VPNaaS API Tests Enhancements

Added the following tests:
 - test_admin_create_vpn_service_for_tenant:
   Admin user creates VPN Service for tenant.

 - test_admin_create_ike_policy_for_tenant:
   Admin user creates IKE Policy for tenant.

 - test_admin_create_ipsec_policy_for_tenant:
   Admin user created Ipsec Policy for tenant.

Extended the following tests:
 - test_show_vpn_service:
   Now tests to check whether the returned status has a
   valid value.

 - test_create_update_delete_ike_policy:
   Now also updates encryption_algorithm, ike_version,
   and lifetime in update tests. Verifies whether test was
   successful by comparing with vpn_service object returned by
   show API call.
   Also now checks whether delete was succesful by asserting
   that is the ikepolicy is no longer returned by list_ikepolicies.

Minor edits to network_client_base.py to support ipsecpolicy resources.

Change-Id: I0e4e56c4fdcb591c456b4c32c6b6dd208f0c4045
diff --git a/tempest/api/network/test_vpnaas_extensions.py b/tempest/api/network/test_vpnaas_extensions.py
index d1fe15c..0cc3f19 100644
--- a/tempest/api/network/test_vpnaas_extensions.py
+++ b/tempest/api/network/test_vpnaas_extensions.py
@@ -22,19 +22,15 @@
 CONF = config.CONF
-class VPNaaSTestJSON(base.BaseNetworkTest):
+class VPNaaSTestJSON(base.BaseAdminNetworkTest):
     _interface = 'json'
     Tests the following operations in the Neutron API using the REST client for
-        List VPN Services
-        Show VPN Services
-        Create VPN Services
-        Update VPN Services
-        Delete VPN Services
+        List, Show, Create, Delete, and Update VPN Service
         List, Show, Create, Delete, and Update IKE policy
+        List, Show, Create, Delete, and Update IPSec policy
@@ -47,11 +43,12 @@
         cls.network = cls.create_network()
         cls.subnet = cls.create_subnet(cls.network)
         cls.router = cls.create_router(
-            data_utils.rand_name("router-"),
+            data_utils.rand_name("router"),
         cls.create_router_interface(cls.router['id'], cls.subnet['id'])
         cls.vpnservice = cls.create_vpnservice(cls.subnet['id'],
         cls.ikepolicy = cls.create_ikepolicy(
         cls.ipsecpolicy = cls.create_ipsecpolicy(
@@ -87,6 +84,85 @@
             self.assertIn(key, actual)
             self.assertEqual(value, actual[key])
+    def _delete_vpn_service(self, vpn_service_id):
+        resp, _ = self.client.delete_vpnservice(vpn_service_id)
+        self.assertEqual('204', resp['status'])
+        # Asserting if vpn service is found in the list after deletion
+        _, body = self.client.list_vpnservices()
+        vpn_services = [vs['id'] for vs in body['vpnservices']]
+        self.assertNotIn(vpn_service_id, vpn_services)
+    def _get_tenant_id(self):
+        """
+        Returns the tenant_id of the client current user
+        """
+        # TODO(jroovers) This is a temporary workaround to get the tenant_id
+        # of the the current client. Replace this once tenant_isolation for
+        # neutron is fixed.
+        _, body = self.client.show_network(self.network['id'])
+        return body['network']['tenant_id']
+    @test.attr(type='smoke')
+    def test_admin_create_ipsec_policy_for_tenant(self):
+        tenant_id = self._get_tenant_id()
+        # Create IPSec policy for the newly created tenant
+        name = data_utils.rand_name('ipsec-policy')
+        resp, body = (self.admin_client.
+                      create_ipsecpolicy(name=name, tenant_id=tenant_id))
+        self.assertEqual('201', resp['status'])
+        ipsecpolicy = body['ipsecpolicy']
+        self.assertIsNotNone(ipsecpolicy['id'])
+        self.addCleanup(self.admin_client.delete_ipsecpolicy,
+                        ipsecpolicy['id'])
+        # Assert that created ipsec policy is found in API list call
+        _, body = self.client.list_ipsecpolicies()
+        ipsecpolicies = [policy['id'] for policy in body['ipsecpolicies']]
+        self.assertIn(ipsecpolicy['id'], ipsecpolicies)
+    @test.attr(type='smoke')
+    def test_admin_create_vpn_service_for_tenant(self):
+        tenant_id = self._get_tenant_id()
+        # Create vpn service for the newly created tenant
+        name = data_utils.rand_name('vpn-service')
+        resp, body = self.admin_client.create_vpnservice(
+            subnet_id=self.subnet['id'],
+            router_id=self.router['id'],
+            name=name,
+            admin_state_up=True,
+            tenant_id=tenant_id)
+        self.assertEqual('201', resp['status'])
+        vpnservice = body['vpnservice']
+        self.assertIsNotNone(vpnservice['id'])
+        self.addCleanup(self.admin_client.delete_vpnservice, vpnservice['id'])
+        # Assert that created vpnservice is found in API list call
+        _, body = self.client.list_vpnservices()
+        vpn_services = [vs['id'] for vs in body['vpnservices']]
+        self.assertIn(vpnservice['id'], vpn_services)
+    @test.attr(type='smoke')
+    def test_admin_create_ike_policy_for_tenant(self):
+        tenant_id = self._get_tenant_id()
+        # Create IKE policy for the newly created tenant
+        name = data_utils.rand_name('ike-policy')
+        resp, body = (self.admin_client.
+                      create_ikepolicy(name=name, ike_version="v1",
+                                       encryption_algorithm="aes-128",
+                                       auth_algorithm="sha1",
+                                       tenant_id=tenant_id))
+        self.assertEqual('201', resp['status'])
+        ikepolicy = body['ikepolicy']
+        self.assertIsNotNone(ikepolicy['id'])
+        self.addCleanup(self.admin_client.delete_ikepolicy, ikepolicy['id'])
+        # Assert that created ike policy is found in API list call
+        _, body = self.client.list_ikepolicies()
+        ikepolicies = [ikp['id'] for ikp in body['ikepolicies']]
+        self.assertIn(ikepolicy['id'], ikepolicies)
     def test_list_vpn_services(self):
         # Verify the VPN service exists in the list of all VPN services
@@ -97,14 +173,15 @@
     def test_create_update_delete_vpn_service(self):
-        # Creates a VPN service
-        name = data_utils.rand_name('vpn-service-')
+        # Creates a VPN service and sets up deletion
+        name = data_utils.rand_name('vpn-service')
         resp, body = self.client.create_vpnservice(subnet_id=self.subnet['id'],
         self.assertEqual('201', resp['status'])
         vpnservice = body['vpnservice']
+        self.addCleanup(self._delete_vpn_service, vpnservice['id'])
         # Assert if created vpnservices are not found in vpnservices list
         resp, body = self.client.list_vpnservices()
         vpn_services = [vs['id'] for vs in body['vpnservices']]
@@ -116,14 +193,6 @@
         # But precondition is that current state of vpnservice
         # should be "ACTIVE" not "PENDING*"
-        # Verification of vpn service delete
-        resp, body = self.client.delete_vpnservice(vpnservice['id'])
-        self.assertEqual('204', resp['status'])
-        # Asserting if vpn service is found in the list after deletion
-        resp, body = self.client.list_vpnservices()
-        vpn_services = [vs['id'] for vs in body['vpnservices']]
-        self.assertNotIn(vpnservice['id'], vpn_services)
     def test_show_vpn_service(self):
         # Verifies the details of a vpn service
@@ -137,6 +206,9 @@
         self.assertEqual(self.vpnservice['router_id'], vpnservice['router_id'])
         self.assertEqual(self.vpnservice['subnet_id'], vpnservice['subnet_id'])
         self.assertEqual(self.vpnservice['tenant_id'], vpnservice['tenant_id'])
+        valid_status = ["ACTIVE", "DOWN", "BUILD", "ERROR", "PENDING_CREATE",
+                        "PENDING_UPDATE", "PENDING_DELETE"]
+        self.assertIn(vpnservice['status'], valid_status)
     def test_list_ike_policies(self):
@@ -149,7 +221,7 @@
     def test_create_update_delete_ike_policy(self):
         # Creates a IKE policy
-        name = data_utils.rand_name('ike-policy-')
+        name = data_utils.rand_name('ike-policy')
         resp, body = (self.client.create_ikepolicy(
@@ -157,19 +229,31 @@
         self.assertEqual('201', resp['status'])
         ikepolicy = body['ikepolicy']
+        self.assertIsNotNone(ikepolicy['id'])
         self.addCleanup(self._delete_ike_policy, ikepolicy['id'])
-        # Verification of ike policy update
-        description = "Updated ike policy"
-        new_ike = {'description': description, 'pfs': 'group5',
-                   'name': data_utils.rand_name("New-IKE-")}
-        resp, body = self.client.update_ikepolicy(ikepolicy['id'],
-                                                  **new_ike)
+        # Update IKE Policy
+        new_ike = {'name': data_utils.rand_name("New-IKE"),
+                   'description': "Updated ike policy",
+                   'encryption_algorithm': "aes-256",
+                   'ike_version': "v2",
+                   'pfs': "group14",
+                   'lifetime': {'units': "seconds", 'value': 2000}}
+        resp, _ = self.client.update_ikepolicy(ikepolicy['id'], **new_ike)
         self.assertEqual('200', resp['status'])
-        updated_ike_policy = body['ikepolicy']
-        self.assertEqual(updated_ike_policy['description'], description)
+        # Confirm that update was successful by verifying using 'show'
+        _, body = self.client.show_ikepolicy(ikepolicy['id'])
+        ike_policy = body['ikepolicy']
+        for key, value in new_ike.iteritems():
+            self.assertIn(key, ike_policy)
+            self.assertEqual(value, ike_policy[key])
         # Verification of ike policy delete
-        resp, body = self.client.delete_ikepolicy(ikepolicy['id'])
+        resp, _ = self.client.delete_ikepolicy(ikepolicy['id'])
         self.assertEqual('204', resp['status'])
+        _, body = self.client.list_ikepolicies()
+        ikepolicies = [ikp['id'] for ikp in body['ikepolicies']]
+        self.assertNotIn(ike_policy['id'], ikepolicies)
     def test_show_ike_policy(self):
diff --git a/tempest/services/network/network_client_base.py b/tempest/services/network/network_client_base.py
index 81792c4..4ee8302 100644
--- a/tempest/services/network/network_client_base.py
+++ b/tempest/services/network/network_client_base.py
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@
     'vips': 'lb',
     'health_monitors': 'lb',
     'members': 'lb',
+    'ipsecpolicies': 'vpn',
     'vpnservices': 'vpn',
     'ikepolicies': 'vpn',
     'ipsecpolicies': 'vpn',
@@ -47,6 +48,7 @@
 resource_plural_map = {
     'security_groups': 'security_groups',
     'security_group_rules': 'security_group_rules',
+    'ipsecpolicy': 'ipsecpolicies',
     'ikepolicy': 'ikepolicies',
     'ipsecpolicy': 'ipsecpolicies',
     'quotas': 'quotas',