tempest cleanup - use admin_mgr only
Avoid using temporary managers and use only the admin one. The tool
has been using the admin_mgr for listing projects, roles, for listing
all resources during initializing a saved state so why don't use it also
for deleting all of the resources?
This wil solve the Unauthorized issue happening when the tool
was requesting credentials for the project from a different
Closes-bug: #1766582
Change-Id: Ibb5599ce48712b94dbf591e4a30cf3906cb5cdde
diff --git a/tempest/cmd/cleanup.py b/tempest/cmd/cleanup.py
index 645a952..b4fb5a5 100644
--- a/tempest/cmd/cleanup.py
+++ b/tempest/cmd/cleanup.py
@@ -135,8 +135,6 @@
self.admin_project_id = ""
- self.admin_role_added = []
# available services
self.project_services = cleanup_service.get_project_cleanup_services()
self.global_services = cleanup_service.get_global_cleanup_services()
@@ -170,7 +168,6 @@
# Loop through list of projects and clean them up.
for project in projects:
- self._add_admin(project['id'])
kwargs = {'data': self.dry_run_data,
@@ -188,15 +185,6 @@
f.write(json.dumps(self.dry_run_data, sort_keys=True,
indent=2, separators=(',', ': ')))
- self._remove_admin_user_roles()
- def _remove_admin_user_roles(self):
- project_ids = self.admin_role_added
- LOG.debug("Removing admin user roles where needed for projects: %s",
- project_ids)
- for project_id in project_ids:
- self._remove_admin_role(project_id)
def _clean_project(self, project):
print("Cleaning project: %s " % project['name'])
is_dry_run = self.options.dry_run
@@ -209,11 +197,6 @@
project_data = dry_run_data["_projects_to_clean"][project_id] = {}
project_data['name'] = project_name
- kwargs = {"username": CONF.auth.admin_username,
- "password": CONF.auth.admin_password,
- "project_name": project['name']}
- mgr = clients.Manager(credentials=credentials.get_credentials(
- **kwargs))
kwargs = {'data': project_data,
'is_dry_run': is_dry_run,
'saved_state_json': self.json_data,
@@ -222,7 +205,7 @@
'project_id': project_id,
'got_exceptions': self.GOT_EXCEPTIONS}
for service in self.project_services:
- svc = service(mgr, **kwargs)
+ svc = service(self.admin_mgr, **kwargs)
def _init_admin_ids(self):
@@ -272,46 +255,6 @@
def get_description(self):
return 'Cleanup after tempest run'
- def _add_admin(self, project_id):
- rl_cl = self.admin_mgr.roles_v3_client
- needs_role = True
- roles = rl_cl.list_user_roles_on_project(project_id,
- self.admin_id)['roles']
- for role in roles:
- if role['id'] == self.admin_role_id:
- needs_role = False
- LOG.debug("User already had admin privilege for this project")
- if needs_role:
- LOG.debug("Adding admin privilege for : %s", project_id)
- rl_cl.create_user_role_on_project(project_id, self.admin_id,
- self.admin_role_id)
- self.admin_role_added.append(project_id)
- def _remove_admin_role(self, project_id):
- LOG.debug("Remove admin user role for projectt: %s", project_id)
- # Must initialize Admin Manager for each user role
- # Otherwise authentication exception is thrown, weird
- id_cl = clients.Manager(
- credentials.get_configured_admin_credentials()).identity_client
- if (self._project_exists(project_id)):
- try:
- id_cl.delete_role_from_user_on_project(project_id,
- self.admin_id,
- self.admin_role_id)
- except Exception as ex:
- LOG.exception("Failed removing role from project which still "
- "exists, exception: %s", ex)
- def _project_exists(self, project_id):
- pr_cl = self.admin_mgr.projects_client
- try:
- p = pr_cl.show_project(project_id)
- LOG.debug("Project is: %s", str(p))
- return True
- except Exception as ex:
- LOG.debug("Project no longer exists? %s", ex)
- return False
def _init_state(self):
print("Initializing saved state.")
data = {}