Remind user about log_level.

Change-Id: I70284f64769429c2605bde1acd7e741476580316
diff --git a/stress/README.rst b/stress/README.rst
index 1667e31..d935289 100644
--- a/stress/README.rst
+++ b/stress/README.rst
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
 controlling rate of fire and stuff like that.


 This test framework is designed to stress test a Nova cluster. Hence,

-you must have a working Nova cluster.

+you must have a working Nova cluster with rate limiting turned off.




@@ -34,12 +34,16 @@
   controller=<hostname for calling nova-manage>

   max_instances=<limit on instances that will be created>


+Also, make sure to set




+so that the API client does not log failed calls which are expected while

+running stress tests.


 The stress test needs the top-level tempest directory to be on PYTHONPATH

 if you are not using nosetests to run.


-For real stress, you need to remove "ratelimit" from the pipeline in




 Running the sample test
