scenario cross_tenant_connectivity

test conectivity between VMs in the same tenant and on different
for each case, test that default state blocks traffic(*), that security
rules allow only specified traffic

(*)negative connectivity check is skipped until bug 1252620 is fixed
   TODO(yfried): enable them once bug is fixed

Also adds workaround for bug 1247568 in python-neutronclient (preventing
tearDownClass from ignoring deleted neutron resources

Change-Id: I212873d46e20ff3161e376105af18020b1cf1c9d
diff --git a/tempest/common/utils/linux/ b/tempest/common/utils/linux/
index e64a257..3cae80f 100644
--- a/tempest/common/utils/linux/
+++ b/tempest/common/utils/linux/
@@ -93,3 +93,7 @@
     def ping_host(self, host):
         cmd = 'ping -c1 -w1 %s' % host
         return self.ssh_client.exec_command(cmd)
+    def get_mac_address(self):
+        cmd = "/sbin/ifconfig | awk '/HWaddr/ {print $5}'"
+        return self.ssh_client.exec_command(cmd)
diff --git a/tempest/scenario/ b/tempest/scenario/
index b24d2b9..1cb907a 100644
--- a/tempest/scenario/
+++ b/tempest/scenario/
@@ -248,7 +248,8 @@
             except Exception as e:
                 # If the resource is already missing, mission accomplished.
-                if e.__class__.__name__ == 'NotFound':
+                # add status code as workaround for bug 1247568
+                if e.__class__.__name__ == 'NotFound' or e.status_code == 404:
@@ -871,6 +872,60 @@
         quota = self.network_client.show_quota(tenant_id)
         return quota['quota']['port']
+    def _get_router(self, tenant_id):
+        """Retrieve a router for the given tenant id.
+        If a public router has been configured, it will be returned.
+        If a public router has not been configured, but a public
+        network has, a tenant router will be created and returned that
+        routes traffic to the public network.
+        """
+        router_id =
+        network_id =
+        if router_id:
+            result = self.network_client.show_router(router_id)
+            return net_common.AttributeDict(**result['router'])
+        elif network_id:
+            router = self._create_router(tenant_id)
+            router.add_gateway(network_id)
+            return router
+        else:
+            raise Exception("Neither of 'public_router_id' or "
+                            "'public_network_id' has been defined.")
+    def _create_router(self, tenant_id, namestart='router-smoke-'):
+        name = data_utils.rand_name(namestart)
+        body = dict(
+            router=dict(
+                name=name,
+                admin_state_up=True,
+                tenant_id=tenant_id,
+            ),
+        )
+        result = self.network_client.create_router(body=body)
+        router = net_common.DeletableRouter(client=self.network_client,
+                                            **result['router'])
+        self.assertEqual(, name)
+        self.set_resource(name, router)
+        return router
+    def _create_networks(self, tenant_id=None):
+        """Create a network with a subnet connected to a router.
+        :returns: network, subnet, router
+        """
+        if tenant_id is None:
+            tenant_id = self.tenant_id
+        network = self._create_network(tenant_id)
+        router = self._get_router(tenant_id)
+        subnet = self._create_subnet(network)
+        subnet.add_to_router(
+        self.networks.append(network)
+        self.subnets.append(subnet)
+        self.routers.append(router)
+        return network, subnet, router
 class OrchestrationScenarioTest(OfficialClientTest):
diff --git a/tempest/scenario/ b/tempest/scenario/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ad2c271
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tempest/scenario/
@@ -0,0 +1,494 @@
+# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4
+# Copyright 2013 Red Hat, Inc.
+# All Rights Reserved.
+#    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+#    not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+#    a copy of the License at
+#    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+#    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+#    WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+#    License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+#    under the License.
+from tempest.common import debug
+from tempest.common.utils import data_utils
+from tempest import exceptions
+from tempest.openstack.common import log as logging
+from tempest.scenario import manager
+from tempest.scenario.manager import OfficialClientManager
+from tempest.test import attr
+from tempest.test import call_until_true
+from tempest.test import services
+LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+class TestNetworkCrossTenant(manager.NetworkScenarioTest):
+    """
+    This test suite assumes that Nova has been configured to
+    boot VM's with Neutron-managed networking, and attempts to
+    verify cross tenant connectivity as follows
+    ssh:
+        in order to overcome "ip namespace", each tenant has an "access point"
+        VM with floating-ip open to incoming ssh connection allowing network
+        commands (ping/ssh) to be executed from within the
+        tenant-network-namespace
+        Tempest host performs key-based authentication to the ssh server via
+        floating IP address
+    connectivity test is done by pinging destination server via source server
+    ssh connection.
+    success - ping returns
+    failure - ping_timeout reached
+    setup:
+        for each tenant (demo and alt):
+            1. create a network&subnet
+            2. create a router (if public router isn't configured)
+            3. connect tenant network to public network via router
+            4. create an access point:
+                a. a security group open to incoming ssh connection
+                b. a VM with a floating ip
+            5. create a general empty security group (same as "default", but
+            without rules allowing in-tenant traffic)
+            6. for demo tenant - create another server to test in-tenant
+            connections
+    tests:
+        1. _verify_network_details
+        2. _verify_mac_addr: for each access point verify that
+        (subnet, fix_ip, mac address) are as defined in the port list
+        3. _test_in_tenant_block: test that in-tenant traffic is disabled
+        without rules allowing it
+        4. _test_in_tenant_allow: test that in-tenant traffic is enabled
+        once an appropriate rule has been created
+        5. _test_cross_tenant_block: test that cross-tenant traffic is disabled
+        without a rule allowing it on destination tenant
+        6. _test_cross_tenant_allow:
+            * test that cross-tenant traffic is enabled once an appropriate
+            rule has been created on destination tenant.
+            * test that reverse traffic is still blocked
+            * test than revesre traffic is enabled once an appropriate rule has
+            been created on source tenant
+    assumptions:
+        1. alt_tenant/user existed and is different from demo_tenant/user
+        2. Public network is defined and reachable from the Tempest host
+        3. Public router can either be:
+            * defined, in which case all tenants networks can connect directly
+            to it, and cross tenant check will be done on the private IP of the
+            destination tenant
+            or
+            * not defined (empty string), in which case each tanant will have
+            its own router connected to the public network
+    """
+    class TenantProperties():
+        '''
+        helper class to save tenant details
+            id
+            credentials
+            network
+            subnet
+            security groups
+            servers
+            access point
+        '''
+        def __init__(self, tenant_id, tenant_user, tenant_pass, tenant_name):
+            self.manager = OfficialClientManager(
+                tenant_user,
+                tenant_pass,
+                tenant_name
+            )
+            self.tenant_id = tenant_id
+            self.tenant_name = tenant_name
+            self.tenant_user = tenant_user
+            self.tenant_pass = tenant_pass
+   = None
+            self.subnet = None
+            self.router = None
+            self.security_groups = {}
+            self.servers = list()
+        def _set_network(self, network, subnet, router):
+   = network
+            self.subnet = subnet
+            self.router = router
+        def _get_tenant_credentials(self):
+            return self.tenant_user, self.tenant_pass, self.tenant_name
+    @classmethod
+    def check_preconditions(cls):
+        super(TestNetworkCrossTenant, cls).check_preconditions()
+        if (cls.alt_tenant_id is None) or (cls.tenant_id is cls.alt_tenant_id):
+            msg = 'No alt_tenant defined'
+            cls.enabled = False
+            raise cls.skipException(msg)
+        cfg =
+        if not (cfg.tenant_networks_reachable or cfg.public_network_id):
+            msg = ('Either tenant_networks_reachable must be "true", or '
+                   'public_network_id must be defined.')
+            cls.enabled = False
+            raise cls.skipException(msg)
+    @classmethod
+    def setUpClass(cls):
+        super(TestNetworkCrossTenant, cls).setUpClass()
+        cls.alt_tenant_id = cls.manager._get_identity_client(
+            cls.config.identity.alt_username,
+            cls.config.identity.alt_password,
+            cls.config.identity.alt_tenant_name
+        ).tenant_id
+        cls.check_preconditions()
+        # TODO(mnewby) Consider looking up entities as needed instead
+        # of storing them as collections on the class.
+        cls.keypairs = {}
+        cls.security_groups = {}
+        cls.networks = []
+        cls.subnets = []
+        cls.routers = []
+        cls.servers = []
+        cls.floating_ips = {}
+        cls.tenants = {}
+        cls.demo_tenant = cls.TenantProperties(
+            cls.tenant_id,
+            cls.config.identity.username,
+            cls.config.identity.password,
+            cls.config.identity.tenant_name
+        )
+        cls.alt_tenant = cls.TenantProperties(
+            cls.alt_tenant_id,
+            cls.config.identity.alt_username,
+            cls.config.identity.alt_password,
+            cls.config.identity.alt_tenant_name
+        )
+        for tenant in [cls.demo_tenant, cls.alt_tenant]:
+            cls.tenants[tenant.tenant_id] = tenant
+        if not
+            cls.floating_ip_access = True
+        else:
+            cls.floating_ip_access = False
+    @classmethod
+    def tearDownClass(cls):
+        super(TestNetworkCrossTenant, cls).tearDownClass()
+    def _create_tenant_keypairs(self, tenant_id):
+        self.keypairs[tenant_id] = self.create_keypair(
+            name=data_utils.rand_name('keypair-smoke-'))
+    def _create_tenant_security_groups(self, tenant):
+        self.security_groups.setdefault(self.tenant_id, [])
+        access_sg = self._create_empty_security_group(
+            namestart='secgroup_access-',
+            tenant_id=tenant.tenant_id
+        )
+        # don't use default secgroup since it allows in-tenant traffic
+        def_sg = self._create_empty_security_group(
+            namestart='secgroup_general-',
+            tenant_id=tenant.tenant_id
+        )
+        tenant.security_groups.update(access=access_sg, default=def_sg)
+        ssh_rule = dict(
+            protocol='tcp',
+            port_range_min=22,
+            port_range_max=22,
+            direction='ingress',
+        )
+        self._create_security_group_rule(secgroup=access_sg,
+                                         **ssh_rule
+                                         )
+    def _verify_network_details(self, tenant):
+        # Checks that we see the newly created network/subnet/router via
+        # checking the result of list_[networks,routers,subnets]
+        # Check that (router, subnet) couple exist in port_list
+        seen_nets = self._list_networks()
+        seen_names = [n['name'] for n in seen_nets]
+        seen_ids = [n['id'] for n in seen_nets]
+        self.assertIn(, seen_names)
+        self.assertIn(, seen_ids)
+        seen_subnets = [(n['id'], n['cidr'], n['network_id'])
+                        for n in self._list_subnets()]
+        mysubnet = (, tenant.subnet.cidr,
+        self.assertIn(mysubnet, seen_subnets)
+        seen_routers = self._list_routers()
+        seen_router_ids = [n['id'] for n in seen_routers]
+        seen_router_names = [n['name'] for n in seen_routers]
+        self.assertIn(, seen_router_names)
+        self.assertIn(, seen_router_ids)
+        myport = (,
+        router_ports = [(i['device_id'], i['fixed_ips'][0]['subnet_id']) for i
+                        in self.network_client.list_ports()['ports']
+                        if i['device_owner'] == 'network:router_interface']
+        self.assertIn(myport, router_ports)
+    def _create_server(self, name, tenant, security_groups=None):
+        """
+        creates a server and assigns to security group
+        """
+        self._set_compute_context(tenant)
+        if security_groups is None:
+            security_groups = [tenant.security_groups['default'].name]
+        create_kwargs = {
+            'nics': [
+                {'net-id':},
+            ],
+            'key_name': self.keypairs[tenant.tenant_id].name,
+            'security_groups': security_groups,
+            'tenant_id': tenant.tenant_id
+        }
+        server = self.create_server(name=name, create_kwargs=create_kwargs)
+        return server
+    def _create_tenant_servers(self, tenant, num=1):
+        for i in range(num):
+            name = 'server-{tenant}-gen-{num}-'.format(
+                   tenant=tenant.tenant_name,
+                   num=i
+            )
+            name = data_utils.rand_name(name)
+            server = self._create_server(name, tenant)
+            self.servers.append(server)
+            tenant.servers.append(server)
+    def _set_access_point(self, tenant):
+        """
+        creates a server in a secgroup with rule allowing external ssh
+        in order to access tenant internal network
+        workaround ip namespace
+        """
+        secgroups = [ for sg in tenant.security_groups.values()]
+        name = 'server-{tenant}-access_point-'.format(tenant=tenant.tenant_name
+                                                      )
+        name = data_utils.rand_name(name)
+        server = self._create_server(name, tenant,
+                                     security_groups=secgroups)
+        self.servers.append(server)
+        tenant.access_point = server
+        self._assign_floating_ips(server)
+    def _assign_floating_ips(self, server):
+        public_network_id =
+        floating_ip = self._create_floating_ip(server, public_network_id)
+        self.floating_ips.setdefault(server, floating_ip)
+    def _create_tenant_network(self, tenant):
+        tenant._set_network(*self._create_networks(tenant.tenant_id))
+    def _set_compute_context(self, tenant):
+        self.compute_client = tenant.manager.compute_client
+        return self.compute_client
+    def _deploy_tenant(self, tenant_or_id):
+        """
+        creates:
+            network
+            subnet
+            router (if public not defined)
+            access security group
+            access-point server
+            for demo_tenant:
+                creates general server to test against
+        """
+        if not isinstance(tenant_or_id, self.TenantProperties):
+            tenant = self.tenants[tenant_or_id]
+            tenant_id = tenant_or_id
+        else:
+            tenant = tenant_or_id
+            tenant_id = tenant.tenant_id
+        self._set_compute_context(tenant)
+        self._create_tenant_keypairs(tenant_id)
+        self._create_tenant_network(tenant)
+        self._create_tenant_security_groups(tenant)
+        if tenant is self.demo_tenant:
+            self._create_tenant_servers(tenant, num=1)
+        self._set_access_point(tenant)
+    def _get_server_ip(self, server, floating=False):
+        '''
+        returns the ip (floating/internal) of a server
+        '''
+        if floating:
+            return self.floating_ips[server].floating_ip_address
+        else:
+            network_name = self.tenants[server.tenant_id]
+            return server.networks[network_name][0]
+    def _connect_to_access_point(self, tenant):
+        """
+        create ssh connection to tenant access point
+        """
+        access_point_ssh = \
+            self.floating_ips[tenant.access_point].floating_ip_address
+        private_key = self.keypairs[tenant.tenant_id].private_key
+        access_point_ssh = self._ssh_to_server(access_point_ssh,
+                                               private_key=private_key)
+        return access_point_ssh
+    def _test_remote_connectivity(self, source, dest, should_succeed=True):
+        """
+        check ping server via source ssh connection
+        :param source: RemoteClient: an ssh connection from which to ping
+        :param dest: and IP to ping against
+        :param should_succeed: boolean should ping succeed or not
+        :returns: boolean -- should_succeed == ping
+        :returns: ping is false if ping failed
+        """
+        def ping_remote():
+            try:
+                source.ping_host(dest)
+            except exceptions.SSHExecCommandFailed as ex:
+                LOG.debug(ex)
+                return not should_succeed
+            return should_succeed
+        return call_until_true(ping_remote,
+                               self.config.compute.ping_timeout,
+                               1)
+    def _check_connectivity(self, access_point, ip, should_succeed=True):
+        if should_succeed:
+            msg = "Timed out waiting for %s to become reachable" % ip
+        else:
+            # todo(yfried): remove this line when bug 1252620 is fixed
+            return True
+            msg = "%s is reachable" % ip
+        try:
+            self.assertTrue(self._test_remote_connectivity(access_point, ip,
+                                                           should_succeed),
+                            msg)
+        except Exception:
+            debug.log_ip_ns()
+            raise
+    def _test_in_tenant_block(self, tenant):
+        access_point_ssh = self._connect_to_access_point(tenant)
+        for server in tenant.servers:
+            self._check_connectivity(access_point=access_point_ssh,
+                                     ip=self._get_server_ip(server),
+                                     should_succeed=False)
+    def _test_in_tenant_allow(self, tenant):
+        ruleset = dict(
+            protocol='icmp',
+            remote_group_id=tenant.security_groups['default'].id,
+            direction='ingress'
+        )
+        rule = self._create_security_group_rule(
+            secgroup=tenant.security_groups['default'],
+            **ruleset
+        )
+        access_point_ssh = self._connect_to_access_point(tenant)
+        for server in tenant.servers:
+            self._check_connectivity(access_point=access_point_ssh,
+                                     ip=self._get_server_ip(server))
+        rule.delete()
+    def _test_cross_tenant_block(self, source_tenant, dest_tenant):
+        '''
+        if public router isn't defined, then dest_tenant access is via
+        floating-ip
+        '''
+        access_point_ssh = self._connect_to_access_point(source_tenant)
+        ip = self._get_server_ip(dest_tenant.access_point,
+                                 floating=self.floating_ip_access)
+        self._check_connectivity(access_point=access_point_ssh, ip=ip,
+                                 should_succeed=False)
+    def _test_cross_tenant_allow(self, source_tenant, dest_tenant):
+        '''
+        check for each direction:
+        creating rule for tenant incoming traffic enables only 1way traffic
+        '''
+        ruleset = dict(
+            protocol='icmp',
+            direction='ingress'
+        )
+        rule_s2d = self._create_security_group_rule(
+            secgroup=dest_tenant.security_groups['default'],
+            **ruleset
+        )
+        try:
+            access_point_ssh = self._connect_to_access_point(source_tenant)
+            ip = self._get_server_ip(dest_tenant.access_point,
+                                     floating=self.floating_ip_access)
+            self._check_connectivity(access_point_ssh, ip)
+            # test that reverse traffic is still blocked
+            self._test_cross_tenant_block(dest_tenant, source_tenant)
+            # allow reverse traffic and check
+            rule_d2s = self._create_security_group_rule(
+                secgroup=source_tenant.security_groups['default'],
+                **ruleset
+            )
+            try:
+                access_point_ssh_2 = self._connect_to_access_point(dest_tenant)
+                ip = self._get_server_ip(source_tenant.access_point,
+                                         floating=self.floating_ip_access)
+                self._check_connectivity(access_point_ssh_2, ip)
+                # clean_rules
+                rule_s2d.delete()
+                rule_d2s.delete()
+            except Exception as e:
+                rule_d2s.delete()
+                raise e
+        except Exception as e:
+            rule_s2d.delete()
+            raise e
+    def _verify_mac_addr(self, tenant):
+        """
+        verify that VM (tenant's access point) has the same ip,mac as listed in
+        port list
+        """
+        access_point_ssh = self._connect_to_access_point(tenant)
+        mac_addr = access_point_ssh.get_mac_address()
+        mac_addr = mac_addr.strip().lower()
+        port_list = self.network_client.list_ports()['ports']
+        port_detail_list = [
+            (port['fixed_ips'][0]['subnet_id'],
+             port['fixed_ips'][0]['ip_address'],
+             port['mac_address'].lower()) for port in port_list
+        ]
+        server_ip = self._get_server_ip(tenant.access_point)
+        subnet_id =
+        self.assertIn((subnet_id, server_ip, mac_addr), port_detail_list)
+    @attr(type='smoke')
+    @services('compute', 'network')
+    def test_cross_tenant_traffic(self):
+        for tenant_id in self.tenants.keys():
+            self._deploy_tenant(tenant_id)
+            self._verify_network_details(self.tenants[tenant_id])
+            self._verify_mac_addr(self.tenants[tenant_id])
+        # in-tenant check
+        self._test_in_tenant_block(self.demo_tenant)
+        self._test_in_tenant_allow(self.demo_tenant)
+        # cross tenant check
+        source_tenant = self.demo_tenant
+        dest_tenant = self.alt_tenant
+        self._test_cross_tenant_block(source_tenant, dest_tenant)
+        self._test_cross_tenant_allow(source_tenant, dest_tenant)
diff --git a/tempest/scenario/ b/tempest/scenario/
index d605dff..54517ab 100644
--- a/tempest/scenario/
+++ b/tempest/scenario/
@@ -16,7 +16,6 @@
 #    License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
 #    under the License.
-from import common as net_common
 from tempest.common import debug
 from tempest.common.utils import data_utils
 from tempest import config
@@ -165,45 +164,6 @@
         cls.servers = []
         cls.floating_ips = {}
-    def _get_router(self, tenant_id):
-        """Retrieve a router for the given tenant id.
-        If a public router has been configured, it will be returned.
-        If a public router has not been configured, but a public
-        network has, a tenant router will be created and returned that
-        routes traffic to the public network.
-        """
-        router_id =
-        network_id =
-        if router_id:
-            result = self.network_client.show_router(router_id)
-            return net_common.AttributeDict(**result['router'])
-        elif network_id:
-            router = self._create_router(tenant_id)
-            router.add_gateway(network_id)
-            return router
-        else:
-            raise Exception("Neither of 'public_router_id' or "
-                            "'public_network_id' has been defined.")
-    def _create_router(self, tenant_id, namestart='router-smoke-'):
-        name = data_utils.rand_name(namestart)
-        body = dict(
-            router=dict(
-                name=name,
-                admin_state_up=True,
-                tenant_id=tenant_id,
-            ),
-        )
-        result = self.network_client.create_router(body=body)
-        router = net_common.DeletableRouter(client=self.network_client,
-                                            **result['router'])
-        self.assertEqual(, name)
-        self.set_resource(name, router)
-        return router
     def _create_keypairs(self):
         self.keypairs[self.tenant_id] = self.create_keypair(
@@ -212,15 +172,6 @@
         self.security_groups[self.tenant_id] =\
-    def _create_networks(self):
-        network = self._create_network(self.tenant_id)
-        router = self._get_router(self.tenant_id)
-        subnet = self._create_subnet(network)
-        subnet.add_to_router(
-        self.networks.append(network)
-        self.subnets.append(subnet)
-        self.routers.append(router)
     def _check_networks(self):
         # Checks that we see the newly created network/subnet/router via
         # checking the result of list_[networks,routers,subnets]