Create discovery option for stress tests

Adds a decorator @stresstest which automatically sets the type
attr to "stress". It uses the testtools discover functionality to
automatically discover stress tests out of all tempest test.

It is possible to filter stress test with a given attribute type.
For instance to filter out only smoke tests that have a stress test

blueprint: stress-tests
Change-Id: I8acf0b608cb500c2679a36a4a00ca4fa14668fad
diff --git a/tempest/stress/ b/tempest/stress/
index 32e3ae0..aab2afd 100755
--- a/tempest/stress/
+++ b/tempest/stress/
@@ -19,13 +19,52 @@
 import argparse
 import json
 import sys
+from testtools.testsuite import iterate_tests
+from unittest import loader
+def discover_stress_tests(path="./", filter_attr=None):
+    """Discovers all tempest tests and create action out of them
+    """
+    tests = []
+    testloader = loader.TestLoader()
+    list =
+    for func in (iterate_tests(list)):
+        try:
+            method_name = getattr(func, '_testMethodName')
+            full_name = "%s.%s.%s" % (func.__module__,
+                                      func.__class__.__name__,
+                                      method_name)
+            test_func = getattr(func, method_name)
+            # NOTE(mkoderer): this contains a list of all type attributes
+            attrs = getattr(test_func, "__testtools_attrs")
+        except Exception:
+            next
+        if 'stress' in attrs:
+            if filter_attr is not None and not filter_attr in attrs:
+                continue
+            class_setup_per = getattr(test_func, "st_class_setup_per")
+            action = {'action':
+                      "tempest.stress.actions.unit_test.UnitTest",
+                      'kwargs': {"test_method": full_name,
+                                 "class_setup_per": class_setup_per
+                                 }
+                      }
+            tests.append(action)
+    return tests
 def main(ns):
     # NOTE(mkoderer): moved import to make "-h" possible without OpenStack
     from tempest.stress import driver
     result = 0
-    tests = json.load(open(ns.tests, 'r'))
+    if not ns.all:
+        tests = json.load(open(ns.tests, 'r'))
+    else:
+        tests = discover_stress_tests(filter_attr=ns.type)
     if ns.serial:
         for test in tests:
             step_result = driver.stress_openstack([test],
@@ -49,7 +88,13 @@
                     default=False, help="Stop on first error.")
 parser.add_argument('-n', '--number', type=int,
                     help="How often an action is executed for each process.")
-parser.add_argument('tests', help="Name of the file with test description.")
+group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=True)
+group.add_argument('-a', '--all', action='store_true',
+                   help="Execute all stress tests")
+parser.add_argument('-T', '--type',
+                    help="Filters tests of a certain type (e.g. gate)")
+group.add_argument('-t', "--tests", nargs='?',
+                   help="Name of the file with test description.")
 if __name__ == "__main__":