest.lib import exceptions as lib_exc
-from tempest import test
 class FlavorsAccessNegativeTestJSON(base.BaseV2ComputeAdminTest):
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
     def skip_checks(cls):
         super(FlavorsAccessNegativeTestJSON, cls).skip_checks()
-        if not test.is_extension_enabled('OS-FLV-EXT-DATA', 'compute'):
+        if not utils.is_extension_enabled('OS-FLV-EXT-DATA', 'compute'):
             msg = "OS-FLV-EXT-DATA extension not enabled."
             raise cls.skipException(msg)
diff --git a/tempest/api/compute/admin/ b/tempest/api/compute/admin/
index 747cb42..4d27a22 100644
--- a/tempest/api/compute/admin/
+++ b/tempest/api/compute/admin/
@@ -14,9 +14,9 @@
 #    under the License.
 from tempest.api.compute import base
+from tempest.common import utils
 from tempest.lib.common.utils import data_utils
 from tempest.lib import decorators
-from tempest import test
 class FlavorsExtraSpecsTestJSON(base.BaseV2ComputeAdminTest):
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
     def skip_checks(cls):
         super(FlavorsExtraSpecsTestJSON, cls).skip_checks()
-        if not test.is_extension_enabled('OS-FLV-EXT-DATA', 'compute'):
+        if not utils.is_extension_enabled('OS-FLV-EXT-DATA', 'compute'):
             msg = "OS-FLV-EXT-DATA extension not enabled."
             raise cls.skipException(msg)
@@ -53,12 +53,11 @@
-    @classmethod
-    def resource_cleanup(cls):
-        cls.admin_flavors_client.delete_flavor(cls.flavor['id'])
-        cls.admin_flavors_client.wait_for_resource_deletion(cls.flavor['id'])
-        super(FlavorsExtraSpecsTestJSON, cls).resource_cleanup()
+        cls.addClassResourceCleanup(
+            cls.admin_flavors_client.wait_for_resource_deletion,
+            cls.flavor['id'])
+        cls.addClassResourceCleanup(cls.admin_flavors_client.delete_flavor,
+                                    cls.flavor['id'])
     def test_flavor_set_get_update_show_unset_keys(self):
diff --git a/tempest/api/compute/admin/ b/tempest/api/compute/admin/
index f39feb9..5cde39e 100644
--- a/tempest/api/compute/admin/
+++ b/tempest/api/compute/admin/
@@ -15,10 +15,10 @@
 #    under the License.
 from tempest.api.compute import base
+from tempest.common import utils
 from tempest.lib.common.utils import data_utils
 from tempest.lib import decorators
 from tempest.lib import exceptions as lib_exc
-from tempest import test
 class FlavorsExtraSpecsNegativeTestJSON(base.BaseV2ComputeAdminTest):
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
     def skip_checks(cls):
         super(FlavorsExtraSpecsNegativeTestJSON, cls).skip_checks()
-        if not test.is_extension_enabled('OS-FLV-EXT-DATA', 'compute'):
+        if not utils.is_extension_enabled('OS-FLV-EXT-DATA', 'compute'):
             msg = "OS-FLV-EXT-DATA extension not enabled."
             raise cls.skipException(msg)
@@ -55,12 +55,11 @@
-    @classmethod
-    def resource_cleanup(cls):
-        cls.admin_flavors_client.delete_flavor(cls.flavor['id'])
-        cls.admin_flavors_client.wait_for_resource_deletion(cls.flavor['id'])
-        super(FlavorsExtraSpecsNegativeTestJSON, cls).resource_cleanup()
+        cls.addClassResourceCleanup(
+            cls.admin_flavors_client.wait_for_resource_deletion,
+            cls.flavor['id'])
+        cls.addClassResourceCleanup(cls.admin_flavors_client.delete_flavor,
+                                    cls.flavor['id'])
diff --git a/tempest/api/compute/admin/ b/tempest/api/compute/admin/
index 496f119..ba19937 100644
--- a/tempest/api/compute/admin/
+++ b/tempest/api/compute/admin/
@@ -16,11 +16,11 @@
 import netaddr
 from tempest.api.compute import base
+from tempest.common import utils
 from tempest import config
 from tempest.lib.common.utils import test_utils
 from tempest.lib import decorators
 from tempest.lib import exceptions
-from tempest import test
 CONF = config.CONF
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@
     def test_create_list_delete_floating_ips_bulk(self):
         # Create, List  and delete the Floating IPs Bulk
         pool = 'test_pool'
diff --git a/tempest/api/compute/admin/ b/tempest/api/compute/admin/
index 0db802c..b23c59f 100644
--- a/tempest/api/compute/admin/
+++ b/tempest/api/compute/admin/
@@ -17,12 +17,12 @@
 from tempest.lib import decorators
-class HypervisorAdminTestJSON(base.BaseV2ComputeAdminTest):
+class HypervisorAdminTestBase(base.BaseV2ComputeAdminTest):
     """Tests Hypervisors API that require admin privileges"""
     def setup_clients(cls):
-        super(HypervisorAdminTestJSON, cls).setup_clients()
+        super(HypervisorAdminTestBase, cls).setup_clients()
         cls.client = cls.os_admin.hypervisor_client
     def _list_hypervisors(self):
@@ -30,43 +30,33 @@
         hypers = self.client.list_hypervisors()['hypervisors']
         return hypers
-    def assertHypervisors(self, hypers):
-        self.assertNotEmpty(hypers, "No hypervisors found: %s" % hypers)
+class HypervisorAdminTestJSON(HypervisorAdminTestBase):
+    """Tests Hypervisors API that require admin privileges"""
     def test_get_hypervisor_list(self):
         # List of hypervisor and available hypervisors hostname
         hypers = self._list_hypervisors()
-        self.assertHypervisors(hypers)
+        self.assertNotEmpty(hypers, "No hypervisors found.")
     def test_get_hypervisor_list_details(self):
         # Display the details of the all hypervisor
         hypers = self.client.list_hypervisors(detail=True)['hypervisors']
-        self.assertHypervisors(hypers)
+        self.assertNotEmpty(hypers, "No hypervisors found.")
     def test_get_hypervisor_show_details(self):
         # Display the details of the specified hypervisor
         hypers = self._list_hypervisors()
-        self.assertHypervisors(hypers)
+        self.assertNotEmpty(hypers, "No hypervisors found.")
         details = self.client.show_hypervisor(hypers[0]['id'])['hypervisor']
-    @decorators.idempotent_id('e81bba3f-6215-4e39-a286-d52d2f906862')
-    def test_get_hypervisor_show_servers(self):
-        # Show instances about the specific hypervisors
-        hypers = self._list_hypervisors()
-        self.assertHypervisors(hypers)
-        hostname = hypers[0]['hypervisor_hostname']
-        hypervisors = (self.client.list_servers_on_hypervisor(hostname)
-                       ['hypervisors'])
-        self.assertNotEmpty(hypervisors)
     def test_get_hypervisor_stats(self):
         # Verify the stats of the all hypervisor
@@ -113,10 +103,25 @@
             "None of the hypervisors had a valid uptime: %s" % hypers)
+class HypervisorAdminUnderV252Test(HypervisorAdminTestBase):
+    max_microversion = '2.52'
+    @decorators.idempotent_id('e81bba3f-6215-4e39-a286-d52d2f906862')
+    def test_get_hypervisor_show_servers(self):
+        # Show instances about the specific hypervisors
+        hypers = self._list_hypervisors()
+        self.assertNotEmpty(hypers, "No hypervisors found.")
+        hostname = hypers[0]['hypervisor_hostname']
+        hypervisors = (self.client.list_servers_on_hypervisor(hostname)
+                       ['hypervisors'])
+        self.assertNotEmpty(hypervisors)
     def test_search_hypervisor(self):
         hypers = self._list_hypervisors()
-        self.assertHypervisors(hypers)
+        self.assertNotEmpty(hypers, "No hypervisors found.")
         hypers = self.client.search_hypervisor(
-        self.assertHypervisors(hypers)
+        self.assertNotEmpty(hypers, "No hypervisors found.")
diff --git a/tempest/api/compute/admin/ b/tempest/api/compute/admin/
index 431e823..0056376 100644
--- a/tempest/api/compute/admin/
+++ b/tempest/api/compute/admin/
@@ -19,12 +19,12 @@
 from tempest.lib import exceptions as lib_exc
-class HypervisorAdminNegativeTestJSON(base.BaseV2ComputeAdminTest):
+class HypervisorAdminNegativeTestBase(base.BaseV2ComputeAdminTest):
     """Tests Hypervisors API that require admin privileges"""
     def setup_clients(cls):
-        super(HypervisorAdminNegativeTestJSON, cls).setup_clients()
+        super(HypervisorAdminNegativeTestBase, cls).setup_clients()
         cls.client = cls.os_admin.hypervisor_client
         cls.non_adm_client = cls.hypervisor_client
@@ -33,6 +33,10 @@
         hypers = self.client.list_hypervisors()['hypervisors']
         return hypers
+class HypervisorAdminNegativeTestJSON(HypervisorAdminNegativeTestBase):
+    """Tests Hypervisors API that require admin privileges"""
     def test_show_nonexistent_hypervisor(self):
@@ -55,27 +59,6 @@
-    @decorators.idempotent_id('2a0a3938-832e-4859-95bf-1c57c236b924')
-    def test_show_servers_with_non_admin_user(self):
-        hypers = self._list_hypervisors()
-        self.assertNotEmpty(hypers)
-        self.assertRaises(
-            lib_exc.Forbidden,
-            self.non_adm_client.list_servers_on_hypervisor,
-            hypers[0]['id'])
-    @decorators.attr(type=['negative'])
-    @decorators.idempotent_id('02463d69-0ace-4d33-a4a8-93d7883a2bba')
-    def test_show_servers_with_nonexistent_hypervisor(self):
-        nonexistent_hypervisor_id = data_utils.rand_uuid()
-        self.assertRaises(
-            lib_exc.NotFound,
-            self.client.list_servers_on_hypervisor,
-            nonexistent_hypervisor_id)
-    @decorators.attr(type=['negative'])
     def test_get_hypervisor_stats_with_non_admin_user(self):
@@ -119,13 +102,30 @@
             self.non_adm_client.list_hypervisors, detail=True)
+class HypervisorAdminNegativeUnderV252Test(HypervisorAdminNegativeTestBase):
+    max_microversion = '2.52'
-    @decorators.idempotent_id('19a45cc1-1000-4055-b6d2-28e8b2ec4faa')
-    def test_search_nonexistent_hypervisor(self):
+    @decorators.idempotent_id('2a0a3938-832e-4859-95bf-1c57c236b924')
+    def test_show_servers_with_non_admin_user(self):
+        hypers = self._list_hypervisors()
+        self.assertNotEmpty(hypers)
+        self.assertRaises(
+            lib_exc.Forbidden,
+            self.non_adm_client.list_servers_on_hypervisor,
+            hypers[0]['id'])
+    @decorators.attr(type=['negative'])
+    @decorators.idempotent_id('02463d69-0ace-4d33-a4a8-93d7883a2bba')
+    def test_show_servers_with_nonexistent_hypervisor(self):
+        nonexistent_hypervisor_id = data_utils.rand_uuid()
-            self.client.search_hypervisor,
-            'nonexistent_hypervisor_name')
+            self.client.list_servers_on_hypervisor,
+            nonexistent_hypervisor_id)
@@ -137,3 +137,11 @@
+    @decorators.attr(type=['negative'])
+    @decorators.idempotent_id('19a45cc1-1000-4055-b6d2-28e8b2ec4faa')
+    def test_search_nonexistent_hypervisor(self):
+        self.assertRaises(
+            lib_exc.NotFound,
+            self.client.search_hypervisor,
+            'nonexistent_hypervisor_name')
diff --git a/tempest/api/compute/admin/ b/tempest/api/compute/admin/
index e24c7c1..24ea8a1 100644
--- a/tempest/api/compute/admin/
+++ b/tempest/api/compute/admin/
@@ -34,7 +34,8 @@
             k_name = data_utils.rand_name('keypair')
             keypair = self.create_keypair(k_name,
-                                          user_id=user_id)
+                                          user_id=user_id,
+                                          client=self.client)
             self.assertEqual(k_name, keypair['name'],
                              "The created keypair name is not equal "
                              "to the requested name!")
@@ -56,7 +57,8 @@
         self.assertEqual(user_id, keypair_detail['user_id'],
                          "The fetched keypair is not for requested user!")
         # Create a admin keypair
-        admin_keypair = self.create_keypair(keypair_type='ssh')
+        admin_keypair = self.create_keypair(keypair_type='ssh',
+                                            client=self.client)
         admin_keypair.pop('private_key', None)
diff --git a/tempest/api/compute/admin/ b/tempest/api/compute/admin/
index 3f1bdce..2398cf1 100644
--- a/tempest/api/compute/admin/
+++ b/tempest/api/compute/admin/
@@ -20,10 +20,10 @@
 from tempest.api.compute import base
 from tempest.common import compute
+from tempest.common import utils
 from tempest.common import waiters
 from tempest import config
 from tempest.lib import decorators
-from tempest import test
 CONF = config.CONF
 LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
@@ -46,6 +46,18 @@
                 "Less than 2 compute nodes, skipping migration test.")
+    def setup_credentials(cls):
+        # These tests don't attempt any SSH validation nor do they use
+        # floating IPs on the instance, so all we need is a network and
+        # a subnet so the instance being migrated has a single port, but
+        # we need that to make sure we are properly updating the port
+        # host bindings during the live migration.
+        # TODO(mriedem): SSH validation before and after the instance is
+        # live migrated would be a nice test wrinkle addition.
+        cls.set_network_resources(network=True, subnet=True)
+        super(LiveMigrationTest, cls).setup_credentials()
+    @classmethod
     def setup_clients(cls):
         super(LiveMigrationTest, cls).setup_clients()
         cls.admin_migration_client = cls.os_admin.migrations_client
@@ -120,9 +132,11 @@
     def test_live_block_migration_paused(self):
-    @decorators.skip_because(bug="1524898")
+    @testtools.skipUnless(CONF.compute_feature_enabled.
+                          volume_backed_live_migration,
+                          'Volume-backed live migration not available')
     def test_volume_backed_live_migration(self):
@@ -144,14 +158,11 @@
         self.attach_volume(server, volume, device='/dev/xvdb')
         server = self.admin_servers_client.show_server(server_id)['server']
         volume_id1 = server["os-extended-volumes:volumes_attached"][0]["id"]
-        self._migrate_server_to(server_id, target_host)
-        waiters.wait_for_server_status(self.servers_client,
-                                       server_id, 'ACTIVE')
+        self._live_migrate(server_id, target_host, 'ACTIVE')
         server = self.admin_servers_client.show_server(server_id)['server']
         volume_id2 = server["os-extended-volumes:volumes_attached"][0]["id"]
-        self.assertEqual(target_host, self.get_host_for_server(server_id))
         self.assertEqual(volume_id1, volume_id2)
@@ -163,7 +174,7 @@
                           'Serial console not supported.')
-        test.is_scheduler_filter_enabled("DifferentHostFilter"),
+        compute.is_scheduler_filter_enabled("DifferentHostFilter"),
         'DifferentHostFilter is not available.')
     def test_live_migration_serial_console(self):
         """Test the live-migration of an instance which has a serial console
@@ -190,10 +201,7 @@
-        self._migrate_server_to(server01_id, host02_id)
-        waiters.wait_for_server_status(self.servers_client,
-                                       server01_id, 'ACTIVE')
-        self.assertEqual(host02_id, self.get_host_for_server(server01_id))
+        self._live_migrate(server01_id, host02_id, 'ACTIVE')
         # At this point, both instances have a valid serial console
         # connection, which means the ports got updated.
@@ -216,8 +224,8 @@
             while data not in console_output and t <= 120.0:
-                    recieved = ws.receive_frame()
-                    console_output += recieved
+                    received = ws.receive_frame()
+                    console_output += received
                 except Exception:
                     # In case we had an issue with send/receive on the
                     # websocket connection, we create a new one.
diff --git a/tempest/api/compute/admin/ b/tempest/api/compute/admin/
index a626ebb..a6b71b2 100644
--- a/tempest/api/compute/admin/
+++ b/tempest/api/compute/admin/
@@ -77,6 +77,16 @@
         self.addCleanup(self._flavor_clean_up, flavor['id'])
+        # Set extra specs same as self.flavor_ref for the created flavor,
+        # because the environment may need some special extra specs to
+        # create server which should have been contained in
+        # self.flavor_ref.
+        extra_spec_keys = self.admin_flavors_client.list_flavor_extra_specs(
+            self.flavor_ref)['extra_specs']
+        if extra_spec_keys:
+            self.admin_flavors_client.set_flavor_extra_spec(
+                flavor['id'], **extra_spec_keys)
         # Now boot a server with the copied flavor.
         server = self.create_test_server(
             wait_until='ACTIVE', flavor=flavor['id'])
diff --git a/tempest/api/compute/admin/ b/tempest/api/compute/admin/
index acb0d90..87ce39d 100644
--- a/tempest/api/compute/admin/
+++ b/tempest/api/compute/admin/
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
     """Tests Nova Networks API that usually requires admin privileges.
     API docs:
diff --git a/tempest/api/compute/admin/ b/tempest/api/compute/admin/
index 1aa9227..c2bdf7e 100644
--- a/tempest/api/compute/admin/
+++ b/tempest/api/compute/admin/
@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
 from testtools import matchers
 from tempest.api.compute import base
+from tempest.common import identity
 from tempest.common import tempest_fixtures as fixtures
 from tempest.lib.common.utils import data_utils
 from tempest.lib import decorators
@@ -93,10 +94,11 @@
         # Verify that GET shows the updated quota set of project
         project_name = data_utils.rand_name('cpu_quota_project')
         project_desc = project_name + '-desc'
-        project = self.identity_utils.create_project(name=project_name,
-                                                     description=project_desc)
+        project = identity.identity_utils(self.os_admin).create_project(
+            name=project_name, description=project_desc)
         project_id = project['id']
-        self.addCleanup(self.identity_utils.delete_project, project_id)
+        self.addCleanup(identity.identity_utils(self.os_admin).delete_project,
+                        project_id)
         self.adm_client.update_quota_set(project_id, ram='5120')
         quota_set = self.adm_client.show_quota_set(project_id)['quota_set']
@@ -106,12 +108,12 @@
         user_name = data_utils.rand_name('cpu_quota_user')
         password = data_utils.rand_password()
         email = user_name + ''
-        user = self.identity_utils.create_user(username=user_name,
-                                               password=password,
-                                               project=project,
-                                               email=email)
+        user = identity.identity_utils(self.os_admin).create_user(
+            username=user_name, password=password, project=project,
+            email=email)
         user_id = user['id']
-        self.addCleanup(self.identity_utils.delete_user, user_id)
+        self.addCleanup(identity.identity_utils(self.os_admin).delete_user,
+                        user_id)
@@ -125,10 +127,11 @@
         # Admin can delete the resource quota set for a project
         project_name = data_utils.rand_name('ram_quota_project')
         project_desc = project_name + '-desc'
-        project = self.identity_utils.create_project(name=project_name,
-                                                     description=project_desc)
+        project = identity.identity_utils(self.os_admin).create_project(
+            name=project_name, description=project_desc)
         project_id = project['id']
-        self.addCleanup(self.identity_utils.delete_project, project_id)
+        self.addCleanup(identity.identity_utils(self.os_admin).delete_project,
+                        project_id)
         quota_set_default = (self.adm_client.show_quota_set(project_id)
         ram_default = quota_set_default['ram']
@@ -157,8 +160,7 @@
     def _restore_default_quotas(self, original_defaults):
         LOG.debug("restoring quota class defaults")
-        self.adm_client.update_quota_class_set(
-            'default', **original_defaults)['quota_class_set']
+        self.adm_client.update_quota_class_set('default', **original_defaults)
     # NOTE(sdague): this test is problematic as it changes
     # global state, and possibly needs to be part of a set of
diff --git a/tempest/api/compute/admin/ b/tempest/api/compute/admin/
index 747f320..5ef7ee4 100644
--- a/tempest/api/compute/admin/
+++ b/tempest/api/compute/admin/
@@ -13,11 +13,11 @@
 #    under the License.
 from tempest.api.compute import base
+from tempest.common import utils
 from tempest import config
 from tempest.lib.common.utils import data_utils
 from tempest.lib import decorators
 from tempest.lib import exceptions as lib_exc
-from tempest import test
 CONF = config.CONF
@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@
     def test_security_groups_exceed_limit(self):
         # Negative test: Creation Security Groups over limit should FAIL
         # Set the quota to number of used security groups
@@ -108,7 +108,7 @@
     def test_security_groups_rules_exceed_limit(self):
         # Negative test: Creation of Security Group Rules should FAIL
         # when we reach limit maxSecurityGroupRules
diff --git a/tempest/api/compute/admin/ b/tempest/api/compute/admin/
index 8abe03a..ff9caa3 100644
--- a/tempest/api/compute/admin/
+++ b/tempest/api/compute/admin/
@@ -14,9 +14,9 @@
 #    under the License.
 from tempest.api.compute import base
+from tempest.common import utils
 from tempest.lib.common.utils import data_utils
 from tempest.lib import decorators
-from tempest import test
 class SecurityGroupsTestAdminJSON(base.BaseV2ComputeAdminTest):
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
     def test_list_security_groups_list_all_tenants_filter(self):
         # Admin can list security groups of all tenants
         # List of all security groups created
diff --git a/tempest/api/compute/admin/ b/tempest/api/compute/admin/
index d9a7800..3f06c4e 100644
--- a/tempest/api/compute/admin/
+++ b/tempest/api/compute/admin/
@@ -13,9 +13,7 @@
 #    under the License.
 from tempest.api.compute import base
-from tempest.common import compute
 from tempest.common import waiters
-from tempest.lib.common import fixed_network
 from tempest.lib.common.utils import data_utils
 from tempest.lib import decorators
@@ -126,26 +124,17 @@
     def test_list_servers_filter_by_exist_host(self):
         # Filter the list of servers by existent host
-        name = data_utils.rand_name(self.__class__.__name__ + '-server')
-        network = self.get_tenant_network()
-        network_kwargs = fixed_network.set_networks_kwarg(network)
-        # We need to create the server as an admin, so we can't use
-        # self.create_test_server() here as this method creates the server
-        # in the "primary" (i.e non-admin) tenant.
-        test_server, _ = compute.create_test_server(
-            self.os_admin, wait_until="ACTIVE", name=name, **network_kwargs)
-        self.addCleanup(self.client.delete_server, test_server['id'])
-        server = self.client.show_server(test_server['id'])['server']
-        self.assertEqual(server['status'], 'ACTIVE')
+        server = self.client.show_server(self.s1_id)['server']
         hostname = server['OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:host']
-        params = {'host': hostname}
-        body = self.client.list_servers(**params)
-        servers = body['servers']
-        nonexistent_params = {'host': 'nonexistent_host'}
+        params = {'host': hostname, 'all_tenants': '1'}
+        servers = self.client.list_servers(**params)['servers']
+        self.assertIn(server['id'], map(lambda x: x['id'], servers))
+        nonexistent_params = {'host': 'nonexistent_host',
+                              'all_tenants': '1'}
         nonexistent_body = self.client.list_servers(**nonexistent_params)
         nonexistent_servers = nonexistent_body['servers']
-        self.assertIn(test_server['id'], map(lambda x: x['id'], servers))
-        self.assertNotIn(test_server['id'],
+        self.assertNotIn(server['id'],
                          map(lambda x: x['id'], nonexistent_servers))
diff --git a/tempest/api/compute/admin/ b/tempest/api/compute/admin/
index 3656770..f720b84 100644
--- a/tempest/api/compute/admin/
+++ b/tempest/api/compute/admin/
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@
         flavor_ref = self.create_flavor(ram=ram, vcpus=vcpus, disk=disk)
         self.assertRaises((lib_exc.Forbidden, lib_exc.OverLimit),
-                          self.servers[0]['id'],
+                          self.s1_id,
@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@
         flavor_ref = self.create_flavor(ram=ram, vcpus=vcpus, disk=disk)
         self.assertRaises((lib_exc.Forbidden, lib_exc.OverLimit),
-                          self.servers[0]['id'],
+                          self.s1_id,
diff --git a/tempest/api/compute/admin/ b/tempest/api/compute/admin/
index 858998a..d32a5b4 100644
--- a/tempest/api/compute/admin/
+++ b/tempest/api/compute/admin/
@@ -15,9 +15,9 @@
 import testtools
 from tempest.api.compute import base
+from tempest.common import compute
 from tempest import config
 from tempest.lib import decorators
-from tempest import test
 CONF = config.CONF
@@ -43,9 +43,31 @@
         return cls.os_admin.servers_client.show_server(
+    def _create_servers_with_group(self, policy):
+        group_id = self.create_test_server_group(policy=[policy])['id']
+        hints = {'group': group_id}
+        reservation_id = self.create_test_server(
+            scheduler_hints=hints, wait_until='ACTIVE', min_count=2,
+            return_reservation_id=True)['reservation_id']
+        # Get the servers using the reservation_id.
+        servers = self.servers_client.list_servers(
+            detail=True, reservation_id=reservation_id)['servers']
+        self.assertEqual(2, len(servers))
+        # Assert the servers are in the group.
+        server_group = self.server_groups_client.show_server_group(
+            group_id)['server_group']
+        hosts = {}
+        for server in servers:
+            self.assertIn(server['id'], server_group['members'])
+            hosts[server['id']] = self._get_host(server['id'])
+        return hosts
-        test.is_scheduler_filter_enabled("SameHostFilter"),
+        compute.is_scheduler_filter_enabled("SameHostFilter"),
         'SameHostFilter is not available.')
     def test_create_servers_on_same_host(self):
         hints = {'same_host': self.server01}
@@ -56,7 +78,7 @@
-        test.is_scheduler_filter_enabled("DifferentHostFilter"),
+        compute.is_scheduler_filter_enabled("DifferentHostFilter"),
         'DifferentHostFilter is not available.')
     def test_create_servers_on_different_hosts(self):
         hints = {'different_host': self.server01}
@@ -67,7 +89,7 @@
-        test.is_scheduler_filter_enabled("DifferentHostFilter"),
+        compute.is_scheduler_filter_enabled("DifferentHostFilter"),
         'DifferentHostFilter is not available.')
     def test_create_servers_on_different_hosts_with_list_of_servers(self):
         # This scheduler-hint supports list of servers also.
@@ -76,3 +98,33 @@
         host02 = self._get_host(server02)
         self.assertNotEqual(self.host01, host02)
+    @decorators.idempotent_id('f8bd0867-e459-45f5-ba53-59134552fe04')
+    @testtools.skipUnless(
+        compute.is_scheduler_filter_enabled("ServerGroupAntiAffinityFilter"),
+        'ServerGroupAntiAffinityFilter is not available.')
+    def test_create_server_with_scheduler_hint_group_anti_affinity(self):
+        """Tests the ServerGroupAntiAffinityFilter
+        Creates two servers in an anti-affinity server group and
+        asserts the servers are in the group and on different hosts.
+        """
+        hosts = self._create_servers_with_group('anti-affinity')
+        hostnames = hosts.values()
+        self.assertNotEqual(hostnames[0], hostnames[1],
+                            'Servers are on the same host: %s' % hosts)
+    @decorators.idempotent_id('9d2e924a-baf4-11e7-b856-fa163e65f5ce')
+    @testtools.skipUnless(
+        compute.is_scheduler_filter_enabled("ServerGroupAffinityFilter"),
+        'ServerGroupAffinityFilter is not available.')
+    def test_create_server_with_scheduler_hint_group_affinity(self):
+        """Tests the ServerGroupAffinityFilter
+        Creates two servers in an affinity server group and
+        asserts the servers are in the group and on same host.
+        """
+        hosts = self._create_servers_with_group('affinity')
+        hostnames = hosts.values()
+        self.assertEqual(hostnames[0], hostnames[1],
+                         'Servers are on the different hosts: %s' % hosts)
diff --git a/tempest/api/compute/admin/ b/tempest/api/compute/admin/
index 22a5bc4..ed8cf20 100644
--- a/tempest/api/compute/admin/
+++ b/tempest/api/compute/admin/
@@ -13,39 +13,25 @@
 import time
 from tempest.api.compute import base
+from tempest.common import utils
 from tempest.common import waiters
 from tempest import config
 from tempest.lib import decorators
 from tempest.lib import exceptions as lib_exc
-from tempest import test
 CONF = config.CONF
-class TestVolumeSwap(base.BaseV2ComputeAdminTest):
-    """The test suite for swapping of volume with admin user.
-    The following is the scenario outline:
-    1. Create a volume "volume1" with non-admin.
-    2. Create a volume "volume2" with non-admin.
-    3. Boot an instance "instance1" with non-admin.
-    4. Attach "volume1" to "instance1" with non-admin.
-    5. Swap volume from "volume1" to "volume2" as admin.
-    6. Check the swap volume is successful and "volume2"
-       is attached to "instance1" and "volume1" is in available state.
-    7. Swap volume from "volume2" to "volume1" as admin.
-    8. Check the swap volume is successful and "volume1"
-       is attached to "instance1" and "volume2" is in available state.
-    """
+class TestVolumeSwapBase(base.BaseV2ComputeAdminTest):
     def skip_checks(cls):
-        super(TestVolumeSwap, cls).skip_checks()
+        super(TestVolumeSwapBase, cls).skip_checks()
         if not CONF.compute_feature_enabled.swap_volume:
             raise cls.skipException("Swapping volumes is not supported.")
-    def _wait_for_server_volume_swap(self, server_id, old_volume_id,
-                                     new_volume_id):
+    def wait_for_server_volume_swap(self, server_id, old_volume_id,
+                                    new_volume_id):
         """Waits for a server to swap the old volume to a new one."""
         volume_attachments = self.servers_client.list_volume_attachments(
@@ -79,8 +65,25 @@
                             'timeout': self.servers_client.build_timeout})
                 raise lib_exc.TimeoutException(message)
+class TestVolumeSwap(TestVolumeSwapBase):
+    """The test suite for swapping of volume with admin user.
+    The following is the scenario outline:
+    1. Create a volume "volume1" with non-admin.
+    2. Create a volume "volume2" with non-admin.
+    3. Boot an instance "instance1" with non-admin.
+    4. Attach "volume1" to "instance1" with non-admin.
+    5. Swap volume from "volume1" to "volume2" as admin.
+    6. Check the swap volume is successful and "volume2"
+       is attached to "instance1" and "volume1" is in available state.
+    7. Swap volume from "volume2" to "volume1" as admin.
+    8. Check the swap volume is successful and "volume1"
+       is attached to "instance1" and "volume2" is in available state.
+    """
     def test_volume_swap(self):
         # Create two volumes.
         # NOTE(gmann): Volumes are created before server creation so that
@@ -99,8 +102,8 @@
                                                 volume1['id'], 'available')
                                                 volume2['id'], 'in-use')
-        self._wait_for_server_volume_swap(server['id'], volume1['id'],
-                                          volume2['id'])
+        self.wait_for_server_volume_swap(server['id'], volume1['id'],
+                                         volume2['id'])
         # Verify "volume2" is attached to the server
         vol_attachments = self.servers_client.list_volume_attachments(
@@ -114,10 +117,64 @@
                                                 volume2['id'], 'available')
                                                 volume1['id'], 'in-use')
-        self._wait_for_server_volume_swap(server['id'], volume2['id'],
-                                          volume1['id'])
+        self.wait_for_server_volume_swap(server['id'], volume2['id'],
+                                         volume1['id'])
         # Verify "volume1" is attached to the server
         vol_attachments = self.servers_client.list_volume_attachments(
         self.assertEqual(1, len(vol_attachments))
         self.assertIn(volume1['id'], vol_attachments[0]['volumeId'])
+class TestMultiAttachVolumeSwap(TestVolumeSwapBase):
+    min_microversion = '2.60'
+    max_microversion = 'latest'
+    @classmethod
+    def skip_checks(cls):
+        super(TestMultiAttachVolumeSwap, cls).skip_checks()
+        if not CONF.compute_feature_enabled.volume_multiattach:
+            raise cls.skipException('Volume multi-attach is not available.')
+    @decorators.idempotent_id('e8f8f9d1-d7b7-4cd2-8213-ab85ef697b6e')
+    def test_volume_swap_with_multiattach(self):
+        # Create two volumes.
+        # NOTE(gmann): Volumes are created before server creation so that
+        # volumes cleanup can happen successfully irrespective of which volume
+        # is attached to server.
+        volume1 = self.create_volume(multiattach=True)
+        volume2 = self.create_volume(multiattach=True)
+        # Boot server1
+        server1 = self.create_test_server(wait_until='ACTIVE')
+        # Attach volume1 to server1
+        self.attach_volume(server1, volume1)
+        # Boot server2
+        server2 = self.create_test_server(wait_until='ACTIVE')
+        # Attach volume1 to server2
+        self.attach_volume(server2, volume1)
+        # Swap volume1 to volume2 on server1, volume1 should remain attached
+        # to server 2
+        self.admin_servers_client.update_attached_volume(
+            server1['id'], volume1['id'], volumeId=volume2['id'])
+        # volume1 will return to in-use after the swap
+        waiters.wait_for_volume_resource_status(self.volumes_client,
+                                                volume1['id'], 'in-use')
+        waiters.wait_for_volume_resource_status(self.volumes_client,
+                                                volume2['id'], 'in-use')
+        self.wait_for_server_volume_swap(server1['id'], volume1['id'],
+                                         volume2['id'])
+        # Verify volume2 is attached to server1
+        vol_attachments = self.servers_client.list_volume_attachments(
+            server1['id'])['volumeAttachments']
+        self.assertEqual(1, len(vol_attachments))
+        self.assertIn(volume2['id'], vol_attachments[0]['volumeId'])
+        # Verify volume1 is still attached to server2
+        vol_attachments = self.servers_client.list_volume_attachments(
+            server2['id'])['volumeAttachments']
+        self.assertEqual(1, len(vol_attachments))
+        self.assertIn(volume1['id'], vol_attachments[0]['volumeId'])
diff --git a/tempest/api/compute/ b/tempest/api/compute/
index feabe35..9759be7 100644
--- a/tempest/api/compute/
+++ b/tempest/api/compute/
@@ -97,8 +97,17 @@
         cls.security_group_default_rules_client = (
         cls.versions_client = cls.os_primary.compute_versions_client
-        cls.volumes_client = cls.os_primary.volumes_v2_client
+        if CONF.service_available.cinder:
+            cls.volumes_client = cls.os_primary.volumes_client_latest
+        if CONF.service_available.glance:
+            if CONF.image_feature_enabled.api_v1:
+                cls.images_client = cls.os_primary.image_client
+            elif CONF.image_feature_enabled.api_v2:
+                cls.images_client = cls.os_primary.image_client_v2
+            else:
+                raise lib_exc.InvalidConfiguration(
+                    'Either api_v1 or api_v2 must be True in '
+                    '[image-feature-enabled].')
     def resource_setup(cls):
@@ -116,42 +125,6 @@
         cls.ssh_user = CONF.validation.image_ssh_user
         cls.image_ssh_user = CONF.validation.image_ssh_user
         cls.image_ssh_password = CONF.validation.image_ssh_password
-        cls.servers = []
-        cls.images = []
-        cls.security_groups = []
-        cls.server_groups = []
-        cls.volumes = []
-    @classmethod
-    def resource_cleanup(cls):
-        cls.clear_resources('images', cls.images,
-                            cls.compute_images_client.delete_image)
-        cls.clear_servers()
-        cls.clear_resources('security groups', cls.security_groups,
-                            cls.security_groups_client.delete_security_group)
-        cls.clear_resources('server groups', cls.server_groups,
-                            cls.server_groups_client.delete_server_group)
-        cls.clear_volumes()
-        super(BaseV2ComputeTest, cls).resource_cleanup()
-    @classmethod
-    def clear_servers(cls):
-        LOG.debug('Clearing servers: %s', ','.join(
-            server['id'] for server in cls.servers))
-        for server in cls.servers:
-            try:
-                test_utils.call_and_ignore_notfound_exc(
-                    cls.servers_client.delete_server, server['id'])
-            except Exception:
-                LOG.exception('Deleting server %s failed', server['id'])
-        for server in cls.servers:
-            try:
-                waiters.wait_for_server_termination(cls.servers_client,
-                                                    server['id'])
-            except Exception:
-                LOG.exception('Waiting for deletion of server %s failed',
-                              server['id'])
     def server_check_teardown(cls):
@@ -190,7 +163,7 @@
     def create_test_server(cls, validatable=False, volume_backed=False,
-                           **kwargs):
+                           validation_resources=None, **kwargs):
         """Wrapper utility that returns a test server.
         This wrapper utility calls the common create test server and
@@ -200,6 +173,10 @@
         :param validatable: Whether the server will be pingable or sshable.
         :param volume_backed: Whether the instance is volume backed or not.
+        :param validation_resources: Dictionary of validation resources as
+            returned by `get_class_validation_resources`.
+        :param kwargs: Extra arguments are passed down to the
+            `compute.create_test_server` call.
         if 'name' not in kwargs:
             kwargs['name'] = data_utils.rand_name(cls.__name__ + "-server")
@@ -208,20 +185,29 @@
         v2_37_version = api_version_request.APIVersionRequest('2.37')
+        tenant_network = cls.get_tenant_network()
         # NOTE(snikitin): since microversion v2.37 'networks' field is required
-        if request_version >= v2_37_version and 'networks' not in kwargs:
+        if (request_version >= v2_37_version and 'networks' not in kwargs and
+            not tenant_network):
             kwargs['networks'] = 'none'
-        tenant_network = cls.get_tenant_network()
         body, servers = compute.create_test_server(
-            validation_resources=cls.validation_resources,
+            validation_resources=validation_resources,
-        cls.servers.extend(servers)
+        # For each server schedule wait and delete, so we first delete all
+        # and then wait for all
+        for server in servers:
+            cls.addClassResourceCleanup(waiters.wait_for_server_termination,
+                                        cls.servers_client, server['id'])
+        for server in servers:
+            cls.addClassResourceCleanup(
+                test_utils.call_and_ignore_notfound_exc,
+                cls.servers_client.delete_server, server['id'])
         return body
@@ -233,7 +219,10 @@
             description = data_utils.rand_name('description')
         body = cls.security_groups_client.create_security_group(
             name=name, description=description)['security_group']
-        cls.security_groups.append(body['id'])
+        cls.addClassResourceCleanup(
+            test_utils.call_and_ignore_notfound_exc,
+            cls.security_groups_client.delete_security_group,
+            body['id'])
         return body
@@ -245,7 +234,10 @@
             policy = ['affinity']
         body = cls.server_groups_client.create_server_group(
             name=name, policies=policy)['server_group']
-        cls.server_groups.append(body['id'])
+        cls.addClassResourceCleanup(
+            test_utils.call_and_ignore_notfound_exc,
+            cls.server_groups_client.delete_server_group,
+            body['id'])
         return body
     def wait_for(self, condition):
@@ -263,18 +255,6 @@
-    @staticmethod
-    def _delete_volume(volumes_client, volume_id):
-        """Deletes the given volume and waits for it to be gone."""
-        try:
-            volumes_client.delete_volume(volume_id)
-            # TODO(mriedem): We should move the wait_for_resource_deletion
-            # into the delete_volume method as a convenience to the caller.
-            volumes_client.wait_for_resource_deletion(volume_id)
-        except lib_exc.NotFound:
-            LOG.warning("Unable to delete volume '%s' since it was not found. "
-                        "Maybe it was already deleted?", volume_id)
     def prepare_instance_network(cls):
         if (CONF.validation.auth_method != 'disabled' and
@@ -284,7 +264,11 @@
     def create_image_from_server(cls, server_id, **kwargs):
-        """Wrapper utility that returns an image created from the server."""
+        """Wrapper utility that returns an image created from the server.
+        If compute microversion >= 2.36, the returned image response will
+        be from the image service API rather than the compute image proxy API.
+        """
         name = kwargs.pop('name',
                           data_utils.rand_name(cls.__name__ + "-image"))
         wait_until = kwargs.pop('wait_until', None)
@@ -292,13 +276,26 @@
         image = cls.compute_images_client.create_image(server_id, name=name,
-        image_id = data_utils.parse_image_id(image.response['location'])
-        cls.images.append(image_id)
+        if api_version_utils.compare_version_header_to_response(
+            "OpenStack-API-Version", "compute 2.45", image.response, "lt"):
+            image_id = image['image_id']
+        else:
+            image_id = data_utils.parse_image_id(image.response['location'])
+        # The compute image proxy APIs were deprecated in 2.35 so
+        # use the images client directly if the API microversion being
+        # used is >=2.36.
+        if api_version_utils.compare_version_header_to_response(
+                "OpenStack-API-Version", "compute 2.36", image.response, "lt"):
+            client = cls.images_client
+        else:
+            client = cls.compute_images_client
+        cls.addClassResourceCleanup(test_utils.call_and_ignore_notfound_exc,
+                                    client.delete_image, image_id)
         if wait_until is not None:
-                waiters.wait_for_image_status(cls.compute_images_client,
-                                              image_id, wait_until)
+                waiters.wait_for_image_status(client, image_id, wait_until)
             except lib_exc.NotFound:
                 if wait_until.upper() == 'ACTIVE':
                     # If the image is not found after create_image returned
@@ -316,7 +313,11 @@
-            image = cls.compute_images_client.show_image(image_id)['image']
+            image = client.show_image(image_id)
+            # Compute image client returns response wrapped in 'image' element
+            # which is not the case with Glance image client.
+            if 'image' in image:
+                image = image['image']
             if wait_until.upper() == 'ACTIVE':
                 if wait_for_server:
@@ -325,14 +326,34 @@
         return image
-    def rebuild_server(cls, server_id, validatable=False, **kwargs):
-        # Destroy an existing server and creates a new one
+    def recreate_server(cls, server_id, validatable=False, **kwargs):
+        """Destroy an existing class level server and creates a new one
+        Some test classes use a test server that can be used by multiple
+        tests. This is done to optimise runtime and test load.
+        If something goes wrong with the test server, it can be rebuilt
+        using this helper.
+        This helper can also be used for the initial provisioning if no
+        server_id is specified.
+        :param server_id: UUID of the server to be rebuilt. If None is
+            specified, a new server is provisioned.
+        :param validatable: whether to the server needs to be
+            validatable. When True, validation resources are acquired via
+            the `get_class_validation_resources` helper.
+        :param kwargs: extra paramaters are passed through to the
+            `create_test_server` call.
+        :return: the UUID of the created server.
+        """
         if server_id:
         cls.password = data_utils.rand_password()
         server = cls.create_test_server(
+            validation_resources=cls.get_class_validation_resources(
+                cls.os_primary),
@@ -356,21 +377,44 @@
         waiters.wait_for_server_status(cls.servers_client, server_id, 'ACTIVE')
+        server = cls.servers_client.show_server(server_id)['server']
+        # Nova API > 2.46 no longer includes
+        if server['flavor'].get('id'):
+            if new_flavor_id != server['flavor']['id']:
+                msg = ('Flavor id of %s is not equal to new_flavor_id.'
+                       % server_id)
+                raise lib_exc.TempestException(msg)
     def delete_volume(cls, volume_id):
         """Deletes the given volume and waits for it to be gone."""
-        cls._delete_volume(cls.volumes_client, volume_id)
+        try:
+            cls.volumes_client.delete_volume(volume_id)
+            # TODO(mriedem): We should move the wait_for_resource_deletion
+            # into the delete_volume method as a convenience to the caller.
+            cls.volumes_client.wait_for_resource_deletion(volume_id)
+        except lib_exc.NotFound:
+            LOG.warning("Unable to delete volume '%s' since it was not found. "
+                        "Maybe it was already deleted?", volume_id)
-    def get_server_ip(cls, server):
+    def get_server_ip(cls, server, validation_resources=None):
         """Get the server fixed or floating IP.
         Based on the configuration we're in, return a correct ip
         address for validating that a guest is up.
+        :param server: The server dict as returned by the API
+        :param validation_resources: The dict of validation resources
+            provisioned for the server.
         if CONF.validation.connect_method == 'floating':
-            return cls.validation_resources['floating_ip']['ip']
+            if validation_resources:
+                return validation_resources['floating_ip']['ip']
+            else:
+                msg = ('When validation.connect_method equals floating, '
+                       'validation_resources cannot be None')
+                raise exceptions.InvalidParam(invalid_param=msg)
         elif CONF.validation.connect_method == 'fixed':
             addresses = server['addresses'][CONF.validation.network_for_ssh]
             for address in addresses:
@@ -401,30 +445,33 @@
         if image_ref is not None:
             kwargs['imageRef'] = image_ref
         volume = cls.volumes_client.create_volume(**kwargs)['volume']
-        cls.volumes.append(volume)
+        cls.addClassResourceCleanup(
+            cls.volumes_client.wait_for_resource_deletion, volume['id'])
+        cls.addClassResourceCleanup(test_utils.call_and_ignore_notfound_exc,
+                                    cls.volumes_client.delete_volume,
+                                    volume['id'])
                                                 volume['id'], 'available')
         return volume
-    @classmethod
-    def clear_volumes(cls):
-        LOG.debug('Clearing volumes: %s', ','.join(
-            volume['id'] for volume in cls.volumes))
-        for volume in cls.volumes:
-            try:
-                test_utils.call_and_ignore_notfound_exc(
-                    cls.volumes_client.delete_volume, volume['id'])
-            except Exception:
-                LOG.exception('Deleting volume %s failed', volume['id'])
+    def _detach_volume(self, server, volume):
+        """Helper method to detach a volume.
-        for volume in cls.volumes:
-            try:
-                cls.volumes_client.wait_for_resource_deletion(volume['id'])
-            except Exception:
-                LOG.exception('Waiting for deletion of volume %s failed',
-                              volume['id'])
+        Ignores 404 responses if the volume or server do not exist, or the
+        volume is already detached from the server.
+        """
+        try:
+            volume = self.volumes_client.show_volume(volume['id'])['volume']
+            # Check the status. You can only detach an in-use volume, otherwise
+            # the compute API will return a 400 response.
+            if volume['status'] == 'in-use':
+                self.servers_client.detach_volume(server['id'], volume['id'])
+        except lib_exc.NotFound:
+            # Ignore 404s on detach in case the server is deleted or the volume
+            # is already detached.
+            pass
-    def attach_volume(self, server, volume, device=None, check_reserved=False):
+    def attach_volume(self, server, volume, device=None):
         """Attaches volume to server and waits for 'in-use' volume status.
         The volume will be detached when the test tears down.
@@ -433,15 +480,10 @@
         :param volume: The volume to attach.
         :param device: Optional mountpoint for the attached volume. Note that
             this is not guaranteed for all hypervisors and is not recommended.
-        :param check_reserved: Consider a status of reserved as valid for
-            completion. This is to handle new Cinder attach where we more
-            accurately use 'reserved' for things like attaching to a shelved
-            server.
         attach_kwargs = dict(volumeId=volume['id'])
         if device:
             attach_kwargs['device'] = device
         attachment = self.servers_client.attach_volume(
             server['id'], **attach_kwargs)['volumeAttachment']
         # On teardown detach the volume and wait for it to be available. This
@@ -451,14 +493,9 @@
                         self.volumes_client, volume['id'], 'available')
         # Ignore 404s on detach in case the server is deleted or the volume
         # is already detached.
-        self.addCleanup(test_utils.call_and_ignore_notfound_exc,
-                        self.servers_client.detach_volume,
-                        server['id'], volume['id'])
-        statuses = ['in-use']
-        if check_reserved:
-            statuses.append('reserved')
+        self.addCleanup(self._detach_volume, server, volume)
-                                                volume['id'], statuses)
+                                                volume['id'], 'in-use')
         return attachment
@@ -495,12 +532,10 @@
     def get_host_other_than(self, server_id):
         source_host = self.get_host_for_server(server_id)
-        list_hosts_resp = self.os_admin.hosts_client.list_hosts()['hosts']
-        hosts = [
-            host_record['host_name']
-            for host_record in list_hosts_resp
-            if host_record['service'] == 'compute'
-        ]
+        hypers = self.os_admin.hypervisor_client.list_hypervisors(
+            )['hypervisors']
+        hosts = [hyper['hypervisor_hostname'] for hyper in hypers
+                 if hyper['state'] == 'up' and hyper['status'] == 'enabled']
         for target_host in hosts:
             if source_host != target_host:
diff --git a/tempest/api/compute/flavors/ b/tempest/api/compute/flavors/
index d5bb45a..20294e9 100644
--- a/tempest/api/compute/flavors/
+++ b/tempest/api/compute/flavors/
@@ -18,8 +18,6 @@
 class FlavorsV2TestJSON(base.BaseV2ComputeTest):
-    _min_disk = 'minDisk'
-    _min_ram = 'minRam'
@@ -89,7 +87,7 @@
         flavor = self.flavors_client.show_flavor(self.flavor_ref)['flavor']
         flavor_id = flavor['id']
-        params = {self._min_disk: flavor['disk'] + 1}
+        params = {'minDisk': flavor['disk'] + 1}
         flavors = self.flavors_client.list_flavors(detail=True,
         self.assertEmpty([i for i in flavors if i['id'] == flavor_id])
@@ -100,7 +98,7 @@
         flavor = self.flavors_client.show_flavor(self.flavor_ref)['flavor']
         flavor_id = flavor['id']
-        params = {self._min_ram: flavor['ram'] + 1}
+        params = {'minRam': flavor['ram'] + 1}
         flavors = self.flavors_client.list_flavors(detail=True,
         self.assertEmpty([i for i in flavors if i['id'] == flavor_id])
@@ -111,7 +109,7 @@
         flavor = self.flavors_client.show_flavor(self.flavor_ref)['flavor']
         flavor_id = flavor['id']
-        params = {self._min_disk: flavor['disk'] + 1}
+        params = {'minDisk': flavor['disk'] + 1}
         flavors = self.flavors_client.list_flavors(**params)['flavors']
         self.assertEmpty([i for i in flavors if i['id'] == flavor_id])
@@ -121,6 +119,6 @@
         flavor = self.flavors_client.show_flavor(self.flavor_ref)['flavor']
         flavor_id = flavor['id']
-        params = {self._min_ram: flavor['ram'] + 1}
+        params = {'minRam': flavor['ram'] + 1}
         flavors = self.flavors_client.list_flavors(**params)['flavors']
         self.assertEmpty([i for i in flavors if i['id'] == flavor_id])
diff --git a/tempest/api/compute/flavors/ b/tempest/api/compute/flavors/
index ebb9d2e..3a474e6 100644
--- a/tempest/api/compute/flavors/
+++ b/tempest/api/compute/flavors/
@@ -19,31 +19,19 @@
 from tempest.api.compute import base
 from tempest.common import image as common_image
+from tempest.common import utils
 from tempest import config
 from tempest.lib.common.utils import data_utils
 from tempest.lib import decorators
 from tempest.lib import exceptions as lib_exc
-from tempest import test
 CONF = config.CONF
 class FlavorsV2NegativeTest(base.BaseV2ComputeTest):
-    @classmethod
-    def setup_clients(cls):
-        super(FlavorsV2NegativeTest, cls).setup_clients()
-        if CONF.image_feature_enabled.api_v1:
-            cls.images_client = cls.os_primary.image_client
-        elif CONF.image_feature_enabled.api_v2:
-            cls.images_client = cls.os_primary.image_client_v2
-        else:
-            raise lib_exc.InvalidConfiguration(
-                'Either api_v1 or api_v2 must be True in '
-                '[image-feature-enabled].')
     def test_boot_with_low_ram(self):
         """Try boot a vm with lower than min ram
diff --git a/tempest/api/compute/floating_ips/ b/tempest/api/compute/floating_ips/
index 142eaec..262a3c1 100644
--- a/tempest/api/compute/floating_ips/
+++ b/tempest/api/compute/floating_ips/
@@ -14,6 +14,10 @@
 #    under the License.
 from tempest.api.compute import base
+from tempest.common import utils
+from tempest import config
+CONF = config.CONF
 class BaseFloatingIPsTest(base.BaseV2ComputeTest):
@@ -24,3 +28,17 @@
         cls.set_network_resources(network=True, subnet=True,
                                   router=True, dhcp=True)
         super(BaseFloatingIPsTest, cls).setup_credentials()
+    @classmethod
+    def skip_checks(cls):
+        super(BaseFloatingIPsTest, cls).skip_checks()
+        if not utils.get_service_list()['network']:
+            raise cls.skipException("network service not enabled.")
+        if not CONF.network_feature_enabled.floating_ips:
+            raise cls.skipException("Floating ips are not available")
+    @classmethod
+    def setup_clients(cls):
+        super(BaseFloatingIPsTest, cls).setup_clients()
+        cls.client = cls.floating_ips_client
+        cls.pools_client = cls.floating_ip_pools_client
diff --git a/tempest/api/compute/floating_ips/ b/tempest/api/compute/floating_ips/
index faa7b5d..2adc482 100644
--- a/tempest/api/compute/floating_ips/
+++ b/tempest/api/compute/floating_ips/
@@ -20,49 +20,15 @@
 from tempest.lib.common.utils import test_utils
 from tempest.lib import decorators
 from tempest.lib import exceptions as lib_exc
-from tempest import test
 CONF = config.CONF
 class FloatingIPsTestJSON(base.BaseFloatingIPsTest):
-    server_id = None
-    floating_ip = None
-    @classmethod
-    def skip_checks(cls):
-        super(FloatingIPsTestJSON, cls).skip_checks()
-        if not CONF.network_feature_enabled.floating_ips:
-            raise cls.skipException("Floating ips are not available")
-    @classmethod
-    def setup_clients(cls):
-        super(FloatingIPsTestJSON, cls).setup_clients()
-        cls.client = cls.floating_ips_client
-    @classmethod
-    def resource_setup(cls):
-        super(FloatingIPsTestJSON, cls).resource_setup()
-        cls.floating_ip_id = None
-        # Server creation
-        server = cls.create_test_server(wait_until='ACTIVE')
-        cls.server_id = server['id']
-        # Floating IP creation
-        body = cls.client.create_floating_ip(
-  ['floating_ip']
-        cls.floating_ip_id = body['id']
-        cls.floating_ip = body['ip']
-    @classmethod
-    def resource_cleanup(cls):
-        # Deleting the floating IP which is created in this method
-        if cls.floating_ip_id:
-            cls.client.delete_floating_ip(cls.floating_ip_id)
-        super(FloatingIPsTestJSON, cls).resource_cleanup()
+    max_microversion = '2.35'
     def test_allocate_floating_ip(self):
         # Positive test:Allocation of a new floating IP to a project
         # should be successful
@@ -78,7 +44,6 @@
         self.assertIn(floating_ip_details, body)
     def test_delete_floating_ip(self):
         # Positive test:Deletion of valid floating IP from project
         # should be successful
@@ -92,8 +57,26 @@
         # Check it was really deleted.
+class FloatingIPsAssociationTestJSON(base.BaseFloatingIPsTest):
+    max_microversion = '2.43'
+    @classmethod
+    def resource_setup(cls):
+        super(FloatingIPsAssociationTestJSON, cls).resource_setup()
+        # Server creation
+        cls.server = cls.create_test_server(wait_until='ACTIVE')
+        cls.server_id = cls.server['id']
+        # Floating IP creation
+        body = cls.client.create_floating_ip(
+  ['floating_ip']
+        cls.addClassResourceCleanup(cls.client.delete_floating_ip, body['id'])
+        cls.floating_ip_id = body['id']
+        cls.floating_ip = body['ip']
                           'The public_network_id option must be specified.')
     def test_associate_disassociate_floating_ip(self):
@@ -116,7 +99,6 @@
                           'The public_network_id option must be specified.')
     def test_associate_already_associated_floating_ip(self):
diff --git a/tempest/api/compute/floating_ips/ b/tempest/api/compute/floating_ips/
index 483bd95..9257458 100644
--- a/tempest/api/compute/floating_ips/
+++ b/tempest/api/compute/floating_ips/
@@ -20,31 +20,18 @@
 from tempest.lib.common.utils import data_utils
 from tempest.lib import decorators
 from tempest.lib import exceptions as lib_exc
-from tempest import test
 CONF = config.CONF
 class FloatingIPsNegativeTestJSON(base.BaseFloatingIPsTest):
-    @classmethod
-    def skip_checks(cls):
-        super(FloatingIPsNegativeTestJSON, cls).skip_checks()
-        if not CONF.network_feature_enabled.floating_ips:
-            raise cls.skipException("Floating ips are not available")
-    @classmethod
-    def setup_clients(cls):
-        super(FloatingIPsNegativeTestJSON, cls).setup_clients()
-        cls.client = cls.floating_ips_client
+    max_microversion = '2.35'
     def resource_setup(cls):
         super(FloatingIPsNegativeTestJSON, cls).resource_setup()
-        # Server creation
-        server = cls.create_test_server(wait_until='ACTIVE')
-        cls.server_id = server['id']
         # Generating a nonexistent floatingIP id
         body = cls.client.list_floating_ips()['floating_ips']
         floating_ip_ids = [floating_ip['id'] for floating_ip in body]
@@ -58,7 +45,6 @@
     def test_allocate_floating_ip_from_nonexistent_pool(self):
         # Negative test:Allocation of a new floating IP from a nonexistent_pool
         # to a project should fail
@@ -68,7 +54,6 @@
     def test_delete_nonexistent_floating_ip(self):
         # Negative test:Deletion of a nonexistent floating IP
         # from project should fail
@@ -77,9 +62,19 @@
         self.assertRaises(lib_exc.NotFound, self.client.delete_floating_ip,
+class FloatingIPsAssociationNegativeTestJSON(base.BaseFloatingIPsTest):
+    max_microversion = '2.43'
+    @classmethod
+    def resource_setup(cls):
+        super(FloatingIPsAssociationNegativeTestJSON, cls).resource_setup()
+        cls.server = cls.create_test_server(wait_until='ACTIVE')
+        cls.server_id = cls.server['id']
     def test_associate_nonexistent_floating_ip(self):
         # Negative test:Association of a non existent floating IP
         # to specific server should fail
@@ -90,7 +85,6 @@
     def test_dissociate_nonexistent_floating_ip(self):
         # Negative test:Dissociation of a non existent floating IP should fail
         # Dissociating non existent floating IP
@@ -100,7 +94,6 @@
     def test_associate_ip_to_server_without_passing_floating_ip(self):
         # Negative test:Association of empty floating IP to specific server
         # should raise NotFound or BadRequest(In case of Nova V2.1) exception.
@@ -110,7 +103,6 @@
                           'The public_network_id option must be specified.')
     def test_associate_ip_to_server_with_floating_ip(self):
diff --git a/tempest/api/compute/floating_ips/ b/tempest/api/compute/floating_ips/
index 913b992..944f798 100644
--- a/tempest/api/compute/floating_ips/
+++ b/tempest/api/compute/floating_ips/
@@ -13,47 +13,29 @@
 #    License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
 #    under the License.
-from tempest.api.compute import base
+from tempest.api.compute.floating_ips import base
 from tempest import config
 from tempest.lib import decorators
-from tempest import test
 CONF = config.CONF
-class FloatingIPDetailsTestJSON(base.BaseV2ComputeTest):
+class FloatingIPDetailsTestJSON(base.BaseFloatingIPsTest):
-    @classmethod
-    def skip_checks(cls):
-        super(FloatingIPDetailsTestJSON, cls).skip_checks()
-        if not CONF.network_feature_enabled.floating_ips:
-            raise cls.skipException("Floating ips are not available")
-    @classmethod
-    def setup_clients(cls):
-        super(FloatingIPDetailsTestJSON, cls).setup_clients()
-        cls.client = cls.floating_ips_client
-        cls.pools_client = cls.floating_ip_pools_client
+    max_microversion = '2.35'
     def resource_setup(cls):
         super(FloatingIPDetailsTestJSON, cls).resource_setup()
         cls.floating_ip = []
-        cls.floating_ip_id = []
         for _ in range(3):
             body = cls.client.create_floating_ip(
+            cls.addClassResourceCleanup(cls.client.delete_floating_ip,
+                                        body['id'])
-            cls.floating_ip_id.append(body['id'])
-    @classmethod
-    def resource_cleanup(cls):
-        for f_id in cls.floating_ip_id:
-            cls.client.delete_floating_ip(f_id)
-        super(FloatingIPDetailsTestJSON, cls).resource_cleanup()
     def test_list_floating_ips(self):
         # Positive test:Should return the list of floating IPs
         body = self.client.list_floating_ips()['floating_ips']
@@ -64,7 +46,6 @@
             self.assertIn(self.floating_ip[i], floating_ips)
     def test_get_floating_ip_details(self):
         # Positive test:Should be able to GET the details of floatingIP
         # Creating a floating IP for which details are to be checked
@@ -86,7 +67,6 @@
         self.assertEqual(floating_ip_id, body['id'])
     def test_list_floating_ip_pools(self):
         # Positive test:Should return the list of floating IP Pools
         floating_ip_pools = self.pools_client.list_floating_ip_pools()
diff --git a/tempest/api/compute/floating_ips/ b/tempest/api/compute/floating_ips/
index b5bbb8c..d69248c 100644
--- a/tempest/api/compute/floating_ips/
+++ b/tempest/api/compute/floating_ips/
@@ -13,32 +13,21 @@
 #    License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
 #    under the License.
-from tempest.api.compute import base
+from tempest.api.compute.floating_ips import base
 from tempest import config
 from tempest.lib.common.utils import data_utils
 from tempest.lib import decorators
 from tempest.lib import exceptions as lib_exc
-from tempest import test
 CONF = config.CONF
-class FloatingIPDetailsNegativeTestJSON(base.BaseV2ComputeTest):
+class FloatingIPDetailsNegativeTestJSON(base.BaseFloatingIPsTest):
-    @classmethod
-    def skip_checks(cls):
-        super(FloatingIPDetailsNegativeTestJSON, cls).skip_checks()
-        if not CONF.network_feature_enabled.floating_ips:
-            raise cls.skipException("Floating ips are not available")
-    @classmethod
-    def setup_clients(cls):
-        super(FloatingIPDetailsNegativeTestJSON, cls).setup_clients()
-        cls.client = cls.floating_ips_client
+    max_microversion = '2.35'
     def test_get_nonexistent_floating_ip_details(self):
         # Negative test:Should not be able to GET the details
         # of non-existent floating IP
diff --git a/tempest/api/compute/images/ b/tempest/api/compute/images/
index 8d503dc..b497626 100644
--- a/tempest/api/compute/images/
+++ b/tempest/api/compute/images/
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
 from tempest.common import waiters
 from tempest import config
 from tempest.lib.common.utils import data_utils
+from tempest.lib.common.utils import test_utils
 from tempest.lib import decorators
 from tempest.lib import exceptions
@@ -70,7 +71,9 @@
         body = cls.glance_client.create_image(**params)
         body = body['image'] if 'image' in body else body
         cls.image_id = body['id']
-        cls.images.append(cls.image_id)
+        cls.addClassResourceCleanup(test_utils.call_and_ignore_notfound_exc,
+                                    cls.glance_client.delete_image,
+                                    cls.image_id)
         image_file = six.BytesIO((b'*' * 1024))
         if CONF.image_feature_enabled.api_v1:
             cls.glance_client.update_image(cls.image_id, data=image_file)
diff --git a/tempest/api/compute/images/ b/tempest/api/compute/images/
index 5987d39..058e7e6 100644
--- a/tempest/api/compute/images/
+++ b/tempest/api/compute/images/
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
 from tempest.api.compute import base
 from tempest import config
+from tempest.lib.common import api_version_utils
 from tempest.lib.common.utils import data_utils
 from tempest.lib import decorators
@@ -74,7 +75,6 @@
         # Verify the image was deleted correctly
-        self.images.remove(image['id'])
@@ -87,5 +87,9 @@
         # 4 byte utf-8 character.
         utf8_name = data_utils.rand_name(b'\xe2\x82\xa1'.decode('utf-8'))
         body = self.client.create_image(self.server_id, name=utf8_name)
-        image_id = data_utils.parse_image_id(body.response['location'])
+        if api_version_utils.compare_version_header_to_response(
+            "OpenStack-API-Version", "compute 2.45", body.response, "lt"):
+            image_id = body['image_id']
+        else:
+            image_id = data_utils.parse_image_id(body.response['location'])
         self.addCleanup(self.client.delete_image, image_id)
diff --git a/tempest/api/compute/images/ b/tempest/api/compute/images/
index cf32ba3..a2e58c9 100644
--- a/tempest/api/compute/images/
+++ b/tempest/api/compute/images/
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
 from tempest.api.compute import base
 from tempest.common import waiters
 from tempest import config
+from tempest.lib.common import api_version_utils
 from tempest.lib.common.utils import data_utils
 from tempest.lib import decorators
 from tempest.lib import exceptions as lib_exc
@@ -51,7 +52,7 @@
     def _reset_server(self):
-        self.__class__.server_id = self.rebuild_server(self.server_id)
+        self.__class__.server_id = self.recreate_server(self.server_id)
     def skip_checks(cls):
@@ -105,9 +106,12 @@
         self.assertRaises(lib_exc.Conflict, self.create_image_from_server,
-        image_id = data_utils.parse_image_id(image.response['location'])
+        if api_version_utils.compare_version_header_to_response(
+            "OpenStack-API-Version", "compute 2.45", image.response, "lt"):
+            image_id = image['image_id']
+        else:
+            image_id = data_utils.parse_image_id(image.response['location'])
-        self.images.remove(image_id)
@@ -124,12 +128,15 @@
         # Return an error while trying to delete an image what is creating
         image = self.create_image_from_server(self.server_id)
-        image_id = data_utils.parse_image_id(image.response['location'])
+        if api_version_utils.compare_version_header_to_response(
+            "OpenStack-API-Version", "compute 2.45", image.response, "lt"):
+            image_id = image['image_id']
+        else:
+            image_id = data_utils.parse_image_id(image.response['location'])
         # Do not wait, attempt to delete the image, ensure it's successful
-        self.images.remove(image_id)
                           self.client.show_image, image_id)
diff --git a/tempest/api/compute/images/ b/tempest/api/compute/images/
index acc8b3e..d83d8df 100644
--- a/tempest/api/compute/images/
+++ b/tempest/api/compute/images/
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@
 from tempest.common import waiters
 from tempest import config
 from tempest.lib.common.utils import data_utils
+from tempest.lib.common.utils import test_utils
 from tempest.lib import decorators
 from tempest.lib import exceptions
@@ -74,7 +75,10 @@
             body = cls.glance_client.create_image(**params)
             body = body['image'] if 'image' in body else body
             image_id = body['id']
-            cls.images.append(image_id)
+            cls.addClassResourceCleanup(
+                test_utils.call_and_ignore_notfound_exc,
+                cls.compute_images_client.delete_image,
+                image_id)
             # Wait 1 second between creation and upload to ensure a delta
             # between created_at and updated_at.
diff --git a/tempest/api/compute/keypairs/ b/tempest/api/compute/keypairs/
index 0051810..44da88c 100644
--- a/tempest/api/compute/keypairs/
+++ b/tempest/api/compute/keypairs/
@@ -20,17 +20,16 @@
 class BaseKeypairTest(base.BaseV2ComputeTest):
     """Base test case class for all keypair API tests."""
-    @classmethod
-    def setup_clients(cls):
-        super(BaseKeypairTest, cls).setup_clients()
-        cls.client = cls.keypairs_client
-    def _delete_keypair(self, keypair_name, **params):
-        self.client.delete_keypair(keypair_name, **params)
+    def _delete_keypair(self, keypair_name, client=None, **params):
+        if not client:
+            client = self.keypairs_client
+        client.delete_keypair(keypair_name, **params)
     def create_keypair(self, keypair_name=None,
                        pub_key=None, keypair_type=None,
-                       user_id=None):
+                       user_id=None, client=None):
+        if not client:
+            client = self.keypairs_client
         if keypair_name is None:
             keypair_name = data_utils.rand_name(
                 self.__class__.__name__ + '-keypair')
@@ -43,6 +42,7 @@
         if user_id:
             kwargs.update({'user_id': user_id})
             delete_params['user_id'] = user_id
-        body = self.client.create_keypair(**kwargs)['keypair']
-        self.addCleanup(self._delete_keypair, keypair_name, **delete_params)
+        body = client.create_keypair(**kwargs)['keypair']
+        self.addCleanup(self._delete_keypair, keypair_name,
+                        client, **delete_params)
         return body
diff --git a/tempest/api/compute/keypairs/ b/tempest/api/compute/keypairs/
index 3a54d51..66abb21 100644
--- a/tempest/api/compute/keypairs/
+++ b/tempest/api/compute/keypairs/
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
         # Fetch all keypairs and verify the list
         # has all created keypairs
-        fetched_list = self.client.list_keypairs()['keypairs']
+        fetched_list = self.keypairs_client.list_keypairs()['keypairs']
         new_list = list()
         for keypair in fetched_list:
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@
         # Keypair should be created, Got details by name and deleted
         k_name = data_utils.rand_name('keypair')
-        keypair_detail = self.client.show_keypair(k_name)['keypair']
+        keypair_detail = self.keypairs_client.show_keypair(k_name)['keypair']
         self.assertEqual(keypair_detail['name'], k_name,
                          "The created keypair name is not equal "
                          "to requested name")
diff --git a/tempest/api/compute/keypairs/ b/tempest/api/compute/keypairs/
index 205076c..f9050a8 100644
--- a/tempest/api/compute/keypairs/
+++ b/tempest/api/compute/keypairs/
@@ -34,7 +34,8 @@
     def test_keypair_delete_nonexistent_key(self):
         # Non-existent key deletion should throw a proper error
         k_name = data_utils.rand_name("keypair-non-existent")
-        self.assertRaises(lib_exc.NotFound, self.client.delete_keypair,
+        self.assertRaises(lib_exc.NotFound,
+                          self.keypairs_client.delete_keypair,
@@ -58,11 +59,11 @@
     def test_create_keypair_with_duplicate_name(self):
         # Keypairs with duplicate names should not be created
         k_name = data_utils.rand_name('keypair')
-        self.client.create_keypair(name=k_name)
+        self.keypairs_client.create_keypair(name=k_name)
         # Now try the same keyname to create another key
         self.assertRaises(lib_exc.Conflict, self.create_keypair,
-        self.client.delete_keypair(k_name)
+        self.keypairs_client.delete_keypair(k_name)
diff --git a/tempest/api/compute/keypairs/ b/tempest/api/compute/keypairs/
index f39bb12..1aff262 100644
--- a/tempest/api/compute/keypairs/
+++ b/tempest/api/compute/keypairs/
@@ -32,9 +32,9 @@
         # Verify whether 'type' is present in keypair create response of
         # version 2.2 and it is with default value 'ssh'.
         self._check_keypair_type(keypair, keypair_type)
-        keypair_detail = self.client.show_keypair(k_name)['keypair']
+        keypair_detail = self.keypairs_client.show_keypair(k_name)['keypair']
         self._check_keypair_type(keypair_detail, keypair_type)
-        fetched_list = self.client.list_keypairs()['keypairs']
+        fetched_list = self.keypairs_client.list_keypairs()['keypairs']
         for keypair in fetched_list:
             # Verify whether 'type' is present in keypair list response of
             # version 2.2 and it is with default value 'ssh'.
diff --git a/tempest/api/compute/security_groups/ b/tempest/api/compute/security_groups/
index 6148e16..54a6da8 100644
--- a/tempest/api/compute/security_groups/
+++ b/tempest/api/compute/security_groups/
@@ -14,9 +14,9 @@
 #    under the License.
 from tempest.api.compute import base
+from tempest.common import utils
 from tempest import config
 from tempest.lib.common.utils import data_utils
-from tempest import test
 CONF = config.CONF
@@ -24,6 +24,12 @@
 class BaseSecurityGroupsTest(base.BaseV2ComputeTest):
+    def skip_checks(cls):
+        super(BaseSecurityGroupsTest, cls).skip_checks()
+        if not utils.get_service_list()['network']:
+            raise cls.skipException("network service not enabled.")
+    @classmethod
     def setup_credentials(cls):
         # A network and a subnet will be created for these tests
         cls.set_network_resources(network=True, subnet=True)
@@ -32,7 +38,7 @@
     def generate_random_security_group_id():
         if (CONF.service_available.neutron and
-            test.is_extension_enabled('security-group', 'network')):
+            utils.is_extension_enabled('security-group', 'network')):
             return data_utils.rand_uuid()
             return data_utils.rand_int_id(start=999)
diff --git a/tempest/api/compute/security_groups/ b/tempest/api/compute/security_groups/
index 124db0e..4c99ea6 100644
--- a/tempest/api/compute/security_groups/
+++ b/tempest/api/compute/security_groups/
@@ -15,7 +15,6 @@
 from tempest.api.compute.security_groups import base
 from tempest.lib import decorators
-from tempest import test
 class SecurityGroupRulesTestJSON(base.BaseSecurityGroupsTest):
@@ -55,7 +54,6 @@
     def test_security_group_rules_create(self):
         # Positive test: Creation of Security Group rule
         # should be successful
@@ -73,7 +71,6 @@
     def test_security_group_rules_create_with_optional_cidr(self):
         # Positive test: Creation of Security Group rule
         # with optional argument cidr
@@ -96,7 +93,6 @@
     def test_security_group_rules_create_with_optional_group_id(self):
         # Positive test: Creation of Security Group rule
         # with optional argument group_id
@@ -125,7 +121,6 @@
     def test_security_group_rules_list(self):
         # Positive test: Created Security Group rules should be
         # in the list of all rules
@@ -163,7 +158,6 @@
         self.assertNotEmpty([i for i in rules if i['id'] == rule2_id])
     def test_security_group_rules_delete_when_peer_group_deleted(self):
         # Positive test:rule will delete when peer group deleting
         # Creating a Security Group to add rules to it
@@ -178,7 +172,7 @@
-            group_id=sg2_id)['security_group_rule']
+            group_id=sg2_id)
         # Delete group2
diff --git a/tempest/api/compute/security_groups/ b/tempest/api/compute/security_groups/
index 4efb8b7..8283aae 100644
--- a/tempest/api/compute/security_groups/
+++ b/tempest/api/compute/security_groups/
@@ -17,7 +17,6 @@
 from tempest.lib.common.utils import data_utils
 from tempest.lib import decorators
 from tempest.lib import exceptions as lib_exc
-from tempest import test
 class SecurityGroupRulesNegativeTestJSON(base.BaseSecurityGroupsTest):
@@ -29,7 +28,6 @@
     def test_create_security_group_rule_with_non_existent_id(self):
         # Negative test: Creation of Security Group rule should FAIL
         # with non existent Parent group id
@@ -46,7 +44,6 @@
     def test_create_security_group_rule_with_invalid_id(self):
         # Negative test: Creation of Security Group rule should FAIL
         # with Parent group id which is not integer
@@ -63,7 +60,6 @@
     def test_create_security_group_rule_duplicate(self):
         # Negative test: Create Security Group rule duplicate should fail
         # Creating a Security Group to add rule to it
@@ -88,7 +84,6 @@
     def test_create_security_group_rule_with_invalid_ip_protocol(self):
         # Negative test: Creation of Security Group rule should FAIL
         # with invalid ip_protocol
@@ -108,7 +103,6 @@
     def test_create_security_group_rule_with_invalid_from_port(self):
         # Negative test: Creation of Security Group rule should FAIL
         # with invalid from_port
@@ -127,7 +121,6 @@
     def test_create_security_group_rule_with_invalid_to_port(self):
         # Negative test: Creation of Security Group rule should FAIL
         # with invalid to_port
@@ -146,7 +139,6 @@
     def test_create_security_group_rule_with_invalid_port_range(self):
         # Negative test: Creation of Security Group rule should FAIL
         # with invalid port range.
@@ -165,7 +157,6 @@
     def test_delete_security_group_rule_with_non_existent_id(self):
         # Negative test: Deletion of Security Group rule should be FAIL
         # with non existent id
diff --git a/tempest/api/compute/security_groups/ b/tempest/api/compute/security_groups/
index a101a19..62d5bea 100644
--- a/tempest/api/compute/security_groups/
+++ b/tempest/api/compute/security_groups/
@@ -18,7 +18,6 @@
 from tempest.lib.common.utils import data_utils
 from tempest.lib import decorators
 from tempest.lib import exceptions as lib_exc
-from tempest import test
 class SecurityGroupsTestJSON(base.BaseSecurityGroupsTest):
@@ -30,7 +29,6 @@
     def test_security_groups_create_list_delete(self):
         # Positive test:Should return the list of Security Groups
         # Create 3 Security Groups
@@ -54,15 +52,13 @@
         # Now check if all the created Security Groups are deleted
         fetched_list = self.client.list_security_groups()['security_groups']
-        deleted_sgs = \
-            [sg for sg in security_group_list if sg in fetched_list]
+        deleted_sgs = [sg for sg in security_group_list if sg in fetched_list]
                          "Failed to delete Security Group %s "
                          "list" % ', '.join(m_group['name']
                                             for m_group in deleted_sgs))
     def test_security_group_create_get_delete(self):
         # Security Group should be created, fetched and deleted
         # with char space between name along with
@@ -83,7 +79,6 @@
     def test_server_security_groups(self):
         # Checks that security groups may be added and linked to a server
         # and not deleted if the server is active.
@@ -125,7 +120,6 @@
     def test_update_security_groups(self):
         # Update security group name and description
         # Create a security group
@@ -144,7 +138,6 @@
         self.assertEqual(s_new_des, fetched_group['description'])
     def test_list_security_groups_by_server(self):
         # Create a couple security groups that we will use
         # for the server resource this test creates
diff --git a/tempest/api/compute/security_groups/ b/tempest/api/compute/security_groups/
index c4dff15..9c44bb2 100644
--- a/tempest/api/compute/security_groups/
+++ b/tempest/api/compute/security_groups/
@@ -20,7 +20,6 @@
 from tempest.lib.common.utils import data_utils
 from tempest.lib import decorators
 from tempest.lib import exceptions as lib_exc
-from tempest import test
 CONF = config.CONF
@@ -34,7 +33,6 @@
     def test_security_group_get_nonexistent_group(self):
         # Negative test:Should not be able to GET the details
         # of non-existent Security Group
@@ -46,7 +44,6 @@
     def test_security_group_create_with_invalid_group_name(self):
         # Negative test: Security Group should not be created with group name
         # as an empty string/with white spaces/chars more than 255
@@ -69,7 +66,6 @@
     def test_security_group_create_with_invalid_group_description(self):
         # Negative test: Security Group should not be created with description
         # longer than 255 chars. Empty description is allowed by the API
@@ -85,7 +81,6 @@
                       "Neutron allows duplicate names for security groups")
     def test_security_group_create_with_duplicate_name(self):
         # Negative test:Security Group with duplicate name should not
         # be created
@@ -99,7 +94,6 @@
     def test_delete_the_default_security_group(self):
         # Negative test:Deletion of the "default" Security Group should Fail
         default_security_group_id = None
@@ -115,7 +109,6 @@
     def test_delete_nonexistent_security_group(self):
         # Negative test:Deletion of a non-existent Security Group should fail
         non_exist_id = self.generate_random_security_group_id()
@@ -124,7 +117,6 @@
     def test_delete_security_group_without_passing_id(self):
         # Negative test:Deletion of a Security Group with out passing ID
         # should Fail
@@ -135,7 +127,6 @@
                       "Neutron does not check the security group ID")
     def test_update_security_group_with_invalid_sg_id(self):
         # Update security_group with invalid sg_id should fail
         s_name = data_utils.rand_name('sg')
@@ -150,7 +141,6 @@
                       "Neutron does not check the security group name")
     def test_update_security_group_with_invalid_sg_name(self):
         # Update security_group with invalid sg_name should fail
         securitygroup = self.create_security_group()
@@ -165,7 +155,6 @@
                       "Neutron does not check the security group description")
     def test_update_security_group_with_invalid_sg_des(self):
         # Update security_group with invalid sg_des should fail
         securitygroup = self.create_security_group()
@@ -178,7 +167,6 @@
     def test_update_non_existent_security_group(self):
         # Update a non-existent Security Group should Fail
         non_exist_id = self.generate_random_security_group_id()
diff --git a/tempest/api/compute/servers/ b/tempest/api/compute/servers/
index 65d5042..7509ac6 100644
--- a/tempest/api/compute/servers/
+++ b/tempest/api/compute/servers/
@@ -15,14 +15,16 @@
 import time
+import six
 from tempest.api.compute import base
 from tempest.common import compute
+from tempest.common import utils
 from tempest.common.utils import net_utils
 from tempest.common import waiters
 from tempest import config
 from tempest.lib import decorators
 from tempest.lib import exceptions as lib_exc
-from tempest import test
 CONF = config.CONF
@@ -76,8 +78,11 @@
         return port
-    def _check_interface(self, iface, port_id=None, network_id=None,
-                         fixed_ip=None, mac_addr=None):
+    def _check_interface(self, iface, server_id=None, port_id=None,
+                         network_id=None, fixed_ip=None, mac_addr=None):
+        if server_id:
+            iface = waiters.wait_for_interface_status(
+                self.interfaces_client, server_id, iface['port_id'], 'ACTIVE')
         if port_id:
             self.assertEqual(iface['port_id'], port_id)
         if network_id:
@@ -101,16 +106,14 @@
         iface = waiters.wait_for_interface_status(
             self.interfaces_client, server['id'], iface['port_id'], 'ACTIVE')
-        self._check_interface(iface)
         return iface
     def _test_create_interface_by_network_id(self, server, ifs):
         network_id = ifs[0]['net_id']
         iface = self.interfaces_client.create_interface(
             server['id'], net_id=network_id)['interfaceAttachment']
-        iface = waiters.wait_for_interface_status(
-            self.interfaces_client, server['id'], iface['port_id'], 'ACTIVE')
-        self._check_interface(iface, network_id=network_id)
+        self._check_interface(iface, server_id=server['id'],
+                              network_id=network_id)
         return iface
     def _test_create_interface_by_port_id(self, server, ifs):
@@ -120,9 +123,8 @@
         self.addCleanup(self.ports_client.delete_port, port_id)
         iface = self.interfaces_client.create_interface(
             server['id'], port_id=port_id)['interfaceAttachment']
-        iface = waiters.wait_for_interface_status(
-            self.interfaces_client, server['id'], iface['port_id'], 'ACTIVE')
-        self._check_interface(iface, port_id=port_id)
+        self._check_interface(iface, server_id=server['id'], port_id=port_id,
+                              network_id=network_id)
         return iface
     def _test_create_interface_by_fixed_ips(self, server, ifs):
@@ -139,9 +141,8 @@
             server['id'], net_id=network_id,
         self.addCleanup(self.ports_client.delete_port, iface['port_id'])
-        iface = waiters.wait_for_interface_status(
-            self.interfaces_client, server['id'], iface['port_id'], 'ACTIVE')
-        self._check_interface(iface, fixed_ip=ip_list[0])
+        self._check_interface(iface, server_id=server['id'],
+                              fixed_ip=ip_list[0])
         return iface
     def _test_show_interface(self, server, ifs):
@@ -183,19 +184,18 @@
         self.assertEqual(sorted(list1), sorted(list2))
-    def test_create_list_show_delete_interfaces(self):
+    def test_create_list_show_delete_interfaces_by_network_port(self):
         server, ifs = self._create_server_get_interfaces()
         interface_count = len(ifs)
         self.assertGreater(interface_count, 0)
-        self._check_interface(ifs[0])
             iface = self._test_create_interface(server)
         except lib_exc.BadRequest as e:
             msg = ('Multiple possible networks found, use a Network ID to be '
                    'more specific.')
-            if not CONF.compute.fixed_network_name and e.message == msg:
+            if not CONF.compute.fixed_network_name and six.text_type(e) == msg:
@@ -206,6 +206,42 @@
         iface = self._test_create_interface_by_port_id(server, ifs)
+        _ifs = (self.interfaces_client.list_interfaces(server['id'])
+                ['interfaceAttachments'])
+        self._compare_iface_list(ifs, _ifs)
+        self._test_show_interface(server, ifs)
+        _ifs = self._test_delete_interface(server, ifs)
+        self.assertEqual(len(ifs) - 1, len(_ifs))
+    @decorators.idempotent_id('d290c06c-f5b3-11e7-8ec8-002293781009')
+    def test_create_list_show_delete_interfaces_by_fixed_ip(self):
+        # NOTE(zhufl) By default only project that is admin or network owner
+        # or project with role advsvc is authorised to create interfaces with
+        # fixed-ip, so if we don't create network for each project, do not
+        # test _test_create_interface_by_fixed_ips.
+        if not (CONF.auth.use_dynamic_credentials and
+                CONF.auth.create_isolated_networks and
+                not
+                raise self.skipException("Only owner network supports "
+                                         "creating interface by fixed ip.")
+        server, ifs = self._create_server_get_interfaces()
+        interface_count = len(ifs)
+        self.assertGreater(interface_count, 0)
+        try:
+            iface = self._test_create_interface(server)
+        except lib_exc.BadRequest as e:
+            msg = ('Multiple possible networks found, use a Network ID to be '
+                   'more specific.')
+            if not CONF.compute.fixed_network_name and six.text_type(e) == msg:
+                raise
+        else:
+            ifs.append(iface)
         iface = self._test_create_interface_by_fixed_ips(server, ifs)
@@ -220,13 +256,12 @@
     def test_add_remove_fixed_ip(self):
         # Add and Remove the fixed IP to server.
         server, ifs = self._create_server_get_interfaces()
         interface_count = len(ifs)
         self.assertGreater(interface_count, 0)
-        self._check_interface(ifs[0])
         network_id = ifs[0]['net_id']
         self.servers_client.add_fixed_ip(server['id'], networkId=network_id)
         # Remove the fixed IP from server.
@@ -243,7 +278,6 @@
         self.servers_client.remove_fixed_ip(server['id'], address=fixed_ip)
-    @decorators.skip_because(bug='1607714')
     def test_reassign_port_between_servers(self):
         """Tests the following:
@@ -273,7 +307,8 @@
             # attach the port to the server
             iface = self.interfaces_client.create_interface(
                 server['id'], port_id=port_id)['interfaceAttachment']
-            self._check_interface(iface, port_id=port_id)
+            self._check_interface(iface, server_id=server['id'],
+                                  port_id=port_id)
             # detach the port from the server; this is a cast in the compute
             # API so we have to poll the port until the device_id is unset.
diff --git a/tempest/api/compute/servers/ b/tempest/api/compute/servers/
index aa5c43d..c660821 100644
--- a/tempest/api/compute/servers/
+++ b/tempest/api/compute/servers/
@@ -17,11 +17,11 @@
 import testtools
 from tempest.api.compute import base
+from tempest.common import utils
 from tempest.common.utils.linux import remote_client
 from tempest import config
 from tempest.lib.common.utils import data_utils
 from tempest.lib import decorators
-from tempest import test
 CONF = config.CONF
@@ -42,8 +42,9 @@
     def resource_setup(cls):
-        cls.set_validation_resources()
         super(ServersTestJSON, cls).resource_setup()
+        validation_resources = cls.get_class_validation_resources(
+            cls.os_primary)
         cls.meta = {'hello': 'world'}
         cls.accessIPv4 = ''
         cls.accessIPv6 = '0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:babe:'
@@ -52,6 +53,7 @@
         disk_config = cls.disk_config
         server_initial = cls.create_test_server(
+            validation_resources=validation_resources,
@@ -105,11 +107,13 @@
         # Verify that the number of vcpus reported by the instance matches
         # the amount stated by the flavor
         flavor = self.flavors_client.show_flavor(self.flavor_ref)['flavor']
+        validation_resources = self.get_class_validation_resources(
+            self.os_primary)
         linux_client = remote_client.RemoteClient(
-            self.get_server_ip(self.server),
+            self.get_server_ip(self.server, validation_resources),
-            self.validation_resources['keypair']['private_key'],
+            validation_resources['keypair']['private_key'],
         output = linux_client.exec_command('grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo')
@@ -120,11 +124,13 @@
                           'Instance validation tests are disabled.')
     def test_host_name_is_same_as_server_name(self):
         # Verify the instance host name is the same as the server name
+        validation_resources = self.get_class_validation_resources(
+            self.os_primary)
         linux_client = remote_client.RemoteClient(
-            self.get_server_ip(self.server),
+            self.get_server_ip(self.server, validation_resources),
-            self.validation_resources['keypair']['private_key'],
+            validation_resources['keypair']['private_key'],
         hostname = linux_client.exec_command("hostname").rstrip()
@@ -132,22 +138,6 @@
                'hostname "%s" but got "%s".' % (, hostname))
         self.assertEqual(, hostname, msg)
-    @decorators.idempotent_id('ed20d3fb-9d1f-4329-b160-543fbd5d9811')
-    @testtools.skipUnless(
-        test.is_scheduler_filter_enabled("ServerGroupAffinityFilter"),
-        'ServerGroupAffinityFilter is not available.')
-    def test_create_server_with_scheduler_hint_group(self):
-        # Create a server with the scheduler hint "group".
-        group_id = self.create_test_server_group()['id']
-        hints = {'group': group_id}
-        server = self.create_test_server(scheduler_hints=hints,
-                                         wait_until='ACTIVE')
-        # Check a server is in the group
-        server_group = (self.server_groups_client.show_server_group(group_id)
-                        ['server_group'])
-        self.assertIn(server['id'], server_group['members'])
 class ServersTestManualDisk(ServersTestJSON):
     disk_config = 'MANUAL'
@@ -167,6 +157,6 @@
     def skip_checks(cls):
         super(ServersTestBootFromVolume, cls).skip_checks()
-        if not test.get_service_list()['volume']:
+        if not utils.get_service_list()['volume']:
             msg = "Volume service not enabled."
             raise cls.skipException(msg)
diff --git a/tempest/api/compute/servers/ b/tempest/api/compute/servers/
index 2b03b2b..0093752 100644
--- a/tempest/api/compute/servers/
+++ b/tempest/api/compute/servers/
@@ -17,10 +17,10 @@
 from tempest.api.compute import base
 from tempest.common import compute
+from tempest.common import utils
 from tempest.common import waiters
 from tempest import config
 from tempest.lib import decorators
-from tempest import test
 CONF = config.CONF
@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@
         waiters.wait_for_server_termination(self.client, server['id'])
     def test_delete_server_while_in_attached_volume(self):
         # Delete a server while a volume is attached to it
         device = '/dev/%s' % CONF.compute.volume_device_name
diff --git a/tempest/api/compute/servers/ b/tempest/api/compute/servers/
index 7ee1b02..43046ca 100644
--- a/tempest/api/compute/servers/
+++ b/tempest/api/compute/servers/
@@ -17,13 +17,13 @@
 from oslo_log import log as logging
 from tempest.api.compute import base
+from tempest.common import utils
 from tempest.common.utils.linux import remote_client
 from tempest import config
 from tempest.lib.common.utils import data_utils
 from tempest.lib.common.utils import test_utils
 from tempest.lib import decorators
 from tempest.lib import exceptions
-from tempest import test
 CONF = config.CONF
@@ -66,11 +66,6 @@
         super(DeviceTaggingTest, cls).setup_credentials()
-    @classmethod
-    def resource_setup(cls):
-        cls.set_validation_resources()
-        super(DeviceTaggingTest, cls).resource_setup()
     def verify_device_metadata(self, md_json):
         md_dict = json.loads(md_json)
         for d in md_dict['devices']:
@@ -87,14 +82,16 @@
             # A hypervisor may present multiple paths to a tagged disk, so
             # there may be duplicated tags in the metadata, use set() to
             # remove duplicated tags.
-            found_devices = [d['tags'][0] for d in md_dict['devices']]
+            # Some hypervisors might report devices with no tags as well.
+            found_devices = [d['tags'][0] for d in md_dict['devices']
+                             if d.get('tags')]
             self.assertEqual(set(found_devices), set(['port-1', 'port-2',
                                                       'net-1', 'net-2-100',
                                                       'net-2-200', 'boot',
-'network', 'volume', 'image')
+'network', 'volume', 'image')
     def test_device_tagging(self):
         # Create volumes
         # The create_volume methods waits for the volumes to be available and
@@ -139,9 +136,13 @@
         # Create server
         admin_pass = data_utils.rand_password()
         config_drive_enabled = CONF.compute_feature_enabled.config_drive
+        validation_resources = self.get_test_validation_resources(
+            self.os_primary)
         server = self.create_test_server(
+            wait_until='ACTIVE',
+            validation_resources=validation_resources,
@@ -207,11 +208,12 @@
         self.addCleanup(self.delete_server, server['id'])
+        server = self.servers_client.show_server(server['id'])['server']
         self.ssh_client = remote_client.RemoteClient(
-            self.get_server_ip(server),
+            self.get_server_ip(server, validation_resources),
-            self.validation_resources['keypair']['private_key'],
+            validation_resources['keypair']['private_key'],
@@ -262,25 +264,13 @@
         # Verify metadata on config drive
         if CONF.compute_feature_enabled.config_drive:
-            cmd_blkid = 'blkid -t LABEL=config-2 -o device'
   'Attempting to verify tagged devices in server %s via '
                      'the config drive.', server['id'])
-            dev_name = self.ssh_client.exec_command(cmd_blkid)
-            dev_name = dev_name.rstrip()
-            try:
-                self.ssh_client.exec_command('sudo mount %s /mnt' % dev_name)
-            except exceptions.SSHExecCommandFailed:
-                # So the command failed, let's try to know why and print some
-                # useful information.
-                lsblk = self.ssh_client.exec_command('sudo lsblk --fs --ascii')
-                LOG.error("Mounting %s on /mnt failed. Right after the "
-                          "failure 'lsblk' in the guest reported:\n%s",
-                          dev_name, lsblk)
-                raise
+            self.ssh_client.mount_config_drive()
             cmd_md = 'sudo cat /mnt/openstack/latest/meta_data.json'
             md_json = self.ssh_client.exec_command(cmd_md)
+            self.ssh_client.unmount_config_drive()
 class DeviceTaggingTestV2_42(DeviceTaggingTest):
diff --git a/tempest/api/compute/servers/ b/tempest/api/compute/servers/
index a4ed8e1..14aecfd 100644
--- a/tempest/api/compute/servers/
+++ b/tempest/api/compute/servers/
@@ -262,7 +262,7 @@
         # so as to ensure only one server is returned.
         ip_list = {}
         self.s1 = self.client.show_server(self.s1['id'])['server']
-        # Get first ip address inspite of v4 or v6
+        # Get first ip address in spite of v4 or v6
         ip_addr = self.s1['addresses'][self.fixed_network_name][0]['addr']
         ip_list[ip_addr] = self.s1['id']
diff --git a/tempest/api/compute/servers/ b/tempest/api/compute/servers/
index 6c9b287..393e68f 100644
--- a/tempest/api/compute/servers/
+++ b/tempest/api/compute/servers/
@@ -119,8 +119,12 @@
     def test_list_servers_by_changes_since_future_date(self):
-        # Return an empty list when a date in the future is passed
-        changes_since = {'changes-since': '2051-01-01T12:34:00Z'}
+        # Return an empty list when a date in the future is passed.
+        # updated_at field may haven't been set at the point in the boot
+        # process where build_request still exists, so add
+        # {'status': 'ACTIVE'} along with changes-since as filter.
+        changes_since = {'changes-since': '2051-01-01T12:34:00Z',
+                         'status': 'ACTIVE'}
         body = self.client.list_servers(**changes_since)
diff --git a/tempest/api/compute/servers/ b/tempest/api/compute/servers/
index 90b0665..d9581e3 100644
--- a/tempest/api/compute/servers/
+++ b/tempest/api/compute/servers/
@@ -166,7 +166,7 @@
         # Do the WebSockify HTTP Request to novncproxy to do the RFB connection
         self._websocket = compute.create_websocket(body['url'])
-        # Validate that we succesfully connected and upgraded to Web Sockets
+        # Validate that we successfully connected and upgraded to Web Sockets
         # Validate the RFB Negotiation to determine if a valid VNC session
diff --git a/tempest/api/compute/servers/ b/tempest/api/compute/servers/
index f41c3fb..5c3e9f0 100644
--- a/tempest/api/compute/servers/
+++ b/tempest/api/compute/servers/
@@ -19,13 +19,14 @@
 from tempest.api.compute import base
 from tempest.common import compute
+from tempest.common import utils
 from tempest.common.utils.linux import remote_client
 from tempest.common import waiters
 from tempest import config
+from tempest.lib.common import api_version_utils
 from tempest.lib.common.utils import data_utils
 from tempest.lib import decorators
 from tempest.lib import exceptions as lib_exc
-from tempest import test
 CONF = config.CONF
@@ -33,8 +34,6 @@
 class ServerActionsTestJSON(base.BaseV2ComputeTest):
-    run_ssh = CONF.validation.run_validation
     def setUp(self):
         # NOTE(afazekas): Normally we use the same server with all test cases,
         # but if it has an issue, we build a new one
@@ -45,13 +44,18 @@
                                            self.server_id, 'ACTIVE')
         except lib_exc.NotFound:
             # The server was deleted by previous test, create a new one
+            # Use class level validation resources to avoid them being
+            # deleted once a test is over
+            validation_resources = self.get_class_validation_resources(
+                self.os_primary)
             server = self.create_test_server(
+                validation_resources=validation_resources,
             self.__class__.server_id = server['id']
         except Exception:
             # Rebuild server if something happened to it during a test
-            self.__class__.server_id = self.rebuild_server(
+            self.__class__.server_id = self.recreate_server(
                 self.server_id, validatable=True)
     def tearDown(self):
@@ -70,10 +74,8 @@
     def resource_setup(cls):
-        cls.set_validation_resources()
         super(ServerActionsTestJSON, cls).resource_setup()
-        cls.server_id = cls.rebuild_server(None, validatable=True)
+        cls.server_id = cls.recreate_server(None, validatable=True)
@@ -81,8 +83,11 @@
     def test_change_server_password(self):
         # Since this test messes with the password and makes the
         # server unreachable, it should create its own server
+        validation_resources = self.get_test_validation_resources(
+            self.os_primary)
         newserver = self.create_test_server(
+            validation_resources=validation_resources,
         # The server's password should be set to the provided password
         new_password = 'Newpass1234'
@@ -93,7 +98,7 @@
             # Verify that the user can authenticate with the new password
             server = self.client.show_server(newserver['id'])['server']
             linux_client = remote_client.RemoteClient(
-                self.get_server_ip(server),
+                self.get_server_ip(server, validation_resources),
@@ -102,13 +107,15 @@
     def _test_reboot_server(self, reboot_type):
         if CONF.validation.run_validation:
+            validation_resources = self.get_class_validation_resources(
+                self.os_primary)
             # Get the time the server was last rebooted,
             server = self.client.show_server(self.server_id)['server']
             linux_client = remote_client.RemoteClient(
-                self.get_server_ip(server),
+                self.get_server_ip(server, validation_resources),
-                self.validation_resources['keypair']['private_key'],
+                validation_resources['keypair']['private_key'],
             boot_time = linux_client.get_boot_time()
@@ -123,10 +130,10 @@
         if CONF.validation.run_validation:
             # Log in and verify the boot time has changed
             linux_client = remote_client.RemoteClient(
-                self.get_server_ip(server),
+                self.get_server_ip(server, validation_resources),
-                self.validation_resources['keypair']['private_key'],
+                validation_resources['keypair']['private_key'],
             new_boot_time = linux_client.get_boot_time()
@@ -202,6 +209,8 @@
         self.assertEqual(original_addresses, server['addresses'])
         if CONF.validation.run_validation:
+            validation_resources = self.get_class_validation_resources(
+                self.os_primary)
             # Authentication is attempted in the following order of priority:
             # 1.The key passed in, if one was passed in.
             # 2.Any key we can find through an SSH agent (if allowed).
@@ -209,10 +218,10 @@
             #   ~/.ssh/ (if allowed).
             # 4.Plain username/password auth, if a password was given.
             linux_client = remote_client.RemoteClient(
-                self.get_server_ip(rebuilt_server),
+                self.get_server_ip(rebuilt_server, validation_resources),
-                self.validation_resources['keypair']['private_key'],
+                validation_resources['keypair']['private_key'],
@@ -254,7 +263,7 @@
     def test_rebuild_server_with_volume_attached(self):
         # create a new volume and attach it to the server
         volume = self.create_volume()
@@ -272,45 +281,73 @@
-    def _test_resize_server_confirm(self, stop=False):
+    def _test_resize_server_confirm(self, server_id, stop=False):
         # The server's RAM and disk space should be modified to that of
         # the provided flavor
         if stop:
-            self.client.stop_server(self.server_id)
-            waiters.wait_for_server_status(self.client, self.server_id,
+            self.client.stop_server(server_id)
+            waiters.wait_for_server_status(self.client, server_id,
-        self.client.resize_server(self.server_id, self.flavor_ref_alt)
+        self.client.resize_server(server_id, self.flavor_ref_alt)
         # NOTE(jlk): Explicitly delete the server to get a new one for later
         # tests. Avoids resize down race issues.
-        self.addCleanup(self.delete_server, self.server_id)
-        waiters.wait_for_server_status(self.client, self.server_id,
+        self.addCleanup(self.delete_server, server_id)
+        waiters.wait_for_server_status(self.client, server_id,
-        self.client.confirm_resize_server(self.server_id)
+        self.client.confirm_resize_server(server_id)
         expected_status = 'SHUTOFF' if stop else 'ACTIVE'
-        waiters.wait_for_server_status(self.client, self.server_id,
+        waiters.wait_for_server_status(self.client, server_id,
-        server = self.client.show_server(self.server_id)['server']
+        server = self.client.show_server(server_id)['server']
         self.assertEqual(self.flavor_ref_alt, server['flavor']['id'])
         if stop:
             # NOTE(mriedem): tearDown requires the server to be started.
-            self.client.start_server(self.server_id)
+            self.client.start_server(server_id)
                           'Resize not available.')
     def test_resize_server_confirm(self):
-        self._test_resize_server_confirm(stop=False)
+        self._test_resize_server_confirm(self.server_id, stop=False)
+    @decorators.idempotent_id('e6c28180-7454-4b59-b188-0257af08a63b')
+    @decorators.related_bug('1728603')
+    @testtools.skipUnless(CONF.compute_feature_enabled.resize,
+                          'Resize not available.')
+    def test_resize_volume_backed_server_confirm(self):
+        # We have to create a new server that is volume-backed since the one
+        # from setUp is not volume-backed.
+        server = self.create_test_server(
+            volume_backed=True, wait_until='ACTIVE')
+        self._test_resize_server_confirm(server['id'])
+        if CONF.compute_feature_enabled.console_output:
+            # Now do something interactive with the guest like get its console
+            # output; we don't actually care about the output,
+            # just that it doesn't raise an error.
+            self.client.get_console_output(server['id'])
+        if CONF.validation.run_validation:
+            validation_resources = self.get_class_validation_resources(
+                self.os_primary)
+            linux_client = remote_client.RemoteClient(
+                self.get_server_ip(server, validation_resources),
+                self.ssh_user,
+                password=None,
+                pkey=validation_resources['keypair']['private_key'],
+                server=server,
+                servers_client=self.client)
+            linux_client.validate_authentication()
                           'Resize not available.')
     def test_resize_server_confirm_from_stopped(self):
-        self._test_resize_server_confirm(stop=True)
+        self._test_resize_server_confirm(self.server_id, stop=True)
@@ -335,7 +372,7 @@
                           'Snapshotting not available, backup not possible.')
     def test_create_backup(self):
         # Positive test:create backup successfully and rotate backups correctly
         # create the first and the second backup
@@ -371,7 +408,11 @@
                                 "been successful as it should have been "
                                 "deleted during rotation.", oldest_backup)
-        image1_id = data_utils.parse_image_id(resp['location'])
+        if api_version_utils.compare_version_header_to_response(
+                "OpenStack-API-Version", "compute 2.45", resp, "lt"):
+            image1_id = resp['image_id']
+        else:
+            image1_id = data_utils.parse_image_id(resp['location'])
         self.addCleanup(_clean_oldest_backup, image1_id)
                                       image1_id, 'active')
@@ -382,7 +423,11 @@
-        image2_id = data_utils.parse_image_id(resp['location'])
+        if api_version_utils.compare_version_header_to_response(
+                "OpenStack-API-Version", "compute 2.45", resp, "lt"):
+            image2_id = resp['image_id']
+        else:
+            image2_id = data_utils.parse_image_id(resp['location'])
         self.addCleanup(glance_client.delete_image, image2_id)
                                       image2_id, 'active')
@@ -421,7 +466,11 @@
-        image3_id = data_utils.parse_image_id(resp['location'])
+        if api_version_utils.compare_version_header_to_response(
+                "OpenStack-API-Version", "compute 2.45", resp, "lt"):
+            image3_id = resp['image_id']
+        else:
+            image3_id = data_utils.parse_image_id(resp['location'])
         self.addCleanup(glance_client.delete_image, image3_id)
         # the first back up should be deleted
         waiters.wait_for_server_status(self.client, self.server_id, 'ACTIVE')
@@ -520,7 +569,7 @@
                           'Shelve is not available.')
     def test_shelve_unshelve_server(self):
         if CONF.image_feature_enabled.api_v2:
             glance_client = self.os_primary.image_client_v2
@@ -533,6 +582,12 @@
         compute.shelve_server(self.client, self.server_id,
+        def _unshelve_server():
+            server_info = self.client.show_server(self.server_id)['server']
+            if 'SHELVED' in server_info['status']:
+                self.client.unshelve_server(self.server_id)
+        self.addOnException(_unshelve_server)
         server = self.client.show_server(self.server_id)['server']
         image_name = server['name'] + '-shelved'
         params = {'name': image_name}
diff --git a/tempest/api/compute/servers/ b/tempest/api/compute/servers/
index 022ceba..f79b05f 100644
--- a/tempest/api/compute/servers/
+++ b/tempest/api/compute/servers/
@@ -14,8 +14,8 @@
 #    under the License.
 from tempest.api.compute import base
+from tempest.common import utils
 from tempest.lib import decorators
-from tempest import test
 class ServerAddressesTestJSON(base.BaseV2ComputeTest):
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@
     def test_list_server_addresses(self):
         # All public and private addresses for
         # a server should be returned
@@ -51,13 +51,10 @@
         for network_addresses in addresses.values():
-            for address in network_addresses:
-                self.assertTrue(address['addr'])
-                self.assertTrue(address['version'])
     def test_list_server_addresses_by_network(self):
         # Providing a network type should filter
         # the addresses return by that type
diff --git a/tempest/api/compute/servers/ b/tempest/api/compute/servers/
index 76a102b..b2b3cc0 100644
--- a/tempest/api/compute/servers/
+++ b/tempest/api/compute/servers/
@@ -14,9 +14,9 @@
 #    under the License.
 from tempest.api.compute import base
+from tempest.common import utils
 from tempest.lib import decorators
 from tempest.lib import exceptions as lib_exc
-from tempest import test
 class ServerAddressesNegativeTestJSON(base.BaseV2ComputeTest):
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@
     def test_list_server_addresses_invalid_server_id(self):
         # List addresses request should fail if server id not in system
         self.assertRaises(lib_exc.NotFound, self.client.list_addresses,
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@
     def test_list_server_addresses_by_network_neg(self):
         # List addresses by network should fail if network name not valid
diff --git a/tempest/api/compute/servers/ b/tempest/api/compute/servers/
index 69d7897..5286c8f 100644
--- a/tempest/api/compute/servers/
+++ b/tempest/api/compute/servers/
@@ -13,10 +13,13 @@
 #    License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
 #    under the License.
+import testtools
 from tempest.api.compute import base
+from tempest.common import compute
+from tempest.common import utils
 from tempest.lib.common.utils import data_utils
 from tempest.lib import decorators
-from tempest import test
 class ServerGroupTestJSON(base.BaseV2ComputeTest):
@@ -30,7 +33,7 @@
     def skip_checks(cls):
         super(ServerGroupTestJSON, cls).skip_checks()
-        if not test.is_extension_enabled('os-server-groups', 'compute'):
+        if not utils.is_extension_enabled('os-server-groups', 'compute'):
             msg = "os-server-groups extension is not enabled."
             raise cls.skipException(msg)
@@ -106,3 +109,19 @@
         # List the server-group
         body = self.client.list_server_groups()['server_groups']
         self.assertIn(self.created_server_group, body)
+    @decorators.idempotent_id('ed20d3fb-9d1f-4329-b160-543fbd5d9811')
+    @testtools.skipUnless(
+        compute.is_scheduler_filter_enabled("ServerGroupAffinityFilter"),
+        'ServerGroupAffinityFilter is not available.')
+    def test_create_server_with_scheduler_hint_group(self):
+        # Create a server with the scheduler hint "group".
+        hints = {'group': self.created_server_group['id']}
+        server = self.create_test_server(scheduler_hints=hints,
+                                         wait_until='ACTIVE')
+        self.addCleanup(self.delete_server, server['id'])
+        # Check a server is in the group
+        server_group = (self.server_groups_client.show_server_group(
+            self.created_server_group['id'])['server_group'])
+        self.assertIn(server['id'], server_group['members'])
diff --git a/tempest/api/compute/servers/ b/tempest/api/compute/servers/
index f77e7d3..fe95018 100644
--- a/tempest/api/compute/servers/
+++ b/tempest/api/compute/servers/
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
     def setUp(self):
         super(ServerMetadataTestJSON, self).setUp()
         meta = {'key1': 'value1', 'key2': 'value2'}
-        self.client.set_server_metadata(self.server['id'], meta)['metadata']
+        self.client.set_server_metadata(self.server['id'], meta)
     def test_list_server_metadata(self):
@@ -49,8 +49,7 @@
         # The server's metadata should be replaced with the provided values
         # Create a new set of metadata for the server
         req_metadata = {'meta2': 'data2', 'meta3': 'data3'}
-        self.client.set_server_metadata(self.server['id'],
-                                        req_metadata)['metadata']
+        self.client.set_server_metadata(self.server['id'], req_metadata)
         # Verify the expected values are correct, and that the
         # previous values have been removed
diff --git a/tempest/api/compute/servers/ b/tempest/api/compute/servers/
index e7591a5..e6a668a 100644
--- a/tempest/api/compute/servers/
+++ b/tempest/api/compute/servers/
@@ -21,19 +21,14 @@
 class ServerPasswordTestJSON(base.BaseV2ComputeTest):
-    def setup_clients(cls):
-        super(ServerPasswordTestJSON, cls).setup_clients()
-        cls.client = cls.servers_client
-    @classmethod
     def resource_setup(cls):
         super(ServerPasswordTestJSON, cls).resource_setup()
         cls.server = cls.create_test_server(wait_until="ACTIVE")
     def test_get_server_password(self):
-        self.client.show_password(self.server['id'])
+        self.servers_client.show_password(self.server['id'])
     def test_delete_server_password(self):
-        self.client.delete_password(self.server['id'])
+        self.servers_client.delete_password(self.server['id'])
diff --git a/tempest/api/compute/servers/ b/tempest/api/compute/servers/
index 90b9da4..6f32b46 100644
--- a/tempest/api/compute/servers/
+++ b/tempest/api/compute/servers/
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
 from tempest.common import waiters
 from tempest import config
 from tempest.lib.common.utils import data_utils
+from tempest.lib.common.utils import test_utils
 from tempest.lib import decorators
 from tempest.lib import exceptions as lib_exc
@@ -34,11 +35,6 @@
         super(ServerPersonalityTestJSON, cls).setup_credentials()
-    def resource_setup(cls):
-        cls.set_validation_resources()
-        super(ServerPersonalityTestJSON, cls).resource_setup()
-    @classmethod
     def skip_checks(cls):
         super(ServerPersonalityTestJSON, cls).skip_checks()
         if not CONF.compute_feature_enabled.personality:
@@ -48,7 +44,6 @@
     def setup_clients(cls):
         super(ServerPersonalityTestJSON, cls).setup_clients()
         cls.client = cls.servers_client
-        cls.user_client = cls.limits_client
     def test_create_server_with_personality(self):
@@ -57,16 +52,23 @@
         personality = [{'path': file_path,
                         'contents': base64.encode_as_text(file_contents)}]
         password = data_utils.rand_password()
-        created_server = self.create_test_server(personality=personality,
-                                                 adminPass=password,
-                                                 wait_until='ACTIVE',
-                                                 validatable=True)
+        validation_resources = self.get_test_validation_resources(
+            self.os_primary)
+        created_server = self.create_test_server(
+            personality=personality, adminPass=password, wait_until='ACTIVE',
+            validatable=True,
+            validation_resources=validation_resources)
+        self.addCleanup(waiters.wait_for_server_termination,
+                        self.servers_client, created_server['id'])
+        self.addCleanup(test_utils.call_and_ignore_notfound_exc,
+                        self.servers_client.delete_server,
+                        created_server['id'])
         server = self.client.show_server(created_server['id'])['server']
         if CONF.validation.run_validation:
             linux_client = remote_client.RemoteClient(
-                self.get_server_ip(server),
+                self.get_server_ip(server, validation_resources),
                 self.ssh_user, password,
-                self.validation_resources['keypair']['private_key'],
+                validation_resources['keypair']['private_key'],
@@ -75,8 +77,16 @@
     def test_rebuild_server_with_personality(self):
-        server = self.create_test_server(wait_until='ACTIVE', validatable=True)
+        validation_resources = self.get_test_validation_resources(
+            self.os_primary)
+        server = self.create_test_server(
+            wait_until='ACTIVE', validatable=True,
+            validation_resources=validation_resources)
         server_id = server['id']
+        self.addCleanup(waiters.wait_for_server_termination,
+                        self.servers_client, server_id)
+        self.addCleanup(test_utils.call_and_ignore_notfound_exc,
+                        self.servers_client.delete_server, server_id)
         file_contents = 'Test server rebuild.'
         personality = [{'path': 'rebuild.txt',
                         'contents': base64.encode_as_text(file_contents)}]
@@ -93,7 +103,7 @@
         # number of files are injected into the server.
         file_contents = 'This is a test file.'
         personality = []
-        limits = self.user_client.show_limits()['limits']
+        limits = self.limits_client.show_limits()['limits']
         max_file_limit = limits['absolute']['maxPersonality']
         if max_file_limit == -1:
             raise self.skipException("No limit for personality files")
@@ -112,7 +122,7 @@
         # Server should be created successfully if maximum allowed number of
         # files is injected into the server during creation.
         file_contents = 'This is a test file.'
-        limits = self.user_client.show_limits()['limits']
+        limits = self.limits_client.show_limits()['limits']
         max_file_limit = limits['absolute']['maxPersonality']
         if max_file_limit == -1:
             raise self.skipException("No limit for personality files")
@@ -126,16 +136,22 @@
                 'contents': base64.encode_as_text(file_contents + str(i)),
         password = data_utils.rand_password()
-        created_server = self.create_test_server(personality=person,
-                                                 adminPass=password,
-                                                 wait_until='ACTIVE',
-                                                 validatable=True)
+        validation_resources = self.get_test_validation_resources(
+            self.os_primary)
+        created_server = self.create_test_server(
+            personality=person, adminPass=password, wait_until='ACTIVE',
+            validatable=True, validation_resources=validation_resources)
+        self.addCleanup(waiters.wait_for_server_termination,
+                        self.servers_client, created_server['id'])
+        self.addCleanup(test_utils.call_and_ignore_notfound_exc,
+                        self.servers_client.delete_server,
+                        created_server['id'])
         server = self.client.show_server(created_server['id'])['server']
         if CONF.validation.run_validation:
             linux_client = remote_client.RemoteClient(
-                self.get_server_ip(server),
+                self.get_server_ip(server, validation_resources),
                 self.ssh_user, password,
-                self.validation_resources['keypair']['private_key'],
+                validation_resources['keypair']['private_key'],
             for i in person:
diff --git a/tempest/api/compute/servers/ b/tempest/api/compute/servers/
index 5fac433..1260c6b 100644
--- a/tempest/api/compute/servers/
+++ b/tempest/api/compute/servers/
@@ -16,12 +16,12 @@
 import testtools
 from tempest.api.compute import base
+from tempest.common import utils
 from tempest.common import waiters
 from tempest import config
 from tempest.lib.common.utils import data_utils
 from tempest.lib import decorators
 from tempest.lib import exceptions as lib_exc
-from tempest import test
 CONF = config.CONF
@@ -109,7 +109,7 @@
     def test_rescued_vm_attach_volume(self):
         volume = self.create_volume()
@@ -129,7 +129,7 @@
                           device='/dev/%s' % self.device)
     def test_rescued_vm_detach_volume(self):
         volume = self.create_volume()
diff --git a/tempest/api/compute/servers/ b/tempest/api/compute/servers/
index 0370215..8d0a4e3 100644
--- a/tempest/api/compute/servers/
+++ b/tempest/api/compute/servers/
@@ -16,9 +16,9 @@
 import six
 from tempest.api.compute import base
+from tempest.common import utils
 from tempest.lib.common.utils import data_utils
 from tempest.lib import decorators
-from tempest import test
 class ServerTagsTestJSON(base.BaseV2ComputeTest):
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
     def skip_checks(cls):
         super(ServerTagsTestJSON, cls).skip_checks()
-        if not test.is_extension_enabled('os-server-tags', 'compute'):
+        if not utils.is_extension_enabled('os-server-tags', 'compute'):
             msg = "os-server-tags extension is not enabled."
             raise cls.skipException(msg)
diff --git a/tempest/api/compute/servers/ b/tempest/api/compute/servers/
index 7fd1dd1..2904976 100644
--- a/tempest/api/compute/servers/
+++ b/tempest/api/compute/servers/
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
 from tempest.common import waiters
 from tempest import config
 from tempest.lib.common.utils import data_utils
+from tempest.lib.common.utils import test_utils
 from tempest.lib import decorators
 CONF = config.CONF
@@ -31,10 +32,6 @@
         super(ServersTestJSON, cls).setup_clients()
         cls.client = cls.servers_client
-    def tearDown(self):
-        self.clear_servers()
-        super(ServersTestJSON, self).tearDown()
@@ -43,6 +40,11 @@
         # If an admin password is provided on server creation, the server's
         # root password should be set to that password.
         server = self.create_test_server(adminPass='testpassword')
+        self.addCleanup(waiters.wait_for_server_termination,
+                        self.servers_client, server['id'])
+        self.addCleanup(
+            test_utils.call_and_ignore_notfound_exc,
+            self.servers_client.delete_server, server['id'])
         # Verify the password is set correctly in the response
         self.assertEqual('testpassword', server['adminPass'])
@@ -57,9 +59,19 @@
         server = self.create_test_server(name=server_name,
         id1 = server['id']
+        self.addCleanup(waiters.wait_for_server_termination,
+                        self.servers_client, id1)
+        self.addCleanup(
+            test_utils.call_and_ignore_notfound_exc,
+            self.servers_client.delete_server, id1)
         server = self.create_test_server(name=server_name,
         id2 = server['id']
+        self.addCleanup(waiters.wait_for_server_termination,
+                        self.servers_client, id2)
+        self.addCleanup(
+            test_utils.call_and_ignore_notfound_exc,
+            self.servers_client.delete_server, id2)
         self.assertNotEqual(id1, id2, "Did not create a new server")
         server = self.client.show_server(id1)['server']
         name1 = server['name']
@@ -76,6 +88,11 @@
         self.addCleanup(self.keypairs_client.delete_keypair, key_name)
         server = self.create_test_server(key_name=key_name)
+        self.addCleanup(waiters.wait_for_server_termination,
+                        self.servers_client, server['id'])
+        self.addCleanup(
+            test_utils.call_and_ignore_notfound_exc,
+            self.servers_client.delete_server, server['id'])
         waiters.wait_for_server_status(self.client, server['id'], 'ACTIVE')
         server = self.client.show_server(server['id'])['server']
         self.assertEqual(key_name, server['key_name'])
@@ -98,6 +115,11 @@
     def test_update_server_name(self):
         # The server name should be changed to the provided value
         server = self.create_test_server(wait_until='ACTIVE')
+        self.addCleanup(waiters.wait_for_server_termination,
+                        self.servers_client, server['id'])
+        self.addCleanup(
+            test_utils.call_and_ignore_notfound_exc,
+            self.servers_client.delete_server, server['id'])
         # Update instance name with non-ASCII characters
         prefix_name = u'\u00CD\u00F1st\u00E1\u00F1c\u00E9'
         self._update_server_name(server['id'], 'ACTIVE', prefix_name)
@@ -115,6 +137,11 @@
     def test_update_access_server_address(self):
         # The server's access addresses should reflect the provided values
         server = self.create_test_server(wait_until='ACTIVE')
+        self.addCleanup(waiters.wait_for_server_termination,
+                        self.servers_client, server['id'])
+        self.addCleanup(
+            test_utils.call_and_ignore_notfound_exc,
+            self.servers_client.delete_server, server['id'])
         # Update the IPv4 and IPv6 access addresses
@@ -131,10 +158,27 @@
     def test_create_server_with_ipv6_addr_only(self):
         # Create a server without an IPv4 address(only IPv6 address).
         server = self.create_test_server(accessIPv6='2001:2001::3')
+        self.addCleanup(waiters.wait_for_server_termination,
+                        self.servers_client, server['id'])
+        self.addCleanup(
+            test_utils.call_and_ignore_notfound_exc,
+            self.servers_client.delete_server, server['id'])
         waiters.wait_for_server_status(self.client, server['id'], 'ACTIVE')
         server = self.client.show_server(server['id'])['server']
         self.assertEqual('2001:2001::3', server['accessIPv6'])
+    @decorators.related_bug('1730756')
+    @decorators.idempotent_id('defbaca5-d611-49f5-ae21-56ee25d2db49')
+    def test_create_server_specify_multibyte_character_name(self):
+        # prefix character is:
+        #
+        # We use a string with 3 byte utf-8 character due to nova
+        # will return 400(Bad Request) if we attempt to send a name which has
+        # 4 byte utf-8 character.
+        utf8_name = data_utils.rand_name(b'\xe2\x82\xa1'.decode('utf-8'))
+        self.create_test_server(name=utf8_name, wait_until='ACTIVE')
 class ServerShowV247Test(base.BaseV2ComputeTest):
     min_microversion = '2.47'
diff --git a/tempest/api/compute/servers/ b/tempest/api/compute/servers/
index 764767b..9b545af 100644
--- a/tempest/api/compute/servers/
+++ b/tempest/api/compute/servers/
@@ -19,12 +19,12 @@
 from tempest.api.compute import base
 from tempest.common import compute
+from tempest.common import utils
 from tempest.common import waiters
 from tempest import config
 from tempest.lib.common.utils import data_utils
 from tempest.lib import decorators
 from tempest.lib import exceptions as lib_exc
-from tempest import test
 CONF = config.CONF
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
             waiters.wait_for_server_status(self.client, self.server_id,
         except Exception:
-            self.__class__.server_id = self.rebuild_server(self.server_id)
+            self.__class__.server_id = self.recreate_server(self.server_id)
     def tearDown(self):
@@ -217,7 +217,7 @@
     @decorators.related_bug('1651064', status_code=500)
     def test_create_server_invalid_bdm_in_2nd_dict(self):
         volume = self.create_volume()
@@ -477,6 +477,12 @@
         # shelve a shelved server.
         compute.shelve_server(self.client, self.server_id)
+        def _unshelve_server():
+            server_info = self.client.show_server(self.server_id)['server']
+            if 'SHELVED' in server_info['status']:
+                self.client.unshelve_server(self.server_id)
+        self.addOnException(_unshelve_server)
         server = self.client.show_server(self.server_id)['server']
         image_name = server['name'] + '-shelved'
         params = {'name': image_name}
@@ -512,7 +518,7 @@
-'volume', 'image')
+'volume', 'image')
     def test_create_server_from_non_bootable_volume(self):
         # Create a volume
         volume = self.create_volume()
@@ -551,7 +557,7 @@
             waiters.wait_for_server_status(self.servers_client, self.server_id,
         except Exception:
-            self.__class__.server_id = self.rebuild_server(self.server_id)
+            self.__class__.server_id = self.recreate_server(self.server_id)
     def setup_clients(cls):
diff --git a/tempest/api/compute/servers/ b/tempest/api/compute/servers/
index a42b968..90f04ff 100644
--- a/tempest/api/compute/servers/
+++ b/tempest/api/compute/servers/
@@ -17,10 +17,10 @@
 import testtools
 from tempest.api.compute import base
+from tempest.common import utils
 from tempest import config
 from tempest.lib import decorators
 from tempest.lib import exceptions
-from tempest import test
 CONF = config.CONF
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
         cls.server = cls.create_test_server(wait_until='ACTIVE')
     def test_list_virtual_interfaces(self):
         # Positive test:Should be able to GET the virtual interfaces list
         # for a given server_id
@@ -56,11 +56,11 @@
             output = self.client.list_virtual_interfaces(self.server['id'])
-            virt_ifaces = output
-            self.assertNotEmpty(virt_ifaces['virtual_interfaces'],
+            virt_ifaces = output['virtual_interfaces']
+            self.assertNotEmpty(virt_ifaces,
                                 'Expected virtual interfaces, got 0 '
-            for virt_iface in virt_ifaces['virtual_interfaces']:
+            for virt_iface in virt_ifaces:
                 mac_address = virt_iface['mac_address']
                                 "Invalid mac address detected. mac address: %s"
diff --git a/tempest/api/compute/servers/ b/tempest/api/compute/servers/
index 173784a..c4e2400 100644
--- a/tempest/api/compute/servers/
+++ b/tempest/api/compute/servers/
@@ -14,10 +14,10 @@
 #    under the License.
 from tempest.api.compute import base
+from tempest.common import utils
 from tempest.lib.common.utils import data_utils
 from tempest.lib import decorators
 from tempest.lib import exceptions as lib_exc
-from tempest import test
 class VirtualInterfacesNegativeTestJSON(base.BaseV2ComputeTest):
@@ -28,18 +28,13 @@
         super(VirtualInterfacesNegativeTestJSON, cls).setup_credentials()
-    @classmethod
-    def setup_clients(cls):
-        super(VirtualInterfacesNegativeTestJSON, cls).setup_clients()
-        cls.client = cls.servers_client
     def test_list_virtual_interfaces_invalid_server_id(self):
         # Negative test: Should not be able to GET virtual interfaces
         # for an invalid server_id
         invalid_server_id = data_utils.rand_uuid()
-                          self.client.list_virtual_interfaces,
+                          self.servers_client.list_virtual_interfaces,
diff --git a/tempest/api/compute/ b/tempest/api/compute/
index 42e13bd..34faf5f 100644
--- a/tempest/api/compute/
+++ b/tempest/api/compute/
@@ -16,9 +16,9 @@
 from oslo_log import log as logging
 from tempest.api.compute import base
+from tempest.common import utils
 from tempest import config
 from tempest.lib import decorators
-from tempest import test
 CONF = config.CONF
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
 LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-class ExtensionsTestJSON(base.BaseV2ComputeTest):
+class ExtensionsTest(base.BaseV2ComputeTest):
     def test_list_extensions(self):
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@
             raise self.skipException('There are not any extensions configured')
-    @test.requires_ext(extension='os-consoles', service='compute')
+    @utils.requires_ext(extension='os-consoles', service='compute')
     def test_get_extension(self):
         # get the specified extensions
         extension = self.extensions_client.show_extension('os-consoles')
diff --git a/tempest/api/compute/ b/tempest/api/compute/
index 9d83ee1..7cf90ae 100644
--- a/tempest/api/compute/
+++ b/tempest/api/compute/
@@ -15,8 +15,8 @@
 from tempest.api.compute import base
 from tempest.common import tempest_fixtures as fixtures
+from tempest.common import utils
 from tempest.lib import decorators
-from tempest import test
 class QuotasTestJSON(base.BaseV2ComputeTest):
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
     def skip_checks(cls):
         super(QuotasTestJSON, cls).skip_checks()
-        if not test.is_extension_enabled('os-quota-sets', 'compute'):
+        if not utils.is_extension_enabled('os-quota-sets', 'compute'):
             msg = "quotas extension not enabled."
             raise cls.skipException(msg)
diff --git a/tempest/api/compute/ b/tempest/api/compute/
index 18c5d38..b55e2c0 100644
--- a/tempest/api/compute/
+++ b/tempest/api/compute/
@@ -13,8 +13,8 @@
 #    under the License.
 from tempest.api.compute import base
+from tempest.common import utils
 from tempest.lib import decorators
-from tempest import test
 class ComputeTenantNetworksTest(base.BaseV2ComputeTest):
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
         super(ComputeTenantNetworksTest, cls).setup_credentials()
     def test_list_show_tenant_networks(self):
         # Fetch all networks that are visible to the tenant: this may include
         # shared and external networks
diff --git a/tempest/api/compute/volumes/ b/tempest/api/compute/volumes/
index 502bc1b..caa445d 100644
--- a/tempest/api/compute/volumes/
+++ b/tempest/api/compute/volumes/
@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
 from tempest.api.compute import base
 from tempest.common import compute
+from tempest.common import utils
 from tempest.common.utils.linux import remote_client
 from tempest.common import waiters
 from tempest import config
@@ -25,12 +26,12 @@
 CONF = config.CONF
-class AttachVolumeTestJSON(base.BaseV2ComputeTest):
-    max_microversion = '2.19'
+class BaseAttachVolumeTest(base.BaseV2ComputeTest):
+    """Base class for the attach volume tests in this module."""
     def skip_checks(cls):
-        super(AttachVolumeTestJSON, cls).skip_checks()
+        super(BaseAttachVolumeTest, cls).skip_checks()
         if not CONF.service_available.cinder:
             skip_msg = ("%s skipped as Cinder is not available" % cls.__name__)
             raise cls.skipException(skip_msg)
@@ -38,39 +39,44 @@
     def setup_credentials(cls):
-        super(AttachVolumeTestJSON, cls).setup_credentials()
+        super(BaseAttachVolumeTest, cls).setup_credentials()
     def resource_setup(cls):
-        cls.set_validation_resources()
-        super(AttachVolumeTestJSON, cls).resource_setup()
+        super(BaseAttachVolumeTest, cls).resource_setup()
         cls.device = CONF.compute.volume_device_name
     def _create_server(self):
         # Start a server and wait for it to become ready
+        validation_resources = self.get_test_validation_resources(
+            self.os_primary)
         server = self.create_test_server(
+            validation_resources=validation_resources,
         self.addCleanup(self.delete_server, server['id'])
         # Record addresses so that we can ssh later
         server['addresses'] = self.servers_client.list_addresses(
-        return server
+        return server, validation_resources
+class AttachVolumeTestJSON(BaseAttachVolumeTest):
     def test_attach_detach_volume(self):
         # Stop and Start a server with an attached volume, ensuring that
         # the volume remains attached.
-        server = self._create_server()
+        server, validation_resources = self._create_server()
         # NOTE(andreaf) Create one remote client used throughout the test.
         if CONF.validation.run_validation:
             linux_client = remote_client.RemoteClient(
-                self.get_server_ip(server),
+                self.get_server_ip(server, validation_resources),
-                self.validation_resources['keypair']['private_key'],
+                validation_resources['keypair']['private_key'],
             # NOTE(andreaf) We need to ensure the ssh key has been
@@ -113,7 +119,7 @@
     def test_list_get_volume_attachments(self):
         # List volume attachment of the server
-        server = self._create_server()
+        server, _ = self._create_server()
         volume_1st = self.create_volume()
         attachment_1st = self.attach_volume(server, volume_1st,
                                             device=('/dev/%s' % self.device))
@@ -143,9 +149,13 @@
             self.assertEqual(server['id'], body['serverId'])
             self.assertEqual(attachment['volumeId'], body['volumeId'])
             self.assertEqual(attachment['id'], body['id'])
+            self.servers_client.detach_volume(server['id'],
+                                              attachment['volumeId'])
+            waiters.wait_for_volume_resource_status(
+                self.volumes_client, attachment['volumeId'], 'available')
-class AttachVolumeShelveTestJSON(AttachVolumeTestJSON):
+class AttachVolumeShelveTestJSON(BaseAttachVolumeTest):
     """Testing volume with shelved instance.
     This test checks the attaching and detaching volumes from
@@ -155,15 +165,21 @@
     min_microversion = '2.20'
     max_microversion = 'latest'
-    def _count_volumes(self, server):
+    @classmethod
+    def skip_checks(cls):
+        super(AttachVolumeShelveTestJSON, cls).skip_checks()
+        if not CONF.compute_feature_enabled.shelve:
+            raise cls.skipException('Shelve is not available.')
+    def _count_volumes(self, server, validation_resources):
         # Count number of volumes on an instance
         volumes = 0
         if CONF.validation.run_validation:
             linux_client = remote_client.RemoteClient(
-                self.get_server_ip(server),
+                self.get_server_ip(server, validation_resources),
-                self.validation_resources['keypair']['private_key'],
+                validation_resources['keypair']['private_key'],
@@ -171,7 +187,7 @@
             volumes = int(linux_client.exec_command(command).strip())
         return volumes
-    def _shelve_server(self, server):
+    def _shelve_server(self, server, validation_resources):
         # NOTE(andreaf) If we are going to shelve a server, we should
         # check first whether the server is ssh-able. Otherwise we
         # won't be able to distinguish failures introduced by shelve
@@ -180,10 +196,10 @@
         # avoid breaking the VM
         if CONF.validation.run_validation:
             linux_client = remote_client.RemoteClient(
-                self.get_server_ip(server),
+                self.get_server_ip(server, validation_resources),
-                self.validation_resources['keypair']['private_key'],
+                validation_resources['keypair']['private_key'],
@@ -191,32 +207,33 @@
         # If validation went ok, or it was skipped, shelve the server
         compute.shelve_server(self.servers_client, server['id'])
-    def _unshelve_server_and_check_volumes(self, server, number_of_volumes):
+    def _unshelve_server_and_check_volumes(self, server,
+                                           validation_resources,
+                                           number_of_volumes):
         # Unshelve the instance and check that there are expected volumes
         if CONF.validation.run_validation:
-            counted_volumes = self._count_volumes(server)
+            counted_volumes = self._count_volumes(
+                server, validation_resources)
             self.assertEqual(number_of_volumes, counted_volumes)
-    @testtools.skipUnless(CONF.compute_feature_enabled.shelve,
-                          'Shelve is not available.')
     def test_attach_volume_shelved_or_offload_server(self):
         # Create server, count number of volumes on it, shelve
         # server and attach pre-created volume to shelved server
-        server = self._create_server()
+        server, validation_resources = self._create_server()
         volume = self.create_volume()
-        num_vol = self._count_volumes(server)
-        self._shelve_server(server)
+        num_vol = self._count_volumes(server, validation_resources)
+        self._shelve_server(server, validation_resources)
         attachment = self.attach_volume(server, volume,
-                                        device=('/dev/%s' % self.device),
-                                        check_reserved=True)
+                                        device=('/dev/%s' % self.device))
         # Unshelve the instance and check that attached volume exists
-        self._unshelve_server_and_check_volumes(server, num_vol + 1)
+        self._unshelve_server_and_check_volumes(
+            server, validation_resources, num_vol + 1)
         # Get volume attachment of the server
         volume_attachment = self.servers_client.show_volume_attachment(
@@ -229,23 +246,195 @@
-    @testtools.skipUnless(CONF.compute_feature_enabled.shelve,
-                          'Shelve is not available.')
     def test_detach_volume_shelved_or_offload_server(self):
         # Count number of volumes on instance, shelve
         # server and attach pre-created volume to shelved server
-        server = self._create_server()
+        server, validation_resources = self._create_server()
         volume = self.create_volume()
-        num_vol = self._count_volumes(server)
-        self._shelve_server(server)
+        num_vol = self._count_volumes(server, validation_resources)
+        self._shelve_server(server, validation_resources)
         # Attach and then detach the volume
-        self.attach_volume(server, volume, device=('/dev/%s' % self.device),
-                           check_reserved=True)
+        self.attach_volume(server, volume, device=('/dev/%s' % self.device))
         self.servers_client.detach_volume(server['id'], volume['id'])
                                                 volume['id'], 'available')
         # Unshelve the instance and check that we have the expected number of
         # volume(s)
-        self._unshelve_server_and_check_volumes(server, num_vol)
+        self._unshelve_server_and_check_volumes(
+            server, validation_resources, num_vol)
+class AttachVolumeMultiAttachTest(BaseAttachVolumeTest):
+    min_microversion = '2.60'
+    max_microversion = 'latest'
+    @classmethod
+    def skip_checks(cls):
+        super(AttachVolumeMultiAttachTest, cls).skip_checks()
+        if not CONF.compute_feature_enabled.volume_multiattach:
+            raise cls.skipException('Volume multi-attach is not available.')
+    def _attach_volume_to_servers(self, volume, servers):
+        """Attaches the given volume to the list of servers.
+        :param volume: The multiattach volume to use.
+        :param servers: list of server instances on which the volume will be
+                        attached
+        :returns: dict of server ID to volumeAttachment dict entries
+        """
+        attachments = {}
+        for server in servers:
+            # map the server id to the volume attachment
+            attachments[server['id']] = self.attach_volume(server, volume)
+            # NOTE(mriedem): In the case of multi-attach, after the first
+            # attach the volume will be in-use. On the second attach, nova will
+            # 'reserve' the volume which puts it back into 'attaching' status
+            # and then the volume shouldn't go back to in-use until the compute
+            # actually attaches the server to the volume.
+        return attachments
+    def _detach_multiattach_volume(self, volume_id, server_id):
+        """Detaches a multiattach volume from the given server.
+        Depending on the number of attachments the volume has, this method
+        will wait for the volume to go to back to 'in-use' status if there are
+        more attachments or 'available' state if there are no more attachments.
+        """
+        # Count the number of attachments before starting the detach.
+        volume = self.volumes_client.show_volume(volume_id)['volume']
+        attachments = volume['attachments']
+        wait_status = 'in-use' if len(attachments) > 1 else 'available'
+        # Now detach the volume from the given server.
+        self.servers_client.detach_volume(server_id, volume_id)
+        # Now wait for the volume status to change.
+        waiters.wait_for_volume_resource_status(
+            self.volumes_client, volume_id, wait_status)
+    def _create_multiattach_volume(self, bootable=False):
+        kwargs = {}
+        if bootable:
+            kwargs['image_ref'] = CONF.compute.image_ref
+        return self.create_volume(multiattach=True, **kwargs)
+    def _create_and_multiattach(self):
+        """Creates two server instances and a volume and attaches to both.
+        :returns: A three-item tuple of the list of created servers,
+                  the created volume, and dict of server ID to volumeAttachment
+                  dict entries
+        """
+        servers = []
+        for x in range(2):
+            name = 'multiattach-server-%i' % x
+            servers.append(self.create_test_server(name=name))
+        # Now wait for the servers to be ACTIVE.
+        for server in servers:
+            waiters.wait_for_server_status(self.servers_client, server['id'],
+                                           'ACTIVE')
+        volume = self._create_multiattach_volume()
+        # Attach the volume to the servers
+        attachments = self._attach_volume_to_servers(volume, servers)
+        return servers, volume, attachments
+    @decorators.idempotent_id('8d5853f7-56e7-4988-9b0c-48cea3c7049a')
+    def test_list_get_volume_attachments_multiattach(self):
+        # Attach a single volume to two servers.
+        servers, volume, attachments = self._create_and_multiattach()
+        # List attachments from the volume and make sure the server uuids
+        # are in that list.
+        vol_attachments = self.volumes_client.show_volume(
+            volume['id'])['volume']['attachments']
+        attached_server_ids = [attachment['server_id']
+                               for attachment in vol_attachments]
+        self.assertEqual(2, len(attached_server_ids))
+        # List Volume attachment of the servers
+        for server in servers:
+            self.assertIn(server['id'], attached_server_ids)
+            vol_attachments = self.servers_client.list_volume_attachments(
+                server['id'])['volumeAttachments']
+            self.assertEqual(1, len(vol_attachments))
+            attachment = attachments[server['id']]
+            self.assertDictEqual(attachment, vol_attachments[0])
+            # Detach the volume from this server.
+            self._detach_multiattach_volume(volume['id'], server['id'])
+    def _boot_from_multiattach_volume(self):
+        """Boots a server from a multiattach volume.
+        The volume will not be deleted when the server is deleted.
+        :returns: 2-item tuple of (server, volume)
+        """
+        volume = self._create_multiattach_volume(bootable=True)
+        # Now create a server from the bootable volume.
+        bdm = [{
+            'uuid': volume['id'],
+            'source_type': 'volume',
+            'destination_type': 'volume',
+            'boot_index': 0,
+            'delete_on_termination': False}]
+        server = self.create_test_server(
+            image_id='', block_device_mapping_v2=bdm, wait_until='ACTIVE')
+        # Assert the volume is attached to the server.
+        attachments = self.servers_client.list_volume_attachments(
+            server['id'])['volumeAttachments']
+        self.assertEqual(1, len(attachments))
+        self.assertEqual(volume['id'], attachments[0]['volumeId'])
+        return server, volume
+    @decorators.idempotent_id('65e33aa2-185b-44c8-b22e-e524973ed625')
+    def test_boot_from_multiattach_volume(self):
+        """Simple test to boot an instance from a multiattach volume."""
+        self._boot_from_multiattach_volume()
+    @decorators.idempotent_id('885ac48a-2d7a-40c5-ae8b-1993882d724c')
+    def test_snapshot_volume_backed_multiattach(self):
+        """Boots a server from a multiattach volume and snapshots the server.
+        Creating the snapshot of the server will also create a snapshot of
+        the volume.
+        """
+        server, volume = self._boot_from_multiattach_volume()
+        # Create a snapshot of the server (and volume implicitly).
+        self.create_image_from_server(
+            server['id'], name='multiattach-snapshot',
+            wait_until='active', wait_for_server=True)
+        # TODO(mriedem): Make sure the volume snapshot exists. This requires
+        # adding the volume snapshots client to BaseV2ComputeTest.
+        # Delete the server, wait for it to be gone, and make sure the volume
+        # still exists.
+        self.servers_client.delete_server(server['id'])
+        waiters.wait_for_server_termination(self.servers_client, server['id'])
+        # Delete the volume and cascade the delete of the volume snapshot.
+        self.volumes_client.delete_volume(volume['id'], cascade=True)
+        # Now we have to wait for the volume to be gone otherwise the normal
+        # teardown will fail since it will race with our call and the snapshot
+        # might still exist.
+        self.volumes_client.wait_for_resource_deletion(volume['id'])
+    @decorators.idempotent_id('f01c7169-a124-4fc7-ae60-5e380e247c9c')
+    @testtools.skipUnless(CONF.compute_feature_enabled.resize,
+                          'Resize not available.')
+    def test_resize_server_with_multiattached_volume(self):
+        # Attach a single volume to multiple servers, then resize the servers
+        servers, volume, _ = self._create_and_multiattach()
+        for server in servers:
+            self.resize_server(server['id'], self.flavor_ref_alt)
+        for server in servers:
+            self._detach_multiattach_volume(volume['id'], server['id'])
+    # TODO(mriedem): Might be interesting to create a bootable multiattach
+    # volume with delete_on_termination=True, create server1 from the
+    # volume, then attach it to server2, and then delete server1 in which
+    # case the volume won't be deleted because it's still attached to
+    # server2 and make sure the volume is still attached to server2.
diff --git a/tempest/api/compute/volumes/ b/tempest/api/compute/volumes/
index eabb907..7a74869 100644
--- a/tempest/api/compute/volumes/
+++ b/tempest/api/compute/volumes/
@@ -41,3 +41,18 @@
                           self.delete_volume, volume['id'])
+    @decorators.attr(type=['negative'])
+    @decorators.idempotent_id('aab919e2-d992-4cbb-a4ed-745c2475398c')
+    def test_attach_attached_volume_to_same_server(self):
+        # Test attaching the same volume to the same instance once
+        # it's already attached. The nova/cinder validation for this differs
+        # depending on whether or not cinder v3.27 is being used to attach
+        # the volume to the instance.
+        server = self.create_test_server(wait_until='ACTIVE')
+        volume = self.create_volume()
+        self.attach_volume(server, volume)
+        self.assertRaises(lib_exc.BadRequest,
+                          self.attach_volume, server, volume)
diff --git a/tempest/api/compute/volumes/ b/tempest/api/compute/volumes/
index 0f436eb..b8ca81d 100644
--- a/tempest/api/compute/volumes/
+++ b/tempest/api/compute/volumes/
@@ -13,8 +13,6 @@
 #    License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
 #    under the License.
-import testtools
 from tempest.api.compute import base
 from tempest.common import waiters
 from tempest import config
@@ -38,6 +36,9 @@
         if not CONF.service_available.cinder:
             skip_msg = ("%s skipped as Cinder is not available" % cls.__name__)
             raise cls.skipException(skip_msg)
+        if not CONF.volume_feature_enabled.snapshot:
+            skip_msg = ("Cinder volume snapshots are disabled")
+            raise cls.skipException(skip_msg)
     def setup_clients(cls):
@@ -46,8 +47,6 @@
         cls.snapshots_client = cls.snapshots_extensions_client
-    @testtools.skipUnless(CONF.volume_feature_enabled.snapshot,
-                          'Cinder volume snapshots are disabled')
     def test_volume_snapshot_create_get_list_delete(self):
         volume = self.create_volume()
         self.addCleanup(self.delete_volume, volume['id'])
diff --git a/tempest/api/identity/admin/v2/ b/tempest/api/identity/admin/v2/
index 59fc4d8..947706e 100644
--- a/tempest/api/identity/admin/v2/
+++ b/tempest/api/identity/admin/v2/
@@ -23,15 +23,15 @@
     def resource_setup(cls):
         super(EndPointsTestJSON, cls).resource_setup()
-        cls.service_ids = list()
         s_name = data_utils.rand_name('service')
         s_type = data_utils.rand_name('type')
         s_description = data_utils.rand_name('description')
         service_data = cls.services_client.create_service(
             name=s_name, type=s_type,
+        cls.addClassResourceCleanup(cls.services_client.delete_service,
+                                    service_data['id'])
         cls.service_id = service_data['id']
-        cls.service_ids.append(cls.service_id)
         # Create endpoints so as to use for LIST and GET test cases
         cls.setup_endpoints = list()
         for _ in range(2):
@@ -43,18 +43,12 @@
+            cls.addClassResourceCleanup(cls.endpoints_client.delete_endpoint,
+                                        endpoint['id'])
             # list_endpoints() will return 'enabled' field
             endpoint['enabled'] = True
-    @classmethod
-    def resource_cleanup(cls):
-        for e in cls.setup_endpoints:
-            cls.endpoints_client.delete_endpoint(e['id'])
-        for s in cls.service_ids:
-            cls.services_client.delete_service(s)
-        super(EndPointsTestJSON, cls).resource_cleanup()
     def test_list_endpoints(self):
         # Get a list of endpoints
diff --git a/tempest/api/identity/admin/v2/ b/tempest/api/identity/admin/v2/
index 124bb5f..9736a76 100644
--- a/tempest/api/identity/admin/v2/
+++ b/tempest/api/identity/admin/v2/
@@ -28,14 +28,11 @@
         for _ in range(5):
             role_name = data_utils.rand_name(name='role')
             role = cls.roles_client.create_role(name=role_name)['role']
+            cls.addClassResourceCleanup(
+                test_utils.call_and_ignore_notfound_exc,
+                cls.roles_client.delete_role, role['id'])
-    @classmethod
-    def resource_cleanup(cls):
-        super(RolesTestJSON, cls).resource_cleanup()
-        for role in cls.roles:
-            cls.roles_client.delete_role(role['id'])
     def _get_role_params(self):
         user = self.setup_test_user()
         tenant = self.tenants_client.show_tenant(user['tenantId'])['tenant']
diff --git a/tempest/api/identity/admin/v2/ b/tempest/api/identity/admin/v2/
index 6b30d23..6ce1a8b 100644
--- a/tempest/api/identity/admin/v2/
+++ b/tempest/api/identity/admin/v2/
@@ -112,6 +112,8 @@
     def test_list_endpoints_for_token(self):
+        tempest_services = ['keystone', 'nova', 'neutron', 'swift', 'cinder',
+                            'neutron']
         # get a token for the user
         creds = self.os_primary.credentials
         username = creds.username
@@ -125,9 +127,10 @@
         self.assertIsInstance(endpoints, list)
         # Store list of service names
         service_names = [e['name'] for e in endpoints]
-        # Get the list of available services.
+        # Get the list of available services. Keystone is always available.
         available_services = [s[0] for s in list(
-            CONF.service_available.items()) if s[1] is True]
+            CONF.service_available.items()) if s[1] is True] + ['keystone']
         # Verify that all available services are present.
-        for service in available_services:
-            self.assertIn(service, service_names)
+        for service in tempest_services:
+            if service in available_services:
+                self.assertIn(service, service_names)
diff --git a/tempest/api/identity/admin/v3/ b/tempest/api/identity/admin/v3/
index 15b2008..ba19ff7 100644
--- a/tempest/api/identity/admin/v3/
+++ b/tempest/api/identity/admin/v3/
@@ -32,21 +32,18 @@
         u_email = '' % u_name
         u_password = data_utils.rand_password()
         for _ in range(2):
-            cls.project = cls.projects_client.create_project(
+            project = cls.projects_client.create_project(
-            cls.projects.append(cls.project['id'])
+            cls.addClassResourceCleanup(
+                cls.projects_client.delete_project, project['id'])
+            cls.projects.append(project['id'])
         cls.user_body = cls.users_client.create_user(
             name=u_name, description=u_desc, password=u_password,
             email=u_email, project_id=cls.projects[0])['user']
-    @classmethod
-    def resource_cleanup(cls):
-        cls.users_client.delete_user(cls.user_body['id'])
-        for p in cls.projects:
-            cls.projects_client.delete_project(p)
-        super(CredentialsTestJSON, cls).resource_cleanup()
+        cls.addClassResourceCleanup(
+            cls.users_client.delete_user, cls.user_body['id'])
     def _delete_credential(self, cred_id):
diff --git a/tempest/api/identity/admin/v3/ b/tempest/api/identity/admin/v3/
index f731697..c4e0622 100644
--- a/tempest/api/identity/admin/v3/
+++ b/tempest/api/identity/admin/v3/
@@ -37,18 +37,6 @@
         super(DomainConfigurationTestJSON, cls).setup_clients()
         cls.client = cls.domain_config_client
-    @classmethod
-    def resource_setup(cls):
-        super(DomainConfigurationTestJSON, cls).resource_setup()
- = cls.groups_client.create_group(
-            name=data_utils.rand_name('group'),
-            description=data_utils.rand_name('group-desc'))['group']
-    @classmethod
-    def resource_cleanup(cls):
-        cls.groups_client.delete_group(['id'])
-        super(DomainConfigurationTestJSON, cls).resource_cleanup()
     def _create_domain_and_config(self, config):
         domain = self.setup_test_domain()
         config = self.client.create_domain_config(domain['id'], **config)[
diff --git a/tempest/api/identity/admin/v3/ b/tempest/api/identity/admin/v3/
index bf04ede..97a1f36 100644
--- a/tempest/api/identity/admin/v3/
+++ b/tempest/api/identity/admin/v3/
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
 from tempest.lib.common.utils import data_utils
 from tempest.lib.common.utils import test_utils
 from tempest.lib import decorators
+from tempest.lib import exceptions
 CONF = config.CONF
@@ -34,19 +35,6 @@
             domain = cls.create_domain(enabled=i < 2)
-    @classmethod
-    def resource_cleanup(cls):
-        for domain in cls.setup_domains:
-            cls._delete_domain(domain['id'])
-        super(DomainsTestJSON, cls).resource_cleanup()
-    @classmethod
-    def _delete_domain(cls, domain_id):
-        # It is necessary to disable the domain before deleting,
-        # or else it would result in unauthorized error
-        cls.domains_client.update_domain(domain_id, enabled=False)
-        cls.domains_client.delete_domain(domain_id)
     def test_list_domains(self):
         # Test to list domains
@@ -92,7 +80,7 @@
         domain = self.domains_client.create_domain(
             name=d_name, description=d_desc)['domain']
-                        self._delete_domain, domain['id'])
+                        self.delete_domain, domain['id'])
         self.assertIn('description', domain)
         self.assertIn('name', domain)
         self.assertIn('enabled', domain)
@@ -128,6 +116,26 @@
         domains_list = [d['id'] for d in body]
         self.assertNotIn(domain['id'], domains_list)
+    @decorators.idempotent_id('d8d318b7-d1b3-4c37-94c5-3c5ba0b121ea')
+    def test_domain_delete_cascades_content(self):
+        # Create a domain with a user and a group in it
+        domain = self.setup_test_domain()
+        user = self.create_test_user(domain_id=domain['id'])
+        group = self.groups_client.create_group(
+            name=data_utils.rand_name('group'),
+            domain_id=domain['id'])['group']
+        self.addCleanup(test_utils.call_and_ignore_notfound_exc,
+                        self.groups_client.delete_group, group['id'])
+        # Delete the domain
+        self.delete_domain(domain['id'])
+        # Check the domain, its users and groups are gone
+        self.assertRaises(exceptions.NotFound,
+                          self.domains_client.show_domain, domain['id'])
+        self.assertRaises(exceptions.NotFound,
+                          self.users_client.show_user, user['id'])
+        self.assertRaises(exceptions.NotFound,
+                          self.groups_client.show_group, group['id'])
     def test_create_domain_with_disabled_status(self):
         # Create domain with enabled status as false
@@ -145,7 +153,7 @@
         # Create domain only with name
         d_name = data_utils.rand_name('domain')
         domain = self.domains_client.create_domain(name=d_name)['domain']
-        self.addCleanup(self._delete_domain, domain['id'])
+        self.addCleanup(self.delete_domain, domain['id'])
         expected_data = {'name': d_name, 'enabled': True}
         self.assertEqual('', domain['description'])
         self.assertDictContainsSubset(expected_data, domain)
diff --git a/tempest/api/identity/admin/v3/ b/tempest/api/identity/admin/v3/
index 1a0b851..56f7d32 100644
--- a/tempest/api/identity/admin/v3/
+++ b/tempest/api/identity/admin/v3/
@@ -20,7 +20,6 @@
 class DomainsNegativeTestJSON(base.BaseIdentityV3AdminTest):
-    _interface = 'json'
     @decorators.attr(type=['negative', 'gate'])
diff --git a/tempest/api/identity/admin/v3/ b/tempest/api/identity/admin/v3/
index 49dbba1..eef93c2 100644
--- a/tempest/api/identity/admin/v3/
+++ b/tempest/api/identity/admin/v3/
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
 from tempest.api.identity import base
 from tempest.lib.common.utils import data_utils
+from tempest.lib.common.utils import test_utils
 from tempest.lib import decorators
@@ -28,11 +29,12 @@
     def resource_setup(cls):
         super(EndPointGroupsTest, cls).resource_setup()
-        cls.service_ids = list()
         cls.endpoint_groups = list()
         # Create endpoint group so as to use it for LIST test
         service_id = cls._create_service()
+        cls.addClassResourceCleanup(
+            cls.services_client.delete_service, service_id)
         name = data_utils.rand_name('service_group')
         description = data_utils.rand_name('description')
@@ -42,18 +44,12 @@
+        cls.addClassResourceCleanup(
+            cls.client.delete_endpoint_group, endpoint_group['id'])
-    def resource_cleanup(cls):
-        for e in cls.endpoint_groups:
-            cls.client.delete_endpoint_group(e['id'])
-        for s in cls.service_ids:
-            cls.services_client.delete_service(s)
-        super(EndPointGroupsTest, cls).resource_cleanup()
-    @classmethod
     def _create_service(cls):
         s_name = data_utils.rand_name('service')
         s_type = data_utils.rand_name('type')
@@ -64,7 +60,6 @@
         service_id = service_data['service']['id']
-        cls.service_ids.append(service_id)
         return service_id
@@ -78,6 +73,9 @@
+        self.addCleanup(
+            test_utils.call_and_ignore_notfound_exc,
+            self.client.delete_endpoint_group, endpoint_group['id'])
@@ -115,7 +113,6 @@
         # Deleting the endpoint group created in this method
-        self.endpoint_groups.remove(endpoint_group)
         # Checking whether endpoint group is deleted successfully
         fetched_endpoints = \
@@ -136,10 +133,12 @@
-        self.endpoint_groups.append(endpoint_group)
+        self.addCleanup(self.client.delete_endpoint_group,
+                        endpoint_group['id'])
         # Creating new attr values to update endpoint group
         service2_id = self._create_service()
+        self.addCleanup(self.services_client.delete_service, service2_id)
         name2 = data_utils.rand_name('service_group2')
         description2 = data_utils.rand_name('description2')
         filters = {'service_id': service2_id}
diff --git a/tempest/api/identity/admin/v3/ b/tempest/api/identity/admin/v3/
index 5d48f68..874aaa4 100644
--- a/tempest/api/identity/admin/v3/
+++ b/tempest/api/identity/admin/v3/
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
 from tempest.api.identity import base
 from tempest.lib.common.utils import data_utils
+from tempest.lib.common.utils import test_utils
 from tempest.lib import decorators
@@ -34,12 +35,18 @@
         interfaces = ['public', 'internal']
         cls.setup_endpoint_ids = list()
         for i in range(2):
-            cls._create_service()
+            service = cls._create_service()
+            cls.service_ids.append(service['id'])
+            cls.addClassResourceCleanup(
+                cls.services_client.delete_service, service['id'])
             region = data_utils.rand_name('region')
             url = data_utils.rand_url()
             endpoint = cls.client.create_endpoint(
                 service_id=cls.service_ids[i], interface=interfaces[i],
                 url=url, region=region, enabled=True)['endpoint']
+            cls.addClassResourceCleanup(
+                cls.client.delete_endpoint, endpoint['id'])
@@ -53,17 +60,7 @@
         service_data = (
             cls.services_client.create_service(name=s_name, type=s_type,
-        service = service_data['service']
-        cls.service_ids.append(service['id'])
-        return service
-    @classmethod
-    def resource_cleanup(cls):
-        for e in cls.setup_endpoint_ids:
-            cls.client.delete_endpoint(e)
-        for s in cls.service_ids:
-            cls.services_client.delete_service(s)
-        super(EndPointsTestJSON, cls).resource_cleanup()
+        return service_data['service']
     def test_list_endpoints(self):
@@ -114,8 +111,8 @@
                                                url=url, region=region,
-        self.setup_endpoint_ids.append(endpoint['id'])
+        self.addCleanup(test_utils.call_and_ignore_notfound_exc,
+                        self.client.delete_endpoint, endpoint['id'])
         # Asserting Create Endpoint response body
         self.assertEqual(region, endpoint['region'])
         self.assertEqual(url, endpoint['url'])
@@ -137,7 +134,6 @@
         # Deleting the endpoint created in this method
-        self.setup_endpoint_ids.remove(endpoint['id'])
         # Checking whether endpoint is deleted successfully
         fetched_endpoints = self.client.list_endpoints()['endpoints']
@@ -147,8 +143,20 @@
     def test_update_endpoint(self):
-        # Creating an endpoint so as to check update endpoint
-        # with new values
+        # NOTE(zhufl) Service2 should be created before endpoint_for_update
+        # is created, because Service2 must be deleted after
+        # endpoint_for_update is deleted, otherwise we will get a 404 error
+        # when deleting endpoint_for_update if endpoint's service is deleted.
+        # Creating service for updating endpoint with new service ID
+        s_name = data_utils.rand_name('service')
+        s_type = data_utils.rand_name('type')
+        s_description = data_utils.rand_name('description')
+        service2 = self._create_service(s_name=s_name, s_type=s_type,
+                                        s_description=s_description)
+        self.addCleanup(self.services_client.delete_service, service2['id'])
+        # Creating an endpoint so as to check update endpoint with new values
         region1 = data_utils.rand_name('region')
         url1 = data_utils.rand_url()
         interface1 = 'public'
@@ -158,12 +166,7 @@
                                         url=url1, region=region1,
         self.addCleanup(self.client.delete_endpoint, endpoint_for_update['id'])
-        # Creating service so as update endpoint with new service ID
-        s_name = data_utils.rand_name('service')
-        s_type = data_utils.rand_name('type')
-        s_description = data_utils.rand_name('description')
-        service2 = self._create_service(s_name=s_name, s_type=s_type,
-                                        s_description=s_description)
         # Updating endpoint with new values
         region2 = data_utils.rand_name('region')
         url2 = data_utils.rand_url()
diff --git a/tempest/api/identity/admin/v3/ b/tempest/api/identity/admin/v3/
index 70dd7b5..d54e222 100644
--- a/tempest/api/identity/admin/v3/
+++ b/tempest/api/identity/admin/v3/
@@ -30,7 +30,6 @@
     def resource_setup(cls):
         super(EndpointsNegativeTestJSON, cls).resource_setup()
-        cls.service_ids = list()
         s_name = data_utils.rand_name('service')
         s_type = data_utils.rand_name('type')
         s_description = data_utils.rand_name('description')
@@ -38,14 +37,10 @@
             cls.services_client.create_service(name=s_name, type=s_type,
-        cls.service_id = service_data['id']
-        cls.service_ids.append(cls.service_id)
+        cls.addClassResourceCleanup(cls.services_client.delete_service,
+                                    service_data['id'])
-    @classmethod
-    def resource_cleanup(cls):
-        for s in cls.service_ids:
-            cls.services_client.delete_service(s)
-        super(EndpointsNegativeTestJSON, cls).resource_cleanup()
+        cls.service_id = service_data['id']
diff --git a/tempest/api/identity/admin/v3/ b/tempest/api/identity/admin/v3/
index 4bc987f..507810b 100644
--- a/tempest/api/identity/admin/v3/
+++ b/tempest/api/identity/admin/v3/
@@ -14,9 +14,12 @@
 #    under the License.
 from tempest.api.identity import base
+from tempest import config
 from tempest.lib.common.utils import data_utils
 from tempest.lib import decorators
+CONF = config.CONF
 class GroupsV3TestJSON(base.BaseIdentityV3AdminTest):
@@ -25,13 +28,6 @@
         super(GroupsV3TestJSON, cls).resource_setup()
         cls.domain = cls.create_domain()
-    @classmethod
-    def resource_cleanup(cls):
-        # Cleanup the domains created in the setup
-        cls.domains_client.update_domain(cls.domain['id'], enabled=False)
-        cls.domains_client.delete_domain(cls.domain['id'])
-        super(GroupsV3TestJSON, cls).resource_cleanup()
     def test_group_create_update_get(self):
         name = data_utils.rand_name('Group')
@@ -130,7 +126,14 @@
             self.addCleanup(self.groups_client.delete_group, group['id'])
         # List and Verify Groups
-        body = self.groups_client.list_groups()['groups']
+        # When domain specific drivers are enabled the operations
+        # of listing all users and listing all groups are not supported,
+        # they need a domain filter to be specified
+        if CONF.identity_feature_enabled.domain_specific_drivers:
+            body = self.groups_client.list_groups(
+                domain_id=self.domain['id'])['groups']
+        else:
+            body = self.groups_client.list_groups()['groups']
         for g in body:
         missing_groups = [g for g in group_ids if g not in fetched_ids]
diff --git a/tempest/api/identity/admin/v3/ b/tempest/api/identity/admin/v3/
index 49b6585..68c0225 100644
--- a/tempest/api/identity/admin/v3/
+++ b/tempest/api/identity/admin/v3/
@@ -11,22 +11,22 @@
 #    under the License.
 from tempest.api.identity import base
+from tempest.common import utils
 from tempest.lib.common.utils import data_utils
 from tempest.lib import decorators
-from tempest import test
-class BaseInheritsV3Test(base.BaseIdentityV3AdminTest):
+class InheritsV3TestJSON(base.BaseIdentityV3AdminTest):
     def skip_checks(cls):
-        super(BaseInheritsV3Test, cls).skip_checks()
-        if not test.is_extension_enabled('OS-INHERIT', 'identity'):
+        super(InheritsV3TestJSON, cls).skip_checks()
+        if not utils.is_extension_enabled('OS-INHERIT', 'identity'):
             raise cls.skipException("Inherits aren't enabled")
     def resource_setup(cls):
-        super(BaseInheritsV3Test, cls).resource_setup()
+        super(InheritsV3TestJSON, cls).resource_setup()
         u_name = data_utils.rand_name('user-')
         u_desc = '%s description' % u_name
         u_email = '' % u_name
@@ -36,30 +36,24 @@
+        cls.addClassResourceCleanup(cls.projects_client.delete_project,
+                                    cls.project['id']) = cls.groups_client.create_group(
             name=data_utils.rand_name('group-'), project_id=cls.project['id'],
+        cls.addClassResourceCleanup(cls.groups_client.delete_group,
+                          ['id'])
         cls.user = cls.users_client.create_user(
             name=u_name, description=u_desc, password=u_password,
             email=u_email, project_id=cls.project['id'],
-    @classmethod
-    def resource_cleanup(cls):
-        cls.groups_client.delete_group(['id'])
-        cls.users_client.delete_user(cls.user['id'])
-        cls.projects_client.delete_project(cls.project['id'])
-        cls.domains_client.update_domain(cls.domain['id'], enabled=False)
-        cls.domains_client.delete_domain(cls.domain['id'])
-        super(BaseInheritsV3Test, cls).resource_cleanup()
+        cls.addClassResourceCleanup(cls.users_client.delete_user,
+                                    cls.user['id'])
     def _list_assertions(self, body, fetched_role_ids, role_id):
         self.assertEqual(len(body), 1)
         self.assertIn(role_id, fetched_role_ids)
-class InheritsV3TestJSON(BaseInheritsV3Test):
     def test_inherit_assign_list_check_revoke_roles_on_domains_user(self):
         # Create role
diff --git a/tempest/api/identity/admin/v3/ b/tempest/api/identity/admin/v3/
index 7e70c14..82664e8 100644
--- a/tempest/api/identity/admin/v3/
+++ b/tempest/api/identity/admin/v3/
@@ -27,35 +27,27 @@
         # Create a domain
         cls.domain = cls.create_domain()
         # Create project with domain
-        cls.projects = list()
         cls.p1_name = data_utils.rand_name('project')
         cls.p1 = cls.projects_client.create_project(
             cls.p1_name, enabled=False,
-        cls.projects.append(cls.p1)
+        cls.addClassResourceCleanup(cls.projects_client.delete_project,
+                                    cls.p1['id'])
         # Create default project
         p2_name = data_utils.rand_name('project')
         cls.p2 = cls.projects_client.create_project(p2_name)['project']
-        cls.projects.append(cls.p2)
+        cls.addClassResourceCleanup(cls.projects_client.delete_project,
+                                    cls.p2['id'])
         # Create a new project (p3) using p2 as parent project
         p3_name = data_utils.rand_name('project')
         cls.p3 = cls.projects_client.create_project(
             p3_name, parent_id=cls.p2['id'])['project']
-        cls.projects.append(cls.p3)
+        cls.addClassResourceCleanup(cls.projects_client.delete_project,
+                                    cls.p3['id'])
-    @classmethod
-    def resource_cleanup(cls):
-        # Cleanup the projects created during setup in inverse order
-        for project in reversed(cls.projects):
-            cls.projects_client.delete_project(project['id'])
-        # Cleanup the domain created during setup
-        cls.domains_client.update_domain(cls.domain['id'], enabled=False)
-        cls.domains_client.delete_domain(cls.domain['id'])
-        super(ListProjectsTestJSON, cls).resource_cleanup()
     def test_list_projects(self):
         # List projects
diff --git a/tempest/api/identity/admin/v3/ b/tempest/api/identity/admin/v3/
index 47a3580..c69e4c8 100644
--- a/tempest/api/identity/admin/v3/
+++ b/tempest/api/identity/admin/v3/
@@ -14,9 +14,12 @@
 #    under the License.
 from tempest.api.identity import base
+from tempest import config
 from tempest.lib.common.utils import data_utils
 from tempest.lib import decorators
+CONF = config.CONF
 class UsersV3TestJSON(base.BaseIdentityV3AdminTest):
@@ -44,24 +47,18 @@
         cls.domain_enabled_user = cls.users_client.create_user(
             name=u1_name, password=alt_password,
             email=cls.alt_email, domain_id=cls.domain['id'])['user']
+        cls.addClassResourceCleanup(cls.users_client.delete_user,
+                                    cls.domain_enabled_user['id'])
         # Create default not enabled user
         u2_name = data_utils.rand_name('test_user')
         cls.non_domain_enabled_user = cls.users_client.create_user(
             name=u2_name, password=alt_password,
             email=cls.alt_email, enabled=False)['user']
+        cls.addClassResourceCleanup(cls.users_client.delete_user,
+                                    cls.non_domain_enabled_user['id'])
-    @classmethod
-    def resource_cleanup(cls):
-        # Cleanup the users created during setup
-        for user in cls.users:
-            cls.users_client.delete_user(user['id'])
-        # Cleanup the domain created during setup
-        cls.domains_client.update_domain(cls.domain['id'], enabled=False)
-        cls.domains_client.delete_domain(cls.domain['id'])
-        super(UsersV3TestJSON, cls).resource_cleanup()
     def test_list_user_domains(self):
         # List users with domain
@@ -82,6 +79,11 @@
     def test_list_users_with_name(self):
         # List users with name
         params = {'name': self.domain_enabled_user['name']}
+        # When domain specific drivers are enabled the operations
+        # of listing all users and listing all groups are not supported,
+        # they need a domain filter to be specified
+        if CONF.identity_feature_enabled.domain_specific_drivers:
+            params['domain_id'] = self.domain_enabled_user['domain_id']
         self._list_users_with_params(params, 'name',
@@ -89,7 +91,18 @@
     def test_list_users(self):
         # List users
-        body = self.users_client.list_users()['users']
+        # When domain specific drivers are enabled the operations
+        # of listing all users and listing all groups are not supported,
+        # they need a domain filter to be specified
+        if CONF.identity_feature_enabled.domain_specific_drivers:
+            body_enabled_user = self.users_client.list_users(
+                domain_id=self.domain_enabled_user['domain_id'])['users']
+            body_non_enabled_user = self.users_client.list_users(
+                domain_id=self.non_domain_enabled_user['domain_id'])['users']
+            body = (body_enabled_user + body_non_enabled_user)
+        else:
+            body = self.users_client.list_users()['users']
         fetched_ids = [u['id'] for u in body]
         missing_users = [u['id'] for u in self.users
                          if u['id'] not in fetched_ids]
diff --git a/tempest/api/identity/admin/v3/ b/tempest/api/identity/admin/v3/
index 970ead3..062cce5 100644
--- a/tempest/api/identity/admin/v3/
+++ b/tempest/api/identity/admin/v3/
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
 from tempest.lib.common.utils import data_utils
 from tempest.lib.common.utils import test_utils
 from tempest.lib import decorators
-from tempest.lib import exceptions as exceptions
+from tempest.lib import exceptions
 class OAUTHConsumersV3Test(base.BaseIdentityV3AdminTest):
diff --git a/tempest/api/identity/admin/v3/ b/tempest/api/identity/admin/v3/
index 1b1d3f7..ac23067 100644
--- a/tempest/api/identity/admin/v3/
+++ b/tempest/api/identity/admin/v3/
@@ -87,7 +87,8 @@
         # project and domain APIs
         projects_list = self.projects_client.list_projects(
             params={'is_domain': True})['projects']
-        self.assertIn(project, projects_list)
+        project_ids = [p['id'] for p in projects_list]
+        self.assertIn(project['id'], project_ids)
         # The domains API return different attributes for the entity, so we
         # compare the entities IDs
@@ -205,3 +206,31 @@
         self.assertEqual(u_email, new_user_get['email'])
+    @decorators.idempotent_id('d1db68b6-aebe-4fa0-b79d-d724d2e21162')
+    def test_project_get_equals_list(self):
+        fields = ['parent_id', 'is_domain', 'description', 'links',
+                  'name', 'enabled', 'domain_id', 'id', 'tags']
+        # Tags must be unique, keystone API will reject duplicates
+        tags = ['a', 'c', 'b', 'd']
+        # Create a Project, cleanup is handled in the helper
+        project = self.setup_test_project(tags=tags)
+        # Show and list for the project
+        project_get = self.projects_client.show_project(
+            project['id'])['project']
+        _projects = self.projects_client.list_projects()['projects']
+        project_list = next(x for x in _projects if x['id'] == project['id'])
+        # Assert the list of fields is correct (one is enough to check here)
+        self.assertSetEqual(set(fields), set(project_get.keys()))
+        # Ensure the set of tags is identical and match the expected one
+        get_tags = set(project_get.pop("tags"))
+        self.assertSetEqual(get_tags, set(project_list.pop("tags")))
+        self.assertSetEqual(get_tags, set(tags))
+        # Ensure all other fields are identical
+        self.assertDictEqual(project_get, project_list)
diff --git a/tempest/api/identity/admin/v3/ b/tempest/api/identity/admin/v3/
index d00e408..f22a528 100644
--- a/tempest/api/identity/admin/v3/
+++ b/tempest/api/identity/admin/v3/
@@ -34,14 +34,10 @@
             r_description = data_utils.rand_name('description')
             region = cls.client.create_region(
+            cls.addClassResourceCleanup(
+                cls.client.delete_region, region['id'])
-    @classmethod
-    def resource_cleanup(cls):
-        for r in cls.setup_regions:
-            cls.client.delete_region(r['id'])
-        super(RegionsTestJSON, cls).resource_cleanup()
     def test_create_update_get_delete_region(self):
         # Create region
diff --git a/tempest/api/identity/admin/v3/ b/tempest/api/identity/admin/v3/
index ec904e6..69cac33 100644
--- a/tempest/api/identity/admin/v3/
+++ b/tempest/api/identity/admin/v3/
@@ -32,6 +32,8 @@
         for _ in range(3):
             role_name = data_utils.rand_name(name='role')
             role = cls.roles_client.create_role(name=role_name)['role']
+            cls.addClassResourceCleanup(cls.roles_client.delete_role,
+                                        role['id'])
         u_name = data_utils.rand_name('user')
         u_desc = '%s description' % u_name
@@ -42,29 +44,23 @@
+        cls.addClassResourceCleanup(cls.projects_client.delete_project,
+                                    cls.project['id'])
         cls.group_body = cls.groups_client.create_group(
             name=data_utils.rand_name('Group'), project_id=cls.project['id'],
+        cls.addClassResourceCleanup(cls.groups_client.delete_group,
+                                    cls.group_body['id'])
         cls.user_body = cls.users_client.create_user(
             name=u_name, description=u_desc, password=cls.u_password,
             email=u_email, project_id=cls.project['id'],
+        cls.addClassResourceCleanup(cls.users_client.delete_user,
+                                    cls.user_body['id'])
         cls.role = cls.roles_client.create_role(
-    @classmethod
-    def resource_cleanup(cls):
-        cls.roles_client.delete_role(cls.role['id'])
-        cls.groups_client.delete_group(cls.group_body['id'])
-        cls.users_client.delete_user(cls.user_body['id'])
-        cls.projects_client.delete_project(cls.project['id'])
-        # NOTE(harika-vakadi): It is necessary to disable the domain
-        # before deleting,or else it would result in unauthorized error
-        cls.domains_client.update_domain(cls.domain['id'], enabled=False)
-        cls.domains_client.delete_domain(cls.domain['id'])
-        for role in cls.roles:
-            cls.roles_client.delete_role(role['id'])
-        super(RolesV3TestJSON, cls).resource_cleanup()
+        cls.addClassResourceCleanup(cls.roles_client.delete_role,
+                                    cls.role['id'])
@@ -342,14 +338,13 @@
         # domain role to a global one
         self._create_implied_role(domain_role1['id'], self.role['id'])
-        if CONF.identity_feature_enabled.forbid_global_implied_dsr:
-            # The contrary is not true: we can't create an inference rule
-            # from a global role to a domain role
-            self.assertRaises(
-                lib_exc.Forbidden,
-                self.roles_client.create_role_inference_rule,
-                self.role['id'],
-                domain_role1['id'])
+        # The contrary is not true: we can't create an inference rule
+        # from a global role to a domain role
+        self.assertRaises(
+            lib_exc.Forbidden,
+            self.roles_client.create_role_inference_rule,
+            self.role['id'],
+            domain_role1['id'])
     def test_assignments_for_domain_roles(self):
diff --git a/tempest/api/identity/admin/v3/ b/tempest/api/identity/admin/v3/
index 5c3cd26..0845407 100644
--- a/tempest/api/identity/admin/v3/
+++ b/tempest/api/identity/admin/v3/
@@ -26,6 +26,8 @@
 class TokensV3TestJSON(base.BaseIdentityV3AdminTest):
+    credentials = ['primary', 'admin', 'alt']
     def test_tokens(self):
         # Valid user's token is authenticated
@@ -161,16 +163,80 @@
         # Get available project scopes
-        available_projects =\
-            self.client.list_auth_projects()['projects']
+        available_projects = self.client.list_auth_projects()['projects']
-        # create list to save fetched project's id
+        # Create list to save fetched project IDs
         fetched_project_ids = [i['id'] for i in available_projects]
         # verifying the project ids in list
         missing_project_ids = \
-            [p for p in assigned_project_ids
-             if p not in fetched_project_ids]
+            [p for p in assigned_project_ids if p not in fetched_project_ids]
-                         "Failed to find project_id %s in fetched list" %
+                         "Failed to find project_ids %s in fetched list" %
                          ', '.join(missing_project_ids))
+    @decorators.idempotent_id('ec5ecb05-af64-4c04-ac86-4d9f6f12f185')
+    def test_get_available_domain_scopes(self):
+        # Test for verifying that listing domain scopes for a user works if
+        # the user has a domain role or belongs to a group that has a domain
+        # role. For this test, admin client is used to add roles to alt user,
+        # which performs API calls, to avoid 401 Unauthorized errors.
+        alt_user_id = self.os_alt.credentials.user_id
+        def _create_user_domain_role_for_alt_user():
+            domain_id = self.setup_test_domain()['id']
+            role_id = self.setup_test_role()['id']
+            # Create a role association between the user and domain.
+            self.roles_client.create_user_role_on_domain(
+                domain_id, alt_user_id, role_id)
+            self.addCleanup(
+                self.roles_client.delete_role_from_user_on_domain,
+                domain_id, alt_user_id, role_id)
+            return domain_id
+        def _create_group_domain_role_for_alt_user():
+            domain_id = self.setup_test_domain()['id']
+            role_id = self.setup_test_role()['id']
+            # Create a group.
+            group_name = data_utils.rand_name('Group')
+            group_id = self.groups_client.create_group(
+                name=group_name, domain_id=domain_id)['group']['id']
+            self.addCleanup(self.groups_client.delete_group, group_id)
+            # Add the alt user to the group.
+            self.groups_client.add_group_user(group_id, alt_user_id)
+            self.addCleanup(self.groups_client.delete_group_user,
+                            group_id, alt_user_id)
+            # Create a role association between the group and domain.
+            self.roles_client.create_group_role_on_domain(
+                domain_id, group_id, role_id)
+            self.addCleanup(
+                self.roles_client.delete_role_from_group_on_domain,
+                domain_id, group_id, role_id)
+            return domain_id
+        # Add the alt user to 2 random domains and 2 random groups
+        # with randomized domains and roles.
+        assigned_domain_ids = []
+        for _ in range(2):
+            domain_id = _create_user_domain_role_for_alt_user()
+            assigned_domain_ids.append(domain_id)
+            domain_id = _create_group_domain_role_for_alt_user()
+            assigned_domain_ids.append(domain_id)
+        # Get available domain scopes for the alt user.
+        available_domains = self.os_alt.identity_v3_client.list_auth_domains()[
+            'domains']
+        fetched_domain_ids = [i['id'] for i in available_domains]
+        # Verify the expected domain IDs are in the list.
+        missing_domain_ids = \
+            [p for p in assigned_domain_ids if p not in fetched_domain_ids]
+        self.assertEmpty(missing_domain_ids,
+                         "Failed to find domain_ids %s in fetched list"
+                         % ", ".join(missing_domain_ids))
diff --git a/tempest/api/identity/admin/v3/ b/tempest/api/identity/admin/v3/
index 850e549..2530072 100644
--- a/tempest/api/identity/admin/v3/
+++ b/tempest/api/identity/admin/v3/
@@ -26,25 +26,27 @@
 CONF = config.CONF
-class BaseTrustsV3Test(base.BaseIdentityV3AdminTest):
+class TrustsV3TestJSON(base.BaseIdentityV3AdminTest):
     def skip_checks(cls):
-        super(BaseTrustsV3Test, cls).skip_checks()
+        super(TrustsV3TestJSON, cls).skip_checks()
         if not
             raise cls.skipException("Trusts aren't enabled")
     def setUp(self):
-        super(BaseTrustsV3Test, self).setUp()
+        super(TrustsV3TestJSON, self).setUp()
         # Use alt_username as the trustee
         self.trust_id = None
+        self.create_trustor_and_roles()
+        self.addCleanup(self.cleanup_user_and_roles)
     def tearDown(self):
         if self.trust_id:
             # Do the delete in tearDown not addCleanup - we want the test to
             # fail in the event there is a bug which causes undeletable trusts
-        super(BaseTrustsV3Test, self).tearDown()
+        super(TrustsV3TestJSON, self).tearDown()
     def create_trustor_and_roles(self):
         # create a project that trusts will be granted on
@@ -193,14 +195,6 @@
         self.trust_id = None
-class TrustsV3TestJSON(BaseTrustsV3Test):
-    def setUp(self):
-        super(TrustsV3TestJSON, self).setUp()
-        self.create_trustor_and_roles()
-        self.addCleanup(self.cleanup_user_and_roles)
     def test_trust_impersonate(self):
         # Test case to check we can create, get and delete a trust
diff --git a/tempest/api/identity/admin/v3/ b/tempest/api/identity/admin/v3/
index 409d4f8..3813568 100644
--- a/tempest/api/identity/admin/v3/
+++ b/tempest/api/identity/admin/v3/
@@ -41,31 +41,26 @@
             email=u_email, enabled=False)['user']
         # Delete the User at the end of this method
         self.addCleanup(self.users_client.delete_user, user['id'])
         # Creating second project for updation
         project = self.setup_test_project()
         # Updating user details with new values
-        u_name2 = data_utils.rand_name('user2')
-        u_email2 = u_name2 + ''
-        u_description2 = u_name2 + ' description'
-        update_user = self.users_client.update_user(
-            user['id'], name=u_name2, description=u_description2,
-            project_id=project['id'],
-            email=u_email2, enabled=False)['user']
-        self.assertEqual(u_name2, update_user['name'])
-        self.assertEqual(u_description2, update_user['description'])
-        self.assertEqual(project['id'],
-                         update_user['project_id'])
-        self.assertEqual(u_email2, update_user['email'])
-        self.assertEqual(False, update_user['enabled'])
-        # GET by id after updation
+        update_kwargs = {'name': data_utils.rand_name('user2'),
+                         'description': data_utils.rand_name('desc2'),
+                         'project_id': project['id'],
+                         'email': '',
+                         'enabled': False}
+        updated_user = self.users_client.update_user(
+            user['id'], **update_kwargs)['user']
+        for field in update_kwargs:
+            self.assertEqual(update_kwargs[field], updated_user[field])
+        # GET by id after updating
         new_user_get = self.users_client.show_user(user['id'])['user']
         # Assert response body of GET after updation
-        self.assertEqual(u_name2, new_user_get['name'])
-        self.assertEqual(u_description2, new_user_get['description'])
-        self.assertEqual(project['id'],
-                         new_user_get['project_id'])
-        self.assertEqual(u_email2, new_user_get['email'])
-        self.assertEqual(False, new_user_get['enabled'])
+        for field in update_kwargs:
+            self.assertEqual(update_kwargs[field], new_user_get[field])
     def test_update_user_password(self):
diff --git a/tempest/api/identity/ b/tempest/api/identity/
index 30d2a36..9edccbb 100644
--- a/tempest/api/identity/
+++ b/tempest/api/identity/
@@ -249,13 +249,16 @@
         if 'description' not in kwargs:
             kwargs['description'] = data_utils.rand_name('desc')
         domain = cls.domains_client.create_domain(**kwargs)['domain']
+        cls.addClassResourceCleanup(test_utils.call_and_ignore_notfound_exc,
+                                    cls.delete_domain, domain['id'])
         return domain
-    def delete_domain(self, domain_id):
+    @classmethod
+    def delete_domain(cls, domain_id):
         # NOTE(mpavlase) It is necessary to disable the domain before deleting
         # otherwise it raises Forbidden exception
-        self.domains_client.update_domain(domain_id, enabled=False)
-        self.domains_client.delete_domain(domain_id)
+        cls.domains_client.update_domain(domain_id, enabled=False)
+        cls.domains_client.delete_domain(domain_id)
     def setup_test_user(self, password=None):
         """Set up a test user."""
diff --git a/tempest/api/identity/v2/ b/tempest/api/identity/v2/
index 599b784..237e728 100644
--- a/tempest/api/identity/v2/
+++ b/tempest/api/identity/v2/
@@ -14,9 +14,9 @@
 #    under the License.
 from tempest.api.identity import base
+from tempest.common import utils
 from tempest.lib import decorators
 from tempest.lib import exceptions as lib_exc
-from tempest import test
 class EC2CredentialsTest(base.BaseIdentityV2Test):
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
     def skip_checks(cls):
         super(EC2CredentialsTest, cls).skip_checks()
-        if not test.is_extension_enabled('OS-EC2', 'identity'):
+        if not utils.is_extension_enabled('OS-EC2', 'identity'):
             msg = "OS-EC2 identity extension not enabled."
             raise cls.skipException(msg)
diff --git a/tempest/api/identity/v3/ b/tempest/api/identity/v3/
old mode 100755
new mode 100644
diff --git a/tempest/api/identity/v3/ b/tempest/api/identity/v3/
index 0ae35ea..bbb4013 100644
--- a/tempest/api/identity/v3/
+++ b/tempest/api/identity/v3/
@@ -24,8 +24,7 @@
     def test_list_projects_returns_only_authorized_projects(self):
-        alt_project_name =\
-            self.os_alt.credentials.project_name
+        alt_project_name = self.os_alt.credentials.project_name
         resp = self.non_admin_users_client.list_user_projects(
diff --git a/tempest/api/image/ b/tempest/api/image/
index 70ba2fe..ae7b3e4 100644
--- a/tempest/api/image/
+++ b/tempest/api/image/
@@ -46,16 +46,6 @@
         cls.created_images = []
-    def resource_cleanup(cls):
-        for image_id in cls.created_images:
-            test_utils.call_and_ignore_notfound_exc(
-                cls.client.delete_image, image_id)
-        for image_id in cls.created_images:
-                cls.client.wait_for_resource_deletion(image_id)
-        super(BaseImageTest, cls).resource_cleanup()
-    @classmethod
     def create_image(cls, data=None, **kwargs):
         """Wrapper that returns a test image."""
@@ -75,6 +65,10 @@
         if 'image' in image:
             image = image['image']
+        cls.addClassResourceCleanup(cls.client.wait_for_resource_deletion,
+                                    image['id'])
+        cls.addClassResourceCleanup(test_utils.call_and_ignore_notfound_exc,
+                                    cls.client.delete_image, image['id'])
         return image
@@ -148,16 +142,17 @@
         cls.schemas_client = cls.os_primary.schemas_client
         cls.versions_client = cls.os_primary.image_versions_client
-    def create_namespace(cls, namespace_name=None, visibility='public',
+    def create_namespace(self, namespace_name=None, visibility='public',
                          description='Tempest', protected=False,
         if not namespace_name:
             namespace_name = data_utils.rand_name('test-ns')
         kwargs.setdefault('display_name', namespace_name)
-        namespace = cls.namespaces_client.create_namespace(
+        namespace = self.namespaces_client.create_namespace(
             namespace=namespace_name, visibility=visibility,
             description=description, protected=protected, **kwargs)
-        cls.addCleanup(cls.namespaces_client.delete_namespace, namespace_name)
+        self.addCleanup(self.namespaces_client.delete_namespace,
+                        namespace_name)
         return namespace
@@ -191,21 +186,11 @@
         return image['id']
-class BaseV1ImageAdminTest(BaseImageTest):
-    credentials = ['admin', 'primary']
+class BaseV2ImageAdminTest(BaseV2ImageTest):
-    @classmethod
-    def setup_clients(cls):
-        super(BaseV1ImageAdminTest, cls).setup_clients()
-        cls.client = cls.os_primary.image_client
-        cls.admin_client = cls.os_admin.image_client
-class BaseV2ImageAdminTest(BaseImageTest):
     credentials = ['admin', 'primary']
     def setup_clients(cls):
         super(BaseV2ImageAdminTest, cls).setup_clients()
-        cls.client = cls.os_primary.image_client_v2
         cls.admin_client = cls.os_admin.image_client_v2
diff --git a/tempest/tests/services/ b/tempest/api/image/v2/admin/
similarity index 100%
rename from tempest/tests/services/
rename to tempest/api/image/v2/admin/
diff --git a/tempest/api/image/v2/admin/ b/tempest/api/image/v2/admin/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dbb8c58
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tempest/api/image/v2/admin/
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+# Copyright 2018 Red Hat, Inc.
+# All Rights Reserved.
+#    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+#    not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+#    a copy of the License at
+#    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+#    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+#    WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+#    License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+#    under the License.
+from tempest.api.image import base
+from tempest.lib.common.utils import data_utils
+from tempest.lib import decorators
+class BasicOperationsImagesAdminTest(base.BaseV2ImageAdminTest):
+    @decorators.related_bug('1420008')
+    @decorators.idempotent_id('646a6eaa-135f-4493-a0af-12583021224e')
+    def test_create_image_owner_param(self):
+        # NOTE: Create image with owner different from tenant owner by
+        # using "owner" parameter requires an admin privileges.
+        random_id = data_utils.rand_uuid_hex()
+        image = self.admin_client.create_image(
+            container_format='bare', disk_format='raw', owner=random_id)
+        self.addCleanup(self.admin_client.delete_image, image['id'])
+        image_info = self.admin_client.show_image(image['id'])
+        self.assertEqual(random_id, image_info['owner'])
+    @decorators.related_bug('1420008')
+    @decorators.idempotent_id('525ba546-10ef-4aad-bba1-1858095ce553')
+    def test_update_image_owner_param(self):
+        random_id_1 = data_utils.rand_uuid_hex()
+        image = self.admin_client.create_image(
+            container_format='bare', disk_format='raw', owner=random_id_1)
+        self.addCleanup(self.admin_client.delete_image, image['id'])
+        created_image_info = self.admin_client.show_image(image['id'])
+        random_id_2 = data_utils.rand_uuid_hex()
+        self.admin_client.update_image(
+            image['id'], [dict(replace="/owner", value=random_id_2)])
+        updated_image_info = self.admin_client.show_image(image['id'])
+        self.assertEqual(random_id_2, updated_image_info['owner'])
+        self.assertNotEqual(created_image_info['owner'],
+                            updated_image_info['owner'])
diff --git a/tempest/api/image/v2/ b/tempest/api/image/v2/
index 2e68efd..ce5bd3e 100644
--- a/tempest/api/image/v2/
+++ b/tempest/api/image/v2/
@@ -18,8 +18,6 @@
 import six
-import testtools
 from oslo_log import log as logging
 from tempest.api.image import base
 from tempest import config
@@ -119,7 +117,7 @@
         # Update Image
         new_image_name = data_utils.rand_name('new-image')
-        body = self.client.update_image(image['id'], [
+        self.client.update_image(image['id'], [
             dict(replace='/name', value=new_image_name)])
         # Verifying updating
@@ -128,8 +126,6 @@
         self.assertEqual(image['id'], body['id'])
         self.assertEqual(new_image_name, body['name'])
-    @testtools.skipUnless(CONF.image_feature_enabled.deactivate_image,
-                          'deactivate-image is not available.')
     def test_deactivate_reactivate_image(self):
         # Create image
diff --git a/tempest/api/image/v2/ b/tempest/api/image/v2/
index 69bebfe..482e808 100644
--- a/tempest/api/image/v2/
+++ b/tempest/api/image/v2/
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@
         # List namespace tags
         body = self.namespace_tags_client.list_namespace_tags(
-        self.assertTrue(3, len(body['tags']))
+        self.assertEqual(3, len(body['tags']))
         self.assertIn(body['tags'][0]['name'], self.tag_list)
         self.assertIn(body['tags'][1]['name'], self.tag_list)
         self.assertIn(body['tags'][2]['name'], self.tag_list)
diff --git a/tempest/api/network/admin/ b/tempest/api/network/admin/
index 7304db9..5068fc4 100644
--- a/tempest/api/network/admin/
+++ b/tempest/api/network/admin/
@@ -14,8 +14,8 @@
 from import base
 from tempest.common import tempest_fixtures as fixtures
+from tempest.common import utils
 from tempest.lib import decorators
-from tempest import test
 class AgentManagementTestJSON(base.BaseAdminNetworkTest):
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
     def skip_checks(cls):
         super(AgentManagementTestJSON, cls).skip_checks()
-        if not test.is_extension_enabled('agent', 'network'):
+        if not utils.is_extension_enabled('agent', 'network'):
             msg = "agent extension not enabled."
             raise cls.skipException(msg)
diff --git a/tempest/api/network/admin/ b/tempest/api/network/admin/
index 485c8f5..8315c5d 100644
--- a/tempest/api/network/admin/
+++ b/tempest/api/network/admin/
@@ -13,8 +13,8 @@
 #    under the License.
 from import base
+from tempest.common import utils
 from tempest.lib import decorators
-from tempest import test
 class DHCPAgentSchedulersTestJSON(base.BaseAdminNetworkTest):
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
     def skip_checks(cls):
         super(DHCPAgentSchedulersTestJSON, cls).skip_checks()
-        if not test.is_extension_enabled('dhcp_agent_scheduler', 'network'):
+        if not utils.is_extension_enabled('dhcp_agent_scheduler', 'network'):
             msg = "dhcp_agent_scheduler extension not enabled."
             raise cls.skipException(msg)
diff --git a/tempest/api/network/admin/ b/tempest/api/network/admin/
index 4d41e33..49a9cdb 100644
--- a/tempest/api/network/admin/
+++ b/tempest/api/network/admin/
@@ -130,5 +130,3 @@
         subnet_list = self.admin_subnets_client.list_subnets()
                          (s['id'] for s in subnet_list))
-        # Removes subnet from the cleanup list
-        self.subnets.remove(subnet)
diff --git a/tempest/api/network/admin/ b/tempest/api/network/admin/
index 7ee819e..5aa337c 100644
--- a/tempest/api/network/admin/
+++ b/tempest/api/network/admin/
@@ -14,9 +14,9 @@
 #    under the License.
 from import base
+from tempest.common import utils
 from tempest import config
 from tempest.lib import decorators
-from tempest import test
 CONF = config.CONF
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
     def skip_checks(cls):
         super(FloatingIPAdminTestJSON, cls).skip_checks()
-        if not test.is_extension_enabled('router', 'network'):
+        if not utils.is_extension_enabled('router', 'network'):
             msg = "router extension not enabled."
             raise cls.skipException(msg)
         if not
diff --git a/tempest/api/network/admin/ b/tempest/api/network/admin/
index 85b2472..206d867 100644
--- a/tempest/api/network/admin/
+++ b/tempest/api/network/admin/
@@ -13,10 +13,10 @@
 #    under the License.
 from import base
+from tempest.common import utils
 from tempest import config
 from tempest.lib import decorators
 from tempest.lib import exceptions
-from tempest import test
 CONF = config.CONF
 AGENT_TYPE = 'L3 agent'
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@
     def skip_checks(cls):
         super(L3AgentSchedulerTestJSON, cls).skip_checks()
-        if not test.is_extension_enabled('l3_agent_scheduler', 'network'):
+        if not utils.is_extension_enabled('l3_agent_scheduler', 'network'):
             msg = "L3 Agent Scheduler Extension not enabled."
             raise cls.skipException(msg)
@@ -51,7 +51,8 @@
         agents = cls.admin_agents_client.list_agents(
         for agent in agents:
-            if agent['configurations']['agent_mode'] in AGENT_MODES:
+            if (agent['configurations']['agent_mode'] in AGENT_MODES and
+                agent['alive']):
                 cls.agent = agent
diff --git a/tempest/api/network/admin/ b/tempest/api/network/admin/
index 21a7ab4..5063fef 100644
--- a/tempest/api/network/admin/
+++ b/tempest/api/network/admin/
@@ -13,9 +13,10 @@
 # under the License.
 from import base
+from tempest.common import utils
 from tempest.lib.common.utils import data_utils
+from tempest.lib.common.utils import test_utils
 from tempest.lib import decorators
-from tempest import test
 class MeteringTestJSON(base.BaseAdminNetworkTest):
@@ -28,7 +29,7 @@
     def skip_checks(cls):
         super(MeteringTestJSON, cls).skip_checks()
-        if not test.is_extension_enabled('metering', 'network'):
+        if not utils.is_extension_enabled('metering', 'network'):
             msg = "metering extension not enabled."
             raise cls.skipException(msg)
@@ -52,7 +53,10 @@
         metering_label = body['metering_label']
-        cls.metering_labels.append(metering_label)
+        cls.addClassResourceCleanup(
+            test_utils.call_and_ignore_notfound_exc,
+            cls.admin_metering_labels_client.delete_metering_label,
+            metering_label['id'])
         return metering_label
@@ -64,7 +68,9 @@
             remote_ip_prefix=remote_ip_prefix, direction=direction,
         metering_label_rule = body['metering_label_rule']
-        cls.metering_label_rules.append(metering_label_rule)
+        cls.addClassResourceCleanup(
+            test_utils.call_and_ignore_notfound_exc,
+            client.delete_metering_label_rule, metering_label_rule['id'])
         return metering_label_rule
     def _delete_metering_label(self, metering_label_id):
diff --git a/tempest/api/network/admin/ b/tempest/api/network/admin/
index 21688d2..6849653 100644
--- a/tempest/api/network/admin/
+++ b/tempest/api/network/admin/
@@ -14,9 +14,9 @@
 #    under the License.
 from import base
+from tempest.common import utils
 from tempest.lib import decorators
 from tempest.lib import exceptions as lib_exc
-from tempest import test
 class QuotasNegativeTest(base.BaseAdminNetworkTest):
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
     def skip_checks(cls):
         super(QuotasNegativeTest, cls).skip_checks()
-        if not test.is_extension_enabled('quotas', 'network'):
+        if not utils.is_extension_enabled('quotas', 'network'):
             msg = "quotas extension not enabled."
             raise cls.skipException(msg)
diff --git a/tempest/api/network/admin/ b/tempest/api/network/admin/
index 807994b..483b405 100644
--- a/tempest/api/network/admin/
+++ b/tempest/api/network/admin/
@@ -13,8 +13,6 @@
 #    License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
 #    under the License.
-import socket
 from import base
 from tempest import config
 from tempest.lib import decorators
@@ -25,10 +23,16 @@
 class PortsAdminExtendedAttrsTestJSON(base.BaseAdminNetworkTest):
+    def setup_clients(cls):
+        super(PortsAdminExtendedAttrsTestJSON, cls).setup_clients()
+        cls.hyper_client = cls.os_admin.hypervisor_client
+    @classmethod
     def resource_setup(cls):
         super(PortsAdminExtendedAttrsTestJSON, cls).resource_setup() = cls.create_network()
-        cls.host_id = socket.gethostname()
+        hyper_list = cls.hyper_client.list_hypervisors()
+        cls.host_id = hyper_list['hypervisors'][0]['hypervisor_hostname']
     def test_create_port_binding_ext_attr(self):
diff --git a/tempest/api/network/admin/ b/tempest/api/network/admin/
index aa8b2dc..b1e4a58 100644
--- a/tempest/api/network/admin/
+++ b/tempest/api/network/admin/
@@ -13,11 +13,14 @@
 #    License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
 #    under the License.
+import testtools
 from import base
+from tempest.common import identity
+from tempest.common import utils
 from tempest.lib.common.utils import data_utils
 from tempest.lib.common.utils import test_utils
 from tempest.lib import decorators
-from tempest import test
 class QuotasTest(base.BaseAdminNetworkTest):
@@ -38,7 +41,7 @@
     def skip_checks(cls):
         super(QuotasTest, cls).skip_checks()
-        if not test.is_extension_enabled('quotas', 'network'):
+        if not utils.is_extension_enabled('quotas', 'network'):
             msg = "quotas extension not enabled."
             raise cls.skipException(msg)
@@ -46,10 +49,11 @@
         # Add a project to conduct the test
         project = data_utils.rand_name('test_project_')
         description = data_utils.rand_name('desc_')
-        project = self.identity_utils.create_project(name=project,
-                                                     description=description)
+        project = identity.identity_utils(self.os_admin).create_project(
+            name=project, description=description)
         project_id = project['id']
-        self.addCleanup(self.identity_utils.delete_project, project_id)
+        self.addCleanup(identity.identity_utils(self.os_admin).delete_project,
+                        project_id)
         # Change quotas for project
         quota_set = self.admin_quotas_client.update_quotas(
@@ -78,8 +82,24 @@
         non_default_quotas = self.admin_quotas_client.list_quotas()
         for q in non_default_quotas['quotas']:
             self.assertNotEqual(project_id, q['tenant_id'])
+        quota_set = self.admin_quotas_client.show_quotas(project_id)['quota']
+        default_quotas = self.admin_quotas_client.show_default_quotas(
+            project_id)['quota']
+        self.assertEqual(default_quotas, quota_set)
     def test_quotas(self):
         new_quotas = {'network': 0, 'port': 0}
+    @testtools.skipUnless(utils.is_extension_enabled(
+        'quota_details', 'network'), 'Quota details extension not enabled.')
+    @decorators.idempotent_id('7b05ec5f-bf44-43cb-b28f-ddd72a824288')
+    def test_show_quota_details(self):
+        # Show quota details for an existing project
+        quota_details = self.admin_quotas_client.show_quota_details(
+            self.admin_quotas_client.tenant_id)['quota']
+        expected_keys = ['used', 'limit', 'reserved']
+        for resource_type in quota_details:
+            for key in expected_keys:
+                self.assertIn(key, quota_details[resource_type])
diff --git a/tempest/api/network/admin/ b/tempest/api/network/admin/
index f180cda..8cdb41e 100644
--- a/tempest/api/network/admin/
+++ b/tempest/api/network/admin/
@@ -16,10 +16,11 @@
 import testtools
 from import base
+from tempest.common import identity
+from tempest.common import utils
 from tempest import config
 from tempest.lib.common.utils import data_utils
 from tempest.lib import decorators
-from tempest import test
 CONF = config.CONF
@@ -41,23 +42,10 @@
         self.addCleanup(self._cleanup_router, router)
         return router
-    def _add_router_interface_with_subnet_id(self, router_id, subnet_id):
-        interface = self.routers_client.add_router_interface(
-            router_id, subnet_id=subnet_id)
-        self.addCleanup(self._remove_router_interface_with_subnet_id,
-                        router_id, subnet_id)
-        self.assertEqual(subnet_id, interface['subnet_id'])
-        return interface
-    def _remove_router_interface_with_subnet_id(self, router_id, subnet_id):
-        body = self.routers_client.remove_router_interface(router_id,
-                                                           subnet_id=subnet_id)
-        self.assertEqual(subnet_id, body['subnet_id'])
     def skip_checks(cls):
         super(RoutersAdminTest, cls).skip_checks()
-        if not test.is_extension_enabled('router', 'network'):
+        if not utils.is_extension_enabled('router', 'network'):
             msg = "router extension not enabled."
             raise cls.skipException(msg)
@@ -66,10 +54,11 @@
         # Test creating router from admin user setting project_id.
         project = data_utils.rand_name('test_tenant_')
         description = data_utils.rand_name('desc_')
-        project = self.identity_utils.create_project(name=project,
-                                                     description=description)
+        project = identity.identity_utils(self.os_admin).create_project(
+            name=project, description=description)
         project_id = project['id']
-        self.addCleanup(self.identity_utils.delete_project, project_id)
+        self.addCleanup(identity.identity_utils(self.os_admin).delete_project,
+                        project_id)
         name = data_utils.rand_name('router-')
         create_body = self.admin_routers_client.create_router(
@@ -79,7 +68,7 @@
         self.assertEqual(project_id, create_body['router']['tenant_id'])
-    @test.requires_ext(extension='ext-gw-mode', service='network')
+    @utils.requires_ext(extension='ext-gw-mode', service='network')
                           'The public_network_id option must be specified.')
     def test_create_router_with_default_snat_value(self):
@@ -91,7 +80,7 @@
                            'enable_snat': True})
-    @test.requires_ext(extension='ext-gw-mode', service='network')
+    @utils.requires_ext(extension='ext-gw-mode', service='network')
                           'The public_network_id option must be specified.')
     def test_create_router_with_snat_explicit(self):
@@ -153,7 +142,7 @@
-    @test.requires_ext(extension='ext-gw-mode', service='network')
+    @utils.requires_ext(extension='ext-gw-mode', service='network')
                           'The public_network_id option must be specified.')
     def test_update_router_set_gateway_with_snat_explicit(self):
@@ -170,7 +159,7 @@
-    @test.requires_ext(extension='ext-gw-mode', service='network')
+    @utils.requires_ext(extension='ext-gw-mode', service='network')
                           'The public_network_id option must be specified.')
     def test_update_router_set_gateway_without_snat(self):
@@ -202,7 +191,7 @@
-    @test.requires_ext(extension='ext-gw-mode', service='network')
+    @utils.requires_ext(extension='ext-gw-mode', service='network')
                           'The public_network_id option must be specified.')
     def test_update_router_reset_gateway_without_snat(self):
diff --git a/tempest/api/network/admin/ b/tempest/api/network/admin/
index b6772b1..93478e6 100644
--- a/tempest/api/network/admin/
+++ b/tempest/api/network/admin/
@@ -16,9 +16,9 @@
 import testtools
 from import base
+from tempest.common import utils
 from tempest.lib.common.utils import data_utils
 from tempest.lib import decorators
-from tempest import test
 class RoutersTestDVR(base.BaseAdminNetworkTest):
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
     def skip_checks(cls):
         super(RoutersTestDVR, cls).skip_checks()
         for ext in ['router', 'dvr']:
-            if not test.is_extension_enabled(ext, 'network'):
+            if not utils.is_extension_enabled(ext, 'network'):
                 msg = "%s extension not enabled." % ext
                 raise cls.skipException(msg)
         # The check above will pass if api_extensions=all, which does
@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@
-    @testtools.skipUnless(test.is_extension_enabled('l3-ha', 'network'),
+    @testtools.skipUnless(utils.is_extension_enabled('l3-ha', 'network'),
                           'HA routers are not available.')
     def test_centralized_router_update_to_dvr(self):
         """Test centralized router update
diff --git a/tempest/api/network/admin/ b/tempest/api/network/admin/
index f350a15..9356bcc 100644
--- a/tempest/api/network/admin/
+++ b/tempest/api/network/admin/
@@ -16,10 +16,10 @@
 import testtools
 from import base
+from tempest.common import utils
 from tempest import config
 from tempest.lib import decorators
 from tempest.lib import exceptions as lib_exc
-from tempest import test
 CONF = config.CONF
@@ -29,13 +29,13 @@
     def skip_checks(cls):
         super(RoutersAdminNegativeTest, cls).skip_checks()
-        if not test.is_extension_enabled('router', 'network'):
+        if not utils.is_extension_enabled('router', 'network'):
             msg = "router extension not enabled."
             raise cls.skipException(msg)
-    @test.requires_ext(extension='ext-gw-mode', service='network')
+    @utils.requires_ext(extension='ext-gw-mode', service='network')
                           'The public_network_id option must be specified.')
     def test_router_set_gateway_used_ip_returns_409(self):
diff --git a/tempest/api/network/ b/tempest/api/network/
index 6bec0d7..8670165 100644
--- a/tempest/api/network/
+++ b/tempest/api/network/
@@ -88,54 +88,16 @@
     def resource_setup(cls):
         super(BaseNetworkTest, cls).resource_setup()
-        cls.networks = []
         cls.subnets = []
         cls.ports = []
         cls.routers = []
-        cls.floating_ips = []
-        cls.metering_labels = []
-        cls.metering_label_rules = []
         cls.ethertype = "IPv" + str(cls._ip_version)
-    @classmethod
-    def resource_cleanup(cls):
-        if CONF.service_available.neutron:
-            # Clean up floating IPs
-            for floating_ip in cls.floating_ips:
-                test_utils.call_and_ignore_notfound_exc(
-                    cls.floating_ips_client.delete_floatingip,
-                    floating_ip['id'])
-            # Clean up metering label rules
-            # Not all classes in the hierarchy have the client class variable
-            if cls.metering_label_rules:
-                label_rules_client = cls.admin_metering_label_rules_client
-                for metering_label_rule in cls.metering_label_rules:
-                    test_utils.call_and_ignore_notfound_exc(
-                        label_rules_client.delete_metering_label_rule,
-                        metering_label_rule['id'])
-            # Clean up metering labels
-            for metering_label in cls.metering_labels:
-                test_utils.call_and_ignore_notfound_exc(
-                    cls.admin_metering_labels_client.delete_metering_label,
-                    metering_label['id'])
-            # Clean up ports
-            for port in cls.ports:
-                test_utils.call_and_ignore_notfound_exc(
-                    cls.ports_client.delete_port, port['id'])
-            # Clean up routers
-            for router in cls.routers:
-                test_utils.call_and_ignore_notfound_exc(
-                    cls.delete_router, router)
-            # Clean up subnets
-            for subnet in cls.subnets:
-                test_utils.call_and_ignore_notfound_exc(
-                    cls.subnets_client.delete_subnet, subnet['id'])
-            # Clean up networks
-            for network in cls.networks:
-                test_utils.call_and_ignore_notfound_exc(
-                    cls.networks_client.delete_network, network['id'])
-        super(BaseNetworkTest, cls).resource_cleanup()
+        if cls._ip_version == 4:
+            cls.cidr = netaddr.IPNetwork(
+            cls.mask_bits =
+        elif cls._ip_version == 6:
+            cls.cidr = netaddr.IPNetwork(
+            cls.mask_bits =
     def create_network(cls, network_name=None, **kwargs):
@@ -145,7 +107,9 @@
         body = cls.networks_client.create_network(name=network_name, **kwargs)
         network = body['network']
-        cls.networks.append(network)
+        cls.addClassResourceCleanup(test_utils.call_and_ignore_notfound_exc,
+                                    cls.networks_client.delete_network,
+                                    network['id'])
         return network
@@ -188,6 +152,9 @@
             message = 'Available CIDR for subnet creation could not be found'
             raise exceptions.BuildErrorException(message)
         subnet = body['subnet']
+        cls.addClassResourceCleanup(test_utils.call_and_ignore_notfound_exc,
+                                    cls.subnets_client.delete_subnet,
+                                    subnet['id'])
         return subnet
@@ -197,6 +164,8 @@
         body = cls.ports_client.create_port(network_id=network['id'],
         port = body['port']
+        cls.addClassResourceCleanup(test_utils.call_and_ignore_notfound_exc,
+                                    cls.ports_client.delete_port, port['id'])
         return port
@@ -223,6 +192,8 @@
             name=router_name, external_gateway_info=ext_gw_info,
             admin_state_up=admin_state_up, **kwargs)
         router = body['router']
+        cls.addClassResourceCleanup(test_utils.call_and_ignore_notfound_exc,
+                                    cls.delete_router, router)
         return router
@@ -232,7 +203,9 @@
         body = cls.floating_ips_client.create_floatingip(
         fip = body['floatingip']
-        cls.floating_ips.append(fip)
+        cls.addClassResourceCleanup(test_utils.call_and_ignore_notfound_exc,
+                                    cls.floating_ips_client.delete_floatingip,
+                                    fip['id'])
         return fip
diff --git a/tempest/api/network/ b/tempest/api/network/
index a90e4bf..3075047 100644
--- a/tempest/api/network/
+++ b/tempest/api/network/
@@ -13,13 +13,12 @@
 #    License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
 #    under the License.
-import netaddr
 import six
 from import base
+from tempest.common import utils
 from tempest import config
 from tempest.lib import decorators
-from tempest import test
 CONF = config.CONF
@@ -44,7 +43,7 @@
     def skip_checks(cls):
         super(AllowedAddressPairTestJSON, cls).skip_checks()
-        if not test.is_extension_enabled('allowed-address-pairs', 'network'):
+        if not utils.is_extension_enabled('allowed-address-pairs', 'network'):
             msg = "Allowed Address Pairs extension not enabled."
             raise cls.skipException(msg)
@@ -103,8 +102,7 @@
     def test_update_port_with_cidr_address_pair(self):
         # Update allowed address pair with cidr
-        cidr = str(netaddr.IPNetwork(
-        self._update_port_with_address(cidr)
+        self._update_port_with_address(str(self.cidr))
     def test_update_port_with_multiple_ip_mac_address_pair(self):
diff --git a/tempest/api/network/ b/tempest/api/network/
index 014d064..4804ada 100644
--- a/tempest/api/network/
+++ b/tempest/api/network/
@@ -15,8 +15,8 @@
 from import base
+from tempest.common import utils
 from tempest.lib import decorators
-from tempest import test
 class ExtensionsTestJSON(base.BaseNetworkTest):
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@
                           'allowed-address-pairs', 'extra_dhcp_opt',
                           'metering', 'dvr']
         expected_alias = [ext for ext in expected_alias if
-                          test.is_extension_enabled(ext, 'network')]
+                          utils.is_extension_enabled(ext, 'network')]
         actual_alias = list()
         extensions = self.network_extensions_client.list_extensions()
         list_extensions = extensions['extensions']
@@ -66,5 +66,5 @@
         # of extensions returned, but only for those that have been
         # enabled via configuration
         for e in expected_alias:
-            if test.is_extension_enabled(e, 'network'):
+            if utils.is_extension_enabled(e, 'network'):
                 self.assertIn(e, actual_alias)
diff --git a/tempest/api/network/ b/tempest/api/network/
index dc9042e..0d42033 100644
--- a/tempest/api/network/
+++ b/tempest/api/network/
@@ -14,9 +14,9 @@
 #    under the License.
 from import base
+from tempest.common import utils
 from tempest.lib.common.utils import data_utils
 from tempest.lib import decorators
-from tempest import test
 class ExtraDHCPOptionsTestJSON(base.BaseNetworkTest):
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
     def skip_checks(cls):
         super(ExtraDHCPOptionsTestJSON, cls).skip_checks()
-        if not test.is_extension_enabled('extra_dhcp_opt', 'network'):
+        if not utils.is_extension_enabled('extra_dhcp_opt', 'network'):
             msg = "Extra DHCP Options extension not enabled."
             raise cls.skipException(msg)
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@
     def test_update_show_port_with_extra_dhcp_options(self):
         # Update port with extra dhcp options
         name = data_utils.rand_name('new-port-name')
-        body = self.ports_client.update_port(
+        self.ports_client.update_port(
diff --git a/tempest/api/network/ b/tempest/api/network/
index c799b15..ef4a23a 100644
--- a/tempest/api/network/
+++ b/tempest/api/network/
@@ -14,10 +14,10 @@
 #    under the License.
 from import base
+from tempest.common import utils
 from tempest.common.utils import net_utils
 from tempest import config
 from tempest.lib import decorators
-from tempest import test
 CONF = config.CONF
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
     def skip_checks(cls):
         super(FloatingIPTestJSON, cls).skip_checks()
-        if not test.is_extension_enabled('router', 'network'):
+        if not utils.is_extension_enabled('router', 'network'):
             msg = "router extension not enabled."
             raise cls.skipException(msg)
         if not
diff --git a/tempest/api/network/ b/tempest/api/network/
index 5ca17fe..e904a81 100644
--- a/tempest/api/network/
+++ b/tempest/api/network/
@@ -15,10 +15,10 @@
 #    under the License.
 from import base
+from tempest.common import utils
 from tempest import config
 from tempest.lib import decorators
 from tempest.lib import exceptions as lib_exc
-from tempest import test
 CONF = config.CONF
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
     def skip_checks(cls):
         super(FloatingIPNegativeTestJSON, cls).skip_checks()
-        if not test.is_extension_enabled('router', 'network'):
+        if not utils.is_extension_enabled('router', 'network'):
             msg = "router extension not enabled."
             raise cls.skipException(msg)
         if not
diff --git a/tempest/api/network/ b/tempest/api/network/
index 269f2c2..7345fd1 100644
--- a/tempest/api/network/
+++ b/tempest/api/network/
@@ -18,12 +18,12 @@
 from import base
 from tempest.common import custom_matchers
+from tempest.common import utils
 from tempest import config
 from tempest.lib.common.utils import data_utils
 from tempest.lib.common.utils import test_utils
 from tempest.lib import decorators
 from tempest.lib import exceptions as lib_exc
-from tempest import test
 CONF = config.CONF
@@ -34,8 +34,7 @@
     def resource_setup(cls):
         super(BaseNetworkTestResources, cls).resource_setup() = cls.create_network()
-        cls.subnet = cls._create_subnet_with_last_subnet_block(,
-                                                               cls._ip_version)
+        cls.subnet = cls._create_subnet_with_last_subnet_block(
         cls._subnet_data = {6: {'gateway':
@@ -64,20 +63,13 @@
                                 'new_dns_nameservers': ['', '']}}
-    def _create_subnet_with_last_subnet_block(cls, network, ip_version):
+    def _create_subnet_with_last_subnet_block(cls, network):
         # Derive last subnet CIDR block from project CIDR and
         # create the subnet with that derived CIDR
-        if ip_version == 4:
-            cidr = netaddr.IPNetwork(
-            mask_bits =
-        elif ip_version == 6:
-            cidr = netaddr.IPNetwork(
-            mask_bits =
-        subnet_cidr = list(cidr.subnet(mask_bits))[-1]
+        subnet_cidr = list(cls.cidr.subnet(cls.mask_bits))[-1]
         gateway_ip = str(netaddr.IPAddress(subnet_cidr) + 1)
         return cls.create_subnet(network, gateway=gateway_ip,
-                                 cidr=subnet_cidr, mask_bits=mask_bits)
+                                 cidr=subnet_cidr, mask_bits=cls.mask_bits)
     def _get_gateway_from_tempest_conf(cls, ip_version):
@@ -112,15 +104,6 @@
         self.assertThat(actual, custom_matchers.MatchesDictExceptForKeys(
                         expected, exclude_keys))
-    def _delete_network(self, network):
-        # Deleting network also deletes its subnets if exists
-        self.networks_client.delete_network(network['id'])
-        if network in self.networks:
-            self.networks.remove(network)
-        for subnet in self.subnets:
-            if subnet['network_id'] == network['id']:
-                self.subnets.remove(subnet)
     def _create_verify_delete_subnet(self, cidr=None, mask_bits=None,
         network = self.create_network()
@@ -140,8 +123,6 @@
         self._compare_resource_attrs(subnet, compare_args)
-        self.networks.pop()
-        self.subnets.pop()
 class NetworksTest(BaseNetworkTestResources):
@@ -179,7 +160,7 @@
     def test_create_update_delete_network_subnet(self):
         # Create a network
         network = self.create_network()
-        self.addCleanup(self._delete_network, network)
+        self.addCleanup(self.networks_client.delete_network, network['id'])
         net_id = network['id']
         self.assertEqual('ACTIVE', network['status'])
         # Verify network update
@@ -209,7 +190,7 @@
     def test_show_network_fields(self):
         # Verify specific fields of a network
         fields = ['id', 'name']
-        if test.is_extension_enabled('net-mtu', 'network'):
+        if utils.is_extension_enabled('net-mtu', 'network'):
         body = self.networks_client.show_network(['id'],
@@ -233,7 +214,7 @@
     def test_list_networks_fields(self):
         # Verify specific fields of the networks
         fields = ['id', 'name']
-        if test.is_extension_enabled('net-mtu', 'network'):
+        if utils.is_extension_enabled('net-mtu', 'network'):
         body = self.networks_client.list_networks(fields=fields)
         networks = body['networks']
@@ -288,7 +269,7 @@
         network = self.create_network()
         net_id = network['id']
-                        self._delete_network, network)
+                        self.networks_client.delete_network, network['id'])
         # Find a cidr that is not in use yet and create a subnet with it
         subnet = self.create_subnet(network)
@@ -332,7 +313,7 @@
     def test_update_subnet_gw_dns_host_routes_dhcp(self):
         network = self.create_network()
-        self.addCleanup(self._delete_network, network)
+        self.addCleanup(self.networks_client.delete_network, network['id'])
         subnet = self.create_subnet(
             network, **self.subnet_dict(['gateway', 'host_routes',
@@ -370,30 +351,44 @@
-    @test.requires_ext(extension='external-net', service='network')
+    @utils.requires_ext(extension='external-net', service='network')
                           'The public_network_id option must be specified.')
     def test_external_network_visibility(self):
-        """Verifies user can see external networks but not subnets."""
+        public_network_id =
+        # find external network matching public_network_id
         body = self.networks_client.list_networks(**{'router:external': True})
-        networks = [network['id'] for network in body['networks']]
-        self.assertNotEmpty(networks, "No external networks found")
+        external_network = next((network for network in body['networks']
+                                 if network['id'] == public_network_id), None)
+        self.assertIsNotNone(external_network, "Public network %s not found "
+                                               "in external network list"
+                             % public_network_id)
         nonexternal = [net for net in body['networks'] if
                        not net['router:external']]
         self.assertEmpty(nonexternal, "Found non-external networks"
                                       " in filtered list (%s)." % nonexternal)
-        self.assertIn(, networks)
         # only check the public network ID because the other networks may
         # belong to other tests and their state may have changed during this
         # test
-        body = self.subnets_client.list_subnets(
-        self.assertEmpty(body['subnets'], "Public subnets visible")
+        body = self.subnets_client.list_subnets(network_id=public_network_id)
+        # check subnet visibility of external_network
+        if external_network['shared']:
+            self.assertNotEmpty(body['subnets'], "Subnets should be visible "
+                                                 "for shared public network %s"
+                                % public_network_id)
+        else:
+            self.assertEmpty(body['subnets'], "Subnets should not be visible "
+                                              "for non-shared public "
+                                              "network %s"
+                             % public_network_id)
-    @test.requires_ext(extension="standard-attr-description",
-                       service="network")
+    @utils.requires_ext(extension="standard-attr-description",
+                        service="network")
     def test_create_update_network_description(self):
         body = self.create_network(description='d1')
         self.assertEqual('d1', body['description'])
@@ -473,14 +468,8 @@
     def test_bulk_create_delete_subnet(self):
         networks = [self.create_network(), self.create_network()]
         # Creates 2 subnets in one request
-        if self._ip_version == 4:
-            cidr = netaddr.IPNetwork(
-            mask_bits =
-        else:
-            cidr = netaddr.IPNetwork(
-            mask_bits =
-        cidrs = [subnet_cidr for subnet_cidr in cidr.subnet(mask_bits)]
+        cidrs = [subnet_cidr
+                 for subnet_cidr in self.cidr.subnet(self.mask_bits)]
         names = [data_utils.rand_name('subnet-') for i in range(len(networks))]
         subnets_list = []
@@ -622,7 +611,6 @@
         port = self.create_port(slaac_network)
-        self.subnets.pop()
         subnets = self.subnets_client.list_subnets()
         subnet_ids = [subnet['id'] for subnet in subnets['subnets']]
         self.assertNotIn(subnet_slaac['id'], subnet_ids,
diff --git a/tempest/api/network/ b/tempest/api/network/
index f81927d..5168423 100644
--- a/tempest/api/network/
+++ b/tempest/api/network/
@@ -13,16 +13,19 @@
 #    License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
 #    under the License.
+import ipaddress
 import netaddr
+import six
 import testtools
 from import base_security_groups as sec_base
 from tempest.common import custom_matchers
+from tempest.common import utils
 from tempest import config
 from tempest.lib.common.utils import data_utils
 from tempest.lib import decorators
 from tempest.lib import exceptions
-from tempest import test
 CONF = config.CONF
@@ -84,25 +87,13 @@
-    @classmethod
-    def _get_ipaddress_from_tempest_conf(cls):
-        """Return subnet with mask bits for configured CIDR """
-        if cls._ip_version == 4:
-            cidr = netaddr.IPNetwork(
-            cidr.prefixlen =
-        elif cls._ip_version == 6:
-            cidr = netaddr.IPNetwork(
-            cidr.prefixlen =
-        return cidr
     def test_create_port_in_allowed_allocation_pools(self):
         network = self.create_network()
         net_id = network['id']
-        address = self._get_ipaddress_from_tempest_conf()
+        address = self.cidr
+        address.prefixlen = self.mask_bits
         if ((address.version == 4 and address.prefixlen >= 30) or
            (address.version == 6 and address.prefixlen >= 126)):
             msg = ("Subnet %s isn't large enough for the test" % address.cidr)
@@ -190,6 +181,83 @@
         self.assertIn(port_1_fixed_ip, port_ips)
         self.assertIn(network['id'], port_net_ids)
+    @decorators.idempotent_id('79895408-85d5-460d-94e7-9531c5fd9123')
+    @testtools.skipUnless(
+        utils.is_extension_enabled('ip-substring-filtering', 'network'),
+        'ip-substring-filtering extension not enabled.')
+    def test_port_list_filter_by_ip_substr(self):
+        # Create network and subnet
+        network = self.create_network()
+        subnet = self.create_subnet(network)
+        self.addCleanup(self.subnets_client.delete_subnet, subnet['id'])
+        # Get two IP addresses
+        ip_address_1 = None
+        ip_address_2 = None
+        ip_network = ipaddress.ip_network(six.text_type(subnet['cidr']))
+        for ip in ip_network:
+            if ip == ip_network.network_address:
+                continue
+            if ip_address_1 is None:
+                ip_address_1 = six.text_type(ip)
+            else:
+                ip_address_2 = ip_address_1
+                ip_address_1 = six.text_type(ip)
+                # Make sure these two IP addresses have different substring
+                if ip_address_1[:-1] != ip_address_2[:-1]:
+                    break
+        # Create two ports
+        fixed_ips = [{'subnet_id': subnet['id'], 'ip_address': ip_address_1}]
+        port_1 = self.ports_client.create_port(network_id=network['id'],
+                                               fixed_ips=fixed_ips)
+        self.addCleanup(self.ports_client.delete_port, port_1['port']['id'])
+        fixed_ips = [{'subnet_id': subnet['id'], 'ip_address': ip_address_2}]
+        port_2 = self.ports_client.create_port(network_id=network['id'],
+                                               fixed_ips=fixed_ips)
+        self.addCleanup(self.ports_client.delete_port, port_2['port']['id'])
+        # Scenario 1: List port1 (port2 is filtered out)
+        if ip_address_1[:-1] != ip_address_2[:-1]:
+            ips_filter = 'ip_address_substr=' + ip_address_1[:-1]
+        else:
+            ips_filter = 'ip_address_substr=' + ip_address_1
+        ports = self.ports_client.list_ports(fixed_ips=ips_filter)['ports']
+        # Check that we got the desired port
+        port_ids = [port['id'] for port in ports]
+        fixed_ips = [port['fixed_ips'] for port in ports]
+        port_ips = []
+        for addr in fixed_ips:
+            port_ips.extend([a['ip_address'] for a in addr])
+        port_net_ids = [port['network_id'] for port in ports]
+        self.assertIn(network['id'], port_net_ids)
+        self.assertIn(port_1['port']['id'], port_ids)
+        self.assertIn(port_1['port']['fixed_ips'][0]['ip_address'], port_ips)
+        self.assertNotIn(port_2['port']['id'], port_ids)
+        self.assertNotIn(
+            port_2['port']['fixed_ips'][0]['ip_address'], port_ips)
+        # Scenario 2: List both port1 and port2
+        substr = ip_address_1
+        while substr not in ip_address_2:
+            substr = substr[:-1]
+        ips_filter = 'ip_address_substr=' + substr
+        ports = self.ports_client.list_ports(fixed_ips=ips_filter)['ports']
+        # Check that we got both port
+        port_ids = [port['id'] for port in ports]
+        fixed_ips = [port['fixed_ips'] for port in ports]
+        port_ips = []
+        for addr in fixed_ips:
+            port_ips.extend([a['ip_address'] for a in addr])
+        port_net_ids = [port['network_id'] for port in ports]
+        self.assertIn(network['id'], port_net_ids)
+        self.assertIn(port_1['port']['id'], port_ids)
+        self.assertIn(port_1['port']['fixed_ips'][0]['ip_address'], port_ips)
+        self.assertIn(port_2['port']['id'], port_ids)
+        self.assertIn(port_2['port']['fixed_ips'][0]['ip_address'], port_ips)
     def test_port_list_filter_by_router_id(self):
         # Create a router
@@ -307,7 +375,7 @@
-        test.is_extension_enabled('security-group', 'network'),
+        utils.is_extension_enabled('security-group', 'network'),
         'security-group extension not enabled.')
     def test_update_port_with_security_group_and_extra_attributes(self):
@@ -315,7 +383,7 @@
-        test.is_extension_enabled('security-group', 'network'),
+        utils.is_extension_enabled('security-group', 'network'),
         'security-group extension not enabled.')
     def test_update_port_with_two_security_groups_and_extra_attributes(self):
@@ -342,7 +410,7 @@
-        test.is_extension_enabled('security-group', 'network'),
+        utils.is_extension_enabled('security-group', 'network'),
         'security-group extension not enabled.')
     def test_create_port_with_no_securitygroups(self):
         network = self.create_network()
diff --git a/tempest/api/network/ b/tempest/api/network/
index 128544b..abbb779 100644
--- a/tempest/api/network/
+++ b/tempest/api/network/
@@ -17,10 +17,10 @@
 import testtools
 from import base
+from tempest.common import utils
 from tempest import config
 from tempest.lib.common.utils import data_utils
 from tempest.lib import decorators
-from tempest import test
 CONF = config.CONF
@@ -55,26 +55,22 @@
     def skip_checks(cls):
         super(RoutersTest, cls).skip_checks()
-        if not test.is_extension_enabled('router', 'network'):
+        if not utils.is_extension_enabled('router', 'network'):
             msg = "router extension not enabled."
             raise cls.skipException(msg)
-    @classmethod
-    def resource_setup(cls):
-        super(RoutersTest, cls).resource_setup()
-        cls.tenant_cidr = (
-                           if cls._ip_version == 4 else
                           'The public_network_id option must be specified.')
     def test_create_show_list_update_delete_router(self):
         # Create a router
+        name = data_utils.rand_name(self.__class__.__name__ + '-router')
         router = self._create_router(
+            name=name,
+        self.assertEqual(router['name'], name)
         self.assertEqual(router['admin_state_up'], False)
@@ -139,35 +135,8 @@
-    def _verify_router_gateway(self, router_id, exp_ext_gw_info=None):
-        show_body = self.admin_routers_client.show_router(router_id)
-        actual_ext_gw_info = show_body['router']['external_gateway_info']
-        if exp_ext_gw_info is None:
-            self.assertIsNone(actual_ext_gw_info)
-            return
-        # Verify only keys passed in exp_ext_gw_info
-        for k, v in exp_ext_gw_info.items():
-            self.assertEqual(v, actual_ext_gw_info[k])
-    def _verify_gateway_port(self, router_id):
-        list_body = self.admin_ports_client.list_ports(
-  ,
-            device_id=router_id)
-        self.assertEqual(len(list_body['ports']), 1)
-        gw_port = list_body['ports'][0]
-        fixed_ips = gw_port['fixed_ips']
-        self.assertNotEmpty(fixed_ips)
-        # Assert that all of the IPs from the router gateway port
-        # are allocated from a valid public subnet.
-        public_net_body = self.admin_networks_client.show_network(
-        public_subnet_ids = public_net_body['network']['subnets']
-        for fixed_ip in fixed_ips:
-            subnet_id = fixed_ip['subnet_id']
-            self.assertIn(subnet_id, public_subnet_ids)
-    @test.requires_ext(extension='ext-gw-mode', service='network')
+    @utils.requires_ext(extension='ext-gw-mode', service='network')
                           'The public_network_id option must be specified.')
@@ -198,11 +167,11 @@
-    @test.requires_ext(extension='extraroute', service='network')
+    @utils.requires_ext(extension='extraroute', service='network')
     def test_update_delete_extra_route(self):
         # Create different cidr for each subnet to avoid cidr duplicate
         # The cidr starts from project_cidr
-        next_cidr = netaddr.IPNetwork(self.tenant_cidr)
+        next_cidr = self.cidr
         # Prepare to build several routes
         test_routes = []
         routes_num = 4
@@ -278,7 +247,7 @@
         network02 = self.create_network(
         subnet01 = self.create_subnet(network01)
-        sub02_cidr = netaddr.IPNetwork(self.tenant_cidr).next()
+        sub02_cidr =
         subnet02 = self.create_subnet(network02, cidr=sub02_cidr)
         router = self._create_router()
         interface01 = self._add_router_interface_with_subnet_id(router['id'],
diff --git a/tempest/api/network/ b/tempest/api/network/
index 72face8..ddd7d3a 100644
--- a/tempest/api/network/
+++ b/tempest/api/network/
@@ -13,14 +13,12 @@
 #    License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
 #    under the License.
-import netaddr
 from import base
+from tempest.common import utils
 from tempest import config
 from tempest.lib.common.utils import data_utils
 from tempest.lib import decorators
 from tempest.lib import exceptions as lib_exc
-from tempest import test
 CONF = config.CONF
@@ -30,7 +28,7 @@
     def skip_checks(cls):
         super(RoutersNegativeTest, cls).skip_checks()
-        if not test.is_extension_enabled('router', 'network'):
+        if not utils.is_extension_enabled('router', 'network'):
             msg = "router extension not enabled."
             raise cls.skipException(msg)
@@ -40,9 +38,6 @@
         cls.router = cls.create_router() = cls.create_network()
         cls.subnet = cls.create_subnet(
-        cls.tenant_cidr = (
-                           if cls._ip_version == 4 else
@@ -57,7 +52,7 @@
     def test_router_add_gateway_net_not_external_returns_400(self):
         alt_network = self.create_network()
-        sub_cidr = netaddr.IPNetwork(self.tenant_cidr).next()
+        sub_cidr =
         self.create_subnet(alt_network, cidr=sub_cidr)
@@ -89,6 +84,8 @@
     def test_router_remove_interface_in_use_returns_409(self):
+        self.addCleanup(self.routers_client.remove_router_interface,
+                        self.router['id'], subnet_id=self.subnet['id'])
@@ -124,17 +121,10 @@
     def skip_checks(cls):
         super(DvrRoutersNegativeTest, cls).skip_checks()
-        if not test.is_extension_enabled('dvr', 'network'):
+        if not utils.is_extension_enabled('dvr', 'network'):
             msg = "DVR extension not enabled."
             raise cls.skipException(msg)
-    @classmethod
-    def resource_setup(cls):
-        super(DvrRoutersNegativeTest, cls).resource_setup()
-        cls.router = cls.create_router()
- = cls.create_network()
-        cls.subnet = cls.create_subnet(
     def test_router_create_tenant_distributed_returns_forbidden(self):
diff --git a/tempest/api/network/ b/tempest/api/network/
index a121864..24bd8ea 100644
--- a/tempest/api/network/
+++ b/tempest/api/network/
@@ -14,21 +14,20 @@
 #    under the License.
 from import base_security_groups as base
+from tempest.common import utils
 from tempest import config
 from tempest.lib.common.utils import data_utils
 from tempest.lib import decorators
-from tempest import test
 CONF = config.CONF
 class SecGroupTest(base.BaseSecGroupTest):
-    _project_network_cidr =
     def skip_checks(cls):
         super(SecGroupTest, cls).skip_checks()
-        if not test.is_extension_enabled('security-group', 'network'):
+        if not utils.is_extension_enabled('security-group', 'network'):
             msg = "security-group extension not enabled."
             raise cls.skipException(msg)
@@ -209,7 +208,7 @@
         protocol = 'tcp'
         port_range_min = 76
         port_range_max = 77
-        ip_prefix = self._project_network_cidr
+        ip_prefix = str(self.cidr)
         self._create_verify_security_group_rule(sg_id, direction,
                                                 self.ethertype, protocol,
@@ -238,4 +237,3 @@
 class SecGroupIPv6Test(SecGroupTest):
     _ip_version = 6
-    _project_network_cidr =
diff --git a/tempest/api/network/ b/tempest/api/network/
index f51fb33..d054865 100644
--- a/tempest/api/network/
+++ b/tempest/api/network/
@@ -14,22 +14,21 @@
 #    under the License.
 from import base_security_groups as base
+from tempest.common import utils
 from tempest import config
 from tempest.lib.common.utils import data_utils
 from tempest.lib import decorators
 from tempest.lib import exceptions as lib_exc
-from tempest import test
 CONF = config.CONF
 class NegativeSecGroupTest(base.BaseSecGroupTest):
-    _project_network_cidr =
     def skip_checks(cls):
         super(NegativeSecGroupTest, cls).skip_checks()
-        if not test.is_extension_enabled('security-group', 'network'):
+        if not utils.is_extension_enabled('security-group', 'network'):
             msg = "security-group extension not enabled."
             raise cls.skipException(msg)
@@ -110,7 +109,7 @@
         sg2_body, _ = self._create_security_group()
         # Create rule specifying both remote_ip_prefix and remote_group_id
-        prefix = self._project_network_cidr
+        prefix = str(self.cidr)
@@ -225,7 +224,6 @@
 class NegativeSecGroupIPv6Test(NegativeSecGroupTest):
     _ip_version = 6
-    _project_network_cidr =
diff --git a/tempest/api/network/ b/tempest/api/network/
index b90c81b..9ebcd89 100644
--- a/tempest/api/network/
+++ b/tempest/api/network/
@@ -13,15 +13,15 @@
 import testtools
 from import base
+from tempest.common import utils
 from tempest.lib import decorators
-from tempest import test
 class ServiceProvidersTest(base.BaseNetworkTest):
-        test.is_extension_enabled('service-type', 'network'),
+        utils.is_extension_enabled('service-type', 'network'),
         'service-type extension not enabled.')
     def test_service_providers_list(self):
         body = self.service_providers_client.list_service_providers()
diff --git a/tempest/api/network/ b/tempest/api/network/
index 01d7db2..bfc2609 100644
--- a/tempest/api/network/
+++ b/tempest/api/network/
@@ -13,12 +13,12 @@
 # under the License.
 from import base
+from tempest.common import utils
 from tempest import config
 from tempest.lib.common.utils import data_utils
 from tempest.lib.common.utils import test_utils
 from tempest.lib import decorators
 from tempest.lib import exceptions as lib_exc
-from tempest import test
 CONF = config.CONF
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
     def skip_checks(cls):
         super(SubnetPoolsTestJSON, cls).skip_checks()
-        if not test.is_extension_enabled('subnet_allocation', 'network'):
+        if not utils.is_extension_enabled('subnet_allocation', 'network'):
             msg = "subnet_allocation extension not enabled."
             raise cls.skipException(msg)
diff --git a/tempest/api/network/ b/tempest/api/network/
index 567a462..85f6896 100644
--- a/tempest/api/network/
+++ b/tempest/api/network/
@@ -14,11 +14,11 @@
 # under the License.
 from import base
+from tempest.common import utils
 from tempest import config
 from tempest.lib.common.utils import data_utils
 from tempest.lib import decorators
 from tempest.lib import exceptions as lib_exc
-from tempest import test
 CONF = config.CONF
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@
     def skip_checks(cls):
         super(TagsTest, cls).skip_checks()
-        if not test.is_extension_enabled('tag', 'network'):
+        if not utils.is_extension_enabled('tag', 'network'):
             msg = "tag extension not enabled."
             raise cls.skipException(msg)
@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@
     def skip_checks(cls):
         super(TagsExtTest, cls).skip_checks()
-        if not test.is_extension_enabled('tag-ext', 'network'):
+        if not utils.is_extension_enabled('tag-ext', 'network'):
             msg = "tag-ext extension not enabled."
             raise cls.skipException(msg)
@@ -131,11 +131,8 @@
         prefix =
         cls.subnetpool = cls.subnetpools_client.create_subnetpool(
             name=subnetpool_name, prefixes=prefix)['subnetpool']
-    @classmethod
-    def resource_cleanup(cls):
-        cls.subnetpools_client.delete_subnetpool(cls.subnetpool['id'])
-        super(TagsExtTest, cls).resource_cleanup()
+        cls.addClassResourceCleanup(cls.subnetpools_client.delete_subnetpool,
+                                    cls.subnetpool['id'])
     def _create_tags_for_each_resource(self):
         # Create a tag for each resource in `SUPPORTED_RESOURCES` and return
diff --git a/tempest/api/object_storage/ b/tempest/api/object_storage/
index 11273e4..e8f3f8b 100644
--- a/tempest/api/object_storage/
+++ b/tempest/api/object_storage/
@@ -36,14 +36,18 @@
     using HA proxy sync the deletion properly, otherwise, the container
     might fail to be deleted because it's not empty.
-    :param containers: List of containers to be deleted
+    :param containers: List of containers(or string of a container)
+                       to be deleted
     :param container_client: Client to be used to delete containers
     :param object_client: Client to be used to delete objects
+    if isinstance(containers, str):
+        containers = [containers]
     for cont in containers:
             params = {'limit': 9999, 'format': 'json'}
-            _, objlist = container_client.list_container_contents(cont, params)
+            _, objlist = container_client.list_container_objects(cont, params)
             # delete every object in the container
             for obj in objlist:
@@ -71,9 +75,6 @@
     def setup_credentials(cls):
         super(BaseObjectTest, cls).setup_credentials()
-        # credentials may be overwritten by children classes
-        if hasattr(cls, 'os_roles_operator'):
-            cls.os = cls.os_roles_operator
     def setup_clients(cls):
@@ -109,7 +110,7 @@
     def create_container(cls):
         # wrapper that returns a test container
         container_name = data_utils.rand_name(name='TestContainer')
-        cls.container_client.create_container(container_name)
+        cls.container_client.update_container(container_name)
         return container_name
diff --git a/tempest/api/object_storage/ b/tempest/api/object_storage/
index 7c538e8..6599e43 100644
--- a/tempest/api/object_storage/
+++ b/tempest/api/object_storage/
@@ -17,8 +17,8 @@
 from tempest.api.object_storage import base
 from tempest.common import custom_matchers
+from tempest.common import utils
 from tempest.lib import decorators
-from tempest import test
 class BulkTest(base.BaseObjectTest):
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@
         self.assertNotIn(container_name, body)
-    @test.requires_ext(extension='bulk_upload', service='object')
+    @utils.requires_ext(extension='bulk_upload', service='object')
     def test_extract_archive(self):
         # Test bulk operation of file upload with an archived file
         filepath, container_name, object_name = self._create_archive()
@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@
         self.assertIn(container_name, [b['name'] for b in body])
         param = {'format': 'json'}
-        resp, contents_list = self.container_client.list_container_contents(
+        resp, contents_list = self.container_client.list_container_objects(
             container_name, param)
         self.assertHeaders(resp, 'Container', 'GET')
@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@
         self.assertIn(object_name, [c['name'] for c in contents_list])
-    @test.requires_ext(extension='bulk_delete', service='object')
+    @utils.requires_ext(extension='bulk_delete', service='object')
     def test_bulk_delete(self):
         # Test bulk operation of deleting multiple files
         filepath, container_name, object_name = self._create_archive()
@@ -129,7 +129,7 @@
-    @test.requires_ext(extension='bulk_delete', service='object')
+    @utils.requires_ext(extension='bulk_delete', service='object')
     def test_bulk_delete_by_POST(self):
         # Test bulk operation of deleting multiple files
         filepath, container_name, object_name = self._create_archive()
diff --git a/tempest/api/object_storage/ b/tempest/api/object_storage/
index 092d369..48f42ec 100644
--- a/tempest/api/object_storage/
+++ b/tempest/api/object_storage/
@@ -13,10 +13,10 @@
 # under the License.
 from tempest.api.object_storage import base
+from tempest.common import utils
 from tempest import config
 from tempest.lib.common.utils import data_utils
 from tempest.lib import decorators
-from tempest import test
 CONF = config.CONF
@@ -29,7 +29,6 @@
     def setup_credentials(cls):
         super(AccountQuotasTest, cls).setup_credentials()
-        cls.os = cls.os_roles_operator
         cls.os_reselleradmin = cls.os_roles_reseller
@@ -78,7 +77,7 @@
-    @test.requires_ext(extension='account_quotas', service='object')
+    @utils.requires_ext(extension='account_quotas', service='object')
     def test_upload_valid_object(self):
         object_name = data_utils.rand_name(name="TestObject")
         data = data_utils.arbitrary_string()
@@ -89,7 +88,7 @@
-    @test.requires_ext(extension='account_quotas', service='object')
+    @utils.requires_ext(extension='account_quotas', service='object')
     def test_admin_modify_quota(self):
         """Test ResellerAdmin can modify/remove the quota on a user's account
diff --git a/tempest/api/object_storage/ b/tempest/api/object_storage/
index 60233b4..798926b 100644
--- a/tempest/api/object_storage/
+++ b/tempest/api/object_storage/
@@ -13,10 +13,10 @@
 # under the License.
 from tempest.api.object_storage import base
+from tempest.common import utils
 from tempest import config
 from tempest.lib import decorators
 from tempest.lib import exceptions as lib_exc
-from tempest import test
 CONF = config.CONF
@@ -29,7 +29,6 @@
     def setup_credentials(cls):
         super(AccountQuotasNegativeTest, cls).setup_credentials()
-        cls.os = cls.os_roles_operator
         cls.os_reselleradmin = cls.os_roles_reseller
@@ -77,7 +76,7 @@
-    @test.requires_ext(extension='account_quotas', service='object')
+    @utils.requires_ext(extension='account_quotas', service='object')
     def test_user_modify_quota(self):
         """Test that a user cannot modify or remove a quota on its account."""
diff --git a/tempest/api/object_storage/ b/tempest/api/object_storage/
index 2fb676f..c5c30e3 100644
--- a/tempest/api/object_storage/
+++ b/tempest/api/object_storage/
@@ -36,23 +36,21 @@
     def setup_credentials(cls):
         super(AccountTest, cls).setup_credentials()
-        cls.os = cls.os_roles_operator
         cls.os_operator = cls.os_roles_operator_alt
     def resource_setup(cls):
         super(AccountTest, cls).resource_setup()
         for i in range(ord('a'), ord('f') + 1):
-            name = data_utils.rand_name(name='%s-' % chr(i))
-            cls.container_client.create_container(name)
+            name = data_utils.rand_name(name='%s-' % six.int2byte(i))
+            cls.container_client.update_container(name)
+            cls.addClassResourceCleanup(base.delete_containers,
+                                        [name],
+                                        cls.container_client,
+                                        cls.object_client)
         cls.containers_count = len(cls.containers)
-    @classmethod
-    def resource_cleanup(cls):
-        cls.delete_containers()
-        super(AccountTest, cls).resource_cleanup()
     def test_list_containers(self):
@@ -243,7 +241,7 @@
     def test_list_containers_with_prefix(self):
         # list containers that have a name that starts with a prefix
-        prefix = '{0}-a'.format(CONF.resources_prefix)
+        prefix = 'tempest-a'
         params = {'prefix': prefix}
         resp, container_list = self.account_client.list_account_containers(
diff --git a/tempest/api/object_storage/ b/tempest/api/object_storage/
index e98a4f5..3e664d7 100644
--- a/tempest/api/object_storage/
+++ b/tempest/api/object_storage/
@@ -28,7 +28,6 @@
     def setup_credentials(cls):
         super(AccountNegativeTest, cls).setup_credentials()
-        cls.os = cls.os_roles_operator
         cls.os_operator = cls.os_roles_operator_alt
diff --git a/tempest/api/object_storage/ b/tempest/api/object_storage/
index 4b66ebf..765bc6d 100644
--- a/tempest/api/object_storage/
+++ b/tempest/api/object_storage/
@@ -41,10 +41,11 @@
         tenant_name = self.os_roles_operator_alt.credentials.tenant_name
         username = self.os_roles_operator_alt.credentials.username
         cont_headers = {'X-Container-Read': tenant_name + ':' + username}
+        container_client = self.os_roles_operator.container_client
         resp_meta, _ = (
-            self.os_roles_operator.container_client.update_container_metadata(
-                self.container_name, metadata=cont_headers,
-                metadata_prefix=''))
+            container_client.create_update_or_delete_container_metadata(
+                self.container_name, create_update_metadata=cont_headers,
+                create_update_metadata_prefix=''))
         self.assertHeaders(resp_meta, 'Container', 'POST')
         # create object
         object_name = data_utils.rand_name(name='Object')
@@ -68,10 +69,11 @@
         tenant_name = self.os_roles_operator_alt.credentials.tenant_name
         username = self.os_roles_operator_alt.credentials.username
         cont_headers = {'X-Container-Write': tenant_name + ':' + username}
+        container_client = self.os_roles_operator.container_client
         resp_meta, _ = (
-            self.os_roles_operator.container_client.update_container_metadata(
-                self.container_name, metadata=cont_headers,
-                metadata_prefix=''))
+            container_client.create_update_or_delete_container_metadata(
+                self.container_name, create_update_metadata=cont_headers,
+                create_update_metadata_prefix=''))
         self.assertHeaders(resp_meta, 'Container', 'POST')
         # set alternative authentication data; cannot simply use the
         # other object client.
diff --git a/tempest/api/object_storage/ b/tempest/api/object_storage/
index 655626c..90b24b4 100644
--- a/tempest/api/object_storage/
+++ b/tempest/api/object_storage/
@@ -29,7 +29,6 @@
     def setup_credentials(cls):
         super(ObjectACLsNegativeTest, cls).setup_credentials()
-        cls.os = cls.os_roles_operator
         cls.os_operator = cls.os_roles_operator_alt
@@ -40,7 +39,7 @@
     def setUp(self):
         super(ObjectACLsNegativeTest, self).setUp()
         self.container_name = data_utils.rand_name(name='TestContainer')
-        self.container_client.create_container(self.container_name)
+        self.container_client.update_container(self.container_name)
     def tearDown(self):
@@ -134,9 +133,10 @@
         # attempt to read object using non-authorized user
         # update X-Container-Read metadata ACL
         cont_headers = {'X-Container-Read': 'badtenant:baduser'}
-        resp_meta, _ = self.container_client.update_container_metadata(
-            self.container_name, metadata=cont_headers,
-            metadata_prefix='')
+        resp_meta, _ = (
+            self.container_client.create_update_or_delete_container_metadata(
+                self.container_name, create_update_metadata=cont_headers,
+                create_update_metadata_prefix=''))
         self.assertHeaders(resp_meta, 'Container', 'POST')
         # create object
         object_name = data_utils.rand_name(name='Object')
@@ -158,9 +158,10 @@
         # attempt to write object using non-authorized user
         # update X-Container-Write metadata ACL
         cont_headers = {'X-Container-Write': 'badtenant:baduser'}
-        resp_meta, _ = self.container_client.update_container_metadata(
-            self.container_name, metadata=cont_headers,
-            metadata_prefix='')
+        resp_meta, _ = (
+            self.container_client.create_update_or_delete_container_metadata(
+                self.container_name, create_update_metadata=cont_headers,
+                create_update_metadata_prefix=''))
         self.assertHeaders(resp_meta, 'Container', 'POST')
         # Trying to write the object without rights
@@ -183,9 +184,10 @@
         cont_headers = {'X-Container-Read':
                         tenant_name + ':' + username,
                         'X-Container-Write': ''}
-        resp_meta, _ = self.container_client.update_container_metadata(
-            self.container_name, metadata=cont_headers,
-            metadata_prefix='')
+        resp_meta, _ = (
+            self.container_client.create_update_or_delete_container_metadata(
+                self.container_name, create_update_metadata=cont_headers,
+                create_update_metadata_prefix=''))
         self.assertHeaders(resp_meta, 'Container', 'POST')
         # Trying to write the object without write rights
@@ -208,9 +210,10 @@
         cont_headers = {'X-Container-Read':
                         tenant_name + ':' + username,
                         'X-Container-Write': ''}
-        resp_meta, _ = self.container_client.update_container_metadata(
-            self.container_name, metadata=cont_headers,
-            metadata_prefix='')
+        resp_meta, _ = (
+            self.container_client.create_update_or_delete_container_metadata(
+                self.container_name, create_update_metadata=cont_headers,
+                create_update_metadata_prefix=''))
         self.assertHeaders(resp_meta, 'Container', 'POST')
         # create object
         object_name = data_utils.rand_name(name='Object')
diff --git a/tempest/api/object_storage/ b/tempest/api/object_storage/
index 8266341..982c4a1 100644
--- a/tempest/api/object_storage/
+++ b/tempest/api/object_storage/
@@ -14,10 +14,10 @@
 #    under the License.
 from tempest.api.object_storage import base
+from tempest.common import utils
 from tempest.lib.common.utils import data_utils
 from tempest.lib import decorators
 from tempest.lib import exceptions as lib_exc
-from tempest import test
@@ -40,8 +40,8 @@
         self.container_name = self.create_container()
         metadata = {"quota-bytes": str(QUOTA_BYTES),
                     "quota-count": str(QUOTA_COUNT), }
-        self.container_client.update_container_metadata(
-            self.container_name, metadata)
+        self.container_client.create_update_or_delete_container_metadata(
+            self.container_name, create_update_metadata=metadata)
     def tearDown(self):
         """Cleans the container of any object after each test."""
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@
         super(ContainerQuotasTest, self).tearDown()
-    @test.requires_ext(extension='container_quotas', service='object')
+    @utils.requires_ext(extension='container_quotas', service='object')
     def test_upload_valid_object(self):
         """Attempts to uploads an object smaller than the bytes quota."""
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@
         self.assertEqual(nbefore + len(data), nafter)
-    @test.requires_ext(extension='container_quotas', service='object')
+    @utils.requires_ext(extension='container_quotas', service='object')
     def test_upload_large_object(self):
         """Attempts to upload an object larger than the bytes quota."""
@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@
         self.assertEqual(nbefore, nafter)
-    @test.requires_ext(extension='container_quotas', service='object')
+    @utils.requires_ext(extension='container_quotas', service='object')
     def test_upload_too_many_objects(self):
         """Attempts to upload many objects that exceeds the count limit."""
diff --git a/tempest/api/object_storage/ b/tempest/api/object_storage/
index 76fe8d4..cdc420e 100644
--- a/tempest/api/object_storage/
+++ b/tempest/api/object_storage/
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
     def test_create_container(self):
         container_name = data_utils.rand_name(name='TestContainer')
-        resp, _ = self.container_client.create_container(container_name)
+        resp, _ = self.container_client.update_container(container_name)
         self.assertHeaders(resp, 'Container', 'PUT')
@@ -35,20 +35,20 @@
     def test_create_container_overwrite(self):
         # overwrite container with the same name
         container_name = data_utils.rand_name(name='TestContainer')
-        self.container_client.create_container(container_name)
+        self.container_client.update_container(container_name)
-        resp, _ = self.container_client.create_container(container_name)
+        resp, _ = self.container_client.update_container(container_name)
         self.assertHeaders(resp, 'Container', 'PUT')
     def test_create_container_with_metadata_key(self):
         # create container with the blank value of metadata
         container_name = data_utils.rand_name(name='TestContainer')
-        metadata = {'test-container-meta': ''}
-        resp, _ = self.container_client.create_container(
+        headers = {'X-Container-Meta-test-container-meta': ''}
+        resp, _ = self.container_client.update_container(
-            metadata=metadata)
+            **headers)
         self.assertHeaders(resp, 'Container', 'PUT')
@@ -64,10 +64,10 @@
         container_name = data_utils.rand_name(name='TestContainer')
         # metadata name using underscores should be converted to hyphens
-        metadata = {'test_container_meta': 'Meta1'}
-        resp, _ = self.container_client.create_container(
+        headers = {'X-Container-Meta-test_container_meta': 'Meta1'}
+        resp, _ = self.container_client.update_container(
-            metadata=metadata)
+            **headers)
         self.assertHeaders(resp, 'Container', 'PUT')
@@ -75,22 +75,20 @@
         self.assertIn('x-container-meta-test-container-meta', resp)
-                         metadata['test_container_meta'])
+                         headers['X-Container-Meta-test_container_meta'])
     def test_create_container_with_remove_metadata_key(self):
         # create container with the blank value of remove metadata
         container_name = data_utils.rand_name(name='TestContainer')
-        metadata_1 = {'test-container-meta': 'Meta1'}
-        self.container_client.create_container(
-            container_name,
-            metadata=metadata_1)
+        headers = {'X-Container-Meta-test-container-meta': 'Meta1'}
+        self.container_client.update_container(container_name, **headers)
-        metadata_2 = {'test-container-meta': ''}
-        resp, _ = self.container_client.create_container(
+        headers = {'X-Remove-Container-Meta-test-container-meta': ''}
+        resp, _ = self.container_client.update_container(
-            remove_metadata=metadata_2)
+            **headers)
         self.assertHeaders(resp, 'Container', 'PUT')
         resp, _ = self.container_client.list_container_metadata(
@@ -101,14 +99,13 @@
     def test_create_container_with_remove_metadata_value(self):
         # create container with remove metadata
         container_name = data_utils.rand_name(name='TestContainer')
-        metadata = {'test-container-meta': 'Meta1'}
-        self.container_client.create_container(container_name,
-                                               metadata=metadata)
+        headers = {'X-Container-Meta-test-container-meta': 'Meta1'}
+        self.container_client.update_container(container_name, **headers)
-        resp, _ = self.container_client.create_container(
+        headers = {'X-Remove-Container-Meta-test-container-meta': 'Meta1'}
+        resp, _ = self.container_client.update_container(
-            remove_metadata=metadata)
+            **headers)
         self.assertHeaders(resp, 'Container', 'PUT')
         resp, _ = self.container_client.list_container_metadata(
@@ -130,7 +127,7 @@
         container_name = self.create_container()
         object_name, _ = self.create_object(container_name)
-        resp, object_list = self.container_client.list_container_contents(
+        resp, object_list = self.container_client.list_container_objects(
         self.assertHeaders(resp, 'Container', 'GET')
         self.assertEqual([object_name], object_list)
@@ -140,7 +137,7 @@
         # get empty container contents list
         container_name = self.create_container()
-        resp, object_list = self.container_client.list_container_contents(
+        resp, object_list = self.container_client.list_container_objects(
         self.assertHeaders(resp, 'Container', 'GET')
@@ -153,7 +150,7 @@
         self.create_object(container_name, object_name)
         params = {'delimiter': '/'}
-        resp, object_list = self.container_client.list_container_contents(
+        resp, object_list = self.container_client.list_container_objects(
         self.assertHeaders(resp, 'Container', 'GET')
@@ -166,7 +163,7 @@
         object_name, _ = self.create_object(container_name)
         params = {'end_marker': object_name + 'zzzz'}
-        resp, object_list = self.container_client.list_container_contents(
+        resp, object_list = self.container_client.list_container_objects(
         self.assertHeaders(resp, 'Container', 'GET')
@@ -179,7 +176,7 @@
         params = {'format': 'json'}
-        resp, object_list = self.container_client.list_container_contents(
+        resp, object_list = self.container_client.list_container_objects(
         self.assertHeaders(resp, 'Container', 'GET')
@@ -198,7 +195,7 @@
         params = {'format': 'xml'}
-        resp, object_list = self.container_client.list_container_contents(
+        resp, object_list = self.container_client.list_container_objects(
         self.assertHeaders(resp, 'Container', 'GET')
@@ -222,7 +219,7 @@
         object_name, _ = self.create_object(container_name)
         params = {'limit': data_utils.rand_int_id(1, 10000)}
-        resp, object_list = self.container_client.list_container_contents(
+        resp, object_list = self.container_client.list_container_objects(
         self.assertHeaders(resp, 'Container', 'GET')
@@ -235,7 +232,7 @@
         object_name, _ = self.create_object(container_name)
         params = {'marker': 'AaaaObject1234567890'}
-        resp, object_list = self.container_client.list_container_contents(
+        resp, object_list = self.container_client.list_container_objects(
         self.assertHeaders(resp, 'Container', 'GET')
@@ -250,7 +247,7 @@
         self.create_object(container_name, object_name)
         params = {'path': 'Swift'}
-        resp, object_list = self.container_client.list_container_contents(
+        resp, object_list = self.container_client.list_container_objects(
         self.assertHeaders(resp, 'Container', 'GET')
@@ -264,7 +261,7 @@
         prefix_key = object_name[0:8]
         params = {'prefix': prefix_key}
-        resp, object_list = self.container_client.list_container_contents(
+        resp, object_list = self.container_client.list_container_objects(
         self.assertHeaders(resp, 'Container', 'GET')
@@ -277,9 +274,9 @@
         container_name = self.create_container()
         metadata = {'name': 'Pictures'}
-        self.container_client.update_container_metadata(
+        self.container_client.create_update_or_delete_container_metadata(
-            metadata=metadata)
+            create_update_metadata=metadata)
         resp, _ = self.container_client.list_container_metadata(
@@ -301,16 +298,16 @@
     def test_update_container_metadata_with_create_and_delete_metadata(self):
         # Send one request of adding and deleting metadata
         container_name = data_utils.rand_name(name='TestContainer')
-        metadata_1 = {'test-container-meta1': 'Meta1'}
-        self.container_client.create_container(container_name,
-                                               metadata=metadata_1)
+        metadata_1 = {'X-Container-Meta-test-container-meta1': 'Meta1'}
+        self.container_client.update_container(container_name, **metadata_1)
         metadata_2 = {'test-container-meta2': 'Meta2'}
-        resp, _ = self.container_client.update_container_metadata(
-            container_name,
-            metadata=metadata_2,
-            remove_metadata=metadata_1)
+        resp, _ = (
+            self.container_client.create_update_or_delete_container_metadata(
+                container_name,
+                create_update_metadata=metadata_2,
+                delete_metadata={'test-container-meta1': 'Meta1'}))
         self.assertHeaders(resp, 'Container', 'POST')
         resp, _ = self.container_client.list_container_metadata(
@@ -326,9 +323,10 @@
         container_name = self.create_container()
         metadata = {'test-container-meta1': 'Meta1'}
-        resp, _ = self.container_client.update_container_metadata(
-            container_name,
-            metadata=metadata)
+        resp, _ = (
+            self.container_client.create_update_or_delete_container_metadata(
+                container_name,
+                create_update_metadata=metadata))
         self.assertHeaders(resp, 'Container', 'POST')
         resp, _ = self.container_client.list_container_metadata(
@@ -341,14 +339,14 @@
     def test_update_container_metadata_with_delete_metadata(self):
         # update container metadata using delete metadata
         container_name = data_utils.rand_name(name='TestContainer')
-        metadata = {'test-container-meta1': 'Meta1'}
-        self.container_client.create_container(container_name,
-                                               metadata=metadata)
+        metadata = {'X-Container-Meta-test-container-meta1': 'Meta1'}
+        self.container_client.update_container(container_name, **metadata)
-        resp, _ = self.container_client.delete_container_metadata(
-            container_name,
-            metadata=metadata)
+        resp, _ = (
+            self.container_client.create_update_or_delete_container_metadata(
+                container_name,
+                delete_metadata={'test-container-meta1': 'Meta1'}))
         self.assertHeaders(resp, 'Container', 'POST')
         resp, _ = self.container_client.list_container_metadata(
@@ -361,9 +359,10 @@
         container_name = self.create_container()
         metadata = {'test-container-meta1': ''}
-        resp, _ = self.container_client.update_container_metadata(
-            container_name,
-            metadata=metadata)
+        resp, _ = (
+            self.container_client.create_update_or_delete_container_metadata(
+                container_name,
+                create_update_metadata=metadata))
         self.assertHeaders(resp, 'Container', 'POST')
         resp, _ = self.container_client.list_container_metadata(
@@ -374,15 +373,15 @@
     def test_update_container_metadata_with_delete_metadata_key(self):
         # update container metadata with a blank value of metadata
         container_name = data_utils.rand_name(name='TestContainer')
-        metadata = {'test-container-meta1': 'Meta1'}
-        self.container_client.create_container(container_name,
-                                               metadata=metadata)
+        headers = {'X-Container-Meta-test-container-meta1': 'Meta1'}
+        self.container_client.update_container(container_name, **headers)
         metadata = {'test-container-meta1': ''}
-        resp, _ = self.container_client.delete_container_metadata(
-            container_name,
-            metadata=metadata)
+        resp, _ = (
+            self.container_client.create_update_or_delete_container_metadata(
+                container_name,
+                delete_metadata=metadata))
         self.assertHeaders(resp, 'Container', 'POST')
         resp, _ = self.container_client.list_container_metadata(container_name)
diff --git a/tempest/api/object_storage/ b/tempest/api/object_storage/
index 387b7b6..b8c83b7 100644
--- a/tempest/api/object_storage/
+++ b/tempest/api/object_storage/
@@ -45,9 +45,10 @@
         max_length = self.constraints['max_container_name_length']
         # create a container with long name
         container_name = data_utils.arbitrary_string(size=max_length + 1)
-        ex = self.assertRaises(exceptions.BadRequest,
-                               self.container_client.create_container,
-                               container_name)
+        ex = self.assertRaises(
+            exceptions.BadRequest,
+            self.container_client.update_container,
+            container_name)
         self.assertIn('Container name length of ' + str(max_length + 1) +
                       ' longer than ' + str(max_length), str(ex))
@@ -61,11 +62,13 @@
         # that is longer than max.
         max_length = self.constraints['max_meta_name_length']
         container_name = data_utils.rand_name(name='TestContainer')
-        metadata_name = data_utils.arbitrary_string(size=max_length + 1)
+        metadata_name = 'X-Container-Meta-' + data_utils.arbitrary_string(
+            size=max_length + 1)
         metadata = {metadata_name: 'penguin'}
-        ex = self.assertRaises(exceptions.BadRequest,
-                               self.container_client.create_container,
-                               container_name, metadata=metadata)
+        ex = self.assertRaises(
+            exceptions.BadRequest,
+            self.container_client.update_container,
+            container_name, **metadata)
         self.assertIn('Metadata name too long', str(ex))
@@ -79,10 +82,11 @@
         max_length = self.constraints['max_meta_value_length']
         container_name = data_utils.rand_name(name='TestContainer')
         metadata_value = data_utils.arbitrary_string(size=max_length + 1)
-        metadata = {'animal': metadata_value}
-        ex = self.assertRaises(exceptions.BadRequest,
-                               self.container_client.create_container,
-                               container_name, metadata=metadata)
+        metadata = {'X-Container-Meta-animal': metadata_value}
+        ex = self.assertRaises(
+            exceptions.BadRequest,
+            self.container_client.update_container,
+            container_name, **metadata)
         self.assertIn('Metadata value longer than ' + str(max_length), str(ex))
@@ -97,11 +101,12 @@
         container_name = data_utils.rand_name(name='TestContainer')
         metadata = {}
         for i in range(max_count + 1):
-            metadata['animal-' + str(i)] = 'penguin'
+            metadata['X-Container-Meta-animal-' + str(i)] = 'penguin'
-        ex = self.assertRaises(exceptions.BadRequest,
-                               self.container_client.create_container,
-                               container_name, metadata=metadata)
+        ex = self.assertRaises(
+            exceptions.BadRequest,
+            self.container_client.update_container,
+            container_name, **metadata)
         self.assertIn('Too many metadata items; max ' + str(max_count),
@@ -120,9 +125,10 @@
         # Attempts to update metadata using a nonexistent container name.
         metadata = {'animal': 'penguin'}
-        self.assertRaises(exceptions.NotFound,
-                          self.container_client.update_container_metadata,
-                          'nonexistent_container_name', metadata)
+        self.assertRaises(
+            exceptions.NotFound,
+            self.container_client.create_update_or_delete_container_metadata,
+            'nonexistent_container_name', create_update_metadata=metadata)
@@ -130,9 +136,10 @@
         # Attempts to delete metadata using a nonexistent container name.
         metadata = {'animal': 'penguin'}
-        self.assertRaises(exceptions.NotFound,
-                          self.container_client.delete_container_metadata,
-                          'nonexistent_container_name', metadata)
+        self.assertRaises(
+            exceptions.NotFound,
+            self.container_client.create_update_or_delete_container_metadata,
+            'nonexistent_container_name', delete_metadata=metadata)
@@ -141,7 +148,7 @@
         # that doesn't exist.
         params = {'limit': 9999, 'format': 'json'}
-                          self.container_client.list_container_contents,
+                          self.container_client.list_container_objects,
                           'nonexistent_container_name', params)
@@ -155,7 +162,7 @@
         self.assertHeaders(resp, 'Container', 'DELETE')
         params = {'limit': 9999, 'format': 'json'}
-                          self.container_client.list_container_contents,
+                          self.container_client.list_container_objects,
                           container_name, params)
diff --git a/tempest/api/object_storage/ b/tempest/api/object_storage/
index 943011d..1243b83 100644
--- a/tempest/api/object_storage/
+++ b/tempest/api/object_storage/
@@ -14,10 +14,10 @@
 from tempest.api.object_storage import base
 from tempest.common import custom_matchers
+from tempest.common import utils
 from tempest.lib.common.utils import data_utils
 from tempest.lib import decorators
 from tempest.lib import exceptions as lib_exc
-from tempest import test
 class StaticWebTest(base.BaseObjectTest):
@@ -34,10 +34,10 @@
         cls.object_name, cls.object_data = cls.create_object(
-        cls.container_client.update_container_metadata(
+        cls.container_client.create_update_or_delete_container_metadata(
-            metadata=headers_public_read_acl,
-            metadata_prefix="X-Container-")
+            create_update_metadata=headers_public_read_acl,
+            create_update_metadata_prefix="X-Container-")
     def resource_cleanup(cls):
@@ -45,12 +45,12 @@
         super(StaticWebTest, cls).resource_cleanup()
-    @test.requires_ext(extension='staticweb', service='object')
+    @utils.requires_ext(extension='staticweb', service='object')
     def test_web_index(self):
         headers = {'web-index': self.object_name}
-        self.container_client.update_container_metadata(
-            self.container_name, metadata=headers)
+        self.container_client.create_update_or_delete_container_metadata(
+            self.container_name, create_update_metadata=headers)
         # Maintain original headers, no auth added
@@ -68,20 +68,21 @@
         self.assertEqual(body, self.object_data)
         # clean up before exiting
-        self.container_client.update_container_metadata(self.container_name,
-                                                        {'web-index': ""})
+        self.container_client.create_update_or_delete_container_metadata(
+            self.container_name,
+            create_update_metadata={'web-index': ""})
         _, body = self.container_client.list_container_metadata(
         self.assertNotIn('x-container-meta-web-index', body)
-    @test.requires_ext(extension='staticweb', service='object')
+    @utils.requires_ext(extension='staticweb', service='object')
     def test_web_listing(self):
         headers = {'web-listings': 'true'}
-        self.container_client.update_container_metadata(
-            self.container_name, metadata=headers)
+        self.container_client.create_update_or_delete_container_metadata(
+            self.container_name, create_update_metadata=headers)
         # test GET on http://account_url/container_name
         # we should retrieve a listing of objects
@@ -100,21 +101,21 @@
         self.assertIn(self.object_name, body.decode())
         # clean up before exiting
-        self.container_client.update_container_metadata(self.container_name,
-                                                        {'web-listings': ""})
+        self.container_client.create_update_or_delete_container_metadata(
+            self.container_name,
+            create_update_metadata={'web-listings': ""})
         _, body = self.container_client.list_container_metadata(
         self.assertNotIn('x-container-meta-web-listings', body)
-    @test.requires_ext(extension='staticweb', service='object')
+    @utils.requires_ext(extension='staticweb', service='object')
     def test_web_listing_css(self):
         headers = {'web-listings': 'true',
                    'web-listings-css': 'listings.css'}
-        self.container_client.update_container_metadata(
-            self.container_name, metadata=headers)
+        self.container_client.create_update_or_delete_container_metadata(
+            self.container_name, create_update_metadata=headers)
         # Maintain original headers, no auth added
@@ -131,13 +132,13 @@
         self.assertIn(css, body.decode())
-    @test.requires_ext(extension='staticweb', service='object')
+    @utils.requires_ext(extension='staticweb', service='object')
     def test_web_error(self):
         headers = {'web-listings': 'true',
                    'web-error': self.object_name}
-        self.container_client.update_container_metadata(
-            self.container_name, metadata=headers)
+        self.container_client.create_update_or_delete_container_metadata(
+            self.container_name, create_update_metadata=headers)
         # Create object to return when requested object not found
         object_name_404 = "404" + self.object_name
diff --git a/tempest/api/object_storage/ b/tempest/api/object_storage/
index 4cb1914..322579c 100644
--- a/tempest/api/object_storage/
+++ b/tempest/api/object_storage/
@@ -33,15 +33,12 @@
 class ContainerSyncTest(base.BaseObjectTest):
-    clients = {}
     credentials = [['operator', CONF.object_storage.operator_role],
                    ['operator_alt', CONF.object_storage.operator_role]]
     def setup_credentials(cls):
         super(ContainerSyncTest, cls).setup_credentials()
-        cls.os = cls.os_roles_operator
         cls.os_alt = cls.os_roles_operator_alt
@@ -55,6 +52,7 @@
         super(ContainerSyncTest, cls).resource_setup()
         cls.containers = []
         cls.objects = []
+        cls.clients = {}
         # Default container-server config only allows localhost
         cls.local_ip = ''
@@ -73,14 +71,12 @@
             (cls.container_client_alt, cls.object_client_alt)
         for cont_name, client in cls.clients.items():
+            cls.addClassResourceCleanup(base.delete_containers,
+                                        cont_name,
+                                        client[0],
+                                        client[1])
-    @classmethod
-    def resource_cleanup(cls):
-        for client in cls.clients.values():
-            cls.delete_containers(client[0], client[1])
-        super(ContainerSyncTest, cls).resource_cleanup()
     def _test_container_synchronization(self, make_headers):
         # container to container synchronization
         # to allow/accept sync requests to/from other accounts
@@ -103,7 +99,7 @@
         while self.attempts > 0:
             object_lists = []
             for c_client, cont in zip(cont_client, self.containers):
-                resp, object_list = c_client.list_container_contents(
+                resp, object_list = c_client.list_container_objects(
                     cont, params=params)
                     (obj['name'], obj) for obj in object_list))
diff --git a/tempest/api/object_storage/ b/tempest/api/object_storage/
index 9eae138..e77b079 100644
--- a/tempest/api/object_storage/
+++ b/tempest/api/object_storage/
@@ -13,9 +13,9 @@
 #    under the License.
 from tempest.api.object_storage import test_container_sync
+from tempest.common import utils
 from tempest import config
 from tempest.lib import decorators
-from tempest import test
 CONF = config.CONF
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@
-    @test.requires_ext(extension='container_sync', service='object')
+    @utils.requires_ext(extension='container_sync', service='object')
     def test_container_synchronization(self):
         def make_headers(cont, cont_client):
             # tell first container to synchronize to a second
diff --git a/tempest/api/object_storage/ b/tempest/api/object_storage/
index c47aa93..f61d9f8 100644
--- a/tempest/api/object_storage/
+++ b/tempest/api/object_storage/
@@ -14,8 +14,8 @@
 from tempest.api.object_storage import base
 from tempest.common import custom_matchers
+from tempest.common import utils
 from tempest.lib import decorators
-from tempest import test
 class CrossdomainTest(base.BaseObjectTest):
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@
-    @test.requires_ext(extension='crossdomain', service='object')
+    @utils.requires_ext(extension='crossdomain', service='object')
     def test_get_crossdomain_policy(self):
         resp, body = self.account_client.get("crossdomain.xml", {})
         body = body.decode()
diff --git a/tempest/api/object_storage/ b/tempest/api/object_storage/
index ed1be90..86f7c8c 100644
--- a/tempest/api/object_storage/
+++ b/tempest/api/object_storage/
@@ -40,10 +40,10 @@
     def _test_object_expiry(self, metadata):
         # update object metadata
         resp, _ = \
-            self.object_client.update_object_metadata(self.container_name,
-                                                      self.object_name,
-                                                      metadata,
-                                                      metadata_prefix='')
+            self.object_client.create_or_update_object_metadata(
+                self.container_name,
+                self.object_name,
+                headers=metadata)
         # verify object metadata
         resp, _ = \
diff --git a/tempest/api/object_storage/ b/tempest/api/object_storage/
index 3a2233a..cd834bf 100644
--- a/tempest/api/object_storage/
+++ b/tempest/api/object_storage/
@@ -19,9 +19,9 @@
 from six.moves.urllib import parse as urlparse
 from tempest.api.object_storage import base
+from tempest.common import utils
 from tempest.lib.common.utils import data_utils
 from tempest.lib import decorators
-from tempest import test
 class ObjectFormPostTest(base.BaseObjectTest):
@@ -108,7 +108,7 @@
         return body, content_type
-    @test.requires_ext(extension='formpost', service='object')
+    @utils.requires_ext(extension='formpost', service='object')
     def test_post_object_using_form(self):
         body, content_type = self.get_multipart_form()
diff --git a/tempest/api/object_storage/ b/tempest/api/object_storage/
index c56d91a..df6a0fd 100644
--- a/tempest/api/object_storage/
+++ b/tempest/api/object_storage/
@@ -19,10 +19,10 @@
 from six.moves.urllib import parse as urlparse
 from tempest.api.object_storage import base
+from tempest.common import utils
 from tempest.lib.common.utils import data_utils
 from tempest.lib import decorators
 from tempest.lib import exceptions as lib_exc
-from tempest import test
 class ObjectFormPostNegativeTest(base.BaseObjectTest):
@@ -109,7 +109,7 @@
         return body, content_type
-    @test.requires_ext(extension='formpost', service='object')
+    @utils.requires_ext(extension='formpost', service='object')
     def test_post_object_using_form_expired(self):
         body, content_type = self.get_multipart_form(expires=1)
@@ -126,7 +126,7 @@
         self.assertIn('FormPost: Form Expired', str(exc))
-    @test.requires_ext(extension='formpost', service='object')
+    @utils.requires_ext(extension='formpost', service='object')
     def test_post_object_using_form_invalid_signature(self):
         self.key = "Wrong"
diff --git a/tempest/api/object_storage/ b/tempest/api/object_storage/
index b29a77f..acb578d 100644
--- a/tempest/api/object_storage/
+++ b/tempest/api/object_storage/
@@ -48,8 +48,9 @@
         data_segments = [data + str(i) for i in range(segments)]
         # uploading segments
         for i in range(segments):
-            self.object_client.create_object_segments(
-                self.container_name, object_name, i, data_segments[i])
+            obj_name = "%s/%s" % (object_name, i)
+            self.object_client.create_object(
+                self.container_name, obj_name, data_segments[i])
         return object_name, data_segments
@@ -184,12 +185,15 @@
         # create object with transfer_encoding
         object_name = data_utils.rand_name(name='TestObject')
         data = data_utils.random_bytes(1024)
-        _, _, resp_headers = self.object_client.put_object_with_chunk(
-            container=self.container_name,
-            name=object_name,
-            contents=data_utils.chunkify(data, 512)
-        )
-        self.assertHeaders(resp_headers, 'Object', 'PUT')
+        headers = {'Transfer-Encoding': 'chunked'}
+        resp, _ = self.object_client.create_object(
+            self.container_name,
+            object_name,
+            data=data_utils.chunkify(data, 512),
+            headers=headers,
+            chunked=True)
+        self.assertHeaders(resp, 'Object', 'PUT')
         # check uploaded content
         _, body = self.object_client.get_object(self.container_name,
@@ -325,11 +329,10 @@
         object_name, _ = self.create_object(self.container_name)
         metadata = {'X-Object-Meta-test-meta': 'Meta'}
-        resp, _ = self.object_client.update_object_metadata(
+        resp, _ = self.object_client.create_or_update_object_metadata(
-            metadata,
-            metadata_prefix='')
+            headers=metadata)
         self.assertHeaders(resp, 'Object', 'POST')
         resp, _ = self.object_client.list_object_metadata(
@@ -350,11 +353,10 @@
         update_metadata = {'X-Remove-Object-Meta-test-meta1': 'Meta1'}
-        resp, _ = self.object_client.update_object_metadata(
+        resp, _ = self.object_client.create_or_update_object_metadata(
-            update_metadata,
-            metadata_prefix='')
+            headers=update_metadata)
         self.assertHeaders(resp, 'Object', 'POST')
         resp, _ = self.object_client.list_object_metadata(
@@ -375,11 +377,10 @@
         update_metadata = {'X-Object-Meta-test-meta2': 'Meta2',
                            'X-Remove-Object-Meta-test-meta1': 'Meta1'}
-        resp, _ = self.object_client.update_object_metadata(
+        resp, _ = self.object_client.create_or_update_object_metadata(
-            update_metadata,
-            metadata_prefix='')
+            headers=update_metadata)
         self.assertHeaders(resp, 'Object', 'POST')
         resp, _ = self.object_client.list_object_metadata(
@@ -403,11 +404,10 @@
         object_prefix = '%s/%s' % (self.container_name, object_name)
         update_metadata = {'X-Object-Manifest': object_prefix}
-        resp, _ = self.object_client.update_object_metadata(
+        resp, _ = self.object_client.create_or_update_object_metadata(
-            update_metadata,
-            metadata_prefix='')
+            headers=update_metadata)
         self.assertHeaders(resp, 'Object', 'POST')
         resp, _ = self.object_client.list_object_metadata(
@@ -422,11 +422,10 @@
         object_name, _ = self.create_object(self.container_name)
         update_metadata = {'X-Object-Meta-test-meta': ''}
-        resp, _ = self.object_client.update_object_metadata(
+        resp, _ = self.object_client.create_or_update_object_metadata(
-            update_metadata,
-            metadata_prefix='')
+            headers=update_metadata)
         self.assertHeaders(resp, 'Object', 'POST')
         resp, _ = self.object_client.list_object_metadata(
@@ -447,11 +446,10 @@
         update_metadata = {'X-Remove-Object-Meta-test-meta': ''}
-        resp, _ = self.object_client.update_object_metadata(
+        resp, _ = self.object_client.create_or_update_object_metadata(
-            update_metadata,
-            metadata_prefix='')
+            headers=update_metadata)
         self.assertHeaders(resp, 'Object', 'POST')
         resp, _ = self.object_client.list_object_metadata(
@@ -728,8 +726,13 @@
         # copy source object to destination
-        resp, _ = self.object_client.copy_object_in_same_container(
-            self.container_name, src_object_name, dst_object_name)
+        headers = {}
+        headers['X-Copy-From'] = "%s/%s" % (str(self.container_name),
+                                            str(src_object_name))
+        resp, body = self.object_client.create_object(self.container_name,
+                                                      dst_object_name,
+                                                      data=None,
+                                                      headers=headers)
         self.assertHeaders(resp, 'Object', 'PUT')
         # check data
@@ -749,8 +752,14 @@
         # change the content type of the object
         metadata = {'content-type': 'text/plain; charset=UTF-8'}
         self.assertNotEqual(resp_tmp['content-type'], metadata['content-type'])
-        resp, _ = self.object_client.copy_object_in_same_container(
-            self.container_name, object_name, object_name, metadata)
+        headers = {}
+        headers['X-Copy-From'] = "%s/%s" % (str(self.container_name),
+                                            str(object_name))
+        resp, body = self.object_client.create_object(self.container_name,
+                                                      object_name,
+                                                      data=None,
+                                                      metadata=metadata,
+                                                      headers=headers)
         self.assertHeaders(resp, 'Object', 'PUT')
         # check the content type
@@ -786,12 +795,12 @@
     def test_copy_object_across_containers(self):
         # create a container to use as a source container
         src_container_name = data_utils.rand_name(name='TestSourceContainer')
-        self.container_client.create_container(src_container_name)
+        self.container_client.update_container(src_container_name)
         # create a container to use as a destination container
         dst_container_name = data_utils.rand_name(
-        self.container_client.create_container(dst_container_name)
+        self.container_client.update_container(dst_container_name)
         # create object in source container
         object_name = data_utils.rand_name(name='Object')
@@ -801,16 +810,21 @@
         # set object metadata
         meta_key = data_utils.rand_name(name='test')
         meta_value = data_utils.rand_name(name='MetaValue')
-        orig_metadata = {meta_key: meta_value}
-        resp, _ = self.object_client.update_object_metadata(src_container_name,
-                                                            object_name,
-                                                            orig_metadata)
+        orig_metadata = {'X-Object-Meta-' + meta_key: meta_value}
+        resp, _ = self.object_client.create_or_update_object_metadata(
+            src_container_name,
+            object_name,
+            headers=orig_metadata)
         self.assertHeaders(resp, 'Object', 'POST')
         # copy object from source container to destination container
-        resp, _ = self.object_client.copy_object_across_containers(
-            src_container_name, object_name, dst_container_name,
-            object_name)
+        headers = {}
+        headers['X-Copy-From'] = "%s/%s" % (str(src_container_name),
+                                            str(object_name))
+        resp, body = self.object_client.create_object(dst_container_name,
+                                                      object_name,
+                                                      data=None,
+                                                      headers=headers)
         self.assertHeaders(resp, 'Object', 'PUT')
         # check if object is present in destination container
@@ -897,8 +911,9 @@
         data_segments = [data + str(i) for i in range(segments)]
         # uploading segments
         for i in range(segments):
-            resp, _ = self.object_client.create_object_segments(
-                self.container_name, object_name, i, data_segments[i])
+            obj_name = "%s/%s" % (object_name, i)
+            resp, _ = self.object_client.create_object(
+                self.container_name, obj_name, data_segments[i])
         # creating a manifest file
         metadata = {'X-Object-Manifest': '%s/%s/'
                     % (self.container_name, object_name)}
@@ -906,8 +921,8 @@
                                                    object_name, data='')
         self.assertHeaders(resp, 'Object', 'PUT')
-        resp, _ = self.object_client.update_object_metadata(
-            self.container_name, object_name, metadata, metadata_prefix='')
+        resp, _ = self.object_client.create_or_update_object_metadata(
+            self.container_name, object_name, headers=metadata)
         self.assertHeaders(resp, 'Object', 'POST')
         resp, _ = self.object_client.list_object_metadata(
@@ -967,18 +982,17 @@
     def setup_credentials(cls):
         super(PublicObjectTest, cls).setup_credentials()
-        cls.os = cls.os_roles_operator
         cls.os_alt = cls.os_roles_operator_alt
     def setup_clients(cls):
         super(PublicObjectTest, cls).setup_clients()
-        cls.identity_client_alt = cls.os_alt.identity_client
+        cls.object_client_alt = cls.os_alt.object_client
     def setUp(self):
         super(PublicObjectTest, self).setUp()
         self.container_name = data_utils.rand_name(name='TestContainer')
-        self.container_client.create_container(self.container_name)
+        self.container_client.update_container(self.container_name)
     def tearDown(self):
@@ -991,8 +1005,11 @@
         # update container metadata to make it publicly readable
         cont_headers = {'X-Container-Read': '.r:*,.rlistings'}
-        resp_meta, body = self.container_client.update_container_metadata(
-            self.container_name, metadata=cont_headers, metadata_prefix='')
+        resp_meta, body = (
+            self.container_client.create_update_or_delete_container_metadata(
+                self.container_name,
+                create_update_metadata=cont_headers,
+                create_update_metadata_prefix=''))
         self.assertHeaders(resp_meta, 'Container', 'POST')
         # create object
@@ -1026,9 +1043,10 @@
         # make container public-readable and access an object in it using
         # another user's credentials
         cont_headers = {'X-Container-Read': '.r:*,.rlistings'}
-        resp_meta, body = self.container_client.update_container_metadata(
-            self.container_name, metadata=cont_headers,
-            metadata_prefix='')
+        resp_meta, body = (
+            self.container_client.create_update_or_delete_container_metadata(
+                self.container_name, create_update_metadata=cont_headers,
+                create_update_metadata_prefix=''))
         self.assertHeaders(resp_meta, 'Container', 'POST')
         # create object
@@ -1047,7 +1065,7 @@
         self.assertEqual(resp['x-container-read'], '.r:*,.rlistings')
         # get auth token of alternative user
-        alt_auth_data = self.identity_client_alt.auth_provider.auth_data
+        alt_auth_data = self.object_client_alt.auth_provider.auth_data
diff --git a/tempest/api/object_storage/ b/tempest/api/object_storage/
index 894e42d..c66776e 100644
--- a/tempest/api/object_storage/
+++ b/tempest/api/object_storage/
@@ -18,10 +18,10 @@
 from tempest.api.object_storage import base
 from tempest.common import custom_matchers
+from tempest.common import utils
 from tempest.lib.common.utils import data_utils
 from tempest.lib.common.utils import test_utils
 from tempest.lib import decorators
-from tempest import test
 # Each segment, except for the final one, must be at least 1 megabyte
 MIN_SEGMENT_SIZE = 1024 * 1024
@@ -107,7 +107,7 @@
         self.assertHeaders(resp, 'Object', method)
-    @test.requires_ext(extension='slo', service='object')
+    @utils.requires_ext(extension='slo', service='object')
     def test_upload_manifest(self):
         # create static large object from multipart manifest
         manifest = self._create_manifest()
@@ -122,7 +122,7 @@
         self._assertHeadersSLO(resp, 'PUT')
-    @test.requires_ext(extension='slo', service='object')
+    @utils.requires_ext(extension='slo', service='object')
     def test_list_large_object_metadata(self):
         # list static large object metadata using multipart manifest
         object_name = self._create_large_object()
@@ -134,7 +134,7 @@
         self._assertHeadersSLO(resp, 'HEAD')
-    @test.requires_ext(extension='slo', service='object')
+    @utils.requires_ext(extension='slo', service='object')
     def test_retrieve_large_object(self):
         # list static large object using multipart manifest
         object_name = self._create_large_object()
@@ -149,7 +149,7 @@
         self.assertEqual(body, sum_data)
-    @test.requires_ext(extension='slo', service='object')
+    @utils.requires_ext(extension='slo', service='object')
     def test_delete_large_object(self):
         # delete static large object using multipart manifest
         object_name = self._create_large_object()
@@ -172,6 +172,6 @@
         # Check only the format of common headers with custom matcher
         self.assertThat(resp, custom_matchers.AreAllWellFormatted())
-        resp, body = self.container_client.list_container_contents(
+        resp, body = self.container_client.list_container_objects(
         self.assertEqual(int(resp['x-container-object-count']), 0)
diff --git a/tempest/api/object_storage/ b/tempest/api/object_storage/
index 91bc677..b99f93a 100644
--- a/tempest/api/object_storage/
+++ b/tempest/api/object_storage/
@@ -19,9 +19,9 @@
 from six.moves.urllib import parse as urlparse
 from tempest.api.object_storage import base
+from tempest.common import utils
 from tempest.lib.common.utils import data_utils
 from tempest.lib import decorators
-from tempest import test
 class ObjectTempUrlTest(base.BaseObjectTest):
@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@
         return url
-    @test.requires_ext(extension='tempurl', service='object')
+    @utils.requires_ext(extension='tempurl', service='object')
     def test_get_object_using_temp_url(self):
         expires = self._get_expiry_date()
@@ -103,11 +103,11 @@
         self.assertEqual(body, self.content)
         # Testing a HEAD on this Temp URL
-        resp, body = self.object_client.head(url)
+        resp, _ = self.object_client.head(url)
         self.assertHeaders(resp, 'Object', 'HEAD')
-    @test.requires_ext(extension='tempurl', service='object')
+    @utils.requires_ext(extension='tempurl', service='object')
     def test_get_object_using_temp_url_key_2(self):
         key2 = 'Meta2-'
         metadata = {'Temp-URL-Key-2': key2}
@@ -132,7 +132,7 @@
         self.assertEqual(body, self.content)
-    @test.requires_ext(extension='tempurl', service='object')
+    @utils.requires_ext(extension='tempurl', service='object')
     def test_put_object_using_temp_url(self):
         new_data = data_utils.random_bytes(size=len(self.object_name))
@@ -142,11 +142,11 @@
                                  expires, self.key)
         # trying to put random data in the object using temp url
-        resp, body = self.object_client.put(url, new_data, None)
+        resp, _ = self.object_client.put(url, new_data, None)
         self.assertHeaders(resp, 'Object', 'PUT')
         # Testing a HEAD on this Temp URL
-        resp, body = self.object_client.head(url)
+        resp, _ = self.object_client.head(url)
         self.assertHeaders(resp, 'Object', 'HEAD')
         # Validate that the content of the object has been modified
@@ -158,7 +158,7 @@
         self.assertEqual(body, new_data)
-    @test.requires_ext(extension='tempurl', service='object')
+    @utils.requires_ext(extension='tempurl', service='object')
     def test_head_object_using_temp_url(self):
         expires = self._get_expiry_date()
@@ -172,7 +172,7 @@
         self.assertHeaders(resp, 'Object', 'HEAD')
-    @test.requires_ext(extension='tempurl', service='object')
+    @utils.requires_ext(extension='tempurl', service='object')
     def test_get_object_using_temp_url_with_inline_query_parameter(self):
         expires = self._get_expiry_date()
diff --git a/tempest/api/object_storage/ b/tempest/api/object_storage/
index c7d1fd5..17ae6c1 100644
--- a/tempest/api/object_storage/
+++ b/tempest/api/object_storage/
@@ -19,10 +19,10 @@
 from six.moves.urllib import parse as urlparse
 from tempest.api.object_storage import base
+from tempest.common import utils
 from tempest.lib.common.utils import data_utils
 from tempest.lib import decorators
 from tempest.lib import exceptions as lib_exc
-from tempest import test
 class ObjectTempUrlNegativeTest(base.BaseObjectTest):
@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@
-    @test.requires_ext(extension='tempurl', service='object')
+    @utils.requires_ext(extension='tempurl', service='object')
     def test_get_object_after_expiration_time(self):
         expires = self._get_expiry_date(1)
diff --git a/tempest/api/object_storage/ b/tempest/api/object_storage/
index dc0d179..75111b6 100644
--- a/tempest/api/object_storage/
+++ b/tempest/api/object_storage/
@@ -24,16 +24,6 @@
 class ContainerTest(base.BaseObjectTest):
-    @classmethod
-    def resource_setup(cls):
-        super(ContainerTest, cls).resource_setup()
-        cls.containers = []
-    @classmethod
-    def resource_cleanup(cls):
-        cls.delete_containers()
-        super(ContainerTest, cls).resource_cleanup()
     def assertContainer(self, container, count, byte, versioned):
         resp, _ = self.container_client.list_container_metadata(container)
         self.assertHeaders(resp, 'Container', 'HEAD')
@@ -51,19 +41,23 @@
     def test_versioned_container(self):
         # create container
         vers_container_name = data_utils.rand_name(name='TestVersionContainer')
-        resp, body = self.container_client.create_container(
-            vers_container_name)
-        self.containers.append(vers_container_name)
+        resp, _ = self.container_client.update_container(vers_container_name)
+        self.addCleanup(base.delete_containers,
+                        [vers_container_name],
+                        self.container_client,
+                        self.object_client)
         self.assertHeaders(resp, 'Container', 'PUT')
         self.assertContainer(vers_container_name, '0', '0', 'Missing Header')
         base_container_name = data_utils.rand_name(name='TestBaseContainer')
         headers = {'X-versions-Location': vers_container_name}
-        resp, body = self.container_client.create_container(
+        resp, _ = self.container_client.update_container(
-            metadata=headers,
-            metadata_prefix='')
-        self.containers.append(base_container_name)
+            **headers)
+        self.addCleanup(base.delete_containers,
+                        [base_container_name],
+                        self.container_client,
+                        self.object_client)
         self.assertHeaders(resp, 'Container', 'PUT')
         self.assertContainer(base_container_name, '0', '0',
@@ -76,20 +70,20 @@
         data_2 = data_utils.random_bytes()
         resp, _ = self.object_client.create_object(base_container_name,
                                                    object_name, data_2)
-        resp, body = self.object_client.get_object(base_container_name,
-                                                   object_name)
+        _, body = self.object_client.get_object(base_container_name,
+                                                object_name)
         self.assertEqual(body, data_2)
         # delete object version 2
         resp, _ = self.object_client.delete_object(base_container_name,
         self.assertContainer(base_container_name, '1', '1024',
-        resp, body = self.object_client.get_object(base_container_name,
-                                                   object_name)
+        _, body = self.object_client.get_object(base_container_name,
+                                                object_name)
         self.assertEqual(body, data_1)
         # delete object version 1
-        resp, _ = self.object_client.delete_object(base_container_name,
-                                                   object_name)
+        self.object_client.delete_object(base_container_name,
+                                         object_name)
         # containers should be empty
         self.assertContainer(base_container_name, '0', '0',
diff --git a/tempest/api/volume/admin/ b/tempest/api/volume/admin/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..45f4caa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tempest/api/volume/admin/
@@ -0,0 +1,202 @@
+# Copyright 2017 FiberHome Telecommunication Technologies CO.,LTD
+# Copyright (C) 2017 Dell Inc. or its subsidiaries.
+# All Rights Reserved.
+#    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+#    not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+#    a copy of the License at
+#    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+#    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+#    WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+#    License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+#    under the License.
+from tempest.api.volume import base
+from tempest.common import waiters
+from tempest import config
+from tempest.lib.common.utils import data_utils
+from tempest.lib.common.utils import test_utils
+from tempest.lib import decorators
+CONF = config.CONF
+class BaseGroupSnapshotsTest(base.BaseVolumeAdminTest):
+    @classmethod
+    def skip_checks(cls):
+        super(BaseGroupSnapshotsTest, cls).skip_checks()
+        if not CONF.volume_feature_enabled.snapshot:
+            raise cls.skipException("Cinder volume snapshots are disabled")
+    def _create_group_snapshot(self, **kwargs):
+        if 'name' not in kwargs:
+            kwargs['name'] = data_utils.rand_name(
+                self.__class__.__name__ + '-Group_Snapshot')
+        group_snapshot = self.group_snapshots_client.create_group_snapshot(
+            **kwargs)['group_snapshot']
+        group_snapshot['group_id'] = kwargs['group_id']
+        self.addCleanup(test_utils.call_and_ignore_notfound_exc,
+                        self._delete_group_snapshot, group_snapshot)
+        waiters.wait_for_volume_resource_status(
+            self.group_snapshots_client, group_snapshot['id'], 'available')
+        return group_snapshot
+    def _delete_group_snapshot(self, group_snapshot):
+        self.group_snapshots_client.delete_group_snapshot(group_snapshot['id'])
+        vols = self.volumes_client.list_volumes(detail=True)['volumes']
+        snapshots = self.snapshots_client.list_snapshots(
+            detail=True)['snapshots']
+        for vol in vols:
+            for snap in snapshots:
+                if (vol['group_id'] == group_snapshot['group_id'] and
+                        vol['id'] == snap['volume_id']):
+                    self.snapshots_client.wait_for_resource_deletion(
+                        snap['id'])
+        self.group_snapshots_client.wait_for_resource_deletion(
+            group_snapshot['id'])
+class GroupSnapshotsTest(BaseGroupSnapshotsTest):
+    _api_version = 3
+    min_microversion = '3.14'
+    max_microversion = 'latest'
+    @decorators.idempotent_id('1298e537-f1f0-47a3-a1dd-8adec8168897')
+    def test_group_snapshot_create_show_list_delete(self):
+        # Create volume type
+        volume_type = self.create_volume_type()
+        # Create group type
+        group_type = self.create_group_type()
+        # Create group
+        grp = self.create_group(group_type=group_type['id'],
+                                volume_types=[volume_type['id']])
+        # Create volume
+        vol = self.create_volume(volume_type=volume_type['id'],
+                                 group_id=grp['id'])
+        # Create group snapshot
+        group_snapshot_name = data_utils.rand_name('group_snapshot')
+        group_snapshot = self._create_group_snapshot(
+            group_id=grp['id'], name=group_snapshot_name)
+        snapshots = self.snapshots_client.list_snapshots(
+            detail=True)['snapshots']
+        for snap in snapshots:
+            if vol['id'] == snap['volume_id']:
+                waiters.wait_for_volume_resource_status(
+                    self.snapshots_client, snap['id'], 'available')
+        self.assertEqual(group_snapshot_name, group_snapshot['name'])
+        # Get a given group snapshot
+        group_snapshot = self.group_snapshots_client.show_group_snapshot(
+            group_snapshot['id'])['group_snapshot']
+        self.assertEqual(group_snapshot_name, group_snapshot['name'])
+        # Get all group snapshots with details, check some detail-specific
+        # elements, and look for the created group snapshot
+        group_snapshots = self.group_snapshots_client.list_group_snapshots(
+            detail=True)['group_snapshots']
+        for grp_snapshot in group_snapshots:
+            self.assertIn('created_at', grp_snapshot)
+            self.assertIn('group_id', grp_snapshot)
+        self.assertIn((group_snapshot['name'], group_snapshot['id']),
+                      [(m['name'], m['id']) for m in group_snapshots])
+        # Delete group snapshot
+        self._delete_group_snapshot(group_snapshot)
+        group_snapshots = self.group_snapshots_client.list_group_snapshots()[
+            'group_snapshots']
+        self.assertEmpty(group_snapshots)
+    @decorators.idempotent_id('eff52c70-efc7-45ed-b47a-4ad675d09b81')
+    def test_create_group_from_group_snapshot(self):
+        # Create volume type
+        volume_type = self.create_volume_type()
+        # Create group type
+        group_type = self.create_group_type()
+        # Create Group
+        grp = self.create_group(group_type=group_type['id'],
+                                volume_types=[volume_type['id']])
+        # Create volume
+        vol = self.create_volume(volume_type=volume_type['id'],
+                                 group_id=grp['id'])
+        # Create group_snapshot
+        group_snapshot_name = data_utils.rand_name('group_snapshot')
+        group_snapshot = self._create_group_snapshot(
+            group_id=grp['id'], name=group_snapshot_name)
+        self.assertEqual(group_snapshot_name, group_snapshot['name'])
+        snapshots = self.snapshots_client.list_snapshots(
+            detail=True)['snapshots']
+        for snap in snapshots:
+            if vol['id'] == snap['volume_id']:
+                waiters.wait_for_volume_resource_status(
+                    self.snapshots_client, snap['id'], 'available')
+        # Create Group from Group snapshot
+        grp_name2 = data_utils.rand_name('Group_from_snap')
+        grp2 = self.groups_client.create_group_from_source(
+            group_snapshot_id=group_snapshot['id'], name=grp_name2)['group']
+        self.addCleanup(self.delete_group, grp2['id'])
+        self.assertEqual(grp_name2, grp2['name'])
+        vols = self.volumes_client.list_volumes(detail=True)['volumes']
+        for vol in vols:
+            if vol['group_id'] == grp2['id']:
+                waiters.wait_for_volume_resource_status(
+                    self.volumes_client, vol['id'], 'available')
+        waiters.wait_for_volume_resource_status(
+            self.groups_client, grp2['id'], 'available')
+class GroupSnapshotsV319Test(BaseGroupSnapshotsTest):
+    _api_version = 3
+    min_microversion = '3.19'
+    max_microversion = 'latest'
+    @decorators.idempotent_id('3b42c9b9-c984-4444-816e-ca2e1ed30b40')
+    def test_reset_group_snapshot_status(self):
+        # Create volume type
+        volume_type = self.create_volume_type()
+        # Create group type
+        group_type = self.create_group_type()
+        # Create group
+        group = self.create_group(group_type=group_type['id'],
+                                  volume_types=[volume_type['id']])
+        # Create volume
+        volume = self.create_volume(volume_type=volume_type['id'],
+                                    group_id=group['id'])
+        # Create group snapshot
+        group_snapshot = self._create_group_snapshot(group_id=group['id'])
+        snapshots = self.snapshots_client.list_snapshots(
+            detail=True)['snapshots']
+        for snap in snapshots:
+            if volume['id'] == snap['volume_id']:
+                waiters.wait_for_volume_resource_status(
+                    self.snapshots_client, snap['id'], 'available')
+        # Reset group snapshot status
+        self.addCleanup(waiters.wait_for_volume_resource_status,
+                        self.group_snapshots_client,
+                        group_snapshot['id'], 'available')
+        self.addCleanup(
+            self.admin_group_snapshots_client.reset_group_snapshot_status,
+            group_snapshot['id'], 'available')
+        for status in ['creating', 'available', 'error']:
+            self.admin_group_snapshots_client.reset_group_snapshot_status(
+                group_snapshot['id'], status)
+            waiters.wait_for_volume_resource_status(
+                self.group_snapshots_client, group_snapshot['id'], status)
diff --git a/tempest/api/volume/admin/ b/tempest/api/volume/admin/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c5e6d1a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tempest/api/volume/admin/
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+# Copyright 2017 FiberHome Telecommunication Technologies CO.,LTD
+# All Rights Reserved.
+#    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+#    not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+#    a copy of the License at
+#    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+#    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+#    WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+#    License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+#    under the License.
+from tempest.api.volume import base
+from tempest.lib import decorators
+from tempest.lib import exceptions as lib_exc
+class GroupTypeSpecsTest(base.BaseVolumeAdminTest):
+    _api_version = 3
+    min_microversion = '3.11'
+    max_microversion = 'latest'
+    @decorators.idempotent_id('bb4e30d0-de6e-4f4d-866c-dcc48d023b4e')
+    def test_group_type_specs_create_show_update_list_delete(self):
+        # Create new group type
+        group_type = self.create_group_type()
+        # Create new group type specs
+        create_specs = {
+            "key1": "value1",
+            "key2": "value2"
+        }
+        body = self.admin_group_types_client.create_or_update_group_type_specs(
+            group_type['id'], create_specs)['group_specs']
+        self.assertEqual(create_specs, body)
+        # Create a new group type spec and update an existing group type spec
+        update_specs = {
+            "key2": "value2-updated",
+            "key3": "value3"
+        }
+        body = self.admin_group_types_client.create_or_update_group_type_specs(
+            group_type['id'], update_specs)['group_specs']
+        self.assertEqual(update_specs, body)
+        # Show specified item of group type specs
+        spec_keys = ['key2', 'key3']
+        for key in spec_keys:
+            body = self.admin_group_types_client.show_group_type_specs_item(
+                group_type['id'], key)
+            self.assertIn(key, body)
+            self.assertEqual(update_specs[key], body[key])
+        # Update specified item of group type specs
+        update_key = 'key3'
+        update_spec = {update_key: "value3-updated"}
+        body = self.admin_group_types_client.update_group_type_specs_item(
+            group_type['id'], update_key, update_spec)
+        self.assertEqual(update_spec, body)
+        # List all group type specs that created or updated above
+        list_specs = {}
+        list_specs.update(create_specs)
+        list_specs.update(update_specs)
+        list_specs.update(update_spec)
+        body = self.admin_group_types_client.list_group_type_specs(
+            group_type['id'])['group_specs']
+        self.assertEqual(list_specs, body)
+        # Delete specified item of group type specs
+        delete_key = 'key1'
+        self.admin_group_types_client.delete_group_type_specs_item(
+            group_type['id'], delete_key)
+        self.assertRaises(
+            lib_exc.NotFound,
+            self.admin_group_types_client.show_group_type_specs_item,
+            group_type['id'], delete_key)
diff --git a/tempest/api/volume/admin/ b/tempest/api/volume/admin/
index 0df5fbd..6723207 100644
--- a/tempest/api/volume/admin/
+++ b/tempest/api/volume/admin/
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
     max_microversion = 'latest'
-    def test_group_type_create_list_show(self):
+    def test_group_type_create_list_update_show(self):
         # Create/list/show group type.
         name = data_utils.rand_name(self.__class__.__name__ + '-group-type')
         description = data_utils.rand_name("group-type-description")
@@ -46,8 +46,19 @@
         self.assertIsInstance(group_list, list)
+        update_params = {
+            'name': data_utils.rand_name(
+                self.__class__.__name__ + '-updated-group-type'),
+            'description': 'updated-group-type-desc'
+        }
+        updated_group_type = self.admin_group_types_client.update_group_type(
+            body['id'], **update_params)['group_type']
+        for key, expected_val in update_params.items():
+            self.assertEqual(expected_val, updated_group_type[key])
         fetched_group_type = self.admin_group_types_client.show_group_type(
+        params.update(update_params)  # Add updated params to original params.
         for key in params.keys():
             self.assertEqual(params[key], fetched_group_type[key],
                              '%s of the fetched group_type is different '
diff --git a/tempest/api/volume/admin/ b/tempest/api/volume/admin/
index 5f01166..2f6eb6b 100644
--- a/tempest/api/volume/admin/
+++ b/tempest/api/volume/admin/
@@ -17,7 +17,6 @@
 from tempest.common import waiters
 from tempest import config
 from tempest.lib.common.utils import data_utils
-from tempest.lib.common.utils import test_utils
 from tempest.lib import decorators
 CONF = config.CONF
@@ -25,46 +24,9 @@
 class GroupsTest(base.BaseVolumeAdminTest):
     _api_version = 3
-    min_microversion = '3.14'
+    min_microversion = '3.13'
     max_microversion = 'latest'
-    def _delete_group(self, grp_id, delete_volumes=True):
-        self.groups_client.delete_group(grp_id, delete_volumes)
-        vols = self.volumes_client.list_volumes(detail=True)['volumes']
-        for vol in vols:
-            if vol['group_id'] == grp_id:
-                self.volumes_client.wait_for_resource_deletion(vol['id'])
-        self.groups_client.wait_for_resource_deletion(grp_id)
-    def _delete_group_snapshot(self, group_snapshot_id, grp_id):
-        self.group_snapshots_client.delete_group_snapshot(
-            group_snapshot_id)
-        vols = self.volumes_client.list_volumes(detail=True)['volumes']
-        snapshots = self.snapshots_client.list_snapshots(
-            detail=True)['snapshots']
-        for vol in vols:
-            for snap in snapshots:
-                if (vol['group_id'] == grp_id and
-                        vol['id'] == snap['volume_id']):
-                    self.snapshots_client.wait_for_resource_deletion(
-                        snap['id'])
-        self.group_snapshots_client.wait_for_resource_deletion(
-            group_snapshot_id)
-    def _create_group(self, group_type, volume_type, grp_name=None):
-        if not grp_name:
-            grp_name = data_utils.rand_name('Group')
-        grp = self.groups_client.create_group(
-            group_type=group_type['id'],
-            volume_types=[volume_type['id']],
-            name=grp_name)['group']
-        self.addCleanup(test_utils.call_and_ignore_notfound_exc,
-                        self._delete_group, grp['id'])
-        waiters.wait_for_volume_resource_status(
-            self.groups_client, grp['id'], 'available')
-        self.assertEqual(grp_name, grp['name'])
-        return grp
     def test_group_create_show_list_delete(self):
         # Create volume type
@@ -75,13 +37,15 @@
         # Create group
         grp1_name = data_utils.rand_name('Group1')
-        grp1 = self._create_group(group_type, volume_type,
-                                  grp_name=grp1_name)
+        grp1 = self.create_group(group_type=group_type['id'],
+                                 volume_types=[volume_type['id']],
+                                 name=grp1_name)
         grp1_id = grp1['id']
         grp2_name = data_utils.rand_name('Group2')
-        grp2 = self._create_group(group_type, volume_type,
-                                  grp_name=grp2_name)
+        grp2 = self.create_group(group_type=group_type['id'],
+                                 volume_types=[volume_type['id']],
+                                 name=grp2_name)
         grp2_id = grp2['id']
         # Create volume
@@ -106,16 +70,16 @@
         self.assertEqual(grp2_id, grp2['id'])
         # Get all groups with detail
-        grps = self.groups_client.list_groups(
-            detail=True)['groups']
-        filtered_grps = [g for g in grps if g['id'] in [grp1_id, grp2_id]]
-        self.assertEqual(2, len(filtered_grps))
-        for grp in filtered_grps:
-            self.assertEqual([volume_type['id']], grp['volume_types'])
-            self.assertEqual(group_type['id'], grp['group_type'])
+        grps = self.groups_client.list_groups(detail=True)['groups']
+        for grp_id in [grp1_id, grp2_id]:
+            filtered_grps = [g for g in grps if g['id'] == grp_id]
+            self.assertEqual(1, len(filtered_grps))
+            self.assertEqual([volume_type['id']],
+                             filtered_grps[0]['volume_types'])
+            self.assertEqual(group_type['id'],
+                             filtered_grps[0]['group_type'])
-        vols = self.volumes_client.list_volumes(
-            detail=True)['volumes']
+        vols = self.volumes_client.list_volumes(detail=True)['volumes']
         filtered_vols = [v for v in vols if v['id'] in [vol1_id]]
         self.assertEqual(1, len(filtered_vols))
         for vol in filtered_vols:
@@ -123,66 +87,14 @@
         # Delete group
         # grp1 has a volume so delete_volumes flag is set to True by default
-        self._delete_group(grp1_id)
+        self.delete_group(grp1_id)
         # grp2 is empty so delete_volumes flag can be set to False
-        self._delete_group(grp2_id, delete_volumes=False)
-        grps = self.groups_client.list_groups(
-            detail=True)['groups']
+        self.delete_group(grp2_id, delete_volumes=False)
+        grps = self.groups_client.list_groups(detail=True)['groups']
-    @decorators.idempotent_id('1298e537-f1f0-47a3-a1dd-8adec8168897')
-    def test_group_snapshot_create_show_list_delete(self):
-        # Create volume type
-        volume_type = self.create_volume_type()
-        # Create group type
-        group_type = self.create_group_type()
-        # Create group
-        grp = self._create_group(group_type, volume_type)
-        # Create volume
-        vol = self.create_volume(volume_type=volume_type['id'],
-                                 group_id=grp['id'])
-        # Create group snapshot
-        group_snapshot_name = data_utils.rand_name('group_snapshot')
-        group_snapshot = (
-            self.group_snapshots_client.create_group_snapshot(
-                group_id=grp['id'],
-                name=group_snapshot_name)['group_snapshot'])
-        snapshots = self.snapshots_client.list_snapshots(
-            detail=True)['snapshots']
-        for snap in snapshots:
-            if vol['id'] == snap['volume_id']:
-                waiters.wait_for_volume_resource_status(
-                    self.snapshots_client, snap['id'], 'available')
-        waiters.wait_for_volume_resource_status(
-            self.group_snapshots_client,
-            group_snapshot['id'], 'available')
-        self.assertEqual(group_snapshot_name, group_snapshot['name'])
-        # Get a given group snapshot
-        group_snapshot = self.group_snapshots_client.show_group_snapshot(
-            group_snapshot['id'])['group_snapshot']
-        self.assertEqual(group_snapshot_name, group_snapshot['name'])
-        # Get all group snapshots with detail
-        group_snapshots = (
-            self.group_snapshots_client.list_group_snapshots(
-                detail=True)['group_snapshots'])
-        self.assertIn((group_snapshot['name'], group_snapshot['id']),
-                      [(m['name'], m['id']) for m in group_snapshots])
-        # Delete group snapshot
-        self._delete_group_snapshot(group_snapshot['id'], grp['id'])
-        group_snapshots = (
-            self.group_snapshots_client.list_group_snapshots(
-                detail=True)['group_snapshots'])
-        self.assertEmpty(group_snapshots)
-    @decorators.idempotent_id('eff52c70-efc7-45ed-b47a-4ad675d09b81')
-    def test_create_group_from_group_snapshot(self):
+    @decorators.idempotent_id('4a8a6fd2-8b3b-4641-8f54-6a6f99320006')
+    def test_group_update(self):
         # Create volume type
         volume_type = self.create_volume_type()
@@ -190,45 +102,57 @@
         group_type = self.create_group_type()
         # Create Group
-        grp = self._create_group(group_type, volume_type)
+        grp = self.create_group(group_type=group_type['id'],
+                                volume_types=[volume_type['id']])
-        # Create volume
-        vol = self.create_volume(volume_type=volume_type['id'],
-                                 group_id=grp['id'])
+        # Create volumes
+        grp_vols = []
+        for _ in range(2):
+            vol = self.create_volume(volume_type=volume_type['id'],
+                                     group_id=grp['id'])
+            grp_vols.append(vol)
+        vol2 = grp_vols[1]
-        # Create group_snapshot
-        group_snapshot_name = data_utils.rand_name('group_snapshot')
-        group_snapshot = (
-            self.group_snapshots_client.create_group_snapshot(
-                group_id=grp['id'],
-                name=group_snapshot_name)['group_snapshot'])
-        self.addCleanup(self._delete_group_snapshot,
-                        group_snapshot['id'], grp['id'])
-        self.assertEqual(group_snapshot_name, group_snapshot['name'])
-        snapshots = self.snapshots_client.list_snapshots(
-            detail=True)['snapshots']
-        for snap in snapshots:
-            if vol['id'] == snap['volume_id']:
-                waiters.wait_for_volume_resource_status(
-                    self.snapshots_client, snap['id'], 'available')
+        # Remove a volume from group and update name and description
+        new_grp_name = 'new_group'
+        new_desc = 'This is a new group'
+        grp_params = {'name': new_grp_name,
+                      'description': new_desc,
+                      'remove_volumes': vol2['id']}
+        self.groups_client.update_group(grp['id'], **grp_params)
+        # Wait for group status to become available
-            self.group_snapshots_client,
-            group_snapshot['id'], 'available')
+            self.groups_client, grp['id'], 'available')
-        # Create Group from Group snapshot
-        grp_name2 = data_utils.rand_name('Group_from_snap')
-        grp2 = self.groups_client.create_group_from_source(
-            group_snapshot_id=group_snapshot['id'],
-            name=grp_name2)['group']
-        self.addCleanup(self._delete_group, grp2['id'])
-        self.assertEqual(grp_name2, grp2['name'])
+        # Get the updated Group
+        grp = self.groups_client.show_group(grp['id'])['group']
+        self.assertEqual(new_grp_name, grp['name'])
+        self.assertEqual(new_desc, grp['description'])
+        # Get volumes in the group
         vols = self.volumes_client.list_volumes(detail=True)['volumes']
-        for vol in vols:
-            if vol['group_id'] == grp2['id']:
-                waiters.wait_for_volume_resource_status(
-                    self.volumes_client, vol['id'], 'available')
+        grp_vols = [v for v in vols if v['group_id'] == grp['id']]
+        self.assertEqual(1, len(grp_vols))
+        # Add a volume to the group
+        grp_params = {'add_volumes': vol2['id']}
+        self.groups_client.update_group(grp['id'], **grp_params)
+        # Wait for group status to become available
-            self.groups_client, grp2['id'], 'available')
+            self.groups_client, grp['id'], 'available')
+        # Get volumes in the group
+        vols = self.volumes_client.list_volumes(detail=True)['volumes']
+        grp_vols = [v for v in vols if v['group_id'] == grp['id']]
+        self.assertEqual(2, len(grp_vols))
+class GroupsV314Test(base.BaseVolumeAdminTest):
+    _api_version = 3
+    min_microversion = '3.14'
+    max_microversion = 'latest'
     def test_create_group_from_group(self):
@@ -239,7 +163,8 @@
         group_type = self.create_group_type()
         # Create Group
-        grp = self._create_group(group_type, volume_type)
+        grp = self.create_group(group_type=group_type['id'],
+                                volume_types=[volume_type['id']])
         # Create volume
         self.create_volume(volume_type=volume_type['id'], group_id=grp['id'])
@@ -248,13 +173,40 @@
         grp_name2 = data_utils.rand_name('Group_from_grp')
         grp2 = self.groups_client.create_group_from_source(
             source_group_id=grp['id'], name=grp_name2)['group']
-        self.addCleanup(self._delete_group, grp2['id'])
+        self.addCleanup(self.delete_group, grp2['id'])
         self.assertEqual(grp_name2, grp2['name'])
-        vols = self.volumes_client.list_volumes(
-            detail=True)['volumes']
+        vols = self.volumes_client.list_volumes(detail=True)['volumes']
         for vol in vols:
             if vol['group_id'] == grp2['id']:
                     self.volumes_client, vol['id'], 'available')
             self.groups_client, grp2['id'], 'available')
+class GroupsV320Test(base.BaseVolumeAdminTest):
+    _api_version = 3
+    min_microversion = '3.20'
+    max_microversion = 'latest'
+    @decorators.idempotent_id('b20c696b-0cbc-49a5-8b3a-b1fb9338f45c')
+    def test_reset_group_status(self):
+        # Create volume type
+        volume_type = self.create_volume_type()
+        # Create group type
+        group_type = self.create_group_type()
+        # Create group
+        group = self.create_group(group_type=group_type['id'],
+                                  volume_types=[volume_type['id']])
+        # Reset group status
+        self.addCleanup(waiters.wait_for_volume_resource_status,
+                        self.groups_client, group['id'], 'available')
+        self.addCleanup(self.admin_groups_client.reset_group_status,
+                        group['id'], 'available')
+        for status in ['creating', 'available', 'error']:
+            self.admin_groups_client.reset_group_status(group['id'], status)
+            waiters.wait_for_volume_resource_status(
+                self.groups_client, group['id'], status)
diff --git a/tempest/api/volume/admin/ b/tempest/api/volume/admin/
index 2db8010..c0891e4 100644
--- a/tempest/api/volume/admin/
+++ b/tempest/api/volume/admin/
@@ -66,8 +66,7 @@
         params = {'name': vol_name, 'volume_type': type_name,
                   'size': CONF.volume.volume_size}
-        cls.volume = cls.admin_volume_client.create_volume(
-            **params)['volume']
+        cls.volume = cls.create_volume(**params)
         if with_prefix:
@@ -76,21 +75,6 @@
                                                 cls.volume['id'], 'available')
-    @classmethod
-    def resource_cleanup(cls):
-        # volumes deletion
-        vid_prefix = getattr(cls, 'volume_id_list_with_prefix', [])
-        for volume_id in vid_prefix:
-            cls.admin_volume_client.delete_volume(volume_id)
-            cls.admin_volume_client.wait_for_resource_deletion(volume_id)
-        vid_no_pre = getattr(cls, 'volume_id_list_without_prefix', [])
-        for volume_id in vid_no_pre:
-            cls.admin_volume_client.delete_volume(volume_id)
-            cls.admin_volume_client.wait_for_resource_deletion(volume_id)
-        super(VolumeMultiBackendTest, cls).resource_cleanup()
     def test_backend_name_reporting(self):
         # get volume id which created by type without prefix
diff --git a/tempest/api/volume/admin/ b/tempest/api/volume/admin/
index 9ff7160..37a47ec 100644
--- a/tempest/api/volume/admin/
+++ b/tempest/api/volume/admin/
@@ -35,6 +35,9 @@
     def skip_checks(cls):
         super(SnapshotManageAdminTest, cls).skip_checks()
+        if not CONF.volume_feature_enabled.snapshot:
+            raise cls.skipException("Cinder volume snapshots are disabled")
         if not CONF.volume_feature_enabled.manage_snapshot:
             raise cls.skipException("Manage snapshot tests are disabled")
@@ -60,7 +63,7 @@
         # Verify the original snapshot does not exist in snapshot list
         params = {'all_tenants': 1}
         all_snapshots = self.admin_snapshots_client.list_snapshots(
-            detail=True, params=params)['snapshots']
+            detail=True, **params)['snapshots']
         self.assertNotIn(snapshot['id'], [v['id'] for v in all_snapshots])
         # Manage the snapshot
diff --git a/tempest/api/volume/admin/ b/tempest/api/volume/admin/
index 471f39a..41849bc 100644
--- a/tempest/api/volume/admin/
+++ b/tempest/api/volume/admin/
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
 #    under the License.
 from tempest.api.volume import base
+from tempest.common import waiters
 from tempest import config
 from tempest.lib import decorators
@@ -43,6 +44,8 @@
         snapshot_id = self.snapshot['id']
+        waiters.wait_for_volume_resource_status(self.snapshots_client,
+                                                snapshot_id, status)
         super(SnapshotsActionsTest, self).tearDown()
     def _create_reset_and_force_delete_temp_snapshot(self, status=None):
@@ -50,10 +53,11 @@
         # and force delete temp snapshot
         temp_snapshot = self.create_snapshot(volume_id=self.volume['id'])
         if status:
-            self.admin_snapshots_client.\
-                reset_snapshot_status(temp_snapshot['id'], status)
-        self.admin_snapshots_client.\
-            force_delete_snapshot(temp_snapshot['id'])
+            self.admin_snapshots_client.reset_snapshot_status(
+                temp_snapshot['id'], status)
+            waiters.wait_for_volume_resource_status(
+                self.snapshots_client, temp_snapshot['id'], status)
+        self.admin_snapshots_client.force_delete_snapshot(temp_snapshot['id'])
     def _get_progress_alias(self):
@@ -63,18 +67,19 @@
     def test_reset_snapshot_status(self):
         # Reset snapshot status to creating
         status = 'creating'
-        self.admin_snapshots_client.\
-            reset_snapshot_status(self.snapshot['id'], status)
-        snapshot_get = self.admin_snapshots_client.show_snapshot(
-            self.snapshot['id'])['snapshot']
-        self.assertEqual(status, snapshot_get['status'])
+        self.admin_snapshots_client.reset_snapshot_status(
+            self.snapshot['id'], status)
+        waiters.wait_for_volume_resource_status(self.snapshots_client,
+                                                self.snapshot['id'], status)
     def test_update_snapshot_status(self):
         # Reset snapshot status to creating
         status = 'creating'
-        self.admin_snapshots_client.\
-            reset_snapshot_status(self.snapshot['id'], status)
+        self.admin_snapshots_client.reset_snapshot_status(
+            self.snapshot['id'], status)
+        waiters.wait_for_volume_resource_status(self.snapshots_client,
+                                                self.snapshot['id'], status)
         # Update snapshot status to error
         progress = '80%'
diff --git a/tempest/api/volume/admin/ b/tempest/api/volume/admin/
old mode 100755
new mode 100644
diff --git a/tempest/api/volume/admin/ b/tempest/api/volume/admin/
index e4ec442..ce0cbd2 100644
--- a/tempest/api/volume/admin/
+++ b/tempest/api/volume/admin/
@@ -13,8 +13,6 @@
 #    License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
 #    under the License.
-import random
 from tempest.api.volume import base
 from tempest.lib import decorators
@@ -42,20 +40,25 @@
                                 "The count of volume hosts is < 2, "
                                 "response of list hosts is: %s" % hosts)
-        # Note(jeremyZ): Host in volume is always presented in two formats:
-        # <host-name> or <host-name>@<driver-name>. Since Mitaka is EOL,
-        # both formats can be chosen for test.
-        host_names = [host['host_name'] for host in hosts]
-        self.assertNotEmpty(host_names, "No available volume host is found, "
-                                        "all hosts that found are: %s" % hosts)
+        # Note(jeremyZ): The show host API is to show volume usage info on the
+        # specified cinder-volume host. If the host does not run cinder-volume
+        # service, or the cinder-volume service is disabled on the host, the
+        # show host API should fail (return code: 404). The cinder-volume host
+        # is presented in format: <host-name>@driver-name.
+        c_vol_hosts = [host['host_name'] for host in hosts
+                       if (host['service'] == 'cinder-volume'
+                           and host['service-state'] == 'enabled')]
+        self.assertNotEmpty(c_vol_hosts,
+                            "No available cinder-volume host is found, "
+                            "all hosts that found are: %s" % hosts)
-        # Choose a random host to get and check its elements
-        host_details = self.admin_hosts_client.show_host(
-            random.choice(host_names))['host']
-        self.assertNotEmpty(host_details)
+        # Check each cinder-volume host.
         host_detail_keys = ['project', 'volume_count', 'snapshot_count',
                             'host', 'total_volume_gb', 'total_snapshot_gb']
-        for detail in host_details:
-            self.assertIn('resource', detail)
-            for key in host_detail_keys:
-                self.assertIn(key, detail['resource'])
+        for host in c_vol_hosts:
+            host_details = self.admin_hosts_client.show_host(host)['host']
+            self.assertNotEmpty(host_details)
+            for detail in host_details:
+                self.assertIn('resource', detail)
+                for key in host_detail_keys:
+                    self.assertIn(key, detail['resource'])
diff --git a/tempest/api/volume/admin/ b/tempest/api/volume/admin/
index f551575..75dca41 100644
--- a/tempest/api/volume/admin/
+++ b/tempest/api/volume/admin/
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
 from testtools import matchers
 from tempest.api.volume import base
+from tempest.common import identity
 from tempest.common import tempest_fixtures as fixtures
 from tempest.lib.common.utils import data_utils
 from tempest.lib import decorators
@@ -92,9 +93,10 @@
         # Verify a new project's default quotas.
         project_name = data_utils.rand_name('quota_class_tenant')
         description = data_utils.rand_name('desc_')
-        project_id = self.identity_utils.create_project(
+        project_id = identity.identity_utils(self.os_admin).create_project(
             name=project_name, description=description)['id']
-        self.addCleanup(self.identity_utils.delete_project, project_id)
+        self.addCleanup(identity.identity_utils(self.os_admin).delete_project,
+                        project_id)
         default_quotas = self.admin_quotas_client.show_default_quota_set(
diff --git a/tempest/api/volume/admin/ b/tempest/api/volume/admin/
index 754104e..6f9daa8 100644
--- a/tempest/api/volume/admin/
+++ b/tempest/api/volume/admin/
@@ -13,12 +13,14 @@
 #    under the License.
 from tempest.api.volume import base
+from tempest.common import identity
 from tempest.common import tempest_fixtures as fixtures
 from tempest.common import waiters
 from tempest.lib.common.utils import data_utils
 from tempest.lib import decorators
-QUOTA_KEYS = ['gigabytes', 'snapshots', 'volumes', 'backups']
+QUOTA_KEYS = ['gigabytes', 'snapshots', 'volumes', 'backups',
+              'backup_gigabytes', 'per_volume_gigabytes']
 QUOTA_USAGE_KEYS = ['reserved', 'limit', 'in_use']
@@ -36,7 +38,6 @@
     def setup_credentials(cls):
         super(BaseVolumeQuotasAdminTestJSON, cls).setup_credentials()
         cls.demo_tenant_id = cls.os_primary.credentials.tenant_id
-        cls.alt_client = cls.os_alt.volumes_client_latest
     def setup_clients(cls):
@@ -66,7 +67,9 @@
         new_quota_set = {'gigabytes': 1009,
                          'volumes': 11,
                          'snapshots': 11,
-                         'backups': 11}
+                         'backups': 11,
+                         'backup_gigabytes': 1009,
+                         'per_volume_gigabytes': 1009}
         # Update limits for all quota resources
         quota_set = self.admin_quotas_client.update_quota_set(
@@ -100,7 +103,7 @@
         volume = self.create_volume()
-                        self.admin_volume_client, volume['id'])
+                        self.volumes_client, volume['id'])
         new_quota_usage = self.admin_quotas_client.show_quota_set(
             self.demo_tenant_id, params={'usage': True})['quota_set']
@@ -117,10 +120,11 @@
         # Admin can delete the resource quota set for a project
         project_name = data_utils.rand_name('quota_tenant')
         description = data_utils.rand_name('desc_')
-        project = self.identity_utils.create_project(project_name,
-                                                     description=description)
+        project = identity.identity_utils(self.os_admin).create_project(
+            project_name, description=description)
         project_id = project['id']
-        self.addCleanup(self.identity_utils.delete_project, project_id)
+        self.addCleanup(identity.identity_utils(self.os_admin).delete_project,
+                        project_id)
         quota_set_default = self.admin_quotas_client.show_default_quota_set(
         volume_default = quota_set_default['volumes']
@@ -145,7 +149,8 @@
             self.demo_tenant_id, params={'usage': True})['quota_set']
         alt_quota = self.admin_quotas_client.show_quota_set(
-            self.alt_client.tenant_id, params={'usage': True})['quota_set']
+            self.os_alt.volumes_client_latest.tenant_id,
+            params={'usage': True})['quota_set']
         # Creates a volume transfer
         transfer = self.transfer_client.create_volume_transfer(
@@ -159,14 +164,15 @@
         # Verify volume transferred is available
-            self.alt_client, volume['id'], 'available')
+            self.os_alt.volumes_client_latest, volume['id'], 'available')
         # List of tenants quota usage post transfer
         new_primary_quota = self.admin_quotas_client.show_quota_set(
             self.demo_tenant_id, params={'usage': True})['quota_set']
         new_alt_quota = self.admin_quotas_client.show_quota_set(
-            self.alt_client.tenant_id, params={'usage': True})['quota_set']
+            self.os_alt.volumes_client_latest.tenant_id,
+            params={'usage': True})['quota_set']
         # Verify tenants quota usage was updated
         self.assertEqual(primary_quota['volumes']['in_use'] -
diff --git a/tempest/api/volume/admin/ b/tempest/api/volume/admin/
index 94d5299..f0b3a4f 100644
--- a/tempest/api/volume/admin/
+++ b/tempest/api/volume/admin/
@@ -85,9 +85,7 @@
         volume_source = self.admin_volume_client.show_volume(
-        # TODO(erlon): change this to volumes_client client after Bug
-        # #1657806 is fixed
-        self.admin_volume_client.retype_volume(
+        self.volumes_client.retype_volume(
diff --git a/tempest/api/volume/admin/ b/tempest/api/volume/admin/
index e93bcb5..b64face 100644
--- a/tempest/api/volume/admin/
+++ b/tempest/api/volume/admin/
@@ -27,11 +27,6 @@
     credentials = ['primary', 'alt', 'admin']
-    @classmethod
-    def setup_clients(cls):
-        super(VolumeTypesAccessTest, cls).setup_clients()
-        cls.alt_client = cls.os_alt.volumes_client_latest
     def test_volume_type_access_add(self):
         # Creating a NON public volume type
@@ -70,10 +65,11 @@
         # Adding volume type access for alt tenant
-            volume_type['id'], project=self.alt_client.tenant_id)
+            volume_type['id'],
+            project=self.os_alt.volumes_client_latest.tenant_id)
-                        project=self.alt_client.tenant_id)
+                        project=self.os_alt.volumes_client_latest.tenant_id)
         # List tenant access for the given volume type
         type_access_list = self.admin_volume_types_client.list_type_access(
@@ -88,5 +84,5 @@
         # Validating the permitted tenants are the expected tenants
                       map(operator.itemgetter('project_id'), type_access_list))
-        self.assertIn(self.alt_client.tenant_id,
+        self.assertIn(self.os_alt.volumes_client_latest.tenant_id,
                       map(operator.itemgetter('project_id'), type_access_list))
diff --git a/tempest/api/volume/admin/ b/tempest/api/volume/admin/
index af1024c..1077524 100644
--- a/tempest/api/volume/admin/
+++ b/tempest/api/volume/admin/
@@ -161,6 +161,12 @@
                              'The fetched encryption_type %s is different '
                              'from the updated encryption_type' % key)
+        # Get encryption specs item
+        key = 'cipher'
+        item = self.admin_encryption_types_client.show_encryption_specs_item(
+            encrypt_type_id, key)
+        self.assertEqual(update_kwargs[key], item[key])
         # Delete encryption type
diff --git a/tempest/api/volume/admin/ b/tempest/api/volume/admin/
index b5a2fb7..730acdf 100644
--- a/tempest/api/volume/admin/
+++ b/tempest/api/volume/admin/
@@ -46,14 +46,32 @@
             self.volume_type['id'], extra_specs)['extra_specs']
         self.assertEqual(extra_specs, body,
                          "Volume type extra spec incorrectly created")
+        # Only update an extra spec
         spec_key = "spec2"
         extra_spec = {spec_key: "val2"}
         body = self.admin_volume_types_client.update_volume_type_extra_specs(
             self.volume_type['id'], spec_key, extra_spec)
         self.assertIn(spec_key, body)
+        self.assertEqual(extra_spec[spec_key], body[spec_key])
+        body = self.admin_volume_types_client.show_volume_type_extra_specs(
+            self.volume_type['id'], spec_key)
+        self.assertIn(spec_key, body)
         self.assertEqual(extra_spec[spec_key], body[spec_key],
                          "Volume type extra spec incorrectly updated")
+        # Update an existing extra spec and create a new extra spec
+        extra_specs = {spec_key: "val3", "spec4": "val4"}
+        body = self.admin_volume_types_client.create_volume_type_extra_specs(
+            self.volume_type['id'], extra_specs)['extra_specs']
+        self.assertEqual(extra_specs, body)
+        body = self.admin_volume_types_client.list_volume_types_extra_specs(
+            self.volume_type['id'])['extra_specs']
+        for key in extra_specs:
+            self.assertIn(key, body)
+            self.assertEqual(extra_specs[key], body[key],
+                             "Volume type extra spec incorrectly created")
     def test_volume_type_extra_spec_create_get_delete(self):
         # Create/Get/Delete volume type extra spec.
diff --git a/tempest/api/volume/admin/ b/tempest/api/volume/admin/
index 4fa934e..fe249d6 100644
--- a/tempest/api/volume/admin/
+++ b/tempest/api/volume/admin/
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@
     def test_update_multiple_extra_spec(self):
         # Should not update volume type extra specs with multiple specs as
-            # body.
+        # body.
         extra_spec = {"spec1": "val2", "spec2": "val1"}
@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@
     def test_create_nonexistent_type_id(self):
         # Should not create volume type extra spec for nonexistent volume
-            # type id.
+        # type id.
         extra_specs = {"spec2": "val1"}
@@ -128,10 +128,10 @@
-    def test_get_nonexistent_extra_spec_id(self):
+    def test_get_nonexistent_extra_spec_name(self):
         # Should not get volume type extra spec for nonexistent extra spec
-            # id.
+        # name.
-            self.volume_type['id'], data_utils.rand_uuid())
+            self.volume_type['id'], "nonexistent_extra_spec_name")
diff --git a/tempest/api/volume/admin/ b/tempest/api/volume/admin/
index 4cad52a..ae29049 100644
--- a/tempest/api/volume/admin/
+++ b/tempest/api/volume/admin/
@@ -22,15 +22,6 @@
 class VolumeTypesNegativeTest(base.BaseVolumeAdminTest):
-    @decorators.idempotent_id('b48c98f2-e662-4885-9b71-032256906314')
-    def test_create_with_nonexistent_volume_type(self):
-        # Should not be able to create volume with nonexistent volume_type.
-        params = {'name': data_utils.rand_uuid(),
-                  'volume_type': data_utils.rand_uuid()}
-        self.assertRaises(lib_exc.NotFound,
-                          self.volumes_client.create_volume, **params)
-    @decorators.attr(type=['negative'])
     def test_create_with_empty_name(self):
         # Should not be able to create volume type with an empty name.
diff --git a/tempest/api/volume/admin/ b/tempest/api/volume/admin/
index b81a477..3e0deef 100644
--- a/tempest/api/volume/admin/
+++ b/tempest/api/volume/admin/
@@ -14,10 +14,10 @@
 #    under the License.
 from tempest.api.volume import base
+from tempest.common import utils
 from tempest.common import waiters
 from tempest import config
 from tempest.lib import decorators
-from tempest import test
 CONF = config.CONF
@@ -30,21 +30,24 @@
         if status:
                 temp_volume['id'], status=status)
+            waiters.wait_for_volume_resource_status(
+                self.volumes_client, temp_volume['id'], status)
     def test_volume_reset_status(self):
-        # test volume reset status : available->error->available
+        # test volume reset status : available->error->available->maintenance
         volume = self.create_volume()
+        self.addCleanup(waiters.wait_for_volume_resource_status,
+                        self.volumes_client, volume['id'], 'available')
                         volume['id'], status='available')
         for status in ['error', 'available', 'maintenance']:
                 volume['id'], status=status)
-            volume_get = self.admin_volume_client.show_volume(
-                volume['id'])['volume']
-            self.assertEqual(status, volume_get['status'])
+            waiters.wait_for_volume_resource_status(
+                self.volumes_client, volume['id'], status)
     def test_volume_force_delete_when_volume_is_creating(self):
@@ -67,7 +70,7 @@
     def test_force_detach_volume(self):
         # Create a server and a volume
         server_id = self.create_server()['id']
@@ -88,6 +91,8 @@
         # Reset volume's status to error
         self.admin_volume_client.reset_volume_status(volume_id, status='error')
+        waiters.wait_for_volume_resource_status(self.volumes_client,
+                                                volume_id, 'error')
         # Force detach volume
diff --git a/tempest/api/volume/admin/ b/tempest/api/volume/admin/
index afc3281..375aacb 100644
--- a/tempest/api/volume/admin/
+++ b/tempest/api/volume/admin/
@@ -99,8 +99,7 @@
         # Verify Import Backup
-        backups = self.admin_backups_client.list_backups(
-            detail=True)['backups']
+        backups = self.admin_backups_client.list_backups()['backups']
         self.assertIn(new_id, [b['id'] for b in backups])
         # Restore backup
diff --git a/tempest/api/volume/admin/ b/tempest/api/volume/admin/
index 9d98b7a..6ce4a85 100644
--- a/tempest/api/volume/admin/
+++ b/tempest/api/volume/admin/
@@ -45,9 +45,9 @@
         # Create a volume in admin tenant
         adm_vol = self.admin_volume_client.create_volume(
+        self.addCleanup(self.admin_volume_client.delete_volume, adm_vol['id'])
                                                 adm_vol['id'], 'available')
-        self.addCleanup(self.admin_volume_client.delete_volume, adm_vol['id'])
         params = {'all_tenants': 1,
                   'project_id': self.volumes_client.tenant_id}
         # Getting volume list from primary tenant using admin credentials
diff --git a/tempest/api/volume/ b/tempest/api/volume/
index 9142dc3..81fd6e6 100644
--- a/tempest/api/volume/
+++ b/tempest/api/volume/
@@ -31,6 +31,11 @@
     """Base test case class for all Cinder API tests."""
     _api_version = 2
+    # if api_v2 is not enabled while api_v3 is enabled, the volume v2 classes
+    # should be transferred to volume v3 classes.
+    if (not CONF.volume_feature_enabled.api_v2 and
+        CONF.volume_feature_enabled.api_v3):
+        _api_version = 3
     credentials = ['primary']
@@ -72,6 +77,11 @@
         if cls._api_version == 3:
             cls.backups_client = cls.os_primary.backups_v3_client
             cls.volumes_client = cls.os_primary.volumes_v3_client
+            cls.messages_client = cls.os_primary.volume_v3_messages_client
+            cls.versions_client = cls.os_primary.volume_v3_versions_client
+            cls.groups_client = cls.os_primary.groups_v3_client
+            cls.group_snapshots_client = (
+                cls.os_primary.group_snapshots_v3_client)
             cls.backups_client = cls.os_primary.backups_v2_client
             cls.volumes_client = cls.os_primary.volumes_v2_client
@@ -82,10 +92,6 @@
         cls.availability_zone_client = (
         cls.volume_limits_client = cls.os_primary.volume_v2_limits_client
-        cls.messages_client = cls.os_primary.volume_v3_messages_client
-        cls.versions_client = cls.os_primary.volume_v3_versions_client
-        cls.groups_client = cls.os_primary.groups_v3_client
-        cls.group_snapshots_client = cls.os_primary.group_snapshots_v3_client
     def setUp(self):
         super(BaseVolumeTest, self).setUp()
@@ -100,20 +106,12 @@
-        cls.snapshots = []
-        cls.volumes = []
         cls.image_ref = CONF.compute.image_ref
         cls.flavor_ref = CONF.compute.flavor_ref
         cls.build_interval = CONF.volume.build_interval
         cls.build_timeout = CONF.volume.build_timeout
-    def resource_cleanup(cls):
-        cls.clear_snapshots()
-        cls.clear_volumes()
-        super(BaseVolumeTest, cls).resource_cleanup()
-    @classmethod
     def create_volume(cls, wait_until='available', **kwargs):
         """Wrapper utility that returns a test volume.
@@ -132,7 +130,9 @@
             kwargs['name'] = name
         volume = cls.volumes_client.create_volume(**kwargs)['volume']
-        cls.volumes.append(volume)
+        cls.addClassResourceCleanup(test_utils.call_and_ignore_notfound_exc,
+                                    cls.delete_volume, cls.volumes_client,
+                                    volume['id'])
                                                 volume['id'], wait_until)
         return volume
@@ -146,7 +146,8 @@
         snapshot = cls.snapshots_client.create_snapshot(
             volume_id=volume_id, **kwargs)['snapshot']
-        cls.snapshots.append(snapshot['id'])
+        cls.addClassResourceCleanup(test_utils.call_and_ignore_notfound_exc,
+                                    cls.delete_snapshot, snapshot['id'])
                                                 snapshot['id'], 'available')
         return snapshot
@@ -175,14 +176,13 @@
-    def delete_snapshot(self, snapshot_id, snapshots_client=None):
+    @classmethod
+    def delete_snapshot(cls, snapshot_id, snapshots_client=None):
         """Delete snapshot by the given client"""
         if snapshots_client is None:
-            snapshots_client = self.snapshots_client
+            snapshots_client = cls.snapshots_client
-        if snapshot_id in self.snapshots:
-            self.snapshots.remove(snapshot_id)
     def attach_volume(self, server_id, volume_id):
         """Attach a volume to a server"""
@@ -196,31 +196,6 @@
         self.addCleanup(self.servers_client.detach_volume, server_id,
-    @classmethod
-    def clear_volumes(cls):
-        for volume in cls.volumes:
-            try:
-                cls.volumes_client.delete_volume(volume['id'])
-            except Exception:
-                pass
-        for volume in cls.volumes:
-            try:
-                cls.volumes_client.wait_for_resource_deletion(volume['id'])
-            except Exception:
-                pass
-    @classmethod
-    def clear_snapshots(cls):
-        for snapshot in cls.snapshots:
-            test_utils.call_and_ignore_notfound_exc(
-                cls.snapshots_client.delete_snapshot, snapshot)
-        for snapshot in cls.snapshots:
-            test_utils.call_and_ignore_notfound_exc(
-                cls.snapshots_client.wait_for_resource_deletion,
-                snapshot)
     def create_server(self, wait_until='ACTIVE', **kwargs):
         name = kwargs.pop(
@@ -241,6 +216,27 @@
                         self.servers_client.delete_server, body['id'])
         return body
+    def create_group(self, **kwargs):
+        if 'name' not in kwargs:
+            kwargs['name'] = data_utils.rand_name(
+                self.__class__.__name__ + '-Group')
+        group = self.groups_client.create_group(**kwargs)['group']
+        self.addCleanup(test_utils.call_and_ignore_notfound_exc,
+                        self.delete_group, group['id'])
+        waiters.wait_for_volume_resource_status(
+            self.groups_client, group['id'], 'available')
+        return group
+    def delete_group(self, group_id, delete_volumes=True):
+        self.groups_client.delete_group(group_id, delete_volumes)
+        if delete_volumes:
+            vols = self.volumes_client.list_volumes(detail=True)['volumes']
+            for vol in vols:
+                if vol['group_id'] == group_id:
+                    self.volumes_client.wait_for_resource_deletion(vol['id'])
+        self.groups_client.wait_for_resource_deletion(group_id)
 class BaseVolumeAdminTest(BaseVolumeTest):
     """Base test case class for all Volume Admin API tests."""
@@ -259,6 +255,11 @@
         cls.admin_volume_client = cls.os_admin.volumes_v2_client
         if cls._api_version == 3:
             cls.admin_volume_client = cls.os_admin.volumes_v3_client
+            cls.admin_groups_client = cls.os_admin.groups_v3_client
+            cls.admin_messages_client = cls.os_admin.volume_v3_messages_client
+            cls.admin_group_snapshots_client = \
+                cls.os_admin.group_snapshots_v3_client
+            cls.admin_group_types_client = cls.os_admin.group_types_v3_client
         cls.admin_hosts_client = cls.os_admin.volume_hosts_v2_client
         cls.admin_snapshot_manage_client = \
@@ -274,24 +275,6 @@
         cls.admin_scheduler_stats_client = \
-        cls.admin_messages_client = cls.os_admin.volume_v3_messages_client
-        cls.admin_groups_client = cls.os_admin.groups_v3_client
-        cls.admin_group_snapshots_client = \
-            cls.os_admin.group_snapshots_v3_client
-        cls.admin_group_types_client = cls.os_admin.group_types_v3_client
-    @classmethod
-    def resource_setup(cls):
-        super(BaseVolumeAdminTest, cls).resource_setup()
-        cls.qos_specs = []
-        cls.volume_types = []
-    @classmethod
-    def resource_cleanup(cls):
-        cls.clear_qos_specs()
-        super(BaseVolumeAdminTest, cls).resource_cleanup()
-        cls.clear_volume_types()
     def create_test_qos_specs(cls, name=None, consumer=None, **kwargs):
@@ -300,7 +283,7 @@
         consumer = consumer or 'front-end'
         qos_specs = cls.admin_volume_qos_client.create_qos(
             name=name, consumer=consumer, **kwargs)['qos_specs']
-        cls.qos_specs.append(qos_specs['id'])
+        cls.addClassResourceCleanup(cls.clear_qos_spec, qos_specs['id'])
         return qos_specs
@@ -309,7 +292,7 @@
         name = name or data_utils.rand_name(cls.__name__ + '-volume-type')
         volume_type = cls.admin_volume_types_client.create_volume_type(
             name=name, **kwargs)['volume_type']
-        cls.volume_types.append(volume_type['id'])
+        cls.addClassResourceCleanup(cls.clear_volume_type, volume_type['id'])
         return volume_type
     def create_group_type(self, name=None, **kwargs):
@@ -323,22 +306,18 @@
         return group_type
-    def clear_qos_specs(cls):
-        for qos_id in cls.qos_specs:
-            test_utils.call_and_ignore_notfound_exc(
-                cls.admin_volume_qos_client.delete_qos, qos_id)
+    def clear_qos_spec(cls, qos_id):
+        test_utils.call_and_ignore_notfound_exc(
+            cls.admin_volume_qos_client.delete_qos, qos_id)
-        for qos_id in cls.qos_specs:
-            test_utils.call_and_ignore_notfound_exc(
-                cls.admin_volume_qos_client.wait_for_resource_deletion, qos_id)
+        test_utils.call_and_ignore_notfound_exc(
+            cls.admin_volume_qos_client.wait_for_resource_deletion, qos_id)
-    def clear_volume_types(cls):
-        for vol_type in cls.volume_types:
-            test_utils.call_and_ignore_notfound_exc(
-                cls.admin_volume_types_client.delete_volume_type, vol_type)
+    def clear_volume_type(cls, vol_type_id):
+        test_utils.call_and_ignore_notfound_exc(
+            cls.admin_volume_types_client.delete_volume_type, vol_type_id)
-        for vol_type in cls.volume_types:
-            test_utils.call_and_ignore_notfound_exc(
-                cls.admin_volume_types_client.wait_for_resource_deletion,
-                vol_type)
+        test_utils.call_and_ignore_notfound_exc(
+            cls.admin_volume_types_client.wait_for_resource_deletion,
+            vol_type_id)
diff --git a/tempest/api/volume/ b/tempest/api/volume/
index d0a87db..0b6ee38 100644
--- a/tempest/api/volume/
+++ b/tempest/api/volume/
@@ -20,14 +20,10 @@
 class AvailabilityZoneTestJSON(base.BaseVolumeTest):
     """Tests Availability Zone API List"""
-    @classmethod
-    def setup_clients(cls):
-        super(AvailabilityZoneTestJSON, cls).setup_clients()
-        cls.client = cls.availability_zone_client
     def test_get_availability_zone_list(self):
         # List of availability zone
-        availability_zone = (self.client.list_availability_zones()
-                             ['availabilityZoneInfo'])
+        availability_zone = (
+            self.availability_zone_client.list_availability_zones()
+            ['availabilityZoneInfo'])
diff --git a/tempest/api/volume/ b/tempest/api/volume/
index 129981b..53b3acc 100644
--- a/tempest/api/volume/
+++ b/tempest/api/volume/
@@ -16,9 +16,9 @@
 from testtools import matchers
 from tempest.api.volume import base
+from tempest.common import utils
 from tempest import config
 from tempest.lib import decorators
-from tempest import test
 CONF = config.CONF
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@
         cls.volume = cls.create_volume(imageRef=CONF.compute.image_ref)
     def test_update_show_delete_image_metadata(self):
         # Update image metadata
         image_metadata = {'image_id': '5137a025-3c5f-43c1-bc64-5f41270040a5',
diff --git a/tempest/api/volume/ b/tempest/api/volume/
index 0083a3b..b4d48db 100644
--- a/tempest/api/volume/
+++ b/tempest/api/volume/
@@ -26,4 +26,4 @@
         # NOTE: The version data is checked on service client side
         #       with JSON-Schema validation. It is enough to just call
         #       the API here.
-        self.versions_client.list_versions()['versions']
+        self.versions_client.list_versions()
diff --git a/tempest/api/volume/ b/tempest/api/volume/
index c4d10c3..be5638e 100644
--- a/tempest/api/volume/
+++ b/tempest/api/volume/
@@ -14,12 +14,12 @@
 #    under the License.
 from tempest.api.volume import base
+from tempest.common import utils
 from tempest.common import waiters
 from tempest import config
 from tempest.lib.common.utils import data_utils
 from tempest.lib.common.utils import test_utils
 from tempest.lib import decorators
-from tempest import test
 CONF = config.CONF
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
     def test_attach_detach_volume_to_instance(self):
         # Create a server
         server = self.create_server()
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@
     def test_get_volume_attachment(self):
         # Create a server
         server = self.create_server()
@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@
         self.assertEqual(self.volume['id'], attachment['volume_id'])
     def test_volume_upload(self):
         # NOTE(gfidente): the volume uploaded in Glance comes from setUpClass,
         # it is shared with the other tests. After it is uploaded in Glance,
@@ -112,6 +112,10 @@
                                                 self.volume['id'], 'available')
+        image_info = self.images_client.show_image(image_id)
+        self.assertEqual(image_name, image_info['name'])
+        self.assertEqual(CONF.volume.disk_format, image_info['disk_format'])
     def test_reserve_unreserve_volume(self):
         # Mark volume as reserved.
diff --git a/tempest/api/volume/ b/tempest/api/volume/
index 1f91db6..552b231 100644
--- a/tempest/api/volume/
+++ b/tempest/api/volume/
@@ -17,11 +17,11 @@
 from testtools import matchers
 from tempest.api.volume import base
+from tempest.common import utils
 from tempest.common import waiters
 from tempest import config
 from tempest.lib.common.utils import data_utils
 from tempest.lib import decorators
-from tempest import test
 CONF = config.CONF
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@
         # Delete backup
-        self.addCleanup(self.volumes_client.delete_volume,
+        self.addCleanup(self.delete_volume, self.volumes_client,
         self.assertEqual(backup_id, restored_volume['backup_id'])
@@ -59,8 +59,7 @@
                     "vol-meta2": "value2",
                     "vol-meta3": "value3"}
         volume = self.create_volume(metadata=metadata)
-        self.addCleanup(self.volumes_client.delete_volume,
-                        volume['id'])
+        self.addCleanup(self.delete_volume, self.volumes_client, volume['id'])
         # Create a backup
         backup_name = data_utils.rand_name(
@@ -83,6 +82,9 @@
         # Get all backups with detail
         backups = self.backups_client.list_backups(
+        for backup_info in backups:
+            self.assertIn('created_at', backup_info)
+            self.assertIn('links', backup_info)
         self.assertIn((backup['name'], backup['id']),
                       [(m['name'], m['id']) for m in backups])
@@ -97,7 +99,7 @@
     def test_backup_create_attached_volume(self):
         """Test backup create using force flag.
@@ -106,8 +108,7 @@
         # Create a server
         volume = self.create_volume()
-        self.addCleanup(self.volumes_client.delete_volume,
-                        volume['id'])
+        self.addCleanup(self.delete_volume, self.volumes_client, volume['id'])
         server = self.create_server()
         # Attach volume to instance
         self.attach_volume(server['id'], volume['id'])
@@ -119,7 +120,7 @@
         self.assertEqual(backup_name, backup['name'])
     def test_bootable_volume_backup_and_restore(self):
         # Create volume from image
         img_uuid = CONF.compute.image_ref
diff --git a/tempest/api/volume/ b/tempest/api/volume/
index 927bfa5..ea39a21 100644
--- a/tempest/api/volume/
+++ b/tempest/api/volume/
@@ -14,9 +14,9 @@
 #    under the License.
 from tempest.api.volume import base
+from tempest.common import utils
 from tempest import config
 from tempest.lib import decorators
-from tempest import test
 CONF = config.CONF
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@
         self._verify_volume_clone(src_vol, dst_vol, extra_size=1)
     def test_create_from_bootable_volume(self):
         # Create volume from image
         img_uuid = CONF.compute.image_ref
diff --git a/tempest/api/volume/ b/tempest/api/volume/
index 1eb76a0..54052ae 100644
--- a/tempest/api/volume/
+++ b/tempest/api/volume/
@@ -13,12 +13,16 @@
 #    License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
 #    under the License.
+import time
 import testtools
 from tempest.api.volume import base
+from tempest.common import utils
 from tempest.common import waiters
 from tempest import config
 from tempest.lib import decorators
+from tempest.lib import exceptions as lib_exc
 CONF = config.CONF
@@ -53,3 +57,125 @@
         resized_volume = self.volumes_client.show_volume(
         self.assertEqual(extend_size, resized_volume['size'])
+class VolumesExtendAttachedTest(base.BaseVolumeTest):
+    """Tests extending the size of an attached volume."""
+    # We need admin credentials for getting instance action event details. By
+    # default a non-admin can list and show instance actions if they own the
+    # server instance, but since the event details can contain error messages
+    # and tracebacks, like an instance fault, those are not viewable by
+    # non-admins. This is obviously not a great user experience since the user
+    # may not know when the operation is actually complete. A microversion in
+    # the compute API will be added so that non-admins can see instance action
+    # events but will continue to hide the traceback field.
+    # TODO(mriedem): Change this to not rely on the admin user to get the event
+    # details once that microversion is available in Nova.
+    credentials = ['primary', 'admin']
+    _api_version = 3
+    # NOTE(mriedem): The minimum required volume API version is 3.42 and the
+    # minimum required compute API microversion is 2.51, but the compute call
+    # is implicit - Cinder calls Nova at that microversion, Tempest does not.
+    min_microversion = '3.42'
+    def _find_extend_volume_instance_action(self, server_id):
+        actions = self.servers_client.list_instance_actions(
+            server_id)['instanceActions']
+        for action in actions:
+            if action['action'] == 'extend_volume':
+                return action
+    def _find_extend_volume_instance_action_finish_event(self, action):
+        # This has to be called by an admin client otherwise
+        # the events don't show up.
+        action = self.os_admin.servers_client.show_instance_action(
+            action['instance_uuid'], action['request_id'])['instanceAction']
+        for event in action['events']:
+            if (event['event'] == 'compute_extend_volume' and
+                    event['finish_time']):
+                return event
+    @decorators.idempotent_id('301f5a30-1c6f-4ea0-be1a-91fd28d44354')
+    @testtools.skipUnless(CONF.volume_feature_enabled.extend_attached_volume,
+                          "Attached volume extend is disabled.")
+    def test_extend_attached_volume(self):
+        """This is a happy path test which does the following:
+        * Create a volume at the configured volume_size.
+        * Create a server instance.
+        * Attach the volume to the server.
+        * Wait for the volume status to be "in-use".
+        * Extend the size of the volume and wait for the volume status to go
+          back to "in-use".
+        * Assert the volume size change is reflected in the volume API.
+        * Wait for the "compute_extend_volume" instance action event to show
+          up in the compute API with the success or failure status. We fail
+          if we timeout waiting for the instance action event to show up, or
+          if the action on the server fails.
+        """
+        # Create a test volume. Will be automatically cleaned up on teardown.
+        volume = self.create_volume()
+        # Create a test server. Will be automatically cleaned up on teardown.
+        server = self.create_server()
+        # Attach the volume to the server and wait for the volume status to be
+        # "in-use".
+        self.attach_volume(server['id'], volume['id'])
+        # Extend the size of the volume. If this is successful, the volume API
+        # will change the status on the volume to "extending" before doing an
+        # RPC cast to the volume manager on the backend. Note that we multiply
+        # the size of the volume since certain Cinder backends, e.g. ScaleIO,
+        # require multiples of 8GB.
+        extend_size = volume['size'] * 2
+        self.volumes_client.extend_volume(volume['id'], new_size=extend_size)
+        # The volume status should go back to in-use since it is still attached
+        # to the server instance.
+        waiters.wait_for_volume_resource_status(self.volumes_client,
+                                                volume['id'], 'in-use')
+        # Assert that the volume size has changed in the volume API.
+        volume = self.volumes_client.show_volume(volume['id'])['volume']
+        self.assertEqual(extend_size, volume['size'])
+        # Now we wait for the "compute_extend_volume" instance action event
+        # to show up for the server instance. This is our indication that the
+        # asynchronous operation is complete on the compute side.
+        start_time = int(time.time())
+        timeout = self.servers_client.build_timeout
+        action = self._find_extend_volume_instance_action(server['id'])
+        while action is None and int(time.time()) - start_time < timeout:
+            time.sleep(self.servers_client.build_interval)
+            action = self._find_extend_volume_instance_action(server['id'])
+        if action is None:
+            msg = ("Timed out waiting to get 'extend_volume' instance action "
+                   "record for server %(server)s after %(timeout)s seconds." %
+                   {'server': server['id'], 'timeout': timeout})
+            raise lib_exc.TimeoutException(msg)
+        # Now that we found the extend_volume instance action, we can wait for
+        # the compute_extend_volume instance action event to show up to
+        # indicate the operation is complete.
+        start_time = int(time.time())
+        event = self._find_extend_volume_instance_action_finish_event(action)
+        while event is None and int(time.time()) - start_time < timeout:
+            time.sleep(self.servers_client.build_interval)
+            event = self._find_extend_volume_instance_action_finish_event(
+                action)
+        if event is None:
+            msg = ("Timed out waiting to get 'compute_extend_volume' instance "
+                   "action event record for server %(server)s and request "
+                   "%(request_id)s after %(timeout)s seconds." %
+                   {'server': server['id'],
+                    'request_id': action['request_id'],
+                    'timeout': timeout})
+            raise lib_exc.TimeoutException(msg)
+        # Finally, assert that the action completed successfully.
+        self.assertTrue(
+            event['result'].lower() == 'success',
+            "Unexpected compute_extend_volume result '%(result)s' for request "
+            "%(request_id)s." %
+            {'result': event['result'],
+             'request_id': action['request_id']})
diff --git a/tempest/api/volume/ b/tempest/api/volume/
index ec9a0dd..71db95c 100644
--- a/tempest/api/volume/
+++ b/tempest/api/volume/
@@ -17,11 +17,11 @@
 from testtools import matchers
 from tempest.api.volume import base
+from tempest.common import utils
 from tempest.common import waiters
 from tempest import config
 from tempest.lib.common.utils import data_utils
 from tempest.lib import decorators
-from tempest import test
 CONF = config.CONF
@@ -122,7 +122,7 @@
     def test_volume_create_get_update_delete_from_image(self):
         image = self.images_client.show_image(CONF.compute.image_ref)
         min_disk = image['min_disk']
diff --git a/tempest/api/volume/ b/tempest/api/volume/
index 8593d3a..d5358ab 100644
--- a/tempest/api/volume/
+++ b/tempest/api/volume/
@@ -26,15 +26,28 @@
 class VolumesListTestJSON(base.BaseVolumeTest):
-    # NOTE: This test creates a number of 1G volumes. To run successfully,
-    # ensure that the backing file for the volume group that Nova uses
+    # NOTE: This test creates a number of 1G volumes. To run it successfully,
+    # ensure that the backing file for the volume group that Cinder uses
     # has space for at least 3 1G volumes!
     # If you are running a Devstack environment, ensure that the
     # VOLUME_BACKING_FILE_SIZE is at least 4G in your localrc
     VOLUME_FIELDS = ('id', 'name')
-    def assertVolumesIn(self, fetched_list, expected_list, fields=None):
+    @classmethod
+    def _remove_volatile_fields(cls, fetched_list):
+        """Remove fields that should not be compared.
+        This method makes sure that Tempest does not compare e.g.
+        the volume's "updated_at" field that may change for any reason
+        internal to the operation of Cinder.
+        """
+        for volume in fetched_list:
+            for field in ('updated_at',):
+                if field in volume:
+                    del volume[field]
+    def _assert_volumes_in(self, fetched_list, expected_list, fields=None):
         """Check out the list.
         This function is aim at check out whether all of the volumes in
@@ -45,12 +58,14 @@
             expected_list = map(fieldsgetter, expected_list)
             fetched_list = [fieldsgetter(item) for item in fetched_list]
+        # Hopefully the expected_list has already been cleaned.
+        self._remove_volatile_fields(fetched_list)
         missing_vols = [v for v in expected_list if v not in fetched_list]
         if not missing_vols:
         def str_vol(vol):
-            return "%s:%s" % (vol['id'], vol[])
+            return "%s:%s" % (vol['id'], vol['name'])
         raw_msg = "Could not find volumes %s in expected list %s; fetched %s" % ([str_vol(v) for v in missing_vols],
@@ -60,7 +75,6 @@
     def resource_setup(cls):
         super(VolumesListTestJSON, cls).resource_setup()
- = cls.VOLUME_FIELDS[1]
         existing_volumes = cls.volumes_client.list_volumes()['volumes']
         cls.volume_id_list = [vol['id'] for vol in existing_volumes]
@@ -73,6 +87,7 @@
             volume = cls.volumes_client.show_volume(volume['id'])['volume']
+        cls._remove_volatile_fields(cls.volume_list)
     def _list_by_param_value_and_assert(self, params, with_detail=False):
         """list or list_details with given params and validates result"""
@@ -104,35 +119,33 @@
         # Get a list of Volumes
         # Fetch all volumes
         fetched_list = self.volumes_client.list_volumes()['volumes']
-        self.assertVolumesIn(fetched_list, self.volume_list,
-                             fields=self.VOLUME_FIELDS)
+        self._assert_volumes_in(fetched_list, self.volume_list,
+                                fields=self.VOLUME_FIELDS)
     def test_volume_list_with_details(self):
         # Get a list of Volumes with details
         # Fetch all Volumes
         fetched_list = self.volumes_client.list_volumes(detail=True)['volumes']
-        self.assertVolumesIn(fetched_list, self.volume_list)
+        self._assert_volumes_in(fetched_list, self.volume_list)
     def test_volume_list_by_name(self):
         volume = self.volume_list[data_utils.rand_int_id(0, 2)]
-        params = { volume[]}
+        params = {'name': volume['name']}
         fetched_vol = self.volumes_client.list_volumes(
         self.assertEqual(1, len(fetched_vol), str(fetched_vol))
-        self.assertEqual(fetched_vol[0][],
-                         volume[])
+        self.assertEqual(fetched_vol[0]['name'], volume['name'])
     def test_volume_list_details_by_name(self):
         volume = self.volume_list[data_utils.rand_int_id(0, 2)]
-        params = { volume[]}
+        params = {'name': volume['name']}
         fetched_vol = self.volumes_client.list_volumes(
             detail=True, params=params)['volumes']
         self.assertEqual(1, len(fetched_vol), str(fetched_vol))
-        self.assertEqual(fetched_vol[0][],
-                         volume[])
+        self.assertEqual(fetched_vol[0]['name'], volume['name'])
     def test_volumes_list_by_status(self):
@@ -140,8 +153,8 @@
         fetched_list = self.volumes_client.list_volumes(
-        self.assertVolumesIn(fetched_list, self.volume_list,
-                             fields=self.VOLUME_FIELDS)
+        self._assert_volumes_in(fetched_list, self.volume_list,
+                                fields=self.VOLUME_FIELDS)
     def test_volumes_list_details_by_status(self):
@@ -150,7 +163,7 @@
             detail=True, params=params)['volumes']
         for volume in fetched_list:
             self.assertEqual('available', volume['status'])
-        self.assertVolumesIn(fetched_list, self.volume_list)
+        self._assert_volumes_in(fetched_list, self.volume_list)
     def test_volumes_list_by_bootable(self):
@@ -163,8 +176,8 @@
         fetched_list = self.volumes_client.list_volumes(
-        self.assertVolumesIn(fetched_list, self.volume_list,
-                             fields=self.VOLUME_FIELDS)
+        self._assert_volumes_in(fetched_list, self.volume_list,
+                                fields=self.VOLUME_FIELDS)
     def test_volumes_list_details_by_bootable(self):
@@ -173,7 +186,7 @@
             detail=True, params=params)['volumes']
         for volume in fetched_list:
             self.assertEqual('false', volume['bootable'])
-        self.assertVolumesIn(fetched_list, self.volume_list)
+        self._assert_volumes_in(fetched_list, self.volume_list)
     def test_volumes_list_by_availability_zone(self):
@@ -183,8 +196,8 @@
         fetched_list = self.volumes_client.list_volumes(
-        self.assertVolumesIn(fetched_list, self.volume_list,
-                             fields=self.VOLUME_FIELDS)
+        self._assert_volumes_in(fetched_list, self.volume_list,
+                                fields=self.VOLUME_FIELDS)
     def test_volumes_list_details_by_availability_zone(self):
@@ -195,7 +208,7 @@
             detail=True, params=params)['volumes']
         for volume in fetched_list:
             self.assertEqual(zone, volume['availability_zone'])
-        self.assertVolumesIn(fetched_list, self.volume_list)
+        self._assert_volumes_in(fetched_list, self.volume_list)
     def test_volume_list_with_param_metadata(self):
@@ -213,7 +226,7 @@
     def test_volume_list_param_display_name_and_status(self):
         # Test to list volume when display name and status param is given
         volume = self.volume_list[data_utils.rand_int_id(0, 2)]
-        params = { volume[],
+        params = {'name': volume['name'],
                   'status': 'available'}
@@ -221,7 +234,7 @@
     def test_volume_list_with_detail_param_display_name_and_status(self):
         # Test to list volume when name and status param is given
         volume = self.volume_list[data_utils.rand_int_id(0, 2)]
-        params = { volume[],
+        params = {'name': volume['name'],
                   'status': 'available'}
         self._list_by_param_value_and_assert(params, with_detail=True)
diff --git a/tempest/api/volume/ b/tempest/api/volume/
index 4e19e62..f139283 100644
--- a/tempest/api/volume/
+++ b/tempest/api/volume/
@@ -16,13 +16,13 @@
 import six
 from tempest.api.volume import base
+from tempest.common import utils
 from tempest.common import waiters
 from tempest import config
 from tempest.lib.common.utils import data_utils
 from tempest.lib.common.utils import test_utils
 from tempest.lib import decorators
 from tempest.lib import exceptions as lib_exc
-from tempest import test
 CONF = config.CONF
@@ -35,7 +35,6 @@
         # Create a test shared instance and volume for attach/detach tests
         cls.volume = cls.create_volume()
-        cls.mountpoint = "/dev/vdc"
     def create_image(self):
         # Create image
@@ -168,7 +167,7 @@
     def test_attach_volumes_with_nonexistent_volume_id(self):
         server = self.create_server()
@@ -176,7 +175,7 @@
-                          mountpoint=self.mountpoint)
+                          mountpoint="/dev/vdc")
@@ -292,7 +291,7 @@
     def test_create_volume_from_image_with_decreasing_size(self):
         # Create image
         image = self.create_image()
@@ -307,7 +306,7 @@
     def test_create_volume_from_deactivated_image(self):
         # Create image
         image = self.create_image()
diff --git a/tempest/api/volume/ b/tempest/api/volume/
index e68ab7e..dcd3518 100644
--- a/tempest/api/volume/
+++ b/tempest/api/volume/
@@ -14,11 +14,11 @@
 from testtools import matchers
 from tempest.api.volume import base
+from tempest.common import utils
 from tempest import config
 from tempest.lib.common.utils import data_utils
 from tempest.lib import decorators
 from tempest.lib import exceptions as lib_exc
-from tempest import test
 CONF = config.CONF
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
         cls.volume_origin = cls.create_volume()
     def test_snapshot_create_delete_with_volume_in_use(self):
         # Create a test instance
         server = self.create_server()
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@
     def test_snapshot_create_offline_delete_online(self):
         # Create a snapshot while it is not attached
diff --git a/tempest/ b/tempest/
index d7a52d1..b06eafb 100644
--- a/tempest/
+++ b/tempest/
@@ -17,7 +17,6 @@
 from tempest.lib import auth
 from tempest.lib import exceptions as lib_exc
 from import clients
-from import object_storage
 CONF = config.CONF
@@ -25,8 +24,6 @@
 class Manager(clients.ServiceClients):
     """Top level manager for OpenStack tempest clients"""
-    default_params = config.service_client_config()
     def __init__(self, credentials, scope='project'):
         """Initialization of Manager class.
@@ -47,6 +44,10 @@
+        # TODO(andreaf) This is maintained for backward compatibility
+        # with plugins, but it should removed eventually, since it was
+        # never a stable interface and it's not useful anyways
+        self.default_params = config.service_client_config()
     def _set_network_clients(self):
         self.network_agents_client =
@@ -233,7 +234,9 @@
             self.volumes_client = self.volume_v1.VolumesClient()
             self.volumes_extension_client = self.volume_v1.ExtensionsClient()
-        if CONF.volume_feature_enabled.api_v2:
+        # if only api_v3 is enabled, all these clients should be available
+        if (CONF.volume_feature_enabled.api_v2 or
+            CONF.volume_feature_enabled.api_v3):
             self.backups_v2_client = self.volume_v2.BackupsClient()
             self.encryption_types_v2_client = \
@@ -263,6 +266,7 @@
             # Set default client for users that don't need explicit version
             self.volumes_client_latest = self.volumes_v2_client
+            self.snapshots_client_latest = self.snapshots_v2_client
         if CONF.volume_feature_enabled.api_v3:
             self.backups_v3_client = self.volume_v3.BackupsClient()
@@ -277,23 +281,14 @@
             # Set default client for users that don't need explicit version
             self.volumes_client_latest = self.volumes_v3_client
+            self.snapshots_client_latest = self.snapshots_v3_client
     def _set_object_storage_clients(self):
-        # NOTE(andreaf) Load configuration from config. Once object storage
-        # is in lib, configuration will be pulled directly from the registry
-        # and this will not be required anymore.
-        params = config.service_client_config('object-storage')
-        self.account_client = object_storage.AccountClient(self.auth_provider,
-                                                           **params)
-        self.bulk_client = object_storage.BulkMiddlewareClient(
-            self.auth_provider, **params)
-        self.capabilities_client = object_storage.CapabilitiesClient(
-            self.auth_provider, **params)
-        self.container_client = object_storage.ContainerClient(
-            self.auth_provider, **params)
-        self.object_client = object_storage.ObjectClient(self.auth_provider,
-                                                         **params)
+        self.account_client = self.object_storage.AccountClient()
+        self.bulk_client = self.object_storage.BulkMiddlewareClient()
+        self.capabilities_client = self.object_storage.CapabilitiesClient()
+        self.container_client = self.object_storage.ContainerClient()
+        self.object_client = self.object_storage.ObjectClient()
 def get_auth_provider_class(credentials):
diff --git a/tempest/cmd/ b/tempest/cmd/
index 8636405..1c671ec 100755
--- a/tempest/cmd/
+++ b/tempest/cmd/
@@ -15,18 +15,18 @@
 #    under the License.
-Utility for creating **accounts.yaml** file for concurrent test runs.
+Utility for creating ``accounts.yaml`` file for concurrent test runs.
 Creates one primary user, one alt user, one swift admin, one stack owner
 and one admin (optionally) for each concurrent thread. The utility creates
-user for each tenant. The **accounts.yaml** file will be valid and contain
+user for each tenant. The ``accounts.yaml`` file will be valid and contain
 credentials for created users, so each user will be in separate tenant and
 have the username, tenant_name, password and roles.
-**Usage:** ``tempest account-generator [-h] [OPTIONS] accounts_file.yaml``.
+**Usage:** ``tempest account-generator [-h] [OPTIONS] accounts_file.yaml``
 Positional Arguments
-**accounts_file.yaml** (Required) Provide an output accounts yaml file. Utility
+``accounts_file.yaml`` (Required) Provide an output accounts yaml file. Utility
 creates a .yaml file in the directory where the command is ran. The appropriate
 name for the file is *accounts.yaml* and it should be placed in *tempest/etc*
@@ -40,55 +40,62 @@
 You're probably familiar with these, but just to remind:
-======== ======================== ====================
-Param    CLI                      Environment Variable
-======== ======================== ====================
-Username --os-username            OS_USERNAME
-Password --os-password            OS_PASSWORD
-Project  --os-project-name        OS_PROJECT_NAME
-Tenant   --os-tenant-name (depr.) OS_TENANT_NAME
-Domain   --os-domain-name         OS_DOMAIN_NAME
-======== ======================== ====================
+======== ============================ ====================
+Param    CLI                          Environment Variable
+======== ============================ ====================
+Username ``--os-username``            OS_USERNAME
+Password ``--os-password``            OS_PASSWORD
+Project  ``--os-project-name``        OS_PROJECT_NAME
+Tenant   ``--os-tenant-name`` (depr.) OS_TENANT_NAME
+Domain   ``--os-domain-name``         OS_DOMAIN_NAME
+======== ============================ ====================
 Optional Arguments
-**-h**, **--help** (Optional) Shows help message with the description of
-utility and its arguments, and exits.
+* ``-h, --help`` (Optional) Shows help message with the description of
+  utility and its arguments, and exits.
-**c /etc/tempest.conf**, **--config-file /etc/tempest.conf** (Optional) Path to
-tempest config file.
+* ``-c, --config-file /etc/tempest.conf`` (Optional) Path
+  to tempest config file. If not specified, it searches for tempest.conf in
+  these locations:
-**--os-username <auth-user-name>** (Optional) Name used for authentication with
-the OpenStack Identity service. Defaults to env[OS_USERNAME]. Note: User should
-have permissions to create new user accounts and tenants.
+  - ./etc/
+  - /etc/tempest
+  - ~/.tempest/
+  - ~/
+  - /etc/
-**--os-password <auth-password>** (Optional) Password used for authentication
-with the OpenStack Identity service. Defaults to env[OS_PASSWORD].
+* ``--os-username <auth-user-name>`` (Optional) Name used for authentication
+  with the OpenStack Identity service. Defaults to env[OS_USERNAME]. Note: User
+  should have permissions to create new user accounts and tenants.
-**--os-project-name <auth-project-name>** (Optional) Project to request
-authorization on. Defaults to env[OS_PROJECT_NAME].
+* ``--os-password <auth-password>`` (Optional) Password used for authentication
+  with the OpenStack Identity service. Defaults to env[OS_PASSWORD].
-**--os-tenant-name <auth-tenant-name>** (Optional, deprecated) Tenant to
-request authorization on. Defaults to env[OS_TENANT_NAME].
+* ``--os-project-name <auth-project-name>`` (Optional) Project to request
+  authorization on. Defaults to env[OS_PROJECT_NAME].
-**--os-domain-name <auth-domain-name>** (Optional) Domain the user and project
-belong to. Defaults to env[OS_DOMAIN_NAME].
+* ``--os-tenant-name <auth-tenant-name>`` (Optional, deprecated) Tenant to
+  request authorization on. Defaults to env[OS_TENANT_NAME].
-**--tag TAG** (Optional) Resources tag. Each created resource (user, project)
-will have the prefix with the given TAG in its name. Using tag is recommended
-for the further using, cleaning resources.
+* ``--os-domain-name <auth-domain-name>`` (Optional) Domain the user and
+  project belong to. Defaults to env[OS_DOMAIN_NAME].
-**-r CONCURRENCY**, **--concurrency CONCURRENCY** (Required) Concurrency count
-(default: 1). The number of accounts required can be estimated as
-CONCURRENCY x 2. Each user provided in *accounts.yaml* file will be in
-a different tenant. This is required to provide isolation between test for
-running in parallel.
+* ``--tag TAG`` (Optional) Resources tag. Each created resource (user, project)
+  will have the prefix with the given TAG in its name. Using tag is recommended
+  for the further using, cleaning resources.
-**--with-admin** (Optional) Creates admin for each concurrent group
-(default: False).
+* ``-r, --concurrency CONCURRENCY`` (Optional) Concurrency count
+  (default: 1). The number of accounts required can be estimated as
+  CONCURRENCY x 2. Each user provided in *accounts.yaml* file will be in
+  a different tenant. This is required to provide isolation between test for
+  running in parallel.
-**-i VERSION**, **--identity-version VERSION** (Optional) Provisions accounts
-using the specified version of the identity API. (default: '3').
+* ``--with-admin`` (Optional) Creates admin for each concurrent group
+  (default: False).
+* ``-i, --identity-version VERSION`` (Optional) Provisions accounts
+  using the specified version of the identity API. (default: '3').
 To see help on specific argument, please do: ``tempest account-generator
 [OPTIONS] <accounts_file.yaml> -h``.
@@ -155,9 +162,7 @@
     if CONF.service_available.swift:
-    if CONF.service_available.heat:
-        spec.append([CONF.orchestration.stack_owner_role,
-                     CONF.object_storage.operator_role])
+        spec.append([CONF.object_storage.operator_role])
     if admin:
     resources = []
diff --git a/tempest/cmd/ b/tempest/cmd/
index ac73cbf..29abd49 100644
--- a/tempest/cmd/
+++ b/tempest/cmd/
@@ -28,45 +28,48 @@
 Example Run
-**WARNING: If step 1 is skipped in the example below, the cleanup procedure
-may delete resources that existed in the cloud before the test run. This
-may cause an unwanted destruction of cloud resources, so use caution with
-this command.**
+.. warning::
-``$ tempest cleanup --init-saved-state``
+    If step 1 is skipped in the example below, the cleanup procedure
+    may delete resources that existed in the cloud before the test run. This
+    may cause an unwanted destruction of cloud resources, so use caution with
+    this command.
-``$ # Actual running of Tempest tests``
+    Examples::
-``$ tempest cleanup``
+     $ tempest cleanup --init-saved-state
+     $ # Actual running of Tempest tests
+     $ tempest cleanup
 Runtime Arguments
-**--init-saved-state**: Initializes the saved state of the OpenStack deployment
-and will output a ``saved_state.json`` file containing resources from your
-deployment that will be preserved from the cleanup command. This should be
-done prior to running Tempest tests.
+* ``--init-saved-state``: Initializes the saved state of the OpenStack
+  deployment and will output a ``saved_state.json`` file containing resources
+  from your deployment that will be preserved from the cleanup command. This
+  should be done prior to running Tempest tests.
-**--delete-tempest-conf-objects**: If option is present, then the command will
-delete the admin project in addition to the resources associated with them on
-clean up. If option is not present, the command will delete the resources
-associated with the Tempest and alternate Tempest users and projects but will
-not delete the projects themselves.
+* ``--delete-tempest-conf-objects``: If option is present, then the command
+  will delete the admin project in addition to the resources associated with
+  them on clean up. If option is not present, the command will delete the
+  resources associated with the Tempest and alternate Tempest users and
+  projects but will not delete the projects themselves.
-**--dry-run**: Creates a report (``./dry_run.json``) of the projects that will
-be cleaned up (in the ``_tenants_to_clean`` dictionary [1]_) and the global
-objects that will be removed (domains, flavors, images, roles, projects,
-and users). Once the cleanup command is executed (e.g. run without
-parameters), running it again with **--dry-run** should yield an empty report.
+* ``--dry-run``: Creates a report (``./dry_run.json``) of the projects that
+  will be cleaned up (in the ``_projects_to_clean`` dictionary [1]_) and the
+  global objects that will be removed (domains, flavors, images, roles,
+  projects, and users). Once the cleanup command is executed (e.g. run without
+  parameters), running it again with ``--dry-run`` should yield an empty
+  report.
-**--help**: Print the help text for the command and parameters.
+* ``--help``: Print the help text for the command and parameters.
-.. [1] The ``_tenants_to_clean`` dictionary in ``dry_run.json`` lists the
+.. [1] The ``_projects_to_clean`` dictionary in ``dry_run.json`` lists the
     projects that ``tempest cleanup`` will loop through to delete child
     objects, but the command will, by default, not delete the projects
-    themselves. This may differ from the ``tenants`` list as you can clean
+    themselves. This may differ from the ``projects`` list as you can clean
     the Tempest and alternate Tempest users and projects but they will not be
-    deleted unless the **--delete-tempest-conf-objects** flag is used to
+    deleted unless the ``--delete-tempest-conf-objects`` flag is used to
     force their deletion.
@@ -104,19 +107,20 @@
     def init(self, parsed_args):
         self.options = parsed_args
-        self.admin_mgr = credentials.AdminManager()
+        self.admin_mgr = clients.Manager(
+            credentials.get_configured_admin_credentials())
         self.dry_run_data = {}
         self.json_data = {}
         self.admin_id = ""
         self.admin_role_id = ""
-        self.admin_tenant_id = ""
+        self.admin_project_id = ""
         self.admin_role_added = []
         # available services
-        self.tenant_services = cleanup_service.get_tenant_cleanup_services()
+        self.project_services = cleanup_service.get_project_cleanup_services()
         self.global_services = cleanup_service.get_global_cleanup_services()
         if parsed_args.init_saved_state:
@@ -132,24 +136,24 @@
         is_save_state = False
         if is_dry_run:
-            self.dry_run_data["_tenants_to_clean"] = {}
+            self.dry_run_data["_projects_to_clean"] = {}
         admin_mgr = self.admin_mgr
-        # Always cleanup tempest and alt tempest tenants unless
+        # Always cleanup tempest and alt tempest projects unless
         # they are in saved state json. Therefore is_preserve is False
         kwargs = {'data': self.dry_run_data,
                   'is_dry_run': is_dry_run,
                   'saved_state_json': self.json_data,
                   'is_preserve': False,
                   'is_save_state': is_save_state}
-        tenant_service = cleanup_service.TenantService(admin_mgr, **kwargs)
-        tenants = tenant_service.list()
-        print("Process %s tenants" % len(tenants))
+        project_service = cleanup_service.ProjectService(admin_mgr, **kwargs)
+        projects = project_service.list()
+        print("Process %s projects" % len(projects))
-        # Loop through list of tenants and clean them up.
-        for tenant in tenants:
-            self._add_admin(tenant['id'])
-            self._clean_tenant(tenant)
+        # Loop through list of projects and clean them up.
+        for project in projects:
+            self._add_admin(project['id'])
+            self._clean_project(project)
         kwargs = {'data': self.dry_run_data,
                   'is_dry_run': is_dry_run,
@@ -168,49 +172,51 @@
     def _remove_admin_user_roles(self):
-        tenant_ids = self.admin_role_added
-        LOG.debug("Removing admin user roles where needed for tenants: %s",
-                  tenant_ids)
-        for tenant_id in tenant_ids:
-            self._remove_admin_role(tenant_id)
+        project_ids = self.admin_role_added
+        LOG.debug("Removing admin user roles where needed for projects: %s",
+                  project_ids)
+        for project_id in project_ids:
+            self._remove_admin_role(project_id)
-    def _clean_tenant(self, tenant):
-        print("Cleaning tenant:  %s " % tenant['name'])
+    def _clean_project(self, project):
+        print("Cleaning project:  %s " % project['name'])
         is_dry_run = self.options.dry_run
         dry_run_data = self.dry_run_data
         is_preserve = not self.options.delete_tempest_conf_objects
-        tenant_id = tenant['id']
-        tenant_name = tenant['name']
-        tenant_data = None
+        project_id = project['id']
+        project_name = project['name']
+        project_data = None
         if is_dry_run:
-            tenant_data = dry_run_data["_tenants_to_clean"][tenant_id] = {}
-            tenant_data['name'] = tenant_name
+            project_data = dry_run_data["_projects_to_clean"][project_id] = {}
+            project_data['name'] = project_name
         kwargs = {"username": CONF.auth.admin_username,
                   "password": CONF.auth.admin_password,
-                  "tenant_name": tenant['name']}
+                  "project_name": project['name']}
         mgr = clients.Manager(credentials=credentials.get_credentials(
-        kwargs = {'data': tenant_data,
+        kwargs = {'data': project_data,
                   'is_dry_run': is_dry_run,
                   'saved_state_json': None,
                   'is_preserve': is_preserve,
                   'is_save_state': False,
-                  'tenant_id': tenant_id}
-        for service in self.tenant_services:
+                  'project_id': project_id}
+        for service in self.project_services:
             svc = service(mgr, **kwargs)
     def _init_admin_ids(self):
-        tn_cl = self.admin_mgr.tenants_client
-        rl_cl = self.admin_mgr.roles_client
+        pr_cl = self.admin_mgr.projects_client
+        rl_cl = self.admin_mgr.roles_v3_client
+        rla_cl = self.admin_mgr.role_assignments_client
+        us_cl = self.admin_mgr.users_v3_client
-        tenant = identity.get_tenant_by_name(tn_cl,
-                                             CONF.auth.admin_project_name)
-        self.admin_tenant_id = tenant['id']
-        user = identity.get_user_by_username(tn_cl, self.admin_tenant_id,
-                                             CONF.auth.admin_username)
+        project = identity.get_project_by_name(pr_cl,
+                                               CONF.auth.admin_project_name)
+        self.admin_project_id = project['id']
+        user = identity.get_user_by_project(us_cl, rla_cl,
+                                            self.admin_project_id,
+                                            CONF.auth.admin_username)
         self.admin_id = user['id']
         roles = rl_cl.list_roles()['roles']
@@ -235,7 +241,7 @@
                             help="Force deletion of the tempest and "
-                            "alternate tempest users and tenants.")
+                            "alternate tempest users and projects.")
         parser.add_argument('--dry-run', action="store_true",
                             dest='dry_run', default=False,
                             help="Generate JSON file:" + DRY_RUN_JSON +
@@ -246,43 +252,44 @@
     def get_description(self):
         return 'Cleanup after tempest run'
-    def _add_admin(self, tenant_id):
-        rl_cl = self.admin_mgr.roles_client
+    def _add_admin(self, project_id):
+        rl_cl = self.admin_mgr.roles_v3_client
         needs_role = True
-        roles = rl_cl.list_user_roles_on_project(tenant_id,
+        roles = rl_cl.list_user_roles_on_project(project_id,
         for role in roles:
             if role['id'] == self.admin_role_id:
                 needs_role = False
-                LOG.debug("User already had admin privilege for this tenant")
+                LOG.debug("User already had admin privilege for this project")
         if needs_role:
-            LOG.debug("Adding admin privilege for : %s", tenant_id)
-            rl_cl.create_user_role_on_project(tenant_id, self.admin_id,
+            LOG.debug("Adding admin privilege for : %s", project_id)
+            rl_cl.create_user_role_on_project(project_id, self.admin_id,
-            self.admin_role_added.append(tenant_id)
+            self.admin_role_added.append(project_id)
-    def _remove_admin_role(self, tenant_id):
-        LOG.debug("Remove admin user role for tenant: %s", tenant_id)
-        # Must initialize AdminManager for each user role
+    def _remove_admin_role(self, project_id):
+        LOG.debug("Remove admin user role for projectt: %s", project_id)
+        # Must initialize Admin Manager for each user role
         # Otherwise authentication exception is thrown, weird
-        id_cl = credentials.AdminManager().identity_client
-        if (self._tenant_exists(tenant_id)):
+        id_cl = clients.Manager(
+            credentials.get_configured_admin_credentials()).identity_client
+        if (self._project_exists(project_id)):
-                id_cl.delete_role_from_user_on_project(tenant_id,
+                id_cl.delete_role_from_user_on_project(project_id,
             except Exception as ex:
-                LOG.exception("Failed removing role from tenant which still"
+                LOG.exception("Failed removing role from project which still"
                               "exists, exception: %s", ex)
-    def _tenant_exists(self, tenant_id):
-        tn_cl = self.admin_mgr.tenants_client
+    def _project_exists(self, project_id):
+        pr_cl = self.admin_mgr.projects_client
-            t = tn_cl.show_tenant(tenant_id)
-            LOG.debug("Tenant is: %s", str(t))
+            p = pr_cl.show_project(project_id)
+            LOG.debug("Project is: %s", str(p))
             return True
         except Exception as ex:
-            LOG.debug("Tenant no longer exists? %s", ex)
+            LOG.debug("Project no longer exists? %s", ex)
             return False
     def _init_state(self):
diff --git a/tempest/cmd/ b/tempest/cmd/
index 11cd4bb..025959a 100644
--- a/tempest/cmd/
+++ b/tempest/cmd/
@@ -16,11 +16,12 @@
 from oslo_log import log as logging
+from tempest import clients
 from tempest.common import credentials_factory as credentials
 from tempest.common import identity
+from tempest.common import utils
 from tempest.common.utils import net_info
 from tempest import config
-from tempest import test
 LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
 CONF = config.CONF
@@ -31,12 +32,11 @@
-IS_HEAT = None
 IS_NOVA = None
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@
     global CONF_PUB_NETWORK
     global CONF_PUB_ROUTER
-    global CONF_TENANTS
+    global CONF_PROJECTS
     global CONF_USERS
     global IS_CINDER
     global IS_GLANCE
@@ -59,7 +59,6 @@
     IS_CINDER = CONF.service_available.cinder
     IS_GLANCE = CONF.service_available.glance
-    IS_HEAT = CONF.service_available.heat
     IS_NEUTRON = CONF.service_available.neutron
     IS_NOVA = CONF.service_available.nova
@@ -68,7 +67,7 @@
     CONF_PRIV_NETWORK_NAME = CONF.compute.fixed_network_name
-    CONF_TENANTS = [CONF.auth.admin_project_name]
+    CONF_PROJECTS = [CONF.auth.admin_project_name]
     CONF_USERS = [CONF.auth.admin_username]
     if IS_NEUTRON:
@@ -78,16 +77,17 @@
 def _get_network_id(net_name, project_name):
-    am = credentials.AdminManager()
+    am = clients.Manager(
+        credentials.get_configured_admin_credentials())
     net_cl = am.networks_client
-    tn_cl = am.tenants_client
+    pr_cl = am.projects_client
     networks = net_cl.list_networks()
-    tenant = identity.get_tenant_by_name(tn_cl, project_name)
-    t_id = tenant['id']
+    project = identity.get_project_by_name(pr_cl, project_name)
+    p_id = project['id']
     n_id = None
     for net in networks['networks']:
-        if (net['tenant_id'] == t_id and net['name'] == net_name):
+        if (net['project_id'] == p_id and net['name'] == net_name):
             n_id = net['id']
     return n_id
@@ -139,7 +139,7 @@
     def __init__(self, manager, **kwargs):
         super(SnapshotService, self).__init__(kwargs)
-        self.client = manager.snapshots_client
+        self.client = manager.snapshots_client_latest
     def list(self):
         client = self.client
@@ -210,33 +210,6 @@['server_groups'] = sgs
-class StackService(BaseService):
-    def __init__(self, manager, **kwargs):
-        super(StackService, self).__init__(kwargs)
-        params = config.service_client_config('orchestration')
-        self.client = manager.orchestration.OrchestrationClient(
-            manager.auth_provider, **params)
-    def list(self):
-        client = self.client
-        stacks = client.list_stacks()['stacks']
-        LOG.debug("List count, %s Stacks", len(stacks))
-        return stacks
-    def delete(self):
-        client = self.client
-        stacks = self.list()
-        for stack in stacks:
-            try:
-                client.delete_stack(stack['id'])
-            except Exception:
-                LOG.exception("Delete Stack exception.")
-    def dry_run(self):
-        stacks = self.list()
-['stacks'] = stacks
 class KeyPairService(BaseService):
     def __init__(self, manager, **kwargs):
         super(KeyPairService, self).__init__(kwargs)
@@ -317,7 +290,7 @@
 class VolumeService(BaseService):
     def __init__(self, manager, **kwargs):
         super(VolumeService, self).__init__(kwargs)
-        self.client = manager.volumes_client
+        self.client = manager.volumes_client_latest
     def list(self):
         client = self.client
@@ -342,7 +315,7 @@
 class VolumeQuotaService(BaseService):
     def __init__(self, manager, **kwargs):
         super(VolumeQuotaService, self).__init__(kwargs)
-        self.client = manager.volume_quotas_client
+        self.client = manager.volume_quotas_v2_client
     def delete(self):
         client = self.client
@@ -784,14 +757,14 @@
 class IdentityService(BaseService):
     def __init__(self, manager, **kwargs):
         super(IdentityService, self).__init__(kwargs)
-        self.client = manager.identity_client
+        self.client = manager.identity_v3_client
 class UserService(BaseService):
     def __init__(self, manager, **kwargs):
         super(UserService, self).__init__(kwargs)
-        self.client = manager.users_client
+        self.client = manager.users_v3_client
     def list(self):
         users = self.client.list_users()['users']
@@ -870,43 +843,43 @@
   ['roles'][role['id']] = role['name']
-class TenantService(BaseService):
+class ProjectService(BaseService):
     def __init__(self, manager, **kwargs):
-        super(TenantService, self).__init__(kwargs)
-        self.client = manager.tenants_client
+        super(ProjectService, self).__init__(kwargs)
+        self.client = manager.projects_client
     def list(self):
-        tenants = self.client.list_tenants()['tenants']
+        projects = self.client.list_projects()['projects']
         if not self.is_save_state:
-            tenants = [tenant for tenant in tenants if (tenant['id']
-                       not in self.saved_state_json['tenants'].keys()
-                       and tenant['name'] != CONF.auth.admin_project_name)]
+            projects = [project for project in projects if (project['id']
+                        not in self.saved_state_json['projects'].keys()
+                        and project['name'] != CONF.auth.admin_project_name)]
         if self.is_preserve:
-            tenants = [tenant for tenant in tenants if tenant['name']
-                       not in CONF_TENANTS]
+            projects = [project for project in projects if project['name']
+                        not in CONF_PROJECTS]
-        LOG.debug("List count, %s Tenants after reconcile", len(tenants))
-        return tenants
+        LOG.debug("List count, %s Projects after reconcile", len(projects))
+        return projects
     def delete(self):
-        tenants = self.list()
-        for tenant in tenants:
+        projects = self.list()
+        for project in projects:
-                self.client.delete_tenant(tenant['id'])
+                self.client.delete_project(project['id'])
             except Exception:
-                LOG.exception("Delete Tenant exception.")
+                LOG.exception("Delete project exception.")
     def dry_run(self):
-        tenants = self.list()
-['tenants'] = tenants
+        projects = self.list()
+['projects'] = projects
     def save_state(self):
-        tenants = self.list()
-['tenants'] = {}
-        for tenant in tenants:
-  ['tenants'][tenant['id']] = tenant['name']
+        projects = self.list()
+['projects'] = {}
+        for project in projects:
+  ['projects'][project['id']] = project['name']
 class DomainService(BaseService):
@@ -946,35 +919,33 @@
   ['domains'][domain['id']] = domain['name']
-def get_tenant_cleanup_services():
-    tenant_services = []
+def get_project_cleanup_services():
+    project_services = []
     # TODO(gmann): Tempest should provide some plugin hook for cleanup
     # script extension to plugin tests also.
     if IS_NOVA:
-        tenant_services.append(ServerService)
-        tenant_services.append(KeyPairService)
-        tenant_services.append(SecurityGroupService)
-        tenant_services.append(ServerGroupService)
+        project_services.append(ServerService)
+        project_services.append(KeyPairService)
+        project_services.append(SecurityGroupService)
+        project_services.append(ServerGroupService)
         if not IS_NEUTRON:
-            tenant_services.append(FloatingIpService)
-        tenant_services.append(NovaQuotaService)
-    if IS_HEAT:
-        tenant_services.append(StackService)
+            project_services.append(FloatingIpService)
+        project_services.append(NovaQuotaService)
     if IS_NEUTRON:
-        tenant_services.append(NetworkFloatingIpService)
-        if test.is_extension_enabled('metering', 'network'):
-            tenant_services.append(NetworkMeteringLabelRuleService)
-            tenant_services.append(NetworkMeteringLabelService)
-        tenant_services.append(NetworkRouterService)
-        tenant_services.append(NetworkPortService)
-        tenant_services.append(NetworkSubnetService)
-        tenant_services.append(NetworkService)
-        tenant_services.append(NetworkSecGroupService)
+        project_services.append(NetworkFloatingIpService)
+        if utils.is_extension_enabled('metering', 'network'):
+            project_services.append(NetworkMeteringLabelRuleService)
+            project_services.append(NetworkMeteringLabelService)
+        project_services.append(NetworkRouterService)
+        project_services.append(NetworkPortService)
+        project_services.append(NetworkSubnetService)
+        project_services.append(NetworkService)
+        project_services.append(NetworkSecGroupService)
     if IS_CINDER:
-        tenant_services.append(SnapshotService)
-        tenant_services.append(VolumeService)
-        tenant_services.append(VolumeQuotaService)
-    return tenant_services
+        project_services.append(SnapshotService)
+        project_services.append(VolumeService)
+        project_services.append(VolumeQuotaService)
+    return project_services
 def get_global_cleanup_services():
@@ -984,7 +955,7 @@
     if IS_GLANCE:
-    global_services.append(TenantService)
+    global_services.append(ProjectService)
     return global_services
diff --git a/tempest/cmd/ b/tempest/cmd/
index 7634d9e..9a85d89 100644
--- a/tempest/cmd/
+++ b/tempest/cmd/
@@ -20,19 +20,15 @@
 from oslo_config import generator
 from oslo_log import log as logging
 from six import moves
-from testrepository import commands
+from stestr import commands
 from tempest.cmd import workspace
 LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-    ${PYTHON:-python} -m discover -t %s %s $LISTOPT $IDOPTION
-test_id_option=--load-list $IDFILE
@@ -84,13 +80,13 @@
                                  "is ~/.tempest/workspace.yaml")
         return parser
-    def generate_testr_conf(self, local_path):
-        testr_conf_path = os.path.join(local_path, '.testr.conf')
+    def generate_stestr_conf(self, local_path):
+        stestr_conf_path = os.path.join(local_path, '.stestr.conf')
         top_level_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__))
         discover_path = os.path.join(top_level_path, 'test_discover')
-        testr_conf = TESTR_CONF % (top_level_path, discover_path)
-        with open(testr_conf_path, 'w+') as testr_conf_file:
-            testr_conf_file.write(testr_conf)
+        stestr_conf = STESTR_CONF % (discover_path, top_level_path)
+        with open(stestr_conf_path, 'w+') as stestr_conf_file:
+            stestr_conf_file.write(stestr_conf)
     def get_configparser(self, conf_path):
         config_parse = moves.configparser.ConfigParser()
@@ -148,7 +144,7 @@
         etc_dir = os.path.join(local_dir, 'etc')
         config_path = os.path.join(etc_dir, 'tempest.conf')
         log_dir = os.path.join(local_dir, 'logs')
-        testr_dir = os.path.join(local_dir, '.testrepository')
+        stestr_dir = os.path.join(local_dir, '.stestr')
         # Create lock dir
         if not os.path.isdir(lock_dir):
             LOG.debug('Creating lock dir: %s', lock_dir)
@@ -163,12 +159,11 @@
         # Update local confs to reflect local paths
         self.update_local_conf(config_path, lock_dir, log_dir)
-        # Generate a testr conf file
-        self.generate_testr_conf(local_dir)
-        # setup local testr working dir
-        if not os.path.isdir(testr_dir):
-            commands.run_argv(['testr', 'init', '-d', local_dir], sys.stdin,
-                              sys.stdout, sys.stderr)
+        # Generate a stestr conf file
+        self.generate_stestr_conf(local_dir)
+        # setup local stestr working dir
+        if not os.path.isdir(stestr_dir):
+            commands.init_command(repo_url=local_dir)
     def take_action(self, parsed_args):
         workspace_manager = workspace.WorkspaceManager(
diff --git a/tempest/cmd/ b/tempest/cmd/
index 350dd0b..72ee715 100644
--- a/tempest/cmd/
+++ b/tempest/cmd/
@@ -19,11 +19,13 @@
 Tempest run has several options:
- * **--regex/-r**: This is a selection regex like what testr uses. It will run
+ * **--regex/-r**: This is a selection regex like what stestr uses. It will run
                    any tests that match on re.match() with the regex
  * **--smoke/-s**: Run all the tests tagged as smoke
+ * **--black-regex**: It allows to do simple test exclusion via passing a
+                      rejection/black regexp
-There are also the **--blacklist-file** and **--whitelist-file** options that
+There are also the ``--blacklist-file`` and ``--whitelist-file`` options that
 let you pass a filepath to tempest run with the file format being a line
 separated regex, with '#' used to signify the start of a comment on a line.
 For example::
@@ -32,27 +34,25 @@
     ^regex1 # Match these tests
     .*regex2 # Match those tests
-The blacklist file will be used to construct a negative lookahead regex and
-the whitelist file will simply OR all the regexes in the file. The whitelist
-and blacklist file options are mutually exclusive so you can't use them
-together. However, you can combine either with a normal regex or the *--smoke*
-flag. When used with a blacklist file the generated regex will be combined to
-something like::
+These arguments are just passed into stestr, you can refer to the stestr
+selection docs for more details on how these operate:
-    ^((?!black_regex1|black_regex2).)*$cli_regex1
-When combined with a whitelist file all the regexes from the file and the CLI
-regexes will be ORed.
-You can also use the **--list-tests** option in conjunction with selection
+You can also use the ``--list-tests`` option in conjunction with selection
 arguments to list which tests will be run.
+You can also use the ``--load-list`` option that lets you pass a filepath to
+tempest run with the file format being in a non-regex format, similar to the
+tests generated by the ``--list-tests`` option. You can specify target tests
+by removing unnecessary tests from a list file which is generated from
+``--list-tests`` option.
 Test Execution
 There are several options to control how the tests are executed. By default
 tempest will run in parallel with a worker for each CPU present on the machine.
-If you want to adjust the number of workers use the **--concurrency** option
-and if you want to run tests serially use **--serial/-t**
+If you want to adjust the number of workers use the ``--concurrency`` option
+and if you want to run tests serially use ``--serial/-t``
 Running with Workspaces
@@ -68,15 +68,15 @@
 Tempest run provides you with an option to execute tempest from anywhere on
 your system. You are required to provide a config file in this case with the
-``--config-file`` option. When run tempest will create a .testrepository
-directory and a .testr.conf file in your current working directory. This way
-you can use testr commands directly to inspect the state of the previous run.
+``--config-file`` option. When run tempest will create a .stestr
+directory and a .stestr.conf file in your current working directory. This way
+you can use stestr commands directly to inspect the state of the previous run.
 Test Output
 By default tempest run's output to STDOUT will be generated using the
 subunit-trace output filter. But, if you would prefer a subunit v2 stream be
-output to STDOUT use the **--subunit** flag
+output to STDOUT use the ``--subunit`` flag
 Combining Runs
@@ -84,23 +84,19 @@
 There are certain situations in which you want to split a single run of tempest
 across 2 executions of tempest run. (for example to run part of the tests
 serially and others in parallel) To accomplish this but still treat the results
-as a single run you can leverage the **--combine** option which will append
+as a single run you can leverage the ``--combine`` option which will append
 the current run's results with the previous runs.
-import io
 import os
 import sys
-import tempfile
-import threading
 from cliff import command
-from os_testr import regex_builder
-from os_testr import subunit_trace
 from oslo_serialization import jsonutils as json
 import six
-from testrepository.commands import run_argv
+from stestr import commands
+from tempest import clients
 from tempest.cmd import cleanup_service
 from tempest.cmd import init
 from tempest.cmd import workspace
@@ -117,35 +113,27 @@
     def _set_env(self, config_file=None):
         if config_file:
-        # NOTE(mtreinish): This is needed so that testr doesn't gobble up any
+        # NOTE(mtreinish): This is needed so that stestr doesn't gobble up any
         # stacktraces on failure.
         if 'TESTR_PDB' in os.environ:
             os.environ["TESTR_PDB"] = ""
-        # NOTE(dims): most of our .testr.conf try to test for PYTHON
+        # NOTE(dims): most of our .stestr.conf try to test for PYTHON
         # environment variable and fall back to "python", under python3
         # if it does not exist. we should set it to the python3 executable
         # to deal with this situation better for now.
         if six.PY3 and 'PYTHON' not in os.environ:
             os.environ['PYTHON'] = sys.executable
-    def _create_testrepository(self):
-        if not os.path.isdir('.testrepository'):
-            returncode = run_argv(['testr', 'init'], sys.stdin, sys.stdout,
-                                  sys.stderr)
-            if returncode:
-                sys.exit(returncode)
-    def _create_testr_conf(self):
+    def _create_stestr_conf(self):
         top_level_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__))
         discover_path = os.path.join(top_level_path, 'test_discover')
-        file_contents = init.TESTR_CONF % (top_level_path, discover_path)
-        with open('.testr.conf', 'w+') as testr_conf_file:
-                testr_conf_file.write(file_contents)
+        file_contents = init.STESTR_CONF % (discover_path, top_level_path)
+        with open('.stestr.conf', 'w+') as stestr_conf_file:
+            stestr_conf_file.write(file_contents)
     def take_action(self, parsed_args):
-        returncode = 0
         if parsed_args.config_file:
@@ -162,52 +150,39 @@
                     "register the workspace." %
                     (parsed_args.workspace, workspace_mgr.path))
-            # NOTE(mtreinish): tempest init should create a .testrepository dir
-            # but since workspaces can be imported let's sanity check and
-            # ensure that one is created
-            self._create_testrepository()
-        # Local execution mode
-        elif os.path.isfile('.testr.conf'):
-            # If you're running in local execution mode and there is not a
-            # testrepository dir create one
-            self._create_testrepository()
+            if not os.path.isfile('.stestr.conf'):
+                self._create_stestr_conf()
         # local execution with config file mode
-        elif parsed_args.config_file:
-            self._create_testr_conf()
-            self._create_testrepository()
-        else:
-            print("No .testr.conf file was found for local execution")
+        elif parsed_args.config_file and not os.path.isfile('.stestr.conf'):
+            self._create_stestr_conf()
+        elif not os.path.isfile('.stestr.conf'):
+            print("No .stestr.conf file was found for local execution")
         if parsed_args.state:
-        if parsed_args.combine:
-            temp_stream = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()
-            return_code = run_argv(['tempest', 'last', '--subunit'], sys.stdin,
-                                   temp_stream, sys.stderr)
-            if return_code > 0:
-                sys.exit(return_code)
         regex = self._build_regex(parsed_args)
+        return_code = 0
         if parsed_args.list_tests:
-            argv = ['tempest', 'list-tests', regex]
-            returncode = run_argv(argv, sys.stdin, sys.stdout, sys.stderr)
-        else:
-            options = self._build_options(parsed_args)
-            returncode = self._run(regex, options)
-            if returncode > 0:
-                sys.exit(returncode)
+            return_code = commands.list_command(
+                filters=regex, whitelist_file=parsed_args.whitelist_file,
+                blacklist_file=parsed_args.blacklist_file,
+                black_regex=parsed_args.black_regex)
-        if parsed_args.combine:
-            return_code = run_argv(['tempest', 'last', '--subunit'], sys.stdin,
-                                   temp_stream, sys.stderr)
+        else:
+            serial = not parsed_args.parallel
+            return_code = commands.run_command(
+                filters=regex, subunit_out=parsed_args.subunit,
+                serial=serial, concurrency=parsed_args.concurrency,
+                blacklist_file=parsed_args.blacklist_file,
+                whitelist_file=parsed_args.whitelist_file,
+                black_regex=parsed_args.black_regex,
+                load_list=parsed_args.load_list, combine=parsed_args.combine)
             if return_code > 0:
-            returncode = run_argv(['tempest', 'load',],
-                                  sys.stdin, sys.stdout, sys.stderr)
-        sys.exit(returncode)
+        return return_code
     def get_description(self):
         return 'Run tempest'
@@ -216,7 +191,8 @@
         print("Initializing saved state.")
         data = {}
         self.global_services = cleanup_service.get_global_cleanup_services()
-        self.admin_mgr = credentials.AdminManager()
+        self.admin_mgr = clients.Manager(
+            credentials.get_configured_admin_credentials())
         admin_mgr = self.admin_mgr
         kwargs = {'data': data,
                   'is_dry_run': False,
@@ -254,17 +230,24 @@
         regex.add_argument('--smoke', '-s', action='store_true',
                            help="Run the smoke tests only")
         regex.add_argument('--regex', '-r', default='',
-                           help='A normal testr selection regex used to '
+                           help='A normal stestr selection regex used to '
                                 'specify a subset of tests to run')
-        list_selector = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
-        list_selector.add_argument('--whitelist-file', '--whitelist_file',
-                                   help="Path to a whitelist file, this file "
-                                        "contains a separate regex on each "
-                                        "newline.")
-        list_selector.add_argument('--blacklist-file', '--blacklist_file',
-                                   help='Path to a blacklist file, this file '
-                                        'contains a separate regex exclude on '
-                                        'each newline')
+        parser.add_argument('--black-regex', dest='black_regex',
+                            help='A regex to exclude tests that match it')
+        parser.add_argument('--whitelist-file', '--whitelist_file',
+                            help="Path to a whitelist file, this file "
+                            "contains a separate regex on each "
+                            "newline.")
+        parser.add_argument('--blacklist-file', '--blacklist_file',
+                            help='Path to a blacklist file, this file '
+                                 'contains a separate regex exclude on '
+                                 'each newline')
+        parser.add_argument('--load-list', '--load_list',
+                            help='Path to a non-regex whitelist file, '
+                                 'this file contains a seperate test '
+                                 'on each newline. This command'
+                                 'supports files created by the tempest'
+                                 'run ``--list-tests`` command')
         # list only args
         parser.add_argument('--list-tests', '-l', action='store_true',
                             help='List tests',
@@ -291,60 +274,15 @@
         parser.add_argument("--combine", action='store_true',
                             help='Combine the output of this run with the '
                                  "previous run's as a combined stream in the "
-                                 "testr repository after it finish")
+                                 "stestr repository after it finish")
         return parser
     def _build_regex(self, parsed_args):
-        regex = ''
+        regex = None
         if parsed_args.smoke:
-            regex = 'smoke'
+            regex = ['smoke']
         elif parsed_args.regex:
-            regex = parsed_args.regex
-        if parsed_args.whitelist_file or parsed_args.blacklist_file:
-            regex = regex_builder.construct_regex(parsed_args.blacklist_file,
-                                                  parsed_args.whitelist_file,
-                                                  regex, False)
+            regex = parsed_args.regex.split()
         return regex
-    def _build_options(self, parsed_args):
-        options = []
-        if parsed_args.subunit:
-            options.append("--subunit")
-        if parsed_args.parallel:
-            options.append("--parallel")
-        if parsed_args.concurrency:
-            options.append("--concurrency=%s" % parsed_args.concurrency)
-        return options
-    def _run(self, regex, options):
-        returncode = 0
-        argv = ['tempest', 'run', regex] + options
-        if '--subunit' in options:
-            returncode = run_argv(argv, sys.stdin, sys.stdout, sys.stderr)
-        else:
-            argv.append('--subunit')
-            stdin = io.StringIO()
-            stdout_r, stdout_w = os.pipe()
-            subunit_w = os.fdopen(stdout_w, 'wt')
-            subunit_r = os.fdopen(stdout_r)
-            returncodes = {}
-            def run_argv_thread():
-                returncodes['testr'] = run_argv(argv, stdin, subunit_w,
-                                                sys.stderr)
-                subunit_w.close()
-            run_thread = threading.Thread(target=run_argv_thread)
-            run_thread.start()
-            returncodes['subunit-trace'] = subunit_trace.trace(
-                subunit_r, sys.stdout, post_fails=True, print_failures=True)
-            run_thread.join()
-            subunit_r.close()
-            # python version of pipefail
-            if returncodes['testr']:
-                returncode = returncodes['testr']
-            elif returncodes['subunit-trace']:
-                returncode = returncodes['subunit-trace']
-        return returncode
diff --git a/tempest/cmd/ b/tempest/cmd/
index 8ee3055..f0ade7e 100644
--- a/tempest/cmd/
+++ b/tempest/cmd/
@@ -21,17 +21,14 @@
 Runtime Arguments
-**--subunit, -s**: (Optional) The path to the subunit file being parsed,
-defaults to stdin
-**--non-subunit-name, -n**: (Optional) The file_name that the logs are being
-stored in
-**--output-file, -o**: (Optional) The path where the JSON output will be
-written to. This contains more information than is present in stdout.
-**--ports, -p**: (Optional) The path to a JSON file describing the ports being
-used by different services
+* ``--subunit, -s``: (Optional) The path to the subunit file being parsed,
+  defaults to stdin
+* ``--non-subunit-name, -n``: (Optional) The file_name that the logs are being
+  stored in
+* ``--output-file, -o``: (Optional) The path where the JSON output will be
+  written to. This contains more information than is present in stdout.
+* ``--ports, -p``: (Optional) The path to a JSON file describing the ports
+  being used by different services
@@ -102,8 +99,8 @@
     response_re = re.compile(r'.* Response - Headers: (?P<headers>.*)')
     body_re = re.compile(r'.*Body: (?P<body>.*)')
-    # Based on mitaka defaults:
-    #
+    # Based on newton defaults:
+    #
     # firewalls-default-ports.html
     services = {
         "8776": "Block Storage",
@@ -122,7 +119,8 @@
         "873": "rsync",
         "3260": "iSCSI",
         "3306": "MySQL",
-        "5672": "AMQP"}
+        "5672": "AMQP",
+        "8082": "murano"}
     def __init__(self, services=None):
         super(UrlParser, self).__init__()
diff --git a/tempest/cmd/ b/tempest/cmd/
index a72493d..15af271 100644
--- a/tempest/cmd/
+++ b/tempest/cmd/
@@ -76,7 +76,6 @@
 from tempest import config
 import tempest.lib.common.http
 from tempest.lib import exceptions as lib_exc
-from import object_storage
 CONF = config.CONF
@@ -197,10 +196,6 @@
 def verify_keystone_api_versions(os, update):
     # Check keystone api versions
     versions = _get_api_versions(os, 'keystone')
-    if (CONF.identity_feature_enabled.api_v2 !=
-            contains_version('v2.', versions)):
-        print_and_or_update('api_v2', 'identity-feature-enabled',
-                            not CONF.identity_feature_enabled.api_v2, update)
     if (CONF.identity_feature_enabled.api_v3 !=
             contains_version('v3.', versions)):
         print_and_or_update('api_v3', 'identity-feature-enabled',
@@ -236,11 +231,10 @@
 def get_extension_client(os, service):
-    params = config.service_client_config('object-storage')
     extensions_client = {
         'nova': os.compute.ExtensionsClient(),
-        'swift': object_storage.CapabilitiesClient(os.auth_provider, **params),
+        'swift': os.object_storage.CapabilitiesClient(),
         # NOTE: Cinder v3 API is current and v2 and v1 are deprecated.
         # V3 extension API is the same as v2, so we reuse the v2 client
         # for v3 API also.
@@ -355,7 +349,6 @@
         'image': 'glance',
         'object_storage': 'swift',
         'compute': 'nova',
-        'orchestration': 'heat',
         'baremetal': 'ironic',
         'identity': 'keystone',
diff --git a/tempest/cmd/ b/tempest/cmd/
index 8166b4f..929a584 100644
--- a/tempest/cmd/
+++ b/tempest/cmd/
@@ -26,28 +26,28 @@
-Registers a new tempest workspace via a given --name and --path
+Registers a new tempest workspace via a given ``--name`` and ``--path``
-Renames a tempest workspace from --old-name to --new-name
+Renames a tempest workspace from ``--old-name`` to ``--new-name``
-Changes the path of a given tempest workspace --name to --path
+Changes the path of a given tempest workspace ``--name`` to ``--path``
-Deletes the entry for a given tempest workspace --name
+Deletes the entry for a given tempest workspace ``--name``
---rmdir Deletes the given tempest workspace directory
+``--rmdir`` Deletes the given tempest workspace directory
 General Options
- **--workspace_path**: Allows the user to specify a different location for the
-                       workspace.yaml file containing the workspace definitions
-                       instead of ~/.tempest/workspace.yaml
+* ``--workspace_path``: Allows the user to specify a different location for the
+  workspace.yaml file containing the workspace definitions instead of
+  ``~/.tempest/workspace.yaml``
 import os
diff --git a/tempest/common/ b/tempest/common/
index e3fbfb8..68c4a10 100644
--- a/tempest/common/
+++ b/tempest/common/
@@ -41,6 +41,27 @@
 LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+def is_scheduler_filter_enabled(filter_name):
+    """Check the list of enabled compute scheduler filters from config.
+    This function checks whether the given compute scheduler filter is
+    available and configured in the config file. If the
+    scheduler_available_filters option is set to 'all' (Default value. which
+    means default filters are configured in nova) in tempest.conf then, this
+    function returns True with assumption that requested filter 'filter_name'
+    is one of available filter in nova ("nova.scheduler.filters.all_filters").
+    """
+    filters = CONF.compute_feature_enabled.scheduler_available_filters
+    if not filters:
+        return False
+    if 'all' in filters:
+        return True
+    if filter_name in filters:
+        return True
+    return False
 def create_test_server(clients, validatable=False, validation_resources=None,
                        tenant_network=None, wait_until=None,
                        volume_backed=False, name=None, flavor=None,
@@ -107,6 +128,8 @@
                    "this stage.")
             raise ValueError(msg)
+        LOG.debug("Provisioning test server with validation resources %s",
+                  validation_resources)
         if 'security_groups' in kwargs:
                 {'name': validation_resources['security_group']['name']})
@@ -177,9 +200,27 @@
         body = rest_client.ResponseBody(body.response, body['server'])
         servers = [body]
-    # The name of the method to associate a floating IP to as server is too
-    # long for PEP8 compliance so:
-    assoc = clients.compute_floating_ips_client.associate_floating_ip_to_server
+    def _setup_validation_fip():
+        if CONF.service_available.neutron:
+            ifaces = clients.interfaces_client.list_interfaces(server['id'])
+            validation_port = None
+            for iface in ifaces['interfaceAttachments']:
+                if iface['net_id'] == tenant_network['id']:
+                    validation_port = iface['port_id']
+                    break
+            if not validation_port:
+                # NOTE(artom) This will get caught by the catch-all clause in
+                # the wait_until loop below
+                raise ValueError('Unable to setup floating IP for validation: '
+                                 'port not found on tenant network')
+            clients.floating_ips_client.update_floatingip(
+                validation_resources['floating_ip']['id'],
+                port_id=validation_port)
+        else:
+            fip_client = clients.compute_floating_ips_client
+            fip_client.associate_floating_ip_to_server(
+                floating_ip=validation_resources['floating_ip']['ip'],
+                server_id=servers[0]['id'])
     if wait_until:
         for server in servers:
@@ -188,12 +229,10 @@
                     clients.servers_client, server['id'], wait_until)
                 # Multiple validatable servers are not supported for now. Their
-                # creation will fail with the condition above (l.58).
+                # creation will fail with the condition above.
                 if CONF.validation.run_validation and validatable:
                     if CONF.validation.connect_method == 'floating':
-                        assoc(floating_ip=validation_resources[
-                              'floating_ip']['ip'],
-                              server_id=servers[0]['id'])
+                        _setup_validation_fip()
             except Exception:
                 with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception():
@@ -250,13 +289,26 @@
 def create_websocket(url):
     url = urlparse.urlparse(url)
-    if url.scheme == 'https':
-        client_socket = ssl.wrap_socket(socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,
-                                                      socket.SOCK_STREAM))
+    # NOTE(mnaser): It is possible that there is no port specified, so fall
+    #               back to the default port based on the scheme.
+    port = url.port or (443 if url.scheme == 'https' else 80)
+    for res in socket.getaddrinfo(url.hostname, port,
+                                  socket.AF_UNSPEC, socket.SOCK_STREAM):
+        af, socktype, proto, _, sa = res
+        client_socket = socket.socket(af, socktype, proto)
+        if url.scheme == 'https':
+            client_socket = ssl.wrap_socket(client_socket)
+        client_socket.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1)
+        try:
+            client_socket.connect(sa)
+        except socket.error:
+            client_socket.close()
+            continue
+        break
-        client_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
-    client_socket.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1)
-    client_socket.connect((url.hostname, url.port))
+        raise socket.error('WebSocket creation failed')
     # Turn the Socket into a WebSocket to do the communication
     return _WebSocket(client_socket, url)
@@ -335,7 +387,12 @@
         """Upgrade the HTTP connection to a WebSocket and verify."""
         # The real request goes to the /websockify URI always
         reqdata = 'GET /websockify HTTP/1.1\r\n'
-        reqdata += 'Host: %s:%s\r\n' % (url.hostname, url.port)
+        reqdata += 'Host: %s' % url.hostname
+        # Add port only if we have one specified
+        if url.port:
+            reqdata += ':%s' % url.port
+        # Line-ending for Host header
+        reqdata += '\r\n'
         # Tell the HTTP Server to Upgrade the connection to a WebSocket
         reqdata += 'Upgrade: websocket\r\nConnection: Upgrade\r\n'
         # The token=xxx is sent as a Cookie not in the URI
diff --git a/tempest/common/ b/tempest/common/
index cecb8e3..75db155 100644
--- a/tempest/common/
+++ b/tempest/common/
@@ -44,6 +44,9 @@
         identity_uri = CONF.identity.uri_v3
     elif identity_version == 'v2':
         identity_uri = CONF.identity.uri
+    else:
+        raise exceptions.InvalidIdentityVersion(
+            identity_version=identity_version)
     return {
         'identity_version': identity_version,
         'identity_uri': identity_uri,
@@ -83,7 +86,7 @@
         ('create_networks', (CONF.auth.create_isolated_networks and not
-        ('resource_prefix', CONF.resources_prefix),
+        ('resource_prefix', 'tempest'),
         ('identity_admin_endpoint_type', endpoint_type)
@@ -216,13 +219,6 @@
     'alt_user': ('identity', 'alt')
-    'disable_ssl_certificate_validation':
-        CONF.identity.disable_ssl_certificate_validation,
-    'ca_certs': CONF.identity.ca_certificates_file,
-    'trace_requests': CONF.debug.trace_requests
 def get_configured_admin_credentials(fill_in=True, identity_version=None):
     """Get admin credentials from the config file
@@ -249,7 +245,7 @@
     if identity_version == 'v3':
     # Read the parts of credentials from config
-    params = DEFAULT_PARAMS.copy()
+    params = config.service_client_config()
     for attr in conf_attributes:
         params[attr] = getattr(CONF.auth, 'admin_' + attr)
     # Build and validate credentials. We are reading configured credentials,
@@ -279,7 +275,7 @@
     :param kwargs: Attributes to be used to build the Credentials object.
     :returns: An object of a sub-type of `auth.Credentials`
-    params = dict(DEFAULT_PARAMS, **kwargs)
+    params = dict(config.service_client_config(), **kwargs)
     identity_version = identity_version or CONF.identity.auth_version
     # In case of "v3" add the domain from config if not specified
     # To honour the "default_credentials_domain_name", if not domain
diff --git a/tempest/common/ b/tempest/common/
index 469defe..eaf651b 100644
--- a/tempest/common/
+++ b/tempest/common/
@@ -13,8 +13,21 @@
 #    License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
 #    under the License.
+from tempest import config
+from tempest.lib.common import cred_client
 from tempest.lib import exceptions as lib_exc
+CONF = config.CONF
+def get_project_by_name(client, project_name):
+    projects = client.list_projects({'name': project_name})['projects']
+    for project in projects:
+        if project['name'] == project_name:
+            return project
+    raise lib_exc.NotFound('No such project(%s) in %s' % (project_name,
+                           projects))
 def get_tenant_by_name(client, tenant_name):
     tenants = client.list_tenants()['tenants']
@@ -30,3 +43,49 @@
         if user['name'] == username:
             return user
     raise lib_exc.NotFound('No such user(%s) in %s' % (username, users))
+def get_user_by_project(users_client, roles_client, project_id, username):
+    users = users_client.list_users(**{'name': username})['users']
+    users_in_project = roles_client.list_role_assignments(
+        **{'': project_id})['role_assignments']
+    for user in users:
+        if user['name'] == username:
+            for u in users_in_project:
+                if u['user']['id'] == user['id']:
+                    return user
+    raise lib_exc.NotFound('No such user(%s) in %s' % (username, users))
+def identity_utils(clients):
+    """A client that abstracts v2 and v3 identity operations.
+    This can be used for creating and tearing down projects in tests. It
+    should not be used for testing identity features.
+    :param clients: a client manager.
+    :return
+    """
+    if CONF.identity.auth_version == 'v2':
+        client = clients.identity_client
+        users_client = clients.users_client
+        project_client = clients.tenants_client
+        roles_client = clients.roles_client
+        domains_client = None
+    else:
+        client = clients.identity_v3_client
+        users_client = clients.users_v3_client
+        project_client = clients.projects_client
+        roles_client = clients.roles_v3_client
+        domains_client = clients.domains_client
+    try:
+        domain = client.auth_provider.credentials.project_domain_name
+    except AttributeError:
+        domain = CONF.auth.default_credentials_domain_name
+    return cred_client.get_creds_client(client, project_client,
+                                        users_client,
+                                        roles_client,
+                                        domains_client,
+                                        project_domain_name=domain)
diff --git a/tempest/common/utils/ b/tempest/common/utils/
index 84e31d0..225a713 100644
--- a/tempest/common/utils/
+++ b/tempest/common/utils/
@@ -12,10 +12,16 @@
 #    License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
 #    under the License.
+import functools
 from functools import partial
+import testtools
 from tempest import config
+from tempest.exceptions import InvalidServiceTag
 from tempest.lib.common.utils import data_utils as lib_data_utils
+from tempest.lib import decorators
 CONF = config.CONF
@@ -25,10 +31,9 @@
         if attr == 'rand_name':
             # NOTE(flwang): This is a proxy to generate a random name that
-            # includes a random number and a prefix if one is configured in
-            # CONF.resources_prefix
+            # includes a random number and a prefix 'tempest'
             attr_obj = partial(lib_data_utils.rand_name,
-                               prefix=CONF.resources_prefix)
+                               prefix='tempest')
             attr_obj = getattr(lib_data_utils, attr)
@@ -36,3 +41,89 @@
         return attr_obj
 data_utils = DataUtils()
+def get_service_list():
+    service_list = {
+        'compute': CONF.service_available.nova,
+        'image': CONF.service_available.glance,
+        'volume': CONF.service_available.cinder,
+        # NOTE(masayukig): We have two network services which are neutron and
+        # nova-network. And we have no way to know whether nova-network is
+        # available or not. After the pending removal of nova-network from
+        # nova, we can treat the network/neutron case in the same manner as
+        # the other services.
+        'network': True,
+        # NOTE(masayukig): Tempest tests always require the identity service.
+        # So we should set this True here.
+        'identity': True,
+        'object_storage': CONF.service_available.swift,
+    }
+    return service_list
+def services(*args):
+    """A decorator used to set an attr for each service used in a test case
+    This decorator applies a testtools attr for each service that gets
+    exercised by a test case.
+    """
+    def decorator(f):
+        known_services = get_service_list()
+        for service in args:
+            if service not in known_services:
+                raise InvalidServiceTag('%s is not a valid service' % service)
+        decorators.attr(type=list(args))(f)
+        @functools.wraps(f)
+        def wrapper(*func_args, **func_kwargs):
+            service_list = get_service_list()
+            for service in args:
+                if not service_list[service]:
+                    msg = 'Skipped because the %s service is not available' % (
+                        service)
+                    raise testtools.TestCase.skipException(msg)
+            return f(*func_args, **func_kwargs)
+        return wrapper
+    return decorator
+def requires_ext(**kwargs):
+    """A decorator to skip tests if an extension is not enabled
+    @param extension
+    @param service
+    """
+    def decorator(func):
+        @functools.wraps(func)
+        def wrapper(*func_args, **func_kwargs):
+            if not is_extension_enabled(kwargs['extension'],
+                                        kwargs['service']):
+                msg = "Skipped because %s extension: %s is not enabled" % (
+                    kwargs['service'], kwargs['extension'])
+                raise testtools.TestCase.skipException(msg)
+            return func(*func_args, **func_kwargs)
+        return wrapper
+    return decorator
+def is_extension_enabled(extension_name, service):
+    """A function that will check the list of enabled extensions from config
+    """
+    config_dict = {
+        'compute': CONF.compute_feature_enabled.api_extensions,
+        'volume': CONF.volume_feature_enabled.api_extensions,
+        'network': CONF.network_feature_enabled.api_extensions,
+        'object': CONF.object_storage_feature_enabled.discoverable_apis,
+        'identity': CONF.identity_feature_enabled.api_extensions
+    }
+    if not config_dict[service]:
+        return False
+    if config_dict[service][0] == 'all':
+        return True
+    if extension_name in config_dict[service]:
+        return True
+    return False
diff --git a/tempest/common/utils/linux/ b/tempest/common/utils/linux/
index 99a628e..52ccfa9 100644
--- a/tempest/common/utils/linux/
+++ b/tempest/common/utils/linux/
@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@
         if selected:
             return "\n".join(selected)
-            msg = "'TYPE' column is requred but the output doesn't have it: "
+            msg = "'TYPE' column is required but the output doesn't have it: "
             raise tempest.lib.exceptions.TempestException(msg + output)
     def get_boot_time(self):
diff --git a/tempest/common/ b/tempest/common/
deleted file mode 100644
index 9e83a07..0000000
--- a/tempest/common/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,154 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2015 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
-#    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-#    you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-#    You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-#    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-#    WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-#    See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-#    limitations under the License.
-from oslo_log import log as logging
-from tempest import config
-from tempest.lib.common.utils import data_utils
-from tempest.lib import exceptions as lib_exc
-CONF = config.CONF
-LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-def _create_neutron_sec_group_rules(os, sec_group):
-    sec_group_rules_client = os.security_group_rules_client
-    ethertype = 'IPv4'
-    if CONF.validation.ip_version_for_ssh == 6:
-        ethertype = 'IPv6'
-    sec_group_rules_client.create_security_group_rule(
-        security_group_id=sec_group['id'],
-        protocol='tcp',
-        ethertype=ethertype,
-        port_range_min=22,
-        port_range_max=22,
-        direction='ingress')
-    sec_group_rules_client.create_security_group_rule(
-        security_group_id=sec_group['id'],
-        protocol='icmp',
-        ethertype=ethertype,
-        direction='ingress')
-def create_ssh_security_group(os, add_rule=False):
-    security_groups_client = os.compute_security_groups_client
-    security_group_rules_client = os.compute_security_group_rules_client
-    sg_name = data_utils.rand_name('securitygroup-')
-    sg_description = data_utils.rand_name('description-')
-    security_group = security_groups_client.create_security_group(
-        name=sg_name, description=sg_description)['security_group']
-    if add_rule:
-        if CONF.service_available.neutron:
-            _create_neutron_sec_group_rules(os, security_group)
-        else:
-            security_group_rules_client.create_security_group_rule(
-                parent_group_id=security_group['id'], ip_protocol='tcp',
-                from_port=22, to_port=22)
-            security_group_rules_client.create_security_group_rule(
-                parent_group_id=security_group['id'], ip_protocol='icmp',
-                from_port=-1, to_port=-1)
-    LOG.debug("SSH Validation resource security group with tcp and icmp "
-              "rules %s created", sg_name)
-    return security_group
-def create_validation_resources(os, validation_resources=None):
-    # Create and Return the validation resources required to validate a VM
-    validation_data = {}
-    if validation_resources:
-        if validation_resources['keypair']:
-            keypair_name = data_utils.rand_name('keypair')
-            validation_data.update(os.keypairs_client.create_keypair(
-                name=keypair_name))
-            LOG.debug("Validation resource key %s created", keypair_name)
-        add_rule = False
-        if validation_resources['security_group']:
-            if validation_resources['security_group_rules']:
-                add_rule = True
-            validation_data['security_group'] = \
-                create_ssh_security_group(os, add_rule)
-        if validation_resources['floating_ip']:
-            if CONF.service_available.neutron:
-                floatingip = os.floating_ips_client.create_floatingip(
-                # validation_resources['floating_ip'] has historically looked
-                # like a compute API POST /os-floating-ips response, so we need
-                # to mangle it a bit for a Neutron response with different
-                # fields.
-                validation_data['floating_ip'] = floatingip['floatingip']
-                validation_data['floating_ip']['ip'] = (
-                    floatingip['floatingip']['floating_ip_address'])
-            else:
-                # NOTE(mriedem): The os-floating-ips compute API was deprecated
-                # in the 2.36 microversion. Any tests for CRUD operations on
-                # floating IPs using the compute API should be capped at 2.35.
-                validation_data.update(
-                    os.compute_floating_ips_client.create_floating_ip(
-    return validation_data
-def clear_validation_resources(os, validation_data=None):
-    # Cleanup the vm validation resources
-    has_exception = None
-    if validation_data:
-        if 'keypair' in validation_data:
-            keypair_client = os.keypairs_client
-            keypair_name = validation_data['keypair']['name']
-            try:
-                keypair_client.delete_keypair(keypair_name)
-            except lib_exc.NotFound:
-                LOG.warning(
-                    "Keypair %s is not found when attempting to delete",
-                    keypair_name
-                )
-            except Exception as exc:
-                LOG.exception('Exception raised while deleting key %s',
-                              keypair_name)
-                if not has_exception:
-                    has_exception = exc
-        if 'security_group' in validation_data:
-            security_group_client = os.compute_security_groups_client
-            sec_id = validation_data['security_group']['id']
-            try:
-                security_group_client.delete_security_group(sec_id)
-                security_group_client.wait_for_resource_deletion(sec_id)
-            except lib_exc.NotFound:
-                LOG.warning("Security group %s is not found when attempting "
-                            "to delete", sec_id)
-            except lib_exc.Conflict as exc:
-                LOG.exception('Conflict while deleting security '
-                              'group %s VM might not be deleted', sec_id)
-                if not has_exception:
-                    has_exception = exc
-            except Exception as exc:
-                LOG.exception('Exception raised while deleting security '
-                              'group %s', sec_id)
-                if not has_exception:
-                    has_exception = exc
-        if 'floating_ip' in validation_data:
-            floating_client = os.compute_floating_ips_client
-            fip_id = validation_data['floating_ip']['id']
-            try:
-                floating_client.delete_floating_ip(fip_id)
-            except lib_exc.NotFound:
-                LOG.warning('Floating ip %s not found while attempting to '
-                            'delete', fip_id)
-            except Exception as exc:
-                LOG.exception('Exception raised while deleting ip %s', fip_id)
-                if not has_exception:
-                    has_exception = exc
-    if has_exception:
-        raise has_exception
diff --git a/tempest/common/ b/tempest/common/
index f4c2866..08e2a12 100644
--- a/tempest/common/
+++ b/tempest/common/
@@ -179,15 +179,13 @@
     raise lib_exc.TimeoutException(message)
-def wait_for_volume_resource_status(client, resource_id, statuses):
-    """Waits for a volume resource to reach any of the specified statuses.
+def wait_for_volume_resource_status(client, resource_id, status):
+    """Waits for a volume resource to reach a given status.
     This function is a common function for volume, snapshot and backup
     resources. The function extracts the name of the desired resource from
     the client class name of the resource.
-    if not isinstance(statuses, list):
-        statuses = [statuses]
     resource_name = re.findall(
         client.resource_type)[-1].replace('-', '_')
@@ -195,11 +193,11 @@
     resource_status = show_resource(resource_id)[resource_name]['status']
     start = int(time.time())
-    while resource_status not in statuses:
+    while resource_status != status:
         resource_status = show_resource(resource_id)[
-        if resource_status == 'error' and resource_status not in statuses:
+        if resource_status == 'error' and resource_status != status:
             raise exceptions.VolumeResourceBuildErrorException(
                 resource_name=resource_name, resource_id=resource_id)
         if resource_name == 'volume' and resource_status == 'error_restoring':
@@ -208,9 +206,11 @@
         if int(time.time()) - start >= client.build_timeout:
             message = ('%s %s failed to reach %s status (current %s) '
                        'within the required time (%s s).' %
-                       (resource_name, resource_id, statuses, resource_status,
+                       (resource_name, resource_id, status, resource_status,
             raise lib_exc.TimeoutException(message)
+'%s %s reached %s after waiting for %f seconds',
+             resource_name, resource_id, status, time.time() - start)
 def wait_for_volume_retype(client, volume_id, new_volume_type):
diff --git a/tempest/ b/tempest/
index af9eefc..5d27efd 100644
--- a/tempest/
+++ b/tempest/
@@ -15,15 +15,12 @@
 from __future__ import print_function
-import functools
 import os
 import tempfile
-import debtcollector.removals
 from oslo_concurrency import lockutils
 from oslo_config import cfg
 from oslo_log import log as logging
-import testtools
 from tempest.lib import exceptions
 from import clients
@@ -68,9 +65,7 @@
-                                                   group='compute'),
-                                 cfg.DeprecatedOpt('allow_tenant_isolation',
-                                                   group='orchestration')]),
+                                                   group='compute')]),
                 help="Roles to assign to all users created by tempest",
@@ -109,6 +104,7 @@
+               default='Default',
                help="Admin domain name for authentication (Keystone V3)."
                     "The same domain applies to user and project",
@@ -197,6 +193,8 @@
                help='Timeout in seconds to wait for the http request to '
+    cfg.StrOpt('proxy_url',
+               help='Specify an http proxy to use.')
 identity_feature_group = cfg.OptGroup(name='identity-feature-enabled',
@@ -208,8 +206,14 @@
                 help='Does the identity service have delegation and '
                      'impersonation enabled'),
-                default=True,
-                help='Is the v2 identity API enabled'),
+                default=False,
+                help='Is the v2 identity API enabled',
+                deprecated_for_removal=True,
+                deprecated_reason='The identity v2.0 API was removed in the '
+                                  'Queens release. Tests that exercise the '
+                                  'v2.0 API will be removed from tempest in '
+                                  'the v22.0.0 release. They are kept only to '
+                                  'test stable branches.'),
                 help="Is the v2 identity admin API available? This setting "
@@ -222,22 +226,21 @@
                 help="A list of enabled identity extensions with a special "
                      "entry all which indicates every extension is enabled. "
                      "Empty list indicates all extensions are disabled. "
-                     "To get the list of extensions run: 'keystone discover'"),
-    # TODO(rodrigods): This is a feature flag for bug 1590578 which is fixed
-    # in Newton and Ocata. This option can be removed after Mitaka is end of
-    # life.
-    cfg.BoolOpt('forbid_global_implied_dsr',
+                     "To get the list of extensions run: "
+                     "'openstack extension list --identity'"),
+    cfg.BoolOpt('domain_specific_drivers',
-                help='Does the environment forbid global roles implying '
-                     'domain specific ones?',
-                deprecated_for_removal=True,
-                deprecated_reason="This feature flag was introduced to "
-                                  "support testing of old OpenStack versions, "
-                                  "which are not supported anymore"),
+                help='Are domain specific drivers enabled? '
+                     'This configuration value should be same as '
+                     '[identity]->domain_specific_drivers_enabled '
+                     'in keystone.conf.'),
                 help='Does the environment have the security compliance '
-                     'settings enabled?')
+                     'settings enabled?'),
+    cfg.BoolOpt('project_tags',
+                default=False,
+                help='Is the project tags identity v3 API available?')
 compute_group = cfg.OptGroup(name='compute',
@@ -300,9 +303,9 @@
                help='Time in seconds before a shelved instance is eligible '
                     'for removing from a host.  -1 never offload, 0 offload '
-                    'when shelved. This time should be the same as the time '
-                    'of nova.conf, and some tests will run for as long as the '
-                    'time.'),
+                    'when shelved. This configuration value should be same as '
+                    '[nova.DEFAULT]->shelved_offload_time in nova.conf, and '
+                    'some tests will run for as long as the time.'),
                help=('The minimum number of compute nodes expected. This will '
@@ -472,6 +475,15 @@
                 help='Does the test environment support in-place swapping of '
                      'volumes attached to a server instance?'),
+    cfg.BoolOpt('volume_backed_live_migration',
+                default=False,
+                help='Does the test environment support volume-backed live '
+                     'migration?'),
+    cfg.BoolOpt('volume_multiattach',
+                default=False,
+                help='Does the test environment support attaching a volume to '
+                     'more than one instance? This depends on hypervisor and '
+                     'volume backend/type and compute API version 2.60.'),
@@ -536,13 +548,6 @@
                                   'are current one. In future, Tempest will '
                                   'test v2 APIs only so this config option '
                                   'will be removed.'),
-    cfg.BoolOpt('deactivate_image',
-                default=False,
-                help="Is the deactivate-image feature enabled."
-                     " The feature has been integrated since Kilo.",
-                deprecated_for_removal=True,
-                deprecated_reason="All supported versions of OpenStack now "
-                                  "support the 'deactivate_image' feature"),
 network_group = cfg.OptGroup(name='network',
@@ -607,10 +612,14 @@
                      " for subnet creation"),
                choices=[None, 'normal', 'direct', 'macvtap'],
-               help="vnic_type to use when Launching instances"
+               help="vnic_type to use when launching instances"
                     " with pre-configured ports."
                     " Supported ports are:"
                     " ['normal','direct','macvtap']"),
+    cfg.DictOpt('port_profile',
+                default={},
+                help="port profile to use when launching instances"
+                     " with pre-configured ports."),
                 default=["", ""],
                 help="List of ip pools"
@@ -833,7 +842,14 @@
                 help="Is the v2 volume API enabled"),
-                help="Is the v3 volume API enabled")
+                help="Is the v3 volume API enabled"),
+    cfg.BoolOpt('extend_attached_volume',
+                default=False,
+                help='Does the cloud support extending the size of a volume '
+                     'which is currently attached to a server instance? This '
+                     'depends on the 3.42 volume API microversion and the '
+                     '2.51 compute API microversion. Also, not all volume or '
+                     'compute backends support this operation.')
@@ -904,66 +920,6 @@
                 help="Execute discoverability tests"),
-orchestration_group = cfg.OptGroup(name='orchestration',
-                                   title='Orchestration Service Options')
-OrchestrationGroup = [
-    cfg.StrOpt('catalog_type',
-               default='orchestration',
-               help="Catalog type of the Orchestration service.",
-               deprecated_for_removal=True,
-               deprecated_reason='Heat support will be removed from Tempest'),
-    cfg.StrOpt('region',
-               default='',
-               help="The orchestration region name to use. If empty, the "
-                    "value of identity.region is used instead. If no such "
-                    "region is found in the service catalog, the first found "
-                    "one is used.",
-               deprecated_for_removal=True,
-               deprecated_reason='Heat support will be removed from Tempest'),
-    cfg.StrOpt('endpoint_type',
-               default='publicURL',
-               choices=['public', 'admin', 'internal',
-                        'publicURL', 'adminURL', 'internalURL'],
-               help="The endpoint type to use for the orchestration service.",
-               deprecated_for_removal=True,
-               deprecated_reason='Heat support will be removed from Tempest'),
-    cfg.StrOpt('stack_owner_role', default='heat_stack_owner',
-               help='Role required for users to be able to manage stacks',
-               deprecated_for_removal=True,
-               deprecated_reason='Heat support will be removed from Tempest'),
-    cfg.IntOpt('build_interval',
-               default=1,
-               help="Time in seconds between build status checks.",
-               deprecated_for_removal=True,
-               deprecated_reason='Heat support will be removed from Tempest'),
-    cfg.IntOpt('build_timeout',
-               default=1200,
-               help="Timeout in seconds to wait for a stack to build.",
-               deprecated_for_removal=True,
-               deprecated_reason='Heat support will be removed from Tempest'),
-    cfg.StrOpt('instance_type',
-               default='m1.micro',
-               help="Instance type for tests. Needs to be big enough for a "
-                    "full OS plus the test workload",
-               deprecated_for_removal=True,
-               deprecated_reason='Heat support will be removed from Tempest'),
-    cfg.StrOpt('keypair_name',
-               help="Name of existing keypair to launch servers with.",
-               deprecated_for_removal=True,
-               deprecated_reason='Heat support will be removed from Tempest'),
-    cfg.IntOpt('max_template_size',
-               default=524288,
-               help="Value must match heat configuration of the same name.",
-               deprecated_for_removal=True,
-               deprecated_reason='Heat support will be removed from Tempest'),
-    cfg.IntOpt('max_resources_per_stack',
-               default=1000,
-               help="Value must match heat configuration of the same name.",
-               deprecated_for_removal=True,
-               deprecated_reason='Heat support will be removed from Tempest'),
 scenario_group = cfg.OptGroup(name='scenario', title='Scenario Test Options')
@@ -1025,11 +981,6 @@
                 help="Whether or not nova is expected to be available"),
-    cfg.BoolOpt('heat',
-                default=False,
-                help="Whether or not Heat is expected to be available",
-                deprecated_for_removal=True,
-                deprecated_reason='Heat support will be removed from Tempest'),
 debug_group = cfg.OptGroup(name="debug",
@@ -1059,17 +1010,6 @@
 DefaultGroup = [
-    cfg.StrOpt('resources_prefix',
-               default='tempest',
-               help="Prefix to be added when generating the name for "
-                    "test resources. It can be used to discover all "
-                    "resources associated with a specific test run when "
-                    "running tempest on a real-life cloud",
-               deprecated_for_removal=True,
-               deprecated_reason="It is enough to add 'tempest' as this "
-                                 "prefix to ideintify resources which are "
-                                 "created by Tempest and no projects set "
-                                 "this option on OpenStack dev community."),
                 help="""Whether to pause a test in global teardown.
@@ -1097,7 +1037,6 @@
     (volume_feature_group, VolumeFeaturesGroup),
     (object_storage_group, ObjectStoreGroup),
     (object_storage_feature_group, ObjectStoreFeaturesGroup),
-    (orchestration_group, OrchestrationGroup),
     (scenario_group, ScenarioGroup),
     (service_available_group, ServiceAvailableGroup),
     (debug_group, DebugGroup),
@@ -1164,7 +1103,6 @@
         self.object_storage = _CONF['object-storage']
         self.object_storage_feature_enabled = _CONF[
-        self.orchestration = _CONF.orchestration
         self.scenario = _CONF.scenario
         self.service_available = _CONF.service_available
         self.debug = _CONF.debug
@@ -1278,79 +1216,6 @@
 CONF = TempestConfigProxy()
-    message='use testtools.skipUnless instead', removal_version='Queens')
-def skip_unless_config(*args):
-    """Decorator to raise a skip if a config opt doesn't exist or is False
-    :param str group: The first arg, the option group to check
-    :param str name: The second arg, the option name to check
-    :param str msg: Optional third arg, the skip msg to use if a skip is raised
-    :raises testtools.TestCaseskipException: If the specified config option
-        doesn't exist or it exists and evaluates to False
-    """
-    def decorator(f):
-        group = args[0]
-        name = args[1]
-        @functools.wraps(f)
-        def wrapper(self, *func_args, **func_kwargs):
-            if not hasattr(CONF, group):
-                msg = "Config group %s doesn't exist" % group
-                raise testtools.TestCase.skipException(msg)
-            conf_group = getattr(CONF, group)
-            if not hasattr(conf_group, name):
-                msg = "Config option %s.%s doesn't exist" % (group,
-                                                             name)
-                raise testtools.TestCase.skipException(msg)
-            value = getattr(conf_group, name)
-            if not value:
-                if len(args) == 3:
-                    msg = args[2]
-                else:
-                    msg = "Config option %s.%s is false" % (group,
-                                                            name)
-                raise testtools.TestCase.skipException(msg)
-            return f(self, *func_args, **func_kwargs)
-        return wrapper
-    return decorator
-    message='use testtools.skipIf instead', removal_version='Queens')
-def skip_if_config(*args):
-    """Raise a skipException if a config exists and is True
-    :param str group: The first arg, the option group to check
-    :param str name: The second arg, the option name to check
-    :param str msg: Optional third arg, the skip msg to use if a skip is raised
-    :raises testtools.TestCase.skipException: If the specified config option
-        exists and evaluates to True
-    """
-    def decorator(f):
-        group = args[0]
-        name = args[1]
-        @functools.wraps(f)
-        def wrapper(self, *func_args, **func_kwargs):
-            if hasattr(CONF, group):
-                conf_group = getattr(CONF, group)
-                if hasattr(conf_group, name):
-                    value = getattr(conf_group, name)
-                    if value:
-                        if len(args) == 3:
-                            msg = args[2]
-                        else:
-                            msg = "Config option %s.%s is false" % (group,
-                                                                    name)
-                        raise testtools.TestCase.skipException(msg)
-            return f(self, *func_args, **func_kwargs)
-        return wrapper
-    return decorator
 def service_client_config(service_client_name=None):
     """Return a dict with the parameters to init service clients
@@ -1371,6 +1236,7 @@
         * `ca_certs`
         * `trace_requests`
         * `http_timeout`
+        * `proxy_url`
     The dict returned by this does not fit a few service clients:
@@ -1393,7 +1259,8 @@
         'ca_certs': CONF.identity.ca_certificates_file,
         'trace_requests': CONF.debug.trace_requests,
-        'http_timeout': CONF.service_clients.http_timeout
+        'http_timeout': CONF.service_clients.http_timeout,
+        'proxy_url': CONF.service_clients.proxy_url,
     if service_client_name is None:
@@ -1447,7 +1314,7 @@
         module = service_clients[service_client]
         configs = service_client.split('.')[0]
         service_client_data = dict(
-            name=service_client.replace('.', '_'),
+            name=service_client.replace('.', '_').replace('-', '_'),
diff --git a/tempest/ b/tempest/
index b5b2d71..a430d5d 100644
--- a/tempest/
+++ b/tempest/
@@ -52,5 +52,5 @@
                "the configured network")
-class RFCViolation(exceptions.RestClientException):
-    message = "RFC Violation"
+class InvalidServiceTag(exceptions.TempestException):
+    message = "Invalid service tag"
diff --git a/tempest/hacking/ b/tempest/hacking/
index 067da09..aae685c 100644
--- a/tempest/hacking/
+++ b/tempest/hacking/
@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@
 METHOD_GET_RESOURCE = re.compile(r"^\s*def (list|show)\_.+")
 METHOD_DELETE_RESOURCE = re.compile(r"^\s*def delete_.+")
 CLASS = re.compile(r"^class .+")
+EX_ATTRIBUTE = re.compile(r'(\s+|\()(e|ex|exc|exception).message(\s+|\))')
 def import_no_clients_in_api_and_scenario_tests(physical_line, filename):
@@ -294,6 +295,17 @@
         yield(0, msg)
+def unsupported_exception_attribute_PY3(logical_line):
+    """Check Unsupported 'message' exception attribute in PY3
+    T116
+    """
+    result =
+    msg = ("[T116] Unsupported 'message' Exception attribute in PY3")
+    if result:
+        yield(0, msg)
 def factory(register):
@@ -309,3 +321,4 @@
+    register(unsupported_exception_attribute_PY3)
diff --git a/tempest/lib/api_schema/response/compute/v2_1/ b/tempest/lib/api_schema/response/compute/v2_1/
index a3c9099..28ed816 100644
--- a/tempest/lib/api_schema/response/compute/v2_1/
+++ b/tempest/lib/api_schema/response/compute/v2_1/
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@
             'items': {
                 'type': 'object',
                 'properties': {
-                    'version': {'type': 'integer'},
+                    'version': {'enum': [4, 6]},
                     'addr': {
                         'type': 'string',
                         'oneOf': [
diff --git a/tempest/tests/services/ b/tempest/lib/api_schema/response/compute/v2_45/
similarity index 100%
copy from tempest/tests/services/
copy to tempest/lib/api_schema/response/compute/v2_45/
diff --git a/tempest/lib/api_schema/response/compute/v2_45/ b/tempest/lib/api_schema/response/compute/v2_45/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8a48f36
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tempest/lib/api_schema/response/compute/v2_45/
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+#    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+#    not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+#    a copy of the License at
+#    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+#    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+#    WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+#    License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+#    under the License.
+# The 2.45 microversion removes the "location" header and adds "image_id"
+# to the response body.
+create_image = {
+    'status_code': [202],
+    'response_body': {
+        'type': 'object',
+        'properties': {
+            'image_id': {'type': 'string'}
+        },
+        'additionalProperties': False,
+        'required': ['image_id']
+    }
+# NOTE(mriedem): The compute proxy APIs for showing/listing and deleting
+# images were deprecated in microversion 2.35, and the compute proxy APIs for
+# working with image metadata were deprecated in microversion 2.39. Therefore,
+# client-side code shouldn't rely on those APIs in the compute images client
+# past those microversions and should instead use the Glance images client
+# directly.
diff --git a/tempest/lib/ b/tempest/lib/
index ab4308f..2dd9d00 100644
--- a/tempest/lib/
+++ b/tempest/lib/
@@ -261,12 +261,13 @@
     def __init__(self, credentials, auth_url,
                  ca_certs=None, trace_requests=None, scope='project',
-                 http_timeout=None):
+                 http_timeout=None, proxy_url=None):
         super(KeystoneAuthProvider, self).__init__(credentials, scope)
         self.dscv = disable_ssl_certificate_validation
         self.ca_certs = ca_certs
         self.trace_requests = trace_requests
         self.http_timeout = http_timeout
+        self.proxy_url = proxy_url
         self.auth_url = auth_url
         self.auth_client = self._auth_client(auth_url)
@@ -345,7 +346,7 @@
         return json_v2id.TokenClient(
             auth_url, disable_ssl_certificate_validation=self.dscv,
             ca_certs=self.ca_certs, trace_requests=self.trace_requests,
-            http_timeout=self.http_timeout)
+            http_timeout=self.http_timeout, proxy_url=self.proxy_url)
     def _auth_params(self):
         """Auth parameters to be passed to the token request
@@ -433,7 +434,7 @@
         return json_v3id.V3TokenClient(
             auth_url, disable_ssl_certificate_validation=self.dscv,
             ca_certs=self.ca_certs, trace_requests=self.trace_requests,
-            http_timeout=self.http_timeout)
+            http_timeout=self.http_timeout, proxy_url=self.proxy_url)
     def _auth_params(self):
         """Auth parameters to be passed to the token request
@@ -599,7 +600,8 @@
 def get_credentials(auth_url, fill_in=True, identity_version='v2',
                     disable_ssl_certificate_validation=None, ca_certs=None,
-                    trace_requests=None, http_timeout=None, **kwargs):
+                    trace_requests=None, http_timeout=None, proxy_url=None,
+                    **kwargs):
     """Builds a credentials object based on the configured auth_version
     :param auth_url (string): Full URI of the OpenStack Identity API(Keystone)
@@ -617,6 +619,7 @@
     :param trace_requests: trace in log API requests to the auth system
     :param http_timeout: timeout in seconds to wait for the http request to
+    :param proxy_url: URL of HTTP(s) proxy used when fill_in is True
     :param kwargs (dict): Dict of credential key/value pairs
@@ -641,7 +644,7 @@
         auth_provider = auth_provider_class(
             creds, auth_url, disable_ssl_certificate_validation=dscv,
             ca_certs=ca_certs, trace_requests=trace_requests,
-            http_timeout=http_timeout)
+            http_timeout=http_timeout, proxy_url=proxy_url)
         creds = auth_provider.fill_credentials()
     return creds
diff --git a/tempest/lib/cli/ b/tempest/lib/cli/
index 5468a7b..3fb56ec 100644
--- a/tempest/lib/cli/
+++ b/tempest/lib/cli/
@@ -58,8 +58,6 @@
     if six.PY2:
         cmd = cmd.encode('utf-8')
     cmd = shlex.split(cmd)
-    result = ''
-    result_err = ''
     stdout = subprocess.PIPE
     stderr = subprocess.STDOUT if merge_stderr else subprocess.PIPE
     proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=stdout, stderr=stderr)
@@ -93,10 +91,23 @@
     :type insecure: boolean
     :param prefix: prefix to insert before commands
     :type prefix: string
+    :param user_domain_name: User's domain name
+    :type user_domain_name: string
+    :param user_domain_id: User's domain ID
+    :type user_domain_id: string
+    :param project_domain_name: Project's domain name
+    :type project_domain_name: string
+    :param project_domain_id: Project's domain ID
+    :type project_domain_id: string
+    :param identity_api_version: Version of the Identity API
+    :type identity_api_version: string
     def __init__(self, username='', password='', tenant_name='', uri='',
-                 cli_dir='', insecure=False, prefix='', *args, **kwargs):
+                 cli_dir='', insecure=False, prefix='', user_domain_name=None,
+                 user_domain_id=None, project_domain_name=None,
+                 project_domain_id=None, identity_api_version=None, *args,
+                 **kwargs):
         """Initialize a new CLIClient object."""
         super(CLIClient, self).__init__()
         self.cli_dir = cli_dir if cli_dir else '/usr/bin'
@@ -106,6 +117,11 @@
         self.uri = uri
         self.insecure = insecure
         self.prefix = prefix
+        self.user_domain_name = user_domain_name
+        self.user_domain_id = user_domain_id
+        self.project_domain_name = project_domain_name
+        self.project_domain_id = project_domain_id
+        self.identity_api_version = identity_api_version
     def nova(self, action, flags='', params='', fail_ok=False,
              endpoint_type='publicURL', merge_stderr=False):
@@ -360,12 +376,23 @@
         :param merge_stderr:  if True the stderr buffer is merged into stdout
         :type merge_stderr: boolean
-        creds = ('--os-username %s --os-tenant-name %s --os-password %s '
+        creds = ('--os-username %s --os-project-name %s --os-password %s '
                  '--os-auth-url %s' %
+        if self.identity_api_version:
+            creds += ' --os-identity-api-version %s' % (
+                self.identity_api_version)
+        if self.user_domain_name is not None:
+            creds += ' --os-user-domain-name %s' % self.user_domain_name
+        if self.user_domain_id is not None:
+            creds += ' --os-user-domain-id %s' % self.user_domain_id
+        if self.project_domain_name is not None:
+            creds += ' --os-project-domain-name %s' % self.project_domain_name
+        if self.project_domain_id is not None:
+            creds += ' --os-project-domain-id %s' % self.project_domain_id
         if self.insecure:
             flags = creds + ' --insecure ' + flags
diff --git a/tempest/lib/common/ b/tempest/lib/common/
index 1371b3c..bcb076b 100644
--- a/tempest/lib/common/
+++ b/tempest/lib/common/
@@ -120,3 +120,59 @@
         raise exceptions.InvalidHTTPResponseHeader(msg)
+def compare_version_header_to_response(api_microversion_header_name,
+                                       api_microversion,
+                                       response_header,
+                                       operation='eq'):
+    """Compares API microversion in response header to ``api_microversion``.
+    Compare the ``api_microversion`` value in response header if microversion
+    header is present in response, otherwise return false.
+    To make this function work for APIs which do not return microversion
+    header in response (example compute v2.0), this function does *not* raise
+    InvalidHTTPResponseHeader.
+    :param api_microversion_header_name: Microversion header name. Example:
+        'Openstack-Api-Version'.
+    :param api_microversion: Microversion number. Example:
+        * '2.10' for the old-style header name, 'X-OpenStack-Nova-API-Version'
+        * 'Compute 2.10' for the new-style header name, 'Openstack-Api-Version'
+    :param response_header: Response header where microversion is
+        expected to be present.
+    :param operation: The boolean operation to use to compare the
+        ``api_microversion`` to the microversion in ``response_header``.
+        Can be 'lt', 'eq', 'gt', 'le', 'ne', 'ge'. Default is 'eq'. The
+        operation type should be based on the order of the arguments:
+        ``api_microversion`` <operation> ``response_header`` microversion.
+    :returns: True if the comparison is logically true, else False if the
+        comparison is logically false or if ``api_microversion_header_name`` is
+        missing in the ``response_header``.
+    :raises InvalidParam: If the operation is not lt, eq, gt, le, ne or ge.
+    """
+    api_microversion_header_name = api_microversion_header_name.lower()
+    if api_microversion_header_name not in response_header:
+        return False
+    op = getattr(api_version_request.APIVersionRequest,
+                 '__%s__' % operation, None)
+    if op is None:
+        msg = ("Operation %s is invalid. Valid options include: lt, eq, gt, "
+               "le, ne, ge." % operation)
+        raise exceptions.InvalidParam(invalid_param=msg)
+    # Remove "volume" from "volume <microversion>", for example, so that the
+    # microversion can be converted to `APIVersionRequest`.
+    api_version = api_microversion.split(' ')[-1]
+    resp_version = response_header[api_microversion_header_name].split(' ')[-1]
+    if not op(
+        api_version_request.APIVersionRequest(api_version),
+        api_version_request.APIVersionRequest(resp_version)):
+        return False
+    return True
diff --git a/tempest/lib/common/ b/tempest/lib/common/
index 90e67b4..4f1a883 100644
--- a/tempest/lib/common/
+++ b/tempest/lib/common/
@@ -28,6 +28,43 @@
 class DynamicCredentialProvider(cred_provider.CredentialProvider):
+    """Creates credentials dynamically for tests
+    A credential provider that, based on an initial set of
+    admin credentials, creates new credentials on the fly for
+    tests to use and then discard.
+    :param str identity_version: identity API version to use `v2` or `v3`
+    :param str admin_role: name of the admin role added to admin users
+    :param str name: names of dynamic resources include this parameter
+                     when specified
+    :param str credentials_domain: name of the domain where the users
+                                   are created. If not defined, the project
+                                   domain from admin_credentials is used
+    :param dict network_resources: network resources to be created for
+                                   the created credentials
+    :param Credentials admin_creds: initial admin credentials
+    :param bool identity_admin_domain_scope: Set to true if admin should be
+                                             scoped to the domain. By
+                                             default this is False and the
+                                             admin role is scoped to the
+                                             project.
+    :param str identity_admin_role: The role name to use for admin
+    :param list extra_roles: A list of strings for extra roles that should
+                             be assigned to all created users
+    :param bool neutron_available: Whether we are running in an environemnt
+                                   with neutron
+    :param bool create_networks: Whether dynamic project networks should be
+                                 created or not
+    :param project_network_cidr: The CIDR to use for created project
+                                 networks
+    :param project_network_mask_bits: The network mask bits to use for
+                                      created project networks
+    :param public_network_id: The id for the public network to use
+    :param identity_admin_endpoint_type: The endpoint type for identity
+                                         admin clients. Defaults to public.
+    :param identity_uri: Identity URI of the target cloud
+    """
     def __init__(self, identity_version, name=None, network_resources=None,
                  credentials_domain=None, admin_role=None, admin_creds=None,
@@ -37,43 +74,6 @@
                  project_network_cidr=None, project_network_mask_bits=None,
                  public_network_id=None, resource_prefix=None,
                  identity_admin_endpoint_type='public', identity_uri=None):
-        """Creates credentials dynamically for tests
-        A credential provider that, based on an initial set of
-        admin credentials, creates new credentials on the fly for
-        tests to use and then discard.
-        :param str identity_version: identity API version to use `v2` or `v3`
-        :param str admin_role: name of the admin role added to admin users
-        :param str name: names of dynamic resources include this parameter
-                         when specified
-        :param str credentials_domain: name of the domain where the users
-                                       are created. If not defined, the project
-                                       domain from admin_credentials is used
-        :param dict network_resources: network resources to be created for
-                                       the created credentials
-        :param Credentials admin_creds: initial admin credentials
-        :param bool identity_admin_domain_scope: Set to true if admin should be
-                                                 scoped to the domain. By
-                                                 default this is False and the
-                                                 admin role is scoped to the
-                                                 project.
-        :param str identity_admin_role: The role name to use for admin
-        :param list extra_roles: A list of strings for extra roles that should
-                                 be assigned to all created users
-        :param bool neutron_available: Whether we are running in an environemnt
-                                       with neutron
-        :param bool create_networks: Whether dynamic project networks should be
-                                     created or not
-        :param project_network_cidr: The CIDR to use for created project
-                                     networks
-        :param project_network_mask_bits: The network mask bits to use for
-                                          created project networks
-        :param public_network_id: The id for the public network to use
-        :param identity_admin_endpoint_type: The endpoint type for identity
-                                             admin clients. Defaults to public.
-        :param identity_uri: Identity URI of the target cloud
-        """
         super(DynamicCredentialProvider, self).__init__(
             identity_version=identity_version, identity_uri=identity_uri,
             admin_role=admin_role, name=name,
@@ -451,7 +451,7 @@
             # NOTE(zhufl): Only when neutron's security_group ext is
             # enabled, _cleanup_default_secgroup will not raise error. But
-            # here cannot use test.is_extension_enabled for it will cause
+            # here cannot use test_utils.is_extension_enabled for it will cause
             # "circular dependency". So here just use try...except to
             # ensure tenant deletion without big changes.
diff --git a/tempest/lib/common/ b/tempest/lib/common/
index e2054a4..875a79d 100644
--- a/tempest/lib/common/
+++ b/tempest/lib/common/
@@ -38,7 +38,12 @@
         raise exceptions.InvalidTestResource(type='network', name=name)
     networks = compute_networks_client.list_networks()['networks']
-    networks = [n for n in networks if n['label'] == name]
+    # NOTE(zhufl) compute networks_client uses 'label' as network name field,
+    # while neutron networks_client uses 'name' as network name field.
+    try:
+        networks = [n for n in networks if n['label'] == name]
+    except KeyError:
+        networks = [n for n in networks if n['name'] == name]
     # Check that a network exists, else raise an InvalidConfigurationException
     if len(networks) == 1:
diff --git a/tempest/lib/common/ b/tempest/lib/common/
index 8a47d44..738c37f 100644
--- a/tempest/lib/common/
+++ b/tempest/lib/common/
@@ -17,6 +17,47 @@
 import urllib3
+class ClosingProxyHttp(urllib3.ProxyManager):
+    def __init__(self, proxy_url, disable_ssl_certificate_validation=False,
+                 ca_certs=None, timeout=None):
+        kwargs = {}
+        if disable_ssl_certificate_validation:
+            urllib3.disable_warnings()
+            kwargs['cert_reqs'] = 'CERT_NONE'
+        elif ca_certs:
+            kwargs['cert_reqs'] = 'CERT_REQUIRED'
+            kwargs['ca_certs'] = ca_certs
+        if timeout:
+            kwargs['timeout'] = timeout
+        super(ClosingProxyHttp, self).__init__(proxy_url, **kwargs)
+    def request(self, url, method, *args, **kwargs):
+        class Response(dict):
+            def __init__(self, info):
+                for key, value in info.getheaders().items():
+                    self[key.lower()] = value
+                self.status = info.status
+                self['status'] = str(self.status)
+                self.reason = info.reason
+                self.version = info.version
+                self['content-location'] = url
+        original_headers = kwargs.get('headers', {})
+        new_headers = dict(original_headers, connection='close')
+        new_kwargs = dict(kwargs, headers=new_headers)
+        # Follow up to 5 redirections. Don't raise an exception if
+        # it's exceeded but return the HTTP 3XX response instead.
+        retry = urllib3.util.Retry(raise_on_redirect=False, redirect=5)
+        r = super(ClosingProxyHttp, self).request(method, url, retries=retry,
+                                                  *args, **new_kwargs)
+        return Response(r),
 class ClosingHttp(urllib3.poolmanager.PoolManager):
     def __init__(self, disable_ssl_certificate_validation=False,
                  ca_certs=None, timeout=None):
@@ -25,8 +66,7 @@
         if disable_ssl_certificate_validation:
             kwargs['cert_reqs'] = 'CERT_NONE'
-        if ca_certs:
+        elif ca_certs:
             kwargs['cert_reqs'] = 'CERT_REQUIRED'
             kwargs['ca_certs'] = ca_certs
diff --git a/tempest/lib/common/ b/tempest/lib/common/
index cd3a10e..fcdeb17 100644
--- a/tempest/lib/common/
+++ b/tempest/lib/common/
@@ -41,6 +41,35 @@
 class PreProvisionedCredentialProvider(cred_provider.CredentialProvider):
+    """Credentials provider using pre-provisioned accounts
+    This credentials provider loads the details of pre-provisioned
+    accounts from a YAML file, in the format specified by
+    ``etc/accounts.yaml.sample``. It locks accounts while in use, using the
+    external locking mechanism, allowing for multiple python processes
+    to share a single account file, and thus running tests in parallel.
+    The accounts_lock_dir must be generated using `lockutils.get_lock_path`
+    from the oslo.concurrency library. For instance::
+        accounts_lock_dir = os.path.join(lockutils.get_lock_path(CONF),
+                                         'test_accounts')
+    Role names for object storage are optional as long as the
+    `operator` and `reseller_admin` credential types are not used in the
+    accounts file.
+    :param identity_version: identity version of the credentials
+    :param admin_role: name of the admin role
+    :param test_accounts_file: path to the accounts YAML file
+    :param accounts_lock_dir: the directory for external locking
+    :param name: name of the hash file (optional)
+    :param credentials_domain: name of the domain credentials belong to
+                               (if no domain is configured)
+    :param object_storage_operator_role: name of the role
+    :param object_storage_reseller_admin_role: name of the role
+    :param identity_uri: Identity URI of the target cloud
+    """
     # Exclude from the hash fields specific to v2 or v3 identity API
     # i.e. only include user*, project*, tenant* and password
@@ -51,35 +80,6 @@
                  accounts_lock_dir, name=None, credentials_domain=None,
                  admin_role=None, object_storage_operator_role=None,
                  object_storage_reseller_admin_role=None, identity_uri=None):
-        """Credentials provider using pre-provisioned accounts
-        This credentials provider loads the details of pre-provisioned
-        accounts from a YAML file, in the format specified by
-        `etc/accounts.yaml.sample`. It locks accounts while in use, using the
-        external locking mechanism, allowing for multiple python processes
-        to share a single account file, and thus running tests in parallel.
-        The accounts_lock_dir must be generated using `lockutils.get_lock_path`
-        from the oslo.concurrency library. For instance:
-            accounts_lock_dir = os.path.join(lockutils.get_lock_path(CONF),
-                                             'test_accounts')
-        Role names for object storage are optional as long as the
-        `operator` and `reseller_admin` credential types are not used in the
-        accounts file.
-        :param identity_version: identity version of the credentials
-        :param admin_role: name of the admin role
-        :param test_accounts_file: path to the accounts YAML file
-        :param accounts_lock_dir: the directory for external locking
-        :param name: name of the hash file (optional)
-        :param credentials_domain: name of the domain credentials belong to
-                                   (if no domain is configured)
-        :param object_storage_operator_role: name of the role
-        :param object_storage_reseller_admin_role: name of the role
-        :param identity_uri: Identity URI of the target cloud
-        """
         super(PreProvisionedCredentialProvider, self).__init__(
             identity_version=identity_version, name=name,
             admin_role=admin_role, credentials_domain=credentials_domain,
@@ -344,11 +344,11 @@
         net_creds = cred_provider.TestResources(credential)
         net_clients = clients.ServiceClients(credentials=credential,
-        compute_network_client = net_clients.compute.NetworksClient()
+        networks_client =
         net_name = self.hash_dict['networks'].get(hash, None)
             network = fixed_network.get_network_from_name(
-                net_name, compute_network_client)
+                net_name, networks_client)
         except lib_exc.InvalidTestResource:
             network = {}
diff --git a/tempest/lib/common/ b/tempest/lib/common/
index f58d737..22276d4 100644
--- a/tempest/lib/common/
+++ b/tempest/lib/common/
@@ -69,6 +69,7 @@
                               of the request and response payload
     :param str http_timeout: Timeout in seconds to wait for the http request to
+    :param str proxy_url: http proxy url to use.
     # The version of the API this client implements
@@ -80,7 +81,8 @@
                  build_interval=1, build_timeout=60,
                  disable_ssl_certificate_validation=False, ca_certs=None,
-                 trace_requests='', name=None, http_timeout=None):
+                 trace_requests='', name=None, http_timeout=None,
+                 proxy_url=None):
         self.auth_provider = auth_provider
         self.service = service
         self.region = region
@@ -100,9 +102,16 @@
                                        'retry-after', 'server',
                                        'vary', 'www-authenticate'))
         dscv = disable_ssl_certificate_validation
-        self.http_obj = http.ClosingHttp(
-            disable_ssl_certificate_validation=dscv, ca_certs=ca_certs,
-            timeout=http_timeout)
+        if proxy_url:
+            self.http_obj = http.ClosingProxyHttp(
+                proxy_url,
+                disable_ssl_certificate_validation=dscv, ca_certs=ca_certs,
+                timeout=http_timeout)
+        else:
+            self.http_obj = http.ClosingHttp(
+                disable_ssl_certificate_validation=dscv, ca_certs=ca_certs,
+                timeout=http_timeout)
     def get_headers(self, accept_type=None, send_type=None):
         """Return the default headers which will be used with outgoing requests
diff --git a/tempest/lib/common/utils/ b/tempest/lib/common/utils/
index a0941ef..c5df590 100644
--- a/tempest/lib/common/utils/
+++ b/tempest/lib/common/utils/
@@ -18,9 +18,6 @@
 import string
 import uuid
-from debtcollector import removals
-import netaddr
-from oslo_utils import netutils
 from oslo_utils import uuidutils
 import six.moves
@@ -177,36 +174,6 @@
                     for i in range(size)])
-    message="use get_ipv6_addr_by_EUI64 from oslo_utils.netutils",
-    version="Newton",
-    removal_version="Ocata")
-def get_ipv6_addr_by_EUI64(cidr, mac):
-    """Generate a IPv6 addr by EUI-64 with CIDR and MAC
-    :param str cidr: a IPv6 CIDR
-    :param str mac: a MAC address
-    :return: an IPv6 Address
-    :rtype: netaddr.IPAddress
-    """
-    # Check if the prefix is IPv4 address
-    is_ipv4 = netutils.is_valid_ipv4(cidr)
-    if is_ipv4:
-        msg = "Unable to generate IP address by EUI64 for IPv4 prefix"
-        raise TypeError(msg)
-    try:
-        eui64 = int(netaddr.EUI(mac).eui64())
-        prefix = netaddr.IPNetwork(cidr)
-        return netaddr.IPAddress(prefix.first + eui64 ^ (1 << 57))
-    except (ValueError, netaddr.AddrFormatError):
-        raise TypeError('Bad prefix or mac format for generating IPv6 '
-                        'address by EUI-64: %(prefix)s, %(mac)s:'
-                        % {'prefix': cidr, 'mac': mac})
-    except TypeError:
-        raise TypeError('Bad prefix type for generate IPv6 address by '
-                        'EUI-64: %s' % cidr)
 # Courtesy of
 def chunkify(sequence, chunksize):
     """Yield successive chunks from `sequence`."""
diff --git a/tempest/lib/common/utils/linux/ b/tempest/lib/common/utils/linux/
index aef2ff3..8ac1d38 100644
--- a/tempest/lib/common/utils/linux/
+++ b/tempest/lib/common/utils/linux/
@@ -10,6 +10,8 @@
 #    License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
 #    under the License.
+import functools
+import re
 import sys
 import netaddr
@@ -25,13 +27,14 @@
 def debug_ssh(function):
     """Decorator to generate extra debug info in case off SSH failure"""
+    @functools.wraps(function)
     def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs):
             return function(self, *args, **kwargs)
         except Exception as e:
             caller = test_utils.find_test_caller() or "not found"
             if not isinstance(e, tempest.lib.exceptions.SSHTimeout):
-                message = ('Initializing SSH connection to %(ip)s failed. '
+                message = ('Executing command on %(ip)s failed. '
                            'Error: %(error)s' % {'ip': self.ip_address,
                                                  'error': e})
                 message = '(%s) %s' % (caller, message)
@@ -67,7 +70,7 @@
     def __init__(self, ip_address, username, password=None, pkey=None,
                  server=None, servers_client=None, ssh_timeout=300,
                  connect_timeout=60, console_output_enabled=True,
-                 ssh_shell_prologue="set -eu -o pipefail; PATH=$$PATH:/sbin;",
+                 ssh_shell_prologue="set -eu -o pipefail; PATH=$PATH:/sbin;",
                  ping_count=1, ping_size=56):
         """Executes commands in a VM over ssh
@@ -124,3 +127,27 @@
             cmd = 'sudo {cmd} -I {nic}'.format(cmd=cmd, nic=nic)
         cmd += ' -c{0} -w{0} -s{1} {2}'.format(count, size, host)
         return self.exec_command(cmd)
+    def mount_config_drive(self):
+        """Mount the config drive inside a virtual machine
+        This method will not unmount the config drive, so unmount_config_drive
+        must be used for cleanup.
+        """
+        cmd_blkid = 'blkid | grep -i config-2'
+        result = self.exec_command(cmd_blkid)
+        dev_name = re.match('([^:]+)', result).group()
+        try:
+            self.exec_command('sudo mount %s /mnt' % dev_name)
+        except tempest.lib.exceptions.SSHExecCommandFailed:
+            # So the command failed, let's try to know why and print some
+            # useful information.
+            lsblk = self.exec_command('sudo lsblk --fs --ascii')
+            LOG.error("Mounting %s on /mnt failed. Right after the "
+                      "failure 'lsblk' in the guest reported:\n%s",
+                      dev_name, lsblk)
+            raise
+    def unmount_config_drive(self):
+        self.exec_command('sudo umount /mnt')
diff --git a/tempest/lib/common/utils/ b/tempest/lib/common/utils/
index bd0db7c..2a9f3a9 100644
--- a/tempest/lib/common/utils/
+++ b/tempest/lib/common/utils/
@@ -86,22 +86,29 @@
-def call_until_true(func, duration, sleep_for):
+def call_until_true(func, duration, sleep_for, *args, **kwargs):
     """Call the given function until it returns True (and return True)
     or until the specified duration (in seconds) elapses (and return False).
-    :param func: A zero argument callable that returns True on success.
+    :param func: A callable that returns True on success.
     :param duration: The number of seconds for which to attempt a
         successful call of the function.
     :param sleep_for: The number of seconds to sleep after an unsuccessful
                       invocation of the function.
+    :param args: args that are passed to func.
+    :param kwargs: kwargs that are passed to func.
     now = time.time()
+    begin_time = now
     timeout = now + duration
+    func_name = getattr(func, '__name__', getattr(func.__class__, '__name__'))
     while now < timeout:
-        if func():
+        if func(*args, **kwargs):
+            LOG.debug("Call %s returns true in %f seconds",
+                      func_name, time.time() - begin_time)
             return True
         now = time.time()
+    LOG.debug("Call %s returns false in %f seconds", func_name, duration)
     return False
diff --git a/tempest/lib/common/ b/tempest/lib/common/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c35a01a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tempest/lib/common/
@@ -0,0 +1,457 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2015 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
+# Copyright (c) 2017 IBM Corp.
+#    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+#    you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+#    You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+#    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+#    WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+#    See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+#    limitations under the License.
+import fixtures
+from oslo_log import log as logging
+from oslo_utils import excutils
+from tempest.lib.common.utils import data_utils
+from tempest.lib import exceptions as lib_exc
+LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+def _network_service(clients, use_neutron):
+    # Internal helper to select the right network clients
+    if use_neutron:
+        return
+    else:
+        return clients.compute
+def create_ssh_security_group(clients, add_rule=False, ethertype='IPv4',
+                              use_neutron=True):
+    """Create a security group for ping/ssh testing
+    Create a security group to be attached to a VM using the nova or neutron
+    clients. If rules are added, the group can be attached to a VM to enable
+    connectivity validation over ICMP and further testing over SSH.
+    :param clients: Instance of ``
+        or of a subclass of it. Resources are provisioned using clients from
+        `clients`.
+    :param add_rule: Whether security group rules are provisioned or not.
+        Defaults to `False`.
+    :param ethertype: 'IPv4' or 'IPv6'. Honoured only in case neutron is used.
+    :param use_neutron: When True resources are provisioned via neutron, when
+        False resources are provisioned via nova.
+    :returns: A dictionary with the security group as returned by the API.
+    Examples::
+        from tempest.common import validation_resources as vr
+        from tempest.lib import auth
+        from import clients
+        creds = auth.get_credentials('http://mycloud/identity/v3',
+                                     username='me', project_name='me',
+                                     password='secret', domain_name='Default')
+        osclients = clients.ServiceClients(creds, 'http://mycloud/identity/v3')
+        # Security group for IPv4 tests
+        sg4 = vr.create_ssh_security_group(osclients, add_rule=True)
+        # Security group for IPv6 tests
+        sg6 = vr.create_ssh_security_group(osclients, ethertype='IPv6',
+                                           add_rule=True)
+    """
+    network_service = _network_service(clients, use_neutron)
+    security_groups_client = network_service.SecurityGroupsClient()
+    security_group_rules_client = network_service.SecurityGroupRulesClient()
+    # Security Group clients for nova and neutron behave the same
+    sg_name = data_utils.rand_name('securitygroup-')
+    sg_description = data_utils.rand_name('description-')
+    security_group = security_groups_client.create_security_group(
+        name=sg_name, description=sg_description)['security_group']
+    # Security Group Rules clients require different parameters depending on
+    # the network service in use
+    if add_rule:
+        try:
+            if use_neutron:
+                security_group_rules_client.create_security_group_rule(
+                    security_group_id=security_group['id'],
+                    protocol='tcp',
+                    ethertype=ethertype,
+                    port_range_min=22,
+                    port_range_max=22,
+                    direction='ingress')
+                security_group_rules_client.create_security_group_rule(
+                    security_group_id=security_group['id'],
+                    protocol='icmp',
+                    ethertype=ethertype,
+                    direction='ingress')
+            else:
+                security_group_rules_client.create_security_group_rule(
+                    parent_group_id=security_group['id'], ip_protocol='tcp',
+                    from_port=22, to_port=22)
+                security_group_rules_client.create_security_group_rule(
+                    parent_group_id=security_group['id'], ip_protocol='icmp',
+                    from_port=-1, to_port=-1)
+        except Exception as sgc_exc:
+            # If adding security group rules fails, we cleanup the SG before
+            # re-raising the failure up
+            with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception():
+                try:
+                    msg = ('Error while provisioning security group rules in '
+                           'security group %s. Trying to cleanup.')
+                    # The exceptions logging is already handled, so using
+                    # debug here just to provide more context
+                    LOG.debug(msg, sgc_exc)
+                    clear_validation_resources(
+                        clients, keypair=None, floating_ip=None,
+                        security_group=security_group,
+                        use_neutron=use_neutron)
+                except Exception as cleanup_exc:
+                    msg = ('Error during cleanup of a security group. '
+                           'The cleanup was triggered by an exception during '
+                           'the provisioning of security group rules.\n'
+                           'Provisioning exception: %s\n'
+                           'First cleanup exception: %s')
+                    LOG.exception(msg, sgc_exc, cleanup_exc)
+    LOG.debug("SSH Validation resource security group with tcp and icmp "
+              "rules %s created", sg_name)
+    return security_group
+def create_validation_resources(clients, keypair=False, floating_ip=False,
+                                security_group=False,
+                                security_group_rules=False,
+                                ethertype='IPv4', use_neutron=True,
+                                floating_network_id=None,
+                                floating_network_name=None):
+    """Provision resources for VM ping/ssh testing
+    Create resources required to be able to ping / ssh a virtual machine:
+    keypair, security group, security group rules and a floating IP.
+    Which of those resources are required may depend on the cloud setup and on
+    the specific test and it can be controlled via the corresponding
+    arguments.
+    Provisioned resources are returned in a dictionary.
+    :param clients: Instance of ``
+        or of a subclass of it. Resources are provisioned using clients from
+        `clients`.
+    :param keypair: Whether to provision a keypair. Defaults to False.
+    :param floating_ip: Whether to provision a floating IP. Defaults to False.
+    :param security_group: Whether to provision a security group. Defaults to
+        False.
+    :param security_group_rules: Whether to provision security group rules.
+        Defaults to False.
+    :param ethertype: 'IPv4' or 'IPv6'. Honoured only in case neutron is used.
+    :param use_neutron: When True resources are provisioned via neutron, when
+        False resources are provisioned via nova.
+    :param floating_network_id: The id of the network used to provision a
+        floating IP. Only used if a floating IP is requested and with neutron.
+    :param floating_network_name: The name of the floating IP pool used to
+        provision the floating IP. Only used if a floating IP is requested and
+        with nova-net.
+    :returns: A dictionary with the resources in the format they are returned
+        by the API. Valid keys are 'keypair', 'floating_ip' and
+        'security_group'.
+    Examples::
+        from tempest.common import validation_resources as vr
+        from tempest.lib import auth
+        from import clients
+        creds = auth.get_credentials('http://mycloud/identity/v3',
+                                     username='me', project_name='me',
+                                     password='secret', domain_name='Default')
+        osclients = clients.ServiceClients(creds, 'http://mycloud/identity/v3')
+        # Request keypair and floating IP
+        resources = dict(keypair=True, security_group=False,
+                         security_group_rules=False, floating_ip=True)
+        resources = vr.create_validation_resources(
+            osclients, use_neutron=True,
+            floating_network_id='4240E68E-23DA-4C82-AC34-9FEFAA24521C',
+            **resources)
+        # The floating IP to be attached to the VM
+        floating_ip = resources['floating_ip']['ip']
+    """
+    # Create and Return the validation resources required to validate a VM
+    msg = ('Requested validation resources keypair %s, floating IP %s, '
+           'security group %s')
+    LOG.debug(msg, keypair, floating_ip, security_group)
+    validation_data = {}
+    try:
+        if keypair:
+            keypair_name = data_utils.rand_name('keypair')
+            validation_data.update(
+                clients.compute.KeyPairsClient().create_keypair(
+                    name=keypair_name))
+            LOG.debug("Validation resource key %s created", keypair_name)
+        if security_group:
+            validation_data['security_group'] = create_ssh_security_group(
+                clients, add_rule=security_group_rules,
+                use_neutron=use_neutron, ethertype=ethertype)
+        if floating_ip:
+            floating_ip_client = _network_service(
+                clients, use_neutron).FloatingIPsClient()
+            if use_neutron:
+                floatingip = floating_ip_client.create_floatingip(
+                    floating_network_id=floating_network_id)
+                # validation_resources['floating_ip'] has historically looked
+                # like a compute API POST /os-floating-ips response, so we need
+                # to mangle it a bit for a Neutron response with different
+                # fields.
+                validation_data['floating_ip'] = floatingip['floatingip']
+                validation_data['floating_ip']['ip'] = (
+                    floatingip['floatingip']['floating_ip_address'])
+            else:
+                # NOTE(mriedem): The os-floating-ips compute API was deprecated
+                # in the 2.36 microversion. Any tests for CRUD operations on
+                # floating IPs using the compute API should be capped at 2.35.
+                validation_data.update(floating_ip_client.create_floating_ip(
+                    pool=floating_network_name))
+            LOG.debug("Validation resource floating IP %s created",
+                      validation_data['floating_ip'])
+    except Exception as prov_exc:
+        # If something goes wrong, cleanup as much as possible before we
+        # re-raise the exception
+        with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception():
+            if validation_data:
+                # Cleanup may fail as well
+                try:
+                    msg = ('Error while provisioning validation resources %s. '
+                           'Trying to cleanup what we provisioned so far: %s')
+                    # The exceptions logging is already handled, so using
+                    # debug here just to provide more context
+                    LOG.debug(msg, prov_exc, str(validation_data))
+                    clear_validation_resources(
+                        clients,
+                        keypair=validation_data.get('keypair', None),
+                        floating_ip=validation_data.get('floating_ip', None),
+                        security_group=validation_data.get('security_group',
+                                                           None),
+                        use_neutron=use_neutron)
+                except Exception as cleanup_exc:
+                    msg = ('Error during cleanup of validation resources. '
+                           'The cleanup was triggered by an exception during '
+                           'the provisioning step.\n'
+                           'Provisioning exception: %s\n'
+                           'First cleanup exception: %s')
+                    LOG.exception(msg, prov_exc, cleanup_exc)
+    return validation_data
+def clear_validation_resources(clients, keypair=None, floating_ip=None,
+                               security_group=None, use_neutron=True):
+    """Cleanup resources for VM ping/ssh testing
+    Cleanup a set of resources provisioned via `create_validation_resources`.
+    In case of errors during cleanup, the exception is logged and the cleanup
+    process is continued. The first exception that was raised is re-raised
+    after the cleanup is complete.
+    :param clients: Instance of ``
+        or of a subclass of it. Resources are provisioned using clients from
+        `clients`.
+    :param keypair: A dictionary with the keypair to be deleted. Defaults to
+        None.
+    :param floating_ip: A dictionary with the floating_ip to be deleted.
+        Defaults to None.
+    :param security_group: A dictionary with the security_group to be deleted.
+        Defaults to None.
+    :param use_neutron: When True resources are provisioned via neutron, when
+        False resources are provisioned via nova.
+    Examples::
+        from tempest.common import validation_resources as vr
+        from tempest.lib import auth
+        from import clients
+        creds = auth.get_credentials('http://mycloud/identity/v3',
+                                     username='me', project_name='me',
+                                     password='secret', domain_name='Default')
+        osclients = clients.ServiceClients(creds, 'http://mycloud/identity/v3')
+        # Request keypair and floating IP
+        resources = dict(keypair=True, security_group=False,
+                         security_group_rules=False, floating_ip=True)
+        resources = vr.create_validation_resources(
+            osclients, validation_resources=resources, use_neutron=True,
+            floating_network_id='4240E68E-23DA-4C82-AC34-9FEFAA24521C')
+        # Now cleanup the resources
+        try:
+            vr.clear_validation_resources(osclients, use_neutron=True,
+                                          **resources)
+        except Exception as e:
+            LOG.exception('Something went wrong during cleanup, ignoring')
+    """
+    has_exception = None
+    if keypair:
+        keypair_client = clients.compute.KeyPairsClient()
+        keypair_name = keypair['name']
+        try:
+            keypair_client.delete_keypair(keypair_name)
+        except lib_exc.NotFound:
+            LOG.warning(
+                "Keypair %s is not found when attempting to delete",
+                keypair_name
+            )
+        except Exception as exc:
+            LOG.exception('Exception raised while deleting key %s',
+                          keypair_name)
+            if not has_exception:
+                has_exception = exc
+    network_service = _network_service(clients, use_neutron)
+    if security_group:
+        security_group_client = network_service.SecurityGroupsClient()
+        sec_id = security_group['id']
+        try:
+            security_group_client.delete_security_group(sec_id)
+            security_group_client.wait_for_resource_deletion(sec_id)
+        except lib_exc.NotFound:
+            LOG.warning("Security group %s is not found when attempting "
+                        "to delete", sec_id)
+        except lib_exc.Conflict as exc:
+            LOG.exception('Conflict while deleting security '
+                          'group %s VM might not be deleted', sec_id)
+            if not has_exception:
+                has_exception = exc
+        except Exception as exc:
+            LOG.exception('Exception raised while deleting security '
+                          'group %s', sec_id)
+            if not has_exception:
+                has_exception = exc
+    if floating_ip:
+        floating_ip_client = network_service.FloatingIPsClient()
+        fip_id = floating_ip['id']
+        try:
+            if use_neutron:
+                floating_ip_client.delete_floatingip(fip_id)
+            else:
+                floating_ip_client.delete_floating_ip(fip_id)
+        except lib_exc.NotFound:
+            LOG.warning('Floating ip %s not found while attempting to '
+                        'delete', fip_id)
+        except Exception as exc:
+            LOG.exception('Exception raised while deleting ip %s', fip_id)
+            if not has_exception:
+                has_exception = exc
+    if has_exception:
+        raise has_exception
+class ValidationResourcesFixture(fixtures.Fixture):
+    """Fixture to provision and cleanup validation resources"""
+    DICT_KEYS = ['keypair', 'security_group', 'floating_ip']
+    def __init__(self, clients, keypair=False, floating_ip=False,
+                 security_group=False, security_group_rules=False,
+                 ethertype='IPv4', use_neutron=True, floating_network_id=None,
+                 floating_network_name=None):
+        """Create a ValidationResourcesFixture
+        Create a ValidationResourcesFixture fixtures, which provisions the
+        resources required to be able to ping / ssh a virtual machine upon
+        setUp and clears them out upon cleanup. Resources are  keypair,
+        security group, security group rules and a floating IP - depending
+        on the params.
+        The fixture exposes a dictionary that includes provisioned resources.
+        :param clients: `` or of a
+            subclass of it. Resources are provisioned using clients from
+            `clients`.
+        :param keypair: Whether to provision a keypair. Defaults to False.
+        :param floating_ip: Whether to provision a floating IP.
+            Defaults to False.
+        :param security_group: Whether to provision a security group.
+            Defaults to False.
+        :param security_group_rules: Whether to provision security group rules.
+            Defaults to False.
+        :param ethertype: 'IPv4' or 'IPv6'. Honoured only if neutron is used.
+        :param use_neutron: When True resources are provisioned via neutron,
+            when False resources are provisioned via nova.
+        :param floating_network_id: The id of the network used to provision a
+            floating IP. Only used if a floating IP is requested in case
+            neutron is used.
+        :param floating_network_name: The name of the floating IP pool used to
+            provision the floating IP. Only used if a floating IP is requested
+            and with nova-net.
+        :returns: A dictionary with the same keys as the input
+            `validation_resources` and the resources for values in the format
+             they are returned by the API.
+        Examples::
+            from tempest.common import validation_resources as vr
+            from tempest.lib import auth
+            from import clients
+            import testtools
+            class TestWithVR(testtools.TestCase):
+                def setUp(self):
+                    creds = auth.get_credentials(
+                        'http://mycloud/identity/v3',
+                         username='me', project_name='me',
+                         password='secret', domain_name='Default')
+                    osclients = clients.ServiceClients(
+                        creds, 'http://mycloud/identity/v3')
+                    # Request keypair and floating IP
+                    resources = dict(keypair=True, security_group=False,
+                                     security_group_rules=False,
+                                     floating_ip=True)
+                    network_id = '4240E68E-23DA-4C82-AC34-9FEFAA24521C'
+                    self.vr = self.useFixture(vr.ValidationResourcesFixture(
+                        osclients, use_neutron=True,
+                        floating_network_id=network_id,
+                        **resources)
+                def test_use_ip(self):
+                    # The floating IP to be attached to the VM
+                    floating_ip = self.vr['floating_ip']['ip']
+        """
+        self._clients = clients
+        self._keypair = keypair
+        self._floating_ip = floating_ip
+        self._security_group = security_group
+        self._security_group_rules = security_group_rules
+        self._ethertype = ethertype
+        self._use_neutron = use_neutron
+        self._floating_network_id = floating_network_id
+        self._floating_network_name = floating_network_name
+        self._validation_resources = None
+    def _setUp(self):
+        msg = ('Requested setup of ValidationResources keypair %s, floating '
+               'IP %s, security group %s')
+        LOG.debug(msg, self._keypair, self._floating_ip, self._security_group)
+        self._validation_resources = create_validation_resources(
+            self._clients, keypair=self._keypair,
+            floating_ip=self._floating_ip,
+            security_group=self._security_group,
+            security_group_rules=self._security_group_rules,
+            ethertype=self._ethertype, use_neutron=self._use_neutron,
+            floating_network_id=self._floating_network_id,
+            floating_network_name=self._floating_network_name)
+        # If provisioning raises an exception we won't have anything to
+        # cleanup here, so we don't need a try-finally around provisioning
+        vr = self._validation_resources
+        self.addCleanup(clear_validation_resources, self._clients,
+                        keypair=vr.get('keypair', None),
+                        floating_ip=vr.get('floating_ip', None),
+                        security_group=vr.get('security_group', None),
+                        use_neutron=self._use_neutron)
+    @property
+    def resources(self):
+        return self._validation_resources
diff --git a/tempest/lib/ b/tempest/lib/
index f82f707..e99dd24 100644
--- a/tempest/lib/
+++ b/tempest/lib/
@@ -15,7 +15,6 @@
 import functools
 import uuid
-import debtcollector.removals
 from oslo_log import log as logging
 import six
 import testtools
@@ -31,7 +30,7 @@
     def decorator(f):
-        def wrapper(self, *func_args, **func_kwargs):
+        def wrapper(*func_args, **func_kwargs):
             skip = False
             if "condition" in kwargs:
                 if kwargs["condition"] is True:
@@ -43,7 +42,7 @@
                     raise ValueError('bug must be a valid bug number')
                 msg = "Skipped until Bug: %s is resolved." % kwargs["bug"]
                 raise testtools.TestCase.skipException(msg)
-            return f(self, *func_args, **func_kwargs)
+            return f(*func_args, **func_kwargs)
         return wrapper
     return decorator
@@ -56,9 +55,9 @@
     def decorator(f):
-        def wrapper(self, *func_args, **func_kwargs):
+        def wrapper(*func_args, **func_kwargs):
-                return f(self, *func_args, **func_kwargs)
+                return f(*func_args, **func_kwargs)
             except Exception as exc:
                 exc_status_code = getattr(exc, 'status_code', None)
                 if status_code is None or status_code == exc_status_code:
@@ -87,25 +86,6 @@
     return decorator
-class skip_unless_attr(object):
-    """Decorator to skip tests if a specified attr does not exists or False"""
-    def __init__(self, attr, msg=None):
-        self.attr = attr
-        self.message = msg or ("Test case attribute %s not found "
-                               "or False") % attr
-    def __call__(self, func):
-        @functools.wraps(func)
-        def _skipper(*args, **kw):
-            """Wrapped skipper function."""
-            testobj = args[0]
-            if not getattr(testobj, self.attr, False):
-                raise testtools.TestCase.skipException(self.message)
-            func(*args, **kw)
-        return _skipper
 def attr(**kwargs):
     """A decorator which applies the testtools attr decorator
diff --git a/tempest/lib/ b/tempest/lib/
index c538c72..13af890 100644
--- a/tempest/lib/
+++ b/tempest/lib/
@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@
 class Conflict(ClientRestClientException):
     status_code = 409
-    message = "An object with that identifier already exists"
+    message = "Conflict with state of target resource"
 class Gone(ClientRestClientException):
@@ -276,3 +276,7 @@
 class InvalidTestResource(TempestException):
     message = "%(name)s is not a valid %(type)s, or the name is ambiguous"
+class InvalidParam(TempestException):
+    message = ("Invalid Parameter passed: %(invalid_param)s")
diff --git a/tempest/lib/services/ b/tempest/lib/services/
index 4fa7a7a..8918a8c 100644
--- a/tempest/lib/services/
+++ b/tempest/lib/services/
@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@
 from import identity
 from import image
 from import network
+from import object_storage
 from import volume
@@ -50,20 +51,13 @@
         'image.v1': image.v1,
         'image.v2': image.v2,
         'network': network,
+        'object-storage': object_storage,
         'volume.v1': volume.v1,
         'volume.v2': volume.v2,
         'volume.v3': volume.v3
-def _tempest_internal_modules():
-    # Set of unstable service clients available in Tempest
-    # NOTE(andreaf) This list will exists only as long the remain clients
-    # are migrated to tempest.lib, and it will then be deleted without
-    # deprecation or advance notice
-    return set(['object-storage'])
 def available_modules():
     """Set of service client modules available in Tempest and plugins
@@ -101,17 +95,6 @@
                     name=plugin_name, detailed_error=detailed_error))
-            # NOTE(andreaf) Once all tempest clients are stable, the following
-            # if will have to be removed.
-            if not plug_service_versions.isdisjoint(
-                    _tempest_internal_modules()):
-                detailed_error = (
-                    'Plugin %s is trying to register a service %s already '
-                    'claimed by a Tempest one' % (plugin_name,
-                                                  _tempest_internal_modules() &
-                                                  plug_service_versions))
-                name_conflicts.append(exceptions.PluginRegistrationException(
-                    name=plugin_name, detailed_error=detailed_error))
         extra_service_versions |= plug_service_versions
     if name_conflicts:
@@ -276,7 +259,7 @@
     def __init__(self, credentials, identity_uri, region=None, scope='project',
                  disable_ssl_certificate_validation=True, ca_certs=None,
-                 trace_requests='', client_parameters=None):
+                 trace_requests='', client_parameters=None, proxy_url=None):
         """Service Clients provider
         Instantiate a `ServiceClients` object, from a set of credentials and an
@@ -336,6 +319,8 @@
             name, as declared in `service_clients.available_modules()` except
             for the version. Values are dictionaries of parameters that are
             going to be passed to all clients in the service client module.
+        :param proxy_url: Applies to auth and to all service clients, set a
+            proxy url for the clients to use.
         self._registered_services = set([])
         self.credentials = credentials
@@ -360,16 +345,20 @@
         self.dscv = disable_ssl_certificate_validation
         self.ca_certs = ca_certs
         self.trace_requests = trace_requests
+        self.proxy_url = proxy_url
         # Creates an auth provider for the credentials
         self.auth_provider = auth_provider_class(
             self.credentials, self.identity_uri, scope=scope,
-            ca_certs=self.ca_certs, trace_requests=self.trace_requests)
+            ca_certs=self.ca_certs, trace_requests=self.trace_requests,
+            proxy_url=proxy_url)
         # Setup some defaults for client parameters of registered services
         client_parameters = client_parameters or {}
         self.parameters = {}
         # Parameters are provided for unversioned services
-        all_modules = available_modules() | _tempest_internal_modules()
+        all_modules = available_modules()
         unversioned_services = set(
             [x.split('.')[0] for x in all_modules])
         for service in unversioned_services:
@@ -420,8 +409,8 @@
             clients in tempest.
         :param client_names: List or set of names of service client classes.
         :param kwargs: Extra optional parameters to be passed to all clients.
-            ServiceClient provides defaults for region, dscv, ca_certs and
-            trace_requests.
+            ServiceClient provides defaults for region, dscv, ca_certs, http
+            proxies and trace_requests.
         :raise ServiceClientRegistrationException: if the provided name is
             already in use or if service_version is already registered.
         :raise ImportError: if module_path cannot be imported.
@@ -442,7 +431,8 @@
         params = dict(region=self.region,
-                      trace_requests=self.trace_requests)
+                      trace_requests=self.trace_requests,
+                      proxy_url=self.proxy_url)
         # Instantiate the client factory
         _factory = ClientsFactory(module_path=module_path,
@@ -456,9 +446,7 @@
     def registered_services(self):
-        # NOTE(andreaf) Once all tempest modules are stable this needs to
-        # be updated to remove _tempest_internal_modules
-        return self._registered_services | _tempest_internal_modules()
+        return self._registered_services
     def _setup_parameters(self, parameters):
         """Setup default values for client parameters
diff --git a/tempest/lib/services/compute/ b/tempest/lib/services/compute/
index 86bea9e..0f4eb42 100644
--- a/tempest/lib/services/compute/
+++ b/tempest/lib/services/compute/
@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
 from six.moves.urllib import parse as urllib
 from tempest.lib.api_schema.response.compute.v2_1 import images as schema
+from tempest.lib.api_schema.response.compute.v2_45 import images as schemav245
 from tempest.lib.common import rest_client
 from tempest.lib import exceptions as lib_exc
 from import base_compute_client
@@ -24,6 +25,10 @@
 class ImagesClient(base_compute_client.BaseComputeClient):
+    schema_versions_info = [
+        {'min': None, 'max': '2.44', 'schema': schema},
+        {'min': '2.45', 'max': None, 'schema': schemav245}]
     def create_image(self, server_id, **kwargs):
         """Create an image of the original server.
@@ -36,7 +41,10 @@
         post_body = json.dumps(post_body)
         resp, body ='servers/%s/action' % server_id,
-        self.validate_response(schema.create_image, resp, body)
+        _schema = self.get_schema(self.schema_versions_info)
+        if body:
+            body = json.loads(body)
+        self.validate_response(_schema.create_image, resp, body)
         return rest_client.ResponseBody(resp, body)
     def list_images(self, detail=False, **params):
diff --git a/tempest/lib/services/compute/ b/tempest/lib/services/compute/
index 0fe9868..64e06f4 100644
--- a/tempest/lib/services/compute/
+++ b/tempest/lib/services/compute/
@@ -35,8 +35,9 @@
     def update_quota_class_set(self, quota_class_id, **kwargs):
         """Update the quota class's limits for one or more resources.
-        # NOTE: Current api-site doesn't contain this API description.
-        # LP:
+        For a full list of available parameters, please refer to the official
+        API reference:
         post_body = json.dumps({'quota_class_set': kwargs})
diff --git a/tempest/lib/services/compute/ b/tempest/lib/services/compute/
index daf4bc0..12df895 100644
--- a/tempest/lib/services/compute/
+++ b/tempest/lib/services/compute/
@@ -28,8 +28,8 @@
         For a full list of available parameters, please refer to the official
         API reference:
         params = {}
@@ -49,7 +49,10 @@
         return rest_client.ResponseBody(resp, body)
     def show_default_quota_set(self, tenant_id):
-        """List the default quota set for a tenant."""
+        """List the default quota set for a tenant.
+        """
         url = 'os-quota-sets/%s/defaults' % tenant_id
         resp, body = self.get(url)
@@ -79,7 +82,10 @@
         return rest_client.ResponseBody(resp, body)
     def delete_quota_set(self, tenant_id):
-        """Delete the tenant's quota set."""
+        """Delete the tenant's quota set.
+        """
         resp, body = self.delete('os-quota-sets/%s' % tenant_id)
         self.validate_response(schema.delete_quota, resp, body)
         return rest_client.ResponseBody(resp, body)
diff --git a/tempest/lib/services/compute/ b/tempest/lib/services/compute/
index 598d5a6..09bccab 100644
--- a/tempest/lib/services/compute/
+++ b/tempest/lib/services/compute/
@@ -126,7 +126,7 @@
         For a full list of available parameters, please refer to the official
         API reference:
         resp, body = self.get("servers/%s" % server_id)
         body = json.loads(body)
@@ -321,7 +321,7 @@
         For a full list of available parameters, please refer to the official
         API reference:
         if no_metadata_field:
             post_body = ""
@@ -338,7 +338,7 @@
         For a full list of available parameters, please refer to the official
         API reference:
         post_body = json.dumps({'metadata': meta})
         resp, body ='servers/%s/metadata' % server_id,
@@ -609,9 +609,7 @@
         For a full list of available parameters, please refer to the official
         API reference:
-        TODO (markus_z) The api-ref for that isn't yet available, update this
-        here when the docs in Nova are updated. The old API is at
         param = {
             'remote_console': {
@@ -722,7 +720,7 @@
         For a full list of available parameters, please refer to the official
         API reference:
         return self.action(server_id, "os-getVNCConsole",
                            schema.get_vnc_console, **kwargs)
@@ -732,7 +730,7 @@
         For a full list of available parameters, please refer to the official
         API reference:
         return self.action(server_id, 'addFixedIp', **kwargs)
@@ -741,7 +739,7 @@
         For a full list of available parameters, please refer to the official
         API reference:
         return self.action(server_id, 'removeFixedIp', **kwargs)
diff --git a/tempest/lib/services/identity/v3/ b/tempest/lib/services/identity/v3/
index 2512a3e..ad770bf 100644
--- a/tempest/lib/services/identity/v3/
+++ b/tempest/lib/services/identity/v3/
@@ -57,3 +57,10 @@
         self.expected_success(200, resp.status)
         body = json.loads(body)
         return rest_client.ResponseBody(resp, body)
+    def list_auth_domains(self):
+        """Get available domain scopes."""
+        resp, body = self.get("auth/domains")
+        self.expected_success(200, resp.status)
+        body = json.loads(body)
+        return rest_client.ResponseBody(resp, body)
diff --git a/tempest/lib/services/network/ b/tempest/lib/services/network/
index 36cf8e3..9542e8f 100644
--- a/tempest/lib/services/network/
+++ b/tempest/lib/services/network/
@@ -16,6 +16,12 @@
 class MeteringLabelRulesClient(base.BaseNetworkClient):
     def create_metering_label_rule(self, **kwargs):
+        """Create metering label rule.
+        For a full list of available parameters, please refer to the official
+        API reference:
+        """
         uri = '/metering/metering-label-rules'
         post_data = {'metering_label_rule': kwargs}
         return self.create_resource(uri, post_data)
@@ -29,5 +35,11 @@
         return self.delete_resource(uri)
     def list_metering_label_rules(self, **filters):
+        """List metering label rules.
+        For a full list of available parameters, please refer to the official
+        API reference:
+        """
         uri = '/metering/metering-label-rules'
         return self.list_resources(uri, **filters)
diff --git a/tempest/lib/services/network/ b/tempest/lib/services/network/
index 752b253..e9666de 100644
--- a/tempest/lib/services/network/
+++ b/tempest/lib/services/network/
@@ -18,6 +18,12 @@
 class QuotasClient(base.BaseNetworkClient):
     def update_quotas(self, tenant_id, **kwargs):
+        """Update quota for a project.
+        For a full list of available parameters, please refer to the official
+        API reference:
+        """
         put_body = {'quota': kwargs}
         uri = '/quotas/%s' % tenant_id
         return self.update_resource(uri, put_body)
@@ -35,3 +41,13 @@
     def list_quotas(self, **filters):
         uri = '/quotas'
         return self.list_resources(uri, **filters)
+    def show_default_quotas(self, tenant_id):
+        """List default quotas for a project."""
+        uri = '/quotas/%s/default' % tenant_id
+        return self.show_resource(uri)
+    def show_quota_details(self, tenant_id):
+        """Show quota details for a project."""
+        uri = '/quotas/%s/details.json' % tenant_id
+        return self.show_resource(uri)
diff --git a/tempest/lib/services/network/ b/tempest/lib/services/network/
index 1f30216..d3ebf20 100644
--- a/tempest/lib/services/network/
+++ b/tempest/lib/services/network/
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
 #    License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
 #    under the License.
+from tempest.lib import exceptions as lib_exc
 from import base
@@ -66,3 +67,10 @@
         uri = '/security-groups'
         return self.list_resources(uri, **filters)
+    def is_resource_deleted(self, id):
+        try:
+            self.show_security_group(id)
+        except lib_exc.NotFound:
+            return True
+        return False
diff --git a/tempest/lib/services/network/ b/tempest/lib/services/network/
index 0ee9bc3..01313a0 100644
--- a/tempest/lib/services/network/
+++ b/tempest/lib/services/network/
@@ -16,6 +16,11 @@
 class ServiceProvidersClient(base.BaseNetworkClient):
     def list_service_providers(self, **filters):
-        """Lists service providers."""
+        """Lists service providers.
+        For a full list of available parameters, please refer to the official
+        API reference:
+        """
         uri = '/service-providers'
         return self.list_resources(uri, **filters)
diff --git a/tempest/lib/services/object_storage/ b/tempest/lib/services/object_storage/
index e69de29..4303d09 100644
--- a/tempest/lib/services/object_storage/
+++ b/tempest/lib/services/object_storage/
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2016 Hewlett-Packard Enterprise Development Company, L.P.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
+# use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+# the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
+# the License.
+from import AccountClient
+from import \
+    BulkMiddlewareClient
+from import \
+    CapabilitiesClient
+from import \
+    ContainerClient
+from import ObjectClient
+__all__ = ['AccountClient', 'BulkMiddlewareClient', 'CapabilitiesClient',
+           'ContainerClient', 'ObjectClient']
diff --git a/tempest/services/object_storage/ b/tempest/lib/services/object_storage/
similarity index 72%
rename from tempest/services/object_storage/
rename to tempest/lib/services/object_storage/
index 5a1737e..6b097c1 100644
--- a/tempest/services/object_storage/
+++ b/tempest/lib/services/object_storage/
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
         Account Metadata can be created, updated or deleted based on
         metadata header or value. For detailed info, please refer to the
         official API reference:
         headers = {}
         if create_update_metadata:
@@ -50,41 +50,20 @@
         return resp, body
     def list_account_metadata(self):
-        """HEAD on the storage URL
-        Returns all account metadata headers
-        """
+        """List all account metadata."""
         resp, body = self.head('')
         self.expected_success(204, resp.status)
         return resp, body
     def list_account_containers(self, params=None):
-        """GET on the (base) storage URL
+        """List all containers for the account.
         Given valid X-Auth-Token, returns a list of all containers for the
-        Optional Arguments:
-        limit=[integer value N]
-            Limits the number of results to at most N values
-            DEFAULT:  10,000
-        marker=[string value X]
-            Given string value X, return object names greater in value
-            than the specified marker.
-            DEFAULT: No Marker
-        prefix=[string value Y]
-            Given string value Y, return object names starting with that prefix
-        reverse=[boolean value Z]
-            Reverse the result order based on the boolean value Z
-            DEFAULT: False
-        format=[string value, either 'json' or 'xml']
-            Specify either json or xml to return the respective serialized
-            response.
-            DEFAULT:  Python-List returned in response body
+        For a full list of available parameters, please refer to the official
+        API reference:
         url = '?%s' % urllib.urlencode(params) if params else ''
diff --git a/tempest/lib/services/object_storage/ b/tempest/lib/services/object_storage/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..430e0d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tempest/lib/services/object_storage/
@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
+# Copyright 2012 OpenStack Foundation
+# All Rights Reserved.
+#    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+#    not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+#    a copy of the License at
+#    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+#    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+#    WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+#    License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+#    under the License.
+from xml.etree import ElementTree as etree
+import debtcollector.moves
+from oslo_serialization import jsonutils as json
+from six.moves.urllib import parse as urllib
+from tempest.lib.common import rest_client
+class ContainerClient(rest_client.RestClient):
+    def update_container(self, container_name, **headers):
+        """Creates or Updates a container
+        with optional metadata passed in as a dictionary.
+        Full list of allowed headers or value, please refer to the
+        official API reference:
+        """
+        url = str(container_name)
+        resp, body = self.put(url, body=None, headers=headers)
+        self.expected_success([201, 202], resp.status)
+        return resp, body
+    # NOTE: This alias is for the usability because PUT can be used for both
+    # updating/creating a resource and this PUT is mainly used for creating
+    # on Swift container API.
+    create_container = update_container
+    def delete_container(self, container_name):
+        """Deletes the container (if it's empty)."""
+        url = str(container_name)
+        resp, body = self.delete(url)
+        self.expected_success(204, resp.status)
+        return resp, body
+    def create_update_or_delete_container_metadata(
+            self, container_name,
+            create_update_metadata=None,
+            delete_metadata=None,
+            create_update_metadata_prefix='X-Container-Meta-',
+            delete_metadata_prefix='X-Remove-Container-Meta-'):
+        """Creates, Updates or deletes an containter metadata entry.
+        Container Metadata can be created, updated or deleted based on
+        metadata header or value. For detailed info, please refer to the
+        official API reference:
+        """
+        url = str(container_name)
+        headers = {}
+        if create_update_metadata:
+            for key in create_update_metadata:
+                metadata_header_name = create_update_metadata_prefix + key
+                headers[metadata_header_name] = create_update_metadata[key]
+        if delete_metadata:
+            for key in delete_metadata:
+                headers[delete_metadata_prefix + key] = delete_metadata[key]
+        resp, body =, headers=headers, body=None)
+        self.expected_success(204, resp.status)
+        return resp, body
+    update_container_metadata = debtcollector.moves.moved_function(
+        create_update_or_delete_container_metadata,
+        'update_container_metadata', __name__,
+        version='Queens', removal_version='Rocky')
+    def list_container_metadata(self, container_name):
+        """List all container metadata."""
+        url = str(container_name)
+        resp, body = self.head(url)
+        self.expected_success(204, resp.status)
+        return resp, body
+    def list_container_objects(self, container_name, params=None):
+        """List the objects in a container, given the container name
+        Returns the container object listing as a plain text list, or as
+        xml or json if that option is specified via the 'format' argument.
+        For a full list of available parameters, please refer to the official
+        API reference:
+        """
+        url = str(container_name)
+        if params:
+            url += '?'
+            url += '&%s' % urllib.urlencode(params)
+        resp, body = self.get(url, headers={})
+        if params and params.get('format') == 'json':
+            body = json.loads(body)
+        elif params and params.get('format') == 'xml':
+            body = etree.fromstring(body)
+        # Else the content-type is plain/text
+        else:
+            body = [
+                obj_name for obj_name in body.decode().split('\n') if obj_name
+            ]
+        self.expected_success([200, 204], resp.status)
+        return resp, body
+    list_container_contents = debtcollector.moves.moved_function(
+        list_container_objects, 'list_container_contents', __name__,
+        version='Queens', removal_version='Rocky')
diff --git a/tempest/services/object_storage/ b/tempest/lib/services/object_storage/
similarity index 62%
rename from tempest/services/object_storage/
rename to tempest/lib/services/object_storage/
index 6d656ec..383aff6 100644
--- a/tempest/services/object_storage/
+++ b/tempest/lib/services/object_storage/
@@ -23,7 +23,8 @@
 class ObjectClient(rest_client.RestClient):
     def create_object(self, container, object_name, data,
-                      params=None, metadata=None, headers=None):
+                      params=None, metadata=None, headers=None,
+                      chunked=False):
         """Create storage object."""
         if headers is None:
@@ -37,7 +38,7 @@
         if params:
             url += '?%s' % urlparse.urlencode(params)
-        resp, body = self.put(url, data, headers)
+        resp, body = self.put(url, data, headers, chunked=chunked)
         self.expected_success(201, resp.status)
         return resp, body
@@ -50,28 +51,27 @@
         self.expected_success([200, 204], resp.status)
         return resp, body
-    def update_object_metadata(self, container, object_name, metadata,
-                               metadata_prefix='X-Object-Meta-'):
+    def create_or_update_object_metadata(self, container, object_name,
+                                         headers=None):
         """Add, remove, or change X-Object-Meta metadata for storage object."""
-        headers = {}
-        for key in metadata:
-            headers["%s%s" % (str(metadata_prefix), str(key))] = metadata[key]
         url = "%s/%s" % (str(container), str(object_name))
         resp, body =, None, headers=headers)
         self.expected_success(202, resp.status)
         return resp, body
-    def list_object_metadata(self, container, object_name):
+    def list_object_metadata(self, container, object_name,
+                             params=None, headers=None):
         """List all storage object X-Object-Meta- metadata."""
         url = "%s/%s" % (str(container), str(object_name))
-        resp, body = self.head(url)
+        if params:
+            url += '?%s' % urlparse.urlencode(params)
+        resp, body = self.head(url, headers=headers)
         self.expected_success(200, resp.status)
         return resp, body
-    def get_object(self, container, object_name, metadata=None):
+    def get_object(self, container, object_name, metadata=None, params=None):
         """Retrieve object's data."""
         headers = {}
@@ -80,45 +80,12 @@
                 headers[str(key)] = metadata[key]
         url = "{0}/{1}".format(container, object_name)
+        if params:
+            url += '?%s' % urlparse.urlencode(params)
         resp, body = self.get(url, headers=headers)
         self.expected_success([200, 206], resp.status)
         return resp, body
-    def copy_object_in_same_container(self, container, src_object_name,
-                                      dest_object_name, metadata=None):
-        """Copy storage object's data to the new object using PUT."""
-        url = "{0}/{1}".format(container, dest_object_name)
-        headers = {}
-        headers['X-Copy-From'] = "%s/%s" % (str(container),
-                                            str(src_object_name))
-        headers['content-length'] = '0'
-        if metadata:
-            for key in metadata:
-                headers[str(key)] = metadata[key]
-        resp, body = self.put(url, None, headers=headers)
-        self.expected_success(201, resp.status)
-        return resp, body
-    def copy_object_across_containers(self, src_container, src_object_name,
-                                      dst_container, dst_object_name,
-                                      metadata=None):
-        """Copy storage object's data to the new object using PUT."""
-        url = "{0}/{1}".format(dst_container, dst_object_name)
-        headers = {}
-        headers['X-Copy-From'] = "%s/%s" % (str(src_container),
-                                            str(src_object_name))
-        headers['content-length'] = '0'
-        if metadata:
-            for key in metadata:
-                headers[str(key)] = metadata[key]
-        resp, body = self.put(url, None, headers=headers)
-        self.expected_success(201, resp.status)
-        return resp, body
     def copy_object_2d_way(self, container, src_object_name, dest_object_name,
         """Copy storage object's data to the new object using COPY."""
@@ -135,38 +102,6 @@
         self.expected_success(201, resp.status)
         return resp, body
-    def create_object_segments(self, container, object_name, segment, data):
-        """Creates object segments."""
-        url = "{0}/{1}/{2}".format(container, object_name, segment)
-        resp, body = self.put(url, data)
-        self.expected_success(201, resp.status)
-        return resp, body
-    def put_object_with_chunk(self, container, name, contents):
-        """Put an object with Transfer-Encoding header
-        :param container: name of the container
-        :type container: string
-        :param name: name of the object
-        :type name: string
-        :param contents: object data
-        :type contents: iterable
-        """
-        headers = {'Transfer-Encoding': 'chunked'}
-        if self.token:
-            headers['X-Auth-Token'] = self.token
-        url = "%s/%s" % (container, name)
-        resp, body = self.put(
-            url, headers=headers,
-            body=contents,
-            chunked=True
-        )
-        self._error_checker(resp, body)
-        self.expected_success(201, resp.status)
-        return resp.status, resp.reason, resp
     def create_object_continue(self, container, object_name,
                                data, metadata=None):
         """Put an object using Expect:100-continue"""
@@ -183,8 +118,7 @@
         path = str(parsed.path) + "/"
         path += "%s/%s" % (str(container), str(object_name))
-        conn = create_connection(parsed)
+        conn = _create_connection(parsed)
         # Send the PUT request and the headers including the "Expect" header
         conn.putrequest('PUT', path)
@@ -218,7 +152,7 @@
         return resp.status, resp.reason
-def create_connection(parsed_url):
+def _create_connection(parsed_url):
     """Helper function to create connection with httplib
     :param parsed_url: parsed url of the remote location
diff --git a/tempest/lib/services/volume/v1/ b/tempest/lib/services/volume/v1/
old mode 100755
new mode 100644
index 067b4e8..0fac6bd
--- a/tempest/lib/services/volume/v1/
+++ b/tempest/lib/services/volume/v1/
@@ -49,9 +49,9 @@
     def create_encryption_type(self, volume_type_id, **kwargs):
         """Create encryption type.
-        TODO: Current api-site doesn't contain this API description.
-        After fixing the api-site, we need to fix here also for putting
-        the link to api-site.
+        For a full list of available parameters, please refer to the official
+        API reference:
         url = "/types/%s/encryption" % volume_type_id
         post_body = json.dumps({'encryption': kwargs})
diff --git a/tempest/lib/services/volume/v1/ b/tempest/lib/services/volume/v1/
index 56ba12c..9b19b84 100644
--- a/tempest/lib/services/volume/v1/
+++ b/tempest/lib/services/volume/v1/
@@ -23,8 +23,12 @@
     """Client class to send CRUD Volume Host API V1 requests"""
     def list_hosts(self, **params):
-        """Lists all hosts."""
+        """Lists all hosts.
+        For a full list of available parameters, please refer to the official
+        API reference:
+        """
         url = 'os-hosts'
         if params:
             url += '?%s' % urllib.urlencode(params)
diff --git a/tempest/lib/services/volume/v1/ b/tempest/lib/services/volume/v1/
index e247b7b..593bddd 100644
--- a/tempest/lib/services/volume/v1/
+++ b/tempest/lib/services/volume/v1/
@@ -92,7 +92,9 @@
         :param keys: keys to delete from the QoS specification.
-        TODO(jordanP): Add a link once LP #1524877 is fixed.
+        For a full list of available parameters, please refer to the official
+        API reference:
         put_body = json.dumps({'keys': keys})
         resp, body = self.put('qos-specs/%s/delete_keys' % qos_id, put_body)
diff --git a/tempest/lib/services/volume/v1/ b/tempest/lib/services/volume/v1/
index 678fd82..84f34f2 100644
--- a/tempest/lib/services/volume/v1/
+++ b/tempest/lib/services/volume/v1/
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@
         For a full list of available parameters, please refer to the official
         API reference:
         put_body = jsonutils.dumps({'quota_set': kwargs})
         resp, body = self.put('os-quota-sets/%s' % tenant_id, put_body)
diff --git a/tempest/lib/services/volume/v1/ b/tempest/lib/services/volume/v1/
index 3433e68..51f7b9b 100644
--- a/tempest/lib/services/volume/v1/
+++ b/tempest/lib/services/volume/v1/
@@ -27,7 +27,8 @@
         For a full list of available parameters, please refer to the official
         API reference:
         url = 'snapshots'
         if detail:
@@ -45,7 +46,7 @@
         For a full list of available parameters, please refer to the official
         API reference:
         url = "snapshots/%s" % snapshot_id
         resp, body = self.get(url)
@@ -58,7 +59,7 @@
         For a full list of available parameters, please refer to the official
         API reference:
         post_body = json.dumps({'snapshot': kwargs})
         resp, body ='snapshots', post_body)
@@ -71,7 +72,7 @@
         For a full list of available parameters, please refer to the official
         API reference:
         resp, body = self.delete("snapshots/%s" % snapshot_id)
         self.expected_success(202, resp.status)
@@ -123,7 +124,7 @@
         For a full list of available parameters, please refer to the official
         API reference:
         put_body = json.dumps({'snapshot': kwargs})
         resp, body = self.put('snapshots/%s' % snapshot_id, put_body)
@@ -136,7 +137,7 @@
         For a full list of available parameters, please refer to the official
         API reference:
         url = "snapshots/%s/metadata" % snapshot_id
         resp, body = self.get(url)
@@ -149,7 +150,7 @@
         For a full list of available parameters, please refer to the official
         API reference:
         put_body = json.dumps(kwargs)
         url = "snapshots/%s/metadata" % snapshot_id
diff --git a/tempest/lib/services/volume/v1/ b/tempest/lib/services/volume/v1/
index 4ae9935..58a80b7 100644
--- a/tempest/lib/services/volume/v1/
+++ b/tempest/lib/services/volume/v1/
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@
         For a full list of available parameters, please refer to the official
         API reference:
         url = 'types'
         if params:
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@
         For a full list of available parameters, please refer to the official
         API reference:
         url = "types/%s" % volume_type_id
         resp, body = self.get(url)
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@
         For a full list of available parameters, please refer to the official
         API reference:
         post_body = json.dumps({'volume_type': kwargs})
         resp, body ='types', post_body)
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@
         For a full list of available parameters, please refer to the official
         API reference:
         resp, body = self.delete("types/%s" % volume_type_id)
         self.expected_success(202, resp.status)
@@ -137,7 +137,7 @@
         For a full list of available parameters, please refer to the official
         API reference:
         put_body = json.dumps({'volume_type': kwargs})
         resp, body = self.put('types/%s' % volume_type_id, put_body)
@@ -155,7 +155,7 @@
                      updated value.
         For a full list of available parameters, please refer to the official
         API reference:
         url = "types/%s/extra_specs/%s" % (volume_type_id, extra_spec_name)
         put_body = json.dumps(extra_specs)
diff --git a/tempest/lib/services/volume/v1/ b/tempest/lib/services/volume/v1/
index 7a25697..0e6ea9f 100644
--- a/tempest/lib/services/volume/v1/
+++ b/tempest/lib/services/volume/v1/
@@ -38,6 +38,11 @@
         """List all the volumes created.
         Params can be a string (must be urlencoded) or a dictionary.
+        For a full list of available parameters, please refer to the official
+        API reference:
         url = 'volumes'
         if detail:
@@ -63,7 +68,7 @@
         For a full list of available parameters, please refer to the official
         API reference:
         post_body = json.dumps({'volume': kwargs})
         resp, body ='volumes', post_body)
@@ -76,7 +81,7 @@
         For a full list of available parameters, please refer to the official
         API reference:
         put_body = json.dumps({'volume': kwargs})
         resp, body = self.put('volumes/%s' % volume_id, put_body)
@@ -104,7 +109,7 @@
         For a full list of available parameters, please refer to the official
         API reference:
         post_body = json.dumps({'os-attach': kwargs})
         url = 'volumes/%s/action' % (volume_id)
@@ -161,7 +166,7 @@
         For a full list of available parameters, please refer to the official
         API reference:
         post_body = json.dumps({'os-extend': kwargs})
         url = 'volumes/%s/action' % (volume_id)
@@ -174,7 +179,7 @@
         For a full list of available parameters, please refer to the official
         API reference:
         post_body = json.dumps({'os-reset_status': kwargs})
         resp, body ='volumes/%s/action' % volume_id, post_body)
@@ -186,7 +191,7 @@
         For a full list of available parameters, please refer to the official
         API reference:
         post_body = json.dumps({'transfer': kwargs})
         resp, body ='os-volume-transfer', post_body)
@@ -207,7 +212,7 @@
         For a full list of available parameters, please refer to the official
         API reference:
         url = 'os-volume-transfer'
         if params:
@@ -228,7 +233,7 @@
         For a full list of available parameters, please refer to the official
         API reference:
         url = 'os-volume-transfer/%s/accept' % transfer_id
         post_body = json.dumps({'accept': kwargs})
diff --git a/tempest/lib/services/volume/v2/ b/tempest/lib/services/volume/v2/
old mode 100755
new mode 100644
index 20f3356..b99d1fe
--- a/tempest/lib/services/volume/v2/
+++ b/tempest/lib/services/volume/v2/
@@ -47,6 +47,14 @@
         self.expected_success(200, resp.status)
         return rest_client.ResponseBody(resp, body)
+    def show_encryption_specs_item(self, volume_type_id, key):
+        """Get the encryption specs item for the specified volume type."""
+        url = "/types/%s/encryption/%s" % (volume_type_id, key)
+        resp, body = self.get(url)
+        body = json.loads(body)
+        self.expected_success(200, resp.status)
+        return rest_client.ResponseBody(resp, body)
     def create_encryption_type(self, volume_type_id, **kwargs):
         """Create encryption type.
diff --git a/tempest/lib/services/volume/v2/ b/tempest/lib/services/volume/v2/
index d40d2d9..733b1ac 100644
--- a/tempest/lib/services/volume/v2/
+++ b/tempest/lib/services/volume/v2/
@@ -26,8 +26,9 @@
     def show_quota_class_set(self, quota_class_id):
         """List quotas for a quota class.
-        TODO: Current api-site doesn't contain this API description.
-        LP:
+        For a full list of available parameters, please refer to the official
+        API reference:
         url = 'os-quota-class-sets/%s' % quota_class_id
         resp, body = self.get(url)
@@ -38,8 +39,9 @@
     def update_quota_class_set(self, quota_class_id, **kwargs):
         """Update quotas for a quota class.
-        TODO: Current api-site doesn't contain this API description.
-        LP:
+        For a full list of available parameters, please refer to the official
+        API reference:
         url = 'os-quota-class-sets/%s' % quota_class_id
         put_body = json.dumps({'quota_class_set': kwargs})
diff --git a/tempest/lib/services/volume/v2/ b/tempest/lib/services/volume/v2/
index e932adc..da3f2b5 100644
--- a/tempest/lib/services/volume/v2/
+++ b/tempest/lib/services/volume/v2/
@@ -13,8 +13,6 @@
 #    License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
 #    under the License.
-from debtcollector import moves
-from debtcollector import removals
 from oslo_serialization import jsonutils as json
 import six
 from six.moves.urllib import parse as urllib
@@ -22,43 +20,12 @@
 from tempest.lib.common import rest_client
 from tempest.lib import exceptions as lib_exc
 from import base_client
-from import transfers_client
 class VolumesClient(base_client.BaseClient):
     """Client class to send CRUD Volume V2 API requests"""
     api_version = "v2"
-    create_volume_transfer = moves.moved_function(
-        transfers_client.TransfersClient.create_volume_transfer,
-        'VolumesClient.create_volume_transfer', __name__,
-        message='Use create_volume_transfer from new location.',
-        version='Pike', removal_version='Queens')
-    show_volume_transfer = moves.moved_function(
-        transfers_client.TransfersClient.show_volume_transfer,
-        'VolumesClient.show_volume_transfer', __name__,
-        message='Use show_volume_transfer from new location.',
-        version='Pike', removal_version='Queens')
-    list_volume_transfers = moves.moved_function(
-        transfers_client.TransfersClient.list_volume_transfers,
-        'VolumesClient.list_volume_transfers', __name__,
-        message='Use list_volume_transfer from new location.',
-        version='Pike', removal_version='Queens')
-    delete_volume_transfer = moves.moved_function(
-        transfers_client.TransfersClient.delete_volume_transfer,
-        'VolumesClient.delete_volume_transfer', __name__,
-        message='Use delete_volume_transfer from new location.',
-        version='Pike', removal_version='Queens')
-    accept_volume_transfer = moves.moved_function(
-        transfers_client.TransfersClient.accept_volume_transfer,
-        'VolumesClient.accept_volume_transfer', __name__,
-        message='Use accept_volume_transfer from new location.',
-        version='Pike', removal_version='Queens')
     def _prepare_params(self, params):
         """Prepares params for use in get or _ext_get methods.
@@ -197,10 +164,18 @@
         return rest_client.ResponseBody(resp, body)
     def is_resource_deleted(self, id):
+        """Check the specified resource is deleted or not.
+        :param id: A checked resource id
+        :raises lib_exc.DeleteErrorException: If the specified resource is on
+        the status the delete was failed.
+        """
-            self.show_volume(id)
+            volume = self.show_volume(id)
         except lib_exc.NotFound:
             return True
+        if volume["volume"]["status"] == "error_deleting":
+            raise lib_exc.DeleteErrorException(resource_id=id)
         return False
@@ -364,34 +339,6 @@
         self.expected_success(200, resp.status)
         return rest_client.ResponseBody(resp, body)
-    @removals.remove(message="use list_pools from"
-                             "volume.v2.scheduler_stats_client")
-    def show_pools(self, detail=False):
-        # List all the volumes pools (hosts)
-        url = 'scheduler-stats/get_pools'
-        if detail:
-            url += '?detail=True'
-        resp, body = self.get(url)
-        body = json.loads(body)
-        self.expected_success(200, resp.status)
-        return rest_client.ResponseBody(resp, body)
-    @removals.remove(message="use show_backend_capabilities from tempest.lib."
-                             "services.volume.v2.capabilities_client")
-    def show_backend_capabilities(self, host):
-        """Shows capabilities for a storage back end.
-        For a full list of available parameters, please refer to the official
-        API reference:
-        """
-        url = 'capabilities/%s' % host
-        resp, body = self.get(url)
-        body = json.loads(body)
-        self.expected_success(200, resp.status)
-        return rest_client.ResponseBody(resp, body)
     def unmanage_volume(self, volume_id):
         """Unmanage volume.
diff --git a/tempest/lib/services/volume/v3/ b/tempest/lib/services/volume/v3/
index e644f02..6e53e3e 100644
--- a/tempest/lib/services/volume/v3/
+++ b/tempest/lib/services/volume/v3/
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@
         self.expected_success(200, resp.status)
         return rest_client.ResponseBody(resp, body)
-    def list_group_snapshots(self, **params):
+    def list_group_snapshots(self, detail=False, **params):
         """Information for all the tenant's group snapshots.
         For more information, please refer to the official API reference:
@@ -68,6 +68,8 @@
         url = "group_snapshots"
+        if detail:
+            url += "/detail"
         if params:
             url += '?%s' % urllib.urlencode(params)
         resp, body = self.get(url)
@@ -75,6 +77,18 @@
         self.expected_success(200, resp.status)
         return rest_client.ResponseBody(resp, body)
+    def reset_group_snapshot_status(self, group_snapshot_id, status_to_set):
+        """Resets group snapshot status.
+        For more information, please refer to the official API reference:
+        """
+        post_body = json.dumps({'reset_status': {'status': status_to_set}})
+        resp, body ='group_snapshots/%s/action' % group_snapshot_id,
+                               post_body)
+        self.expected_success(202, resp.status)
+        return rest_client.ResponseBody(resp, body)
     def is_resource_deleted(self, id):
diff --git a/tempest/lib/services/volume/v3/ b/tempest/lib/services/volume/v3/
index 97bac48..ecbcba1 100644
--- a/tempest/lib/services/volume/v3/
+++ b/tempest/lib/services/volume/v3/
@@ -75,3 +75,67 @@
         body = json.loads(body)
         self.expected_success(200, resp.status)
         return rest_client.ResponseBody(resp, body)
+    def update_group_type(self, group_type_id, **kwargs):
+        """Updates a group type.
+        For a full list of available parameters, please refer to the official
+        API reference:
+        """
+        post_body = json.dumps({'group_type': kwargs})
+        resp, body = self.put('group_types/%s' % group_type_id, post_body)
+        self.expected_success(200, resp.status)
+        body = json.loads(body)
+        return rest_client.ResponseBody(resp, body)
+    def create_or_update_group_type_specs(self, group_type_id, group_specs):
+        """Creates new group specs or updates existing group specs.
+        For a full list of available parameters, please refer to the official
+        API reference:
+        """
+        url = "group_types/%s/group_specs" % group_type_id
+        post_body = json.dumps({'group_specs': group_specs})
+        resp, body =, post_body)
+        body = json.loads(body)
+        self.expected_success(202, resp.status)
+        return rest_client.ResponseBody(resp, body)
+    def list_group_type_specs(self, group_type_id):
+        """Lists all group specs for a given group type."""
+        url = 'group_types/%s/group_specs' % group_type_id
+        resp, body = self.get(url)
+        body = json.loads(body)
+        self.expected_success(200, resp.status)
+        return rest_client.ResponseBody(resp, body)
+    def show_group_type_specs_item(self, group_type_id, spec_id):
+        """Shows specified item of group specs for a given group type."""
+        url = "group_types/%s/group_specs/%s" % (group_type_id, spec_id)
+        resp, body = self.get(url)
+        body = json.loads(body)
+        self.expected_success(200, resp.status)
+        return rest_client.ResponseBody(resp, body)
+    def update_group_type_specs_item(self, group_type_id, spec_id, spec):
+        """Updates specified item of group specs for a given group type.
+        For a full list of available parameters, please refer to the official
+        API reference:
+        """
+        url = "group_types/%s/group_specs/%s" % (group_type_id, spec_id)
+        put_body = json.dumps(spec)
+        resp, body = self.put(url, put_body)
+        body = json.loads(body)
+        self.expected_success(200, resp.status)
+        return rest_client.ResponseBody(resp, body)
+    def delete_group_type_specs_item(self, group_type_id, spec_id):
+        """Deletes specified item of group specs for a given group type."""
+        resp, body = self.delete("group_types/%s/group_specs/%s" % (
+            group_type_id, spec_id))
+        self.expected_success(202, resp.status)
+        return rest_client.ResponseBody(resp, body)
diff --git a/tempest/lib/services/volume/v3/ b/tempest/lib/services/volume/v3/
index e261e8e..e2e477d 100644
--- a/tempest/lib/services/volume/v3/
+++ b/tempest/lib/services/volume/v3/
@@ -97,6 +97,29 @@
         self.expected_success(202, resp.status)
         return rest_client.ResponseBody(resp, body)
+    def update_group(self, group_id, **kwargs):
+        """Updates the specified group.
+        For a full list of available parameters, please refer to the official
+        API reference:
+        """
+        put_body = json.dumps({'group': kwargs})
+        resp, body = self.put('groups/%s' % group_id, put_body)
+        self.expected_success(202, resp.status)
+        return rest_client.ResponseBody(resp, body)
+    def reset_group_status(self, group_id, status_to_set):
+        """Resets group status.
+        For more information, please refer to the official API reference:
+        """
+        post_body = json.dumps({'reset_status': {'status': status_to_set}})
+        resp, body ='groups/%s/action' % group_id, post_body)
+        self.expected_success(202, resp.status)
+        return rest_client.ResponseBody(resp, body)
     def is_resource_deleted(self, id):
diff --git a/tempest/scenario/README.rst b/tempest/scenario/README.rst
index c1dcccc..efcd139 100644
--- a/tempest/scenario/README.rst
+++ b/tempest/scenario/README.rst
@@ -14,11 +14,12 @@
 Any scenario test should have a real-life use case. An example would be:
- - "As operator I want to start with a blank environment":
-    1. upload a glance image
-    2. deploy a vm from it
-    3. ssh to the guest
-    4. create a snapshot of the vm
+- "As operator I want to start with a blank environment":
+  1. upload a glance image
+  2. deploy a vm from it
+  3. ssh to the guest
+  4. create a snapshot of the vm
 Why are these tests in Tempest?
diff --git a/tempest/scenario/ b/tempest/scenario/
index 9b8c7a0..c78646f 100644
--- a/tempest/scenario/
+++ b/tempest/scenario/
@@ -79,24 +79,24 @@
         cls.security_groups_client = cls.os_primary.security_groups_client
         cls.security_group_rules_client = (
-        cls.volumes_client = cls.os_primary.volumes_v2_client
-        cls.snapshots_client = cls.os_primary.snapshots_v2_client
+        # Use the latest available volume clients
+        if CONF.service_available.cinder:
+            cls.volumes_client = cls.os_primary.volumes_client_latest
+            cls.snapshots_client = cls.os_primary.snapshots_client_latest
     # ## Test functions library
     # The create_[resource] functions only return body and discard the
     # resp part which is not used in scenario tests
-    def _create_port(self, network_id, client=None, namestart='port-quotatest',
-                     **kwargs):
+    def create_port(self, network_id, client=None, **kwargs):
         if not client:
             client = self.ports_client
-        name = data_utils.rand_name(namestart)
+        name = data_utils.rand_name(self.__class__.__name__)
         result = client.create_port(
-        self.assertIsNotNone(result, 'Unable to allocate port')
         port = result['port']
                         client.delete_port, port['id'])
@@ -139,14 +139,20 @@
             name = data_utils.rand_name(self.__class__.__name__ + "-server")
         vnic_type =
+        profile =
-        # If vnic_type is configured create port for
+        # If vnic_type or profile are configured create port for
         # every network
-        if vnic_type:
+        if vnic_type or profile:
             ports = []
+            create_port_body = {}
-            create_port_body = {'binding:vnic_type': vnic_type,
-                                'namestart': 'port-smoke'}
+            if vnic_type:
+                create_port_body['binding:vnic_type'] = vnic_type
+            if profile:
+                create_port_body['binding:profile'] = profile
             if kwargs:
                 # Convert security group names to security group ids
                 # to pass to create_port
@@ -183,9 +189,9 @@
             for net in networks:
                 net_id = net.get('uuid', net.get('id'))
                 if 'port' not in net:
-                    port = self._create_port(network_id=net_id,
-                                             client=clients.ports_client,
-                                             **create_port_body)
+                    port = self.create_port(network_id=net_id,
+                                            client=clients.ports_client,
+                                            **create_port_body)
                     ports.append({'port': port['id']})
                     ports.append({'port': net['port']})
@@ -253,6 +259,8 @@
         self.addCleanup(self.snapshots_client.delete_snapshot, snapshot['id'])
                                                 snapshot['id'], 'available')
+        snapshot = self.snapshots_client.show_snapshot(
+            snapshot['id'])['snapshot']
         return snapshot
     def create_volume_type(self, client=None, name=None, backend_name=None):
@@ -269,10 +277,8 @@
         if backend_name:
             extra_specs = {"volume_backend_name": backend_name}
-        body = client.create_volume_type(name=randomized_name,
-                                         extra_specs=extra_specs)
-        volume_type = body['volume_type']
-        self.assertIn('id', volume_type)
+        volume_type = client.create_volume_type(
+            name=randomized_name, extra_specs=extra_specs)['volume_type']
         self.addCleanup(client.delete_volume_type, volume_type['id'])
         return volume_type
@@ -504,27 +510,6 @@
                                                 volume['id'], 'available')
-        volume = self.volumes_client.show_volume(volume['id'])['volume']
-        self.assertEqual('available', volume['status'])
-    def rebuild_server(self, server_id, image=None,
-                       preserve_ephemeral=False, wait=True,
-                       rebuild_kwargs=None):
-        if image is None:
-            image = CONF.compute.image_ref
-        rebuild_kwargs = rebuild_kwargs or {}
-        LOG.debug("Rebuilding server (id: %s, image: %s, preserve eph: %s)",
-                  server_id, image, preserve_ephemeral)
-        self.servers_client.rebuild_server(
-            server_id=server_id, image_ref=image,
-            preserve_ephemeral=preserve_ephemeral,
-            **rebuild_kwargs)
-        if wait:
-            waiters.wait_for_server_status(self.servers_client,
-                                           server_id, 'ACTIVE')
     def ping_ip_address(self, ip_address, should_succeed=True,
                         ping_timeout=None, mtu=None):
         timeout = ping_timeout or CONF.validation.ping_timeout
@@ -673,9 +658,7 @@
                 addresses = server['addresses'][
-                creds_provider = self._get_credentials_provider()
-                net_creds = creds_provider.get_primary_creds()
-                network = getattr(net_creds, 'network', None)
+                network = self.get_tenant_network()
                 addresses = (server['addresses'][network['name']]
                              if network else [])
             for address in addresses:
@@ -730,17 +713,14 @@
         return network
-    def _create_subnet(self, network, subnets_client=None,
-                       routers_client=None, namestart='subnet-smoke',
-                       **kwargs):
+    def create_subnet(self, network, subnets_client=None,
+                      namestart='subnet-smoke', **kwargs):
         """Create a subnet for the given network
         within the cidr block configured for tenant networks.
         if not subnets_client:
             subnets_client = self.subnets_client
-        if not routers_client:
-            routers_client = self.routers_client
         def cidr_in_use(cidr, tenant_id):
             """Check cidr existence
@@ -856,22 +836,6 @@
         return floating_ip
-    def _associate_floating_ip(self, floating_ip, server):
-        port_id, _ = self._get_server_port_id_and_ip4(server)
-        kwargs = dict(port_id=port_id)
-        floating_ip = self.floating_ips_client.update_floatingip(
-            floating_ip['id'], **kwargs)['floatingip']
-        self.assertEqual(port_id, floating_ip['port_id'])
-        return floating_ip
-    def _disassociate_floating_ip(self, floating_ip):
-        """:param floating_ip: floating_ips_client.create_floatingip"""
-        kwargs = dict(port_id=None)
-        floating_ip = self.floating_ips_client.update_floatingip(
-            floating_ip['id'], **kwargs)['floatingip']
-        self.assertIsNone(floating_ip['port_id'])
-        return floating_ip
     def check_floating_ip_status(self, floating_ip, status):
         """Verifies floatingip reaches the given status
@@ -899,11 +863,11 @@"FloatingIP: {fp} is at status: {st}"
                  .format(fp=floating_ip, st=status))
-    def _check_tenant_network_connectivity(self, server,
-                                           username,
-                                           private_key,
-                                           should_connect=True,
-                                           servers_for_debug=None):
+    def check_tenant_network_connectivity(self, server,
+                                          username,
+                                          private_key,
+                                          should_connect=True,
+                                          servers_for_debug=None):
         if not
             msg = 'Tenant networks not configured to be reachable.'
@@ -923,16 +887,13 @@
-    def _check_remote_connectivity(self, source, dest, should_succeed=True,
-                                   nic=None):
+    def check_remote_connectivity(self, source, dest, should_succeed=True,
+                                  nic=None):
         """assert ping server via source ssh connection
-        Note: This is an internal method.  Use check_remote_connectivity
-        instead.
         :param source: RemoteClient: an ssh connection from which to ping
-        :param dest: and IP to ping against
-        :param should_succeed: boolean should ping succeed or not
+        :param dest: an IP to ping against
+        :param should_succeed: boolean: should ping succeed or not
         :param nic: specific network interface to ping from
         def ping_remote():
@@ -944,28 +905,19 @@
                 return not should_succeed
             return should_succeed
-        return test_utils.call_until_true(ping_remote,
-                                          CONF.validation.ping_timeout,
-                                          1)
+        result = test_utils.call_until_true(ping_remote,
+                                            CONF.validation.ping_timeout, 1)
+        if result:
+            return
-    def check_remote_connectivity(self, source, dest, should_succeed=True,
-                                  nic=None):
-        """assert ping server via source ssh connection
-        :param source: RemoteClient: an ssh connection from which to ping
-        :param dest: and IP to ping against
-        :param should_succeed: boolean should ping succeed or not
-        :param nic: specific network interface to ping from
-        """
-        result = self._check_remote_connectivity(source, dest, should_succeed,
-                                                 nic)
         source_host =
         if should_succeed:
             msg = "Timed out waiting for %s to become reachable from %s" \
                 % (dest, source_host)
             msg = "%s is reachable from %s" % (dest, source_host)
-        self.assertTrue(result, msg)
+        self._log_console_output()
     def _create_security_group(self, security_group_rules_client=None,
@@ -1022,23 +974,6 @@
                         client.delete_security_group, secgroup['id'])
         return secgroup
-    def _default_security_group(self, client=None, tenant_id=None):
-        """Get default secgroup for given tenant_id.
-        :returns: default secgroup for given tenant
-        """
-        if client is None:
-            client = self.security_groups_client
-        if not tenant_id:
-            tenant_id = client.tenant_id
-        sgs = [
-            sg for sg in list(client.list_security_groups().values())[0]
-            if sg['tenant_id'] == tenant_id and sg['name'] == 'default'
-        ]
-        msg = "No default security group for tenant %s." % (tenant_id)
-        self.assertNotEmpty(sgs, msg)
-        return sgs[0]
     def _create_security_group_rule(self, secgroup=None,
@@ -1067,8 +1002,12 @@
         if not tenant_id:
             tenant_id = security_groups_client.tenant_id
         if secgroup is None:
-            secgroup = self._default_security_group(
-                client=security_groups_client, tenant_id=tenant_id)
+            # Get default secgroup for tenant_id
+            default_secgroups = security_groups_client.list_security_groups(
+                name='default', tenant_id=tenant_id)['security_groups']
+            msg = "No default security group for tenant %s." % (tenant_id)
+            self.assertNotEmpty(default_secgroups, msg)
+            secgroup = default_secgroups[0]
         ruleset = dict(security_group_id=secgroup['id'],
@@ -1156,37 +1095,18 @@
             body = client.show_router(router_id)
             return body['router']
         elif network_id:
-            router = self._create_router(client, tenant_id)
-            kwargs = {'external_gateway_info': dict(network_id=network_id)}
-            router = client.update_router(router['id'], **kwargs)['router']
+            router = client.create_router(
+                name=data_utils.rand_name(self.__class__.__name__ + '-router'),
+                admin_state_up=True,
+                tenant_id=tenant_id,
+                external_gateway_info=dict(network_id=network_id))['router']
+            self.addCleanup(test_utils.call_and_ignore_notfound_exc,
+                            client.delete_router, router['id'])
             return router
             raise Exception("Neither of 'public_router_id' or "
                             "'public_network_id' has been defined.")
-    def _create_router(self, client=None, tenant_id=None,
-                       namestart='router-smoke'):
-        if not client:
-            client = self.routers_client
-        if not tenant_id:
-            tenant_id = client.tenant_id
-        name = data_utils.rand_name(namestart)
-        result = client.create_router(name=name,
-                                      admin_state_up=True,
-                                      tenant_id=tenant_id)
-        router = result['router']
-        self.assertEqual(router['name'], name)
-        self.addCleanup(test_utils.call_and_ignore_notfound_exc,
-                        client.delete_router,
-                        router['id'])
-        return router
-    def _update_router_admin_state(self, router, admin_state_up):
-        kwargs = dict(admin_state_up=admin_state_up)
-        router = self.routers_client.update_router(
-            router['id'], **kwargs)['router']
-        self.assertEqual(admin_state_up, router['admin_state_up'])
     def create_networks(self, networks_client=None,
                         routers_client=None, subnets_client=None,
                         tenant_id=None, dns_nameservers=None,
@@ -1221,12 +1141,11 @@
             router = self._get_router(client=routers_client,
             subnet_kwargs = dict(network=network,
-                                 subnets_client=subnets_client,
-                                 routers_client=routers_client)
+                                 subnets_client=subnets_client)
             # use explicit check because empty list is a valid option
             if dns_nameservers is not None:
                 subnet_kwargs['dns_nameservers'] = dns_nameservers
-            subnet = self._create_subnet(**subnet_kwargs)
+            subnet = self.create_subnet(**subnet_kwargs)
             if not routers_client:
                 routers_client = self.routers_client
             router_id = router['id']
@@ -1264,7 +1183,7 @@
         LOG.debug("Creating an encryption type for volume type: %s", type_id)
             type_id, provider=provider, key_size=key_size, cipher=cipher,
-            control_location=control_location)['encryption']
+            control_location=control_location)
     def create_encrypted_volume(self, encryption_provider, volume_type,
                                 key_size=256, cipher='aes-xts-plain64',
@@ -1316,7 +1235,7 @@
     def create_container(self, container_name=None):
         name = container_name or data_utils.rand_name(
-        self.container_client.create_container(name)
+        self.container_client.update_container(name)
         # look for the container to assure it is created
         LOG.debug('Container %s created', name)
@@ -1353,7 +1272,7 @@
             present_obj = []
         if not_present_obj is None:
             not_present_obj = []
-        _, object_list = self.container_client.list_container_contents(
+        _, object_list = self.container_client.list_container_objects(
         if present_obj:
             for obj in present_obj:
@@ -1362,14 +1281,6 @@
             for obj in not_present_obj:
                 self.assertNotIn(obj, object_list)
-    def change_container_acl(self, container_name, acl):
-        metadata_param = {'metadata_prefix': 'x-container-',
-                          'metadata': {'read': acl}}
-        self.container_client.update_container_metadata(container_name,
-                                                        **metadata_param)
-        resp, _ = self.container_client.list_container_metadata(container_name)
-        self.assertEqual(resp['x-container-read'], acl)
     def download_and_verify(self, container_name, obj_name, expected_data):
         _, obj = self.object_client.get_object(container_name, obj_name)
         self.assertEqual(obj, expected_data)
diff --git a/tempest/scenario/ b/tempest/scenario/
index 25227be..9ff6227 100644
--- a/tempest/scenario/
+++ b/tempest/scenario/
@@ -14,10 +14,10 @@
 #    under the License.
 from tempest.common import tempest_fixtures as fixtures
+from tempest.common import utils
 from tempest.lib.common.utils import data_utils
 from tempest.lib import decorators
 from tempest.scenario import manager
-from tempest import test
 class TestAggregatesBasicOps(manager.ScenarioTest):
@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@
     def test_aggregate_basic_ops(self):
         az = 'foo_zone'
diff --git a/tempest/scenario/ b/tempest/scenario/
index cbdf307..b5220e9 100644
--- a/tempest/scenario/
+++ b/tempest/scenario/
@@ -13,10 +13,10 @@
 #    License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
 #    under the License.
+from tempest.common import utils
 from tempest import config
 from tempest.lib import decorators
 from tempest.scenario import manager
-from tempest import test
 CONF = config.CONF
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@
-'compute', 'volume', 'image')
+'compute', 'volume', 'image')
     def test_encrypted_cinder_volumes_luks(self):
         server = self.launch_instance()
         volume = self.create_encrypted_volume('nova.volume.encryptors.'
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@
-'compute', 'volume', 'image')
+'compute', 'volume', 'image')
     def test_encrypted_cinder_volumes_cryptsetup(self):
         server = self.launch_instance()
         volume = self.create_encrypted_volume('nova.volume.encryptors.'
diff --git a/tempest/scenario/ b/tempest/scenario/
index 26a834b..2b35e45 100644
--- a/tempest/scenario/
+++ b/tempest/scenario/
@@ -13,16 +13,14 @@
 #    License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
 #    under the License.
-import testtools
 from tempest.common import custom_matchers
+from tempest.common import utils
 from tempest.common import waiters
 from tempest import config
 from tempest.lib.common.utils import test_utils
 from tempest.lib import decorators
 from tempest.lib import exceptions
 from tempest.scenario import manager
-from tempest import test
 CONF = config.CONF
@@ -101,11 +99,7 @@
                     return address
-    @testtools.skipUnless(,
-                          'The public_network_id option must be specified.')
-    @testtools.skipUnless(CONF.network_feature_enabled.floating_ips,
-                          'Floating ips are not available')
-'compute', 'volume', 'image', 'network')
+'compute', 'volume', 'image', 'network')
     def test_minimum_basic_scenario(self):
         image = self.glance_image_create()
         keypair = self.create_keypair()
@@ -126,22 +120,29 @@
         self.addCleanup(self.nova_volume_detach, server, volume)
-        floating_ip = self.create_floating_ip(server)
-        # fetch the server again to make sure the addresses were refreshed
-        # after associating the floating IP
+        floating_ip = None
         server = self.servers_client.show_server(server['id'])['server']
-        address = self._get_floating_ip_in_server_addresses(
-            floating_ip, server)
-        self.assertIsNotNone(
-            address,
-            "Failed to find floating IP '%s' in server addresses: %s" %
-            (floating_ip['ip'], server['addresses']))
+        if (CONF.network_feature_enabled.floating_ips and
+            floating_ip = self.create_floating_ip(server)
+            # fetch the server again to make sure the addresses were refreshed
+            # after associating the floating IP
+            server = self.servers_client.show_server(server['id'])['server']
+            address = self._get_floating_ip_in_server_addresses(
+                floating_ip, server)
+            self.assertIsNotNone(
+                address,
+                "Failed to find floating IP '%s' in server addresses: %s" %
+                (floating_ip['ip'], server['addresses']))
+            ssh_ip = floating_ip['ip']
+        else:
+            ssh_ip = self.get_server_ip(server)
         # check that we can SSH to the server before reboot
         self.linux_client = self.get_remote_client(
-            floating_ip['ip'], private_key=keypair['private_key'],
+            ssh_ip, private_key=keypair['private_key'],
@@ -149,25 +150,27 @@
         # check that we can SSH to the server after reboot
         # (both connections are part of the scenario)
         self.linux_client = self.get_remote_client(
-            floating_ip['ip'], private_key=keypair['private_key'],
+            ssh_ip, private_key=keypair['private_key'],
-        # delete the floating IP, this should refresh the server addresses
-        self.compute_floating_ips_client.delete_floating_ip(floating_ip['id'])
+        if floating_ip:
+            # delete the floating IP, this should refresh the server addresses
+            self.compute_floating_ips_client.delete_floating_ip(
+                floating_ip['id'])
-        def is_floating_ip_detached_from_server():
-            server_info = self.servers_client.show_server(
-                server['id'])['server']
-            address = self._get_floating_ip_in_server_addresses(
-                floating_ip, server_info)
-            return (not address)
+            def is_floating_ip_detached_from_server():
+                server_info = self.servers_client.show_server(
+                    server['id'])['server']
+                address = self._get_floating_ip_in_server_addresses(
+                    floating_ip, server_info)
+                return (not address)
-        if not test_utils.call_until_true(
-            is_floating_ip_detached_from_server,
-            CONF.compute.build_timeout,
-            CONF.compute.build_interval):
-            msg = ("Floating IP '%s' should not be in server addresses: %s" %
-                   (floating_ip['ip'], server['addresses']))
-            raise exceptions.TimeoutException(msg)
+            if not test_utils.call_until_true(
+                is_floating_ip_detached_from_server,
+                CONF.compute.build_timeout,
+                CONF.compute.build_interval):
+                msg = ("Floating IP '%s' should not be in server addresses: %s"
+                       % (floating_ip['ip'], server['addresses']))
+                raise exceptions.TimeoutException(msg)
diff --git a/tempest/scenario/ b/tempest/scenario/
index c8add8b..e4ab11c 100644
--- a/tempest/scenario/
+++ b/tempest/scenario/
@@ -15,11 +15,11 @@
 import testtools
+from tempest.common import utils
 from tempest.common import waiters
 from tempest import config
 from tempest.lib import decorators
 from tempest.scenario import manager
-from tempest import test
 CONF = config.CONF
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@
     def _setup_server(self, keypair):
         security_groups = []
-        if test.is_extension_enabled('security-group', 'network'):
+        if utils.is_extension_enabled('security-group', 'network'):
             security_group = self._create_security_group()
             security_groups = [{'name': security_group['name']}]
         network, _, _ = self.create_networks()
@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@
         username = CONF.validation.image_ssh_user
         private_key = keypair['private_key']
-        self._check_tenant_network_connectivity(
+        self.check_tenant_network_connectivity(
             server, username, private_key,
@@ -107,7 +107,7 @@
-'compute', 'network')
+'compute', 'network')
     def test_server_connectivity_stop_start(self):
         keypair = self.create_keypair()
         server = self._setup_server(keypair)
@@ -122,7 +122,7 @@
             server, keypair, floating_ip)
-'compute', 'network')
+'compute', 'network')
     def test_server_connectivity_reboot(self):
         keypair = self.create_keypair()
         server = self._setup_server(keypair)
@@ -133,7 +133,7 @@
-'compute', 'network')
+'compute', 'network')
     def test_server_connectivity_rebuild(self):
         keypair = self.create_keypair()
         server = self._setup_server(keypair)
@@ -148,7 +148,7 @@
                           'Pause is not available.')
-'compute', 'network')
+'compute', 'network')
     def test_server_connectivity_pause_unpause(self):
         keypair = self.create_keypair()
         server = self._setup_server(keypair)
@@ -166,7 +166,7 @@
                           'Suspend is not available.')
-'compute', 'network')
+'compute', 'network')
     def test_server_connectivity_suspend_resume(self):
         keypair = self.create_keypair()
         server = self._setup_server(keypair)
@@ -184,7 +184,7 @@
                           'Resize is not available.')
-'compute', 'network')
+'compute', 'network')
     def test_server_connectivity_resize(self):
         resize_flavor = CONF.compute.flavor_ref_alt
         keypair = self.create_keypair()
@@ -195,6 +195,8 @@
         waiters.wait_for_server_status(self.servers_client, server['id'],
+        server = self.servers_client.show_server(server['id'])['server']
+        self.assertEqual(resize_flavor, server['flavor']['id'])
             server, keypair, floating_ip)
@@ -205,7 +207,7 @@
                           'Less than 2 compute nodes, skipping multinode '
-'compute', 'network')
+'compute', 'network')
     def test_server_connectivity_cold_migration(self):
         keypair = self.create_keypair()
         server = self._setup_server(keypair)
@@ -231,7 +233,7 @@
                           'Less than 2 compute nodes, skipping multinode '
-'compute', 'network')
+'compute', 'network')
     def test_server_connectivity_cold_migration_revert(self):
         keypair = self.create_keypair()
         server = self._setup_server(keypair)
diff --git a/tempest/scenario/ b/tempest/scenario/
index 48ddac6..fd9c985 100644
--- a/tempest/scenario/
+++ b/tempest/scenario/
@@ -19,13 +19,13 @@
 from oslo_log import log as logging
 import testtools
+from tempest.common import utils
 from tempest.common import waiters
 from tempest import config
 from tempest.lib.common.utils import test_utils
 from tempest.lib import decorators
 from tempest.lib import exceptions
 from tempest.scenario import manager
-from tempest import test
 CONF = config.CONF
 LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@
                    'public_network_id must be defined.')
             raise cls.skipException(msg)
         for ext in ['router', 'security-group']:
-            if not test.is_extension_enabled(ext, 'network'):
+            if not utils.is_extension_enabled(ext, 'network'):
                 msg = "%s extension not enabled." % ext
                 raise cls.skipException(msg)
         if not CONF.network_feature_enabled.floating_ips:
@@ -113,11 +113,16 @@
         port_id = None
         if boot_with_port:
             # create a port on the network and boot with that
-            port_id = self._create_port(['id'])['id']
+            port_id = self.create_port(['id'])['id']
             self.ports.append({'port': port_id})
         server = self._create_server(, port_id)
-        self._check_tenant_network_connectivity()
+        ssh_login = CONF.validation.image_ssh_user
+        for server in self.servers:
+            # call the common method in the parent class
+            self.check_tenant_network_connectivity(
+                server, ssh_login, self._get_server_key(server),
+                servers_for_debug=self.servers)
         floating_ip = self.create_floating_ip(server)
         self.floating_ip_tuple = Floating_IP_tuple(floating_ip, server)
@@ -170,15 +175,6 @@
     def _get_server_key(self, server):
         return self.keypairs[server['key_name']]['private_key']
-    def _check_tenant_network_connectivity(self):
-        ssh_login = CONF.validation.image_ssh_user
-        for server in self.servers:
-            # call the common method in the parent class
-            super(TestNetworkBasicOps, self).\
-                _check_tenant_network_connectivity(
-                    server, ssh_login, self._get_server_key(server),
-                    servers_for_debug=self.servers)
     def check_public_network_connectivity(
             self, should_connect=True, msg=None,
             should_check_floating_ip_status=True, mtu=None):
@@ -213,25 +209,28 @@
     def _disassociate_floating_ips(self):
         floating_ip, _ = self.floating_ip_tuple
-        self._disassociate_floating_ip(floating_ip)
-        self.floating_ip_tuple = Floating_IP_tuple(
-            floating_ip, None)
+        floating_ip = self.floating_ips_client.update_floatingip(
+            floating_ip['id'], port_id=None)['floatingip']
+        self.assertIsNone(floating_ip['port_id'])
+        self.floating_ip_tuple = Floating_IP_tuple(floating_ip, None)
     def _reassociate_floating_ips(self):
         floating_ip, server = self.floating_ip_tuple
         # create a new server for the floating ip
         server = self._create_server(
-        self._associate_floating_ip(floating_ip, server)
-        self.floating_ip_tuple = Floating_IP_tuple(
-            floating_ip, server)
+        port_id, _ = self._get_server_port_id_and_ip4(server)
+        floating_ip = self.floating_ips_client.update_floatingip(
+            floating_ip['id'], port_id=port_id)['floatingip']
+        self.assertEqual(port_id, floating_ip['port_id'])
+        self.floating_ip_tuple = Floating_IP_tuple(floating_ip, server)
     def _create_new_network(self, create_gateway=False):
         self.new_net = self._create_network()
         if create_gateway:
-            self.new_subnet = self._create_subnet(
+            self.new_subnet = self.create_subnet(
-            self.new_subnet = self._create_subnet(
+            self.new_subnet = self.create_subnet(
@@ -305,16 +304,19 @@
         - ping internal gateway and DHCP port, implying in-tenant connectivity
         pinging both, because L3 and DHCP agents might be on different nodes
+        - ping internal compute port, implying connectivity to other VMs on
+        this network
         floating_ip, server = self.floating_ip_tuple
         # get internal ports' ips:
-        # get all network ports in the new network
+        # get all network and compute ports in the new network
         internal_ips = (
             p['fixed_ips'][0]['ip_address'] for p in
-            if p['device_owner'].startswith('network')
+            if p['device_owner'].startswith('network') or
+            p['device_owner'].startswith('compute')
@@ -355,9 +357,15 @@
             self.check_remote_connectivity(ssh_source, remote_ip,
+    def _update_router_admin_state(self, router, admin_state_up):
+        kwargs = dict(admin_state_up=admin_state_up)
+        router = self.routers_client.update_router(
+            router['id'], **kwargs)['router']
+        self.assertEqual(admin_state_up, router['admin_state_up'])
-'compute', 'network')
+'compute', 'network')
     def test_network_basic_ops(self):
         """Basic network operation test
@@ -409,13 +417,17 @@
                                                    "floating ip")
-    @testtools.skipUnless(test.is_extension_enabled('net-mtu', 'network'),
+    @testtools.skipUnless(utils.is_extension_enabled('net-mtu', 'network'),
                           'No way to calculate MTU for networks')
-'compute', 'network')
+'compute', 'network')
     def test_mtu_sized_frames(self):
         """Validate that network MTU sized frames fit through."""
+        # first check that connectivity works in general for the instance
+        self.check_public_network_connectivity(should_connect=True)
+        # now that we checked general connectivity, test that full size frames
+        # can also pass between nodes
@@ -425,7 +437,7 @@
                       'multitenant network environment')
-'compute', 'network')
+'compute', 'network')
     def test_connectivity_between_vms_on_different_networks(self):
         """Test connectivity between VMs on different networks
@@ -479,7 +491,7 @@
     @testtools.skipIf( in ['direct', 'macvtap'],
                       'NIC hotplug not supported for '
                       'vnic_type direct or macvtap')
-'compute', 'network')
+'compute', 'network')
     def test_hotplug_nic(self):
         """Test hotplug network interface
@@ -501,7 +513,7 @@
                       'Router state can be altered only with multitenant '
                       'networks capabilities')
-'compute', 'network')
+'compute', 'network')
     def test_update_router_admin_state(self):
         """Test to update admin state up of router
@@ -535,7 +547,7 @@
                           "DHCP client is not available.")
-'compute', 'network')
+'compute', 'network')
     def test_subnet_details(self):
         """Tests that subnet's extra configuration details are affecting VMs.
@@ -619,7 +631,7 @@
                           "Changing a port's admin state is not supported "
                           "by the test environment")
-'compute', 'network')
+'compute', 'network')
     def test_update_instance_port_admin_state(self):
         """Test to update admin_state_up attribute of instance port
@@ -666,7 +678,7 @@
-'compute', 'network')
+'compute', 'network')
     def test_preserve_preexisting_port(self):
         """Test preserve pre-existing port
@@ -715,10 +727,10 @@
                          'server %s.' % server['id'])
         self.assertEqual(port['id'], port_list[0]['id'])
-    @test.requires_ext(service='network', extension='l3_agent_scheduler')
+    @utils.requires_ext(service='network', extension='l3_agent_scheduler')
-'compute', 'network')
+'compute', 'network')
     def test_router_rescheduling(self):
         """Tests that router can be removed from agent and add to a new agent.
@@ -793,12 +805,12 @@
             msg='After router rescheduling')
-    @test.requires_ext(service='network', extension='port-security')
+    @utils.requires_ext(service='network', extension='port-security')
                           'NIC hotplug not available')
-'compute', 'network')
+'compute', 'network')
     def test_port_security_macspoofing_port(self):
         """Tests port_security extension enforces mac spoofing
diff --git a/tempest/scenario/ b/tempest/scenario/
index bf26c2e..9f4e62b 100644
--- a/tempest/scenario/
+++ b/tempest/scenario/
@@ -12,13 +12,11 @@
 #    WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
 #    License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
 #    under the License.
-import functools
+from tempest.common import utils
 from tempest import config
 from tempest.lib.common.utils import test_utils
 from tempest.lib import decorators
 from tempest.scenario import manager
-from tempest import test
 CONF = config.CONF
@@ -78,9 +76,9 @@
         if dualnet:
             network_v6 = self._create_network()
-        sub4 = self._create_subnet(network=network,
-                                   namestart='sub4',
-                                   ip_version=4)
+        sub4 = self.create_subnet(network=network,
+                                  namestart='sub4',
+                                  ip_version=4)
         router = self._get_router()
@@ -93,11 +91,11 @@
         self.subnets_v6 = []
         for _ in range(n_subnets6):
             net6 = network_v6 if dualnet else network
-            sub6 = self._create_subnet(network=net6,
-                                       namestart='sub6',
-                                       ip_version=6,
-                                       ipv6_ra_mode=address6_mode,
-                                       ipv6_address_mode=address6_mode)
+            sub6 = self.create_subnet(network=net6,
+                                      namestart='sub6',
+                                      ip_version=6,
+                                      ipv6_ra_mode=address6_mode,
+                                      ipv6_address_mode=address6_mode)
@@ -132,7 +130,7 @@
         ssh = self.get_remote_client(
             username=username, server=srv)
-        return ssh, ips, srv["id"]
+        return ssh, ips, srv
     def turn_nic6_on(self, ssh, sid, network_id):
         """Turns the IPv6 vNIC on
@@ -163,8 +161,8 @@
-        sshv4_1, ips_from_api_1, sid1 = self.prepare_server(networks=net_list)
-        sshv4_2, ips_from_api_2, sid2 = self.prepare_server(networks=net_list)
+        sshv4_1, ips_from_api_1, srv1 = self.prepare_server(networks=net_list)
+        sshv4_2, ips_from_api_2, srv2 = self.prepare_server(networks=net_list)
         def guest_has_address(ssh, addr):
             return addr in ssh.exec_command("ip address")
@@ -172,8 +170,8 @@
         # Turn on 2nd NIC for Cirros when dualnet
         if dualnet:
             _, network_v6 = net_list
-            self.turn_nic6_on(sshv4_1, sid1, network_v6['id'])
-            self.turn_nic6_on(sshv4_2, sid2, network_v6['id'])
+            self.turn_nic6_on(sshv4_1, srv1['id'], network_v6['id'])
+            self.turn_nic6_on(sshv4_2, srv2['id'], network_v6['id'])
         # get addresses assigned to vNIC as reported by 'ip address' utility
         ips_from_ip_1 = sshv4_1.exec_command("ip address")
@@ -183,17 +181,19 @@
         for i in range(n_subnets6):
             # v6 should be configured since the image supports it
             # It can take time for ipv6 automatic address to get assigned
-            srv1_v6_addr_assigned = functools.partial(
-                guest_has_address, sshv4_1, ips_from_api_1['6'][i])
-            srv2_v6_addr_assigned = functools.partial(
-                guest_has_address, sshv4_2, ips_from_api_2['6'][i])
-            self.assertTrue(test_utils.call_until_true(srv1_v6_addr_assigned,
-                            CONF.validation.ping_timeout, 1))
-            self.assertTrue(test_utils.call_until_true(srv2_v6_addr_assigned,
-                            CONF.validation.ping_timeout, 1))
+            for srv, ssh, ips in (
+                    (srv1, sshv4_1, ips_from_api_1),
+                    (srv2, sshv4_2, ips_from_api_2)):
+                ip = ips['6'][i]
+                result = test_utils.call_until_true(
+                    guest_has_address,
+                    CONF.validation.ping_timeout, 1, ssh, ip)
+                if not result:
+                    self._log_console_output(servers=[srv])
+                        'Address %s not configured for instance %s, '
+                        'ip address output is\n%s' %
+                        (ip, srv['id'], ssh.exec_command("ip address")))
         self.check_remote_connectivity(sshv4_1, ips_from_api_2['4'])
         self.check_remote_connectivity(sshv4_2, ips_from_api_1['4'])
@@ -210,49 +210,49 @@
-'compute', 'network')
+'compute', 'network')
     def test_slaac_from_os(self):
-'compute', 'network')
+'compute', 'network')
     def test_dhcp6_stateless_from_os(self):
-'compute', 'network')
+'compute', 'network')
     def test_multi_prefix_dhcpv6_stateless(self):
         self._prepare_and_test(address6_mode='dhcpv6-stateless', n_subnets6=2)
-'compute', 'network')
+'compute', 'network')
     def test_multi_prefix_slaac(self):
         self._prepare_and_test(address6_mode='slaac', n_subnets6=2)
-'compute', 'network')
+'compute', 'network')
     def test_dualnet_slaac_from_os(self):
         self._prepare_and_test(address6_mode='slaac', dualnet=True)
-'compute', 'network')
+'compute', 'network')
     def test_dualnet_dhcp6_stateless_from_os(self):
         self._prepare_and_test(address6_mode='dhcpv6-stateless', dualnet=True)
-'compute', 'network')
+'compute', 'network')
     def test_dualnet_multi_prefix_dhcpv6_stateless(self):
         self._prepare_and_test(address6_mode='dhcpv6-stateless', n_subnets6=2,
-'compute', 'network')
+'compute', 'network')
     def test_dualnet_multi_prefix_slaac(self):
         self._prepare_and_test(address6_mode='slaac', n_subnets6=2,
diff --git a/tempest/scenario/ b/tempest/scenario/
index 25e9f5c..cbe321e 100644
--- a/tempest/scenario/
+++ b/tempest/scenario/
@@ -13,14 +13,14 @@
 #    License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
 #    under the License.
+from tempest.common import utils
 from tempest.lib import decorators
 from tempest.scenario import manager
-from tempest import test
 class TestObjectStorageBasicOps(manager.ObjectStorageScenarioTest):
     def test_swift_basic_ops(self):
         """Test swift basic ops.
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@
     def test_swift_acl_anonymous_download(self):
         """This test will cover below steps:
@@ -58,12 +58,18 @@
         5. Delete the object and container
         container_name = self.create_container()
-        obj_name, _ = self.upload_object_to_container(container_name)
+        obj_name, obj_data = self.upload_object_to_container(container_name)
         obj_url = '%s/%s/%s' % (self.object_client.base_url,
                                 container_name, obj_name)
         resp, _ = self.object_client.raw_request(obj_url, 'GET')
         self.assertEqual(resp.status, 401)
-        self.change_container_acl(container_name, '.r:*')
-        resp, _ = self.object_client.raw_request(obj_url, 'GET')
+        metadata_param = {'X-Container-Read': '.r:*'}
+        self.container_client.create_update_or_delete_container_metadata(
+            container_name, create_update_metadata=metadata_param,
+            create_update_metadata_prefix='')
+        resp, _ = self.container_client.list_container_metadata(container_name)
+        self.assertEqual(metadata_param['X-Container-Read'],
+                         resp['x-container-read'])
+        resp, data = self.object_client.raw_request(obj_url, 'GET')
         self.assertEqual(resp.status, 200)
+        self.assertEqual(obj_data, data)
diff --git a/tempest/scenario/ b/tempest/scenario/
index 41c60f1..e39afe0 100644
--- a/tempest/scenario/
+++ b/tempest/scenario/
@@ -15,12 +15,13 @@
 from oslo_log import log
 import testtools
+from tempest.common import compute
+from tempest.common import utils
 from tempest.common.utils import net_info
 from tempest import config
 from tempest.lib.common.utils import data_utils
 from tempest.lib import decorators
 from tempest.scenario import manager
-from tempest import test
 CONF = config.CONF
 LOG = log.getLogger(__name__)
@@ -141,7 +142,7 @@
             msg = ('Either project_networks_reachable must be "true", or '
                    'public_network_id must be defined.')
             raise cls.skipException(msg)
-        if not test.is_extension_enabled('security-group', 'network'):
+        if not utils.is_extension_enabled('security-group', 'network'):
             msg = "security-group extension not enabled."
             raise cls.skipException(msg)
@@ -162,7 +163,7 @@
         super(TestSecurityGroupsBasicOps, cls).resource_setup()
         cls.multi_node = CONF.compute.min_compute_nodes > 1 and \
-            test.is_scheduler_filter_enabled("DifferentHostFilter")
+            compute.is_scheduler_filter_enabled("DifferentHostFilter")
         if cls.multi_node:
   "Working in Multi Node mode")
@@ -470,7 +471,7 @@
                     servers=[tenant.access_point], client=client)
-'compute', 'network')
+'compute', 'network')
     def test_cross_tenant_traffic(self):
         if not self.credentials_provider.is_multi_tenant():
             raise self.skipException("No secondary tenant defined")
@@ -490,7 +491,7 @@
-'compute', 'network')
+'compute', 'network')
     def test_in_tenant_traffic(self):
             self._create_tenant_servers(self.primary_tenant, num=1)
@@ -504,7 +505,7 @@
-'compute', 'network')
+'compute', 'network')
     def test_port_update_new_security_group(self):
         """Verifies the traffic after updating the vm port
@@ -558,7 +559,7 @@
-'compute', 'network')
+'compute', 'network')
     def test_multiple_security_groups(self):
         """Verify multiple security groups and checks that rules
@@ -590,9 +591,9 @@
-    @test.requires_ext(service='network', extension='port-security')
+    @utils.requires_ext(service='network', extension='port-security')
-'compute', 'network')
+'compute', 'network')
     def test_port_security_disable_security_group(self):
         """Verify the default security group rules is disabled."""
         new_tenant = self.primary_tenant
@@ -630,7 +631,7 @@
-    @test.requires_ext(service='network', extension='port-security')
+    @utils.requires_ext(service='network', extension='port-security')
     # TODO(mriedem): We shouldn't actually need to check this since neutron
     # disables the port_security extension by default, but the problem is nova
@@ -640,7 +641,7 @@
         'Port security must be enabled.')
-'compute', 'network')
+'compute', 'network')
     def test_boot_into_disabled_port_security_network_without_secgroup(self):
         tenant = self.primary_tenant
         self._create_tenant_network(tenant, port_security_enabled=False)
diff --git a/tempest/scenario/ b/tempest/scenario/
index 6d6318c..89b9fdd 100644
--- a/tempest/scenario/
+++ b/tempest/scenario/
@@ -16,11 +16,11 @@
 from oslo_log import log as logging
 import testtools
+from tempest.common import utils
 from tempest.common import waiters
 from tempest import config
 from tempest.lib import decorators
 from tempest.scenario import manager
-from tempest import test
 CONF = config.CONF
@@ -42,32 +42,10 @@
         super(TestServerAdvancedOps, cls).setup_credentials()
-    @decorators.idempotent_id('e6c28180-7454-4b59-b188-0257af08a63b')
-    @testtools.skipUnless(CONF.compute_feature_enabled.resize,
-                          'Resize is not available.')
-'compute', 'volume')
-    def test_resize_volume_backed_server_confirm(self):
-        # We create an instance for use in this test
-        instance = self.create_server(volume_backed=True)
-        instance_id = instance['id']
-        resize_flavor = CONF.compute.flavor_ref_alt
-        LOG.debug("Resizing instance %s from flavor %s to flavor %s",
-                  instance['id'], instance['flavor']['id'], resize_flavor)
-        self.servers_client.resize_server(instance_id, resize_flavor)
-        waiters.wait_for_server_status(self.servers_client, instance_id,
-                                       'VERIFY_RESIZE')
-        LOG.debug("Confirming resize of instance %s", instance_id)
-        self.servers_client.confirm_resize_server(instance_id)
-        waiters.wait_for_server_status(self.servers_client, instance_id,
-                                       'ACTIVE')
-    @decorators.attr(type='slow')
                           'Suspend is not available.')
     def test_server_sequence_suspend_resume(self):
         # We create an instance for use in this test
         instance_id = self.create_server()['id']
diff --git a/tempest/scenario/ b/tempest/scenario/
index 0c441ab..1671216 100644
--- a/tempest/scenario/
+++ b/tempest/scenario/
@@ -14,8 +14,8 @@
 #    under the License.
 import json
-import re
+from tempest.common import utils
 from tempest.common import waiters
 from tempest import config
 from tempest.lib.common.utils import data_utils
@@ -23,7 +23,6 @@
 from tempest.lib import decorators
 from tempest.lib import exceptions
 from tempest.scenario import manager
-from tempest import test
 CONF = config.CONF
@@ -43,12 +42,6 @@
      * Terminate the instance
-    @classmethod
-    def skip_checks(cls):
-        super(TestServerBasicOps, cls).skip_checks()
-        if not CONF.network_feature_enabled.floating_ips:
-            raise cls.skipException("Floating ips are not available")
     def setUp(self):
         super(TestServerBasicOps, self).setUp()
         self.run_ssh = CONF.validation.run_validation
@@ -56,11 +49,17 @@
     def verify_ssh(self, keypair):
         if self.run_ssh:
-            # Obtain a floating IP
-            self.fip = self.create_floating_ip(self.instance)['ip']
+            # Obtain a floating IP if floating_ips is enabled
+            if (CONF.network_feature_enabled.floating_ips and
+                self.ip = self.create_floating_ip(self.instance)['ip']
+            else:
+                server = self.servers_client.show_server(
+                    self.instance['id'])['server']
+                self.ip = self.get_server_ip(server)
             # Check ssh
             self.ssh_client = self.get_remote_client(
-                ip_address=self.fip,
+                ip_address=self.ip,
@@ -75,8 +74,8 @@
                 result = self.ssh_client.exec_command(cmd)
                 if result:
                     msg = ('Failed while verifying metadata on server. Result '
-                           'of command "%s" is NOT "%s".' % (cmd, self.fip))
-                    self.assertEqual(self.fip, result, msg)
+                           'of command "%s" is NOT "%s".' % (cmd, self.ip))
+                    self.assertEqual(self.ip, result, msg)
                     return 'Verification is successful!'
             if not test_utils.call_until_true(exec_cmd_and_verify_output,
@@ -94,22 +93,13 @@
             result = self.servers_client.show_password(self.instance['id'])
             self.assertEqual(data, result['password'])
-    def _mount_config_drive(self):
-        cmd_blkid = 'blkid | grep -i config-2'
-        result = self.ssh_client.exec_command(cmd_blkid)
-        dev_name = re.match('([^:]+)', result).group()
-        self.ssh_client.exec_command('sudo mount %s /mnt' % dev_name)
-    def _unmount_config_drive(self):
-        self.ssh_client.exec_command('sudo umount /mnt')
     def verify_metadata_on_config_drive(self):
         if self.run_ssh and CONF.compute_feature_enabled.config_drive:
             # Verify metadata on config_drive
-            self._mount_config_drive()
+            self.ssh_client.mount_config_drive()
             cmd_md = 'sudo cat /mnt/openstack/latest/meta_data.json'
             result = self.ssh_client.exec_command(cmd_md)
-            self._unmount_config_drive()
+            self.ssh_client.unmount_config_drive()
             result = json.loads(result)
             self.assertIn('meta', result)
             msg = ('Failed while verifying metadata on config_drive on server.'
@@ -119,10 +109,10 @@
     def verify_networkdata_on_config_drive(self):
         if self.run_ssh and CONF.compute_feature_enabled.config_drive:
             # Verify network data on config_drive
-            self._mount_config_drive()
+            self.ssh_client.mount_config_drive()
             cmd_md = 'sudo cat /mnt/openstack/latest/network_data.json'
             result = self.ssh_client.exec_command(cmd_md)
-            self._unmount_config_drive()
+            self.ssh_client.unmount_config_drive()
             result = json.loads(result)
             self.assertIn('services', result)
             self.assertIn('links', result)
@@ -132,7 +122,7 @@
-'compute', 'network')
+'compute', 'network')
     def test_server_basic_ops(self):
         keypair = self.create_keypair()
         security_group = self._create_security_group()
diff --git a/tempest/scenario/ b/tempest/scenario/
index 552ab27..fdf875c 100644
--- a/tempest/scenario/
+++ b/tempest/scenario/
@@ -13,11 +13,11 @@
 #    License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
 #    under the License.
+from tempest.common import utils
 from tempest import config
 from tempest.lib import decorators
 from tempest.lib import exceptions
 from tempest.scenario import manager
-from tempest import test
 CONF = config.CONF
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
-'compute', 'network')
+'compute', 'network')
     def test_schedule_to_all_nodes(self):
         available_zone = \
diff --git a/tempest/scenario/ b/tempest/scenario/
index fc04b44..68f18d1 100644
--- a/tempest/scenario/
+++ b/tempest/scenario/
@@ -16,11 +16,11 @@
 import testtools
 from tempest.common import compute
+from tempest.common import utils
 from tempest.common import waiters
 from tempest import config
 from tempest.lib import decorators
 from tempest.scenario import manager
-from tempest import test
 CONF = config.CONF
@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@
                           'The public_network_id option must be specified.')
-'compute', 'network', 'image')
+'compute', 'network', 'image')
     def test_shelve_instance(self):
@@ -86,6 +86,6 @@
                           'The public_network_id option must be specified.')
-'compute', 'volume', 'network', 'image')
+'compute', 'volume', 'network', 'image')
     def test_shelve_volume_backed_instance(self):
diff --git a/tempest/scenario/ b/tempest/scenario/
index 52767dc..b51a781 100644
--- a/tempest/scenario/
+++ b/tempest/scenario/
@@ -15,10 +15,10 @@
 import testtools
+from tempest.common import utils
 from tempest import config
 from tempest.lib import decorators
 from tempest.scenario import manager
-from tempest import test
 CONF = config.CONF
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
                           'The public_network_id option must be specified.')
-'compute', 'network', 'image')
+'compute', 'network', 'image')
     def test_snapshot_pattern(self):
         # prepare for booting an instance
         keypair = self.create_keypair()
diff --git a/tempest/scenario/ b/tempest/scenario/
index 3632648..ef369d6 100644
--- a/tempest/scenario/
+++ b/tempest/scenario/
@@ -16,12 +16,12 @@
 from oslo_log import log as logging
 import testtools
+from tempest.common import utils
 from tempest import config
 from tempest.lib.common.utils import test_utils
 from tempest.lib import decorators
 from tempest.lib import exceptions as lib_exc
 from tempest.scenario import manager
-from tempest import test
 CONF = config.CONF
 LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@
                           'Snapshotting is not available.')
                           'The public_network_id option must be specified.')
-'compute', 'network', 'volume', 'image')
+'compute', 'network', 'volume', 'image')
     def test_stamp_pattern(self):
         # prepare for booting an instance
         keypair = self.create_keypair()
diff --git a/tempest/scenario/ b/tempest/scenario/
index b6f3b38..7ceae89 100644
--- a/tempest/scenario/
+++ b/tempest/scenario/
@@ -13,12 +13,12 @@
 from oslo_log import log as logging
 import testtools
+from tempest.common import utils
 from tempest.common import waiters
 from tempest import config
 from tempest.lib.common.utils import data_utils
 from tempest.lib import decorators
 from tempest.scenario import manager
-from tempest import test
 CONF = config.CONF
 LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
@@ -30,12 +30,6 @@
     # breathing room to get through deletes in the time allotted.
-    @classmethod
-    def skip_checks(cls):
-        super(TestVolumeBootPattern, cls).skip_checks()
-        if not CONF.volume_feature_enabled.snapshot:
-            raise cls.skipException("Cinder volume snapshots are disabled")
     def _create_volume_from_image(self):
         img_uuid = CONF.compute.image_ref
         vol_name = data_utils.rand_name(
@@ -76,7 +70,9 @@
                           'The public_network_id option must be specified.')
-'compute', 'volume', 'image')
+    @testtools.skipUnless(CONF.volume_feature_enabled.snapshot,
+                          'Cinder volume snapshots are disabled')
+'compute', 'volume', 'image')
     def test_volume_boot_pattern(self):
         """This test case attempts to reproduce the following steps:
@@ -156,7 +152,9 @@
-'compute', 'image', 'volume')
+    @testtools.skipUnless(CONF.volume_feature_enabled.snapshot,
+                          'Cinder volume snapshots are disabled')
+'compute', 'image', 'volume')
     def test_create_server_from_volume_snapshot(self):
         # Create a volume from an image
         boot_volume = self._create_volume_from_image()
@@ -192,7 +190,9 @@
-'compute', 'volume', 'image')
+    @testtools.skipUnless(CONF.volume_feature_enabled.snapshot,
+                          'Cinder volume snapshots are disabled')
+'compute', 'volume', 'image')
     def test_create_ebs_image_and_check_boot(self):
         # create an instance from volume
         volume_origin = self._create_volume_from_image()
@@ -208,7 +208,19 @@
         # boot instance from EBS image
         instance = self.create_server(image_id=image['id'])
-        # just ensure that instance booted
+        # Verify the server was created from the image
+        created_volume = instance['os-extended-volumes:volumes_attached']
+        self.assertNotEmpty(created_volume, "No volume attachment found.")
+        created_volume_info = self.volumes_client.show_volume(
+            created_volume[0]['id'])['volume']
+        self.assertEqual(instance['id'],
+                         created_volume_info['attachments'][0]['server_id'])
+        self.assertEqual(created_volume[0]['id'],
+                         created_volume_info['attachments'][0]['volume_id'])
+        self.assertEqual(
+            volume_origin['volume_image_metadata']['image_id'],
+            created_volume_info['volume_image_metadata']['image_id'])
         # delete instance
@@ -216,7 +228,7 @@
                           'Encrypted volume attach is not supported')
-'compute', 'volume')
+'compute', 'volume')
     def test_boot_server_from_encrypted_volume_luks(self):
         # Create an encrypted volume
         volume = self.create_encrypted_volume('nova.volume.encryptors.'
diff --git a/tempest/scenario/ b/tempest/scenario/
index 5667fbb..ff7996a 100644
--- a/tempest/scenario/
+++ b/tempest/scenario/
@@ -12,11 +12,11 @@
 from oslo_log import log as logging
+from tempest.common import utils
 from tempest.common import waiters
 from tempest import config
 from tempest.lib import decorators
 from tempest.scenario import manager
-from tempest import test
 CONF = config.CONF
 LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
@@ -81,6 +81,8 @@
         return source_body['name'], dest_body['name']
     def _volume_retype_with_migration(self, volume_id, new_volume_type):
+        # NOTE: The 'on-demand' migration requires admin operation, so
+        # admin_volumes_client() should be used here.
         migration_policy = 'on-demand'
             volume_id, new_type=new_volume_type,
@@ -90,7 +92,7 @@
-'compute', 'volume')
+'compute', 'volume')
     def test_volume_migrate_attached(self):"Creating keypair and security group")
         keypair = self.create_keypair()
diff --git a/tempest/services/object_storage/ b/tempest/services/object_storage/
deleted file mode 100644
index a2f0992..0000000
--- a/tempest/services/object_storage/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2016 Hewlett-Packard Enterprise Development Company, L.P.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
-# use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
-# the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
-# the License.
-from import \
-    BulkMiddlewareClient
-from import \
-    CapabilitiesClient
-from import AccountClient
-from import ContainerClient
-from import ObjectClient
-__all__ = ['AccountClient', 'BulkMiddlewareClient', 'CapabilitiesClient',
-           'ContainerClient', 'ObjectClient']
diff --git a/tempest/services/object_storage/ b/tempest/services/object_storage/
deleted file mode 100644
index afedd36..0000000
--- a/tempest/services/object_storage/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,150 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2012 OpenStack Foundation
-# All Rights Reserved.
-#    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
-#    not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
-#    a copy of the License at
-#    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-#    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-#    WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-#    License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
-#    under the License.
-from xml.etree import ElementTree as etree
-from oslo_serialization import jsonutils as json
-from six.moves.urllib import parse as urllib
-from tempest.lib.common import rest_client
-class ContainerClient(rest_client.RestClient):
-    def create_container(
-            self, container_name,
-            metadata=None,
-            remove_metadata=None,
-            metadata_prefix='X-Container-Meta-',
-            remove_metadata_prefix='X-Remove-Container-Meta-'):
-        """Creates a container
-        with optional metadata passed in as a dictionary
-        """
-        url = str(container_name)
-        headers = {}
-        if metadata is not None:
-            for key in metadata:
-                headers[metadata_prefix + key] = metadata[key]
-        if remove_metadata is not None:
-            for key in remove_metadata:
-                headers[remove_metadata_prefix + key] = remove_metadata[key]
-        resp, body = self.put(url, body=None, headers=headers)
-        self.expected_success([201, 202], resp.status)
-        return resp, body
-    def delete_container(self, container_name):
-        """Deletes the container (if it's empty)."""
-        url = str(container_name)
-        resp, body = self.delete(url)
-        self.expected_success(204, resp.status)
-        return resp, body
-    def update_container_metadata(
-            self, container_name,
-            metadata=None,
-            remove_metadata=None,
-            metadata_prefix='X-Container-Meta-',
-            remove_metadata_prefix='X-Remove-Container-Meta-'):
-        """Updates arbitrary metadata on container."""
-        url = str(container_name)
-        headers = {}
-        if metadata is not None:
-            for key in metadata:
-                headers[metadata_prefix + key] = metadata[key]
-        if remove_metadata is not None:
-            for key in remove_metadata:
-                headers[remove_metadata_prefix + key] = remove_metadata[key]
-        resp, body =, body=None, headers=headers)
-        self.expected_success(204, resp.status)
-        return resp, body
-    def delete_container_metadata(self, container_name, metadata,
-                                  metadata_prefix='X-Remove-Container-Meta-'):
-        """Deletes arbitrary metadata on container."""
-        url = str(container_name)
-        headers = {}
-        if metadata is not None:
-            for item in metadata:
-                headers[metadata_prefix + item] = metadata[item]
-        resp, body =, body=None, headers=headers)
-        self.expected_success(204, resp.status)
-        return resp, body
-    def list_container_metadata(self, container_name):
-        """Retrieves container metadata headers"""
-        url = str(container_name)
-        resp, body = self.head(url)
-        self.expected_success(204, resp.status)
-        return resp, body
-    def list_container_contents(self, container, params=None):
-        """List the objects in a container, given the container name
-           Returns the container object listing as a plain text list, or as
-           xml or json if that option is specified via the 'format' argument.
-           Optional Arguments:
-           limit = integer
-               For an integer value n, limits the number of results to at most
-               n values.
-           marker = 'string'
-               Given a string value x, return object names greater in value
-               than the specified marker.
-           prefix = 'string'
-               For a string value x, causes the results to be limited to names
-               beginning with the substring x.
-           format = 'json' or 'xml'
-               Specify either json or xml to return the respective serialized
-               response.
-               If json, returns a list of json objects
-               if xml, returns a string of xml
-           path = 'string'
-               For a string value x, return the object names nested in the
-               pseudo path (assuming preconditions are met - see below).
-           delimiter = 'character'
-               For a character c, return all the object names nested in the
-               container (without the need for the directory marker objects).
-        """
-        url = str(container)
-        if params:
-            url += '?'
-            url += '&%s' % urllib.urlencode(params)
-        resp, body = self.get(url, headers={})
-        if params and params.get('format') == 'json':
-            body = json.loads(body)
-        elif params and params.get('format') == 'xml':
-            body = etree.fromstring(body)
-        # Else the content-type is plain/text
-        else:
-            body = [
-                obj_name for obj_name in body.decode().split('\n') if obj_name
-            ]
-        self.expected_success([200, 204], resp.status)
-        return resp, body
diff --git a/tempest/ b/tempest/
index 317c0a7..27e0165 100644
--- a/tempest/
+++ b/tempest/
@@ -14,7 +14,6 @@
 #    under the License.
 import atexit
-import functools
 import os
 import sys
@@ -26,10 +25,10 @@
 from tempest import clients
 from tempest.common import credentials_factory as credentials
-import tempest.common.validation_resources as vresources
+from tempest.common import utils
 from tempest import config
-from tempest.lib.common import cred_client
 from tempest.lib.common import fixed_network
+from tempest.lib.common import validation_resources as vr
 from tempest.lib import decorators
 from tempest.lib import exceptions as lib_exc
@@ -44,126 +43,24 @@
     version='Mitaka', removal_version='?')
-related_bug = debtcollector.moves.moved_function(
-    decorators.related_bug, 'related_bug', __name__,
-    version='Pike', removal_version='?')
 attr = debtcollector.moves.moved_function(
     decorators.attr, 'attr', __name__,
     version='Pike', removal_version='?')
-class InvalidServiceTag(lib_exc.TempestException):
-    message = "Invalid service tag"
+services = debtcollector.moves.moved_function(
+, 'services', __name__,
+    version='Pike', removal_version='?')
-def get_service_list():
-    service_list = {
-        'compute': CONF.service_available.nova,
-        'image': CONF.service_available.glance,
-        'volume': CONF.service_available.cinder,
-        # NOTE(masayukig): We have two network services which are neutron and
-        # nova-network. And we have no way to know whether nova-network is
-        # available or not. After the pending removal of nova-network from
-        # nova, we can treat the network/neutron case in the same manner as
-        # the other services.
-        'network': True,
-        # NOTE(masayukig): Tempest tests always require the identity service.
-        # So we should set this True here.
-        'identity': True,
-        'object_storage': CONF.service_available.swift,
-    }
-    return service_list
+requires_ext = debtcollector.moves.moved_function(
+    utils.requires_ext, 'requires_ext', __name__,
+    version='Pike', removal_version='?')
-def services(*args):
-    """A decorator used to set an attr for each service used in a test case
-    This decorator applies a testtools attr for each service that gets
-    exercised by a test case.
-    """
-    def decorator(f):
-        known_services = get_service_list()
-        for service in args:
-            if service not in known_services:
-                raise InvalidServiceTag('%s is not a valid service' % service)
-        decorators.attr(type=list(args))(f)
-        @functools.wraps(f)
-        def wrapper(self, *func_args, **func_kwargs):
-            service_list = get_service_list()
-            for service in args:
-                if not service_list[service]:
-                    msg = 'Skipped because the %s service is not available' % (
-                        service)
-                    raise testtools.TestCase.skipException(msg)
-            return f(self, *func_args, **func_kwargs)
-        return wrapper
-    return decorator
-def requires_ext(**kwargs):
-    """A decorator to skip tests if an extension is not enabled
-    @param extension
-    @param service
-    """
-    def decorator(func):
-        @functools.wraps(func)
-        def wrapper(*func_args, **func_kwargs):
-            if not is_extension_enabled(kwargs['extension'],
-                                        kwargs['service']):
-                msg = "Skipped because %s extension: %s is not enabled" % (
-                    kwargs['service'], kwargs['extension'])
-                raise testtools.TestCase.skipException(msg)
-            return func(*func_args, **func_kwargs)
-        return wrapper
-    return decorator
-def is_extension_enabled(extension_name, service):
-    """A function that will check the list of enabled extensions from config
-    """
-    config_dict = {
-        'compute': CONF.compute_feature_enabled.api_extensions,
-        'volume': CONF.volume_feature_enabled.api_extensions,
-        'network': CONF.network_feature_enabled.api_extensions,
-        'object': CONF.object_storage_feature_enabled.discoverable_apis,
-        'identity': CONF.identity_feature_enabled.api_extensions
-    }
-    if not config_dict[service]:
-        return False
-    if config_dict[service][0] == 'all':
-        return True
-    if extension_name in config_dict[service]:
-        return True
-    return False
-def is_scheduler_filter_enabled(filter_name):
-    """Check the list of enabled compute scheduler filters from config.
-    This function checks whether the given compute scheduler filter is
-    available and configured in the config file. If the
-    scheduler_available_filters option is set to 'all' (Default value. which
-    means default filters are configured in nova) in tempest.conf then, this
-    function returns True with assumption that requested filter 'filter_name'
-    is one of available filter in nova ("nova.scheduler.filters.all_filters").
-    """
-    filters = CONF.compute_feature_enabled.scheduler_available_filters
-    if not filters:
-        return False
-    if 'all' in filters:
-        return True
-    if filter_name in filters:
-        return True
-    return False
+is_extension_enabled = debtcollector.moves.moved_function(
+    utils.is_extension_enabled, 'is_extension_enabled', __name__,
+    version='Pike', removal_version='?')
 at_exit_set = set()
@@ -200,16 +97,24 @@
     - resource_cleanup
-    setUpClassCalled = False
     # NOTE(andreaf) credentials holds a list of the credentials to be allocated
     # at class setup time. Credential types can be 'primary', 'alt', 'admin' or
     # a list of roles - the first element of the list being a label, and the
     # rest the actual roles
     credentials = []
+    # Track if setUpClass was invoked
+    __setupclass_called = False
+    # Network resources to be provisioned for the requested test credentials.
+    # Only used with the dynamic credentials provider.
+    _network_resources = {}
+    # Stack of resource cleanups
+    _class_cleanups = []
     # Resources required to validate a server using ssh
-    validation_resources = {}
-    network_resources = {}
+    _validation_resources = {}
     # NOTE(sdague): log_format is defined inline here instead of using the oslo
     # default because going through the config path recouples config to the
@@ -224,23 +129,39 @@
+    def _reset_class(cls):
+        cls.__setup_credentials_called = False
+        cls.__resource_cleanup_called = False
+        cls.__skip_checks_called = False
+        # Stack of callable to be invoked in reverse order
+        cls._class_cleanups = []
+        # Stack of (name, callable) to be invoked in reverse order at teardown
+        cls._teardowns = []
+    @classmethod
     def setUpClass(cls):
+        cls.__setupclass_called = True
+        # Reset state
+        cls._reset_class()
         # It should never be overridden by descendants
         if hasattr(super(BaseTestCase, cls), 'setUpClass'):
             super(BaseTestCase, cls).setUpClass()
-        cls.setUpClassCalled = True
-        # Stack of (name, callable) to be invoked in reverse order at teardown
-        cls.teardowns = []
         # All the configuration checks that may generate a skip
+        if not cls.__skip_checks_called:
+            raise RuntimeError("skip_checks for %s did not call the super's "
+                               "skip_checks" % cls.__name__)
             # Allocation of all required credentials and client managers
-            cls.teardowns.append(('credentials', cls.clear_credentials))
+            cls._teardowns.append(('credentials', cls.clear_credentials))
+            if not cls.__setup_credentials_called:
+                raise RuntimeError("setup_credentials for %s did not call the "
+                                   "super's setup_credentials" % cls.__name__)
             # Shortcuts to clients
             # Additional class-wide test resources
-            cls.teardowns.append(('resources', cls.resource_cleanup))
+            cls._teardowns.append(('resources', cls.resource_cleanup))
         except Exception:
             etype, value, trace = sys.exc_info()
@@ -267,18 +188,29 @@
         # If there was no exception during setup we shall re-raise the first
         # exception in teardown
         re_raise = (etype is None)
-        while cls.teardowns:
-            name, teardown = cls.teardowns.pop()
+        while cls._teardowns:
+            name, teardown = cls._teardowns.pop()
             # Catch any exception in tearDown so we can re-raise the original
             # exception at the end
+                if name == 'resources':
+                    if not cls.__resource_cleanup_called:
+                        raise RuntimeError(
+                            "resource_cleanup for %s did not call the "
+                            "super's resource_cleanup" % cls.__name__)
             except Exception as te:
                 sys_exec_info = sys.exc_info()
                 tetype = sys_exec_info[0]
-                # TODO(andreaf): Till we have the ability to cleanup only
-                # resources that were successfully setup in resource_cleanup,
-                # log AttributeError as info instead of exception.
+                # TODO(andreaf): Resource cleanup is often implemented by
+                # storing an array of resources at class level, and cleaning
+                # them up during `resource_cleanup`.
+                # In case of failure during setup, some resource arrays might
+                # not be defined at all, in which case the cleanup code might
+                # trigger an AttributeError. In such cases we log
+                # AttributeError as info instead of exception. Once all
+                # cleanups are migrated to addClassResourceCleanup we can
+                # remove this.
                 if tetype is AttributeError and name == 'resources':
           "tearDownClass of %s failed: %s", name, te)
@@ -314,18 +246,45 @@
         """Class level skip checks.
         Subclasses verify in here all conditions that might prevent the
-        execution of the entire test class.
-        Checks implemented here may not make use API calls, and should rely on
-        configuration alone.
-        In general skip checks that require an API call are discouraged.
-        If one is really needed it may be implemented either in the
-        resource_setup or at test level.
+        execution of the entire test class. Skipping here prevents any other
+        class fixture from being executed i.e. no credentials or other
+        resource allocation will happen.
+        Tests defined in the test class will no longer appear in test results.
+        The `setUpClass` for the entire test class will be marked as SKIPPED
+        instead.
+        At this stage no test credentials are available, so skip checks
+        should rely on configuration alone. This is deliberate since skips
+        based on the result of an API call are discouraged.
+        The following checks are implemented in `` already:
+        - check that alt credentials are available when requested by the test
+        - check that admin credentials are available when requested by the test
+        - check that the identity version specified by the test is marked as
+          enabled in the configuration
+        Overriders of skip_checks must always invoke skip_check on `super`
+        first.
+        Example::
+            @classmethod
+            def skip_checks(cls):
+                super(Example, cls).skip_checks()
+                if not CONF.service_available.my_service:
+                    skip_msg = ("%s skipped as my_service is not available")
+                    raise cls.skipException(skip_msg % cls.__name__)
+        cls.__skip_checks_called = True
         identity_version = cls.get_identity_version()
-        if 'admin' in cls.credentials and not credentials.is_admin_available(
-                identity_version=identity_version):
-            msg = "Missing Identity Admin API credentials in configuration."
-            raise cls.skipException(msg)
+        # setting force_tenant_isolation to True also needs admin credentials.
+        if ('admin' in cls.credentials or
+                getattr(cls, 'force_tenant_isolation', False)):
+            if not credentials.is_admin_available(
+                    identity_version=identity_version):
+                raise cls.skipException(
+                    "Missing Identity Admin API credentials in configuration.")
         if 'alt' in cls.credentials and not credentials.is_alt_available(
             msg = "Missing a 2nd set of API credentials in configuration."
@@ -342,13 +301,67 @@
     def setup_credentials(cls):
         """Allocate credentials and create the client managers from them.
-        For every element of credentials param function creates tenant/user,
-        Then it creates client manager for that credential.
+        `setup_credentials` looks for the content of the `credentials`
+        attribute in the test class. If the value is a non-empty collection,
+        a credentials provider is setup, and credentials are provisioned or
+        allocated based on the content of the collection. Every set of
+        credentials is associated to an object of type `cls.client_manager`.
+        The client manager is accessible by tests via class attribute
+        `os_[type]`:
-        Network related tests must override this function with
-        set_network_resources() method, otherwise it will create
-        network resources(network resources are created in a later step).
+        Valid values in `credentials` are:
+        - 'primary':
+            A normal user is provisioned.
+            It can be used only once. Multiple entries will be ignored.
+            Clients are available at os_primary.
+        - 'alt':
+            A normal user other than 'primary' is provisioned.
+            It can be used only once. Multiple entries will be ignored.
+            Clients are available at os_alt.
+        - 'admin':
+            An admin user is provisioned.
+            It can be used only once. Multiple entries will be ignored.
+            Clients are available at os_admin.
+        - A list in the format ['any_label', 'role1', ... , 'roleN']:
+            A client with roles <list>[1:] is provisioned.
+            It can be used multiple times, with unique labels.
+            Clients are available at os_roles_<list>[0].
+        By default network resources are allocated (in case of dynamic
+        credentials). Tests that do not need network or that require a
+        custom network setup must specify which network resources shall
+        be provisioned using the `set_network_resources()` method (note
+        that it must be invoked before the `setup_credentials` is
+        invoked on super).
+        Example::
+            class TestWithCredentials(test.BaseTestCase):
+                credentials = ['primary', 'admin',
+                               ['special', 'special_role1']]
+                @classmethod
+                def setup_credentials(cls):
+                    # set_network_resources must be called first
+                    cls.set_network_resources(network=True)
+                    super(TestWithCredentials, cls).setup_credentials()
+                @classmethod
+                def setup_clients(cls):
+                    cls.servers = cls.os_primary.compute.ServersClient()
+                    cls.admin_servers = cls.os_admin.compute.ServersClient()
+                    # certain API calls may require a user with a specific
+                    # role assigned. In this example `special_role1` is
+                    # assigned to the user in `cls.os_roles_special`.
+                    cls.special_servers = (
+                        cls.os_roles_special.compute.ServersClient())
+                def test_special_servers(self):
+                    # Do something with servers
+                    pass
+        cls.__setup_credentials_called = True
         for credentials_type in cls.credentials:
             # This may raise an exception in case credentials are not available
             # In that case we want to let the exception through and the test
@@ -390,41 +403,184 @@
     def setup_clients(cls):
-        """Create links to the clients into the test object."""
-        # TODO(andreaf) There is a fair amount of code that could me moved from
-        # base / test classes in here. Ideally tests should be able to only
-        # specify which client is `client` and nothing else.
+        """Create aliases to the clients in the client managers.
+        `setup_clients` is invoked after the credential provisioning step.
+        Client manager objects are available to tests already. The purpose
+        of this helper is to setup shortcuts to specific clients that are
+        useful for the tests implemented in the test class.
+        Its purpose is mostly for code readability, however it should be used
+        carefully to avoid doing exactly the opposite, i.e. making the code
+        unreadable and hard to debug. If aliases are defined in a super class
+        it won't be obvious what they refer to, so it's good practice to define
+        all aliases used in the class. Aliases are meant to be shortcuts to
+        be used in tests, not shortcuts to avoid helper method attributes.
+        If an helper method starts relying on a client alias and a subclass
+        overrides that alias, it will become rather difficult to understand
+        what the helper method actually does.
+        Example::
+            class TestDoneItRight(test.BaseTestCase):
+                credentials = ['primary', 'alt']
+                @classmethod
+                def setup_clients(cls):
+                    super(TestDoneItRight, cls).setup_clients()
+                    cls.servers = cls.os_primary.ServersClient()
+                    cls.servers_alt = cls.os_alt.ServersClient()
+                def _a_good_helper(self, clients):
+                    # Some complex logic we're going to use many times
+                    servers = clients.ServersClient()
+                    vm = servers.create_server(...)
+                    def delete_server():
+                        test_utils.call_and_ignore_notfound_exc(
+                            servers.delete_server, vm['id'])
+                    self.addCleanup(self.delete_server)
+                    return vm
+                def test_with_servers(self):
+                    vm = self._a_good_helper(os.primary)
+                    vm_alt = self._a_good_helper(os.alt)
+                    cls.servers.show_server(vm['id'])
+                    cls.servers_alt.show_server(vm_alt['id'])
+        """
     def resource_setup(cls):
-        """Class level resource setup for test cases."""
-        if hasattr(cls, "os_primary"):
-            cls.validation_resources = vresources.create_validation_resources(
-                cls.os_primary, cls.validation_resources)
-        else:
-            LOG.warning("Client manager not found, validation resources not"
-                        " created")
+        """Class level resource setup for test cases.
+        `resource_setup` is invoked once all credentials (and related network
+        resources have been provisioned and after client aliases - if any -
+        have been defined.
+        The use case for `resource_setup` is test optimization: provisioning
+        of project-specific "expensive" resources that are not dirtied by tests
+        and can thus safely be re-used by multiple tests.
+        System wide resources shared by all tests could instead be provisioned
+        only once, before the test run.
+        Resources provisioned here must be cleaned up during
+        `resource_cleanup`. This is best achieved by scheduling a cleanup via
+        `addClassResourceCleanup`.
+        Some test resources have an asynchronous delete process. It's best
+        practice for them to schedule a wait for delete via
+        `addClassResourceCleanup` to avoid having resources in process of
+        deletion when we reach the credentials cleanup step.
+        Example::
+            @classmethod
+            def resource_setup(cls):
+                super(MyTest, cls).resource_setup()
+                servers = cls.os_primary.compute.ServersClient()
+                # Schedule delete and wait so that we can first delete the
+                # two servers and then wait for both to delete
+                # Create server 1
+                cls.shared_server = servers.create_server()
+                # Create server 2. If something goes wrong we schedule cleanup
+                # of server 1 anyways.
+                try:
+                    cls.shared_server2 = servers.create_server()
+                    # Wait server 2
+                    cls.addClassResourceCleanup(
+                        waiters.wait_for_server_termination,
+                        servers, cls.shared_server2['id'],
+                        ignore_error=False)
+                finally:
+                    # Wait server 1
+                    cls.addClassResourceCleanup(
+                        waiters.wait_for_server_termination,
+                        servers, cls.shared_server['id'],
+                        ignore_error=False)
+                        # Delete server 1
+                    cls.addClassResourceCleanup(
+                        test_utils.call_and_ignore_notfound_exc,
+                        servers.delete_server,
+                        cls.shared_server['id'])
+                    # Delete server 2 (if it was created)
+                    if hasattr(cls, 'shared_server2'):
+                        cls.addClassResourceCleanup(
+                            test_utils.call_and_ignore_notfound_exc,
+                            servers.delete_server,
+                            cls.shared_server2['id'])
+        """
+        pass
     def resource_cleanup(cls):
         """Class level resource cleanup for test cases.
-        Resource cleanup must be able to handle the case of partially setup
-        resources, in case a failure during `resource_setup` should happen.
+        Resource cleanup processes the stack of cleanups produced by
+        `addClassResourceCleanup` and then cleans up validation resources
+        if any were provisioned.
+        All cleanups are processed whatever the outcome. Exceptions are
+        accumulated and re-raised as a `MultipleExceptions` at the end.
+        In most cases test cases won't need to override `resource_cleanup`,
+        but if they do they must invoke `resource_cleanup` on super.
+        Example::
+            class TestWithReallyComplexCleanup(test.BaseTestCase):
+                @classmethod
+                def resource_setup(cls):
+                    # provision resource A
+                    cls.addClassResourceCleanup(delete_resource, A)
+                    # provision resource B
+                    cls.addClassResourceCleanup(delete_resource, B)
+                @classmethod
+                def resource_cleanup(cls):
+                    # It's possible to override resource_cleanup but in most
+                    # cases it shouldn't be required. Nothing that may fail
+                    # should be executed before the call to super since it
+                    # might cause resource leak in case of error.
+                    super(TestWithReallyComplexCleanup, cls).resource_cleanup()
+                    # At this point test credentials are still available but
+                    # anything from the cleanup stack has been already deleted.
-        if cls.validation_resources:
-            if hasattr(cls, "os_primary"):
-                vresources.clear_validation_resources(cls.os_primary,
-                                                      cls.validation_resources)
-                cls.validation_resources = {}
-            else:
-                LOG.warning("Client manager not found, validation resources "
-                            "not deleted")
+        cls.__resource_cleanup_called = True
+        cleanup_errors = []
+        while cls._class_cleanups:
+            try:
+                fn, args, kwargs = cls._class_cleanups.pop()
+                fn(*args, **kwargs)
+            except Exception:
+                cleanup_errors.append(sys.exc_info())
+        if cleanup_errors:
+            raise testtools.MultipleExceptions(*cleanup_errors)
+    @classmethod
+    def addClassResourceCleanup(cls, fn, *arguments, **keywordArguments):
+        """Add a cleanup function to be called during resource_cleanup.
+        Functions added with addClassResourceCleanup will be called in reverse
+        order of adding at the beginning of resource_cleanup, before any
+        credential, networking or validation resources cleanup is processed.
+        If a function added with addClassResourceCleanup raises an exception,
+        the error will be recorded as a test error, and the next cleanup will
+        then be run.
+        Cleanup functions are always called during the test class tearDown
+        fixture, even if an exception occured during setUp or tearDown.
+        """
+        cls._class_cleanups.append((fn, arguments, keywordArguments))
     def setUp(self):
         super(BaseTestCase, self).setUp()
-        if not self.setUpClassCalled:
+        if not self.__setupclass_called:
             raise RuntimeError("setUpClass does not calls the super's"
                                "setUpClass in the "
                                + self.__class__.__name__)
@@ -455,37 +611,6 @@
     def credentials_provider(self):
         return self._get_credentials_provider()
-    @property
-    def identity_utils(self):
-        """A client that abstracts v2 and v3 identity operations.
-        This can be used for creating and tearing down projects in tests. It
-        should not be used for testing identity features.
-        """
-        if CONF.identity.auth_version == 'v2':
-            client = self.os_admin.identity_client
-            users_client = self.os_admin.users_client
-            project_client = self.os_admin.tenants_client
-            roles_client = self.os_admin.roles_client
-            domains_client = None
-        else:
-            client = self.os_admin.identity_v3_client
-            users_client = self.os_admin.users_v3_client
-            project_client = self.os_admin.projects_client
-            roles_client = self.os_admin.roles_v3_client
-            domains_client = self.os_admin.domains_client
-        try:
-            domain = client.auth_provider.credentials.project_domain_name
-        except AttributeError:
-            domain = 'Default'
-        return cred_client.get_creds_client(client, project_client,
-                                            users_client,
-                                            roles_client,
-                                            domains_client,
-                                            project_domain_name=domain)
     def get_identity_version(cls):
         """Returns the identity version used by the test class"""
@@ -507,7 +632,7 @@
             cls._creds_provider = credentials.get_credentials_provider(
-                name=cls.__name__, network_resources=cls.network_resources,
+                name=cls.__name__, network_resources=cls._network_resources,
         return cls._creds_provider
@@ -562,62 +687,131 @@
         if hasattr(cls, '_creds_provider'):
+    @staticmethod
+    def _validation_resources_params_from_conf():
+        return dict(
+            keypair=(CONF.validation.auth_method.lower() == "keypair"),
+            floating_ip=(CONF.validation.connect_method.lower() == "floating"),
+            security_group=CONF.validation.security_group,
+            security_group_rules=CONF.validation.security_group_rules,
+            use_neutron=CONF.service_available.neutron,
+            ethertype='IPv' + str(CONF.validation.ip_version_for_ssh),
+  ,
-    def set_validation_resources(cls, keypair=None, floating_ip=None,
-                                 security_group=None,
-                                 security_group_rules=None):
-        """Specify which ssh server validation resources should be created.
+    def get_class_validation_resources(cls, os_clients):
+        """Provision validation resources according to configuration
-        Each of the argument must be set to either None, True or False, with
-        None - use default from config (security groups and security group
-               rules get created when set to None)
-        False - Do not create the validation resource
-        True - create the validation resource
+        This is a wrapper around `create_validation_resources` from
+        `tempest.common.validation_resources` that passes parameters from
+        Tempest configuration. Only one instance of class level
+        validation resources is managed by the helper, so If resources
+        were already provisioned before, existing ones will be returned.
-        @param keypair
-        @param security_group
-        @param security_group_rules
-        @param floating_ip
+        Resources are returned as a dictionary. They are also scheduled for
+        automatic cleanup during class teardown using
+        `addClassResourcesCleanup`.
+        If `CONF.validation.run_validation` is False no resource will be
+        provisioned at all.
+        @param os_clients: Clients to be used to provision the resources.
         if not CONF.validation.run_validation:
-        if keypair is None:
-            keypair = (CONF.validation.auth_method.lower() == "keypair")
+        if os_clients in cls._validation_resources:
+            return cls._validation_resources[os_clients]
-        if floating_ip is None:
-            floating_ip = (CONF.validation.connect_method.lower() ==
-                           "floating")
+        if (CONF.validation.ip_version_for_ssh not in (4, 6) and
+                CONF.service_available.neutron):
+            msg = "Invalid IP version %s in ip_version_for_ssh. Use 4 or 6"
+            raise lib_exc.InvalidConfiguration(
+                msg % CONF.validation.ip_version_for_ssh)
-        if security_group is None:
-            security_group = CONF.validation.security_group
+        resources = vr.create_validation_resources(
+            os_clients,
+            **cls._validation_resources_params_from_conf())
-        if security_group_rules is None:
-            security_group_rules = CONF.validation.security_group_rules
+        cls.addClassResourceCleanup(
+            vr.clear_validation_resources, os_clients,
+            use_neutron=CONF.service_available.neutron,
+            **resources)
+        cls._validation_resources[os_clients] = resources
+        return resources
-        if not cls.validation_resources:
-            cls.validation_resources = {
-                'keypair': keypair,
-                'security_group': security_group,
-                'security_group_rules': security_group_rules,
-                'floating_ip': floating_ip}
+    def get_test_validation_resources(self, os_clients):
+        """Returns a dict of validation resources according to configuration
+        Initialise a validation resources fixture based on configuration.
+        Start the fixture and returns the validation resources.
+        If `CONF.validation.run_validation` is False no resource will be
+        provisioned at all.
+        @param os_clients: Clients to be used to provision the resources.
+        """
+        params = {}
+        # Test will try to use the fixture, so for this to be useful
+        # we must return a fixture. If validation is disabled though
+        # we don't need to provision anything, which is the default
+        # behavior for the fixture.
+        if CONF.validation.run_validation:
+            params = self._validation_resources_params_from_conf()
+        validation = self.useFixture(
+            vr.ValidationResourcesFixture(os_clients, **params))
+        return validation.resources
     def set_network_resources(cls, network=False, router=False, subnet=False,
         """Specify which network resources should be created
+        The dynamic credentials provider by default provisions network
+        resources for each user/project that is provisioned. This behavior
+        can be altered using this method, which allows tests to define which
+        specific network resources to be provisioned - none if no parameter
+        is specified.
+        This method is designed so that only the network resources set on the
+        leaf class are honoured.
+        Credentials are provisioned as part of the class setup fixture,
+        during the `setup_credentials` step. For this to be effective this
+        helper must be invoked before super's `setup_credentials` is executed.
         @param network
         @param router
         @param subnet
         @param dhcp
+        Example::
+            @classmethod
+            def setup_credentials(cls):
+                # Do not setup network resources for this test
+                cls.set_network_resources()
+                super(MyTest, cls).setup_credentials()
-        # network resources should be set only once from callers
+        # If this is invoked after the credentials are setup, it won't take
+        # any effect. To avoid this situation, fail the test in case this was
+        # invoked too late in the test lifecycle.
+        if cls.__setup_credentials_called:
+            raise RuntimeError(
+                "set_network_resources invoked after setup_credentials on the "
+                "super class has been already invoked. For "
+                "set_network_resources to have effect please invoke it before "
+                "the call to super().setup_credentials")
+        # Network resources should be set only once from callers
         # in order to ensure that even if it's called multiple times in
         # a chain of overloaded methods, the attribute is set only
-        # in the leaf class
-        if not cls.network_resources:
-            cls.network_resources = {
+        # in the leaf class.
+        if not cls._network_resources:
+            cls._network_resources = {
                 'network': network,
                 'router': router,
                 'subnet': subnet,
@@ -642,7 +836,7 @@
             manager = cls.get_client_manager()
         # Make sure cred_provider exists and get a network client
-        networks_client = manager.compute_networks_client
+        networks_client = manager.networks_client
         cred_provider = cls._get_credentials_provider()
         # In case of nova network, isolated tenants are not able to list the
         # network configured in fixed_network_name, even if they can use it
diff --git a/tempest/test_discover/ b/tempest/test_discover/
index 1206e3f..9c18052 100644
--- a/tempest/test_discover/
+++ b/tempest/test_discover/
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@
-                conf.register_opts(my_config.MyService +
+                conf.register_opts(my_config.MyServiceGroup,
diff --git a/tempest/tests/api/compute/ b/tempest/tests/api/compute/
index 6345728..5024100 100644
--- a/tempest/tests/api/compute/
+++ b/tempest/tests/api/compute/
@@ -37,14 +37,16 @@
         fake_image = mock.Mock(response={'location': image_id})
         compute_images_client.create_image.return_value = fake_image
         # call the utility method
-        image = compute_base.BaseV2ComputeTest.create_image_from_server(
-            mock.sentinel.server_id, name='fake-snapshot-name')
+        cleanup_path = 'tempest.test.BaseTestCase.addClassResourceCleanup'
+        with mock.patch(cleanup_path) as mock_cleanup:
+            image = compute_base.BaseV2ComputeTest.create_image_from_server(
+                mock.sentinel.server_id, name='fake-snapshot-name')
         self.assertEqual(fake_image, image)
         # make our assertions
             mock.sentinel.server_id, name='fake-snapshot-name')
-        self.assertEqual(1, len(compute_base.BaseV2ComputeTest.images))
-        self.assertEqual(image_id, compute_base.BaseV2ComputeTest.images[0])
+        mock_cleanup.assert_called_once()
+        self.assertIn(image_id, mock_cleanup.call_args[0])
diff --git a/tempest/tests/cmd/ b/tempest/tests/cmd/
index f907bd0..fd9af08 100644
--- a/tempest/tests/cmd/
+++ b/tempest/tests/cmd/
@@ -44,6 +44,7 @@
         self.patchobject(config, 'TempestConfigPrivate',
         self.opts = FakeOpts(version=identity_version)
+        self.patch('oslo_log.log.setup', autospec=True)
     def mock_resource_creation(self):
         fake_resource = dict(id='id', name='name')
@@ -152,17 +153,14 @@
     def test_generate_resources_no_admin(self):
         cfg.CONF.set_default('swift', False, group='service_available')
-        cfg.CONF.set_default('heat', False, group='service_available')
         cfg.CONF.set_default('operator_role', 'fake_operator',
         cfg.CONF.set_default('reseller_admin_role', 'fake_reseller',
-        cfg.CONF.set_default('stack_owner_role', 'fake_owner',
-                             group='orchestration')
         resources = account_generator.generate_resources(
             self.cred_provider, admin=False)
         resource_types = [k for k, _ in resources]
-        # No admin, no heat, no swift, expect two credentials only
+        # No admin, no swift, expect two credentials only
         self.assertEqual(2, len(resources))
         # Ensure create_user was invoked twice (two distinct users)
         self.assertEqual(2, self.user_create_fixture.mock.call_count)
@@ -179,17 +177,14 @@
     def test_generate_resources_admin(self):
         cfg.CONF.set_default('swift', False, group='service_available')
-        cfg.CONF.set_default('heat', False, group='service_available')
         cfg.CONF.set_default('operator_role', 'fake_operator',
         cfg.CONF.set_default('reseller_admin_role', 'fake_reseller',
-        cfg.CONF.set_default('stack_owner_role', 'fake_owner',
-                             group='orchestration')
         resources = account_generator.generate_resources(
             self.cred_provider, admin=True)
         resource_types = [k for k, _ in resources]
-        # Admin, no heat, no swift, expect three credentials only
+        # Admin, no swift, expect three credentials only
         self.assertEqual(3, len(resources))
         # Ensure create_user was invoked 3 times (3 distinct users)
         self.assertEqual(3, self.user_create_fixture.mock.call_count)
@@ -204,28 +199,24 @@
-    def test_generate_resources_swift_heat_admin(self):
+    def test_generate_resources_swift_admin(self):
         cfg.CONF.set_default('swift', True, group='service_available')
-        cfg.CONF.set_default('heat', True, group='service_available')
         cfg.CONF.set_default('operator_role', 'fake_operator',
         cfg.CONF.set_default('reseller_admin_role', 'fake_reseller',
-        cfg.CONF.set_default('stack_owner_role', 'fake_owner',
-                             group='orchestration')
         resources = account_generator.generate_resources(
             self.cred_provider, admin=True)
         resource_types = [k for k, _ in resources]
         # all options on, expect six credentials
         self.assertEqual(6, len(resources))
         # Ensure create_user was invoked 6 times (6 distinct users)
-        self.assertEqual(6, self.user_create_fixture.mock.call_count)
+        self.assertEqual(5, self.user_create_fixture.mock.call_count)
         self.assertIn('primary', resource_types)
         self.assertIn('alt', resource_types)
         self.assertIn('admin', resource_types)
         self.assertIn(['fake_operator'], resource_types)
         self.assertIn(['fake_reseller'], resource_types)
-        self.assertIn(['fake_owner', 'fake_operator'], resource_types)
         for resource in resources:
@@ -257,7 +248,6 @@
         cfg.CONF.set_default('swift', True, group='service_available')
-        cfg.CONF.set_default('heat', True, group='service_available')
         self.resources = account_generator.generate_resources(
             self.cred_provider, admin=True)
diff --git a/tempest/tests/cmd/ b/tempest/tests/cmd/
index 7ac347d..6cc356e 100644
--- a/tempest/tests/cmd/
+++ b/tempest/tests/cmd/
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@
 # under the License.
 import argparse
+import atexit
 import os
 import shutil
 import subprocess
@@ -20,11 +21,13 @@
 import fixtures
 import mock
+import six
 from tempest.cmd import run
 from tempest.tests import base
 DEVNULL = open(os.devnull, 'wb')
 class TestTempestRun(base.TestCase):
@@ -33,23 +36,13 @@
         super(TestTempestRun, self).setUp()
         self.run_cmd = run.TempestRun(None, None)
-    def test_build_options(self):
-        args = mock.Mock(spec=argparse.Namespace)
-        setattr(args, "subunit", True)
-        setattr(args, "parallel", False)
-        setattr(args, "concurrency", 10)
-        options = self.run_cmd._build_options(args)
-        self.assertEqual(['--subunit',
-                          '--concurrency=10'],
-                         options)
     def test__build_regex_default(self):
         args = mock.Mock(spec=argparse.Namespace)
         setattr(args, 'smoke', False)
         setattr(args, 'regex', '')
         setattr(args, 'whitelist_file', None)
         setattr(args, 'blacklist_file', None)
-        self.assertEqual('', self.run_cmd._build_regex(args))
+        self.assertIsNone(None, self.run_cmd._build_regex(args))
     def test__build_regex_smoke(self):
         args = mock.Mock(spec=argparse.Namespace)
@@ -57,7 +50,7 @@
         setattr(args, 'regex', '')
         setattr(args, 'whitelist_file', None)
         setattr(args, 'blacklist_file', None)
-        self.assertEqual('smoke', self.run_cmd._build_regex(args))
+        self.assertEqual(['smoke'], self.run_cmd._build_regex(args))
     def test__build_regex_regex(self):
         args = mock.Mock(spec=argparse.Namespace)
@@ -65,7 +58,7 @@
         setattr(args, "regex", 'i_am_a_fun_little_regex')
         setattr(args, 'whitelist_file', None)
         setattr(args, 'blacklist_file', None)
-        self.assertEqual('i_am_a_fun_little_regex',
+        self.assertEqual(['i_am_a_fun_little_regex'],
@@ -78,13 +71,13 @@
         self.test_dir = os.path.join(, 'tests')
         # Setup Test files
-        self.testr_conf_file = os.path.join(, '.testr.conf')
+        self.stestr_conf_file = os.path.join(, '.stestr.conf')
         self.setup_cfg_file = os.path.join(, 'setup.cfg')
         self.passing_file = os.path.join(self.test_dir, '')
         self.failing_file = os.path.join(self.test_dir, '')
         self.init_file = os.path.join(self.test_dir, '')
         self.setup_py = os.path.join(, '')
-        shutil.copy('tempest/tests/files/testr-conf', self.testr_conf_file)
+        shutil.copy('tempest/tests/files/testr-conf', self.stestr_conf_file)
         shutil.copy('tempest/tests/files/passing-tests', self.passing_file)
         shutil.copy('tempest/tests/files/failing-tests', self.failing_file)
         shutil.copy('', self.setup_py)
@@ -101,29 +94,57 @@
         msg = ("Running %s got an unexpected returncode\n"
                "Stdout: %s\nStderr: %s" % (' '.join(cmd), out, err))
         self.assertEqual(p.returncode, expected, msg)
+        return out, err
     def test_tempest_run_passes(self):
-        # Git init is required for the pbr testr command. pbr requires a git
-        # version or an sdist to work. so make the test directory a git repo
-        # too.
-['git', 'init'], stderr=DEVNULL)
         self.assertRunExit(['tempest', 'run', '--regex', 'passing'], 0)
-    def test_tempest_run_passes_with_testrepository(self):
-        # Git init is required for the pbr testr command. pbr requires a git
-        # version or an sdist to work. so make the test directory a git repo
-        # too.
-['git', 'init'], stderr=DEVNULL)
-['testr', 'init'])
+    def test_tempest_run_passes_with_stestr_repository(self):
+['stestr', 'init'])
         self.assertRunExit(['tempest', 'run', '--regex', 'passing'], 0)
     def test_tempest_run_fails(self):
-        # Git init is required for the pbr testr command. pbr requires a git
-        # version or an sdist to work. so make the test directory a git repo
-        # too.
-['git', 'init'], stderr=DEVNULL)
         self.assertRunExit(['tempest', 'run'], 1)
+    def test_run_list(self):
+['stestr', 'init'])
+        out, err = self.assertRunExit(['tempest', 'run', '-l'], 0)
+        tests = out.split()
+        tests = sorted([six.text_type(x.rstrip()) for x in tests if x])
+        result = [
+            six.text_type('tests.test_failing.FakeTestClass.test_pass'),
+            six.text_type('tests.test_failing.FakeTestClass.test_pass_list'),
+            six.text_type('tests.test_passing.FakeTestClass.test_pass'),
+            six.text_type('tests.test_passing.FakeTestClass.test_pass_list'),
+        ]
+        # NOTE(mtreinish): on python 3 the subprocess prints b'' around
+        # stdout.
+        if six.PY3:
+            result = ["b\'" + x + "\'" for x in result]
+        self.assertEqual(result, tests)
+    def test_tempest_run_with_whitelist(self):
+        fd, path = tempfile.mkstemp()
+        self.addCleanup(os.remove, path)
+        whitelist_file = os.fdopen(fd, 'wb', 0)
+        self.addCleanup(whitelist_file.close)
+        whitelist_file.write('passing'.encode('utf-8'))
+        self.assertRunExit(['tempest', 'run', '--whitelist-file=%s' % path], 0)
+    def test_tempest_run_with_whitelist_with_regex(self):
+        fd, path = tempfile.mkstemp()
+        self.addCleanup(os.remove, path)
+        whitelist_file = os.fdopen(fd, 'wb', 0)
+        self.addCleanup(whitelist_file.close)
+        whitelist_file.write('passing'.encode('utf-8'))
+        self.assertRunExit(['tempest', 'run', '--whitelist-file=%s' % path,
+                            '--regex', 'fail'], 1)
+    def test_tempest_run_passes_with_config_file(self):
+        self.assertRunExit(['tempest', 'run',
+                            '--config-file', self.stestr_conf_file,
+                            '--regex', 'passing'], 0)
 class TestTakeAction(base.TestCase):
     def test_workspace_not_registered(self):
@@ -152,3 +173,27 @@
         self.assertRaises(Exception_, tempest_run.take_action, parsed_args)
         exit_msg = m_exit.call_args[0][0]
         self.assertIn(workspace, exit_msg)
+    def test_config_file_specified(self):
+        # Setup test dirs
+ = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='tempest-unit')
+        self.addCleanup(shutil.rmtree,
+        self.test_dir = os.path.join(, 'tests')
+        os.mkdir(self.test_dir)
+        # Change directory, run wrapper and check result
+        self.addCleanup(os.chdir, os.path.abspath(os.curdir))
+        os.chdir(
+        tempest_run = run.TempestRun(app=mock.Mock(), app_args=mock.Mock())
+        parsed_args = mock.Mock()
+        parsed_args.config_file = []
+        parsed_args.workspace = None
+        parsed_args.state = None
+        parsed_args.list_tests = False
+        parsed_args.config_file = '.stestr.conf'
+        with mock.patch('stestr.commands.run_command') as m:
+            m.return_value = 0
+            self.assertEqual(0, tempest_run.take_action(parsed_args))
+            m.assert_called()
diff --git a/tempest/tests/cmd/ b/tempest/tests/cmd/
index 79510be..5f39ac9 100644
--- a/tempest/tests/cmd/
+++ b/tempest/tests/cmd/
@@ -27,16 +27,16 @@
         conf_dir = self.useFixture(fixtures.TempDir())
         init_cmd = init.TempestInit(None, None)
-        init_cmd.generate_testr_conf(conf_dir.path)
+        init_cmd.generate_stestr_conf(conf_dir.path)
         # Generate expected file contents
         top_level_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(init.__file__))
         discover_path = os.path.join(top_level_path, 'test_discover')
-        testr_conf_file = init.TESTR_CONF % (top_level_path, discover_path)
+        stestr_conf_file = init.STESTR_CONF % (discover_path, top_level_path)
-        conf_path = conf_dir.join('.testr.conf')
+        conf_path = conf_dir.join('.stestr.conf')
         with open(conf_path, 'r') as conf_file:
-            self.assertEqual(, testr_conf_file)
+            self.assertEqual(, stestr_conf_file)
     def test_generate_sample_config(self):
         local_dir = self.useFixture(fixtures.TempDir())
@@ -125,18 +125,18 @@
         lock_path = os.path.join(fake_local_dir.path, 'tempest_lock')
         etc_dir = os.path.join(fake_local_dir.path, 'etc')
         log_dir = os.path.join(fake_local_dir.path, 'logs')
-        testr_dir = os.path.join(fake_local_dir.path, '.testrepository')
+        stestr_dir = os.path.join(fake_local_dir.path, '.stestr')
-        self.assertTrue(os.path.isdir(testr_dir))
+        self.assertTrue(os.path.isdir(stestr_dir))
         # Assert file creation
         fake_file_moved = os.path.join(etc_dir, 'conf_file.conf')
         local_conf_file = os.path.join(etc_dir, 'tempest.conf')
-        local_testr_conf = os.path.join(fake_local_dir.path, '.testr.conf')
+        local_stestr_conf = os.path.join(fake_local_dir.path, '.stestr.conf')
-        self.assertTrue(os.path.isfile(local_testr_conf))
+        self.assertTrue(os.path.isfile(local_stestr_conf))
     def test_take_action_fails(self):
         class ParsedArgs(object):
diff --git a/tempest/tests/cmd/ b/tempest/tests/cmd/
index 810f9e5..8641b63 100644
--- a/tempest/tests/cmd/
+++ b/tempest/tests/cmd/
@@ -176,22 +176,6 @@
                                            False, True)
-    def test_verify_keystone_api_versions_no_v2(self, mock_request):
-        self.useFixture(fixtures.MockPatchObject(
-            verify_tempest_config, '_get_unversioned_endpoint',
-            return_value='http://fake_endpoint:5000'))
-        fake_resp = {'versions': {'values': [{'id': 'v3.0'}]}}
-        fake_resp = json.dumps(fake_resp)
-        mock_request.return_value = (None, fake_resp)
-        fake_os = mock.MagicMock()
-        with mock.patch.object(verify_tempest_config,
-                               'print_and_or_update') as print_mock:
-            verify_tempest_config.verify_keystone_api_versions(fake_os, True)
-        print_mock.assert_called_once_with('api_v2',
-                                           'identity-feature-enabled',
-                                           False, True)
-    @mock.patch('tempest.lib.common.http.ClosingHttp.request')
     def test_verify_cinder_api_versions_no_v3(self, mock_request):
             verify_tempest_config, '_get_unversioned_endpoint',
diff --git a/tempest/tests/common/ b/tempest/tests/common/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7cf87f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tempest/tests/common/
@@ -0,0 +1,279 @@
+# Copyright 2017 IBM Corp.
+# All Rights Reserved.
+#    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+#    not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+#    a copy of the License at
+#    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+#    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+#    WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+#    License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+#    under the License.
+import mock
+from oslo_config import cfg
+import testtools
+from tempest.common import credentials_factory as cf
+from tempest import config
+from tempest.lib.common import dynamic_creds
+from tempest.lib.common import preprov_creds
+from tempest.lib import exceptions
+from tempest.tests import base
+from tempest.tests import fake_config
+from tempest.tests.lib import fake_credentials
+class TestCredentialsFactory(base.TestCase):
+    def setUp(self):
+        super(TestCredentialsFactory, self).setUp()
+        self.useFixture(fake_config.ConfigFixture())
+        self.patchobject(config, 'TempestConfigPrivate',
+                         fake_config.FakePrivate)
+    def test_get_dynamic_provider_params_creds_v2(self):
+        expected_uri = 'EXPECTED_V2_URI'
+        cfg.CONF.set_default('uri', expected_uri, group='identity')
+        admin_creds = fake_credentials.FakeCredentials()
+        params = cf.get_dynamic_provider_params('v2', admin_creds=admin_creds)
+        expected_params = dict(identity_uri=expected_uri,
+                               admin_creds=admin_creds)
+        for key in expected_params:
+            self.assertIn(key, params)
+            self.assertEqual(expected_params[key], params[key])
+    def test_get_dynamic_provider_params_creds_v3(self):
+        expected_uri = 'EXPECTED_V3_URI'
+        cfg.CONF.set_default('uri_v3', expected_uri, group='identity')
+        admin_creds = fake_credentials.FakeCredentials()
+        params = cf.get_dynamic_provider_params('v3', admin_creds=admin_creds)
+        expected_params = dict(identity_uri=expected_uri,
+                               admin_creds=admin_creds)
+        for key in expected_params:
+            self.assertIn(key, params)
+            self.assertEqual(expected_params[key], params[key])
+    def test_get_dynamic_provider_params_creds_vx(self):
+        admin_creds = fake_credentials.FakeCredentials()
+        invalid_version = 'invalid_version_x'
+        with testtools.ExpectedException(
+                exc_type=exceptions.InvalidIdentityVersion,
+                value_re='Invalid version ' + invalid_version):
+            cf.get_dynamic_provider_params(invalid_version,
+                                           admin_creds=admin_creds)
+    def test_get_dynamic_provider_params_no_creds(self):
+        expected_identity_version = 'v3'
+        with mock.patch.object(
+                cf, 'get_configured_admin_credentials') as admin_creds_mock:
+            cf.get_dynamic_provider_params(expected_identity_version)
+            admin_creds_mock.assert_called_once_with(
+                fill_in=True, identity_version=expected_identity_version)
+    def test_get_preprov_provider_params_creds_v2(self):
+        expected_uri = 'EXPECTED_V2_URI'
+        cfg.CONF.set_default('uri', expected_uri, group='identity')
+        params = cf.get_preprov_provider_params('v2')
+        self.assertIn('identity_uri', params)
+        self.assertEqual(expected_uri, params['identity_uri'])
+    def test_get_preprov_provider_params_creds_v3(self):
+        expected_uri = 'EXPECTED_V3_URI'
+        cfg.CONF.set_default('uri_v3', expected_uri, group='identity')
+        params = cf.get_preprov_provider_params('v3')
+        self.assertIn('identity_uri', params)
+        self.assertEqual(expected_uri, params['identity_uri'])
+    def test_get_preprov_provider_params_creds_vx(self):
+        invalid_version = 'invalid_version_x'
+        with testtools.ExpectedException(
+                exc_type=exceptions.InvalidIdentityVersion,
+                value_re='Invalid version ' + invalid_version):
+            cf.get_dynamic_provider_params(invalid_version)
+    @mock.patch.object(dynamic_creds, 'DynamicCredentialProvider')
+    @mock.patch.object(cf, 'get_dynamic_provider_params')
+    def test_get_credentials_provider_dynamic(
+            self, mock_dynamic_provider_params,
+            mock_dynamic_credentials_provider_class):
+        cfg.CONF.set_default('use_dynamic_credentials', True, group='auth')
+        expected_params = {'foo': 'bar'}
+        mock_dynamic_provider_params.return_value = expected_params
+        expected_name = 'my_name'
+        expected_network_resources = {'network': 'resources'}
+        expected_identity_version = 'identity_version'
+        cf.get_credentials_provider(
+            expected_name,
+            network_resources=expected_network_resources,
+            force_tenant_isolation=False,
+            identity_version=expected_identity_version)
+        mock_dynamic_provider_params.assert_called_once_with(
+            expected_identity_version)
+        mock_dynamic_credentials_provider_class.assert_called_once_with(
+            name=expected_name, network_resources=expected_network_resources,
+            **expected_params)
+    @mock.patch.object(preprov_creds, 'PreProvisionedCredentialProvider')
+    @mock.patch.object(cf, 'get_preprov_provider_params')
+    def test_get_credentials_provider_preprov(
+            self, mock_preprov_provider_params,
+            mock_preprov_credentials_provider_class):
+        cfg.CONF.set_default('use_dynamic_credentials', False, group='auth')
+        cfg.CONF.set_default('test_accounts_file', '/some/file', group='auth')
+        expected_params = {'foo': 'bar'}
+        mock_preprov_provider_params.return_value = expected_params
+        expected_name = 'my_name'
+        expected_identity_version = 'identity_version'
+        cf.get_credentials_provider(
+            expected_name,
+            force_tenant_isolation=False,
+            identity_version=expected_identity_version)
+        mock_preprov_provider_params.assert_called_once_with(
+            expected_identity_version)
+        mock_preprov_credentials_provider_class.assert_called_once_with(
+            name=expected_name, **expected_params)
+    def test_get_credentials_provider_preprov_no_file(self):
+        cfg.CONF.set_default('use_dynamic_credentials', False, group='auth')
+        cfg.CONF.set_default('test_accounts_file', None, group='auth')
+        with testtools.ExpectedException(
+                exc_type=exceptions.InvalidConfiguration):
+            cf.get_credentials_provider(
+                'some_name',
+                force_tenant_isolation=False,
+                identity_version='some_version')
+    @mock.patch.object(dynamic_creds, 'DynamicCredentialProvider')
+    @mock.patch.object(cf, 'get_dynamic_provider_params')
+    def test_get_credentials_provider_force_dynamic(
+            self, mock_dynamic_provider_params,
+            mock_dynamic_credentials_provider_class):
+        cfg.CONF.set_default('use_dynamic_credentials', False, group='auth')
+        expected_params = {'foo': 'bar'}
+        mock_dynamic_provider_params.return_value = expected_params
+        expected_name = 'my_name'
+        expected_network_resources = {'network': 'resources'}
+        expected_identity_version = 'identity_version'
+        cf.get_credentials_provider(
+            expected_name,
+            network_resources=expected_network_resources,
+            force_tenant_isolation=True,
+            identity_version=expected_identity_version)
+        mock_dynamic_provider_params.assert_called_once_with(
+            expected_identity_version)
+        mock_dynamic_credentials_provider_class.assert_called_once_with(
+            name=expected_name, network_resources=expected_network_resources,
+            **expected_params)
+    @mock.patch.object(cf, 'get_credentials')
+    def test_get_configured_admin_credentials(self, mock_get_credentials):
+        cfg.CONF.set_default('auth_version', 'v3', 'identity')
+        all_params = [('admin_username', 'username', 'my_name'),
+                      ('admin_password', 'password', 'secret'),
+                      ('admin_project_name', 'project_name', 'my_pname'),
+                      ('admin_domain_name', 'domain_name', 'my_dname')]
+        expected_result = 'my_admin_credentials'
+        mock_get_credentials.return_value = expected_result
+        for config_item, _, value in all_params:
+            cfg.CONF.set_default(config_item, value, 'auth')
+        # Build the expected params
+        expected_params = dict(
+            [(field, value) for _, field, value in all_params])
+        expected_params.update(config.service_client_config())
+        admin_creds = cf.get_configured_admin_credentials()
+        mock_get_credentials.assert_called_once_with(
+            fill_in=True, identity_version='v3', **expected_params)
+        self.assertEqual(expected_result, admin_creds)
+    @mock.patch.object(cf, 'get_credentials')
+    def test_get_configured_admin_credentials_not_fill_valid(
+            self, mock_get_credentials):
+        cfg.CONF.set_default('auth_version', 'v2', 'identity')
+        all_params = [('admin_username', 'username', 'my_name'),
+                      ('admin_password', 'password', 'secret'),
+                      ('admin_project_name', 'project_name', 'my_pname'),
+                      ('admin_domain_name', 'domain_name', 'my_dname')]
+        expected_result = mock.Mock()
+        expected_result.is_valid.return_value = True
+        mock_get_credentials.return_value = expected_result
+        for config_item, _, value in all_params:
+            cfg.CONF.set_default(config_item, value, 'auth')
+        # Build the expected params
+        expected_params = dict(
+            [(field, value) for _, field, value in all_params])
+        expected_params.update(config.service_client_config())
+        admin_creds = cf.get_configured_admin_credentials(
+            fill_in=False, identity_version='v3')
+        mock_get_credentials.assert_called_once_with(
+            fill_in=False, identity_version='v3', **expected_params)
+        self.assertEqual(expected_result, admin_creds)
+        expected_result.is_valid.assert_called_once()
+    @mock.patch.object(cf, 'get_credentials')
+    def test_get_configured_admin_credentials_not_fill_not_valid(
+            self, mock_get_credentials):
+        cfg.CONF.set_default('auth_version', 'v2', 'identity')
+        expected_result = mock.Mock()
+        expected_result.is_valid.return_value = False
+        mock_get_credentials.return_value = expected_result
+        with testtools.ExpectedException(exceptions.InvalidConfiguration,
+                                         value_re='.*\n.*identity version v2'):
+            cf.get_configured_admin_credentials(fill_in=False)
+    @mock.patch('tempest.lib.auth.get_credentials')
+    def test_get_credentials_v2(self, mock_auth_get_credentials):
+        expected_uri = 'V2_URI'
+        expected_result = 'my_creds'
+        mock_auth_get_credentials.return_value = expected_result
+        cfg.CONF.set_default('uri', expected_uri, 'identity')
+        params = {'foo': 'bar'}
+        expected_params = params.copy()
+        expected_params.update(config.service_client_config())
+        result = cf.get_credentials(identity_version='v2', **params)
+        self.assertEqual(expected_result, result)
+        mock_auth_get_credentials.assert_called_once_with(
+            expected_uri, fill_in=True, identity_version='v2',
+            **expected_params)
+    @mock.patch('tempest.lib.auth.get_credentials')
+    def test_get_credentials_v3_no_domain(self, mock_auth_get_credentials):
+        expected_uri = 'V3_URI'
+        expected_result = 'my_creds'
+        expected_domain = 'my_domain'
+        mock_auth_get_credentials.return_value = expected_result
+        cfg.CONF.set_default('uri_v3', expected_uri, 'identity')
+        cfg.CONF.set_default('default_credentials_domain_name',
+                             expected_domain, 'auth')
+        params = {'foo': 'bar'}
+        expected_params = params.copy()
+        expected_params['domain_name'] = expected_domain
+        expected_params.update(config.service_client_config())
+        result = cf.get_credentials(fill_in=False, identity_version='v3',
+                                    **params)
+        self.assertEqual(expected_result, result)
+        mock_auth_get_credentials.assert_called_once_with(
+            expected_uri, fill_in=False, identity_version='v3',
+            **expected_params)
+    @mock.patch('tempest.lib.auth.get_credentials')
+    def test_get_credentials_v3_domain(self, mock_auth_get_credentials):
+        expected_uri = 'V3_URI'
+        expected_result = 'my_creds'
+        expected_domain = 'my_domain'
+        mock_auth_get_credentials.return_value = expected_result
+        cfg.CONF.set_default('uri_v3', expected_uri, 'identity')
+        cfg.CONF.set_default('default_credentials_domain_name',
+                             expected_domain, 'auth')
+        params = {'foo': 'bar', 'user_domain_name': expected_domain}
+        expected_params = params.copy()
+        expected_params.update(config.service_client_config())
+        result = cf.get_credentials(fill_in=False, identity_version='v3',
+                                    **params)
+        self.assertEqual(expected_result, result)
+        mock_auth_get_credentials.assert_called_once_with(
+            expected_uri, fill_in=False, identity_version='v3',
+            **expected_params)
diff --git a/tempest/tests/ b/tempest/tests/
index ee63684..4a2fff4 100644
--- a/tempest/tests/
+++ b/tempest/tests/
@@ -39,11 +39,12 @@
         self.conf.set_default('uri_v3', '',
         self.conf.set_default('neutron', True, group='service_available')
-        self.conf.set_default('heat', True, group='service_available')
-        if not os.path.exists(str(os.environ.get('OS_TEST_LOCK_PATH'))):
-            os.mkdir(str(os.environ.get('OS_TEST_LOCK_PATH')))
+        lock_path = str(os.environ.get('OS_TEST_LOCK_PATH',
+                                       os.environ.get('TMPDIR', '/tmp')))
+        if not os.path.exists(lock_path):
+            os.mkdir(lock_path)
-            lock_path=str(os.environ.get('OS_TEST_LOCK_PATH')),
+            lock_path=lock_path,
         self.conf.set_default('auth_version', 'v2', group='identity')
         for config_option in ['username', 'password', 'project_name']:
diff --git a/tempest/tests/files/setup.cfg b/tempest/tests/files/setup.cfg
index f6f9f73..bd68708 100644
--- a/tempest/tests/files/setup.cfg
+++ b/tempest/tests/files/setup.cfg
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
 summary = Fake Project for testing wrapper scripts
 author = OpenStack
 author-email =
-home-page =
+home-page =
 classifier =
     Intended Audience :: Information Technology
     Intended Audience :: System Administrators
diff --git a/tempest/tests/files/testr-conf b/tempest/tests/files/testr-conf
index d5ad083..63b3c44 100644
--- a/tempest/tests/files/testr-conf
+++ b/tempest/tests/files/testr-conf
@@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
-test_command=${PYTHON:-python} -m discover -t ./ ./tests $LISTOPT $IDOPTION
-test_id_option=--load-list $IDFILE
diff --git a/tempest/tests/lib/cli/ b/tempest/tests/lib/cli/
index 0130454..c069af5 100644
--- a/tempest/tests/lib/cli/
+++ b/tempest/tests/lib/cli/
@@ -91,3 +91,61 @@
         self.assertEqual(mock_execute.call_count, 1)
                          {'prefix': 'env LAC_ALL=C'})
+    @mock.patch.object(cli_base, 'execute')
+    def test_execute_with_domain_name(self, mock_execute):
+        cli = cli_base.CLIClient(
+            user_domain_name='default',
+            project_domain_name='default'
+        )
+        cli.glance('action')
+        self.assertEqual(mock_execute.call_count, 1)
+        self.assertIn('--os-user-domain-name default',
+                      mock_execute.call_args[0][2])
+        self.assertIn('--os-project-domain-name default',
+                      mock_execute.call_args[0][2])
+        self.assertNotIn('--os-user-domain-id',
+                         mock_execute.call_args[0][2])
+        self.assertNotIn('--os-project-domain-id',
+                         mock_execute.call_args[0][2])
+    @mock.patch.object(cli_base, 'execute')
+    def test_execute_with_domain_id(self, mock_execute):
+        cli = cli_base.CLIClient(
+            user_domain_id='default',
+            project_domain_id='default'
+        )
+        cli.glance('action')
+        self.assertEqual(mock_execute.call_count, 1)
+        self.assertIn('--os-user-domain-id default',
+                      mock_execute.call_args[0][2])
+        self.assertIn('--os-project-domain-id default',
+                      mock_execute.call_args[0][2])
+        self.assertNotIn('--os-user-domain-name',
+                         mock_execute.call_args[0][2])
+        self.assertNotIn('--os-project-domain-name',
+                         mock_execute.call_args[0][2])
+    @mock.patch.object(cli_base, 'execute')
+    def test_execute_with_default_api_version(self, mock_execute):
+        cli = cli_base.CLIClient()
+        cli.openstack('action')
+        self.assertEqual(mock_execute.call_count, 1)
+        self.assertNotIn('--os-identity-api-version ',
+                         mock_execute.call_args[0][2])
+    @mock.patch.object(cli_base, 'execute')
+    def test_execute_with_empty_api_version(self, mock_execute):
+        cli = cli_base.CLIClient(identity_api_version='')
+        cli.openstack('action')
+        self.assertEqual(mock_execute.call_count, 1)
+        self.assertNotIn('--os-identity-api-version ',
+                         mock_execute.call_args[0][2])
+    @mock.patch.object(cli_base, 'execute')
+    def test_execute_with_explicit_api_version(self, mock_execute):
+        cli = cli_base.CLIClient(identity_api_version='0.0')
+        cli.openstack('action')
+        self.assertEqual(mock_execute.call_count, 1)
+        self.assertIn('--os-identity-api-version 0.0 ',
+                      mock_execute.call_args[0][2])
diff --git a/tempest/tests/lib/common/ b/tempest/tests/lib/common/
index 6206379..b99e8d4 100644
--- a/tempest/tests/lib/common/
+++ b/tempest/tests/lib/common/
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
 #    License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
 #    under the License.
+import six
 import testtools
 from tempest.lib.common import api_version_utils
@@ -30,7 +31,7 @@
         except testtools.TestCase.skipException as e:
             if not expected_skip:
-                raise testtools.TestCase.failureException(e.message)
+                raise testtools.TestCase.failureException(six.text_type(e))
     def test_version_min_in_range(self):
         self._test_version('2.2', '2.10', '2.1', '2.7')
@@ -91,24 +92,106 @@
     def test_header_matches(self):
         microversion_header_name = 'x-openstack-xyz-api-version'
         request_microversion = '2.1'
-        test_respose = {microversion_header_name: request_microversion}
+        test_response = {microversion_header_name: request_microversion}
-            microversion_header_name, request_microversion, test_respose)
+            microversion_header_name, request_microversion, test_response)
     def test_header_does_not_match(self):
         microversion_header_name = 'x-openstack-xyz-api-version'
         request_microversion = '2.1'
-        test_respose = {microversion_header_name: '2.2'}
+        test_response = {microversion_header_name: '2.2'}
-            microversion_header_name, request_microversion, test_respose)
+            microversion_header_name, request_microversion, test_response)
     def test_header_not_present(self):
         microversion_header_name = 'x-openstack-xyz-api-version'
         request_microversion = '2.1'
-        test_respose = {}
+        test_response = {}
-            microversion_header_name, request_microversion, test_respose)
+            microversion_header_name, request_microversion, test_response)
+    def test_compare_versions_less_than(self):
+        microversion_header_name = 'x-openstack-xyz-api-version'
+        request_microversion = '2.2'
+        test_response = {microversion_header_name: '2.1'}
+        self.assertFalse(
+            api_version_utils.compare_version_header_to_response(
+                microversion_header_name, request_microversion, test_response,
+                "lt"))
+    def test_compare_versions_less_than_equal(self):
+        microversion_header_name = 'x-openstack-xyz-api-version'
+        request_microversion = '2.2'
+        test_response = {microversion_header_name: '2.1'}
+        self.assertFalse(
+            api_version_utils.compare_version_header_to_response(
+                microversion_header_name, request_microversion, test_response,
+                "le"))
+    def test_compare_versions_greater_than_equal(self):
+        microversion_header_name = 'x-openstack-xyz-api-version'
+        request_microversion = '2.1'
+        test_response = {microversion_header_name: '2.2'}
+        self.assertFalse(
+            api_version_utils.compare_version_header_to_response(
+                microversion_header_name, request_microversion, test_response,
+                "ge"))
+    def test_compare_versions_greater_than(self):
+        microversion_header_name = 'x-openstack-xyz-api-version'
+        request_microversion = '2.1'
+        test_response = {microversion_header_name: '2.2'}
+        self.assertFalse(
+            api_version_utils.compare_version_header_to_response(
+                microversion_header_name, request_microversion, test_response,
+                "gt"))
+    def test_compare_versions_equal(self):
+        microversion_header_name = 'x-openstack-xyz-api-version'
+        request_microversion = '2.11'
+        test_response = {microversion_header_name: '2.1'}
+        self.assertFalse(
+            api_version_utils.compare_version_header_to_response(
+                microversion_header_name, request_microversion, test_response,
+                "eq"))
+    def test_compare_versions_not_equal(self):
+        microversion_header_name = 'x-openstack-xyz-api-version'
+        request_microversion = '2.1'
+        test_response = {microversion_header_name: '2.1'}
+        self.assertFalse(
+            api_version_utils.compare_version_header_to_response(
+                microversion_header_name, request_microversion, test_response,
+                "ne"))
+    def test_compare_versions_with_name_in_microversion(self):
+        microversion_header_name = 'x-openstack-xyz-api-version'
+        request_microversion = 'volume 3.1'
+        test_response = {microversion_header_name: 'volume 3.1'}
+        self.assertTrue(
+            api_version_utils.compare_version_header_to_response(
+                microversion_header_name, request_microversion, test_response,
+                "eq"))
+    def test_compare_versions_invalid_operation(self):
+        microversion_header_name = 'x-openstack-xyz-api-version'
+        request_microversion = '2.1'
+        test_response = {microversion_header_name: '2.1'}
+        self.assertRaises(
+            exceptions.InvalidParam,
+            api_version_utils.compare_version_header_to_response,
+            microversion_header_name, request_microversion, test_response,
+            "foo")
+    def test_compare_versions_header_not_present(self):
+        microversion_header_name = 'x-openstack-xyz-api-version'
+        request_microversion = '2.1'
+        test_response = {}
+        self.assertFalse(
+            api_version_utils.compare_version_header_to_response(
+                microversion_header_name, request_microversion, test_response,
+                "eq"))
diff --git a/tempest/tests/lib/common/ b/tempest/tests/lib/common/
index 6aa7a42..ebcf5d1 100644
--- a/tempest/tests/lib/common/
+++ b/tempest/tests/lib/common/
@@ -40,6 +40,7 @@
 from tempest.tests import fake_config
 from tempest.tests.lib import fake_http
 from tempest.tests.lib import fake_identity
+from import registry_fixture
 class TestDynamicCredentialProvider(base.TestCase):
@@ -62,6 +63,7 @@
     def setUp(self):
         super(TestDynamicCredentialProvider, self).setUp()
+        self.useFixture(registry_fixture.RegistryFixture())
         self.patchobject(config, 'TempestConfigPrivate',
         self.patchobject(self.token_client_class, 'raw_request',
diff --git a/tempest/tests/lib/common/ b/tempest/tests/lib/common/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a292209
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tempest/tests/lib/common/
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+# All Rights Reserved.
+#    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+#    not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+#    a copy of the License at
+#    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+#    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+#    WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+#    License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+#    under the License.
+from tempest.lib.common import http
+from tempest.tests import base
+class TestClosingHttp(base.TestCase):
+    def setUp(self):
+        super(TestClosingHttp, self).setUp()
+        self.cert_none = "CERT_NONE"
+        self.cert_location = "/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt"
+    def test_constructor_invalid_ca_certs_and_timeout(self):
+        connection = http.ClosingHttp(
+            disable_ssl_certificate_validation=False,
+            ca_certs=None,
+            timeout=None)
+        for attr in ('cert_reqs', 'ca_certs', 'timeout'):
+            self.assertNotIn(attr, connection.connection_pool_kw)
+    def test_constructor_valid_ca_certs(self):
+        cert_required = 'CERT_REQUIRED'
+        connection = http.ClosingHttp(
+            disable_ssl_certificate_validation=False,
+            ca_certs=self.cert_location,
+            timeout=None)
+        self.assertEqual(cert_required,
+                         connection.connection_pool_kw['cert_reqs'])
+        self.assertEqual(self.cert_location,
+                         connection.connection_pool_kw['ca_certs'])
+        self.assertNotIn('timeout',
+                         connection.connection_pool_kw)
+    def test_constructor_ssl_cert_validation_disabled(self):
+        connection = http.ClosingHttp(
+            disable_ssl_certificate_validation=True,
+            ca_certs=None,
+            timeout=30)
+        self.assertEqual(self.cert_none,
+                         connection.connection_pool_kw['cert_reqs'])
+        self.assertEqual(30,
+                         connection.connection_pool_kw['timeout'])
+        self.assertNotIn('ca_certs',
+                         connection.connection_pool_kw)
+    def test_constructor_ssl_cert_validation_disabled_and_ca_certs(self):
+        connection = http.ClosingHttp(
+            disable_ssl_certificate_validation=True,
+            ca_certs=self.cert_location,
+            timeout=None)
+        self.assertNotIn('timeout',
+                         connection.connection_pool_kw)
+        self.assertEqual(self.cert_none,
+                         connection.connection_pool_kw['cert_reqs'])
+        self.assertNotIn('ca_certs',
+                         connection.connection_pool_kw)
diff --git a/tempest/tests/lib/common/ b/tempest/tests/lib/common/
index 5402e47..25df2a7 100644
--- a/tempest/tests/lib/common/
+++ b/tempest/tests/lib/common/
@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@
 from tempest.tests import base
 from tempest.tests import fake_config
 from tempest.tests.lib import fake_identity
+from import registry_fixture
 class TestPreProvisionedCredentials(base.TestCase):
@@ -92,9 +93,8 @@
             'os.path.isfile', return_value=True))
-        # NOTE(andreaf) Ensure config is loaded so service clients are
-        # registered in the registry before tests
-        config.service_client_config()
+        # Make sure we leave the registry clean
+        self.useFixture(registry_fixture.RegistryFixture())
     def tearDown(self):
         super(TestPreProvisionedCredentials, self).tearDown()
@@ -339,7 +339,7 @@
         test_accounts_class = preprov_creds.PreProvisionedCredentialProvider(
-        with mock.patch(''
+        with mock.patch(''
                         return_value={'networks': [{'name': 'network-2',
                                                     'id': 'fake-id',
diff --git a/tempest/tests/lib/common/ b/tempest/tests/lib/common/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d5139f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tempest/tests/lib/common/
@@ -0,0 +1,344 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2017 IBM Corp.
+#    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+#    you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+#    You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+#    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+#    WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+#    See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+#    limitations under the License.
+import fixtures
+import mock
+import testtools
+from tempest.lib.common import validation_resources as vr
+from tempest.lib import exceptions as lib_exc
+from import clients
+from tempest.tests import base
+from tempest.tests.lib import fake_credentials
+from import registry_fixture
+FAKE_SECURITY_GROUP = {'security_group': {'id': 'sg_id'}}
+FAKE_KEYPAIR = {'keypair': {'name': 'keypair_name'}}
+FAKE_FIP_NOVA_NET = {'floating_ip': {'ip': '', 'id': '1234'}}
+FAKE_FIP_NEUTRON = {'floatingip': {'floating_ip_address': '',
+                                   'id': '1234'}}
+SG_CLIENT = (SERVICES + '.%s.security_groups_client.SecurityGroupsClient.%s')
+SGR_CLIENT = (SERVICES + '.%s.security_group_rules_client.'
+              'SecurityGroupRulesClient.create_security_group_rule')
+KP_CLIENT = (SERVICES + '.compute.keypairs_client.KeyPairsClient.%s')
+FIP_CLIENT = (SERVICES + '.%s.floating_ips_client.FloatingIPsClient.%s')
+class TestValidationResources(base.TestCase):
+    def setUp(self):
+        super(TestValidationResources, self).setUp()
+        self.useFixture(registry_fixture.RegistryFixture())
+        self.mock_sg_compute = self.useFixture(fixtures.MockPatch(
+            SG_CLIENT % ('compute', 'create_security_group'), autospec=True,
+            return_value=FAKE_SECURITY_GROUP))
+        self.mock_sg_network = self.useFixture(fixtures.MockPatch(
+            SG_CLIENT % ('network', 'create_security_group'), autospec=True,
+            return_value=FAKE_SECURITY_GROUP))
+        self.mock_sgr_compute = self.useFixture(fixtures.MockPatch(
+            SGR_CLIENT % 'compute', autospec=True))
+        self.mock_sgr_network = self.useFixture(fixtures.MockPatch(
+            SGR_CLIENT % 'network', autospec=True))
+        self.mock_kp = self.useFixture(fixtures.MockPatch(
+            KP_CLIENT % 'create_keypair', autospec=True,
+            return_value=FAKE_KEYPAIR))
+        self.mock_fip_compute = self.useFixture(fixtures.MockPatch(
+            FIP_CLIENT % ('compute', 'create_floating_ip'), autospec=True,
+            return_value=FAKE_FIP_NOVA_NET))
+        self.mock_fip_network = self.useFixture(fixtures.MockPatch(
+            FIP_CLIENT % ('network', 'create_floatingip'), autospec=True,
+            return_value=FAKE_FIP_NEUTRON))
+        self.os = clients.ServiceClients(
+            fake_credentials.FakeKeystoneV3Credentials(), 'fake_uri')
+    def test_create_ssh_security_group_nova_net(self):
+        expected_sg_id = FAKE_SECURITY_GROUP['security_group']['id']
+        sg = vr.create_ssh_security_group(self.os, add_rule=True,
+                                          use_neutron=False)
+        self.assertEqual(FAKE_SECURITY_GROUP['security_group'], sg)
+        # Neutron clients have not been used
+        self.assertEqual(self.mock_sg_network.mock.call_count, 0)
+        self.assertEqual(self.mock_sgr_network.mock.call_count, 0)
+        # Nova-net clients assertions
+        self.assertGreater(self.mock_sg_compute.mock.call_count, 0)
+        self.assertGreater(self.mock_sgr_compute.mock.call_count, 0)
+        for call in self.mock_sgr_compute.mock.call_args_list[1:]:
+            self.assertIn(expected_sg_id, call[1].values())
+    def test_create_ssh_security_group_neutron(self):
+        expected_sg_id = FAKE_SECURITY_GROUP['security_group']['id']
+        expected_ethertype = 'fake_ethertype'
+        sg = vr.create_ssh_security_group(self.os, add_rule=True,
+                                          use_neutron=True,
+                                          ethertype=expected_ethertype)
+        self.assertEqual(FAKE_SECURITY_GROUP['security_group'], sg)
+        # Nova-net clients have not been used
+        self.assertEqual(self.mock_sg_compute.mock.call_count, 0)
+        self.assertEqual(self.mock_sgr_compute.mock.call_count, 0)
+        # Nova-net clients assertions
+        self.assertGreater(self.mock_sg_network.mock.call_count, 0)
+        self.assertGreater(self.mock_sgr_network.mock.call_count, 0)
+        # Check SG ID and ethertype are passed down to rules
+        for call in self.mock_sgr_network.mock.call_args_list[1:]:
+            self.assertIn(expected_sg_id, call[1].values())
+            self.assertIn(expected_ethertype, call[1].values())
+    def test_create_ssh_security_no_rules(self):
+        sg = vr.create_ssh_security_group(self.os, add_rule=False)
+        self.assertEqual(FAKE_SECURITY_GROUP['security_group'], sg)
+        # SG Rules clients have not been used
+        self.assertEqual(self.mock_sgr_compute.mock.call_count, 0)
+        self.assertEqual(self.mock_sgr_network.mock.call_count, 0)
+    @mock.patch.object(vr, 'create_ssh_security_group',
+                       return_value=FAKE_SECURITY_GROUP['security_group'])
+    def test_create_validation_resources_nova_net(self, mock_create_sg):
+        expected_floating_network_id = 'my_fni'
+        expected_floating_network_name = 'my_fnn'
+        resources = vr.create_validation_resources(
+            self.os, keypair=True, floating_ip=True, security_group=True,
+            security_group_rules=True, ethertype='IPv6', use_neutron=False,
+            floating_network_id=expected_floating_network_id,
+            floating_network_name=expected_floating_network_name)
+        # Keypair calls
+        self.assertGreater(self.mock_kp.mock.call_count, 0)
+        # Floating IP calls
+        self.assertGreater(self.mock_fip_compute.mock.call_count, 0)
+        for call in self.mock_fip_compute.mock.call_args_list[1:]:
+            self.assertIn(expected_floating_network_name, call[1].values())
+            self.assertNotIn(expected_floating_network_id, call[1].values())
+        self.assertEqual(self.mock_fip_network.mock.call_count, 0)
+        # SG calls
+        mock_create_sg.assert_called_once()
+        # Resources
+        for resource in ['keypair', 'floating_ip', 'security_group']:
+            self.assertIn(resource, resources)
+        self.assertEqual(FAKE_KEYPAIR['keypair'], resources['keypair'])
+        self.assertEqual(FAKE_SECURITY_GROUP['security_group'],
+                         resources['security_group'])
+        self.assertEqual(FAKE_FIP_NOVA_NET['floating_ip'],
+                         resources['floating_ip'])
+    @mock.patch.object(vr, 'create_ssh_security_group',
+                       return_value=FAKE_SECURITY_GROUP['security_group'])
+    def test_create_validation_resources_neutron(self, mock_create_sg):
+        expected_floating_network_id = 'my_fni'
+        expected_floating_network_name = 'my_fnn'
+        resources = vr.create_validation_resources(
+            self.os, keypair=True, floating_ip=True, security_group=True,
+            security_group_rules=True, ethertype='IPv6', use_neutron=True,
+            floating_network_id=expected_floating_network_id,
+            floating_network_name=expected_floating_network_name)
+        # Keypair calls
+        self.assertGreater(self.mock_kp.mock.call_count, 0)
+        # Floating IP calls
+        self.assertEqual(self.mock_fip_compute.mock.call_count, 0)
+        self.assertGreater(self.mock_fip_network.mock.call_count, 0)
+        for call in self.mock_fip_compute.mock.call_args_list[1:]:
+            self.assertIn(expected_floating_network_id, call[1].values())
+            self.assertNotIn(expected_floating_network_name, call[1].values())
+        # SG calls
+        mock_create_sg.assert_called_once()
+        # Resources
+        for resource in ['keypair', 'floating_ip', 'security_group']:
+            self.assertIn(resource, resources)
+        self.assertEqual(FAKE_KEYPAIR['keypair'], resources['keypair'])
+        self.assertEqual(FAKE_SECURITY_GROUP['security_group'],
+                         resources['security_group'])
+        self.assertIn('ip', resources['floating_ip'])
+        self.assertEqual(resources['floating_ip']['ip'],
+                         FAKE_FIP_NEUTRON['floatingip']['floating_ip_address'])
+        self.assertEqual(resources['floating_ip']['id'],
+                         FAKE_FIP_NEUTRON['floatingip']['id'])
+class TestClearValidationResourcesFixture(base.TestCase):
+    def setUp(self):
+        super(TestClearValidationResourcesFixture, self).setUp()
+        self.useFixture(registry_fixture.RegistryFixture())
+        self.mock_sg_compute = self.useFixture(fixtures.MockPatch(
+            SG_CLIENT % ('compute', 'delete_security_group'), autospec=True))
+        self.mock_sg_network = self.useFixture(fixtures.MockPatch(
+            SG_CLIENT % ('network', 'delete_security_group'), autospec=True))
+        self.mock_sg_wait_compute = self.useFixture(fixtures.MockPatch(
+            SG_CLIENT % ('compute', 'wait_for_resource_deletion'),
+            autospec=True))
+        self.mock_sg_wait_network = self.useFixture(fixtures.MockPatch(
+            SG_CLIENT % ('network', 'wait_for_resource_deletion'),
+            autospec=True))
+        self.mock_kp = self.useFixture(fixtures.MockPatch(
+            KP_CLIENT % 'delete_keypair', autospec=True))
+        self.mock_fip_compute = self.useFixture(fixtures.MockPatch(
+            FIP_CLIENT % ('compute', 'delete_floating_ip'), autospec=True))
+        self.mock_fip_network = self.useFixture(fixtures.MockPatch(
+            FIP_CLIENT % ('network', 'delete_floatingip'), autospec=True))
+        self.os = clients.ServiceClients(
+            fake_credentials.FakeKeystoneV3Credentials(), 'fake_uri')
+    def test_clear_validation_resources_nova_net(self):
+        vr.clear_validation_resources(
+            self.os,
+            floating_ip=FAKE_FIP_NOVA_NET['floating_ip'],
+            security_group=FAKE_SECURITY_GROUP['security_group'],
+            keypair=FAKE_KEYPAIR['keypair'],
+            use_neutron=False)
+        self.assertGreater(self.mock_kp.mock.call_count, 0)
+        for call in self.mock_kp.mock.call_args_list[1:]:
+            self.assertIn(FAKE_KEYPAIR['keypair']['name'], call[1].values())
+        self.assertGreater(self.mock_sg_compute.mock.call_count, 0)
+        for call in self.mock_sg_compute.mock.call_args_list[1:]:
+            self.assertIn(FAKE_SECURITY_GROUP['security_group']['id'],
+                          call[1].values())
+        self.assertGreater(self.mock_sg_wait_compute.mock.call_count, 0)
+        for call in self.mock_sg_wait_compute.mock.call_args_list[1:]:
+            self.assertIn(FAKE_SECURITY_GROUP['security_group']['id'],
+                          call[1].values())
+        self.assertEqual(self.mock_sg_network.mock.call_count, 0)
+        self.assertEqual(self.mock_sg_wait_network.mock.call_count, 0)
+        self.assertGreater(self.mock_fip_compute.mock.call_count, 0)
+        for call in self.mock_fip_compute.mock.call_args_list[1:]:
+            self.assertIn(FAKE_FIP_NOVA_NET['floating_ip']['id'],
+                          call[1].values())
+        self.assertEqual(self.mock_fip_network.mock.call_count, 0)
+    def test_clear_validation_resources_neutron(self):
+        vr.clear_validation_resources(
+            self.os,
+            floating_ip=FAKE_FIP_NEUTRON['floatingip'],
+            security_group=FAKE_SECURITY_GROUP['security_group'],
+            keypair=FAKE_KEYPAIR['keypair'],
+            use_neutron=True)
+        self.assertGreater(self.mock_kp.mock.call_count, 0)
+        for call in self.mock_kp.mock.call_args_list[1:]:
+            self.assertIn(FAKE_KEYPAIR['keypair']['name'], call[1].values())
+        self.assertGreater(self.mock_sg_network.mock.call_count, 0)
+        for call in self.mock_sg_network.mock.call_args_list[1:]:
+            self.assertIn(FAKE_SECURITY_GROUP['security_group']['id'],
+                          call[1].values())
+        self.assertGreater(self.mock_sg_wait_network.mock.call_count, 0)
+        for call in self.mock_sg_wait_network.mock.call_args_list[1:]:
+            self.assertIn(FAKE_SECURITY_GROUP['security_group']['id'],
+                          call[1].values())
+        self.assertEqual(self.mock_sg_compute.mock.call_count, 0)
+        self.assertEqual(self.mock_sg_wait_compute.mock.call_count, 0)
+        self.assertGreater(self.mock_fip_network.mock.call_count, 0)
+        for call in self.mock_fip_network.mock.call_args_list[1:]:
+            self.assertIn(FAKE_FIP_NEUTRON['floatingip']['id'],
+                          call[1].values())
+        self.assertEqual(self.mock_fip_compute.mock.call_count, 0)
+    def test_clear_validation_resources_exceptions(self):
+        # Test that even with exceptions all cleanups are invoked and that only
+        # the first exception is reported.
+        # NOTE(andreaf) There's not way of knowing which exception is going to
+        # be raised first unless we enforce which resource is cleared first,
+        # which is not really interesting, but also not harmful. keypair first.
+        self.mock_kp.mock.side_effect = Exception('keypair exception')
+        self.mock_sg_network.mock.side_effect = Exception('sg exception')
+        self.mock_fip_network.mock.side_effect = Exception('fip exception')
+        with testtools.ExpectedException(Exception, value_re='keypair'):
+            vr.clear_validation_resources(
+                self.os,
+                floating_ip=FAKE_FIP_NEUTRON['floatingip'],
+                security_group=FAKE_SECURITY_GROUP['security_group'],
+                keypair=FAKE_KEYPAIR['keypair'],
+                use_neutron=True)
+        # Clients calls are still made, but not the wait call
+        self.assertGreater(self.mock_kp.mock.call_count, 0)
+        self.assertGreater(self.mock_sg_network.mock.call_count, 0)
+        self.assertGreater(self.mock_fip_network.mock.call_count, 0)
+    def test_clear_validation_resources_wait_not_found_wait(self):
+        # Test that a not found on wait is not an exception
+        self.mock_sg_wait_network.mock.side_effect = lib_exc.NotFound('yay')
+        vr.clear_validation_resources(
+            self.os,
+            floating_ip=FAKE_FIP_NEUTRON['floatingip'],
+            security_group=FAKE_SECURITY_GROUP['security_group'],
+            keypair=FAKE_KEYPAIR['keypair'],
+            use_neutron=True)
+        # Clients calls are still made, but not the wait call
+        self.assertGreater(self.mock_kp.mock.call_count, 0)
+        self.assertGreater(self.mock_sg_network.mock.call_count, 0)
+        self.assertGreater(self.mock_sg_wait_network.mock.call_count, 0)
+        self.assertGreater(self.mock_fip_network.mock.call_count, 0)
+    def test_clear_validation_resources_wait_not_found_delete(self):
+        # Test that a not found on delete is not an exception
+        self.mock_kp.mock.side_effect = lib_exc.NotFound('yay')
+        self.mock_sg_network.mock.side_effect = lib_exc.NotFound('yay')
+        self.mock_fip_network.mock.side_effect = lib_exc.NotFound('yay')
+        vr.clear_validation_resources(
+            self.os,
+            floating_ip=FAKE_FIP_NEUTRON['floatingip'],
+            security_group=FAKE_SECURITY_GROUP['security_group'],
+            keypair=FAKE_KEYPAIR['keypair'],
+            use_neutron=True)
+        # Clients calls are still made, but not the wait call
+        self.assertGreater(self.mock_kp.mock.call_count, 0)
+        self.assertGreater(self.mock_sg_network.mock.call_count, 0)
+        self.assertEqual(self.mock_sg_wait_network.mock.call_count, 0)
+        self.assertGreater(self.mock_fip_network.mock.call_count, 0)
+class TestValidationResourcesFixture(base.TestCase):
+    @mock.patch.object(vr, 'create_validation_resources', autospec=True)
+    def test_use_fixture(self, mock_vr):
+        exp_vr = dict(keypair='keypair',
+                      floating_ip='floating_ip',
+                      security_group='security_group')
+        mock_vr.return_value = exp_vr
+        exp_clients = 'clients'
+        exp_parameters = dict(keypair=True, floating_ip=True,
+                              security_group=True, security_group_rules=True,
+                              ethertype='v6', use_neutron=True,
+                              floating_network_id='fnid',
+                              floating_network_name='fnname')
+        # First mock cleanup
+        self.useFixture(fixtures.MockPatchObject(
+            vr, 'clear_validation_resources', autospec=True))
+        # And then use vr fixture, so when the fixture is cleaned-up, the mock
+        # is still there
+        vr_fixture = self.useFixture(vr.ValidationResourcesFixture(
+            exp_clients, **exp_parameters))
+        # Assert vr have been provisioned
+        mock_vr.assert_called_once_with(exp_clients, **exp_parameters)
+        # Assert vr have been setup in the fixture
+        self.assertEqual(exp_vr, vr_fixture.resources)
+    @mock.patch.object(vr, 'clear_validation_resources', autospec=True)
+    @mock.patch.object(vr, 'create_validation_resources', autospec=True)
+    def test_use_fixture_context(self, mock_vr, mock_clear):
+        exp_vr = dict(keypair='keypair',
+                      floating_ip='floating_ip',
+                      security_group='security_group')
+        mock_vr.return_value = exp_vr
+        exp_clients = 'clients'
+        exp_parameters = dict(keypair=True, floating_ip=True,
+                              security_group=True, security_group_rules=True,
+                              ethertype='v6', use_neutron=True,
+                              floating_network_id='fnid',
+                              floating_network_name='fnname')
+        with vr.ValidationResourcesFixture(exp_clients,
+                                           **exp_parameters) as vr_fixture:
+            # Assert vr have been provisioned
+            mock_vr.assert_called_once_with(exp_clients, **exp_parameters)
+            # Assert vr have been setup in the fixture
+            self.assertEqual(exp_vr, vr_fixture.resources)
+        # After context manager is closed, clear is invoked
+        exp_vr['use_neutron'] = exp_parameters['use_neutron']
+        mock_clear.assert_called_once_with(exp_clients, **exp_vr)
diff --git a/tempest/tests/lib/common/utils/linux/ b/tempest/tests/lib/common/utils/linux/
index cf312f4..7a21a5f 100644
--- a/tempest/tests/lib/common/utils/linux/
+++ b/tempest/tests/lib/common/utils/linux/
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
         client = remote_client.RemoteClient('', 'username')
-            'set -eu -o pipefail; PATH=$$PATH:/sbin; ls')
+            'set -eu -o pipefail; PATH=$PATH:/sbin; ls')
     @mock.patch.object(ssh.Client, 'test_connection_auth')
     def test_validate_authentication(self, mock_test_connection_auth):
diff --git a/tempest/tests/lib/common/utils/ b/tempest/tests/lib/common/utils/
index 8bdf70e..b8385b2 100644
--- a/tempest/tests/lib/common/utils/
+++ b/tempest/tests/lib/common/utils/
@@ -13,8 +13,6 @@
 #    License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
 #    under the License.
-import netaddr
 from tempest.lib.common.utils import data_utils
 from tempest.tests import base
@@ -81,7 +79,11 @@
         self.assertEqual(len(actual), 3)
         self.assertRegex(actual, "[A-Za-z0-9~!@#%^&*_=+]{3}")
         actual2 = data_utils.rand_password(2)
-        self.assertNotEqual(actual, actual2)
+        # NOTE(masayukig): Originally, we checked that the acutal and actual2
+        # are different each other. But only 3 letters can be the same value
+        # in a very rare case. So, we just check the length here, too,
+        # just in case.
+        self.assertEqual(len(actual2), 3)
     def test_rand_url(self):
         actual = data_utils.rand_url()
@@ -137,43 +139,6 @@
         actual = data_utils.random_bytes(size=2048)
         self.assertEqual(2048, len(actual))
-    def test_get_ipv6_addr_by_EUI64(self):
-        actual = data_utils.get_ipv6_addr_by_EUI64('2001:db8::',
-                                                   '00:16:3e:33:44:55')
-        self.assertIsInstance(actual, netaddr.IPAddress)
-        self.assertEqual(actual,
-                         netaddr.IPAddress('2001:db8::216:3eff:fe33:4455'))
-    def test_get_ipv6_addr_by_EUI64_with_IPv4_prefix(self):
-        ipv4_prefix = '10.0.8'
-        mac = '00:16:3e:33:44:55'
-        self.assertRaises(TypeError, data_utils.get_ipv6_addr_by_EUI64,
-                          ipv4_prefix, mac)
-    def test_get_ipv6_addr_by_EUI64_bad_cidr_type(self):
-        bad_cidr = 123
-        mac = '00:16:3e:33:44:55'
-        self.assertRaises(TypeError, data_utils.get_ipv6_addr_by_EUI64,
-                          bad_cidr, mac)
-    def test_get_ipv6_addr_by_EUI64_bad_cidr_value(self):
-        bad_cidr = 'bb'
-        mac = '00:16:3e:33:44:55'
-        self.assertRaises(TypeError, data_utils.get_ipv6_addr_by_EUI64,
-                          bad_cidr, mac)
-    def test_get_ipv6_addr_by_EUI64_bad_mac_value(self):
-        cidr = '2001:db8::'
-        bad_mac = '00:16:3e:33:44:5Z'
-        self.assertRaises(TypeError, data_utils.get_ipv6_addr_by_EUI64,
-                          cidr, bad_mac)
-    def test_get_ipv6_addr_by_EUI64_bad_mac_type(self):
-        cidr = '2001:db8::'
-        bad_mac = 99999999999999999999
-        self.assertRaises(TypeError, data_utils.get_ipv6_addr_by_EUI64,
-                          cidr, bad_mac)
     def test_chunkify(self):
         data = "aaa"
         chunks = data_utils.chunkify(data, 2)
diff --git a/tempest/tests/lib/common/utils/ b/tempest/tests/lib/common/utils/
index 29c5684..f638ba6 100644
--- a/tempest/tests/lib/common/utils/
+++ b/tempest/tests/lib/common/utils/
@@ -81,11 +81,13 @@
     def test_call_until_true_when_f_never_returns_true(self, m_time, m_sleep):
+        def set_value(bool_value):
+            return bool_value
         timeout = 42  # The value doesn't matter as we mock time.time()
         sleep = 60  # The value doesn't matter as we mock time.sleep()
         m_time.side_effect = utils.generate_timeout_series(timeout)
-            False, test_utils.call_until_true(lambda: False, timeout, sleep)
+            False, test_utils.call_until_true(set_value, timeout, sleep, False)
         m_sleep.call_args_list = [] * 2
         m_time.call_args_list = [] * 2
@@ -93,11 +95,30 @@
     def test_call_until_true_when_f_returns_true(self, m_time, m_sleep):
+        def set_value(bool_value=False):
+            return bool_value
         timeout = 42  # The value doesn't matter as we mock time.time()
         sleep = 60  # The value doesn't matter as we mock time.sleep()
         m_time.return_value = 0
-            True, test_utils.call_until_true(lambda: True, timeout, sleep)
+            True, test_utils.call_until_true(set_value, timeout, sleep,
+                                             bool_value=True)
         self.assertEqual(0, m_sleep.call_count)
-        self.assertEqual(1, m_time.call_count)
+        # when logging cost time we need to acquire current time.
+        self.assertEqual(2, m_time.call_count)
+    @mock.patch('time.sleep')
+    @mock.patch('time.time')
+    def test_call_until_true_when_f_returns_true_no_param(
+            self, m_time, m_sleep):
+        def set_value(bool_value=False):
+            return bool_value
+        timeout = 42  # The value doesn't matter as we mock time.time()
+        sleep = 60  # The value doesn't matter as we mock time.sleep()
+        m_time.side_effect = utils.generate_timeout_series(timeout)
+        self.assertEqual(
+            False, test_utils.call_until_true(set_value, timeout, sleep)
+        )
+        m_sleep.call_args_list = [] * 2
+        m_time.call_args_list = [] * 2
diff --git a/tempest/tests/lib/services/identity/v3/ b/tempest/tests/lib/services/identity/v3/
index 6572947..3739fe6 100644
--- a/tempest/tests/lib/services/identity/v3/
+++ b/tempest/tests/lib/services/identity/v3/
@@ -60,6 +60,34 @@
+        "domains": [
+            {
+                "description": "my domain description",
+                "enabled": True,
+                "id": "1789d1",
+                "links": {
+                    "self": ""
+                },
+                "name": "my domain"
+            },
+            {
+                "description": "description of my other domain",
+                "enabled": True,
+                "id": "43e8da",
+                "links": {
+                    "self": ""
+                },
+                "name": "another domain"
+            }
+        ],
+        "links": {
+            "self": "",
+            "previous": None,
+            "next": None
+        }
+    }
     def setUp(self):
         super(TestIdentityClient, self).setUp()
         fake_auth = fake_auth_provider.FakeAuthProvider()
@@ -89,6 +117,13 @@
+    def _test_list_auth_domains(self, bytes_body=False):
+        self.check_service_client_function(
+            self.client.list_auth_domains,
+            'tempest.lib.common.rest_client.RestClient.get',
+            self.FAKE_AUTH_DOMAINS,
+            bytes_body)
     def test_show_api_description_with_str_body(self):
@@ -122,3 +157,9 @@
     def test_list_auth_projects_with_bytes_body(self):
+    def test_list_auth_domains_with_str_body(self):
+        self._test_list_auth_domains()
+    def test_list_auth_domains_with_bytes_body(self):
+        self._test_list_auth_domains(bytes_body=True)
diff --git a/tempest/tests/lib/services/network/ b/tempest/tests/lib/services/network/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..078f4b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tempest/tests/lib/services/network/
@@ -0,0 +1,242 @@
+# Copyright 2017 AT&T Corporation.
+# All rights reserved.
+#    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+#    not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+#    a copy of the License at
+#    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+#    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+#    WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+#    License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+#    under the License.
+import copy
+from import networks_client
+from tempest.tests.lib import fake_auth_provider
+from import base
+class TestNetworksClient(base.BaseServiceTest):
+        "networks": [
+            {
+                "admin_state_up": True,
+                "availability_zone_hints": [],
+                "availability_zones": [
+                    "nova"
+                ],
+                "created_at": "2016-03-08T20:19:41",
+                "id": "d32019d3-bc6e-4319-9c1d-6722fc136a22",
+                "mtu": 0,
+                "name": "net1",
+                "port_security_enabled": True,
+                "project_id": "4fd44f30292945e481c7b8a0c8908869",
+                "qos_policy_id": "6a8454ade84346f59e8d40665f878b2e",
+                "router:external": False,
+                "shared": False,
+                "status": "ACTIVE",
+                "subnets": [
+                        "54d6f61d-db07-451c-9ab3-b9609b6b6f0b"
+                ],
+                "tenant_id": "4fd44f30292945e481c7b8a0c8908869",
+                "updated_at": "2016-03-08T20:19:41",
+                "vlan_transparent": True,
+                "description": ""
+            },
+            {
+                "admin_state_up": True,
+                "availability_zone_hints": [],
+                "availability_zones": [
+                    "nova"
+                ],
+                "id": "db193ab3-96e3-4cb3-8fc5-05f4296d0324",
+                "mtu": 0,
+                "name": "net2",
+                "port_security_enabled": True,
+                "project_id": "26a7980765d0414dbc1fc1f88cdb7e6e",
+                "qos_policy_id": "bfdb6c39f71e4d44b1dfbda245c50819",
+                "router:external": False,
+                "shared": False,
+                "status": "ACTIVE",
+                "subnets": [
+                        "08eae331-0402-425a-923c-34f7cfe39c1b"
+                ],
+                "tenant_id": "26a7980765d0414dbc1fc1f88cdb7e6e",
+                "updated_at": "2016-03-08T20:19:41",
+                "vlan_transparent": False,
+                "description": ""
+            }
+        ]
+    }
+    FAKE_NETWORK_ID = "d32019d3-bc6e-4319-9c1d-6722fc136a22"
+    FAKE_NETWORK1 = {
+        "name": "net1",
+        "admin_state_up": True,
+        "qos_policy_id": "6a8454ade84346f59e8d40665f878b2e"
+    }
+    FAKE_NETWORK2 = {
+        "name": "net2",
+        "admin_state_up": True,
+        "qos_policy_id": "bfdb6c39f71e4d44b1dfbda245c50819"
+    }
+        "networks": [
+            FAKE_NETWORK1,
+            FAKE_NETWORK2
+        ]
+    }
+    FAKE_DHCP_AGENT_NETWORK_ID = "80515c45-651f-4f9a-b82b-2ca8a7301a8d"
+        "agents": [
+            {
+                "binary": "neutron-dhcp-agent",
+                "description": None,
+                "admin_state_up": True,
+                "heartbeat_timestamp": "2017-06-22 18:29:50",
+                "availability_zone": "nova",
+                "alive": True,
+                "topic": "dhcp_agent",
+                "host": "osboxes",
+                "agent_type": "DHCP agent",
+                "resource_versions": {},
+                "created_at": "2017-06-19 21:39:51",
+                "started_at": "2017-06-19 21:39:51",
+                "id": "b6cfb7a1-6ac4-4980-993c-9d295d37062e",
+                "configurations": {
+                    "subnets": 2,
+                    "dhcp_lease_duration": 86400,
+                    "dhcp_driver": "neutron.agent.linux.dhcp.Dnsmasq",
+                    "networks": 1,
+                    "log_agent_heartbeats": False,
+                    "ports": 3
+                }
+            }
+        ]
+    }
+    def setUp(self):
+        super(TestNetworksClient, self).setUp()
+        fake_auth = fake_auth_provider.FakeAuthProvider()
+        self.networks_client = networks_client.NetworksClient(
+            fake_auth, "network", "regionOne")
+    def _test_list_networks(self, bytes_body=False):
+        self.check_service_client_function(
+            self.networks_client.list_networks,
+            "tempest.lib.common.rest_client.RestClient.get",
+            self.FAKE_NETWORKS,
+            bytes_body,
+            200)
+    def _test_create_network(self, bytes_body=False):
+        self.check_service_client_function(
+            self.networks_client.create_network,
+            "",
+            {"network": self.FAKE_NETWORKS["networks"][0]},
+            bytes_body,
+            201,
+            **self.FAKE_NETWORK1)
+    def _test_create_bulk_networks(self, bytes_body=False):
+        self.check_service_client_function(
+            self.networks_client.create_bulk_networks,
+            "",
+            self.FAKE_NETWORKS,
+            bytes_body,
+            201,
+            networks=self.FAKE_NETWORKS_REQ)
+    def _test_show_network(self, bytes_body=False):
+        self.check_service_client_function(
+            self.networks_client.show_network,
+            "tempest.lib.common.rest_client.RestClient.get",
+            {"network": self.FAKE_NETWORKS["networks"][0]},
+            bytes_body,
+            200,
+            network_id=self.FAKE_NETWORK_ID)
+    def _test_update_network(self, bytes_body=False):
+        update_kwargs = {
+            "name": "sample_network_5_updated",
+            "qos_policy_id": "6a8454ade84346f59e8d40665f878b2e"
+        }
+        resp_body = {
+            "network": copy.deepcopy(
+                self.FAKE_NETWORKS["networks"][0]
+            )
+        }
+        resp_body["network"].update(update_kwargs)
+        self.check_service_client_function(
+            self.networks_client.update_network,
+            "tempest.lib.common.rest_client.RestClient.put",
+            resp_body,
+            bytes_body,
+            200,
+            network_id=self.FAKE_NETWORK_ID,
+            **update_kwargs)
+    def _test_list_dhcp_agents_on_hosting_network(self, bytes_body=False):
+        self.check_service_client_function(
+            self.networks_client.list_dhcp_agents_on_hosting_network,
+            "tempest.lib.common.rest_client.RestClient.get",
+            self.FAKE_DHCP_AGENTS,
+            bytes_body,
+            200,
+            network_id=self.FAKE_DHCP_AGENT_NETWORK_ID)
+    def test_delete_network(self):
+        self.check_service_client_function(
+            self.networks_client.delete_network,
+            "tempest.lib.common.rest_client.RestClient.delete",
+            {},
+            status=204,
+            network_id=self.FAKE_NETWORK_ID)
+    def test_list_networks_with_str_body(self):
+        self._test_list_networks()
+    def test_list_networks_with_bytes_body(self):
+        self._test_list_networks(bytes_body=True)
+    def test_create_network_with_str_body(self):
+        self._test_create_network()
+    def test_create_network_with_bytes_body(self):
+        self._test_create_network(bytes_body=True)
+    def test_create_bulk_network_with_str_body(self):
+        self._test_create_bulk_networks()
+    def test_create_bulk_network_with_bytes_body(self):
+        self._test_create_bulk_networks(bytes_body=True)
+    def test_show_network_with_str_body(self):
+        self._test_show_network()
+    def test_show_network_with_bytes_body(self):
+        self._test_show_network(bytes_body=True)
+    def test_update_network_with_str_body(self):
+        self._test_update_network()
+    def test_update_network_with_bytes_body(self):
+        self._test_update_network(bytes_body=True)
+    def test_list_dhcp_agents_on_hosting_network_with_str_body(self):
+        self._test_list_dhcp_agents_on_hosting_network()
+    def test_list_dhcp_agents_on_hosting_network_with_bytes_body(self):
+        self._test_list_dhcp_agents_on_hosting_network(bytes_body=True)
diff --git a/tempest/tests/lib/services/network/ b/tempest/tests/lib/services/network/
index e76bc9c..aa6c1a1 100644
--- a/tempest/tests/lib/services/network/
+++ b/tempest/tests/lib/services/network/
@@ -38,8 +38,62 @@
+        "quota": {
+            "floatingip": 50,
+            "network": 10,
+            "port": 50,
+            "rbac_policy": -1,
+            "router": 10,
+            "security_group": 10,
+            "security_group_rule": 100,
+            "subnet": 10,
+            "subnetpool": -1
+        }
+    }
     FAKE_QUOTA_TENANT_ID = "bab7d5c60cd041a0a36f7c4b6e1dd978"
+        "quota": {
+            "rbac_policy": {
+                "used": 4,
+                "limit": 10,
+                "reserved": 0
+            },
+            "subnetpool": {
+                "used": 2,
+                "limit": -1,
+                "reserved": 0
+            },
+            "security_group_rule": {
+                "used": 10,
+                "limit": 100,
+                "reserved": 1
+            },
+            "security_group": {
+                "used": 3,
+                "limit": 10,
+                "reserved": 0
+            },
+            "subnet": {
+                "used": 3,
+                "limit": 100,
+                "reserved": 0
+            },
+            "port": {
+                "used": 21,
+                "limit": 500,
+                "reserved": 3
+            },
+            "network": {
+                "used": 9,
+                "limit": 100,
+                "reserved": 2
+            }
+        }
+    }
     def setUp(self):
         super(TestQuotasClient, self).setUp()
         fake_auth = fake_auth_provider.FakeAuthProvider()
@@ -58,7 +112,16 @@
-            {"quota": self.FAKE_QUOTAS["quotas"][0]},
+            self.FAKE_PROJECT_QUOTAS,
+            bytes_body,
+            200,
+            tenant_id=self.FAKE_QUOTA_TENANT_ID)
+    def _test_show_default_quotas(self, bytes_body=False):
+        self.check_service_client_function(
+            self.quotas_client.show_default_quotas,
+            "tempest.lib.common.rest_client.RestClient.get",
+            self.FAKE_PROJECT_QUOTAS,
@@ -67,7 +130,16 @@
-            {"quota": self.FAKE_QUOTAS["quotas"][0]},
+            self.FAKE_PROJECT_QUOTAS,
+            bytes_body,
+            200,
+            tenant_id=self.FAKE_QUOTA_TENANT_ID)
+    def _test_show_quota_details(self, bytes_body=False):
+        self.check_service_client_function(
+            self.quotas_client.show_quota_details,
+            "tempest.lib.common.rest_client.RestClient.get",
+            self.FAKE_QUOTA_DETAILS,
@@ -92,8 +164,20 @@
     def test_show_quotas_with_bytes_body(self):
+    def test_show_default_quotas_with_str_body(self):
+        self._test_show_default_quotas()
+    def test_show_default_quotas_with_bytes_body(self):
+        self._test_show_default_quotas(bytes_body=True)
     def test_update_quotas_with_str_body(self):
     def test_update_quotas_with_bytes_body(self):
+    def test_show_quota_details_with_str_body(self):
+        self._test_show_quota_details()
+    def test_show_quota_details_with_bytes_body(self):
+        self._test_show_quota_details(bytes_body=True)
diff --git a/tempest/tests/services/object_storage/ b/tempest/tests/lib/services/object_storage/
similarity index 94%
rename from tempest/tests/services/object_storage/
rename to tempest/tests/lib/services/object_storage/
index 748614c..a16d1d7 100644
--- a/tempest/tests/services/object_storage/
+++ b/tempest/tests/lib/services/object_storage/
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
 import mock
 from tempest.lib import exceptions
-from import object_client
+from import object_client
 from tempest.tests import base
 from tempest.tests.lib import fake_auth_provider
@@ -31,15 +31,15 @@
         self.object_client = object_client.ObjectClient(self.fake_auth,
                                                         'swift', 'region1')
-    @mock.patch.object(object_client, 'create_connection')
+    @mock.patch.object(object_client, '_create_connection')
     def test_create_object_continue_no_data(self, mock_poc):
         self._validate_create_object_continue(None, mock_poc)
-    @mock.patch.object(object_client, 'create_connection')
+    @mock.patch.object(object_client, '_create_connection')
     def test_create_object_continue_with_data(self, mock_poc):
         self._validate_create_object_continue('hello', mock_poc)
-    @mock.patch.object(object_client, 'create_connection')
+    @mock.patch.object(object_client, '_create_connection')
     def test_create_continue_with_no_continue_received(self, mock_poc):
         self._validate_create_object_continue('hello', mock_poc,
diff --git a/tempest/tests/lib/services/ b/tempest/tests/lib/services/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1da2112
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tempest/tests/lib/services/
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+# Copyright 2017 IBM Corp.
+# All Rights Reserved.
+#    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+#    not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+#    a copy of the License at
+#    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+#    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+#    WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+#    License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+#    under the License.
+import fixtures
+from import clients
+class RegistryFixture(fixtures.Fixture):
+    """A fixture to setup a test client registry
+    The clients registry is a singleton. In Tempest it's filled with
+    content from configuration. When testing Tempest lib classes without
+    configuration it's handy to have the registry setup to be able to access
+    service client factories.
+    This fixture sets up the registry using a fake plugin, which includes all
+    services specified at __init__ time. Any other plugin in the registry
+    is removed at setUp time. The fake plugin is removed from the registry
+    on cleanup.
+    """
+    PLUGIN_NAME = 'fake_plugin_for_test'
+    def __init__(self):
+        """Initialise the registry fixture"""
+ = set(['compute', 'identity.v2', 'identity.v3',
+                             'image.v1', 'image.v2', 'network', 'volume.v1',
+                             'volume.v2', 'volume.v3', 'object-storage'])
+    def _setUp(self):
+        # Cleanup the registry
+        registry = clients.ClientsRegistry()
+        registry._service_clients = {}
+        # Prepare the clients for registration
+        all_clients = []
+        service_clients = clients.tempest_modules()
+        for sc in
+            sc_module = service_clients[sc]
+            sc_unversioned = sc.split('.')[0]
+            sc_name = sc.replace('.', '_').replace('-', '_')
+            # Pass the bare minimum params to satisfy the clients interface
+            service_client_data = dict(
+                name=sc_name, service_version=sc, service=sc_unversioned,
+                module_path=sc_module.__name__,
+                client_names=sc_module.__all__)
+            all_clients.append(service_client_data)
+        registry.register_service_client(self.PLUGIN_NAME, all_clients)
+        def _cleanup():
+            del registry._service_clients[self.PLUGIN_NAME]
+        self.addCleanup(_cleanup)
diff --git a/tempest/tests/lib/services/ b/tempest/tests/lib/services/
index 6d0f27a..43fd88f 100644
--- a/tempest/tests/lib/services/
+++ b/tempest/tests/lib/services/
@@ -189,9 +189,7 @@
     def setUp(self):
         super(TestServiceClients, self).setUp()
-            '', return_value={}))
-        self.useFixture(fixtures.MockPatch(
-            '',
+            '',
     def test___init___creds_v2_uri(self):
@@ -416,6 +414,7 @@
         _manager = self._get_manager()
         duplicate_service = 'fake_service1'
         expected_error = '.*' + duplicate_service
+        _manager._registered_services = [duplicate_service]
         with testtools.ExpectedException(
                 exceptions.ServiceClientRegistrationException, expected_error):
diff --git a/tempest/tests/lib/services/volume/v2/ b/tempest/tests/lib/services/volume/v2/
index d029091..8de9fb4 100644
--- a/tempest/tests/lib/services/volume/v2/
+++ b/tempest/tests/lib/services/volume/v2/
@@ -43,6 +43,10 @@
+        "cipher": "aes-xts-plain64"
+    }
     def setUp(self):
         super(TestEncryptionTypesClient, self).setUp()
         fake_auth = fake_auth_provider.FakeAuthProvider()
@@ -65,6 +69,13 @@
             bytes_body, volume_type_id="cbc36478b0bd8e67e89")
+    def _test_show_encryption_specs_item(self, bytes_body=False):
+        self.check_service_client_function(
+            self.client.show_encryption_specs_item,
+            'tempest.lib.common.rest_client.RestClient.get',
+            bytes_body, volume_type_id="cbc36478b0bd8e67e89", key="cipher")
     def test_create_encryption_type_with_str_body(self):
@@ -77,6 +88,12 @@
     def test_show_encryption_type_with_bytes_body(self):
+    def test_show_encryption_specs_item_with_str_body(self):
+        self._test_show_encryption_specs_item()
+    def test_show_encryption_specs_item_with_bytes_body(self):
+        self._test_show_encryption_specs_item(bytes_body=True)
     def test_delete_encryption_type(self):
diff --git a/tempest/tests/lib/services/volume/v3/ b/tempest/tests/lib/services/volume/v3/
index 5ac5c08..c2784b2 100644
--- a/tempest/tests/lib/services/volume/v3/
+++ b/tempest/tests/lib/services/volume/v3/
@@ -93,7 +93,8 @@
-    def _test_list_group_snapshots(self, bytes_body=False, detail=False):
+    def _test_list_group_snapshots(self, detail=False, bytes_body=False,
+                                   mock_args='group_snapshots', **params):
         resp_body = []
         if detail:
             resp_body = self.FAKE_LIST_GROUP_SNAPSHOTS
@@ -111,8 +112,10 @@
-            bytes_body,
-            detail=detail)
+            to_utf=bytes_body,
+            mock_args=[mock_args],
+            detail=detail,
+            **params)
     def test_create_group_snapshot_with_str_body(self):
@@ -132,6 +135,25 @@
     def test_list_group_snapshots_with_bytes_body(self):
+    def test_list_group_snapshots_with_detail_with_str_body(self):
+        mock_args = "group_snapshots/detail"
+        self._test_list_group_snapshots(detail=True, mock_args=mock_args)
+    def test_list_group_snapshots_with_detail_with_bytes_body(self):
+        mock_args = "group_snapshots/detail"
+        self._test_list_group_snapshots(detail=True, bytes_body=True,
+                                        mock_args=mock_args)
+    def test_list_group_snapshots_with_params(self):
+        # Run the test separately for each param, to avoid assertion error
+        # resulting from randomized params order.
+        mock_args = 'group_snapshots?sort_key=name'
+        self._test_list_group_snapshots(mock_args=mock_args, sort_key='name')
+        mock_args = 'group_snapshots/detail?limit=10'
+        self._test_list_group_snapshots(detail=True, bytes_body=True,
+                                        mock_args=mock_args, limit=10)
     def test_delete_group_snapshot(self):
@@ -139,3 +161,12 @@
+    def test_reset_group_snapshot_status(self):
+        self.check_service_client_function(
+            self.client.reset_group_snapshot_status,
+            '',
+            {},
+            status=202,
+            group_snapshot_id='0e701ab8-1bec-4b9f-b026-a7ba4af13578',
+            status_to_set='error')
diff --git a/tempest/tests/lib/services/volume/v3/ b/tempest/tests/lib/services/volume/v3/
index 0f456a2..c60cc36 100644
--- a/tempest/tests/lib/services/volume/v3/
+++ b/tempest/tests/lib/services/volume/v3/
@@ -12,6 +12,8 @@
 # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
 # under the License.
+import copy
 from import group_types_client
 from tempest.tests.lib import fake_auth_provider
 from import base
@@ -67,6 +69,28 @@
+        "group_specs": {
+            "key1": "value1",
+            "key2": "value2"
+        }
+    }
+        "group_specs": {
+            "key1": "value1",
+            "key2": "value2"
+        }
+    }
+        "key1": "value1"
+    }
+        "key2": "value2-updated"
+    }
     def setUp(self):
         super(TestGroupTypesClient, self).setUp()
         fake_auth = fake_auth_provider.FakeAuthProvider()
@@ -97,6 +121,57 @@
+    def _test_update_group_types(self, bytes_body=False):
+        resp_body = copy.deepcopy(self.FAKE_INFO_GROUP_TYPE)
+        resp_body['group_type'].pop('created_at')
+        self.check_service_client_function(
+            self.client.update_group_type,
+            'tempest.lib.common.rest_client.RestClient.put',
+            resp_body,
+            bytes_body,
+            group_type_id="3fbbcccf-d058-4502-8844-6feeffdf4cb5",
+            name='updated-group-type-name')
+    def _test_create_or_update_group_type_specs(self, bytes_body=False):
+        group_specs = self.FAKE_CREATE_GROUP_TYPE_SPECS['group_specs']
+        self.check_service_client_function(
+            self.client.create_or_update_group_type_specs,
+            '',
+            bytes_body,
+            group_type_id="3fbbcccf-d058-4502-8844-6feeffdf4cb5",
+            group_specs=group_specs,
+            status=202)
+    def _test_list_group_type_specs(self, bytes_body=False):
+        self.check_service_client_function(
+            self.client.list_group_type_specs,
+            'tempest.lib.common.rest_client.RestClient.get',
+            self.FAKE_LIST_GROUP_TYPE_SPECS,
+            bytes_body,
+            group_type_id="3fbbcccf-d058-4502-8844-6feeffdf4cb5")
+    def _test_show_group_type_specs_item(self, bytes_body=False):
+        self.check_service_client_function(
+            self.client.show_group_type_specs_item,
+            'tempest.lib.common.rest_client.RestClient.get',
+            bytes_body,
+            group_type_id="3fbbcccf-d058-4502-8844-6feeffdf4cb5",
+            spec_id="key1")
+    def _test_update_group_type_specs_item(self, bytes_body=False):
+        self.check_service_client_function(
+            self.client.update_group_type_specs_item,
+            'tempest.lib.common.rest_client.RestClient.put',
+            bytes_body,
+            group_type_id="3fbbcccf-d058-4502-8844-6feeffdf4cb5",
+            spec_id="key2",
+            spec=spec)
     def test_create_group_type_with_str_body(self):
@@ -122,3 +197,42 @@
     def test_list_group_types_with_bytes_body(self):
+    def test_update_group_types_with_str_body(self):
+        self._test_update_group_types()
+    def test_update_group_types_with_bytes_body(self):
+        self._test_update_group_types(bytes_body=True)
+    def test_create_or_update_group_type_specs_with_str_body(self):
+        self._test_create_or_update_group_type_specs()
+    def test_create_or_update_group_type_specs_with_bytes_body(self):
+        self._test_create_or_update_group_type_specs(bytes_body=True)
+    def test_list_group_type_specs_with_str_body(self):
+        self._test_list_group_type_specs()
+    def test_list_group_type_specs_with_bytes_body(self):
+        self._test_list_group_type_specs(bytes_body=True)
+    def test_show_group_type_specs_item_with_str_body(self):
+        self._test_show_group_type_specs_item()
+    def test_show_group_type_specs_item_with_bytes_body(self):
+        self._test_show_group_type_specs_item(bytes_body=True)
+    def test_update_group_type_specs_item_with_str_body(self):
+        self._test_update_group_type_specs_item()
+    def test_update_group_type_specs_item_with_bytes_body(self):
+        self._test_update_group_type_specs_item(bytes_body=True)
+    def test_delete_group_type_specs_item(self):
+        self.check_service_client_function(
+            self.client.delete_group_type_specs_item,
+            'tempest.lib.common.rest_client.RestClient.delete',
+            {},
+            group_type_id='0e58433f-d108-4bf3-a22c-34e6b71ef86b',
+            spec_id='key1',
+            status=202)
diff --git a/tempest/tests/lib/services/volume/v3/ b/tempest/tests/lib/services/volume/v3/
index 4d0d860..918e958 100644
--- a/tempest/tests/lib/services/volume/v3/
+++ b/tempest/tests/lib/services/volume/v3/
@@ -44,6 +44,17 @@
+        "group": {
+            "name": "new-group",
+            "description": "New test group",
+            "add_volumes": "27d45037-ade3-4a87-b729-dba3293c06f3,"
+                           "6e7cd916-d961-41cc-b3bd-0601ca0c701f",
+            "remove_volumes": "4d580519-6467-448e-95e9-5b25c94d83c7,"
+                              "ea22464c-f095-4a87-a31f-c5d34e0c6fc9"
+        }
+    }
         "group": {
             "id": "0e701ab8-1bec-4b9f-b026-a7ba4af13578",
@@ -164,3 +175,21 @@
+    def test_update_group(self):
+        self.check_service_client_function(
+            self.client.update_group,
+            'tempest.lib.common.rest_client.RestClient.put',
+            {},
+            group_id='0e701ab8-1bec-4b9f-b026-a7ba4af13578',
+            status=202,
+            **self.FAKE_UPDATE_GROUP['group'])
+    def test_reset_group_status(self):
+        self.check_service_client_function(
+            self.client.reset_group_status,
+            '',
+            {},
+            status=202,
+            group_id='0e701ab8-1bec-4b9f-b026-a7ba4af13578',
+            status_to_set='error')
diff --git a/tempest/tests/lib/ b/tempest/tests/lib/
index bbebcd3..ed0eea3 100644
--- a/tempest/tests/lib/
+++ b/tempest/tests/lib/
@@ -125,35 +125,6 @@
         self.assertRaises(ValueError, self._test_helper, _id)
-class TestSkipUnlessAttrDecorator(base.TestCase):
-    def _test_skip_unless_attr(self, attr, expected_to_skip=True):
-        class TestFoo(test.BaseTestCase):
-            expected_attr = not expected_to_skip
-            @decorators.skip_unless_attr(attr)
-            def test_foo(self):
-                pass
-        t = TestFoo('test_foo')
-        if expected_to_skip:
-            self.assertRaises(testtools.TestCase.skipException,
-                              t.test_foo)
-        else:
-            try:
-                t.test_foo()
-            except Exception:
-                raise testtools.TestCase.failureException()
-    def test_skip_attr_does_not_exist(self):
-        self._test_skip_unless_attr('unexpected_attr')
-    def test_skip_attr_false(self):
-        self._test_skip_unless_attr('expected_attr')
-    def test_no_skip_for_attr_exist_and_true(self):
-        self._test_skip_unless_attr('expected_attr', expected_to_skip=False)
 class TestRelatedBugDecorator(base.TestCase):
     def test_relatedbug_when_no_exception(self):
         f = mock.Mock()
diff --git a/tempest/tests/lib/ b/tempest/tests/lib/
index a16da1c..37fe646 100644
--- a/tempest/tests/lib/
+++ b/tempest/tests/lib/
@@ -12,11 +12,11 @@
 #    License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
 #    under the License.
-from io import StringIO
 import socket
 import mock
 import six
+from six import StringIO
 import testtools
 from tempest.lib.common import ssh
diff --git a/tempest/tests/services/object_storage/ b/tempest/tests/services/object_storage/
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29..0000000
--- a/tempest/tests/services/object_storage/
+++ /dev/null
diff --git a/tempest/tests/ b/tempest/tests/
index 6c6f612..2b5a947 100644
--- a/tempest/tests/
+++ b/tempest/tests/
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@
 #    under the License.
 import mock
+from oslo_config import cfg
 from tempest import clients
 from tempest.common import credentials_factory as credentials
@@ -27,9 +28,12 @@
     def setUp(self):
         super(TestBaseTestCase, self).setUp()
+        self.patchobject(config, 'TempestConfigPrivate',
+                         fake_config.FakePrivate)
         self.fixed_network_name = 'fixed-net'
-        config.CONF.compute.fixed_network_name = self.fixed_network_name
-        config.CONF.service_available.neutron = True
+        cfg.CONF.set_default('fixed_network_name', self.fixed_network_name,
+                             'compute')
+        cfg.CONF.set_default('neutron', True, 'service_available')
     @mock.patch.object(test.BaseTestCase, 'get_client_manager')
     @mock.patch.object(test.BaseTestCase, '_get_credentials_provider')
@@ -37,7 +41,7 @@
     def test_get_tenant_network(self, mock_gtn, mock_gprov, mock_gcm):
         net_client = mock.Mock()
         mock_prov = mock.Mock()
-        mock_gcm.return_value.compute_networks_client = net_client
+        mock_gcm.return_value.networks_client = net_client
         mock_gprov.return_value = mock_prov
@@ -56,7 +60,7 @@
     def test_get_tenant_network_with_nova_net(self, mock_man, mock_iaa,
                                               mock_giv, mock_gtn, mock_gcp,
-        config.CONF.service_available.neutron = False
+        cfg.CONF.set_default('neutron', False, 'service_available')
         mock_prov = mock.Mock()
         mock_admin_man = mock.Mock()
         mock_iaa.return_value = True
@@ -81,7 +85,7 @@
         net_client = mock.Mock()
         mock_prov = mock.Mock()
-        mock_gcm.return_value.compute_networks_client = net_client
+        mock_gcm.return_value.networks_client = net_client
         mock_gprov.return_value = mock_prov
@@ -98,7 +102,7 @@
         net_client = mock.Mock()
         mock_prov = mock.Mock()
-        mock_gcm.return_value.compute_networks_client = net_client
+        mock_gcm.return_value.networks_client = net_client
         mock_gprov.return_value = mock_prov
         creds = ['foo_type', 'role1']
diff --git a/tempest/tests/ b/tempest/tests/
index 2fc84dc..6018441 100644
--- a/tempest/tests/
+++ b/tempest/tests/
@@ -16,7 +16,9 @@
 from oslo_config import cfg
 import testtools
+from tempest.common import utils
 from tempest import config
+from tempest import exceptions
 from tempest.lib.common.utils import data_utils
 from tempest import test
 from tempest.tests import base
@@ -31,6 +33,10 @@
+# NOTE: The test module is for tempest.test.idempotent_id.
+# After all projects switch to use decorators.idempotent_id,
+# we can remove tempest.test.idempotent_id as well as this
+# test module
 class TestIdempotentIdDecorator(BaseDecoratorsTest):
     def _test_helper(self, _id, **decorator_args):
@@ -71,7 +77,7 @@
 class TestServicesDecorator(BaseDecoratorsTest):
     def _test_services_helper(self, *decorator_args):
         class TestFoo(test.BaseTestCase):
-  *decorator_args)
+  *decorator_args)
             def test_bar(self):
                 return 0
@@ -90,7 +96,7 @@
         self._test_services_helper('compute', 'compute')
     def test_services_decorator_with_invalid_service(self):
-        self.assertRaises(test.InvalidServiceTag,
+        self.assertRaises(exceptions.InvalidServiceTag,
                           self._test_services_helper, 'compute',
@@ -102,11 +108,11 @@
     def test_services_list(self):
-        service_list = test.get_service_list()
+        service_list = utils.get_service_list()
         for service in service_list:
-            except test.InvalidServiceTag:
+            except exceptions.InvalidServiceTag:
       '%s is not listed in the valid service tag list'
                           % service)
             except KeyError:
@@ -133,7 +139,7 @@
     def _test_requires_ext_helper(self, expected_to_skip=True,
         class TestFoo(test.BaseTestCase):
-            @test.requires_ext(**decorator_args)
+            @utils.requires_ext(**decorator_args)
             def test_bar(self):
                 return 0
@@ -170,96 +176,3 @@
-class TestConfigDecorators(BaseDecoratorsTest):
-    def setUp(self):
-        super(TestConfigDecorators, self).setUp()
-        cfg.CONF.set_default('nova', True, 'service_available')
-        cfg.CONF.set_default('glance', False, 'service_available')
-    def _assert_skip_message(self, func, skip_msg):
-        try:
-            func()
-        except testtools.TestCase.skipException as skip_exc:
-            self.assertEqual(skip_exc.args[0], skip_msg)
-    def _test_skip_unless_config(self, expected_to_skip=True, *decorator_args):
-        class TestFoo(test.BaseTestCase):
-            @config.skip_unless_config(*decorator_args)
-            def test_bar(self):
-                return 0
-        t = TestFoo('test_bar')
-        if expected_to_skip:
-            self.assertRaises(testtools.TestCase.skipException, t.test_bar)
-            if (len(decorator_args) >= 3):
-                # decorator_args[2]: skip message specified
-                self._assert_skip_message(t.test_bar, decorator_args[2])
-        else:
-            try:
-                self.assertEqual(t.test_bar(), 0)
-            except testtools.TestCase.skipException:
-                # We caught a skipException but we didn't expect to skip
-                # this test so raise a hard test failure instead.
-                raise testtools.TestCase.failureException(
-                    "Not supposed to skip")
-    def _test_skip_if_config(self, expected_to_skip=True,
-                             *decorator_args):
-        class TestFoo(test.BaseTestCase):
-            @config.skip_if_config(*decorator_args)
-            def test_bar(self):
-                return 0
-        t = TestFoo('test_bar')
-        if expected_to_skip:
-            self.assertRaises(testtools.TestCase.skipException, t.test_bar)
-            if (len(decorator_args) >= 3):
-                # decorator_args[2]: skip message specified
-                self._assert_skip_message(t.test_bar, decorator_args[2])
-        else:
-            try:
-                self.assertEqual(t.test_bar(), 0)
-            except testtools.TestCase.skipException:
-                # We caught a skipException but we didn't expect to skip
-                # this test so raise a hard test failure instead.
-                raise testtools.TestCase.failureException(
-                    "Not supposed to skip")
-    def test_skip_unless_no_group(self):
-        self._test_skip_unless_config(True, 'fake_group', 'an_option')
-    def test_skip_unless_no_option(self):
-        self._test_skip_unless_config(True, 'service_available',
-                                      'not_an_option')
-    def test_skip_unless_false_option(self):
-        self._test_skip_unless_config(True, 'service_available', 'glance')
-    def test_skip_unless_false_option_msg(self):
-        self._test_skip_unless_config(True, 'service_available', 'glance',
-                                      'skip message')
-    def test_skip_unless_true_option(self):
-        self._test_skip_unless_config(False,
-                                      'service_available', 'nova')
-    def test_skip_if_no_group(self):
-        self._test_skip_if_config(False, 'fake_group', 'an_option')
-    def test_skip_if_no_option(self):
-        self._test_skip_if_config(False, 'service_available', 'not_an_option')
-    def test_skip_if_false_option(self):
-        self._test_skip_if_config(False, 'service_available', 'glance')
-    def test_skip_if_true_option(self):
-        self._test_skip_if_config(True, 'service_available', 'nova')
-    def test_skip_if_true_option_msg(self):
-        self._test_skip_if_config(True, 'service_available', 'nova',
-                                  'skip message')
diff --git a/tempest/tests/ b/tempest/tests/
index f005c21..bc3a753 100644
--- a/tempest/tests/
+++ b/tempest/tests/
@@ -86,13 +86,13 @@
     def test_scenario_tests_need_service_tags(self):
             'def test_fake:', './tempest/scenario/',
-            "'compute')"))
+            "'compute')"))
             'def test_fake_test:', './tempest/api/compute/',
-            "'image')"))
+            "'image')"))
             'def test_fake:', './tempest/scenario/orchestration/',
-            "'compute')"))
+            "'compute')"))
             'def test_fake_test:', './tempest/scenario/',
@@ -113,12 +113,13 @@
     def test_service_tags_not_in_module_path(self):
-            "'compute')", './tempest/api/compute/'))
+            "'compute')",
+            './tempest/api/compute/'))
-            "'compute')",
+            "'compute')",
-            "'compute')", './tempest/api/image/'))
+            "'compute')", './tempest/api/image/'))
     def test_no_hyphen_at_end_of_rand_name(self):
@@ -180,3 +181,15 @@
             'from oslo_config import cfg', './tempest/lib/')))
             'import tempest.config', './tempest/lib/common/')))
+    def test_unsupported_exception_attribute_PY3(self):
+        self.assertEqual(len(list(checks.unsupported_exception_attribute_PY3(
+            "raise TestCase.failureException(e.message)"))), 1)
+        self.assertEqual(len(list(checks.unsupported_exception_attribute_PY3(
+            "raise TestCase.failureException(ex.message)"))), 1)
+        self.assertEqual(len(list(checks.unsupported_exception_attribute_PY3(
+            "raise TestCase.failureException(exc.message)"))), 1)
+        self.assertEqual(len(list(checks.unsupported_exception_attribute_PY3(
+            "raise TestCase.failureException(exception.message)"))), 1)
+        self.assertEqual(len(list(checks.unsupported_exception_attribute_PY3(
+            "raise TestCase.failureException(ee.message)"))), 0)
diff --git a/tempest/tests/ b/tempest/tests/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6f1cfca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tempest/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+# Copyright 2017 IBM Corp.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+import mock
+from tempest.tests import base
+class ConfCounter(object):
+    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+        self.count = 0
+    def __getattr__(self, key):
+        self.count += 1
+        return mock.MagicMock()
+    def get_counts(self):
+        return self.count
+class TestImports(base.TestCase):
+    def setUp(self):
+        super(TestImports, self).setUp()
+        self.conf_mock = self.patch('tempest.config.CONF',
+                                    new_callable=ConfCounter)
+    def test_account_generator_command_import(self):
+        from tempest.cmd import account_generator  # noqa
+        self.assertEqual(0, self.conf_mock.get_counts())
+    def test_cleanup_command_import(self):
+        from tempest.cmd import cleanup  # noqa
+        self.assertEqual(0, self.conf_mock.get_counts())
+    def test_init_command_import(self):
+        from tempest.cmd import init  # noqa
+        self.assertEqual(0, self.conf_mock.get_counts())
+    def test_list_plugins_command_import(self):
+        from tempest.cmd import list_plugins  # noqa
+        self.assertEqual(0, self.conf_mock.get_counts())
+    def test_run_command_import(self):
+        from tempest.cmd import run  # noqa
+        self.assertEqual(0, self.conf_mock.get_counts())
+    def test_subunit_descibe_command_import(self):
+        from tempest.cmd import subunit_describe_calls  # noqa
+        self.assertEqual(0, self.conf_mock.get_counts())
+    def test_verify_tempest_config_command_import(self):
+        from tempest.cmd import verify_tempest_config  # noqa
+        self.assertEqual(0, self.conf_mock.get_counts())
+    def test_workspace_command_import(self):
+        from tempest.cmd import workspace  # noqa
+        self.assertEqual(0, self.conf_mock.get_counts())
diff --git a/tempest/tests/ b/tempest/tests/
index a238879..4af7463 100644
--- a/tempest/tests/
+++ b/tempest/tests/
@@ -23,12 +23,10 @@
 class TestTestList(base.TestCase):
-    def test_testr_list_tests_no_errors(self):
-        # Remove unit test discover path from env to test tempest tests
+    def test_stestr_list_no_errors(self):
         test_env = os.environ.copy()
-        test_env.pop('OS_TEST_PATH')
         import_failures = []
-        p = subprocess.Popen(['testr', 'list-tests'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
+        p = subprocess.Popen(['stestr', 'list'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
         ids, err = p.communicate()
         self.assertEqual(0, p.returncode,
diff --git a/tempest/tests/ b/tempest/tests/
index 173accb..ee6db71 100644
--- a/tempest/tests/
+++ b/tempest/tests/
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@
 #    under the License.
 from oslo_config import cfg
+import six
 import testtools
 from tempest.api.compute import base as compute_base
@@ -74,7 +75,7 @@
         except testtools.TestCase.skipException as e:
-            raise testtools.TestCase.failureException(e.message)
+            raise testtools.TestCase.failureException(six.text_type(e))
     def test_config_version_none_none(self):
         expected_pass_tests = [VersionTestNoneTolatest, VersionTestNoneTo2_2]
diff --git a/tempest/tests/ b/tempest/tests/
index 13e2499..ddadef5 100644
--- a/tempest/tests/
+++ b/tempest/tests/
@@ -17,9 +17,16 @@
 from tempest.test_discover import plugins
 from tempest.tests import base
 from tempest.tests import fake_tempest_plugin as fake_plugin
+from import registry_fixture
 class TestPluginDiscovery(base.TestCase):
+    def setUp(self):
+        super(TestPluginDiscovery, self).setUp()
+        # Make sure we leave the registry clean
+        self.useFixture(registry_fixture.RegistryFixture())
     def test_load_tests_with_one_plugin(self):
         # we can't mock stevedore since it's a singleton and already executed
         # during test discovery. So basically this test covers the plugin loop
diff --git a/tempest/tests/ b/tempest/tests/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fc50736
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tempest/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,626 @@
+# Copyright 2017 IBM Corp
+# All Rights Reserved.
+#    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+#    not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+#    a copy of the License at
+#    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+#    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+#    WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+#    License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+#    under the License.
+import os
+import sys
+import mock
+from oslo_config import cfg
+import testtools
+from tempest import clients
+from tempest import config
+from tempest.lib.common import validation_resources as vr
+from tempest.lib import exceptions as lib_exc
+from tempest import test
+from tempest.tests import base
+from tempest.tests import fake_config
+from tempest.tests.lib import fake_credentials
+from import registry_fixture
+if sys.version_info >= (2, 7):
+    import unittest
+    import unittest2 as unittest
+class LoggingTestResult(testtools.TestResult):
+    def __init__(self, log, *args, **kwargs):
+        super(LoggingTestResult, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+        self.log = log
+    def addError(self, test, err=None, details=None):
+        self.log.append((test, err, details))
+class TestValidationResources(base.TestCase):
+    validation_resources_module = 'tempest.lib.common.validation_resources'
+    def setUp(self):
+        super(TestValidationResources, self).setUp()
+        self.useFixture(fake_config.ConfigFixture())
+        self.useFixture(registry_fixture.RegistryFixture())
+        self.patchobject(config, 'TempestConfigPrivate',
+                         fake_config.FakePrivate)
+        class TestTestClass(test.BaseTestCase):
+            pass
+        self.test_test_class = TestTestClass
+    def test_validation_resources_no_validation(self):
+        cfg.CONF.set_default('run_validation', False, 'validation')
+        creds = fake_credentials.FakeKeystoneV3Credentials()
+        osclients = clients.Manager(creds)
+        vr = self.test_test_class.get_class_validation_resources(osclients)
+        self.assertIsNone(vr)
+    def test_validation_resources_exists(self):
+        cfg.CONF.set_default('run_validation', True, 'validation')
+        creds = fake_credentials.FakeKeystoneV3Credentials()
+        osclients = clients.Manager(creds)
+        expected_vr = 'expected_validation_resources'
+        self.test_test_class._validation_resources[osclients] = expected_vr
+        obtained_vr = self.test_test_class.get_class_validation_resources(
+            osclients)
+        self.assertEqual(expected_vr, obtained_vr)
+    @mock.patch(validation_resources_module + '.create_validation_resources',
+                autospec=True)
+    def test_validation_resources_new(self, mock_create_vr):
+        cfg.CONF.set_default('run_validation', True, 'validation')
+        cfg.CONF.set_default('neutron', True, 'service_available')
+        creds = fake_credentials.FakeKeystoneV3Credentials()
+        osclients = clients.Manager(creds)
+        expected_vr = {'expected_validation_resources': None}
+        mock_create_vr.return_value = expected_vr
+        with mock.patch.object(
+                self.test_test_class,
+                'addClassResourceCleanup') as mock_add_class_cleanup:
+            obtained_vr = self.test_test_class.get_class_validation_resources(
+                osclients)
+            self.assertEqual(1, mock_add_class_cleanup.call_count)
+            self.assertEqual(,
+                                       osclients,
+                                       use_neutron=True,
+                                       **expected_vr),
+                             mock_add_class_cleanup.call_args)
+        self.assertEqual(mock_create_vr.call_count, 1)
+        self.assertIn(osclients, mock_create_vr.call_args_list[0][0])
+        self.assertEqual(expected_vr, obtained_vr)
+        self.assertIn(osclients, self.test_test_class._validation_resources)
+        self.assertEqual(expected_vr,
+                         self.test_test_class._validation_resources[osclients])
+    def test_validation_resources_invalid_config(self):
+        invalid_version = 999
+        cfg.CONF.set_default('run_validation', True, 'validation')
+        cfg.CONF.set_default('ip_version_for_ssh', invalid_version,
+                             'validation')
+        cfg.CONF.set_default('neutron', True, 'service_available')
+        creds = fake_credentials.FakeKeystoneV3Credentials()
+        osclients = clients.Manager(creds)
+        with testtools.ExpectedException(
+                lib_exc.InvalidConfiguration,
+                value_re='^.*\n.*' + str(invalid_version)):
+            self.test_test_class.get_class_validation_resources(osclients)
+    @mock.patch(validation_resources_module + '.create_validation_resources',
+                autospec=True)
+    def test_validation_resources_invalid_config_nova_net(self,
+                                                          mock_create_vr):
+        invalid_version = 999
+        cfg.CONF.set_default('run_validation', True, 'validation')
+        cfg.CONF.set_default('ip_version_for_ssh', invalid_version,
+                             'validation')
+        cfg.CONF.set_default('neutron', False, 'service_available')
+        creds = fake_credentials.FakeKeystoneV3Credentials()
+        osclients = clients.Manager(creds)
+        expected_vr = {'expected_validation_resources': None}
+        mock_create_vr.return_value = expected_vr
+        obtained_vr = self.test_test_class.get_class_validation_resources(
+            osclients)
+        self.assertEqual(mock_create_vr.call_count, 1)
+        self.assertIn(osclients, mock_create_vr.call_args_list[0][0])
+        self.assertEqual(expected_vr, obtained_vr)
+        self.assertIn(osclients, self.test_test_class._validation_resources)
+        self.assertEqual(expected_vr,
+                         self.test_test_class._validation_resources[osclients])
+    @mock.patch(validation_resources_module + '.create_validation_resources',
+                autospec=True)
+    @mock.patch(validation_resources_module + '.clear_validation_resources',
+                autospec=True)
+    def test_validation_resources_fixture(self, mock_clean_vr, mock_create_vr):
+        class TestWithRun(self.test_test_class):
+            def runTest(self):
+                pass
+        cfg.CONF.set_default('run_validation', True, 'validation')
+        test_case = TestWithRun()
+        creds = fake_credentials.FakeKeystoneV3Credentials()
+        osclients = clients.Manager(creds)
+        test_case.get_test_validation_resources(osclients)
+        self.assertEqual(1, mock_create_vr.call_count)
+        self.assertEqual(0, mock_clean_vr.call_count)
+class TestSetNetworkResources(base.TestCase):
+    def setUp(self):
+        super(TestSetNetworkResources, self).setUp()
+        class ParentTest(test.BaseTestCase):
+            @classmethod
+            def setup_credentials(cls):
+                cls.set_network_resources(dhcp=True)
+                super(ParentTest, cls).setup_credentials()
+            def runTest(self):
+                pass
+        self.parent_class = ParentTest
+    def test_set_network_resources_child_only(self):
+        class ChildTest(self.parent_class):
+            @classmethod
+            def setup_credentials(cls):
+                cls.set_network_resources(router=True)
+                super(ChildTest, cls).setup_credentials()
+        child_test = ChildTest()
+        child_test.setUpClass()
+        # Assert that the parents network resources are not set
+        self.assertFalse(child_test._network_resources['dhcp'])
+        # Assert that the child network resources are set
+        self.assertTrue(child_test._network_resources['router'])
+    def test_set_network_resources_right_order(self):
+        class ChildTest(self.parent_class):
+            @classmethod
+            def setup_credentials(cls):
+                super(ChildTest, cls).setup_credentials()
+                cls.set_network_resources(router=True)
+        child_test = ChildTest()
+        with testtools.ExpectedException(RuntimeError,
+                                         value_re='set_network_resources'):
+            child_test.setUpClass()
+    def test_set_network_resources_children(self):
+        class ChildTest(self.parent_class):
+            @classmethod
+            def setup_credentials(cls):
+                cls.set_network_resources(router=True)
+                super(ChildTest, cls).setup_credentials()
+        class GrandChildTest(ChildTest):
+            pass
+        # Invoke setupClass on both and check that the setup_credentials
+        # call check mechanism does not report any false negative.
+        child_test = ChildTest()
+        child_test.setUpClass()
+        grandchild_test = GrandChildTest()
+        grandchild_test.setUpClass()
+class TestTempestBaseTestClass(base.TestCase):
+    def setUp(self):
+        super(TestTempestBaseTestClass, self).setUp()
+        self.useFixture(fake_config.ConfigFixture())
+        self.patchobject(config, 'TempestConfigPrivate',
+                         fake_config.FakePrivate)
+        class ParentTest(test.BaseTestCase):
+            def runTest(self):
+                pass
+        self.parent_test = ParentTest
+    def test_resource_cleanup(self):
+        cfg.CONF.set_default('neutron', False, 'service_available')
+        exp_args = (1, 2,)
+        exp_kwargs = {'a': 1, 'b': 2}
+        mock1 = mock.Mock()
+        mock2 = mock.Mock()
+        exp_functions = [mock1, mock2]
+        class TestWithCleanups(self.parent_test):
+            @classmethod
+            def resource_setup(cls):
+                for fn in exp_functions:
+                    cls.addClassResourceCleanup(fn, *exp_args,
+                                                **exp_kwargs)
+        test_cleanups = TestWithCleanups()
+        suite = unittest.TestSuite((test_cleanups,))
+        log = []
+        result = LoggingTestResult(log)
+        # No exception raised - error log is empty
+        self.assertFalse(log)
+        # All stacked resource cleanups invoked
+        mock1.assert_called_once_with(*exp_args, **exp_kwargs)
+        mock2.assert_called_once_with(*exp_args, **exp_kwargs)
+        # Cleanup stack is empty
+        self.assertEqual(0, len(test_cleanups._class_cleanups))
+    def test_resource_cleanup_failures(self):
+        cfg.CONF.set_default('neutron', False, 'service_available')
+        exp_args = (1, 2,)
+        exp_kwargs = {'a': 1, 'b': 2}
+        mock1 = mock.Mock()
+        mock1.side_effect = Exception('mock1 resource cleanup failure')
+        mock2 = mock.Mock()
+        mock3 = mock.Mock()
+        mock3.side_effect = Exception('mock3 resource cleanup failure')
+        exp_functions = [mock1, mock2, mock3]
+        class TestWithFailingCleanups(self.parent_test):
+            @classmethod
+            def resource_setup(cls):
+                for fn in exp_functions:
+                    cls.addClassResourceCleanup(fn, *exp_args,
+                                                **exp_kwargs)
+        test_cleanups = TestWithFailingCleanups()
+        suite = unittest.TestSuite((test_cleanups,))
+        log = []
+        result = LoggingTestResult(log)
+        # One multiple exception captured
+        self.assertEqual(1, len(log))
+        # [0]: test, err, details [1] -> exc_info
+        # Type, Exception, traceback [1] -> MultipleException
+        found_exc = log[0][1][1]
+        self.assertTrue(isinstance(found_exc, testtools.MultipleExceptions))
+        self.assertEqual(2, len(found_exc.args))
+        # Each arg is exc_info - match messages and order
+        self.assertIn('mock3 resource', str(found_exc.args[0][1]))
+        self.assertIn('mock1 resource', str(found_exc.args[1][1]))
+        # All stacked resource cleanups invoked
+        mock1.assert_called_once_with(*exp_args, **exp_kwargs)
+        mock2.assert_called_once_with(*exp_args, **exp_kwargs)
+        # Cleanup stack is empty
+        self.assertEqual(0, len(test_cleanups._class_cleanups))
+    def test_super_resource_cleanup_not_invoked(self):
+        class BadResourceCleanup(self.parent_test):
+            @classmethod
+            def resource_cleanup(cls):
+                pass
+        bad_class = BadResourceCleanup()
+        suite = unittest.TestSuite((bad_class,))
+        log = []
+        result = LoggingTestResult(log)
+        # One multiple exception captured
+        self.assertEqual(1, len(log))
+        # [0]: test, err, details [1] -> exc_info
+        # Type, Exception, traceback [1] -> RuntimeError
+        found_exc = log[0][1][1]
+        self.assertTrue(isinstance(found_exc, RuntimeError))
+        self.assertIn(BadResourceCleanup.__name__, str(found_exc))
+    def test_super_skip_checks_not_invoked(self):
+        class BadSkipChecks(self.parent_test):
+            @classmethod
+            def skip_checks(cls):
+                pass
+        bad_class = BadSkipChecks()
+        with testtools.ExpectedException(
+                RuntimeError,
+                value_re='^.* ' + BadSkipChecks.__name__):
+            bad_class.setUpClass()
+    def test_super_setup_credentials_not_invoked(self):
+        class BadSetupCredentials(self.parent_test):
+            @classmethod
+            def skip_checks(cls):
+                pass
+        bad_class = BadSetupCredentials()
+        with testtools.ExpectedException(
+                RuntimeError,
+                value_re='^.* ' + BadSetupCredentials.__name__):
+            bad_class.setUpClass()
+    def test_grandparent_skip_checks_not_invoked(self):
+        class BadSkipChecks(self.parent_test):
+            @classmethod
+            def skip_checks(cls):
+                pass
+        class SonOfBadSkipChecks(BadSkipChecks):
+            pass
+        bad_class = SonOfBadSkipChecks()
+        with testtools.ExpectedException(
+                RuntimeError,
+                value_re='^.* ' + SonOfBadSkipChecks.__name__):
+            bad_class.setUpClass()
+    @mock.patch('tempest.common.credentials_factory.is_admin_available',
+                autospec=True, return_value=True)
+    def test_skip_checks_admin(self, mock_iaa):
+        identity_version = 'identity_version'
+        class NeedAdmin(self.parent_test):
+            credentials = ['admin']
+            @classmethod
+            def get_identity_version(cls):
+                return identity_version
+        NeedAdmin().skip_checks()
+        mock_iaa.assert_called_once_with('identity_version')
+    @mock.patch('tempest.common.credentials_factory.is_admin_available',
+                autospec=True, return_value=False)
+    def test_skip_checks_admin_not_available(self, mock_iaa):
+        identity_version = 'identity_version'
+        class NeedAdmin(self.parent_test):
+            credentials = ['admin']
+            @classmethod
+            def get_identity_version(cls):
+                return identity_version
+        with testtools.ExpectedException(testtools.testcase.TestSkipped):
+            NeedAdmin().skip_checks()
+        mock_iaa.assert_called_once_with('identity_version')
+    def test_skip_checks_identity_v2_not_available(self):
+        cfg.CONF.set_default('api_v2', False, 'identity-feature-enabled')
+        class NeedV2(self.parent_test):
+            identity_version = 'v2'
+        with testtools.ExpectedException(testtools.testcase.TestSkipped):
+            NeedV2().skip_checks()
+    def test_skip_checks_identity_v3_not_available(self):
+        cfg.CONF.set_default('api_v3', False, 'identity-feature-enabled')
+        class NeedV3(self.parent_test):
+            identity_version = 'v3'
+        with testtools.ExpectedException(testtools.testcase.TestSkipped):
+            NeedV3().skip_checks()
+    def test_setup_credentials_all(self):
+        expected_creds = ['string', ['list', 'role1', 'role2']]
+        class AllCredentials(self.parent_test):
+            credentials = expected_creds
+        expected_clients = 'clients'
+        with mock.patch.object(
+                AllCredentials,
+                'get_client_manager') as mock_get_client_manager:
+            mock_get_client_manager.return_value = expected_clients
+            all_creds = AllCredentials()
+            all_creds.setup_credentials()
+        self.assertTrue(hasattr(all_creds, 'os_string'))
+        self.assertEqual(expected_clients, all_creds.os_string)
+        self.assertTrue(hasattr(all_creds, 'os_roles_list'))
+        self.assertEqual(expected_clients, all_creds.os_roles_list)
+        self.assertEqual(2, mock_get_client_manager.call_count)
+        self.assertEqual(
+            expected_creds[0],
+            mock_get_client_manager.mock_calls[0][2]['credential_type'])
+        self.assertEqual(
+            expected_creds[1][1:],
+            mock_get_client_manager.mock_calls[1][2]['roles'])
+    def test_setup_class_overwritten(self):
+        class OverridesSetup(self.parent_test):
+            @classmethod
+            def setUpClass(cls):  # noqa
+                pass
+        overrides_setup = OverridesSetup()
+        suite = unittest.TestSuite((overrides_setup,))
+        log = []
+        result = LoggingTestResult(log)
+        # Record 0, test (error holder). The error generates during test run.
+        self.assertIn('runTest', str(log[0][0]))
+        # Record 0, traceback
+        self.assertRegex(
+            str(log[0][2]['traceback']).replace('\n', ' '),
+            RuntimeError.__name__ + ': .* ' + OverridesSetup.__name__)
+class TestTempestBaseTestClassFixtures(base.TestCase):
+    SETUP_FIXTURES = [test.BaseTestCase.setUpClass.__name__,
+                      test.BaseTestCase.skip_checks.__name__,
+                      test.BaseTestCase.setup_credentials.__name__,
+                      test.BaseTestCase.setup_clients.__name__,
+                      test.BaseTestCase.resource_setup.__name__]
+    TEARDOWN_FIXTURES = [test.BaseTestCase.tearDownClass.__name__,
+                         test.BaseTestCase.resource_cleanup.__name__,
+                         test.BaseTestCase.clear_credentials.__name__]
+    def setUp(self):
+        super(TestTempestBaseTestClassFixtures, self).setUp()
+        self.mocks = {}
+        for fix in self.SETUP_FIXTURES + self.TEARDOWN_FIXTURES:
+            self.mocks[fix] = mock.Mock()
+        def tracker_builder(name):
+            def tracker(cls):
+                # Track that the fixture was invoked
+                cls.fixtures_invoked.append(name)
+                # Run the fixture
+                getattr(super(TestWithClassFixtures, cls), name)()
+                # Run a mock we can use for side effects
+                self.mocks[name]()
+            return tracker
+        class TestWithClassFixtures(test.BaseTestCase):
+            credentials = []
+            fixtures_invoked = []
+            def runTest(_self):
+                pass
+        # Decorate all test class fixtures with tracker_builder
+        for method_name in self.SETUP_FIXTURES + self.TEARDOWN_FIXTURES:
+            setattr(TestWithClassFixtures, method_name,
+                    classmethod(tracker_builder(method_name)))
+        self.test = TestWithClassFixtures()
+    def test_no_error_flow(self):
+        # If all setup fixtures are executed, all cleanup fixtures are
+        # executed too
+        suite = unittest.TestSuite((self.test,))
+        log = []
+        result = LoggingTestResult(log)
+        self.assertEqual(self.SETUP_FIXTURES + self.TEARDOWN_FIXTURES,
+                         self.test.fixtures_invoked)
+    def test_skip_only(self):
+        # If a skip condition is hit in the test, no credentials or resource
+        # is provisioned / cleaned-up
+        self.mocks['skip_checks'].side_effect = (
+            testtools.testcase.TestSkipped())
+        suite = unittest.TestSuite((self.test,))
+        log = []
+        result = LoggingTestResult(log)
+        # If we trigger a skip condition, teardown is not invoked at all
+        self.assertEqual(self.SETUP_FIXTURES[:2],
+                         self.test.fixtures_invoked)
+    def test_skip_credentials_fails(self):
+        expected_exc = 'sc exploded'
+        self.mocks['setup_credentials'].side_effect = Exception(expected_exc)
+        suite = unittest.TestSuite((self.test,))
+        log = []
+        result = LoggingTestResult(log)
+        # If setup_credentials explodes, we invoked teardown class and
+        # clear credentials, and re-raise
+        self.assertEqual((self.SETUP_FIXTURES[:3] +
+                          [self.TEARDOWN_FIXTURES[i] for i in (0, 2)]),
+                         self.test.fixtures_invoked)
+        found_exc = log[0][1][1]
+        self.assertIn(expected_exc, str(found_exc))
+    def test_skip_credentials_fails_clear_fails(self):
+        # If cleanup fails on failure, we log the exception and do not
+        # re-raise it. Note that since the exception happens outside of
+        # the Tempest test setUp, logging is not captured on the Tempest
+        # test side, it will be captured by the unit test instead.
+        expected_exc = 'sc exploded'
+        clear_exc = 'clear exploded'
+        self.mocks['setup_credentials'].side_effect = Exception(expected_exc)
+        self.mocks['clear_credentials'].side_effect = Exception(clear_exc)
+        suite = unittest.TestSuite((self.test,))
+        log = []
+        result = LoggingTestResult(log)
+        # If setup_credentials explodes, we invoked teardown class and
+        # clear credentials, and re-raise
+        self.assertEqual((self.SETUP_FIXTURES[:3] +
+                          [self.TEARDOWN_FIXTURES[i] for i in (0, 2)]),
+                         self.test.fixtures_invoked)
+        found_exc = log[0][1][1]
+        self.assertIn(expected_exc, str(found_exc))
+        # Since log capture depends on OS_LOG_CAPTURE, we can only assert if
+        # logging was captured
+        if os.environ.get('OS_LOG_CAPTURE'):
+            self.assertIn(clear_exc, self.log_fixture.logger.output)
+    def test_skip_credentials_clients_resources_credentials_clear_fails(self):
+        # If cleanup fails with no previous failure, we re-raise the exception.
+        expected_exc = 'clear exploded'
+        self.mocks['clear_credentials'].side_effect = Exception(expected_exc)
+        suite = unittest.TestSuite((self.test,))
+        log = []
+        result = LoggingTestResult(log)
+        # If setup_credentials explodes, we invoked teardown class and
+        # clear credentials, and re-raise
+        self.assertEqual(self.SETUP_FIXTURES + self.TEARDOWN_FIXTURES,
+                         self.test.fixtures_invoked)
+        found_exc = log[0][1][1]
+        self.assertIn(expected_exc, str(found_exc))
+    def test_skip_credentials_clients_fails(self):
+        expected_exc = 'clients exploded'
+        self.mocks['setup_clients'].side_effect = Exception(expected_exc)
+        suite = unittest.TestSuite((self.test,))
+        log = []
+        result = LoggingTestResult(log)
+        # If setup_clients explodes, we invoked teardown class and
+        # clear credentials, and re-raise
+        self.assertEqual((self.SETUP_FIXTURES[:4] +
+                          [self.TEARDOWN_FIXTURES[i] for i in (0, 2)]),
+                         self.test.fixtures_invoked)
+        found_exc = log[0][1][1]
+        self.assertIn(expected_exc, str(found_exc))
+    def test_skip_credentials_clients_resources_fails(self):
+        expected_exc = 'resource setup exploded'
+        self.mocks['resource_setup'].side_effect = Exception(expected_exc)
+        suite = unittest.TestSuite((self.test,))
+        log = []
+        result = LoggingTestResult(log)
+        # If resource_setup explodes, we invoked teardown class and
+        # clear credentials and resource cleanup, and re-raise
+        self.assertEqual(self.SETUP_FIXTURES + self.TEARDOWN_FIXTURES,
+                         self.test.fixtures_invoked)
+        found_exc = log[0][1][1]
+        self.assertIn(expected_exc, str(found_exc))
diff --git a/test-requirements.txt b/test-requirements.txt
index 09c7685..e33f207 100644
--- a/test-requirements.txt
+++ b/test-requirements.txt
@@ -2,11 +2,7 @@
 # of appearance. Changing the order has an impact on the overall integration
 # process, which may cause wedges in the gate later.
 hacking!=0.13.0,<0.14,>=0.12.0 # Apache-2.0
-# needed for doc build
-sphinx>=1.6.2 # BSD
-openstackdocstheme>=1.16.0 # Apache-2.0
-reno!=2.3.1,>=1.8.0 # Apache-2.0
-mock>=2.0 # BSD
+mock>=2.0.0 # BSD
 coverage!=4.4,>=4.0 # Apache-2.0
-oslotest>=1.10.0 # Apache-2.0
+oslotest>=3.2.0 # Apache-2.0
 flake8-import-order==0.11 # LGPLv3
diff --git a/tools/ b/tools/
index fc21f75..b80ccc0 100755
--- a/tools/
+++ b/tools/
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@
     for (name, filename) in file_specs:
         whitelist = whitelists.get(name, [])
         with open(filename) as content:
-            if scan_content(name, content, regexp, whitelist):
+            if scan_content(content, regexp, whitelist):
     for (name, url) in url_specs:
         whitelist = whitelists.get(name, [])
@@ -71,12 +71,12 @@
         page = urlreq.urlopen(req)
         buf = six.StringIO(
         f = gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=buf)
-        if scan_content(name,, regexp, whitelist):
+        if scan_content(, regexp, whitelist):
     return logs_with_errors
-def scan_content(name, content, regexp, whitelist):
+def scan_content(content, regexp, whitelist):
     had_errors = False
     for line in content:
         if not line.startswith("Stderr:") and regexp.match(line):
diff --git a/tools/ b/tools/
deleted file mode 100755
index 1f2b88b..0000000
--- a/tools/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,160 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# Copyright 2013 IBM Corp.
-# All Rights Reserved.
-#    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
-#    not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
-#    a copy of the License at
-#    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-#    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-#    WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-#    License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
-#    under the License.
-import gzip
-import pprint
-import re
-import sys
-import six
-import six.moves.urllib.request as urlreq
-pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter()
-NOVA_TIMESTAMP = r"\d\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\d \d\d:\d\d:\d\d\.\d\d\d"
-NOVA_REGEX = r"(?P<timestamp>%s) (?P<pid>\d+ )?(?P<level>(ERROR|TRACE)) " \
-    "(?P<module>[\w\.]+) (?P<msg>.*)" % (NOVA_TIMESTAMP)
-class StackTrace(object):
-    timestamp = None
-    pid = None
-    level = ""
-    module = ""
-    msg = ""
-    def __init__(self, timestamp=None, pid=None, level="", module="",
-                 msg=""):
-        self.timestamp = timestamp
- = pid
-        self.level = level
-        self.module = module
-        self.msg = msg
-    def append(self, msg):
-        self.msg = self.msg + msg
-    def is_same(self, data):
-        return (data['timestamp'] == self.timestamp and
-                data['level'] == self.level)
-    def not_none(self):
-        return self.timestamp is not None
-    def __str__(self):
-        buff = "<%s %s %s>\n" % (self.timestamp, self.level, self.module)
-        for line in self.msg.splitlines():
-            buff = buff + line + "\n"
-        return buff
-def hunt_for_stacktrace(url):
-    """Return TRACE or ERROR lines out of logs."""
-    req = urlreq.Request(url)
-    req.add_header('Accept-Encoding', 'gzip')
-    page = urlreq.urlopen(req)
-    buf = six.StringIO(
-    f = gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=buf)
-    content =
-    traces = []
-    trace = StackTrace()
-    for line in content.splitlines():
-        m = re.match(NOVA_REGEX, line)
-        if m:
-            data = m.groupdict()
-            if trace.not_none() and trace.is_same(data):
-                trace.append(data['msg'] + "\n")
-            else:
-                trace = StackTrace(
-                    timestamp=data.get('timestamp'),
-                    pid=data.get('pid'),
-                    level=data.get('level'),
-                    module=data.get('module'),
-                    msg=data.get('msg'))
-        else:
-            if trace.not_none():
-                traces.append(trace)
-                trace = StackTrace()
-    # once more at the end to pick up any stragglers
-    if trace.not_none():
-        traces.append(trace)
-    return traces
-def log_url(url, log):
-    return "%s/%s" % (url, log)
-def collect_logs(url):
-    page = urlreq.urlopen(url)
-    content =
-    logs = re.findall('(screen-[\w-]+\.txt\.gz)</a>', content)
-    return logs
-def usage():
-    print("""
-Usage: <logurl>
-Hunts for stack traces in a devstack run. Must provide it a base log url
-from a tempest devstack run. Should start with http and end with /logs/.
-Returns a report listing stack traces out of the various files where
-they are found.
-    sys.exit(0)
-def print_stats(items, fname, verbose=False):
-    errors = len([x for x in items if x.level == "ERROR"])
-    traces = len([x for x in items if x.level == "TRACE"])
-    print("%d ERRORS found in %s" % (errors, fname))
-    print("%d TRACES found in %s" % (traces, fname))
-    if verbose:
-        for item in items:
-            print(item)
-        print("\n\n")
-def main():
-    if len(sys.argv) == 2:
-        url = sys.argv[1]
-        loglist = collect_logs(url)
-        # probably wrong base url
-        if not loglist:
-            usage()
-        for log in loglist:
-            logurl = log_url(url, log)
-            traces = hunt_for_stacktrace(logurl)
-            if traces:
-                print_stats(traces, log, verbose=True)
-    else:
-        usage()
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    main()
diff --git a/tools/ b/tools/
index 99df0d1..dd05438 100644
--- a/tools/
+++ b/tools/
@@ -28,12 +28,12 @@
     # For Python 3.0 and later
-    from urllib.error import HTTPError as HTTPError
+    from urllib.error import HTTPError
     import urllib.request as urllib
 except ImportError:
     # Fall back to Python 2's urllib2
     import urllib2 as urllib
-    from urllib2 import HTTPError as HTTPError
+    from urllib2 import HTTPError
 url = ''
diff --git a/tools/ b/tools/
index e6aad86..20c99b2 100755
--- a/tools/
+++ b/tools/
@@ -33,8 +33,8 @@
 #   * network access to
 #   ))
-# If a file named data/tempest-plugins-registry.header or
-# data/tempest-plugins-registry.footer is found relative to the
+# If a file named doc/source/data/tempest-plugins-registry.header or
+# doc/source/data/tempest-plugins-registry.footer is found relative to the
 # current working directory, it will be prepended or appended to
 # the generated reStructuredText plugins table respectively.
@@ -43,8 +43,8 @@
 declare -A plugins
-if [[ -r data/tempest-plugins-registry.header ]]; then
-    cat data/tempest-plugins-registry.header
+if [[ -r doc/source/data/tempest-plugins-registry.header ]]; then
+    cat doc/source/data/tempest-plugins-registry.header
 sorted_plugins=$(python tools/
@@ -56,8 +56,8 @@
     printf "+----------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+\n"
-if [[ -r data/tempest-plugins-registry.footer ]]; then
-    cat data/tempest-plugins-registry.footer
+if [[ -r doc/source/data/tempest-plugins-registry.footer ]]; then
+    cat doc/source/data/tempest-plugins-registry.footer
 ) > doc/source/plugin-registry.rst
diff --git a/tools/ b/tools/
index a4f706e..8b4f913 100644
--- a/tools/
+++ b/tools/
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
 # What it does:
 # * Creates the virtualenv
 # * Install tempest
-# * Retrive the project lists having tempest plugin if project name is
+# * Retrieve the project lists having tempest plugin if project name is
 #   given.
 # * For each project in a list, It does:
 #   * Clone the Project
@@ -120,3 +120,8 @@
         failed_plugin+=", $project"
+# Check for failed status
+if [[ -n $failed_plugin ]]; then
+    exit 1
diff --git a/tools/ b/tools/
deleted file mode 100755
index 43468e4..0000000
--- a/tools/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env bash
-# Client constraint file contains this client version pin that is in conflict
-# with installing the client from source. We should remove the version pin in
-# the constraints file before applying it for from-source installation.
-shift 1
-set -e
-# NOTE(tonyb): Place this in the tox enviroment's log dir so it will get
-# published to for easy debugging.
-if [[ $CONSTRAINTS_FILE != http* ]]; then
-# NOTE(tonyb): need to add curl to bindep.txt if the project supports bindep
-curl $CONSTRAINTS_FILE --insecure --progress-bar --output $localfile
-pip install -c$localfile openstack-requirements
-# This is the main purpose of the script: Allow local installation of
-# the current repo. It is listed in constraints file and thus any
-# install will be constrained and we need to unconstrain it.
-edit-constraints $localfile -- $CLIENT_NAME
-pip install -c$localfile -U $*
-exit $?
diff --git a/tox.ini b/tox.ini
index 6f37d00..9103175 100644
--- a/tox.ini
+++ b/tox.ini
@@ -8,35 +8,45 @@
 setenv =
-    BRANCH_NAME=master
-    CLIENT_NAME=tempest
 deps =
 setenv =
-    OS_TEST_PATH=./tempest/tests
-    BRANCH_NAME=master
-    CLIENT_NAME=tempest
 usedevelop = True
-install_command =
-    {toxinidir}/tools/ {env:UPPER_CONSTRAINTS_FILE:} {opts} {packages}
+install_command = pip install {opts} {packages}
 whitelist_externals = *
 deps =
 commands =
     find . -type f -name "*.pyc" -delete
-    ostestr {posargs}
+    stestr --test-path ./tempest/tests run {posargs}
 commands = oslo-config-generator --config-file tempest/cmd/config-generator.tempest.conf
-commands = python testr --coverage --testr-arg='tempest\.tests {posargs}'
+setenv =
+  {[testenv]setenv}
+  PYTHON=coverage run --source tempest --parallel-mode
+commands =
+  coverage erase
+  find . -type f -name "*.pyc" -delete
+  stestr --test-path ./tempest/tests run {posargs}
+  coverage combine
+  coverage html -d cover
+  coverage xml -o cover/coverage.xml
+  coverage report
 envdir = .tox/tempest
@@ -50,17 +60,6 @@
     find . -type f -name "*.pyc" -delete
     tempest run --regex {posargs}
-sitepackages = {[tempestenv]sitepackages}
-# 'all' includes slow tests
-setenv =
-    {[tempestenv]setenv}
-deps = {[tempestenv]deps}
-commands =
-    find . -type f -name "*.pyc" -delete
-    ostestr {posargs}
 sitepackages = True
 # 'all' includes slow tests
@@ -127,6 +126,10 @@
     tempest run --serial --regex '\[.*\bsmoke\b.*\]' {posargs}
+deps =
+  -r{toxinidir}/requirements.txt
+  -r{toxinidir}/doc/requirements.txt
 commands = {posargs}
@@ -137,8 +140,14 @@
 commands = {posargs}
+deps =
+  -r{toxinidir}/requirements.txt
+  -r{toxinidir}/doc/requirements.txt
 commands =
-    python build_sphinx {posargs}
+  rm -rf doc/build
+  sphinx-build -W -b html doc/source doc/build/html
+whitelist_externals = rm
 commands =
@@ -159,12 +168,20 @@
 # E129 skipped because it is too limiting when combined with other rules
 ignore = E125,E123,E129
 show-source = True
-exclude = .git,.venv,.tox,dist,doc,*egg
+exclude = .git,.venv,.tox,dist,doc,*egg,build
 enable-extensions = H106,H203,H904
 import-order-style = pep8
-commands = sphinx-build -a -E -W -d releasenotes/build/doctrees -b html releasenotes/source releasenotes/build/html
+deps =
+  -r{toxinidir}/requirements.txt
+  -r{toxinidir}/doc/requirements.txt
+commands =
+  rm -rf releasenotes/build
+  sphinx-build -a -E -W -d releasenotes/build/doctrees \
+         -b html releasenotes/source releasenotes/build/html
+whitelist_externals = rm
 # Do not install test-requirements as that will pollute the virtualenv for