Use configured upper-constraints for non-master Tempest run

If any job use older Tempest version then we can not need
to use the master upper-constraints as they can be
incompatible most of the time. We need to use the compatible
constraints of what version of Tempest is configured to run.

Below devstack patch adding the new way to configure
the upper-constraints via new variable TEMPEST_VENV_UPPER_CONSTRAINTS
when Tempest master is not used.

We need to use the same variable to use the configured constraints
in run-tempest roles also so that when run-tempest recreate the
tempest venv then it honor the same configured constraints instead
if using master and error For example:


Change-Id: I32d539b02366c8ae7ea70195674a97ed6a8ae759
diff --git a/roles/run-tempest/tasks/main.yaml b/roles/run-tempest/tasks/main.yaml
index 5b00de3..37026e4 100644
--- a/roles/run-tempest/tasks/main.yaml
+++ b/roles/run-tempest/tasks/main.yaml
@@ -31,6 +31,17 @@
     tempest_tox_environment: "{{ tempest_tox_environment | combine({'UPPER_CONSTRAINTS_FILE': stable_constraints_file}) | combine({'TOX_CONSTRAINTS_FILE': stable_constraints_file}) }}"
   when: target_branch in ["stable/ocata", "stable/pike", "stable/queens", "stable/rocky", "stable/stein"]
+- name: Use Configured upper-constraints for non-master Tempest
+  set_fact:
+    # TOX_CONSTRAINTS_FILE is new name, UPPER_CONSTRAINTS_FILE is old one, best to set both
+    tempest_tox_environment: "{{ tempest_tox_environment | combine({'UPPER_CONSTRAINTS_FILE': devstack_localrc['TEMPEST_VENV_UPPER_CONSTRAINTS']}) | combine({'TOX_CONSTRAINTS_FILE': devstack_localrc['TEMPEST_VENV_UPPER_CONSTRAINTS']}) }}"
+  when:
+    - devstack_localrc is defined
+    - "'TEMPEST_BRANCH' in devstack_localrc"
+    - "'TEMPEST_VENV_UPPER_CONSTRAINTS' in devstack_localrc"
+    - devstack_localrc['TEMPEST_BRANCH'] != 'master'
+    - devstack_localrc['TEMPEST_VENV_UPPER_CONSTRAINTS'] != 'default'
 - name: Set OS_TEST_TIMEOUT if requested
     tempest_tox_environment: "{{ tempest_tox_environment | combine({'OS_TEST_TIMEOUT': tempest_test_timeout}) }}"