Improve error message on volume tests failure

Current error message does not give much clarity
about what exactly failed.

This commit improve the error message by providing
more info like sort_key and expected order in msg along
with fetched list.

Change-Id: I027ded27c08bf47398323408661f192b002c4bcf
diff --git a/tempest/api/volume/v2/ b/tempest/api/volume/v2/
index 7717027..03996af 100644
--- a/tempest/api/volume/v2/
+++ b/tempest/api/volume/v2/
@@ -73,9 +73,13 @@
             val0 = fetched_volume[0][sort_key]
             val1 = fetched_volume[1][sort_key]
             if sort_dir == 'asc':
-                self.assertLess(val0, val1, "%s < %s" % (val0, val1))
+                self.assertLess(val0, val1,
+                                "list is not in asc order with sort_key: %s."
+                                " %s" % (sort_key, fetched_volume))
             elif sort_dir == 'desc':
-                self.assertGreater(val0, val1, "%s > %s" % (val0, val1))
+                self.assertGreater(val0, val1,
+                                   "list is not in desc order with sort_key: "
+                                   "%s. %s" % (sort_key, fetched_volume))