Switch rest_client module to tempest-lib

The rest_client module has been migrated to tempest-lib already, so
this patch switches rest_client module to use tempest-lib one.

Change-Id: I8e99eb11bffe3014d5bf3fd52d447e8c4249732f
diff --git a/tempest/common/http.py b/tempest/common/http.py
deleted file mode 100644
index b3793bc..0000000
--- a/tempest/common/http.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2013 OpenStack Foundation
-# Copyright 2013 Citrix Systems, Inc.
-# All Rights Reserved.
-#    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
-#    not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
-#    a copy of the License at
-#         http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-#    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-#    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-#    WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-#    License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
-#    under the License.
-import httplib2
-class ClosingHttp(httplib2.Http):
-    def request(self, *args, **kwargs):
-        original_headers = kwargs.get('headers', {})
-        new_headers = dict(original_headers, connection='close')
-        new_kwargs = dict(kwargs, headers=new_headers)
-        return super(ClosingHttp, self).request(*args, **new_kwargs)
diff --git a/tempest/common/negative_rest_client.py b/tempest/common/negative_rest_client.py
index a9ae1c3..d9842e6 100644
--- a/tempest/common/negative_rest_client.py
+++ b/tempest/common/negative_rest_client.py
@@ -15,7 +15,8 @@
 #    License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
 #    under the License.
-from tempest.common import rest_client
+from tempest_lib.common import rest_client
 from tempest import config
 CONF = config.CONF
diff --git a/tempest/common/rest_client.py b/tempest/common/rest_client.py
deleted file mode 100644
index c5696b7..0000000
--- a/tempest/common/rest_client.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,567 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2012 OpenStack Foundation
-# Copyright 2013 IBM Corp.
-# All Rights Reserved.
-#    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
-#    not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
-#    a copy of the License at
-#         http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-#    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-#    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-#    WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-#    License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
-#    under the License.
-import collections
-import json
-import logging as real_logging
-import re
-import time
-import jsonschema
-import six
-from tempest.common import http
-from tempest.common.utils import misc as misc_utils
-from tempest import exceptions
-from tempest.openstack.common import log as logging
-# redrive rate limited calls at most twice
-# All the successful HTTP status codes from RFC 7231 & 4918
-HTTP_SUCCESS = (200, 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207)
-class RestClient(object):
-    TYPE = "json"
-    LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-    def __init__(self, auth_provider, service, region,
-                 endpoint_type='publicURL',
-                 build_interval=1, build_timeout=60,
-                 disable_ssl_certificate_validation=False, ca_certs=None,
-                 trace_requests=''):
-        self.auth_provider = auth_provider
-        self.service = service
-        self.region = region
-        self.endpoint_type = endpoint_type
-        self.build_interval = build_interval
-        self.build_timeout = build_timeout
-        self.trace_requests = trace_requests
-        # The version of the API this client implements
-        self.api_version = None
-        self._skip_path = False
-        self.general_header_lc = set(('cache-control', 'connection',
-                                      'date', 'pragma', 'trailer',
-                                      'transfer-encoding', 'via',
-                                      'warning'))
-        self.response_header_lc = set(('accept-ranges', 'age', 'etag',
-                                       'location', 'proxy-authenticate',
-                                       'retry-after', 'server',
-                                       'vary', 'www-authenticate'))
-        dscv = disable_ssl_certificate_validation
-        self.http_obj = http.ClosingHttp(
-            disable_ssl_certificate_validation=dscv, ca_certs=ca_certs)
-    def _get_type(self):
-        return self.TYPE
-    def get_headers(self, accept_type=None, send_type=None):
-        if accept_type is None:
-            accept_type = self._get_type()
-        if send_type is None:
-            send_type = self._get_type()
-        return {'Content-Type': 'application/%s' % send_type,
-                'Accept': 'application/%s' % accept_type}
-    def __str__(self):
-        STRING_LIMIT = 80
-        str_format = ("service:%s, base_url:%s, "
-                      "filters: %s, build_interval:%s, build_timeout:%s"
-                      "\ntoken:%s..., \nheaders:%s...")
-        return str_format % (self.service, self.base_url,
-                             self.filters, self.build_interval,
-                             self.build_timeout,
-                             str(self.token)[0:STRING_LIMIT],
-                             str(self.get_headers())[0:STRING_LIMIT])
-    @property
-    def user(self):
-        return self.auth_provider.credentials.username
-    @property
-    def user_id(self):
-        return self.auth_provider.credentials.user_id
-    @property
-    def tenant_name(self):
-        return self.auth_provider.credentials.tenant_name
-    @property
-    def tenant_id(self):
-        return self.auth_provider.credentials.tenant_id
-    @property
-    def password(self):
-        return self.auth_provider.credentials.password
-    @property
-    def base_url(self):
-        return self.auth_provider.base_url(filters=self.filters)
-    @property
-    def token(self):
-        return self.auth_provider.get_token()
-    @property
-    def filters(self):
-        _filters = dict(
-            service=self.service,
-            endpoint_type=self.endpoint_type,
-            region=self.region
-        )
-        if self.api_version is not None:
-            _filters['api_version'] = self.api_version
-        if self._skip_path:
-            _filters['skip_path'] = self._skip_path
-        return _filters
-    def skip_path(self):
-        """
-        When set, ignore the path part of the base URL from the catalog
-        """
-        self._skip_path = True
-    def reset_path(self):
-        """
-        When reset, use the base URL from the catalog as-is
-        """
-        self._skip_path = False
-    @classmethod
-    def expected_success(cls, expected_code, read_code):
-        assert_msg = ("This function only allowed to use for HTTP status"
-                      "codes which explicitly defined in the RFC 7231 & 4918."
-                      "{0} is not a defined Success Code!"
-                      ).format(expected_code)
-        if isinstance(expected_code, list):
-            for code in expected_code:
-                assert code in HTTP_SUCCESS, assert_msg
-        else:
-            assert expected_code in HTTP_SUCCESS, assert_msg
-        # NOTE(afazekas): the http status code above 400 is processed by
-        # the _error_checker method
-        if read_code < 400:
-            pattern = """Unexpected http success status code {0},
-                         The expected status code is {1}"""
-            if ((not isinstance(expected_code, list) and
-                 (read_code != expected_code)) or
-                (isinstance(expected_code, list) and
-                 (read_code not in expected_code))):
-                details = pattern.format(read_code, expected_code)
-                raise exceptions.InvalidHttpSuccessCode(details)
-    def post(self, url, body, headers=None, extra_headers=False):
-        return self.request('POST', url, extra_headers, headers, body)
-    def get(self, url, headers=None, extra_headers=False):
-        return self.request('GET', url, extra_headers, headers)
-    def delete(self, url, headers=None, body=None, extra_headers=False):
-        return self.request('DELETE', url, extra_headers, headers, body)
-    def patch(self, url, body, headers=None, extra_headers=False):
-        return self.request('PATCH', url, extra_headers, headers, body)
-    def put(self, url, body, headers=None, extra_headers=False):
-        return self.request('PUT', url, extra_headers, headers, body)
-    def head(self, url, headers=None, extra_headers=False):
-        return self.request('HEAD', url, extra_headers, headers)
-    def copy(self, url, headers=None, extra_headers=False):
-        return self.request('COPY', url, extra_headers, headers)
-    def get_versions(self):
-        resp, body = self.get('')
-        body = self._parse_resp(body)
-        versions = map(lambda x: x['id'], body)
-        return resp, versions
-    def _get_request_id(self, resp):
-        for i in ('x-openstack-request-id', 'x-compute-request-id'):
-            if i in resp:
-                return resp[i]
-        return ""
-    def _safe_body(self, body, maxlen=4096):
-        # convert a structure into a string safely
-        try:
-            text = six.text_type(body)
-        except UnicodeDecodeError:
-            # if this isn't actually text, return marker that
-            return "<BinaryData: removed>"
-        if len(text) > maxlen:
-            return text[:maxlen]
-        else:
-            return text
-    def _log_request_start(self, method, req_url, req_headers=None,
-                           req_body=None):
-        if req_headers is None:
-            req_headers = {}
-        caller_name = misc_utils.find_test_caller()
-        if self.trace_requests and re.search(self.trace_requests, caller_name):
-            self.LOG.debug('Starting Request (%s): %s %s' %
-                           (caller_name, method, req_url))
-    def _log_request_full(self, method, req_url, resp,
-                          secs="", req_headers=None,
-                          req_body=None, resp_body=None,
-                          caller_name=None, extra=None):
-        if 'X-Auth-Token' in req_headers:
-            req_headers['X-Auth-Token'] = '<omitted>'
-        log_fmt = """Request (%s): %s %s %s%s
-    Request - Headers: %s
-        Body: %s
-    Response - Headers: %s
-        Body: %s"""
-        self.LOG.debug(
-            log_fmt % (
-                caller_name,
-                resp['status'],
-                method,
-                req_url,
-                secs,
-                str(req_headers),
-                self._safe_body(req_body),
-                str(resp),
-                self._safe_body(resp_body)),
-            extra=extra)
-    def _log_request(self, method, req_url, resp,
-                     secs="", req_headers=None,
-                     req_body=None, resp_body=None):
-        if req_headers is None:
-            req_headers = {}
-        # if we have the request id, put it in the right part of the log
-        extra = dict(request_id=self._get_request_id(resp))
-        # NOTE(sdague): while we still have 6 callers to this function
-        # we're going to just provide work around on who is actually
-        # providing timings by gracefully adding no content if they don't.
-        # Once we're down to 1 caller, clean this up.
-        caller_name = misc_utils.find_test_caller()
-        if secs:
-            secs = " %.3fs" % secs
-        if not self.LOG.isEnabledFor(real_logging.DEBUG):
-            self.LOG.info(
-                'Request (%s): %s %s %s%s' % (
-                    caller_name,
-                    resp['status'],
-                    method,
-                    req_url,
-                    secs),
-                extra=extra)
-        # Also look everything at DEBUG if you want to filter this
-        # out, don't run at debug.
-        self._log_request_full(method, req_url, resp, secs, req_headers,
-                               req_body, resp_body, caller_name, extra)
-    def _parse_resp(self, body):
-        body = json.loads(body)
-        # We assume, that if the first value of the deserialized body's
-        # item set is a dict or a list, that we just return the first value
-        # of deserialized body.
-        # Essentially "cutting out" the first placeholder element in a body
-        # that looks like this:
-        #
-        #  {
-        #    "users": [
-        #      ...
-        #    ]
-        #  }
-        try:
-            # Ensure there are not more than one top-level keys
-            if len(body.keys()) > 1:
-                return body
-            # Just return the "wrapped" element
-            first_key, first_item = six.next(six.iteritems(body))
-            if isinstance(first_item, (dict, list)):
-                return first_item
-        except (ValueError, IndexError):
-            pass
-        return body
-    def response_checker(self, method, resp, resp_body):
-        if (resp.status in set((204, 205, 304)) or resp.status < 200 or
-                method.upper() == 'HEAD') and resp_body:
-            raise exceptions.ResponseWithNonEmptyBody(status=resp.status)
-        # NOTE(afazekas):
-        # If the HTTP Status Code is 205
-        #   'The response MUST NOT include an entity.'
-        # A HTTP entity has an entity-body and an 'entity-header'.
-        # In the HTTP response specification (Section 6) the 'entity-header'
-        # 'generic-header' and 'response-header' are in OR relation.
-        # All headers not in the above two group are considered as entity
-        # header in every interpretation.
-        if (resp.status == 205 and
-            0 != len(set(resp.keys()) - set(('status',)) -
-                     self.response_header_lc - self.general_header_lc)):
-                        raise exceptions.ResponseWithEntity()
-        # NOTE(afazekas)
-        # Now the swift sometimes (delete not empty container)
-        # returns with non json error response, we can create new rest class
-        # for swift.
-        # Usually RFC2616 says error responses SHOULD contain an explanation.
-        # The warning is normal for SHOULD/SHOULD NOT case
-        # Likely it will cause an error
-        if method != 'HEAD' and not resp_body and resp.status >= 400:
-            self.LOG.warning("status >= 400 response with empty body")
-    def _request(self, method, url, headers=None, body=None):
-        """A simple HTTP request interface."""
-        # Authenticate the request with the auth provider
-        req_url, req_headers, req_body = self.auth_provider.auth_request(
-            method, url, headers, body, self.filters)
-        # Do the actual request, and time it
-        start = time.time()
-        self._log_request_start(method, req_url)
-        resp, resp_body = self.raw_request(
-            req_url, method, headers=req_headers, body=req_body)
-        end = time.time()
-        self._log_request(method, req_url, resp, secs=(end - start),
-                          req_headers=req_headers, req_body=req_body,
-                          resp_body=resp_body)
-        # Verify HTTP response codes
-        self.response_checker(method, resp, resp_body)
-        return resp, resp_body
-    def raw_request(self, url, method, headers=None, body=None):
-        if headers is None:
-            headers = self.get_headers()
-        return self.http_obj.request(url, method,
-                                     headers=headers, body=body)
-    def request(self, method, url, extra_headers=False, headers=None,
-                body=None):
-        # if extra_headers is True
-        # default headers would be added to headers
-        retry = 0
-        if headers is None:
-            # NOTE(vponomaryov): if some client do not need headers,
-            # it should explicitly pass empty dict
-            headers = self.get_headers()
-        elif extra_headers:
-            try:
-                headers = headers.copy()
-                headers.update(self.get_headers())
-            except (ValueError, TypeError):
-                headers = self.get_headers()
-        resp, resp_body = self._request(method, url,
-                                        headers=headers, body=body)
-        while (resp.status == 413 and
-               'retry-after' in resp and
-                not self.is_absolute_limit(
-                    resp, self._parse_resp(resp_body)) and
-                retry < MAX_RECURSION_DEPTH):
-            retry += 1
-            delay = int(resp['retry-after'])
-            time.sleep(delay)
-            resp, resp_body = self._request(method, url,
-                                            headers=headers, body=body)
-        self._error_checker(method, url, headers, body,
-                            resp, resp_body)
-        return resp, resp_body
-    def _error_checker(self, method, url,
-                       headers, body, resp, resp_body):
-        # NOTE(mtreinish): Check for httplib response from glance_http. The
-        # object can't be used here because importing httplib breaks httplib2.
-        # If another object from a class not imported were passed here as
-        # resp this could possibly fail
-        if str(type(resp)) == "<type 'instance'>":
-            ctype = resp.getheader('content-type')
-        else:
-            try:
-                ctype = resp['content-type']
-            # NOTE(mtreinish): Keystone delete user responses doesn't have a
-            # content-type header. (They don't have a body) So just pretend it
-            # is set.
-            except KeyError:
-                ctype = 'application/json'
-        # It is not an error response
-        if resp.status < 400:
-            return
-        JSON_ENC = ['application/json', 'application/json; charset=utf-8']
-        # NOTE(mtreinish): This is for compatibility with Glance and swift
-        # APIs. These are the return content types that Glance api v1
-        # (and occasionally swift) are using.
-        TXT_ENC = ['text/plain', 'text/html', 'text/html; charset=utf-8',
-                   'text/plain; charset=utf-8']
-        if ctype.lower() in JSON_ENC:
-            parse_resp = True
-        elif ctype.lower() in TXT_ENC:
-            parse_resp = False
-        else:
-            raise exceptions.InvalidContentType(str(resp.status))
-        if resp.status == 401 or resp.status == 403:
-            raise exceptions.Unauthorized(resp_body)
-        if resp.status == 404:
-            raise exceptions.NotFound(resp_body)
-        if resp.status == 400:
-            if parse_resp:
-                resp_body = self._parse_resp(resp_body)
-            raise exceptions.BadRequest(resp_body)
-        if resp.status == 409:
-            if parse_resp:
-                resp_body = self._parse_resp(resp_body)
-            raise exceptions.Conflict(resp_body)
-        if resp.status == 413:
-            if parse_resp:
-                resp_body = self._parse_resp(resp_body)
-            if self.is_absolute_limit(resp, resp_body):
-                raise exceptions.OverLimit(resp_body)
-            else:
-                raise exceptions.RateLimitExceeded(resp_body)
-        if resp.status == 415:
-            if parse_resp:
-                resp_body = self._parse_resp(resp_body)
-            raise exceptions.InvalidContentType(resp_body)
-        if resp.status == 422:
-            if parse_resp:
-                resp_body = self._parse_resp(resp_body)
-            raise exceptions.UnprocessableEntity(resp_body)
-        if resp.status in (500, 501):
-            message = resp_body
-            if parse_resp:
-                try:
-                    resp_body = self._parse_resp(resp_body)
-                except ValueError:
-                    # If response body is a non-json string message.
-                    # Use resp_body as is and raise InvalidResponseBody
-                    # exception.
-                    raise exceptions.InvalidHTTPResponseBody(message)
-                else:
-                    if isinstance(resp_body, dict):
-                        # I'm seeing both computeFault
-                        # and cloudServersFault come back.
-                        # Will file a bug to fix, but leave as is for now.
-                        if 'cloudServersFault' in resp_body:
-                            message = resp_body['cloudServersFault']['message']
-                        elif 'computeFault' in resp_body:
-                            message = resp_body['computeFault']['message']
-                        elif 'error' in resp_body:
-                            message = resp_body['error']['message']
-                        elif 'message' in resp_body:
-                            message = resp_body['message']
-                    else:
-                        message = resp_body
-            if resp.status == 501:
-                raise exceptions.NotImplemented(message)
-            else:
-                raise exceptions.ServerFault(message)
-        if resp.status >= 400:
-            raise exceptions.UnexpectedResponseCode(str(resp.status))
-    def is_absolute_limit(self, resp, resp_body):
-        if (not isinstance(resp_body, collections.Mapping) or
-                'retry-after' not in resp):
-            return True
-        over_limit = resp_body.get('overLimit', None)
-        if not over_limit:
-            return True
-        return 'exceed' in over_limit.get('message', 'blabla')
-    def wait_for_resource_deletion(self, id):
-        """Waits for a resource to be deleted."""
-        start_time = int(time.time())
-        while True:
-            if self.is_resource_deleted(id):
-                return
-            if int(time.time()) - start_time >= self.build_timeout:
-                message = ('Failed to delete %(resource_type)s %(id)s within '
-                           'the required time (%(timeout)s s).' %
-                           {'resource_type': self.resource_type, 'id': id,
-                            'timeout': self.build_timeout})
-                caller = misc_utils.find_test_caller()
-                if caller:
-                    message = '(%s) %s' % (caller, message)
-                raise exceptions.TimeoutException(message)
-            time.sleep(self.build_interval)
-    def is_resource_deleted(self, id):
-        """
-        Subclasses override with specific deletion detection.
-        """
-        message = ('"%s" does not implement is_resource_deleted'
-                   % self.__class__.__name__)
-        raise NotImplementedError(message)
-    @property
-    def resource_type(self):
-        """Returns the primary type of resource this client works with."""
-        return 'resource'
-    @classmethod
-    def validate_response(cls, schema, resp, body):
-        # Only check the response if the status code is a success code
-        # TODO(cyeoh): Eventually we should be able to verify that a failure
-        # code if it exists is something that we expect. This is explicitly
-        # declared in the V3 API and so we should be able to export this in
-        # the response schema. For now we'll ignore it.
-        if resp.status in HTTP_SUCCESS:
-            cls.expected_success(schema['status_code'], resp.status)
-            # Check the body of a response
-            body_schema = schema.get('response_body')
-            if body_schema:
-                try:
-                    jsonschema.validate(body, body_schema)
-                except jsonschema.ValidationError as ex:
-                    msg = ("HTTP response body is invalid (%s)") % ex
-                    raise exceptions.InvalidHTTPResponseBody(msg)
-            else:
-                if body:
-                    msg = ("HTTP response body should not exist (%s)") % body
-                    raise exceptions.InvalidHTTPResponseBody(msg)
-            # Check the header of a response
-            header_schema = schema.get('response_header')
-            if header_schema:
-                try:
-                    jsonschema.validate(resp, header_schema)
-                except jsonschema.ValidationError as ex:
-                    msg = ("HTTP response header is invalid (%s)") % ex
-                    raise exceptions.InvalidHTTPResponseHeader(msg)
diff --git a/tempest/common/service_client.py b/tempest/common/service_client.py
index c32a7d0..66c684b 100644
--- a/tempest/common/service_client.py
+++ b/tempest/common/service_client.py
@@ -12,8 +12,11 @@
 #    License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
 #    under the License.
-from tempest.common import rest_client
+from tempest_lib.common import rest_client
+from tempest_lib import exceptions as lib_exceptions
 from tempest import config
+from tempest import exceptions
 CONF = config.CONF
@@ -37,6 +40,42 @@
         super(ServiceClient, self).__init__(auth_provider, service, region,
+    def request(self, method, url, extra_headers=False, headers=None,
+                body=None):
+        # TODO(oomichi): This translation is just for avoiding a single
+        # huge patch to migrate rest_client module to tempest-lib.
+        # Ideally(in the future), we need to remove this translation and
+        # replace each API tests with tempest-lib's exceptions.
+        try:
+            return super(ServiceClient, self).request(
+                method, url,
+                extra_headers=extra_headers,
+                headers=headers, body=body)
+        except lib_exceptions.Unauthorized as ex:
+            raise exceptions.Unauthorized(ex)
+        except lib_exceptions.NotFound as ex:
+            raise exceptions.NotFound(ex)
+        except lib_exceptions.BadRequest as ex:
+            raise exceptions.BadRequest(ex)
+        except lib_exceptions.Conflict as ex:
+            raise exceptions.Conflict(ex)
+        except lib_exceptions.OverLimit as ex:
+            raise exceptions.OverLimit(ex)
+        except lib_exceptions.RateLimitExceeded as ex:
+            raise exceptions.RateLimitExceeded(ex)
+        except lib_exceptions.InvalidContentType as ex:
+            raise exceptions.InvalidContentType(ex)
+        except lib_exceptions.UnprocessableEntity as ex:
+            raise exceptions.UnprocessableEntity(ex)
+        except lib_exceptions.InvalidHTTPResponseBody as ex:
+            raise exceptions.InvalidHTTPResponseBody(ex)
+        except lib_exceptions.NotImplemented as ex:
+            raise exceptions.NotImplemented(ex)
+        except lib_exceptions.ServerFault as ex:
+            raise exceptions.ServerFault(ex)
+        except lib_exceptions.UnexpectedResponseCode as ex:
+            raise exceptions.UnexpectedResponseCode(ex)
 class ResponseBody(dict):
     """Class that wraps an http response and dict body into a single value.
diff --git a/tempest/tests/test_rest_client.py b/tempest/tests/test_rest_client.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 6a95a80..0000000
--- a/tempest/tests/test_rest_client.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,470 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2013 IBM Corp.
-#    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
-#    not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
-#    a copy of the License at
-#         http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-#    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-#    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-#    WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-#    License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
-#    under the License.
-import json
-import httplib2
-from oslotest import mockpatch
-import six
-from tempest.common import rest_client
-from tempest import exceptions
-from tempest.tests import base
-from tempest.tests import fake_auth_provider
-from tempest.tests import fake_http
-class BaseRestClientTestClass(base.TestCase):
-    url = 'fake_endpoint'
-    def setUp(self):
-        super(BaseRestClientTestClass, self).setUp()
-        self.rest_client = rest_client.RestClient(
-            fake_auth_provider.FakeAuthProvider(), None, None)
-        self.stubs.Set(httplib2.Http, 'request', self.fake_http.request)
-        self.useFixture(mockpatch.PatchObject(self.rest_client,
-                                              '_log_request'))
-class TestRestClientHTTPMethods(BaseRestClientTestClass):
-    def setUp(self):
-        self.fake_http = fake_http.fake_httplib2()
-        super(TestRestClientHTTPMethods, self).setUp()
-        self.useFixture(mockpatch.PatchObject(self.rest_client,
-                                              '_error_checker'))
-    def test_post(self):
-        __, return_dict = self.rest_client.post(self.url, {}, {})
-        self.assertEqual('POST', return_dict['method'])
-    def test_get(self):
-        __, return_dict = self.rest_client.get(self.url)
-        self.assertEqual('GET', return_dict['method'])
-    def test_delete(self):
-        __, return_dict = self.rest_client.delete(self.url)
-        self.assertEqual('DELETE', return_dict['method'])
-    def test_patch(self):
-        __, return_dict = self.rest_client.patch(self.url, {}, {})
-        self.assertEqual('PATCH', return_dict['method'])
-    def test_put(self):
-        __, return_dict = self.rest_client.put(self.url, {}, {})
-        self.assertEqual('PUT', return_dict['method'])
-    def test_head(self):
-        self.useFixture(mockpatch.PatchObject(self.rest_client,
-                                              'response_checker'))
-        __, return_dict = self.rest_client.head(self.url)
-        self.assertEqual('HEAD', return_dict['method'])
-    def test_copy(self):
-        __, return_dict = self.rest_client.copy(self.url)
-        self.assertEqual('COPY', return_dict['method'])
-class TestRestClientNotFoundHandling(BaseRestClientTestClass):
-    def setUp(self):
-        self.fake_http = fake_http.fake_httplib2(404)
-        super(TestRestClientNotFoundHandling, self).setUp()
-    def test_post(self):
-        self.assertRaises(exceptions.NotFound, self.rest_client.post,
-                          self.url, {}, {})
-class TestRestClientHeadersJSON(TestRestClientHTTPMethods):
-    TYPE = "json"
-    def _verify_headers(self, resp):
-        self.assertEqual(self.rest_client._get_type(), self.TYPE)
-        resp = dict((k.lower(), v) for k, v in six.iteritems(resp))
-        self.assertEqual(self.header_value, resp['accept'])
-        self.assertEqual(self.header_value, resp['content-type'])
-    def setUp(self):
-        super(TestRestClientHeadersJSON, self).setUp()
-        self.rest_client.TYPE = self.TYPE
-        self.header_value = 'application/%s' % self.rest_client._get_type()
-    def test_post(self):
-        resp, __ = self.rest_client.post(self.url, {})
-        self._verify_headers(resp)
-    def test_get(self):
-        resp, __ = self.rest_client.get(self.url)
-        self._verify_headers(resp)
-    def test_delete(self):
-        resp, __ = self.rest_client.delete(self.url)
-        self._verify_headers(resp)
-    def test_patch(self):
-        resp, __ = self.rest_client.patch(self.url, {})
-        self._verify_headers(resp)
-    def test_put(self):
-        resp, __ = self.rest_client.put(self.url, {})
-        self._verify_headers(resp)
-    def test_head(self):
-        self.useFixture(mockpatch.PatchObject(self.rest_client,
-                                              'response_checker'))
-        resp, __ = self.rest_client.head(self.url)
-        self._verify_headers(resp)
-    def test_copy(self):
-        resp, __ = self.rest_client.copy(self.url)
-        self._verify_headers(resp)
-class TestRestClientUpdateHeaders(BaseRestClientTestClass):
-    def setUp(self):
-        self.fake_http = fake_http.fake_httplib2()
-        super(TestRestClientUpdateHeaders, self).setUp()
-        self.useFixture(mockpatch.PatchObject(self.rest_client,
-                                              '_error_checker'))
-        self.headers = {'X-Configuration-Session': 'session_id'}
-    def test_post_update_headers(self):
-        __, return_dict = self.rest_client.post(self.url, {},
-                                                extra_headers=True,
-                                                headers=self.headers)
-        self.assertDictContainsSubset(
-            {'X-Configuration-Session': 'session_id',
-             'Content-Type': 'application/json',
-             'Accept': 'application/json'},
-            return_dict['headers']
-        )
-    def test_get_update_headers(self):
-        __, return_dict = self.rest_client.get(self.url,
-                                               extra_headers=True,
-                                               headers=self.headers)
-        self.assertDictContainsSubset(
-            {'X-Configuration-Session': 'session_id',
-             'Content-Type': 'application/json',
-             'Accept': 'application/json'},
-            return_dict['headers']
-        )
-    def test_delete_update_headers(self):
-        __, return_dict = self.rest_client.delete(self.url,
-                                                  extra_headers=True,
-                                                  headers=self.headers)
-        self.assertDictContainsSubset(
-            {'X-Configuration-Session': 'session_id',
-             'Content-Type': 'application/json',
-             'Accept': 'application/json'},
-            return_dict['headers']
-        )
-    def test_patch_update_headers(self):
-        __, return_dict = self.rest_client.patch(self.url, {},
-                                                 extra_headers=True,
-                                                 headers=self.headers)
-        self.assertDictContainsSubset(
-            {'X-Configuration-Session': 'session_id',
-             'Content-Type': 'application/json',
-             'Accept': 'application/json'},
-            return_dict['headers']
-        )
-    def test_put_update_headers(self):
-        __, return_dict = self.rest_client.put(self.url, {},
-                                               extra_headers=True,
-                                               headers=self.headers)
-        self.assertDictContainsSubset(
-            {'X-Configuration-Session': 'session_id',
-             'Content-Type': 'application/json',
-             'Accept': 'application/json'},
-            return_dict['headers']
-        )
-    def test_head_update_headers(self):
-        self.useFixture(mockpatch.PatchObject(self.rest_client,
-                                              'response_checker'))
-        __, return_dict = self.rest_client.head(self.url,
-                                                extra_headers=True,
-                                                headers=self.headers)
-        self.assertDictContainsSubset(
-            {'X-Configuration-Session': 'session_id',
-             'Content-Type': 'application/json',
-             'Accept': 'application/json'},
-            return_dict['headers']
-        )
-    def test_copy_update_headers(self):
-        __, return_dict = self.rest_client.copy(self.url,
-                                                extra_headers=True,
-                                                headers=self.headers)
-        self.assertDictContainsSubset(
-            {'X-Configuration-Session': 'session_id',
-             'Content-Type': 'application/json',
-             'Accept': 'application/json'},
-            return_dict['headers']
-        )
-class TestRestClientParseRespJSON(BaseRestClientTestClass):
-    TYPE = "json"
-    keys = ["fake_key1", "fake_key2"]
-    values = ["fake_value1", "fake_value2"]
-    item_expected = dict((key, value) for (key, value) in zip(keys, values))
-    list_expected = {"body_list": [
-        {keys[0]: values[0]},
-        {keys[1]: values[1]},
-    ]}
-    dict_expected = {"body_dict": {
-        keys[0]: values[0],
-        keys[1]: values[1],
-    }}
-    def setUp(self):
-        self.fake_http = fake_http.fake_httplib2()
-        super(TestRestClientParseRespJSON, self).setUp()
-        self.rest_client.TYPE = self.TYPE
-    def test_parse_resp_body_item(self):
-        body = self.rest_client._parse_resp(json.dumps(self.item_expected))
-        self.assertEqual(self.item_expected, body)
-    def test_parse_resp_body_list(self):
-        body = self.rest_client._parse_resp(json.dumps(self.list_expected))
-        self.assertEqual(self.list_expected["body_list"], body)
-    def test_parse_resp_body_dict(self):
-        body = self.rest_client._parse_resp(json.dumps(self.dict_expected))
-        self.assertEqual(self.dict_expected["body_dict"], body)
-    def test_parse_resp_two_top_keys(self):
-        dict_two_keys = self.dict_expected.copy()
-        dict_two_keys.update({"second_key": ""})
-        body = self.rest_client._parse_resp(json.dumps(dict_two_keys))
-        self.assertEqual(dict_two_keys, body)
-    def test_parse_resp_one_top_key_without_list_or_dict(self):
-        data = {"one_top_key": "not_list_or_dict_value"}
-        body = self.rest_client._parse_resp(json.dumps(data))
-        self.assertEqual(data, body)
-class TestRestClientErrorCheckerJSON(base.TestCase):
-    c_type = "application/json"
-    def set_data(self, r_code, enc=None, r_body=None):
-        if enc is None:
-            enc = self.c_type
-        resp_dict = {'status': r_code, 'content-type': enc}
-        resp = httplib2.Response(resp_dict)
-        data = {
-            "method": "fake_method",
-            "url": "fake_url",
-            "headers": "fake_headers",
-            "body": "fake_body",
-            "resp": resp,
-            "resp_body": '{"resp_body": "fake_resp_body"}',
-        }
-        if r_body is not None:
-            data.update({"resp_body": r_body})
-        return data
-    def setUp(self):
-        super(TestRestClientErrorCheckerJSON, self).setUp()
-        self.rest_client = rest_client.RestClient(
-            fake_auth_provider.FakeAuthProvider(), None, None)
-    def test_response_less_than_400(self):
-        self.rest_client._error_checker(**self.set_data("399"))
-    def test_response_400(self):
-        self.assertRaises(exceptions.BadRequest,
-                          self.rest_client._error_checker,
-                          **self.set_data("400"))
-    def test_response_401(self):
-        self.assertRaises(exceptions.Unauthorized,
-                          self.rest_client._error_checker,
-                          **self.set_data("401"))
-    def test_response_403(self):
-        self.assertRaises(exceptions.Unauthorized,
-                          self.rest_client._error_checker,
-                          **self.set_data("403"))
-    def test_response_404(self):
-        self.assertRaises(exceptions.NotFound,
-                          self.rest_client._error_checker,
-                          **self.set_data("404"))
-    def test_response_409(self):
-        self.assertRaises(exceptions.Conflict,
-                          self.rest_client._error_checker,
-                          **self.set_data("409"))
-    def test_response_413(self):
-        self.assertRaises(exceptions.OverLimit,
-                          self.rest_client._error_checker,
-                          **self.set_data("413"))
-    def test_response_415(self):
-        self.assertRaises(exceptions.InvalidContentType,
-                          self.rest_client._error_checker,
-                          **self.set_data("415"))
-    def test_response_422(self):
-        self.assertRaises(exceptions.UnprocessableEntity,
-                          self.rest_client._error_checker,
-                          **self.set_data("422"))
-    def test_response_500_with_text(self):
-        # _parse_resp is expected to return 'str'
-        self.assertRaises(exceptions.ServerFault,
-                          self.rest_client._error_checker,
-                          **self.set_data("500"))
-    def test_response_501_with_text(self):
-        self.assertRaises(exceptions.NotImplemented,
-                          self.rest_client._error_checker,
-                          **self.set_data("501"))
-    def test_response_500_with_dict(self):
-        r_body = '{"resp_body": {"err": "fake_resp_body"}}'
-        self.assertRaises(exceptions.ServerFault,
-                          self.rest_client._error_checker,
-                          **self.set_data("500", r_body=r_body))
-    def test_response_501_with_dict(self):
-        r_body = '{"resp_body": {"err": "fake_resp_body"}}'
-        self.assertRaises(exceptions.NotImplemented,
-                          self.rest_client._error_checker,
-                          **self.set_data("501", r_body=r_body))
-    def test_response_bigger_than_400(self):
-        # Any response code, that bigger than 400, and not in
-        # (401, 403, 404, 409, 413, 422, 500, 501)
-        self.assertRaises(exceptions.UnexpectedResponseCode,
-                          self.rest_client._error_checker,
-                          **self.set_data("402"))
-class TestRestClientErrorCheckerTEXT(TestRestClientErrorCheckerJSON):
-    c_type = "text/plain"
-    def test_fake_content_type(self):
-        # This test is required only in one exemplar
-        # Any response code, that bigger than 400, and not in
-        # (401, 403, 404, 409, 413, 422, 500, 501)
-        self.assertRaises(exceptions.InvalidContentType,
-                          self.rest_client._error_checker,
-                          **self.set_data("405", enc="fake_enc"))
-class TestRestClientUtils(BaseRestClientTestClass):
-    def _is_resource_deleted(self, resource_id):
-        if not isinstance(self.retry_pass, int):
-            return False
-        if self.retry_count >= self.retry_pass:
-            return True
-        self.retry_count = self.retry_count + 1
-        return False
-    def setUp(self):
-        self.fake_http = fake_http.fake_httplib2()
-        super(TestRestClientUtils, self).setUp()
-        self.retry_count = 0
-        self.retry_pass = None
-        self.original_deleted_method = self.rest_client.is_resource_deleted
-        self.rest_client.is_resource_deleted = self._is_resource_deleted
-    def test_wait_for_resource_deletion(self):
-        self.retry_pass = 2
-        # Ensure timeout long enough for loop execution to hit retry count
-        self.rest_client.build_timeout = 500
-        sleep_mock = self.patch('time.sleep')
-        self.rest_client.wait_for_resource_deletion('1234')
-        self.assertEqual(len(sleep_mock.mock_calls), 2)
-    def test_wait_for_resource_deletion_not_deleted(self):
-        self.patch('time.sleep')
-        # Set timeout to be very quick to force exception faster
-        self.rest_client.build_timeout = 1
-        self.assertRaises(exceptions.TimeoutException,
-                          self.rest_client.wait_for_resource_deletion,
-                          '1234')
-    def test_wait_for_deletion_with_unimplemented_deleted_method(self):
-        self.rest_client.is_resource_deleted = self.original_deleted_method
-        self.assertRaises(NotImplementedError,
-                          self.rest_client.wait_for_resource_deletion,
-                          '1234')
-class TestExpectedSuccess(BaseRestClientTestClass):
-    def setUp(self):
-        self.fake_http = fake_http.fake_httplib2()
-        super(TestExpectedSuccess, self).setUp()
-    def test_expected_succes_int_match(self):
-        expected_code = 202
-        read_code = 202
-        resp = self.rest_client.expected_success(expected_code, read_code)
-        # Assert None resp on success
-        self.assertFalse(resp)
-    def test_expected_succes_int_no_match(self):
-        expected_code = 204
-        read_code = 202
-        self.assertRaises(exceptions.InvalidHttpSuccessCode,
-                          self.rest_client.expected_success,
-                          expected_code, read_code)
-    def test_expected_succes_list_match(self):
-        expected_code = [202, 204]
-        read_code = 202
-        resp = self.rest_client.expected_success(expected_code, read_code)
-        # Assert None resp on success
-        self.assertFalse(resp)
-    def test_expected_succes_list_no_match(self):
-        expected_code = [202, 204]
-        read_code = 200
-        self.assertRaises(exceptions.InvalidHttpSuccessCode,
-                          self.rest_client.expected_success,
-                          expected_code, read_code)
-    def test_non_success_expected_int(self):
-        expected_code = 404
-        read_code = 202
-        self.assertRaises(AssertionError, self.rest_client.expected_success,
-                          expected_code, read_code)
-    def test_non_success_expected_list(self):
-        expected_code = [404, 202]
-        read_code = 202
-        self.assertRaises(AssertionError, self.rest_client.expected_success,
-                          expected_code, read_code)
diff --git a/tempest/tests/test_tenant_isolation.py b/tempest/tests/test_tenant_isolation.py
index f6779c6..58a8060 100644
--- a/tempest/tests/test_tenant_isolation.py
+++ b/tempest/tests/test_tenant_isolation.py
@@ -110,7 +110,7 @@
             return_value={'router': {'id': id, 'name': name}}))
         return router_fix
-    @mock.patch('tempest.common.rest_client.RestClient')
+    @mock.patch('tempest_lib.common.rest_client.RestClient')
     def test_primary_creds(self, MockRestClient):
         cfg.CONF.set_default('neutron', False, 'service_available')
         iso_creds = isolated_creds.IsolatedCreds('test class',
@@ -126,7 +126,7 @@
         self.assertEqual(primary_creds.tenant_id, '1234')
         self.assertEqual(primary_creds.user_id, '1234')
-    @mock.patch('tempest.common.rest_client.RestClient')
+    @mock.patch('tempest_lib.common.rest_client.RestClient')
     def test_admin_creds(self, MockRestClient):
         cfg.CONF.set_default('neutron', False, 'service_available')
         iso_creds = isolated_creds.IsolatedCreds('test class',
@@ -151,7 +151,7 @@
         self.assertEqual(admin_creds.tenant_id, '1234')
         self.assertEqual(admin_creds.user_id, '1234')
-    @mock.patch('tempest.common.rest_client.RestClient')
+    @mock.patch('tempest_lib.common.rest_client.RestClient')
     def test_all_cred_cleanup(self, MockRestClient):
         cfg.CONF.set_default('neutron', False, 'service_available')
         iso_creds = isolated_creds.IsolatedCreds('test class',
@@ -195,7 +195,7 @@
         self.assertIn('12345', args)
         self.assertIn('123456', args)
-    @mock.patch('tempest.common.rest_client.RestClient')
+    @mock.patch('tempest_lib.common.rest_client.RestClient')
     def test_alt_creds(self, MockRestClient):
         cfg.CONF.set_default('neutron', False, 'service_available')
         iso_creds = isolated_creds.IsolatedCreds('test class',
@@ -211,7 +211,7 @@
         self.assertEqual(alt_creds.tenant_id, '1234')
         self.assertEqual(alt_creds.user_id, '1234')
-    @mock.patch('tempest.common.rest_client.RestClient')
+    @mock.patch('tempest_lib.common.rest_client.RestClient')
     def test_network_creation(self, MockRestClient):
         iso_creds = isolated_creds.IsolatedCreds('test class',
@@ -237,7 +237,7 @@
         self.assertEqual(router['id'], '1234')
         self.assertEqual(router['name'], 'fake_router')
-    @mock.patch('tempest.common.rest_client.RestClient')
+    @mock.patch('tempest_lib.common.rest_client.RestClient')
     def test_network_cleanup(self, MockRestClient):
         def side_effect(**args):
             return {"security_groups": [{"tenant_id": args['tenant_id'],
@@ -360,7 +360,7 @@
         self.assertIn('12345', args)
         self.assertIn('123456', args)
-    @mock.patch('tempest.common.rest_client.RestClient')
+    @mock.patch('tempest_lib.common.rest_client.RestClient')
     def test_network_alt_creation(self, MockRestClient):
         iso_creds = isolated_creds.IsolatedCreds('test class',
@@ -386,7 +386,7 @@
         self.assertEqual(router['id'], '1234')
         self.assertEqual(router['name'], 'fake_alt_router')
-    @mock.patch('tempest.common.rest_client.RestClient')
+    @mock.patch('tempest_lib.common.rest_client.RestClient')
     def test_network_admin_creation(self, MockRestClient):
         iso_creds = isolated_creds.IsolatedCreds('test class',
@@ -412,7 +412,7 @@
         self.assertEqual(router['id'], '1234')
         self.assertEqual(router['name'], 'fake_admin_router')
-    @mock.patch('tempest.common.rest_client.RestClient')
+    @mock.patch('tempest_lib.common.rest_client.RestClient')
     def test_no_network_resources(self, MockRestClient):
         net_dict = {
             'network': False,
@@ -448,7 +448,7 @@
-    @mock.patch('tempest.common.rest_client.RestClient')
+    @mock.patch('tempest_lib.common.rest_client.RestClient')
     def test_router_without_network(self, MockRestClient):
         net_dict = {
             'network': False,
@@ -466,7 +466,7 @@
-    @mock.patch('tempest.common.rest_client.RestClient')
+    @mock.patch('tempest_lib.common.rest_client.RestClient')
     def test_subnet_without_network(self, MockRestClient):
         net_dict = {
             'network': False,
@@ -484,7 +484,7 @@
-    @mock.patch('tempest.common.rest_client.RestClient')
+    @mock.patch('tempest_lib.common.rest_client.RestClient')
     def test_dhcp_without_subnet(self, MockRestClient):
         net_dict = {
             'network': False,