Adds Ironic set/get boot device API test

Adds Ironic API tests to validate the management interface for set/get
boot device and get the supported boot devices.

Implements: blueprint new-management-interface
Change-Id: I23ad1479858f5b116c1e35242d7eee10c9626d32
diff --git a/tempest/api/baremetal/admin/ b/tempest/api/baremetal/admin/
index 43ea1e6..ab6aed3 100644
--- a/tempest/api/baremetal/admin/
+++ b/tempest/api/baremetal/admin/
@@ -86,3 +86,23 @@
         core_interfaces = ['power', 'deploy']
         for interface in core_interfaces:
             self.assertIn(interface, body)
+    @test.attr(type='smoke')
+    def test_set_node_boot_device(self):
+        body = self.client.set_node_boot_device(self.node['uuid'], 'pxe')
+        # No content
+        self.assertEqual('', body)
+    @test.attr(type='smoke')
+    def test_get_node_boot_device(self):
+        body = self.client.get_node_boot_device(self.node['uuid'])
+        self.assertIn('boot_device', body)
+        self.assertIn('persistent', body)
+        self.assertTrue(isinstance(body['boot_device'], six.string_types))
+        self.assertTrue(isinstance(body['persistent'], bool))
+    @test.attr(type='smoke')
+    def test_get_node_supported_boot_devices(self):
+        body = self.client.get_node_supported_boot_devices(self.node['uuid'])
+        self.assertIn('supported_boot_devices', body)
+        self.assertTrue(isinstance(body['supported_boot_devices'], list))
diff --git a/tempest/services/baremetal/v1/ b/tempest/services/baremetal/v1/
index 9c753c2..07eee8a 100644
--- a/tempest/services/baremetal/v1/
+++ b/tempest/services/baremetal/v1/
@@ -264,3 +264,47 @@
         return self._show_request('nodes', node_uuid, uri=uri)
+    @base.handle_errors
+    def set_node_boot_device(self, node_uuid, boot_device, persistent=False):
+        """
+        Set the boot device of the specified node.
+        :param node_uuid: The unique identifier of the node.
+        :param boot_device: The boot device name.
+        :param persistent: Boolean value. True if the boot device will
+                           persist to all future boots, False if not.
+                           Default: False.
+        """
+        request = {'boot_device': boot_device, 'persistent': persistent}
+        resp, body = self._put_request('nodes/%s/management/boot_device' %
+                                       node_uuid, request)
+        self.expected_success(204, resp.status)
+        return body
+    @base.handle_errors
+    def get_node_boot_device(self, node_uuid):
+        """
+        Get the current boot device of the specified node.
+        :param node_uuid: The unique identifier of the node.
+        """
+        path = 'nodes/%s/management/boot_device' % node_uuid
+        resp, body = self._list_request(path)
+        self.expected_success(200, resp.status)
+        return body
+    @base.handle_errors
+    def get_node_supported_boot_devices(self, node_uuid):
+        """
+        Get the supported boot devices of the specified node.
+        :param node_uuid: The unique identifier of the node.
+        """
+        path = 'nodes/%s/management/boot_device/supported' % node_uuid
+        resp, body = self._list_request(path)
+        self.expected_success(200, resp.status)
+        return body