Add check that service tag isn't in path name

This commit adds a new hacking check to ensure that a service tag
isn't added on a test whose path includes the service tag being added.
Having a service tag added where the path already contains the service
name is redundant.

Partially implements bp add-service-tags

Change-Id: I88b3005d05e17751045d766efb1e965822a3c50e
diff --git a/tempest/hacking/ b/tempest/hacking/
index 234faad..f74621d 100644
--- a/tempest/hacking/
+++ b/tempest/hacking/
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
 #   License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
 #   under the License.
+import os
 import re
@@ -22,7 +23,7 @@
 PYTHON_CLIENT_RE = re.compile('import (%s)client' % '|'.join(PYTHON_CLIENTS))
 TEST_DEFINITION = re.compile(r'^\s*def test.*')
 SETUPCLASS_DEFINITION = re.compile(r'^\s*def setUpClass')
-SCENARIO_DECORATOR = re.compile(r'\s*@.*services\(')
+SCENARIO_DECORATOR = re.compile(r'\s*@.*services\((.*)\)')
 VI_HEADER_RE = re.compile(r"^#\s+vim?:.+")
@@ -75,8 +76,32 @@
             return 0, "T106: Don't put vi configuration in source files"
+def service_tags_not_in_module_path(physical_line, filename):
+    """Check that a service tag isn't in the module path
+    A service tag should only be added if the service name isn't already in
+    the module path.
+    T107
+    """
+    # NOTE(mtreinish) Scenario tests always need service tags, but subdirs are
+    # created for services like heat which would cause false negatives for
+    # those tests, so just exclude the scenario tests.
+    if 'tempest/scenario' not in filename:
+        matches = SCENARIO_DECORATOR.match(physical_line)
+        if matches:
+            services =',')
+            for service in services:
+                service_name = service.strip().strip("'")
+                modulepath = os.path.split(filename)[0]
+                if service_name in modulepath:
+                    return (physical_line.find(service_name),
+                            "T107: service tag should not be in path")
 def factory(register):
+    register(service_tags_not_in_module_path)