Merge "[DOC] Fix "Title level inconsistent" warning"
diff --git a/doc/source/library/credential_providers.rst b/doc/source/library/credential_providers.rst
index f4eb37d..d96c97a 100644
--- a/doc/source/library/credential_providers.rst
+++ b/doc/source/library/credential_providers.rst
@@ -130,19 +130,18 @@
   # role
-API Reference
+API Reference
 The dynamic credentials module
 .. automodule:: tempest.lib.common.dynamic_creds
 The pre-provisioned credentials module
 .. automodule:: tempest.lib.common.preprov_creds
diff --git a/tempest/lib/common/ b/tempest/lib/common/
index 9a6c8f5..4f1a883 100644
--- a/tempest/lib/common/
+++ b/tempest/lib/common/
@@ -28,6 +28,43 @@
 class DynamicCredentialProvider(cred_provider.CredentialProvider):
+    """Creates credentials dynamically for tests
+    A credential provider that, based on an initial set of
+    admin credentials, creates new credentials on the fly for
+    tests to use and then discard.
+    :param str identity_version: identity API version to use `v2` or `v3`
+    :param str admin_role: name of the admin role added to admin users
+    :param str name: names of dynamic resources include this parameter
+                     when specified
+    :param str credentials_domain: name of the domain where the users
+                                   are created. If not defined, the project
+                                   domain from admin_credentials is used
+    :param dict network_resources: network resources to be created for
+                                   the created credentials
+    :param Credentials admin_creds: initial admin credentials
+    :param bool identity_admin_domain_scope: Set to true if admin should be
+                                             scoped to the domain. By
+                                             default this is False and the
+                                             admin role is scoped to the
+                                             project.
+    :param str identity_admin_role: The role name to use for admin
+    :param list extra_roles: A list of strings for extra roles that should
+                             be assigned to all created users
+    :param bool neutron_available: Whether we are running in an environemnt
+                                   with neutron
+    :param bool create_networks: Whether dynamic project networks should be
+                                 created or not
+    :param project_network_cidr: The CIDR to use for created project
+                                 networks
+    :param project_network_mask_bits: The network mask bits to use for
+                                      created project networks
+    :param public_network_id: The id for the public network to use
+    :param identity_admin_endpoint_type: The endpoint type for identity
+                                         admin clients. Defaults to public.
+    :param identity_uri: Identity URI of the target cloud
+    """
     def __init__(self, identity_version, name=None, network_resources=None,
                  credentials_domain=None, admin_role=None, admin_creds=None,
@@ -37,43 +74,6 @@
                  project_network_cidr=None, project_network_mask_bits=None,
                  public_network_id=None, resource_prefix=None,
                  identity_admin_endpoint_type='public', identity_uri=None):
-        """Creates credentials dynamically for tests
-        A credential provider that, based on an initial set of
-        admin credentials, creates new credentials on the fly for
-        tests to use and then discard.
-        :param str identity_version: identity API version to use `v2` or `v3`
-        :param str admin_role: name of the admin role added to admin users
-        :param str name: names of dynamic resources include this parameter
-                         when specified
-        :param str credentials_domain: name of the domain where the users
-                                       are created. If not defined, the project
-                                       domain from admin_credentials is used
-        :param dict network_resources: network resources to be created for
-                                       the created credentials
-        :param Credentials admin_creds: initial admin credentials
-        :param bool identity_admin_domain_scope: Set to true if admin should be
-                                                 scoped to the domain. By
-                                                 default this is False and the
-                                                 admin role is scoped to the
-                                                 project.
-        :param str identity_admin_role: The role name to use for admin
-        :param list extra_roles: A list of strings for extra roles that should
-                                 be assigned to all created users
-        :param bool neutron_available: Whether we are running in an environemnt
-                                       with neutron
-        :param bool create_networks: Whether dynamic project networks should be
-                                     created or not
-        :param project_network_cidr: The CIDR to use for created project
-                                     networks
-        :param project_network_mask_bits: The network mask bits to use for
-                                          created project networks
-        :param public_network_id: The id for the public network to use
-        :param identity_admin_endpoint_type: The endpoint type for identity
-                                             admin clients. Defaults to public.
-        :param identity_uri: Identity URI of the target cloud
-        """
         super(DynamicCredentialProvider, self).__init__(
             identity_version=identity_version, identity_uri=identity_uri,
             admin_role=admin_role, name=name,
diff --git a/tempest/lib/common/ b/tempest/lib/common/
index cd3a10e..83db513 100644
--- a/tempest/lib/common/
+++ b/tempest/lib/common/
@@ -41,6 +41,35 @@
 class PreProvisionedCredentialProvider(cred_provider.CredentialProvider):
+    """Credentials provider using pre-provisioned accounts
+    This credentials provider loads the details of pre-provisioned
+    accounts from a YAML file, in the format specified by
+    ``etc/accounts.yaml.sample``. It locks accounts while in use, using the
+    external locking mechanism, allowing for multiple python processes
+    to share a single account file, and thus running tests in parallel.
+    The accounts_lock_dir must be generated using `lockutils.get_lock_path`
+    from the oslo.concurrency library. For instance::
+        accounts_lock_dir = os.path.join(lockutils.get_lock_path(CONF),
+                                         'test_accounts')
+    Role names for object storage are optional as long as the
+    `operator` and `reseller_admin` credential types are not used in the
+    accounts file.
+    :param identity_version: identity version of the credentials
+    :param admin_role: name of the admin role
+    :param test_accounts_file: path to the accounts YAML file
+    :param accounts_lock_dir: the directory for external locking
+    :param name: name of the hash file (optional)
+    :param credentials_domain: name of the domain credentials belong to
+                               (if no domain is configured)
+    :param object_storage_operator_role: name of the role
+    :param object_storage_reseller_admin_role: name of the role
+    :param identity_uri: Identity URI of the target cloud
+    """
     # Exclude from the hash fields specific to v2 or v3 identity API
     # i.e. only include user*, project*, tenant* and password
@@ -51,35 +80,6 @@
                  accounts_lock_dir, name=None, credentials_domain=None,
                  admin_role=None, object_storage_operator_role=None,
                  object_storage_reseller_admin_role=None, identity_uri=None):
-        """Credentials provider using pre-provisioned accounts
-        This credentials provider loads the details of pre-provisioned
-        accounts from a YAML file, in the format specified by
-        `etc/accounts.yaml.sample`. It locks accounts while in use, using the
-        external locking mechanism, allowing for multiple python processes
-        to share a single account file, and thus running tests in parallel.
-        The accounts_lock_dir must be generated using `lockutils.get_lock_path`
-        from the oslo.concurrency library. For instance:
-            accounts_lock_dir = os.path.join(lockutils.get_lock_path(CONF),
-                                             'test_accounts')
-        Role names for object storage are optional as long as the
-        `operator` and `reseller_admin` credential types are not used in the
-        accounts file.
-        :param identity_version: identity version of the credentials
-        :param admin_role: name of the admin role
-        :param test_accounts_file: path to the accounts YAML file
-        :param accounts_lock_dir: the directory for external locking
-        :param name: name of the hash file (optional)
-        :param credentials_domain: name of the domain credentials belong to
-                                   (if no domain is configured)
-        :param object_storage_operator_role: name of the role
-        :param object_storage_reseller_admin_role: name of the role
-        :param identity_uri: Identity URI of the target cloud
-        """
         super(PreProvisionedCredentialProvider, self).__init__(
             identity_version=identity_version, name=name,
             admin_role=admin_role, credentials_domain=credentials_domain,