Add test for swift ACLs

This test case set some read and write ACLs and
erify that objects are or not available to another

Change-Id: I6e89d8478b18406dec3e87886eee6dc0d72f9209
Implements: bp test-swift-acls
diff --git a/tempest/api/object_storage/ b/tempest/api/object_storage/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1a31b91
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tempest/api/object_storage/
@@ -0,0 +1,225 @@
+# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4
+# Copyright 2012 OpenStack, LLC
+# All Rights Reserved.
+#    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+#    not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+#    a copy of the License at
+#    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+#    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+#    WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+#    License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+#    under the License.
+from tempest.api.object_storage import base
+from tempest.common.utils.data_utils import rand_name
+from tempest import exceptions
+from tempest.test import attr
+from tempest.test import HTTP_SUCCESS
+class ObjectTestACLs(base.BaseObjectTest):
+    @classmethod
+    def setUpClass(cls):
+        super(ObjectTestACLs, cls).setUpClass()
+        cls.new_token = cls.token_client.get_token(,
+                                         ,
+        cls.custom_headers = {'X-Auth-Token': cls.new_token}
+    @classmethod
+    def tearDownClass(cls):
+        super(ObjectTestACLs, cls).tearDownClass()
+    def setUp(self):
+        super(ObjectTestACLs, self).setUp()
+        self.container_name = rand_name(name='TestContainer')
+        self.container_client.create_container(self.container_name)
+    def tearDown(self):
+        self.delete_containers([self.container_name])
+        super(ObjectTestACLs, self).tearDown()
+    @attr(type=['negative', 'gate'])
+    def test_write_object_without_using_creds(self):
+        # trying to create object with empty headers
+        # X-Auth-Token is not provided
+        object_name = rand_name(name='Object')
+        self.assertRaises(exceptions.Unauthorized,
+                          self.custom_object_client.create_object,
+                          self.container_name, object_name, 'data')
+    @attr(type=['negative', 'gate'])
+    def test_delete_object_without_using_creds(self):
+        # create object
+        object_name = rand_name(name='Object')
+        resp, _ = self.object_client.create_object(self.container_name,
+                                                   object_name, 'data')
+        # trying to delete object with empty headers
+        # X-Auth-Token is not provided
+        self.assertRaises(exceptions.Unauthorized,
+                          self.custom_object_client.delete_object,
+                          self.container_name, object_name)
+    @attr(type=['negative', 'gate'])
+    def test_write_object_with_non_authorized_user(self):
+        # attempt to upload another file using non-authorized user
+        # User provided token is forbidden. ACL are not set
+        object_name = rand_name(name='Object')
+        # trying to create object with non-authorized user
+        self.assertRaises(exceptions.Unauthorized,
+                          self.custom_object_client.create_object,
+                          self.container_name, object_name, 'data',
+                          metadata=self.custom_headers)
+    @attr(type=['negative', 'gate'])
+    def test_read_object_with_non_authorized_user(self):
+        # attempt to read object using non-authorized user
+        # User provided token is forbidden. ACL are not set
+        object_name = rand_name(name='Object')
+        resp, _ = self.object_client.create_object(
+            self.container_name, object_name, 'data')
+        self.assertEqual(resp['status'], '201')
+        # trying to get object with non authorized user token
+        self.assertRaises(exceptions.Unauthorized,
+                          self.custom_object_client.get_object,
+                          self.container_name, object_name,
+                          metadata=self.custom_headers)
+    @attr(type=['negative', 'gate'])
+    def test_delete_object_with_non_authorized_user(self):
+        # attempt to delete object using non-authorized user
+        # User provided token is forbidden. ACL are not set
+        object_name = rand_name(name='Object')
+        resp, _ = self.object_client.create_object(
+            self.container_name, object_name, 'data')
+        self.assertEqual(resp['status'], '201')
+        # trying to delete object with non-authorized user token
+        self.assertRaises(exceptions.Unauthorized,
+                          self.custom_object_client.delete_object,
+                          self.container_name, object_name,
+                          metadata=self.custom_headers)
+    @attr(type=['negative', 'smoke'])
+    def test_read_object_without_rights(self):
+        # attempt to read object using non-authorized user
+        # update X-Container-Read metadata ACL
+        cont_headers = {'X-Container-Read': 'badtenant:baduser'}
+        resp_meta, body = self.container_client.update_container_metadata(
+            self.container_name, metadata=cont_headers,
+            metadata_prefix='')
+        self.assertIn(int(resp_meta['status']), HTTP_SUCCESS)
+        # create object
+        object_name = rand_name(name='Object')
+        resp, _ = self.object_client.create_object(self.container_name,
+                                                   object_name, 'data')
+        self.assertEqual(resp['status'], '201')
+        # Trying to read the object without rights
+        self.assertRaises(exceptions.Unauthorized,
+                          self.custom_object_client.get_object,
+                          self.container_name, object_name,
+                          metadata=self.custom_headers)
+    @attr(type=['negative', 'smoke'])
+    def test_write_object_without_rights(self):
+        # attempt to write object using non-authorized user
+        # update X-Container-Write metadata ACL
+        cont_headers = {'X-Container-Write': 'badtenant:baduser'}
+        resp_meta, body = self.container_client.update_container_metadata(
+            self.container_name, metadata=cont_headers,
+            metadata_prefix='')
+        self.assertIn(int(resp_meta['status']), HTTP_SUCCESS)
+        # Trying to write the object without rights
+        object_name = rand_name(name='Object')
+        self.assertRaises(exceptions.Unauthorized,
+                          self.custom_object_client.create_object,
+                          self.container_name,
+                          object_name, 'data',
+                          metadata=self.custom_headers)
+    @attr(type='smoke')
+    def test_read_object_with_rights(self):
+        # attempt to read object using authorized user
+        # update X-Container-Read metadata ACL
+        cont_headers = {'X-Container-Read':
+               + ':' +}
+        resp_meta, body = self.container_client.update_container_metadata(
+            self.container_name, metadata=cont_headers,
+            metadata_prefix='')
+        self.assertIn(int(resp_meta['status']), HTTP_SUCCESS)
+        # create object
+        object_name = rand_name(name='Object')
+        resp, _ = self.object_client.create_object(self.container_name,
+                                                   object_name, 'data')
+        self.assertEqual(resp['status'], '201')
+        # Trying to read the object with rights
+        resp, _ = self.custom_object_client.get_object(
+            self.container_name, object_name,
+            metadata=self.custom_headers)
+        self.assertIn(int(resp['status']), HTTP_SUCCESS)
+    @attr(type='smoke')
+    def test_write_object_with_rights(self):
+        # attempt to write object using authorized user
+        # update X-Container-Write metadata ACL
+        cont_headers = {'X-Container-Write':
+               + ':' +}
+        resp_meta, body = self.container_client.update_container_metadata(
+            self.container_name, metadata=cont_headers,
+            metadata_prefix='')
+        self.assertIn(int(resp_meta['status']), HTTP_SUCCESS)
+        # Trying to write the object with rights
+        object_name = rand_name(name='Object')
+        resp, _ = self.custom_object_client.create_object(
+            self.container_name,
+            object_name, 'data',
+            metadata=self.custom_headers)
+        self.assertIn(int(resp['status']), HTTP_SUCCESS)
+    @attr(type=['negative', 'smoke'])
+    def test_write_object_without_write_rights(self):
+        # attempt to write object using non-authorized user
+        # update X-Container-Read and X-Container-Write metadata ACL
+        cont_headers = {'X-Container-Read':
+               + ':' +,
+                        'X-Container-Write': ''}
+        resp_meta, body = self.container_client.update_container_metadata(
+            self.container_name, metadata=cont_headers,
+            metadata_prefix='')
+        self.assertIn(int(resp_meta['status']), HTTP_SUCCESS)
+        # Trying to write the object without write rights
+        object_name = rand_name(name='Object')
+        self.assertRaises(exceptions.Unauthorized,
+                          self.custom_object_client.create_object,
+                          self.container_name,
+                          object_name, 'data',
+                          metadata=self.custom_headers)
+    @attr(type=['negative', 'smoke'])
+    def test_delete_object_without_write_rights(self):
+        # attempt to delete object using non-authorized user
+        # update X-Container-Read and X-Container-Write metadata ACL
+        cont_headers = {'X-Container-Read':
+               + ':' +,
+                        'X-Container-Write': ''}
+        resp_meta, body = self.container_client.update_container_metadata(
+            self.container_name, metadata=cont_headers,
+            metadata_prefix='')
+        self.assertIn(int(resp_meta['status']), HTTP_SUCCESS)
+        # create object
+        object_name = rand_name(name='Object')
+        resp, _ = self.object_client.create_object(self.container_name,
+                                                   object_name, 'data')
+        self.assertEqual(resp['status'], '201')
+        # Trying to delete the object without write rights
+        self.assertRaises(exceptions.Unauthorized,
+                          self.custom_object_client.delete_object,
+                          self.container_name,
+                          object_name,
+                          metadata=self.custom_headers)
diff --git a/tempest/api/object_storage/ b/tempest/api/object_storage/
index 6136216..c8d9965 100644
--- a/tempest/api/object_storage/
+++ b/tempest/api/object_storage/
@@ -21,7 +21,6 @@
 from tempest.api.object_storage import base
 from tempest.common.utils.data_utils import arbitrary_string
 from tempest.common.utils.data_utils import rand_name
-from tempest import exceptions
 from tempest.test import attr
 from tempest.test import HTTP_SUCCESS
@@ -230,74 +229,6 @@
   "Got exception :%s ; while copying"
                       " object across containers" % e)
-    @attr(type=['negative', 'gate'])
-    def test_write_object_without_using_creds(self):
-        # trying to create object with empty headers
-        object_name = rand_name(name='Object')
-        data = arbitrary_string(size=len(object_name),
-                                base_text=object_name)
-        obj_headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json',
-                       'Accept': 'application/json'}
-        self.assertRaises(exceptions.Unauthorized,
-                          self.custom_object_client.create_object,
-                          self.container_name, object_name, data,
-                          metadata=obj_headers)
-    @attr(type=['negative', 'gate'])
-    def test_delete_object_without_using_creds(self):
-        # create object
-        object_name = rand_name(name='Object')
-        data = arbitrary_string(size=len(object_name),
-                                base_text=object_name)
-        resp, _ = self.object_client.create_object(self.container_name,
-                                                   object_name, data)
-        # trying to delete object with empty headers
-        self.assertRaises(exceptions.Unauthorized,
-                          self.custom_object_client.delete_object,
-                          self.container_name, object_name)
-    @attr(type=['negative', 'gate'])
-    def test_write_object_with_non_authorized_user(self):
-        # attempt to upload another file using non-authorized user
-        object_name = rand_name(name='Object')
-        data = arbitrary_string(size=len(object_name) * 5,
-                                base_text=object_name)
-        # trying to create object with non-authorized user
-        self.assertRaises(exceptions.Unauthorized,
-                          self.custom_object_client.create_object,
-                          self.container_name, object_name, data,
-                          metadata=self.custom_headers)
-    @attr(type=['negative', 'gate'])
-    def test_read_object_with_non_authorized_user(self):
-        object_name = rand_name(name='Object')
-        data = arbitrary_string(size=len(object_name) * 5,
-                                base_text=object_name)
-        resp, body = self.object_client.create_object(
-            self.container_name, object_name, data)
-        self.assertEqual(resp['status'], '201')
-        # trying to get object with non authorized user token
-        self.assertRaises(exceptions.Unauthorized,
-                          self.custom_object_client.get_object,
-                          self.container_name, object_name,
-                          metadata=self.custom_headers)
-    @attr(type=['negative', 'gate'])
-    def test_delete_object_with_non_authorized_user(self):
-        object_name = rand_name(name='Object')
-        data = arbitrary_string(size=len(object_name) * 5,
-                                base_text=object_name)
-        resp, body = self.object_client.create_object(
-            self.container_name, object_name, data)
-        self.assertEqual(resp['status'], '201')
-        # trying to delete object with non-authorized user token
-        self.assertRaises(exceptions.Unauthorized,
-                          self.custom_object_client.delete_object,
-                          self.container_name, object_name,
-                          metadata=self.custom_headers)
     def test_get_object_using_temp_url(self):
         # access object using temporary URL within expiration time