Update logic to detect DVR in rescheduling test

The previous logic to determine of DVR was enabled
was based on checking a config variable that would
always return False.

This patch corrects it by checking for the distributed
flag on the router using the admin credentials.

Closes-Bug: #1489929
Change-Id: I47ee7bdfeb5aa3583c56e336de5a683bb1f48cf7
diff --git a/tempest/scenario/test_network_basic_ops.py b/tempest/scenario/test_network_basic_ops.py
index 2a22c42..8ca5e72 100644
--- a/tempest/scenario/test_network_basic_ops.py
+++ b/tempest/scenario/test_network_basic_ops.py
@@ -17,7 +17,6 @@
 import re
 from oslo_log import log as logging
-from tempest_lib import decorators
 import testtools
 from tempest.common.utils import data_utils
@@ -660,7 +659,6 @@
         self.assertEqual('', port['device_owner'])
-    @decorators.skip_because(bug="1489929")
     @test.services('compute', 'network')
     def test_router_rescheduling(self):
         """Tests that router can be removed from agent and add to a new agent.
@@ -686,6 +684,14 @@
         agent_list = set(a["id"] for a in
                          self._list_agents(agent_type="L3 agent"))
+        # NOTE(kevinbenton): we have to use the admin credentials to check
+        # for the distributed flag because self.router only has a tenant view.
+        admin = self.admin_manager.network_client.show_router(self.router.id)
+        if admin['router'].get('distributed', False):
+            msg = "Rescheduling test does not apply to distributed routers."
+            raise self.skipException(msg)
         # remove resource from agents